Just Two Girls

Published on Dec 26, 1997




Just Two Girls

by Amy Brett

Michelle and Jeri sat across the small table from each other. Each smiled at how beautiful the other looked tonight.

It wasn't just that they were good friends. Certainly they were that. They also worked together and tonight was a result of a discussion they'd had at work. In fact, anyone looking at the two women would have agreed completely with their more personal evaluations. They were more than beautiful. Gorgeous perhaps. And they each possessed that little something extra that made them sexy. They looked and acted and moved as if they were looking for a good time. That kind of a good time.

They had swept into the bar a few minutes before. As they sat down and ordered, they seemed to giggle between themselves as if they shared a secret. That, however, put off the primarily male clientele hardly at all. They could see that many of the men were readying "lines," preparing themselves for the possibility of rejection, discussing the two women's looks, legs, clothes, demeanor.

As any woman can tell you, it took more than a little work to come up with this look. Of course, they had showered, shaved appropriate portions of their anatomy, brushed teeth, applied makeup, slipped into panty hose and bras. The bras were enhanced somewhat but that's understandable.

Both wore long, curled and coiffed wigs -- Michelle a very dark, almost black one and Jeri an almost white, blond one. They hadn't the time for curling, setting, brushing and all the other necessities to make their own far shorter hair behave this way. The wigs, of course, matched their own natural colorings.

The makeup had taken the longest and required on several occasions the aid of the other to be applied successfully. Both women's lips shown with lip gloss, Michelle's darker. Michelle's green eyes were enhanced by the green eyeliner. Jeri's blue eyes by blue eyeliner.

Light jewelry added a touch of class to their outfits.

Outfits! Of course. That's what really brought the eyes of the house around to them.

Michelle wore a black dress in a shirt cut (collar, long sleeves and buttons down the front.) It was made of a light, diaphanous material that you could almost, but not quite see through to her arms and shoulders. Unfortunately, more than one man in the room thought, you could also see a more opaque underdress or slip beneath the rest of the dress. It was short. The waist was actually immediately below her breasts. Several of the buttons at the bottom were undone and corresponded almost exactly with a slit up the front of the underdress.

With each step of her black, high heeled feet across the room, her knees and much of her thighs peeked through that opening. God, they thought, she has long legs.

But then they had to look at Jeri as well. Her outfit was simpler, perhaps less dressy. A very white shirt, through which her bra clearly showed, and a short, white skirt that had to have been made of the same material. They could see nothing through it but the tails of the shirt since she wore only the panty hose. There was also a slit in the side of the skirt that allowed much of the side of her thigh to be seen. It pulled, no actually both their skirts pulled, very high as they sat and drank, talked and laughed with each other quietly, their legs crossed demurely.

Two men simultaneously asked them to dance and many of the men in the room dismissed their fears of rejection with that success. They all watched the girls wiggle their behinds through the first dance and, changing partners, watched their skirts hike up as they were swept into these men's arms for a slower dance. Men's fantasies felt their breasts pressing into their chests, instead of their present partners'. They strained to see if the women allowed their partners to press between their legs with their own. They could feel that warmth between those legs on their own thighs. They could imagine the pressure of the women's hip bones on their own hardnesses.

Because of these fantasies, the girls found themselves with new partners before they could regain their seats and their drinks. It went on for a long time, the men getting increasingly sensual, before they called a halt and sat down to their drinks again. Finishing them and ordering again, eyes followed them through the tables to the restrooms. The waitress had been given enough money for six drinks before she reached the bar.

Much to the disgust of the fantasizers, two men helped themselves to chairs next to the two women when they returned. They still watched, of course. They saw the men's arms around those soft shoulders. They saw the laughter and the quick block of hands as they tried to touch breasts unsuccessfully. They all watched as the men placed their hands on the girls' knees. They watched the hems of the dresses move upward with the men's hands, saw more of the golden softness of their thighs, saw the men's hands stopped short of their goals and moaned their disappointment. After some backtracking and gentle chiding, they saw the men bow to fate and accept dances.

They watched Michelle's head sink to the man's shoulder as they danced and wondered how long it would take for him to realize that his rubbing her lower back was slowly inching her skirt upward. With a sigh, they saw him realize what he was doing and, knowing, continuing with a little more purpose until, much to their delight, they saw the conjunction of her legs, from behind, appear. Then they watched as the soft mounds of her bottom appeared and, though he couldn't see what he was doing, enjoyed its result. Up, up it came until he held the hem of the dress in his hand in the small of her back. Purposefully, they saw, he moved her around on the dancefloor so all could see the top of the panty hose, the smooth naked skin of her back, the thinly veiled nakedness of her bottom. Many were tempted to touch but knew that would end it.

He held her in the same position between songs and continued with the display for another song. And he kissed her neck and her ear. They all saw the muscles of her buttocks contract when he did that and thrilled at the reaction. But soon the dance ended and the girls were returned to their table where they dismissed the two men.

No one could overhear their whispered conversation but many watched them talk quietly. Most wished they could be one of the two as their bodies got close, their obvious liking for each other showing. They touched lightly. They laughed. And was that a light kiss. Yes. They thought so.

They all knew from watching the table carefully for the last couple of hours, that some quirk of lighting actually made their beautiful faces and upper bodies, above the table, rather obscure. But under the table! Yes. There you could see just fine. It must be a light from a music stand or something. They had all seen the men's hands on their knees. That had been plainly visible. And the expanses of thigh made available to view by the men's movement of their skirts' hems.

They saw Jeri's hand on Michelle's knee. As the woman looked around the room, they acted as if they hadn't seen, but they had. And as soon as Michelle returned her attention to Jeri, they watched again. The smaller blond woman was actually moving the big brunette's skirt upward and she was having more success than the man had.

First the blond's hand was on the knee that attached to those long legs as they crossed under the table. Then, they saw, the brunette allowed the crossing to slip to her ankles allowing the girl to touch both her knees.

Then her fingers were tracing shapes on the other woman's thigh. The big girl seemed to relax, to enjoy it. Her legs spread slightly, tantalizingly. They could almost see under the skirt. Her ministrations continued until the skirt was high on the other girl's legs. Yes. High enough to see the white panty portion of the panty hose. Then, amazingly, they saw the brunette, herself, reach under the sides of the skirt and move the top of the panty hose downward. Not off or even low enough to see anything. Just downward off her stomach. They saw the other girl put her hand under the waistband but could only see the white panties protrude with her hand, moving within them. None of them could believe it.

This continued, as they talked, for a long time. They watched the brunette squirm on the chair and wondered if she were going to have a climax.

Then they watched Michelle lean close to Jeri to whisper something. Jeri removed her hand from the bigger girl's panties then, sat back and made a movement similar to Michelle's, pulling the tops of the panties downward. Then they watched as she sat up, pulled the back of her skirt from below herself, and sat back down on the chair. She rocked forward and, they all saw to some extent, the taller girl put her hand beneath the blond one on the chair.

They saw the expectant look on her face, her squirming movements, her efforts to look natural and, after some time, saw her spread her knees apart many inches as if to make herself available. The satisfied look on her face showed all that Michelle had been successful in penetrating her from behind.

They seemed to freeze in that position, as they talked, for a long time before Michelle began moving her hand. They saw the effect of that as well. Jeri's mouth opened. Her eyes closed. Her elbows on the table made the drinks jiggle as her muscles reacted to the treatment. This too lasted for a long time before Michelle removed her hand and the blond relaxed.

It surprised them then when, blatantly, they got up, walked to the dance floor and fell into each other's arms -- closer even than their earlier dances with the men in the room. It didn't end their fantasies, of course. It intensified them. Some thought about setting those beautiful women "straight." Some just wished they could do the same things either of these girls was doing to the other.

They watched Michelle's arms caressing Jeri's back and, sneakily, pressing into her breast with her hand as they danced. They watched Michelle's show of embarrassment as Jeri covertly put one hand between them, low on her front, and rubbed there. They watched both of them react to rubbing and pressing. Kissing. Caressing. Moving together. God, it was terrible. The sexual tension overwhelmed the entire audience.

They were almost thankful when they finally picked up their purses and left. There was a group sigh of relief. A couple left. Then a few of the guys left to seek out their wives or some other kind of release. The remainder got louder, more boistrous and drunker.

"Oh, Jeri," Michelle said. "That was so much fun!"

"I can't believe it. Did you see that guy sitting by the dance floor. I thought he was going to burst his pants."

"Maybe we should go back and satisfy 'em all."

"I don't think we could."

"Yeah. You're right. We'll have a hard enough time satisfying ourselves tonight."

"But we'll try," she giggled.

"You bet we will!" Michelle reached to Jeri's leg and gave it a high, firm squeeze.

They finished the short drive to Jeri's house, let themselves in and quickly moved to the bedroom. Michelle turned in the middle of the room. "Do you want to take it off?"

"Just a little." They moved close to each other and Jeri worked Michelle's panty hose downward, allowed her to sit down, helped her with her shoes and took them off. "Just a few buttons." She unbuttoned the buttons that extended down the tall brunette's front to the waist then spread the sides of the skirt. The heavy, blood engorged rod protruded between the leaves of the skirt. "I wonder what they would have done if they'd seen that?"

"I don't know but if you don't put your pretty lips around it right now, I know what I'm going to do!"

Jeri kneeled with a smile and took the long rod into her open mouth until it disappeared completely. Michelle moaned loudly as she entwined her fingers in the blonde's hair and pulled the mouth closer. She watched herself disappear between the pretty lips until she could no longer stand it and closed her eyes to the flood of feelings.

Jeri leaned back and looked at her, Michelle allowing her eyes to open then. Michelle firmly lifted her until the smaller girl stood on tiptoe in the high heels, their lips grasping at each other's tongues. Michelle pressed her hand solidly into Jeri's bra until she was answered by a quickening in the blonde's breathing.

Very quickly Jeri sat on the edge of the bed and undid the laces of the shoes and lifted the pantyhose over the now startlingly swollen cock beneath them. Pulling the pillows downward, she put her bottom on the top of the pile and held her arms out to Michelle.

Michelle lowered herself toward the waiting blond, lifting the skirt above the waist and parting her own. Quickly she kissed the firm flesh there. Laying on top of Jeri, she guided her own member between the upraised legs, rubbing the lubrication on the puckered asshole there. She pressed forward to Jeri's answering gasps, holding her tightly as the hardness pressed into her.

Their tongues fought each other for a position in the other's mouth as Michelle began to move inward and back out again. They felt the twin brassiere's pressing into the other.

Jeri's legs pumped wildly with their movements, straightening, stretching, hugging Michelle's sides, bucking.

Together their cum spewed and their eyes glazed.

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