Just Walk Away

By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Oct 7, 2009


This story contains sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated. A great thanks to Pete for all his input and editing.

Just Walk Away Part Four

I cleaned myself using Ryan's underwear and threw them in the corner of the bathroom. On the closed bathroom door behind me was a full length mirror. Some of the reflective paint had peeled off, but I was able to take a good look at myself and saw how much I looked like Ryan. I looked at my thin body, my perfect skin, except for the small mole on my left side, just above my groin area. I looked at my dick. It hung naturally to the left, the right in the mirror. I smiled and I made it flex and reached down, adjusting my balls in their sack. I thought about going back into the room and searching through my bags for a pair of Brad's boxers to wear and just decided to go without and quietly climbed back into bed next to my peacefully sleeping friend.

'A friend,' I thought to myself, 'now that's something I don't remember having.' I closed my eyes with a warm feeling inside and a warm body next to me.

"Roll it, Dude! We've got some running to do," I heard through my sleepy brain. I opened one eye when Brad pulled the sheet off my naked body. Damn! Hard again! Gosh, sixteen is a great age. I could see him trying not to check me out, but he kept darting his eyes to my erection. It's not like he didn't know I could get hard, he made me that way last night.

Had he forgotten?' I wondered, or was it a dream?' I told myself to check the underwear in the bathroom to make sure.

Brad told me we were heading back to his house for some running clothes and then we would do a few miles before breakfast. He threw some pants at me with a smirk and I slipped them on along with a shirt.

Brad said that I needed to collect all my things; we were going by the office to check out and get any money back that Arthur had given to this dump. I didn't argue, it was kind of nice having someone else doing the thinking for a change... and it sure was nice having someone else looking out for me. Uncle Johnny was right of course, Brad wanted to be my friend and I'm pretty sure he wanted something else too, but I didn't care. Sometimes you have to give and as Johnny always said, "If it feels good, it can't be bad."

Talking to the manager, I explained that my father had been called out of town on an emergency and we were checking out. The manger grumbled a bit, but it was too early in the morning for him to want to argue about it, so he handed over a hundred dollars; much needed funds.

My sides ached, my legs felt like lead pipes, my feet burned, but I kept up with Brad. I'm pretty sure he was moving slower than normal just for me. He said we had finished three miles as we rounded the corner to his house. Inside, his mom was waiting and smiled at me with a look of sympathy for my pain. The three of us had a small breakfast together and Brad explained that I would be staying there for a few days while my step father was out of town. Fortunately, Mrs. Jackson was kind enough not to ask too many questions, she trusted Brad. So he and I headed back to his bedroom.

We were both still covered with moisture from our run and I watched him strip and quietly did the same. He handed me a towel and I followed him to the bathroom. I wasn't sure I wanted to walk the halls naked with his mom there, but he assured me she had left right after breakfast and the house was ours. Brad ran the water in the small shower until it suited him. He pointed for me to get in and I did. Brad followed. The space was tight and I thought about last night and how he had reached out and touched me. I wondered if that would happen again. I was hoping so, but Brad just kept talking about running and things I needed to remember when I was out there on the track. Through it all, I kept taking peeks at his stuff. Brad had brown hair and his pubes matched it. Like most runners, he was thin and his muscles ran long and lean... and so did his dick. His pubes were wet and matted above an opaque slender tube, bouncing a bit as he talked and cleaned himself. His balls safely rested close to his body in their damp, winkled sack. He was soft, but long.

We took turns soaping down and washing off under the shower. I finally felt his hand go on my back and stood silent listening to him chatter about breath control and running styles while he scrubbed my back. It just seemed like a natural thing, being in there with him. It wasn't sexual at all, but I was hard anyway.

He turned and I washed his back, moving slowly down his body and finally reaching the top of his butt, it was pure white and shinny under the water. It looked out of place stuck between his tanned legs and upper body. I was glad he didn't ask me why I was tanned all over. This would not be the time or place to explain how Uncle Johnny liked to take me to the roof top and have me strip naked, laying in the sun. Johnny always said, "Sunshine is healthy, so let it shine all over." Even on the coldest days, and there were many in San Francisco, I lay there sometimes with goose bumps and cold feet, getting a total tan, while Johnny moved around with his camera taking different shots. Uncle Johnny had tons of pictures of me, mostly naked. But hey, the guy took care of me, so what if he liked to look. It was just the other stuff I didn't agree with.

Anyway, when I moved my hand down upon Brad's butt, he moved away and turned back towards me. We were both hard, we each looked for a moment and then the silence was broken when Brad said we needed to move it. After drying off and dressing we drove to school talking about running. My mind was running elsewhere.

School moved along without much effort and soon it was time for track. The Coach was pleased that my ankle seemed better and he clocked me in a few heats. All of them ended with him smiling at me, so I guess Brad had helped a lot.

`Just a normal day as a school boy, nothing different, nothing wrong,' I thought to myself, while pushing back the fear and concern that Burt and Ivan and whoever else were out there looking for me and wanting that duffle... and willing to get it from me, no matter what it took. Yeah, just a normal day as a school boy.

Then it happened. We were pulling out of the parking lot and ahead of us were Police Officers stopping each car. I thought about jumping out and running, but looked out the window and saw three more. I sat next to Brad as he inched closer to the Officers; he was going on about how slow they were and what the heck was this all about and all kinds of crap. I was wondering what he would think when they dragged me out of the car and took me away.

Finally, it was our turn and Brad pushed the button for his window to go down. I was scared as heck, but did my best to act cool. The officer poked his head into the car, looking at both of us and smiled right at me. Damn,' I thought, he knows!'

Then he handed us a picture of a naked boy with flowing blond hair, perfect skin and a small mole just above the black bar covering his private parts. "You boys seen anybody who looks like this?" he asked.

Brad laughed and said, "No sir, that looks like some girl with no tits."

He handed me the picture. I looked at my long blond hair, my thin body with goose bumps from the chilly air that was always blowing over me on the roof of our San Franciscan place. I remembered that day. I remembered Uncle Johnny moving around, taking my picture from several angles. I remembered my feet being cold, my feet were always cold. I looked at the picture, seeing my eyes in it. Without looking up, I shook my head no.

"What did he do wrong, Officer?" Brad asked.

"Right now he's just wanted for questioning, but he may be in danger and we think he may be in this area and we need to talk to the kid, so if you see him, contact us at once," he replied. I handed the picture back to him, and he said, "No, keep it. I've got plenty."

Brad drove away and I balled the picture up and tossed it in the back seat. Smiling as best I could, I said, "So you want to get something to eat?"

"Sure," replied Brad, giving me a look and then driving away.

We grabbed some food and headed back to Brad's house. He handed me the food to carry, getting his books from the back and I saw him place the balled up picture in his pocket. I didn't say a word about it, but knew it could be a problem.

After dinner Brad and I did homework and watched some TV and soon it was time for bed. We talked a little as we pulled our clothes off down to our boxers. Brad went first saying, "Sometimes it's nice to sleep nude, don't you think?" Then I watched as he swept his boxers off displaying a full view of his slender body, so smooth, so nice. He crawled into bed and waited and watched as I stood in front of him. My boxers hit the floor, I stepped out of them. Brad's eyes zoomed around my thin body; he took in my perfect skin except for the small mole on my left side, just above my groin area. He looked at my dick; it hung naturally to the left. I smiled, I made it flex and I reached down adjusting my balls in their sack. Then I crawled into bed next to him.

"Damn, your feet are cold."

"Yeah," I replied, "but the rest of me is warm."

Our arms crossed as our hands searched in the darkness for their targets. I had never done this before. I had never held another boy's dick. I pulled on it, squeezed it, flicked it and made it hard. I had never had this sensation, but here in the darkness next to Brad pulling, squeezing and flicking me, it just seemed natural. This was all new and different, but nice. It was nice to feel wanted and warm; it was nice to have a friend, someone to share this moment with. I wasn't sure where all this was going, but I knew this time I couldn't... just walk away.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 5

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