Just Walk Away

By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Oct 3, 2009


This story contains sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated. A great thanks to Pete for all his input and editing.

Just Walk Away Part Two

We arrived at the bus station on L Street and Mary and I took the local 41 down Fair Oaks. It dropped us off at the corner of Sunrise Boulevard and I followed her to the door of her apartment. I wasn't quite sure what she had in mind, but I had nowhere else to go. And even though she wasn't pretty, she was nice, so if I needed to, I guess I was willing to do just about anything to have a safe place until I figured out a good plan. Just as her door swung open, we heard a male voice behind us. I jumped, ready to spring into to action, being a little jumpy about Burt and Ray or whoever else Uncle Johnny could have following me. I relaxed when I saw a chubby guy waving his arms in a great effort to get our attention.

Mary turned to me and said, "That's Fredrick, he is such a pain and he keeps flirting with me. Let's get inside before he gets closer."

I thought perhaps a third party might be just what I needed to slow things down once inside and said, "We should be nice. I think he just needs a friend."

Mary gave me a look with a frown and we waited for good old Fredrick to come over.

Once inside, we all grabbed a can of soda. Mary explained how we met, while Freddy-boy kept giving me the eye. I knew what he wanted, but when I looked back at Mary she was eyeing me too. I began to feel like the last cookie on the plate at Weight Watchers.

Soon the wine came out and I sipped at mine, not being much of a drinker, and I surely didn't want to lose my edge around these two carnivores.

Mary fixed us all dinner and poor Freddy couldn't decide what was more interesting, my crotch, Mary's tits or the food in front of him.

They had more wine and I found Mary's hand on my left leg and Fredrick's on my right. What's a boy to do? Soon it was suggested that I get more comfortable so I slipped off my shirt and shoes. They lusted after my young body, as I knew they would. Soon I began to hatch a plan.

Mary was the first to suggest she and I head to her bedroom and Freddy be on his way. I countered with how much fun it was to have him with us. Freddy-boy suggested that perhaps I come back to his place and so the hook was in.

Uncle Johnny always said, "Give your best show if you want their dough." I guess it started when I was around twelve, Uncle Johnny told me he had a client he needed to be nice to and asked for my help. Hey the guy fed me most days and gave me a place to stay, so how could I say no? He called me out to meet the guy and gave me the sign to start the act we had practiced all afternoon. Well I started wiggling my little body in front of the guy and he began to smile. Then I did a slow strip all the way down to the bikini briefs that Johnny had bought me that day. A quick turn and a flash of my bare butt and off came the briefs and turn to the front a little wiggle and a toss of the briefs right into the guys face. Then I ran off to my bedroom, just as planned. Well, it worked so well with this guy; Johnny had me perform it over and over again through the years, until I became quiet good at it. He never let the clients touch me, saying, "You never share your private stock." I didn't understand what the meant until this week and I guess that's why I'm doing what I am.

Anyway, I suggested that, for some cash, I could make Mary and Freddy feel very happy. Mary brought a fifty from her bedroom and Freddy said he had been paid that day and pulled out four twenties. I stood in front of Fredrick and Mary and began my best dance, I twirled and slid and bucked and wiggled my way around in front of them. They were getting hot and I encouraged them to get more comfortable too. In a minute both had stripped to the waste. Mary had a nice pair of tits and Freddie's man boobs were almost as big. Mary seemed interested and Freddy kept shooting his eyes at me and then back to Mary. The poor boy didn't know for sure what he wanted. I knew what he'd get. My dance went on and my jeans came off. I twisted around pulling down my boxers with a wiggle of my ass dropping them to the floor. When I bent over to pick them up, I heard both of them gasp for air. A twist, and turn and a rodeo loop with my boxers in the air and a toss landing between them. There I stood, in all my glory. Uncle Johnny always said, "Don't hide your pride." At this point I was naked and hard. Hey, I'm sixteen; I always get hard.

Well the two of them began to pull off their clothes and I stopped them saying, "Ok guys, I provided the show, now it's time for the two of you get in that room and do your thing."

Looking at my extended dick pointing upward and my balls hang low, Freddy asked if he could touch it before he left. Mary was hoping I'd said yes, but I explained, they paid for the show and now they needed to show each other how they felt. Well, both of them thanked me, dropping pieces of clothing all the way to the bedroom. I slipped my boxers back on and tried to sleep a few hours on the couch between grunts and screams coming from down the hall. As the sun rose, so did I, taking a quick shower and dressing. I pulled a twenty out of the money they had given me and stuck it next to a note to Mary, thanking her for the haircut, dinner and night of rest. I grabbed my boy's gym bag and, of course, held securely onto the duffle and I headed out to find a place to blend in and hopefully be protected from Johnny and his boys.

How does a teenage boy blend in? Simple, he hangs out with other teenage boys. And where are they? They are in school. So the next question was, how I get enrolled in school? I had no worries about whatever subjects my boy had been taking, my schooling was up to date. Uncle Johnny made sure I made good grades in everything I was required to take, he always said, "Make good grades. Anything under a B gets the belt." It only took that one time when I was fifteen minutes late for dinner to figure out I never wanted to mess with Johnny again. Nobody did. I watched him beat my mom a few times; I guess that's what made her do what she did that put her behind bars. Someday, I'm going to get her out of there.

Walking the streets, I came up with a plan, but first I needed to ditch the duffle bag. No way did I want to be carrying that stuff around with me. Besides, the whole point of taking it was for me to be the only one to know where to find it. That's what would keep me alive. I headed down Sunrise Blvd as the sun came up in front of me. Ahead was a bridge and to my right was a park. I headed down the hillside and into the woods; soon I was standing at the edge of American River. Looking around, it was obvious I was the only one there, so I walked through the parking lot, reaching the building that held the restrooms. The doors were locked, so I went around back to take a leak and noticed a service grate screwed to the wall. I took a dime from my pocket and in a minute the six screws were out and I was in and under the building. It was nice and dry, just me and a few pipes. I placed the duffle deep in the rear of the building away from the pipes and covered it with dirt. Now I crawled out and reattached the grate to the wall, I figured it was safe there, while I went to find a new parent.

I hitched a ride and asked where the nearest library was. Fortunately, the guy was headed that way and we ended up at the Rancho Cordova Branch on Folsom Blvd. I waited outside until I saw what I was hoping for. I waited another twenty minutes, just to give him time to get started and then I entered the building and walked to the back until I reached the bank of computers. There in the corner on the most hidden computer, was my next victim, my new dad. His eyes were scanning the page and the reflection off his glasses assured me he was the one. I looked around making sure no one could see or hear us and then slipped my zipper down, making sure to show a little boxer through the hole. It took a minute for him to look up and just as I figured, once he saw how young I was, he looked at my crotch to check me out. He began to sweat and looked back into my eyes with a pleading stare.

That's when I asked, "So, would you like to see the real thing?"

He quickly rambled, "Yeah, sure, of course, not here though. How much? Why are you doing this? Who are you? Are you an undercover cop? You're way too young for that. Sure, sure, show me what you've got, not here though."

"Slow down Lone Ranger," I whispered, "Let's get out of here." Once we reached the outside and his heavy breathing was under control, I explained what it would take for him to get a look and maybe more. I wasn't really sure what more would be, but I needed an adult to pull off my plan. I learned his name was Arthur and he was a plumber by trade. In between calls he would drop by the library and flip through gay websites. Arthur had an appreciation for teen twinks, which is the category I fell into, he explained.

My biggest problem was to get Arthur to keep his eyes on the road as we traveled the short distance to the nearest high School. We stopped about mile out, in front of a very seedy hotel. I had him check in telling the manger that he and I would be there for a few nights. I figured if Arthur would pay for the first night, I'd find a way to get the room for as long as I could. We went up to the room and I threw my boy's gym bag on the bed and turned to see Arthur waiting for me to throw my body next to it. I knew I had to give him something or he might back out. No show this time, just a drop of my jeans and boxers, I hoped that would be enough. His eyes were glued to the picture in front of him and the smile on his face was a bit unnerving. He wiggled his finger for me to turn around and I swirled in the reverse direction letting him see the back side as well. I heard him whistle and felt his hand glide across my butt before I moved away and yanked up my pants. When I finished explaining his duty... and that when it was done we could return here... he hurried me out the door.

Cordova High, Home of the Lancers. It was an older building with lots of shade trees and open corridors. The office was to the left as we entered the first building. The lady at the desk was overwhelmed with more tasks than one person could handle in a day. I love the American school system, so much to do and so little staff to archive it.

Arthur explained he was my Step-Father and we had just moved here from San Francisco. The school would need to send for my records, but this is where I would be attending school now. Giving her the address of our hotel, I watched her eyebrows raise and she looked at me with pity.

Soon I was registered and I explained I would be back after lunch to start my first class. Arthur and I headed back to the hotel; after all, a deal is a deal. I didn't like thinking about what I might need to do, but this was the only way to hide in plain sight and stay safe from Uncle Johnny's guys.

All the way back to the hotel, all Arthur could talk about is how cool it felt to be somebody's Dad. He had never been a father and explained than he had little contact with his own. I couldn't believe how proud he was acting. At the hotel, the door closed behind us and without a word, we both began undressing. Arthur was in pretty good shape, discounting a beer belly and a bald spot on his head. He would have made a good dad for somebody and I felt badly he had never had the chance. I guess it's the one thing he and I had in common, never really having the love of a father. Once again I stood in front of him, this time completely naked, Arthur was still in his boxers and just stood there looking at my young body, he seemed frozen and so I waited for his move, thinking this was not going to be fun. But I remembered, if it feels good it can't be bad, right?

Arthur's head went down and he bent over and pick up his pants and shirt and began to dress. I asked him, "What are you doing, I thought this is what you wanted?"

He answered, "I thought so too, but what I really wanted you already gave me, a chance to be a father. I'm going to pay the manger for the rest of the week and I want you to go to school and make me proud."

I moved forward and hugged him, I felt his touch on my butt again, but I didn't need to pull away, he did it on his own and with a tear in his eyes, he said, "Take care Son."

I replied, "Thanks Dad."

All that was left was for him to... just walk away.

To be continued....

Next: Chapter 3

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