
By moc.loa@8791namreM

Published on Jul 8, 1999


The new fall semester wasn't even a week old, which meant that working in the Campus Employment Office things were going to be on the busy side. Usually my job description would read: Sit at desk, listen to radio, and play games on the Internet for three hours a day which is why I've kept this job for my second year. However, for the next couple weeks the door would be overflowing with first year freshman looking for a job on campus. It would be my job to direct them where to go and help them with all the paper work it took to get a $5.15 per hour job.

For the most part nothing interesting came into the office. The female to male ratio at this school was 4:1. This meant that since men were already slim pick ins good looking men were rarer than the holy grail. That's what made the day I met Justin all the more special. It was about 15 minutes till the office was going to close. My boss had left early and I was supposed to close at five. Since it was near closing time and a Friday I figured no one else would be coming in for the day and was going to close a few minutes early to get a start on my weekend. I was about to turn off the radio when Madonna's "Beautiful Stranger" song started so I decided to stay and listen to it before I left. About half way through the song I realized that I should have locked the door just in case someone was going to come in at the last minute. While thinking this the knob began to turn and the door swung slowly open.

"Hi, is this where we look for a job?" was all I heard.

I was about to say no and send this freshman half way across the campus so I could leave ten minutes early. As the word "No" was being mouthed by my lips I looked up and saw this new student.

"Nnnyyeees! It is. Come in."

The young man stepped through the door as I rose from behind the desk. He introduced himself as Justin very politely extending his hand to shake mine. I reached my hand out to meet his halfway and told him my name was Jason and that I could help him in finding a good job on campus. Good meaning requiring very little work and the being able to do all your homework on the job leaving you pretty much free at night, this was the kind of job I had. I showed him to the counter at the side of the office that had a computer on it, one of many, and instructed him in how to use it to search for on campus jobs. I told him to print out the descriptions he was interested in and then bring them back to me at my desk.

I went back to my desk to sit down. I positioned my chair so that I could have a perfect view at this new student's form. He had a kind of California skater look. His hair was cut short with patches of bleached highlights in his already light brown hair. His olive colored skin set off beautiful green eyes framed by thick eyebrows and long lashes. He was wearing a white muscle T with some baggy blue cargo pants and black leather sandals. His bear arms were exposed through the sleeveless shirt and as he worked the keyboard his arms showed extraordinary definition. He was maybe a couple inches less than six feet tall and I could tell he had a nice swimmers build from the tight shirt he was wearing. Even though his pants were baggy you could see a nice firm ass holding them up. He must have felt my stares cause he kept turning his head and giving me a wicked little smile showing perfectly placed white teeth.

When he came back to my desk his demeanor had changed from shy new student to a man who knew was being wanted. I told him which of the jobs he chose would be the best bets and started to explain how things went at this school. Through our conversation I learned he was from a small town about seven hours outside of the city that I had never heard of. He had been on the swim team there and got a scholarship to come to college. During our conversation I glanced at the wall clock and noticed that it was almost six.

"Do you have a date with some hot coed or something?" he asked.

I took this as his way of asking whether or not I was gay and replied, "No I don't. And if I did have a date, it wouldn't be with a girl." This response put a large grin on his face that stretched from ear to ear.

"Well since I kept you here so long maybe I could make it up to you by taking you out."

I told him that I already had plans with some friends that I couldn't break but he could make it up to me tomorrow night. Little did he know that later on he would be making it up to me in my fantasies. That night when I got back to my apartment I got ready for bed and all I could think about was Justin. I started pulling my shirt over my head and imagined Justin slipping out of that tight white muscle shirt. I looked at myself in the mirror running my hands over the light dusting of hair between my pecs. My hand continued down my abdomen gliding over the ripples of muscle on my stomach. My index finger followed the trail of hair from my navel down into my jeans. All the while I thought of doing this to Justin. Feeling his firm body under my fingertips. Wondering what his naked chest looked like. My hands undid the buttons of my jeans and the loose material slipped from my lower body revealing a tight virgin ass and my cut dick. Naked, I climbed onto my bed and began stroking the hardening meat between my legs. With my fingers I teased my cock hard lightly running them up and down the shaft. My other hand firmly held my balls pulling and kneading them as they filled with the thick fluid that would soon explode. In my mind I was already on my knees staring straight at Justin's crotch, my mouth watering to take it in. I would start by licking the pre cum that would surely be leaking from his dick head. I'd take his head in my mouth giving it little sucks in and out as my hand explored his balls. Vigorously I would swallow the whole of his cock down to the base. As I imagined taking Justin I could feel my balls withdrawing from my hand into my body. I pulled on my dick harder and tightened my thighs to release the build up. My dick exploded its thick cum in a jet of white cream onto my chest. As more cum continued to flow onto my upper body the hand that was fondling my balls was now playing in the pools of cum. I looked down at my fingertips now dripping with my fluid and drew them up to my tongue completely cleaning them and then the rest of my chest. I knew that tomorrow night would be my first opportunity to make my fantasy come true.

Justin: Poolside

I grew up in a fairly liberal family. Okay, so "fairly" is an understatement. My mom grew up in the decadent 70s. Disco was king and sex and drugs ruled the court. My mother could be considered the court courtesan, one of many, bedding any man she deemed worthy. Her standards were surprisingly low especially while she snorted, injected or inhaled anything anyone had to offer. When disco began to fade and punk began to emerge so did I. I was conceived sometime between December 31, 1979 and January 1, 1980 at a New Year's Eve party. My father, thankfully, was chosen while my mother was neither drunk nor high so her standards were considerably higher than usual. So I became the reason my mother sobered up and straightened her act. I wouldn't become the only man in my mother's life, the woman dated more than I ever will, but I would be the only she ever loved. She was mother and father and friend to me whenever I needed any of the three. Since I had no father figure she made sure to be the best male role model a woman could be, she didn't want me to grow up to be some fairy or something. Which I wasn't actually, I was just a man who enjoyed other men. When I was a freshman in high school my mother and I had the official "sex talk." Not the "this is how its done" talk, the mechanics of sex I learned long ago. We had the this is what real life sex is about talk. She began her discussion as we sat on the living room floor by telling me about relationships between men and women. It was at that point that I stopped her.

"Mom? What if a woman isn't what I have in mind?"

Her head made a slight jerking motion to the left as her eyes went side to side in her head. "Do you have men in mind? Are you trying to tell me you're gay?"

"No I'm not gay!" a reflex response "I just think I like guys, I think. It doesn't mean I'm a fag."

Her eyes became deep set and her shine began to dull as she took my hand in hers and looked at me with pity, a face I had never seen. "Jason, I know that at fourteen you think you're supposed to be what other people want you to be. And, that being gay isn't something that most teens want other teens to be, except for the gay ones." a chuckle, "But I did not raise my son to be anything but what he is. Fuck what other people want you be, they don't matter! The only thing that counts is who you are and how you feel about that. It would make me proud to have a gay son, but it would make me prouder to have a gay son that was also proud of who he was."

I couldn't look at my mother as she spoke, this he same woman who I was comfortable talking about masturbation with. But when she finished her last sentence I knew I had nothing to fear from anyone. I would make my mother proud.

"Aright." was my only response to her and she continued her sex talk with a slight variation.

"Okay, well as I was saying about men and men," I just smiled as she continued, "there are different types of sex."

"Mom, are you going to me about anal sex?"

"No! you little perv. Let me finish. I like to categorize sex acts into three groups, the first is plain 'sex', the second, 'fucking' and the third, 'making love.' You are going to have a ton of sex and fucking before you can even legally drink. Sex is kind of like masturbation, except with some one else. Its when you just... need to get off and you're not even interested in the other guy for anything but his dick. Then there is fucking. This is good sex, and I mean good sex. This happens with a guy that you just lust over and want so bad he makes you wet, or hard... whichever. And then," her voice took a somber tone, "there's making love. This is rare. Special. But its the one that you can really identify when it happens. If you have to ask yourself whether you just had sex, fucked, or made love, you can bet it wasn't love. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Yeah, I get it."

"I don't want you to think that you have to love somebody in order to get some. But there is one thing you have to promise me, use a damn condom. If I ever find out you have some STD I will stomp your ass."

"All right, all right, I'll use a condom."

"Good. Is there anything you want to ask me?"

"Yeah, can you tell me about anal sex now?"

So what's the point in my little digression about my mother? Justin and I were going to be "fucking."

I woke up the next the morning and had to wait in bed for my morning wood to go down so that I could take my ritualistic morning pee. Afterwards I put some shorts on and a black muscle shirt, got my running shoes and headed out the door. It wasn't even seven yet and a Saturday so the apartment complex was fairly dead. The apartments I lived in were located across from the campus and housed only students, although it didn't matter what particular school you went to. There was a trail that started in the courtyard of the apartments that lead to the Fletcher Library. Running it back and forth equaled three miles and would take a little less than half an hour to run and take you through the east side of the campus which was mainly newly constructed buildings and the grotto. I ran up and down the stairs a few times to get warmed up and then started stretching. Almost reluctant to run I started down the freshly paved path and took it pretty easy. I passed the Hatosy Building where I would be spending most of my time studying the finer points of promotions and advertising.

The newest and most interesting building on campus was the natatorium. It had a retractable roof and the entire north side of the building was made out of glass that took on the shape of some abstract waves. Since I had yet to visit this building in the week that I was back I decided to take a detour from my reluctant run and take a look. It was barely 7:10 in the morning so it wouldn't be open to the public but any student or alumni with and ID card could get in at any time of day. I walked up to the completely glass wall which with its shape distorted the image of the interior. Swiping my card through a scanner I heard the click of the bolt being turned and the door began to push out as it automatically opened. Living and going to school in San Antonio I was very much used to humidity and heat but the dry outdoors made the moist hotness of the pool area difficult to get used to. Almost instantly upon entering goose bumps emerged on my skin. As I walked further into the building I noticed the bleachers that lined the walls that were covered with silhouettes of divers and swimmers in action. As I scanned the walls my attention was caught by the sound of a splash, it turns out I wasn't alone. I jerked my head toward the deep end of the pool and only saw the ripples ebbing on the surface of the crystal water. Then a dark head of hair emerged at the base of a ladder to the left of the pool. A lean tan figure emerged, turned his head to the right unclogging that ear and then the opposite ear. After that he headed straight towards the steps that would take him back up to the top of the high dive. It was hard to see details at such a great height but I could tell he was a fairly tall young man with a perfect swimmers (or divers in this case) build.

I was instantly reminded of the two years I spent with my grandmother in the most affluent areas of the city. She had an amazing pool where I would spend hours a day. My lengthy sun worshipping paid off in more ways than one. Paul was a biweekly visitor to my grandmother's pool. He was the pool boy, or technician as he liked to be called. I preferred to call him fuck technician considering he taught me everything I know about giving great head. In stature I was taller than he was but being four years younger and just finishing puberty he had a greater manly presence. Puberty was very good to this man. Despite my having five inches above him his body was gorgeous. His black hair and blue eyes were set off by white skin tanned golden brown. He rarely wore a shirt while working and to this date had the best set of abs I have ever had the pleasure to run my tongue across.

Our first encounter together was a very strategically planned maneuver on my part. With my young taut seventeen year old frame I decided to take a very well timed skinny dip. Thankfully the warm water did not subtract from my still developing member. While I was covered only by the sun drenched water, Paul walked in through the privacy gate. I had my back turned to him and pretended not to have heard him come in. I swam toward the steps and ascended from the pool revealing my unclothed back side. As the sheen of water glided down my shoulders and longingly pulled away from my chest I could feel the heat of the sun take the water's place. Bathed in sunlight I headed for a deck chair and grabbed my towel and decided to turn my direction toward my goal.

"Oh! Shit! Hey Paul. How are you?" I said using my best acting voice.

"I'm great, now! I can see you're doing very well."

I let him trace my frame for what seemed an endless amount of time while I slowly toweled off. I turned my back to him and bent over to dry off my legs slowly raising my attention up to my thighs and groin and then turned to face Paul again still covering my package.

"Are you trying to hide that sweet piece from me? That's a damn shame."

"Well if you'd like to analyze it a little closer you can just step over here."

To my incredible surprise Paul almost simultaneously dropped his gear and his company shirt and headed my way. At the site of those incredible stomach muscles my cock began to strain. He completely placed himself up against my body. His constrained muscle rubbed up against my free one stimulating it to complete arousal. He took his hand and grabbed mine placing it on his chest and guiding it over his pecks and nipples. When he let my hand free I decided to continue the tactile exploration. He leaned his head down to watch as I explored. With the tips of my fingers I traced the valleys that were created by the bulges of muscle in his abdomen. A line of hair dove straight from his belly button and disappeared into his bright red shorts. I sat down on the wooden chair that held my towel and with a slight apprehension started to undo the drawstrings that kept me from my goal.

"Here," Paul said as he took my hands, "why don't I treat you this time."

I guess he noticed my trembling hands and shattering teeth and decided that he should take over. He placed his hand on my shoulder and guided me back onto the chair. Lifting his leg up and over he gently startled my naked body. He placed his hands on my bare chest and his blue eyes stared into my gray ones. His head leaned in closer to mine and his eyes focused on my lips. Both of our lips parted and met in moist contact. I could feel his tongue make its way toward my mouth teasing me at the entrance making me yearn for him. I could feel his hot breath and tongue enter my mouth. With the smoothness of the touch I realized my lower half wasn't getting the attention it so wanted. As if reading my mind Paul's tongue moved from the inside of my mouth and headed straight for my right nipple. The feeling was so new to me. The hardness of my erect nipple yearned for the pleasure of his tongue. Slowly Paul made his way down my chest and stomach till his head was between my legs. I looked down and absorbed the sight of this beautiful face about to engulf me. He breathed his hot breath onto my cock and balls ever so lightly licking the slit at my head and tasting the pre cum that was beginning to emerge. With his left hand he cupped my sack and squeezed with perfect pressure. I gasped a breath. His nose sniffed and traced the length of my shaft and his tongue slowly followed behind. When he reached the top he took the head of my cut dick and swirled his tongue around it as his head pivoted around my tool. The heat of his mouth was intense as every inch of me was now making its way into his mouth. When he reached what I thought was the limits of the depth of his mouth he paused and repositioned his head. I could feel my dick pushing at the back of his throat as it miraculously widened to take in the remainder of my pulsating cock. Waves of pleasure ran up my body. Like a piston his head worked my crotch never relenting while his left hand continued to massage a knead my balls. His tongue seemed to wrap itself around my shaft as tight as my own fist jacking myself off. My heart racing and my breath gasping I could feel myself at the point of explosion. With one final hard suck I let out a moan and my entire load. I watched as my pelvis beat out each spurt and the mouth of this gorgeous hunk take it in. As I watched a line of cum ran from his mouth escaping its fate momentarily. He released my still rock hard length and with the tip of his tongue gathered up the stray cum. Holding it there he moved back up to my mouth and slowly he fed me my own...


I woke from my lustful daze to see that the diver had yet again entered the water from his leap. A little flustered I headed toward the end of the pool to get a closer look. Taking a seat at the bottom bleacher I watched as Justin, object of my night time fantasy, exited the water.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"Enjoying the show I guess."

"Oh that dive? Please don't judge me on that I can do so much better."

In actuality I had completely missed the event, my mind being on other maters. "Well then show me what you can do." I prompted.

Nodding his head Justin headed back to the stairs. As he walked I took advantage of the opportunity and those tight Speedos he wore to check out his bulges. Factoring for shrinkage I concluded he had much to offer. His shorts reached mid thigh kinda like boxer briefs which I concluded were much sexier than those other swimsuits I've seen divers wear on the Olympics. When he reached the top he took his position. Balancing only on his toes, his back facing the length of the pool he prepared to make his dive. His arms lifted above his head showing off an incredibly toned back and shoulder. His legs bent at the knee and then with great force propelled him up and out from the platform. As he began to rotate his still straight legs came towards his chest as his arms extended around them. Bent in half he continued to rotate two or three times, with the speed of his spin I lost count. Then his arms released each other from their grasp and his upper body extended downward to straighten him out as he entered the water.

"How was that one? Better?" he asked still bobbing up and down in the water.

"It was better, but your entry was a little tilted." Whether what I had just said made any sense at all I had no idea.

"Yeah I was kinda leaning to the left. Would not have been a perfect six."

He came out of the water and grabbed his towel deciding to sit next me.

"So what brings you here."

"I was going for run and decided I should take a look at this new building. And then to my great surprise I find you in here playing around." I said with a slight sarcastic tone.

"Oh you think that's just playing around. A double back flip in the pike position is playing around?"

"You could've added a twist." Again I feared my ignorance in the field of diving would show through.

"So you're planning on pushing me toward higher goals huh? That's cool I could use someone to keep me on my toes." His smile was beaming and inviting. I began to think about his promise of taking me out and momentarily forgot that my primary goal was to fuck this guy.

"You know," he continued still smiling, "I think I still you owe a night out. If you're still willing what do you say we make it a whole day of it seeing as how we've already got an early start?"

"I am ready and willing if you are?"

Next: Chapter 2

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