Just Walk Away

By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Oct 16, 2009


This story contains sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated. A great thanks to Pete for all his input and editing.

Just Walk Away Part Eight

With the duffle safely in the trunk of the Mustang, we headed back towards home. Driving along I-80, Ryan couldn't sit still so I asked him, "Why are you wiggling so much?"

He said, "Because my dick keeps rubbing against the inside of my zipper and pushing against the top snap of my jeans."

"It's not that big," I replied.

He snapped back, "It's as big as yours!" and we laughed.

Ryan wiggled again and I reached over into his lap. He looked down quickly and back to the road and asked, "Hey what are you doing?"

"I'm taking care of the problem," I told him, while unsnapping this jeans and pulling down the zipper.

A little nervous Ryan said, "Hey stop that! It's against the law to drive with your dick out!"

I said, "Welcome to a life of crime," and I began to stroke him.

Now Ryan wiggled for a completely different reason and he said, "Kris, you shouldn't do that, Kris don't! Stop! Oh Kris, Oh damn Kris, don't stop!"

The Mustang took a little swerve in the road and we pulled into the next rest stop and I helped Ryan clean himself up. Then, back on the road with a new smile, Ryan took us home.

We pulled up to the gate and it was open. I asked him why and he told me they always leave the gate open on Sunday so family and friends can come in to visit. Then he said that his dad was probably out playing golf and his mom would be out with friends; looking at me with a big smile he said, "So I guess we have the place to ourselves."

I smiled and said, "Maybe this would be a good time to take a closer look at the new mark on your body." He laughed and I asked him how he did that.

"The wonders of the Sharpie," Ryan replied.

I laughed and asked him why and he told me he wanted to be just like me, but decided to put his on the right side just for fun. I told him I could think of other things that would be fun, as we pulled into the driveway. We both jumped out of the car. I grabbed the duffle and we raced through the door and back to his bedroom.

I threw the duffle on the bed and reached over and pulled off his shirt. He pulled mine off next. We unzipped each other and our jeans fell. We stepped out of them and stood naked, facing each other. This was going to be fun, I thought, and then the door to his room swung open. The fun ended.

Uncle Johnny stood in the door. He pointed his gun at us and smiled. "Well I need to get some pictures of you two... before I kill you." He snapped his camera phone a few times with a big grin on his face. He said, "These should bring a good price."

"You can't do that. How did you get in here?" yelled Ryan.

"Easy boy," the gun pointed at him, "You two were in such a hurry, you left the door open. I can see what your rush was," he smirked.

"How did you find me?" I wanted to know.

"We were watching you at the track, when your buddy here followed you in his Mustang, Ray and I followed the Mustang, knowing that sooner or later you'd lead us to the duffle and, of course, just like I figured, you did. I know you pretty well, don't I Kristopher?" He laughed.

Ryan sounded angry and said to Johnny, "You had no right to treat him the way you did."

Johnny laughed and said, "He begged me to do it."

"I begged you to stop," I countered.

"Whatever," he shrugged. He stepped towards us and said, "So knowing you Kristopher, everything in the duffle is safe, right?"

"Yeah, you know I wouldn't touch it, you trained me pretty well," I agreed.

"Well open it. Let's take a look," he demanded.

I reached around, knowing once Johnny had the duffle, there was no reason to keep Ryan and me around. I had to do something, or he would do us in. I unzipped the top of the duffle and I pulled the sides away from each other and tilted it towards Johnny. Ryan leaned in to see as well. There in the duffle were stacks of hundred dollar bills, a lot of them.

Johnny smiled and said, "Good, there must be close to a million dollars there from our drug sales."

"It's just over a million. And they were your drug sales, not mine," I reminded him.

"Like it or not, you were there and you know way too much for me to let you live. So would you like to go first... or watch your pal die?" he asked. No, I thought, I can't let him take Ryan. I can't let him take it away from me, the first happiness I have had in my life. I can't let him do that.

Uncle Johnny always said, "Make sure you can out gun the other guy." He must've forgotten that. I reached below the cash and felt the cold medal of the .45 caliber pistol. I looked up as Johnny was taking aim at Ryan. I pulled the pistol out and squeezed the trigger. Nothing happened! Johnny saw the gun and turned his on me. Smiling he said, "Sorry boy, I'll miss that naked body of yours, but I guess you go first."

"NO," I heard Ryan say, as he rushed him. Johnny turned his gun again. The report of the discharge was deafening. The bullet crossed the room and slammed into his shoulder, it knocked his gun out of his hand and Johnny went down. It was me and my gun that fired first.

Ryan turned and took the gun from me, he took aim at Johnny's crotch. The gun fired again; this time it hit its target directly, the camera phone that had fallen between Johnny's legs.

Uncle Johnny lay on the floor and Ryan and I hugged tightly and I said, "Don't ever leave me."

He smiled and said, "I'll always be there. I'll never just walk away."

I wiggled a bit in my chair. I had been on the witness stand for over two hours and I needed to pee. The defense attorney learned in and whispered to Johnny and then said to the Judge and the court room, "Your honor, if the State is still willing, Mr. John Rogers would like to reconsider the plea deal."

The agreement would put Johnny and his boys behind bars for many years for all his drug dealing and child abuse charges. I told the District Attorney to take the deal, that way Johnny would testify against his gang and I wouldn't need to.

I stood and watched them take him away and Ryan rushed past the bailiff and came to my side. He asked, "How are you doing?"

I whispered, "I really need to pee."

He smiled and said, "Come on, we'll go together."

I told him, "I'll hold yours and then you hold mine."

I smiled at the thought of that and somehow we were able to squeeze Brad in the toilet stall with us, it took a little extra time, but soon we were all three relieved in several ways.

When we came out all smiles and red faced, the District Attorney was waiting by the door. At his feet was the duffle bag and he picked it up and handed it to me. "Kristopher, your testimony was so good, we didn't need to enter this as evidence, so I guess it belongs to you."

"Belongs to me?" I questioned.

"Yeah, can you imagine anyone coming forward to claim that loot?" he smiled.

I had to agree that would be really stupid and Ryan helped me carry my new fortune out the door.

There In the parking lot was a gift from my new parents; a new Burgundy Mustang GT, California Trim sitting next to Ryan's. I'm sure they wondered why Ryan insisted on having a dark spot placed on my left front fender and the same on his right, but they were too cool to ask. We both jumped into our cars and headed home.

We all went back to our house and the party began. It took Dad a few extra minutes to join us and he explained that he spoke to the judge about reopening my mother's case and the judge agreed. Under the circumstances, he felt that new evidence from Johnny would probably clear her of any wrong doing.

I hugged him, Ryan joined in and Dad said, "You will always be a part of our family, and never will any of us ever again, just walk away."

The rest of the story:

My life became normal, which was nice. Ryan and I shared our room and our bed and I joined him on the track team. On many weekends, Brad would drive over or Ryan and I would take turns in our Mustang's and go see Brad. Those were always fun times, filled with running and playing around. Mrs. Jackson didn't give us too much heat the night the three of us broke Brad's bed. She knew we were close and never complained about how close.

We're in college now, Ryan and I are roommates and Brad is just down the hall. We all run for the same team now, and we all hope to get into law once we graduate. I guess the experience we went through gave all a feeling that we could make a difference in other people's lives. We hope to help runaways and families that are stuck in the system.

Dad was able to help Mom get out on parole and she lives nearby. She had hoped I would join her, but once she saw how well I was doing and how happy I was with Ryan and the family, she understood. She and I see each other often,

Ivan, Ray and Burt were given ten to fifteen years for their involvement in the drug deals and other various crimes.

Johnny is in for a much longer time and I'm told he has become the "darling of the cell block." It serves him right.

Last week when we all went to Brad's, Ryan and I saw Arthur. He brought us over to his truck and proudly showed us two tattered and frayed pair of boxers. He gave us his best puppy dog look and we relented, removing the boxers we were wearing as a fresh trophy for all his help. The poor guy held on tight with one hand, while reaching over to slide his other across Ryan's bare butt.

Ryan jumped and said, "Hey watch it, Pops!"

Arthur smiled and said, "Remeber, it's our family tradition?"

We all laughed and left him holding on tight to his new treasure.

It wasn't easy telling my story to a full courtroom, or sharing it with you, but I did it and I realize that although things were bad for while in my life, they are a lot better today, thanks to Ryan. So I'll suggest to you, if you ever get the chance to find someone who seems like your twin, your soul mate, your lover. Stay with him and never, ever

"Just Walk Away"

Let me know what you think of the story. Your feedback is important, thanks


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