
By moc.loa@8791namreM

Published on Jul 16, 1999


The whole time we spoke we watched each other intensely, variations of smiles flashing across his face. One that stretched from ear to ear when I said I would spend the whole day with him. A little smirk when I slipped in a sexual innuendo here and there. A sincerely shy grin when I said that we would have to go back to my place to shower first. And then my favorite smile of all, that lost little boy smile with his eyes looking down as if he didn't want to leave when he said he would have to go back to his room to do the same. Maybe he was just sad that we wouldn't be showering together, yet.

Being as primpy as any one man can it took me much longer than it did Justin to get ready. He was already knocking at my door when I had just stepped out of the shower. Wrapped in just a towel, with a perfect amount of thigh exposure, I answered the door as if I were fully clothed. Surprisingly the first thing I noticed was his eyes. Long lashes branched out from the top and bottom eyelids while a shadow was created by deep set eyes giving them a mysterious quality. The green of his eyes was alive. They glowed from early morning sunlight, like dew covered grass. While noticing his eyes I noticed them noticing me. For a split second I wondered what had caught his attention then remembered...

"Oh, hey that was fast. I just got out of the shower." I said as I stepped aside to let him in.

"I was getting that impression."

"Let me just throw something on and we can go, okay."

Throw something on? Me just throw something on. That was a laugh. The truth was that I wasted most of my time deciding exactly what to wear. Since I never had a father I was able to attain a sense of style that surpassed all heterosexual men and was well up there with the gayest of the gay. After half an hour I had decided on a casual look. Walking into the room I let my towel fall after I closed the door. I don't know what was wrong with me. The laws of seduction were urging me to let him get a peek of what I had to offer but some unknown of sexual conscience decided otherwise. On my bed the clothes I would be wearing were neatly laid out. A light gray Kenneth Cole ribbed shirt and a pair of grayer shorts. After dressing, grooming, and spraying some Tiffany Cologne I walked out of my bedroom.

"I'm ready."

"What did you do sneak out and go buy the outfit?"

"Sorry, did I take that long?"

"It only takes me like 15 minuets to get ready."

"Well whoever told you it doesn't show is a fuckin' lying ass bitch. Look at you, are cargo pants the only thing you own."

"Oh, fuck you!" Justin said half chuckling. Damn that smile. "So where are we going?"

"Fuck me if I know. It was you that asked me out."

"I just might take you up on that offer. Well, since I am the kid here I thought you would show me around."

I decided I would make it my responsibility to acclimate Justin to San Antonio life. We would avoid the obvious scenes like all of downtown which was filled with tourists and 15 year old hooches and stick to some daily routines of mine. Since it was early we decided to hit the IHOP for some banana nut waffles and use the place to plan out our strategy for the day. It turned out we were both looking for something a little different. Deciding to keep things local we went to the Crystal Ice Palace to ice skate. He didn't know how and I told him I would teach him, secretly desiring to see him ultimately humiliated. Watching him on the ice I quickly realized that all male ice skaters may be gay but not all gay men are ice skaters. After about an hour I succumbed to release Justin from his undeserved punishment.

"You don't do to well when the water is frozen do you?"

"Hey I'm not Jesus okay, I can't walk on water, even when it is frozen."

"Do you like roller coasters?" I asked.

"Yeah." he replied hesitantly.

"How bout we go up the street to Six Flags. I've got a season pass and a free ticket?"


It turned out we also had differences in theme parks. Being a diver he was used to spinning and forced me to ride every thing that rotated at a 100 rpms. At the same time I forced him to get on anything that had at least a 100 foot drop. By the end of the day we were both lying in the grass watching the fire works display both sick to our stomachs.

"I think we need one more challenge for our day," I said "we'll race each other back to the car and whoever gets their first gets a wish granted by the other."

"Okay!" he said while he sprang up from his place in the grass and started sprinting towards the exit.

It took all I had to force down the nausea and pump my legs as fast as I could. I could see him about 5 yards away. He was wearing sneakers but he was also wearing pants, which I thought would be a disadvantage, they weren't. In his tight shirt I could see every sculptured muscle in his back bracing and relaxing as his toned arms beat rhythmically forward and behind, forward and behind. I may have been at a disadvantage as far as the race was concerned but one look at that ass and I knew I was in the best position. My initial intent in my bet was that I would win and my wish would be, well him. Hopefully he had the same wish in mind. It turned out he didn't.

"My one wish," he exclaimed after reaching the car, "is to see your home."

"What? What kind of lame wish is that? You've already seen my apartment." "Yeah, I know but that's just where you live. I want to see your home. I know it's kinda late so if you want to wait till tomorrow that's cool. You can give it to me then."

"Well I'd rather give it to you now. Besides no one is at my house so it doesn't matter what time it is."

Six Flags was about ten minuets from my home. On the way the word kept resonating in my mind, home. I hadn't grown up there but the home where I did grow up had been torn down. I was taking Justin to my grandmother's house, who after her death left everything she had to me. It was the only home I had left. I wouldn't ordinarily take someone there but it had been awhile since I'd been back there.

"Okay, you have to cover your eyes before you see it." When he covered his eyes I stopped at the security gate to punch in my code, the house was in a gated community and a guard stood in a booth near by. All of which I didn't want Justin to see.

"All right. You can open them."

As his hands pulled away from his eyes I could see them enlarge in amazement. Gapped jawed he stared at the lavish home my grandfather's money had purchased. The four marble Roman columns towering above us. Their whiteness setting off the blazoning brick. He said nothing as he scanned the four stories of home. Scoffed in amazement when he saw the iron fountain in the middle of the rotunda of the driveway. I stepped out of the car and walked over to his door opening it for him, it took him a full minute before leaving the car.

"You're kidding, right? You don't live here."

"No, I don't. I live in the apartments on campus. This is just my home."

"Just your home! Are you kidding. Your four car garage is bigger than my home. This is a fucking mansion."

"I though so too," I began, "when I first got here."

"What do you mean when you first got here?"

As we walked into the house and through the rooms I told him my story.

"I lived with my mom till my first year of high school. Then she started getting sick. This house is where my grandparents lived. My grandmother had always been keeping a watch on my mother. When my mom was younger she left home for four years during the seventies to New York, when she came back I was with her. When my grandmother found out she was sick she had us move in with her. My grandfather had already died never meeting me. He was a little pissed off about his daughter having a bastard son. Grandma was different though, she was kinda like mom. She used to say, 'Your mother and I are very much alike. The only difference is that when I got knocked up it was to a wealthy man who became even wealthier.' I had never known my mom grew up like this", I said as we moved through the library, "she never acted the part. When we got here I had no idea what to do. About three months after we got here my mom started dying. She wouldn't be completely gone until December 28. It was weird having her gone. She was always there. And then I had to rely on grandma, that bitch." I said with affection and a chuckle. "My mother taught me more than I would ever need to know about life. But I gotta admit, grandma threw in some useable info. She didn't really talk about sex all the time like my mom. She talked more about people. How they can be two faced and act like they love you when they dispise you in reality. It didn't matter though as long as you were able to use them for what you needed. And that's how you play the game. Everybody using everybody else. The only winners are those who know they're being used at the same time."

"Sounds like a lot of happy memories you have."

"Is that sarcasm? You bitch. Well we weren't always serious. It took awhile to get used to each other after mom died but in the end it was like getting to know a different part of mom."

We reached the pool.

"When did your grandmother die?"

"Last February."

We walked to edge of the pool and stared at the reflection of the moon. Justin rolled up his pant legs and put his own in the water, gently swishing them back and forth. I followed suit.

"Tell me something happy about this place."

"I though I had. Death doesn't amuse you I guess. Huh? Well how bout, this is the spot where I got my first blow job."


"Yeah, see when I first got into high school my mom said I would have loads of sex. Little did she know it would take two years after that till I actually had any. And the first time was over there on that deck chair."

"No way! With who?"

"Hahaha, um the pool boy."

I had a huge boyish grin on my face and had to stare at my knees in embarrassment.

"Well my first time was with, Wendy Trevino."

"A girl, uh you sicko!"

"Hey I was young, don't worry she was the last. My first guy though, was Mark Hannon. We both claimed to be straight. He gave the best head any straight man has ever given me."

"When was the last time you got any?" I asked.

"What year is this?"

"That long huh? Well who knows maybe your luck will change."

When I finished my statement he turned a quick head in my direction. His lips were parted and his tongue gently swept across the lower moistening it till it sparkled in the dim moonlight. His eyes moved from my own down to his lips. Cautiously he moved his head in closer never taking his eyes off from his goal. I stayed completely still quivering in anticipation. As his lips touched mine they paused as if asking an unspoken plea. My lips answered his with affirmation. Pressed together our hands reached for each. Mine took hold of his neck while he placed his on my waist. I could feel his tongue move from his open mouth, yearning to find mind. In between us they danced their warm embrace and as they did we leaned closer and fell in the pool.

"Hahahaha, that was the wettest kiss I've ever had." Justin chortled as we rose for air.

"I though you were supposed to be good in unfrozen water?"

"Don't worry I get better."

He had already swam to me arms locked around me feeling my back. He kissed me again and then kissed my neck. I could feel the slight suction on my wet skin. His tongue lapped my Adam's apple once and then he returned to my lips.

"I don't want to do this here," he said "I don't want the same place as the pool boy."

"We'd have to ad on to the house to find a place I haven't done it in."


"I'm kidding, I'm kidding! Follow me."

I pulled my self out of the pool and stripped off my shirt while running back inside the house. This time those pants of his would be a disadvantage. Weighted down by the water they kept Justin a good distance away. I ran up the stairs and into a bedroom. The moment I crossed the doorway Justin's hand caught my shoulder. Turning to see how he had caught up despite the extra weight I saw he had removed all baggage revealing a shrunken package.

"It looks like some one could use a little warming up."

I went into the bath room and came back out with a towel. I gently used it to wipe off the beaded water from his body. I passed over bronze colored pecks paying close attention to the puckered nipples. I took the length of the towel and wrapped it around his waist while I warmed his nipples with a light stroking form my tongue. When his lower half was completely covered in terry cloth I dropped to my knees. He looked down at me longingly with desire in his expression. I reached up under the towel, I pulled down a pair of soaked boxer briefs. As the restrainment was released a large stiff protrusion occurred in the towel. Flinging the under clothes away I reached up for his hidden member and careingly stroked it dry. With my hands underneath his only coverings I let my hands blindly explore what was hidden. Starring at the trail of hair that plunged beneath the towel I could feel the sinuous of veins in his cock which was rigid with want. His thighs were almost as firm. My fingers traced the hills and valleys made by his budging thighs and then found their way back to his stiff flesh. All the while his eyes were half closed relishing the attention. I effortlessly undid the not of towel and it fluttered quickly to the floor. At that he looked down at me to see what my action would be. Lifting his dick up with one hand and the other behind him, firmly holding his taut ass, I began to lick at his balls which were slowly sinking from the warmth of his body into the warmth of my mouth. One by one I swirled a side of his sack in my mouth dampening it with the warm wetness of my tongue. I then slowly moved back further from his balls to his perenium, the line that goes from his ass to his sack. I followed its trail back up to the uderside of his scrotum, light hairs tickled my nose and I could smell the manliness of his body. I continued my ascent letting my tongue drag over his balls once more then up the shaft of his engorged phallus until I reached the head and took it in with one quick suck. He gasped throwing his head back.

"Wait!" He said. "I want you to feel what I'm feeling too."

He placed both arms on my shoulders and leaned me back onto the carpeted floor. Kneeling at my waist he undid my shorts. As he lowered my zipper the beast it held back became unleashed. He pulled my clothes entirely off and layed down with his head toward my meat. With a slight twist of our bodies we were both able to go down on each other's rod. The heat of his mouth was like none I had ever felt. The velvetness of his tongue caused pulses to course through my shaft. The intensity of both of us sucking each others cocks was the most erotic energy I had ever felt. I began to pound his dick into my throat. The force of my suction causing his pelvis to lift in rhythm with my head. He continued to suck me using one hand to explore my stomach while the other began to probe my ass. His finger massaged the entrance to my ass as it gently tried to push through. The feeling made me want his cock even more. I placed one hand at the base of his dick and began to pump it as I yearned for his cum. Following my lead Justin did the same with the probing hand, a slight pity. As we both beat each other off with fist and tongue we soon exploded. In the excitement I pulled my head back while Justin pushed his forward. My entire load shot down his open throat. On my end I continued to milk his cock as jet after jet of white cum flowed over my face. The hot thickness of it began to slowly slide its way down. Seeing me bathed in his fluid Justin turned to face me and began to lick off his own cum from my face. As he did he would feed it to me off the tip of tongue. After I was cleaned and fed he laid on top of me. Both of our softening members pressed up against one another. He laid his head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around him and absorbed the pleasure of the moment.

As we lay their cock to cock we began to grind them together and soon we were ready for more...

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