Just Walk Away

By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Oct 14, 2009


This story contains sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated. A great thanks to Pete for all his input and editing.

Just Walk Away Part Seven

We went out of the Capital City and on the road, heading west on I-80. The Mustang GT is a wonderful car. You sit down low in your leather seats, overlooking the dash and past the Mock Intake that sits up high in the center of the hood. This wasn't my car, but I still felt special as we passed all the others and the passengers gave us a look of envy.

We flew past Fairfield and Vacaville and over the Oakland Bay Bridge, then south on 280 to the connection of California 101, traveling west on Bayshore and then John Daily Blvd and ending on Skyline Drive. We took a quick right, heading north a bit and then down a narrow road that ended at a large gate with wrought iron letters that read "Westwood Estates."

These were some very nice homes in this secure community. I had never been up here, but sometimes during a clear day you could see these hills, even from the city. Ryan drove down the street slowly, letting me take in the neighborhood; I think he knew I was impressed. Then he pulled into the drive of one of the nicest houses I have ever seen.

He smiled and said, "Welcome to Disney World."

We both laughed. I followed him through the backdoor that led to a huge kitchen. He was helping me carry my things; they all fit within his gym bag and a small shopping bag. As the door closed behind us, Ryan yelled out, "Mom, we're home!" Ryan and I stood side by side as she walked into the room. I remember seeing Mrs. Martins in the park, but it wasn't until now, that I realized she looked a lot like my mom; either that or all moms must look the same.

She stood in silence taking in the pair of us. Our shoulders rubbed together, that's how close we stood. Then she smiled and came forward, she took me in her arms and whispered, "Welcome home." Ryan and I dropped our bags and she gave him a hug and messed up his hair. Then Mrs. Martins turned and spoke through the door to no one in sight. "Kristopher, you should come in here."

His shadow arrived before him and I took a step back as he came into view. There in front of me was me or Ryan; it was a vision of how we might look at age forty. He was handsome and had a cheery smile. His legs were bare below his shorts and they were covered with fine hair. He was slender with just the weight that might have arrived as one approached middle age. I felt like I knew him. Ryan went to him and they smiled at each other and hugged. This was the happiest place I had ever been. The placed dripped with love, you could feel it everywhere. Mr. Martins put his arm around Ryan and looked at me. Wiggling his finger he said, "Come on boys, we need to talk." Ryan looked back at his Mom. So did I. She had a look of concern, but in her own way, without a word, she assured us that all would be fine.

We followed Ryan's father down a long hall. He stopped at a huge wooden door. It must have been twelve feet high, but he pushed it open with just the flick of his hand. The door swung wide and inside was a wonderful place, filled with leather-bound books from floor to ceiling and beautiful windows that looked out onto their back patio. From this view you could see a mountain of stones and a waterfall streaming down them. The spa was huge, with a water spout shooting ten feet in the air.

Mr. Martins sat behind a large desk. Ryan and I sat in the two twin chairs that slid easily in front of him. I was very nervous. I think Ryan knew it, because he reached over and, hidden by his father's desk, he took my hand. I looked over at him and held on tight.

Mr. Martins looked at us and shook his head, I'm sure due to our likeness. For a moment I was sure I saw sadness for the first time in this house. "Ryan, Young Man," he said, and I corrected him.

"My name is Kristopher," I said strongly.

He blushed and his head went down, but only for a second and then he regained his confidence and said, "Yes of course, you are Kristopher."

He began again. "Boys, I have a story to tell you and it's one that should have been told a long time ago. It started before the two of you were born."

I could feel Ryan's hand tighten around mine, I looked over and he looked at me. Our eyes so closely matched and it seemed we each read the other thoughts. I knew he was worried, so I smiled and he smiled back at me and I squeezed his hand.

Mr. Martins went on, "I was fresh out of law school." Looking at Ryan he continued, "Your mother and I had been married for a short time and, as you know Son, your grandfather, your mother's dad, invited me to join his firm. It was a very successful firm even back then, and your Grandfather was the Senior Partner. Well Boys, I can tell you, for a young attorney to be invited into that firm was about the best thing that could happen. I jumped at the chance. I knew the hours would be long and your mother agreed, we'd need to work together to make things work. She was busy too, making her teaching career." He turned to me to explain that Mrs. Martins was a teacher in the earlier years of their marriage. I nodded my head in understanding and he went on.

"I was at the office early each day to prove my worth and stayed late, being the last to leave each night. It seemed that the only break was going down to the coffee shop on the first floor of our building. That's where I met your mother," he said, looking at me. Ryan looked at me and I squeezed his hand a little harder, Ryan squeezed back.

"She and I began to talk. One thing led to another and we became very close," he explained. "It was just one of those moments. She was lonely, I needed someone and we slept together." His head went down and then he looked at Ryan and me. Tears had formed in his eyes.

"It was the wrong thing to do. You should never cheat on your wife, especially when she is as wonderful as your mother is," now talking to Ryan. "I knew I had done wrong and that very night I went home and confessed what I had done. I was lucky that my wife was the forgiving type and I made passionate love to her that same night to prove to her that she was still the one."

Mr. Martins took a breath and turned to me saying, "Kristopher, your mother deserved better. I'm sorry, but I was young and married and didn't handle the situation the way I should have. I heard that she came up to see me at my office several times, but was turned away. Then I was told that my father-in-law had her fired and banned from the building." He went on with sadness in his voice. "After Ryan was born, I heard that she had been pregnant and I searched for her, but by that time I had no idea where she had gone and so life moved on and I never knew for sure if she ever gave birth to our baby. I just didn't know, until today."

Ryan and I sat quietly for several minutes thinking about the story that had just been told to us. Then Ryan smiled at his dad and said, "It not too late. It's never too late. You always told me to 'Always make the best of a bad day and never give up."

I looked at Ryan and then at his dad and they were smiling at me. I think I had found my home. Mr. Martins, my father, came around the desk and hugged me, Ryan joined in and Mrs. Martins came through the door and she joined in as well. She said, "Kristopher, welcome to your new home."

We walked out of the office and across the hall was a Guest Room. Mrs. Martins had placed my things at the end of the bed. I looked around the room and thought I had never had anything like this, it was beautiful. But I asked, "Where's Ryan's room?"

Looking at him, he seemed to read my thoughts and said, "Thanks Mom, but Kris and I should be together. We have a lot to learn about each other, so he should sleep with me."

I could see Mrs. Martins about to object, but she re-thought her words and said, "Yes, Ryan, you're right. You and Kristopher should be together."

Ryan and I grabbed my things and he showed me our new room, with a private bath, huge plasma TV, cool game equipment and a bed big enough for two. I smiled and tested the bed, Ryan smiled back.

After a wonderful diner filled with chatter and laughter, we found our way back to our room and slipped off our clothes, crawling into either side of the bed wearing just our boxers. It wasn't long before we both found our way to the middle. As we found each other, our bodies connected and Ryan said, "Wow my feet are warm for the first time."

I replied, rubbing mine against his, "Mine too."

In the darkness I heard him breathing in unison with me and the silence was broken when he asked, "Kris, do you ever, you know, beat off?"

I suppose I could have told him how Uncle Johnny made me do it, while filming the entire event, but I answered, "Yeah, sometimes."

More quiet... Then again from Ryan, "Kris, do you think it would be OK for us to do it? I mean... to each other?"

I answered, "No Ryan, I don't think it would be OK... I think it would be great!"

We both laughed, while we pulled our boxers off and in a minute I held him and I was in his hand as well.

It was like holding my own dick, only better. I knew each vein and bump, they were identical to mine. He handled me in the same fashion that I always do myself, starting with a finger and a thumb and moving into a full hand jerk. This was outstanding and it's true, "If it feels good, it can't be bad."

Twice more during the night we came to each other and on the third time, Ryan asked, "Gosh, do you think our dicks are going to fall off if we do it again?"

I replied, "Let's find out."

After that, lying next to him, I worried about the duffle; we had left it in Sacramento. I told Ryan I needed to go get it and he agreed we'd leave right after breakfast and bring it back here. That sounded like a good plan... and then we did each other again.

The day was clear and the sun made the burnt hills around Concord look like mounds of cocoa. I directed Ryan and soon we had pulled the Mustang into the park. As we headed down the hill towards the restrooms, we could hear the laugher from people as they glided by in their yellow eight man rafts rolling on the river.

The backside of the restroom was completely out of site, so I was sure we'd be able to grab the duffle and get out of there without anyone knowing what we were up to. I turned the corner first and stopped short. Ryan ran into me asking, "What's wrong?"

I pointed to the wall and he saw that the grate to the entrance under the building had been opened and was sitting against the wall, next to the open hole. My heart sunk and I wondered how anyone had known that the duffle was there.

I dropped to my knees and looked inside and smiled back at Ryan, telling him it was just somebody doing maintenance under there and they must have left it open while they took a break. He smiled, I'm sure he could see the relief on my face.

I crawled through the hole and to the back of the building and sure enough, there it was, safe and dry.

I pulled the duffle along with me as I crawled back to the entrance where Ryan was waiting.

He helped me brush the dirt off of my shirt and jeans and the duffle was between us. Ryan looked down at it and said, "So are you going to tell me what's in it?"

I said, "Sure, it's..."

That's when I heard the voice that ran shivers down my back. It was Ray and the sun reflected light in our direction off his sharp knife.

"Well, look what we have here," he smirked. "I've got two boys and the duffle."

Ray took a step towards us. Ryan could see I was frighten and knew he should be too.

"There's no point in killing both of you. Which one of you is Kristopher?" he asked.

I was shocked when I heard Ryan say, "I am."

I quickly said, "No Ray, it's me, Kris."

"Don't believe him Ray, I'm Kristopher," Ryan said with conviction. Ray wasn't the brightest blub in the box, so this was really messing with his mind.

Ray smiled and made sure to flash his knife at us and said, "I know how I'll tell. Only Kristopher can dance like he does, so both of you, start dancing and strip your clothes. NOW!" he demanded.

I starting humming some sexy tune and Ryan joined me. 'What the hell was he doing?' I thought. I began my dance and he copied every move. I was getting jealous that he had picked up my action so quickly, but I had to make sure Ray knew it was me, so he wouldn't hurt Ryan.

We danced and stripped and I did my turn, dropping my boxers and flinging them at Ray. He caught them and then let them drop saying, "So it's you Kristopher, I see the dark spot next to your navel."

That's when Ryan turned and threw his boxers, wiggling his dick and said, "Wait, I've got one too."

I did a double take. Ryan had a mark just like mine, almost in the exact same spot, but his was on the right side.

Well this really confused Ray, that and having two of us standing there naked clouded his mind.

He shook his head a bit and said, "I can't tell who's who, so I guess I have to kill you both."

Ray took a giant step towards us, wielding his blade. Ryan and I pushed back against the building.

There was a swooshing sound, a blur was flying though the air, head over handle, like a tomahawk. The impact came with a giant metalic thud and I was sure Ray's eyes would pop from his head, but instead he simply closed them and fell flat on his face. On his back laid the weapon of choice, a pipe wrench.

I looked up and twenty yards away stood Arthur. He smiled and said, "Hi Son!"

I smiled back and yelled, "Hey Dad!"

Ryan looked at me like I was crazy and I whispered, "Just go along with it."

So he waved and said, "Hi Daddy." I need to talk to this boy, I thought.

Arthur said, "It's good to see you, Son. And as always, I see you're hard."

I looked down and blushed, replying, "Yeah, it must be all the excitement."

Ryan chimed in with, `Yeah and the cool breeze," looking down at himself and realizing we were both hard.

Arthur moved towards us with his arms out for a hug and I was thankful he had saved us, so I gave him his thrill. Ryan stepped forward and now Arthur had his arms around both of our naked bodies; he was in heaven.

Arthur explained that his company had the contract to service the city parks and he always volunteered for the weekend due to the overtime and all the young boys he got to see.

He asked me why I hadn't told him I had a twin brother, and I explained that at the time we met, I didn't know it.

I could tell Arthur was enjoying his double hug when his hand rolled over my butt. He must have done us both at the same time, because Ryan pulled away and yelled, "Hey! Watch it, Pops!"

Arthur smiled and said, "Sorry, it's a family tradition."

We all laughed and grabbed our clothes, but Arthur hung on to our boxers and asked shyly if he could keep them. Ryan went, "Eeeew," but we agreed and we both went commando, giving Arthur one more hug and then it was time for Ryan and I to... just walk away.

To be continued...

Let me know what you think of the story. Your feedback is important, thanks


Next: Chapter 8

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