
By Oscar

Published on Jan 6, 2023


This is a work of FICTION, although it could have happened to a man. This story involves specific 'homosexual' activity ('a golden shower/watersport') between two adult men. Please do not read any further if you object in any way to such activity or if you're prohibited (by your age or the law!) to read about (this) 'homosexual' activity. But, please note that this is a FANTASY, nothing more, nothing less.

Meeting in the 'polder', by Oscar

Author's note: The 'polder' is a typical dutch landscape. It's a drained piece of water, turned into a pasture for cows or sheep.

Justin told me that he had been picked up by all kinds of men at all kinds of places. One day, during a short (water-)break, during one of his cycling-tours through the polder, he had been given a lift by a massive, middle-aged, mediterranean man.

Justin stood there along a road, with his back to that road, and was pissing against a large tree, when he heard a car stop; and, somewhat later, while Justin was still pissing against the large tree, he heard how someone closed a car-door. Justin didn't look round, to see who it was. He kept looking at his cock, till he had put away his dick in his tight, blue sport-shorts. Then, he turned around and stared in the round face of a handsome mediterranean man.

The man had dark-brown eyes, a big nose, a large black moustache and a remarkably small mouth, but full, ligth-red lips. He had short, black hair and was wearing a short, black leather-jacket, a bordeaux-red polo-shirt, dark-grey trousers and black, leather shoes.

The man didn't say anything. He was just staring at Justin. Justin didn't say anything too, until the man kept quiet. Then, Justin decided to say something, but he didn't no what to say. So, he said: "Good afternoon". "Good afternoon" said the man, with a heavy, mediterranean accent. "Do you like the view too?" Justin asked the man, unaware of the ambiguity of his question. "Yes" "Me too" said Justin, unambiguous. "Do you often come here?" "No. First time" said the man. "I see" said Justin "I do often come here, by bike. I love long cycling-tours through the polder" Then, after a short moment of silence, Justin asked: "Where do you come from, if I may ask you? "Haarlem. And you?" "Me too" said Justin. "Haarlem, nice town" said the man "Yes, Haarlem is a nice town" Justin confirmed. "Well, I think I'm going to take my bike. I have had my break" Justin walked to his bike. "Wait" said the man "What's your name?" "Justin. And yours?" "Mustafa ... I'm lost in this polder. Do you know the way out of this polder?" "Yes, I do" said Justin. "Do you want a lift?" Mustafa asked. "What about my bike?" "Can in the boot" Mustafa answered. Justin had to think for a moment. "All right" he said. Justin took his bike, pushed it to the back of the old, cream-white Mercedes, lifted his bike and laid it down in the boot.

Somewhat later, he sat next to Mustafa in the Mercedes. "Okay" said Justin. "The shortest way out of this polder? Let me think". Mustafa started the car and began to drive. "I think I know" said Justin. "Follow this road" Mustafa followed the road till the first crossing. There, he went to the left, while Justin had said that they had to go to the right.

Mustafa didn't listen to Justin, till they were on a small and empty parking, near a large, dark wood. There, Mustafa left the car. Justin stayed in the car, but after a few minutes he also left the car. He wanted to know why they were on this parking. "Why are we here, Mustafa? What are we going to do here? Didn't you want to know the way out of this polder?" "You've made a mistake" Mustafa answered. "No, you've made a mistake" said Justin. "You haven't listened to me". "I have listened to you" said Mustafa. "Then, why are we here? What are we going to do here?" Justin asked. "Because I wanted to" Mustafa answered. "And why, if I may ask?" "Undress!" said Mustafa. "What?" Justin was taken by surprise. "Undress!" Mustafa repeated. "What?" said Justin, again "Undress!" "Forget it" said Justin. "Why should I?" "Undress!" Mustafa had become audibly and visibly impatient and he had approached Justin. He stood at less than 100 meters from Justin, in front of him. "Okay" said Justin. "I'll undress, if you'll undress too, okay?" "Okay" said Mustafa. "Okay" said Justin again, and he started to undress. Justin was quickly naked, because he only wore a white t-shirt, tight, blue sport-shorts, white sport-socks and sport-shoes. Mustafa needed more time, but soon he was naked too. He had a very hairy body. He had many hairs on his arms, his legs, his chest, his stomach, and around his genitals. Only his back had much less hairs. Mustafa had a big dick and a well-filled, low-hanging scrotum.

Once naked, Justin asked: "Now what?" "You, on the ground" said an audibly excited Mustafa. "Then what?" Justin asked. "You, on the ground" Mustafa repeated, somewhat impatiently. "Okay" said Justin and laid down on the ground. "Good" said Mustafa. A few seconds later he stood over Justin's face. Justin could see the back of Mustafa's scrotum. Mustafa had a large, hairy scrotum. And he had a big, round and hairy ass too. Justin was getting more and more excited. He didn't know what Mustafa was up to. He was kept in suspense. Then, Mustafa knelt down, till he almost sat on Justin's face. Justin smelled the sweat around Mustafa's privy parts and got horny. So horny, that he felt inclined to stick his nose between Mustafa's ass-cheeks to inhale the sweat-filled air, but he didn't do it. Somewhat later he felt how Mustafa's right hand closed around his rock-hard cock and how Mustafa began to pull at his dick. While Mustafa was pulling, he consolidated his hold of the cock. Mustafa squeezed his dick and Justin started to pant and to squirm to soften the growing pain in his cock. When Justin was about to come, Mustafa let go of his dick. Then Justin felt wetness.

He wanted to see what Mustafa was doing, but Mustafa's genitals deprived him of his view. But although Justin couldn't see what Mustafa was doing, he knew what was happening. He felt a warm stream of water on his stomach, running to his privy parts. Mustafa was pissing on his stomach. Then, Mustafa grabbed Justin's dick again and, a few seconds later, Justin felt the stream of piss on his glans. Mustafa directed the stream on his glans. Justin started to pant and to squirm again. It was such a hot feeling! Justin felt Mustafa rubbing his glans and his peehole. He felt Mustafa squeezing and pulling his right pisshole-lip. Justin felt the stream of piss on his peehole. Mustafa tried to piss in his urethra and Justin knew Mustafa could succeed, because his peehole was wide enough. In the past, one time, he had pushed a flower in his urethra, to surprise his lover.

Now, Justin felt the stream on his navel. Suddenly, Mustafa stood up and turned around. He hadn't finished, because he squeezed his cock, to interrupt the stream of piss. Mustafa directed his dick on Justin's chest. A few seconds later Justin could see the stream of piss, spurting out of Mustafa's cock and exploding on his chest. He felt the hard and warm stream of piss on his chest and closed his eyes. He had seen enough and wanted to enjoy the warm water. Justin grabbed his dick and began to pull. He wanted to cum. He felt the stream of piss losing his intensity and he wanted to cum while Mustafa was still pissing on him. Then, Justin felt a few drops falling on his chest and he knew Mustafa had finished and he hadn't cum yet. Justin kept his eyes closed and tried to cum through his favorite phantasy, a watersport-phantasy.

But then he felt a tonque licking his peehole. Mustafa was licking his pisshole. He tried to enter his peehole with his tongue. He succeeded, because Justin felt the tip of his tongue in his urethra. Justin stopped pulling at his dick. He felt how Mustafa's right hand closed around his rock-hard cock and how he began to pull, while he tried to keep his tongue in Justin's pisshole. Again, Justin started to pant, to groan and to squirm, overpowered by unknown feelings.

It didn't take long before Justin came like he had never come before. He shot and shot and kept shooting his load, and for a moment, it looked as if he wouldn't finish anymore, but, finally, he stopped shooting. Justin was completely exhausted. He laid on the ground with a drenched chest and stomach, while Mustafa started to lick his chest and stomach. Justin felt Mustafa's tongue all over his chest and stomach and he was glad that Mustafa hadn't listened to him.

To be continued? Only on request! So, if you want me to continue, if you want to read more stories like this, then contact me. Send your comment(s) to: oscar_024@hotmail.com. Thanks!

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