Just Together


Published on Oct 16, 2000


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It makes no claims to the true personality and sexuality of anyone involved. You already know if you shouldn't be reading this.

------------------ Just Together by jm_stories@yahoo.com ------------------

Chapter VII Original post 16 Oct 2000 Revised 7 Feb 2002

"Woah," Michael whispered. My thoughts exactly. Suddenly the world was very tense.

"Uh, what are you doing here?" Danny finally spoke up.

"I wanted to see you," Paul said and took a step towards Danny. Danny took a step back and Lance just stood there dumbfounded.


"Um, these your new friends?" Paul asked.

"Yea. Why are you here? How did you even find me?"

"I got your address from your dad. Can we talk somewhere...in private?"

"Uh, no. Anything you can say to me can be said in front of my friends."

"Would you excuse us, please," Paul said to us.

We looked to Danny for the answer. Danny looked back and forth for a minute. "Go on, guys. I'll be up in a few minutes," he finally said.

Lance gave him a questioning look and put his hand on Danny's shoulder.

"I'll be fine," Danny whispered and gave Lance a forced smile.

I grabbed Danny's suitcase and we went inside and up to our apartment, leaving Danny to talk with Paul on the stoop. Lance was almost hyperventilating.

"It's gonna be alright," Michael said softly and put his hand on Lance's shoulder.

"You don't know that," Lance whispered with tears in his eyes.

"I know that Danny loves you."

"I know. I don't think he's totally over Paul, though. What if Paul wants him back?"

"They may still love each other, but there's a lot of bad blood between them," I said.

"Besides, you're much cuter than Paul," Michael smiled, trying to get Lance to smile. I kinda worked.

"I'm gonna go unpack," Lance said and carried their bags to their room.

"That was a totally shitty welcome home from a romantic week away," Michael said.

"Absolutely. Now all we need is Lance's folks to show up," I said.

"And Josh to come and declare his love for Justin," Michael added with a laugh.

"Please, no. We have enough people playing for our team," I smirked.

"You never know... Michelle liked him, and you know what a fag hag she is," Michael teased.

The door opened and Charlie and Justin stumbled in, laughing.

"Hey, guys," Justin said.

"Who's Danny talking to out front?" Charlie asked.


"Paul, as in ex-boyfriend Paul?"


"Did he just show up?" Charlie asked.

"He wasn't there when we left for the airport."

"Where's Lance? Is he okay?" Justin asked.

"He's getting unpacked."

The door opened again and Danny came in, alone and with tears streaming down his face.

"Just so you know: he wanted to get back together. I told him I'm already with someone else who I'm totally in love with," Danny announced and went straight to his room.

"Good. He made the right choice," Justin said. "If he'd gone with Paul I would have kicked his ass."

"Paul is a military man. He would have kicked your ass," Michael said.

"Not with Lonnie around," Justin shot back.

"No one is kicking anyone's ass. Let's have dinner so we can get ready and get to the theater on time," I said.

"What time does it start?" Justin asked.


"Okay," Justin said and grabbed Charlie's hand as he pulled him over to Danny and Lance's room and knocked on the door. He opened the door and they went in, closing it behind them.

"That's bad timing," Michael said.


"Telling Danny and Lance about their relationship right now. I think they have other things on their minds."

"Yea, but Lance would want to know why Justin was still here. What do you want to make for dinner?"


"Sounds good to me," I said and we went to make dinner.

"You wanna get the boys, or should I?" Michael asked as we were just about done.

"You can do it," I said with no desire to go.

"Thanks," Michael said sarcastically and walked off while I set the table. He returned a few minutes later with everyone in tow. They were actually laughing. Good sign.

"You're such a wanna-be," Danny laughed as they piled into the kitchen.

"I am not a wanna-be. I'm just flexible," Justin shot back.

"Really. He is," Charlie grinned and wagged his eye brows, sending everyone into another fit of laughter.

The banter went on back and forth like this throughout the meal.

"We'd better start getting ready," Justin said to me and got up from the table.

"Ready for what?" Lance asked.

"We're going to see 'La Traviata' at the Met," I answered.

"Wanna join us?"

"Nah, I'd fall asleep," Danny said.

"I agree. We're still on Iceland time," Lance agreed.

"We'll probably just enjoy the quiet and go to bed early," Danny added.

"Michael and Charlie aren't going, so you won't get your quiet."

"Actually, we're gonna go out," Michael said.

"Where to?" Justin asked.

"Don't know. Maybe a club," Charlie answered.

"So you'd go out to a club with King Smartass, but you won't go to the opera with me?" Justin teased.

"Yep," Charlie smiled.

"Who are you calling King Smartass, Queen Smartass?" Michael shot back.

"You'll pay for that," Justin threatened.

"What are you going to do? Sing to me?" Michael laughed.

"I just may. Or maybe I'll tie you to a chair and make you listen to Backstreet Boys until you crack."

"Oh. Well at least it's BSB and not 'NSYNC," Michael smirked.

"I'm gonna find your weakness, and then you'll pay," Justin said with melodramatic villain laugh.

Michael rolled his eyes.

"I'm gonna get cleaned up before this goes on all night," I said and went to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and got dressed in clothes decent enough to go to the opera without looking like a bum.

It was a little after six and Justin still wasn't ready.

"Come on, Justin. We're gonna be late. It's already after six," I said as I beat on his door.

"Alright. I'm ready," Justin said as the door opened and he came out, very nicely dressed.

We walked quickly to catch the train and made it to the Met just as they were about to start. It was a great show, even if it was a bit long. So beautiful.

"That was really nice. You like it?" Justin said as we walked out after the show.

"Yea. It was great."

"Wanna get some coffee or something?"


We started walking towards the Village. After about three blocks, I thought we were being followed. I made us walk around the block to check, and sure enough, we were being followed.

"Is there any reason we're walking in circles?" Justin asked.

"Yea. I think we're being followed," I said softly.

"Fuck," Justin said under his breath and looked back. He then laughed. "Yep, we're being followed. Hey, Lonnie," he called and the large black man who'd been following us came up to us. "Aren't you supposed to be taking some time off and relaxing?"

"Don't give me any shit, Curly. I'm just doing my job," Lonnie said with a smile.

"Glad it was you, Lonnie, and nice to meet you," I said and shook his hand.

"Since you're out of the shadows, why don't you come have some coffee with us?" Justin said.

Lonnie just nodded his head and followed us. We got to a coffee house a few blocks later and sat at a table near the window on the second level. The place was kinda dark with most of the light coming from candles on the tables. It had a small stage area with a woman singing and playing guitar. There were a lot of people there, but it wasn't full.

"I'll go get our drinks. What do you want, Lonnie?" I asked.

"Just regular coffee, thanks."

"I'll have..." Justin started.

"You don't have a choice," I smiled and went to the bar. Justin gave me a look of indignation and Lonnie laughed. I returned a little while later with our drinks.

"What is it?" Justin asked as he looked at his drink.

"Kahlua Cappuccino."

He took a sip, and then smiled. "Good choice."

"Of course. You should already know I have good taste," I smiled and took a drink of mine before turning my attention to the performer. She was pretty good and had a very nice full voice.

"This is a cool place. You been here before?" Justin asked.

"Huh?" I said and turned back to him.

"Have you been here before?"

"Downstairs, yea. They didn't have this floor open the last time I was here. That woman has a beautiful voice."

"Yea. She's good for this kinda place."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means she is a good coffee house performer, but would likely be completely out of her element on a real stage with a large audience. This is her intended audience."

"Isn't she allowed to grow and change?"

"Sure, but it takes lots of work."

"Why is it that performing in front of a large audience is hard, but performing in an intimate space is easy? I think it's just the opposite. With a large audience you can't really see the individual people and past a certain point it could be one-thousand or one-billion without any difference in what you see. In an intimate setting you see each person and what their reaction to your performance is."

"I guess. I'm more comfortable with a large crowd. I know how to work a large crowd. You have no idea the feeling you get when you have a couple thousand people screaming for you and singing along."

"I can imagine, but the things you do in a stadium that seem cool and get people excited would just look stupid in this type of setting."

"Not to mention that we couldn't even get all the lights and effects in this room, much less have room to perform and for the audience afterwards," Justin laughed.


"What are you smiling at, Lonnie? Are you going to let him talk to me like that?" Justin teased.

Lonnie nodded and laughed.

"Oh come on, Justin. You know you love it when we abuse you," I laughed.

"Are you suggesting I'm a masochist?" Justin smiled.

"Maybe, but I don't want to know about that. What I'm talking about is that if we treated you like a pop diva instead of the goof ball your are, you wouldn't be here right now. You get off on it," I said.

"Maybe, but you'd feel the same. You can't have a friendship based on idolatry."

"Aww. I'm your idol? I didn't even realize," I teased.

"Yea, right," Justin smirked and rolled his eyes.

We talked casually and listened to the performer for another hour or so before heading home. Lonnie smiled and laughed a bit, but hardly said a word. I think he would have felt more comfortable standing in the background looking intimidating.

We took the train back and Lonnie left us once we got home.

"Lonnie seems nice, but I think he would have preferred to stay in the background," I said to Justin as we walked up the stairs.

"I know. That's why I asked him to join us instead of watching over me from a distance," Justin smiled.

"Just to torture him, huh?"

"Yea. He's supposed to be relaxing, so if he won't do that then I just have to force him once in a while."

"Somehow I don't think you could force him to do anything. He could snap both of us like a twig."

"He's like a big momma bear."

"You're into bears?" I laughed.


"You know, bears. Big, burly, gay men."

"Gross. That's not even funny," Justin laughed.

"Then why are you laughing?" I smirked.

"Whatever. I guess Charlie and Michael aren't home yet. Wanna watch TV?"

"For a little bit. I'm pretty tired."

We both changed into more relaxed clothes before sitting down on the sofa and flipping through channels until we found something to watch. I fell asleep after about a half-hour.

I shifted positions sometime later and lay my head down on his lap and went back to sleep. "I love you, Michael," I mumbled as I snuggled against his lap and fell back to sleep.

When I woke up again, the TV was off and the room was dark. Michael was lying back and his erection was pressed against the underside of my chin. I pulled down the top of his shorts and sucked it gently a few times before putting it back with a kiss and moving up to lay my head on his chest and went back to sleep. Something didn't seem right, but I was not awake enough to figure out what it was or care. He hugged me close and put one hand down my shorts to hold my butt.

I woke up again to the feeling of Michael's hand down the front of my shorts rubbing my erection. I was on my side against the back of the sofa and Michael was on his back. He shifted and the next thing I knew he was gently sucking me as he jacked me off. I rubbed my hands through his short curly hair as he sucked. His what?! I was suddenly awake enough to realize what was happening, but it was too late to stop as I came into Justin's mouth. Fuck! I opened my eyes and the room was still pitch black and I gently pushed Justin off my penis.

"You like?" Justin asked in a half-awake whisper.

"Not really," I said and sat up.

"What...? Oh my god," Justin said confused and then realized what had happened as well.

"I agree," I whispered.

"Why the fuck didn't you stop me?" Justin whispered.

"Because I thought it was Michael until it was too late. Do you go down on any guy you happen to be sleeping next to?" I whispered, irritated that this had happened.

"Fuck you. I'm gonna go brush my teeth," Justin said and went to the bathroom. I was right behind him. "Do you mind?"

"No. I'm gonna wash my dick off."

"You can wait."

"You were just sucking on it, so it's not like you should be embarrassed to see it. Damn. How are we going to explain this?"

"We're not. It never happened."

"I'm not going to lie to Michael about it."

"Don't you think he'll be pissed off about it if you tell him?"

"Probably, but not as pissed off as he would be if I didn't tell him and he found out."

"I can't believe I just gave you a blow job," Justin mumbled as he brushed his teeth.

"Neither can I, but if it makes you feel any better, I sucked on you a little when I woke up to change sleeping positions earlier. I just didn't go all the way. Now I know why something seemed wrong."

"You were sucking me earlier?"

"A little. When I woke I thought I was lying on Michael's belly and your erection was pressed against my chin. I sucked a little and then moved up and went back to sleep."

"Can you hand me the wash cloth?"

I handed it to him and he pulled down his shorts and washed off his dick, which was still half-hard, while I brushed my teeth.

"Shit. I really hope he takes this in perspective. Maybe even thinks it's funny."

"Since you're determined to tell him, at least keep it only to him, and I'll tell Charlie. No one else. Not Lance or Danny."

"Absolutely not. Only the two people who need to know."

"It's gonna be really awkward, but we can't act different in front of Lance or Danny. They'll know something happened."

"Yea, it is awkward. Okay. Well. Good night. I'm going to bed," I said and left him. Michael was asleep in our bed. I dropped my clothes and slipped into bed. I held him close and knew it was him as I drifted back to sleep.

Michael was rubbing my chest when I woke up. I opened my eyes to see him propped up and watching me sleep with a slight smile on his face.

"Mornin', sleepy head," Michael said and gave me a quick kiss.

"Mornin'. What time did you and Charlie get in last night?"

"Around two."

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"We though about it, but you two looked so comfortable. We were kinda loud when we came in, but neither of you woke. Did you enjoy sleeping with Justin?" Michael teased.

"That's not even funny," I said seriously.

Michael's brow furrowed. "I'm just teasin'."

"I know. I'm sorry. It's just..."


"I need to tell you something..."

"Go on," Michael said slowly.

"Well, I was still asleep...we both were, actually...and I really thought you had come back and joined me...and...well...I gave who I thought was you a little suck...just like a few times and a kiss and that's it...and then woke up later and felt who I thought was you giving me a blow job...and by the time I was awake enough to realize it wasn't you...it was too late."

Michael's face was serious, and I was ready for him to start yelling.

"As soon as I realized, I pushed him off, but it was too late. We both kinda freaked out, cleaned up and went to bed. We didn't mean for it to happen. I love you, Michael."

Michael was still silent and I just looked at him.

"What are you thinking? Are you really pissed?"

"I'm not happy about it, but I guess I understand the circumstance that lead to it. I know you don't like Justin that way."

"No, I don't. I love you, Michael," I said gave him a kiss.

"If you weren't my boyfriend, this would be funny."

"What? Sleepy mistaken identity?"

"Kinda. The thought of the diva sucking someone off, and then realizing it's the wrong person."

"I'm glad you can see the humor in it. I was kinda worried last night."

"You told me, so that says a lot about how you felt about it. If you'd kept it secret and I found out later, I'd be really upset."

"I know, that's why I told you right way."

"The next time he blows you, he has to blow me as well," Michael smiled.

"It's not gonna happen if I have anything to say about it."

"Wasn't he any good?" Michael teased.

"Not as good as you."

"You didn't notice when you were licking on him that he's a bit smaller?"

"Yea, but I wasn't awake enough for it to register."

"You'd think Justin would have noticed that you are circumcised as well."

"You did what?! Michael is going to kill you!" We heard Charlie yell.

"Quiet down," Justin shushed.

Michael looked at me and grinned.

"I know what you're thinking, and don't do it," I warned.

"What?" Michael said innocently. "I'm not gonna do anything."

I sighed. "At least keep it quiet so Danny and Lance don't find out. Okay?"

"Okay. Let's go," Michael said and pulled me out of bed.

He wouldn't let me put any clothes on and we went straight to Charlie and Justin's room. Michael threw open the door, we walked in, and then slammed it shut.

"What the hell did you think you were doing giving my boyfriend a blow job?" Michael hissed at Justin in a pissed whisper.

Justin looked like he was about to shit his pants, if he'd been wearing any, and was leaning behind Charlie. "It was a mistake, Michael. We weren't really awake and it just happened."

"Do you really expect me to believe that? You've been practically drooling over him since you got here, and you finally saw your chance and took it."

"What? You're cracked. I have not been drooling over him."

"Well you've been drooling in our direction, so it's him or me. Which is it? You couldn't get me so you settled for him? Well here I am. You've already defiled my boyfriend trying to get to me. Go ahead. Take your opportunity to blow me, and then leave us alone."

Justin just sat there, stunned, as Michael stood before him wearing a scowl, and nothing else. Justin looked at me, and then Michael. I didn't give anything away because I was kinda surprised at the way Michael was acting. After a minute or so of tense silence, Michael burst out laughing.

"And the academy award for best actor goes to ME," Michael laughed.

"You asshole!" Justin hissed and attacked Michael. They were rolling on the floor wrestling. Well, Michael was laughing too hard to put up much of a fight. Charlie and I gave each other a confused look and I sat down on the bed beside him and pulled a pillow over my crotch. Finally, Justin had Michael on his back and was sitting on his chest. They were both breathing heavy.

"That was so not funny, you asshole," Justin panted out in Michael's face as he held his hands above his head.

"Would you rather I really be pissed off?"

"No. I'd rather it never happened."

"So would I," Michael said. "But it did. I know neither of you meant to."

"So are we good?"


"Good," Justin sighed and lay down to relax against Michael's chest.

"It appears we have our own personal porn show," Charlie said to me and pointed to the position Michael and Justin were in on the floor.

"Um, Justin. You can get off me now," Michael said.

"Get off with you now?" Justin said with a bit of humor in his voice and slowly slid his body down Michael's as he got up. They were both hanging a little heavy.

"Haven't you learned your lesson, Justin?" Michael teased as he stood up and grabbed my hand. "Let's go back to our room."

We opened the door and there stood Danny and Lance.

"Hi, guys," Michael said nonchalantly and pulled me back to our room. When we got in he pushed me on the bed and laughed. "I'm sure that's the strangest experience I've ever had."

"Me, too. And it was a bit porny watching you two roll around on the floor naked."

"Maybe from your perspective. He's stronger than he looks."

"If it was so horrible for you, then why were you hanging a little low?" I teased.

"Yea, okay," Michael conceded. He sat back on my legs so our erections were together and wrapped his hand around both of us and slowly jacked us off. "I was talking to Charlie last night," Michael started after a minute or so.

"We're not swapping," I smiled.

"Actually, I was thinking group sex. That way everyone gets everyone," Michael smiled. "Just kidding. Anyway, he's decided that he is gonna move to NYC."

"So are we gonna rent the room to him permanently?"

"Maybe, but I have a better idea."

"Which is?" I asked as I took over masturbating us.

"We buy a new place."


"Because we need a guest room. We seem to always have visitors."

"We could just let Charlie find his own place and then we'd still have our guest room."

"Yea, but it's more fun to have a couple roommates. You said yourself that you like to have other people around."

"Uh, huh. But a new place would be so expensive."

"Not too bad. We'd buy it together, and you could keep this place and rent it out. You could easily get $3,000 a month or more in rent."

"You want us to buy a place together?"

"Uh, huh," Michael nodded and his breathing got heavier. "You're okay with that, right?"

"It's a big step. It'd almost be like marriage."

"Yea, but it'd be our place, and a place where we can have cool roommates and a guest room and maybe even space for a studio or office."

"That would be cool. Let's go ahead a look for a place, but not say anything to anyone until we find someplace."

"Thanks. I told Charlie we'd talk about it, though, so he wouldn't go find a place of his own. I know it's a big step, but I'm not going anywhere," Michael said and removed my hand so he could laid back down and kiss me. "I totally love you," he kissed and we ground against each other.

"I love you, too, but you are going somewhere."

"Where's that?" Michael questioned and his body tensed.

"To cum," I smiled as I felt him cum. I started as he was finishing.

"It feels like you're there too," Michael smiled as I came.

"You know, there's something not right about you being so horny after you're naked with Justin," I teased as we laid on each other and calmed down.

"And strangely enough it's always because of you that I end up naked with him. Now why do you think that is?" He teased back.

"You're just lucky, I guess."

"That is not right," Michael laughed.

"Shall we get up and take a shower?"

"I guess. I'm getting kinda hungry," Michael said and rolled off the bed, pulling me with him. We went to the bathroom and got in the shower.

"Hey, Jonah. Can I borrow your car to take Lance to the airport?" Danny yelled into the bathroom.

I poked my head out of the shower. "Yea, sure. Where is he going?"

"He's gotta be in Nashville this week. Remember?"

"Okay. All I knew was that he was going to be gone a week, not when it was or where. When will he be back?"

"Friday morning."

"Good. We're going camping next weekend if you guys want to go."

"I'll talk with him about it. Where are your keys?"

"Um, I think they're beside the TV."

"Okay. Thanks," Danny said and shut the door.

"So what would your ideal new place be?" Michael asked.

"Depends. It'd be cool to have a regular house with a yard and all, but I don't know when we'd have time to mow the grass, and we'll, hopefully, be busy working all over."

"I don't like mowing the lawn or shoveling snow, anyway."

"Neither do I. It would totally rock to find a loft in SOHO or Chelsea."

"That would be cool, but you have to know someone and be really, really lucky to get a loft in SOHO, even renting. A brownstone in Brooklyn Heights would be really nice."

"Except the price. Don't those brownstones start at around four million?"

"Only if you want one with a roof, floors and walls," Michael smiled.

"Okay, practically speaking, I'd want it to be in this neighborhood, SOHO, Chelsea, or the East Village."

"What about Long Island?"

"Too far away since most of what we do is in the city. If we could find a place around here, it would be ideal. We're between the city and JFK."

"I agree, but I haven't seen any places around here for sale."

"I know. I don't want to let go of this place. I couldn't afford it if I had to buy it again."

"Well, let's just keep our eyes open for great places and be ready to jump on it if we find one."

We finished our shower and had brunch with Charlie and Justin. They left to do whatever as Danny was getting home. Michael and I cleaned up.

"So what do you want to do today?" Michael asked.

"I want to go shopping for a keyboard."

"What for?"

"Just to play. I've been thinking about it for a while and miss being able to play whenever. I'd like to have a real piano, but it would be too loud for this apartment."

"That's cool. Maybe we can even play together."

"Yep. That too."

We took my car so we could bring it home and went out looking for a keyboard. The first music store we went to didn't have any good keyboards with weighted keys. The second store had a great collection with new and used keyboards. After some playing and agonizing over which one, I decided on a used Ensoniq KT-88. I added a stand, bench, speakers and good headphones before haggling with the sales clerk. I got $150 off the keyboard, which basically made up for the cost of the headphones and bench. We loaded my car and went back home.

"Do you want to set it up in our room, or the living room?" Michael asked after we'd brought everything up.

"In our room, but I don't know where we'd put it. I also don't want to wake you if I get the urge to play late at night, so in here is good."

We cleared a spot near the wall, set up the stand, and put the keyboard on it. After setting up the speakers and plugging everything in, I turned it all on. Michael pulled up a chair next to me and looked through the available sounds in the manual. I adjusted the levels and tested out the sound.

"Happy?" Michael asked.


"I can tell. You have a grin plastered on your face," Michael smiled.

"That's just because of you," I said and gave him a kiss.

"I'll accept that."

We played around with trying each of the sounds and playing with the controllers. After a while doing this I found a piano sound I liked and warmed up a little.

"So what are you going to play me first?" Michael asked.

"How about some Gershwin?"

"Show tunes? I never realized you were such a fag," Michael teased.

"He did write more than show tunes, you big queen," I teased back.

"I am not a queen," he countered in his best queen voice.

"If you say so..." I said and grinned as I turned back to the keyboard. I took a minute to remember how everything went, and then started playing through all of the Three Preludes. I didn't do too badly, but not too well -- there were a few flubs in Prelude Three. Not bad, I guess, for not having practiced in a while.

"That was nice. Maybe it'll even be better once you've practiced," Michael teased. "What else?"

"Let me grab my sheet music," I said and hopped up to pull my sheet music off the bookshelf. "Let's see..." I said to myself as I looked through the different books. "Here's a great piece." I looked over it a minute, and then played Satie's "GymnopŽdie." Michael gave a golf clap afterwards and urged me to continue. I played Bartok's "Bagatelle No.2," next. After that it was the first movement of Beethoven's Sonata 18 in Eb. I stretched and my fingers hurt after that.

"Done so soon?"

"I'm out of practice. My hands hurt," I said.

"You lasted longer than I thought you would," Michael smiled and gently massaged my hands.

"Oh cool! You got a keyboard," Justin said excitedly as he and Charlie walked in.

"Do you play?" I asked.

"A little. I'm learning. Let me try it," Justin said and urged me off the bench.

Michael and I got up and sat on the sofa while Charlie and Justin took our spots.

Justin dramatically raised his hands, and then started playing "Traffic Cop" from the Thompson's Grade One book.

"Very nice, Justin. I've never heard a more beautiful performance of 'Traffic Cop,'" I said and wiped away a fake tear.

"Thank you. Thank you," he smiled back. "Anyway, I was just warming up."

"You use 'Traffic Cop' as a warm up?" I said like he was cracked.

"Yea. Why not? I always remember it. I told you I'm just starting. Okay, here's a real piece, if I can remember it," Justin said and turned back to the keyboard. He started playing JS Bach's Two Part Invention in F. It's a fairly easy piece and he did okay as long as you didn't pay attention to the rhythm or a few wrong notes. "Well?" He asked after he'd finished.

"You got most of the notes right. Not bad for a beginner," I said.

"You know that piece?"

"Yea, of course. I think I had to learn that when I was eight. Bach is fun to play."

"But really hard. I was trying to remember it as I played, so that's why there were some flubs."

"You don't practice with a metronome, do you?"


"Who's teaching you?"

"Josh mostly. Sometimes Lance. Usually when we're bored."

I flipped through my book of Bach pieces and put the music for the Two Part Invention in F that Justin just played in front of him. "May I?" I said to Charlie. He got up and joined Michael on the sofa and I sat down in the chair. I pretty much remembered the piece, but looked over it before playing through it an octave higher on the keyboard.

"Show off," Justin teased after I'd finished.

"I'm not trying to show off. I just wanted you to hear it once the way it is supposed to be played. You've got the music in front of you now. Play through it and pay attention to the rhythm. I'll tap out the tempo. We'll take it really slow at first." I started clapping a tempo. "Is that good?"

"Easy," Justin smiled and started playing. It was horrible and he wasn't anywhere near the tempo and started getting frustrated.

I stopped him. "That's how I could tell you haven't been practicing with a metronome. Try it this way. Count out the beats and sing it, but don't play." We went through that and he got it dead on after the second try.

"I've got the singing down, but what about the keyboard?"

"We'll do it again, but play this time as you're singing it." We tried it two more times and it was significantly better.

"Hey. That works great," Justin smiled.

"Yep. Now try it with keeping the counting to yourself."

I took a few tries, but he got through it. He played through it a few more times and I increased the tempo a bit on each try.

"Is the piano lesson over yet?" Michael asked.

"Really. It's getting old listening to the same piece played over and over," Charlie agreed.

"Yea, we're done. My fingers are getting tired. Thanks for the lesson, Jonah."

"You're welcome. Who's ready for dinner?"

"Let's go out for pizza," Charlie said.

We all looked at him.


"We had pizza for lunch yesterday," Justin said.

"That was yesterday."

"I never thought I'd say it, but I'm sick of pizza," Justin said.

"You should be too, Charlie. Remember that you're gonna move here. You don't need to hoard it," Michael said.

"Fine. Who has a better solution?" Charlie sighed.

"We need to go grocery shopping yet tonight, so we could just make something after we get back," I offered.

"How about you make some of your grilled cheese sandwiches?" Michael asked me.

"I can do that. Sound good to everyone?"

"That's it? Just grilled cheese sandwiches?" Justin said.

"We can make some soup to go with it as well," I said.

"His grilled cheese sandwiches are really big, J," Charlie said.

"Okay. As long as we have soup, too. I'm really hungry," Justin said.

"You won't be able to eat more than one," Michael smiled.

"Where's Danny?" Charlie asked.

"I don't know," I answered.

"He was gone when we got back with the keyboard," Michael added.

"Let's get going," I said.

We all walked down to the grocery and got back an hour later. Danny was home and sitting on the sofa reading.

"Hey, guys," Danny said as we walked in.

"Hey. You're back just in time for dinner," Justin said.

"I already ate."

"Where were you all day?" Charlie asked.

"I had some errands to run," Danny said like he was doing something he didn't want us to know about and went back to reading.

We went into the kitchen to put stuff away.

"You believe him?" Michael whispered to me.

"Nope. You want to beat it out of him, or just ask him in private?" I said.

"We'll try the asking first, and then beat it out of him if he doesn't comply," Michael smiled.

"What are you guys whispering about?" Justin asked.

"If we wanted you to know we wouldn't be whispering," I said.


"You are what you eat," I smirked.

"God! I hate you guys. I can't say anything without you agreeing or turning it around to be a good thing," Justin sighed.

"You'll just have to think of comments that don't imply we're gay, because we are. It's not really a put down to call us what we are. Even so, it's not like anything a diva boy-band singer says is gonna hurt my feelings," Michael smiled.

"I am not a diva."

"Sorry. Diva wanna be," Michael corrected.

"Do I act like a diva?" Justin asked Charlie.

"Occasionally," Charlie said.

"See if you get any tonight," Justin pouted.

"You're not that bad most of the time, Justin. You just have an over-active ego at times," I said.

"There's nothing wrong with knowing what you're good at and admitting that. I think I do pretty well with separating myself from my publicity machine. I'd like to see how you'd react to millions of people hanging off your every move."

"No thanks. I don't want that," I said.

"I understand, J. I wasn't putting you down. You just asked if you act like a diva, and you do sometimes," Charlie said.

"I don't want your popularity, either," Michael said.

"Well I have that popularity. It's not easy. I think I do a damn good job at trying to live as a normal person," Justin said a bit huffy.

"I was just teasing you, Justin," Michael said.

"I know, but it's something I work hard at avoiding."

"Maybe you should stop reading the stories about yourself," Michael teased with a grin.

"You're just jealous because there aren't any about you," Justin shot back.

"There are a few. I just don't do as many interviews as you do," Michael said.

"No, not articles. Stories. Fan fiction stories."

"I have a couple fan web sites."

"How many?"

"I saw two of them the last time I looked -- which was at least a year ago."

"I've got a couple thousand, and hundreds of stories written about me," Justin smiled.

"Maybe you just don't know about the stories about me because you're too busy reading about yourself?"

"Maybe, but I usually don't read the sites about me or 'NSYNC. I just check out a few story sites that Lance showed me. I haven't seen a single one about you."

"Not even one?"


"Show me those sites. There must be at least one about me," Michael said and pulled Justin into the living room.

"Need a hand," Charlie asked.

"Yea. It appears my boyfriend is more worried about his popularity than dinner."

"He's just trying to prove J wrong. They have a strange relationship. I think they're each kinda jealous of the other."

"What do they have to be jealous of each other for?"

"I think J is jealous of the fact that Michael has found his soul mate and is able to live with him, and that he has a career in the industry, but is still able to go out without being mobbed. I think Michael is jealous of the attention Justin gets just for being Justin."

"Michael has told me, himself, that he's not interested in fame."

"Bollocks. He wouldn't be in this business if he wasn't interested in fame. Fame is part of the business. Even I want it. I just don't want to be burned by it."

"Moth in the fire?"

"Yea. Brilliant analogy. Exactly like a moth being attracted to fire."

Danny walked in to get a glass of water.

"Those two are arguing about finding gay stories written about them," Danny said as he walked in.

"I know. So what were you really doing today?" I asked.

"I'll talk to you later about it. What was the deal this morning?"

"What deal?"

"Doors slamming. Hushed voices. Banging around, and then you and Michael walking out of Charlie and Justin's room with no clothes."

"Group sex," Charlie said.

"Yea right. Why the angry banging around, then?"

"Angry group sex," I said.

"How about the truth."

"What do you think was happening?" I asked.

"I have no idea."

"It was really nothing. Just Michael teasing Justin," Charlie said.

"Just that? Then why were all of you naked?"

"Because we'd just gotten up. You know how Michael gets when he has a plan. He just has to do it right away," I said.

"I'll get it out of you eventually," Danny smiled and went back to the living room.

"Can you believe there's not a single story about me?" Michael asked as he came back in to the kitchen.

"I told you," Justin smirked.

"I'll write one and put it up there," I said.

"It doesn't mean anything if it comes from my boyfriend."

"Maybe everyone just thinks you're the cute boyfriend type and not the slutty fantasy story type."

"Yea, that must be it."

"Hey," Justin said. "I'm not the slutty type."

"All right. That's enough. It's time to eat," Charlie said.

We had dinner. Afterwards, Charlie and I relaxed in front of the TV while Michael and Justin cleaned up.

"Can we take a walk, Jonah?" Danny asked.

"Yea, sure." I told Michael we were going for a walk and we left.

We walked about a block with nothing being said.

"So. I'm assuming this is about where you were earlier," I said.


"Which was?"

"With Paul."

I stopped at looked at him. "You mean you met Paul and talked, or you were WITH Paul?"

"We just talked."

"Good, or you were gonna get that ass kicking I promised. So why'd you meet Paul and why do you want to keep it secret?"

"We just needed to talk...about things that happened in the past..."


"And we talked and sorted some things out. He still wants me back, even though I told him I'm with someone else."

"Are you having second thoughts about Lance?"

"Not at all. I love Lance. It's just that I still care about Paul."

"There's nothing wrong with still caring about him."

"I know, but Lance is really insecure about it."

"Is there any reason he should be?"

"No. I'm not gonna get back with Paul, even if I wasn't seeing Lance. I told both of them that."

We walked along in silence for a block or so.

"Thanks for listening. I just needed to talk with someone about it."

"Okay. I really didn't do anything other than listen."

"And that just what I needed. Please don't tell Justin about this."

"If there's nothing for Lance to worry about, then you should just tell him you talked with Paul."

"I don't want to upset him about it."

"He'd be more upset if he found out later on his own."

"He's not gonna find out."

"You can't be sure of that. The truth has a way of revealing itself when you don't want it to."

"Maybe. It's just gonna make him feel bad and I don't want that. How do you think Michael would feel if you two were in the same situation?"

"He'd want me to tell him I'd met my ex. Which is scarier? The known, or the unknown?"

"Yea, but I know he's gonna be upset."

"Then let him be upset and get over it. I'm gonna tell you something, but you need to keep it to yourself."


"I'm serious. Don't let on that you know about it, or tell Lance."

"I promise. What is it?"

"The reason we were in Charlie and Justin's room this morning."


"Basically, Justin and I fell asleep on the sofa. Mistaken identity and all that and Justin gave me a blow job."

"He what?!" Danny laughed.

"You heard me. We were both really freaked out about it, but I knew I had to tell Michael about it. If I'd kept it a secret, I'd feel really awkward around Justin and Michael would suspect something was up. If he found out, he'd think it meant more than it did -- which was nothing -- because I didn't tell him about it right away."

"You told Michael that Justin gave you head?"

"Yea. As soon as we woke up this morning."

"I'm surprised Justin is still alive."

"Michael's a great boyfriend and, while not very happy about it, understood what had happened. I think he just needed to scare Justin to get it out of his system."

"Don't you feel guilty about it?"

"I wish it had never happened, but I don't think guilty is the correct word for it. If I'd been awake and consciously let him, then I'd feel guilty."

"I can understand why you don't want anyone to know."

"Yea, so forget you know about it. The point was, though, that it was something difficult and I knew it would probably upset Michael, but I had to tell him."

"I know. Communication is the most important part of a relationship."

"Knowing is the easy part. Doing is the hard part."

"I really know that," Danny chuckled and unlocked the entry door.

"So are you going to tell Lance you met with Paul today?"

"I guess I don't have much of a choice, do I?"

"Not if you love him."

"I do."

Michael was asleep on the sofa with a book against his chest. Charlie and Justin were probably in their bedroom.

"I guess we're going to bed. Night," I said to Danny and woke Michael up enough to get him to bed and undressed.

We started doing run throughs this week and putting everything together. It wasn't pretty and brought out all the problems. We spent a lot of time fixing things. On top of that, the set was mostly done, so the cast was getting used to it as well.

Lance's flight got in early Friday morning so he could be at rehearsal. I drove Danny, who was mostly sleepwalking, to pick him up from the airport. After picking Lance up we dropped Danny off at work -- he'd switched hours with someone so we could leave early to go camping. Lance and I were home before 9AM.

The door buzzer went off.

"You expecting anyone?" I asked Lance.


I went to the door buzzer and pressed the button. "Yea?"

"It's Josh. Buzz me in," came the voice though the speaker.

I buzzed him in and opened the door. Lance came out from the kitchen.

"Who is it?" Lance asked.


"JC Josh?"


"Hey, guys," Josh said as he walked through the door.

"Hey, Josh. What are you doing here?" Lance asked, a bit confused.

"Good to see you too, Scoop."

"No, that's not what I meant. I'm just surprised. You never said anything about coming," Lance explained and gave Josh a hug.

"Would you have wanted me to if I said I was?" Josh questioned.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. I'm sorry. It's just that Justin has been avoiding me and acting really weird, even for him. I wanted to see what was up."

"Oh," Lance said softly.

"So what's up with him? Why's he been avoiding me?"

"I don't know. You'll have to talk with him."

"I've tried, but he keeps saying he has to go and hangs up. He's not gonna be able to do that now. He still in bed?"

"Uh, yea. Why don't you go get a cup of coffee and I'll wake him up," I said quickly.

"That's alright. I can wake him up. Which room is he in."

"No, Josh. Let's go have some coffee," Lance said and pushed Josh into the kitchen as he gave me a concerned look.

I went straight to Charlie and Justin's room. They were naked on top of the covers and spooned together. It's a damn good thing Josh didn't walk in to wake him. I sat down on the bed and pulled the sheet over them before waking Justin.

"Justin," I said as I shook his arm.

He grunted and pulled Charlie's arm tighter around him.

I tried again. "Justin. You REALLY need to get up now."

"Why?" He groaned.

"Because Josh is here and wants to talk to you."

"WHAT!" Justin yelled and jumped up, hitting his head on the top bunk. "Fuck!" I stood up out of the way and he fell on the floor as he scrambled for his clothes.

"You've gotta chill, Justin. Lance has him tied up in the kitchen right now," I said.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Justin grumbled.

"What's happening?" Charlie moaned as he sat up in bed.

"Josh is here," I stated.

"And?" Charlie asked a bit confused.

"And he doesn't know about you and me," Justin said like it should be obvious.

"So we'll just tell him. Why are you so nervous?"

"What the fuck is wrong with these pants?" Justin said.

I put my hands on both of his shoulders and stopped him for a moment. "Justin! Relax. Okay? You can tell him when and what you want, but if you go running in there like a psycho, he's gonna know something is up."

Justin stopped and Charlie stood up and wrapped his arms around him from behind.

"And there's nothing wrong with the pants, except they're mine and you have them on backwards," Charlie said softly as he held Justin.

Justin let the pants fall to the floor and held Charlie's arms around him.

"Can you give us a minute?" Charlie asked.

"I'd love to, but if I go out there alone, Josh is gonna try to come wake Justin up himself."

"I'd better get dressed," Justin said as he slowly pulled away from Charlie.

"You may want to turn your boxers around as well," I smiled.

"Damn. I feel like such a spaz," Justin mumbled as he dropped his boxers and turned them around before pulling on his own pants the correct way. "You know, it's so stupid that this should even be a concern. I mean, why should I even have to say anything. It's my life."

"I thought Josh was your friend," I said.

"He is."

"And you'd ask him about any girl he was dating, right?" I continued.

"Of course, but that's not what I meant. I meant it's stupid for me to even be concerned about how he will react to me being with Charlie. I know he doesn't have any problem with Lance, so he shouldn't have any problem with me."

"Do you want me to go out with you, or stay in here?" Charlie asked.

"Don't you mean 'come out?'" Justin said with a forced smile.

"Do you?"

"Um, yea, but put some clothes on first," Justin said and handed Charlie his boxers from the floor.

"Of course. I wasn't planning on exposing myself to him," Charlie grinned.

"Okay. I'm ready. Do I look okay? Nothing on backwards or anything?" Justin asked.

"You look great, J," Charlie smiled.

"Thanks. I'm gonna go to the bathroom and then we'll be in the kitchen. Just come on in," Justin said and gave Charlie a quick kiss before ushering me out of the room and running to the bathroom.

I walked into the kitchen. Both heads turned to look at me.

"He up?" Josh asked.

"Yep. He's in the bathroom. You know how hard he is to wake up," I joked.

"Yea," Josh said and eyed me suspiciously.

"I'm gonna make some more coffee," I said and busied myself.

Justin walked in a minute later. "Hey, Josh. Miss me so bad you had to come see me?" Justin tried to joke as he gave him a hug.

"Something like that. You've been..." Josh started.

"Is there any coffee left?" Justin interrupted.

"I'm making some now," I said.


"Anyway. You've been avoiding me, Justin. I want to know why."

"You're cracked. I haven't been avoiding you. We've been in different parts of the country," Justin tried.

"And you've only called me once to say you're staying here the rest of the month. And when I call, you say you have to go and hang up as quickly as you can. I'm not an idiot and I'm not making this up. I know you too well. What's up?"

"Morning, everybody," Charlie said as he walked into the kitchen.

It got real quiet for a minute.

I spoke up. "Josh. I don't think you've met Charlie. He's one of the leads in my show."

"Nice to finally meet you, Josh," Charlie said and held out his hand.

"You too," Josh said.

It got quiet again.

"Is the coffee ready yet?" Justin asked.

"Not yet."

"So. What brings you up to New York, Josh?" Charlie asked.

"Just checkin' up on my best friend," Josh said and emphasized the last two words with a look towards Justin.

"Don't we need to be getting to the theater early today, Jonah?" Lance said and shot me a pleading look.

"No! You don't!" Justin yelled. "Um, I mean...Uh, I thought that was Monday..."

"Yea, I think you're right," I said and shrugged to Lance.

It got quiet again. The only sound was the city outside, Lance's laptop, and the coffee pot.

"Coffee's done," I announced.

"Thank god," Charlie said and came over to get a cup.

"Um, Charlie. Not to be rude, but could you excuse us for a few minutes?" Josh asked.

"There's no need. You can say anything in front of him," Justin said.

"Okay... Then tell me. What's up?"

"Um...I'm not sure how to say it," Justin stalled.

"Just say it."

Justin took a deep breath like he was going to say it, and then let it out. And then another deep breath and started, and then let it out.

Charlie gave Justin his coffee and Justin took a sip as Charlie sat down.

"I'm waiting," Josh said.

Justin studied his coffee cup and softly said, "Charlie and I are together."


"I said, Charlie and I are together," Justin said a bit louder and turned to see Josh's reaction.

"I don't understand. So you're gay now?"

"No. Bi, maybe."

"A little bit more than maybe if you're dating a guy," Josh said a bit sarcastically.

Justin flinched.

"Josh," Lance said.

"Sorry. What I mean is, you're obviously not straight if you're dating a guy, by definition. I don't have a problem with you being bi, Just, if that's what you were worried about. I am upset, though, that you felt you had to hide it from me. We've been best friends for years and you never said anything or even hinted that you liked guys too."

"'Cause I don't like guys. I like Charlie," Justin said and took Charlie's hand in his.

"Thanks a lot," Charlie smiled.

"You know what I mean. I like you for you and that's opened me up to the other things. I don't check out other guys," Justin said softly to Charlie and gave him a kiss.

"Woah. That's weird to see," Josh laughed.

Michael stumbled in sleepily. He looked at the crowd at the table, and continued to me as I poured him a cup of coffee.

"What's going on?" Michael asked after he'd taken a sip of his coffee.

"Just my coming out party," Justin smirked.

"Another one? You're milking this for all the attention you can get, aren't you?" Michael teased.

"You know it," Justin shot back.

"So are you guys in love?" Josh asked.

"We haven't known each other long enough to be in love, but I'd say I'm in serious like," Justin answered and looked to Charlie.

"That sounds like a good way to put it," Charlie said.

"Okay... So how's the show coming?" Josh asked.

"We have a run through today if you want to watch," I said.

"And we're going camping this weekend," Justin said. "You can come, if you want."

"Actually, I'm on the way to visit my folks. What time will the run through be over?"

"Rehearsal ends today at four."

"Okay. I'll watch it and then hit the road."

"You'd rather go see your folks than go camping?" Justin questioned.

"They're expecting me, and my mom's birthday is tomorrow."

"Okay. I guess you can't miss that. Tell her I said happy birthday."

"I will. So, sorry if I'm being intrusive, but I'm still trying to understand this. How is it that you don't like other guys, and haven't in the past, but like Charlie?" Josh asked.

"Because I'm a sexy bitch," Charlie said while making a goofy face.

"God, you're a dork sometimes," Justin laughed.

"I wouldn't want you to be the lone dork here," Charlie countered.

"I don't think we have to worry about that," Justin smiled and shot Michael a look.

"Afraid of a little competition," Michael smirked.

"I'm hardly competition for you."

"In more ways than one."

"Are you gonna answer the question, Justin?" Josh prodded.

"What? Oh. I don't know. It just happened. Timing. I don't know."

"Okay... Well, don't let me interrupt anything. I'm sure everyone has to get ready."

"Let's go take our shower," I said to Michael and pulled him to the bathroom.

We took our shower and got dressed. Charlie and Justin got in after us.

"I told you I don't know, Josh. He was just as confused by it as you are," Lance said as I walked into the kitchen.

"This is too weird," Josh sighed and slouched back in his chair.

"What's weird, Josh?" I asked.

"Just that Justin would have no attraction to guys whatsoever until he met Charlie."

"Charlie didn't force anything on him, if that's what you're thinking."

"No, I didn't think that. They wouldn't still be together if he forced him."

"Maybe he's had those thoughts before, but repressed or ignored them. Sometimes it just takes the right person."

"I guess."

"Have you never looked at a guy and noticed he's hot? Maybe even wondered what he looked like naked, or how he'd be in bed?" I asked.

"I can notice when a guy is good looking, but I don't fantasize about him in bed."

"You never wondered what that guy looked like naked? Even just as a quick passing thought?"

"Well, yea, sometimes, but it's nothing sexual. It's more like sizing up the competition."

"Okay. Well, imagine you've had those passing thoughts, and then meet a guy who you think is attractive, and you know he's attracted to you and bisexual."

"Doesn't mean anything. I'm not into guys."

"Never tried it at all? Even when you were younger?"

"Of course. I had the normal experimentation growing up, but it never extended to full out sex, and as soon as I discovered girls..." Josh smiled.

"Then think of this as Justin's experimenting, if it makes more sense to you that way. Who knows if their relationship will last, or if Justin will ever date another guy. Just let it be what it is."

"I intend to. I'm just trying to understand what it is."

"And so are Justin and Charlie. Ultimately, it's only important for them to understand what their relationship is."

"It's hard enough having feelings that society condemns you for without having your best friend questioning the validity of your feelings," Lance said.

"Have you talked with your parents since the blow out?" Josh asked Lance.

"No," Lance said softly. "I've talked with Stace, though. She said they removed all my pictures from the house and refuse to even say my name."

"I'm sorry, man," Josh said put his hand on Lance's shoulder.

"So am I," Lance sighed, and his eyes got glassy, but he didn't start crying.

"Everyone ready to go?" Justin asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Yea. Let's go," Lance said softly and got up.

"What's wrong?" Justin asked.

"Just thinking about my parents...or rather the people who used to be my parents," Lance said and left the kitchen.

"I wish there was some way we could knock some sense into them," Justin mumbled and left as well.

"I'm guessing it's never boring around here," Josh chuckled as he stood up.

"Not very often," I agreed.

Josh drove us to the theater since he was going to be leaving from there and had driven. We had an hour of warm ups and such before we started the run through at one. I asked Josh to take notes. The run through was still a little choppy. It ran at about 2.5 hours. I talked with Josh to get his thoughts while Lance and Justin gave their notes to the cast. After that, Josh left and I spent the next 45 minutes giving my notes. We were getting closer so I was getting more picky. I finally let them go at 4:45.

"I didn't think they were that bad," Justin said as we were walking out.

"They weren't that bad," I replied.

"Then why so many notes?"

"They weren't that good, either. I give notes so they know what to fix."

"I know, but some of that stuff was just picky. I didn't even notice it."

"'Cause you're not the director. God is in the details, my boy," I smiled.

Justin rolled his eyes.

"I think you were pretty light on us," Michael said.

"Yea, it did seem kinda choppy," Charlie agreed.

"It was. Wait until dress rehearsals next week. I'll be at peak picky."

"What did Josh think of it?" Charlie asked.

"He thought you were a sexy bitch and understands why Justin is doin' you," I smirked.

"Of course, but what about the play," he smiled.

"He didn't actually say that, did he?" Justin asked.

"Yea, and something about a threesome," I teased.

"If you're not joking, I'm gonna be sick," Justin laughed.

"Okay, I'm joking. He liked the show. I need to think about his comments more before I tell you anything else."

"Why not just tell them?" Justin said.

"Because I'm the director, not Josh. I don't want them making a decision based on Josh's impression unless I think they should. And even then, I'll explain it the way I want."

"Being a bit of a control freak, aren't you?" Justin teased.

"The director is the director. It's not about being a control freak."

"It's pretty standard, Justin," Michael said.


"That all comments get filtered through the director."

"Yea, I guess. So where are we going camping?"

"Upstate," Michael answered.

"Yea, I guessed. Where?"

"At a campground," Michael answered.

"Obviously. A campground where?"

"In the woods by a lake."

"And the name of the campground would be..."

"The same as the place we're going," Michael smirked.

"You suck."



"I suck too," I smirked.

"I should have known better than to try to get a STRAIGHT answer out of either of you."

"But strangely enough you still try," Michael laughed.

We caught the train home and had dinner ready by the time Danny got home. After dinner we packed up my car and headed out. It was kinda cramped in the back seat with Danny, Lance, Charlie and Justin.

"We should have rented a larger car," Justin whined.

"We can strap you to the roof if you want," Michael said.

"Why is it you get the front seat? Just because you're sleeping with the driver?"

"Yep. Don't complain. You have your man right beside you. You could even sit on his lap," Michael said and wagged his eye brows.

"You're right," Justin said and hopped up on Charlie's lap, stretching his legs across Danny and Lance.

"Get you legs off us, boy. It's too hot for that," Danny said and pushed Justin's legs off them.

"I'll turn the air up," I said and flipped it to high.

"Are we there yet?" Justin asked after five minutes.

"Not yet," I said.

"Are we there yet?" Justin asked after another five minutes.

"Not yet."

"Are we there yet?" Justin asked after another five minutes.

I pulled over to the side of the road. "Yep. We're there. Get on out, Justin, and find us a camp site."

"Very funny," Justin deadpanned while everyone else smiled.

"Funnier than your 'are we there yet.'"

"Well, since I don't know where we're going, I want to make sure I know when we're there."

"Can you get a CD, Michael?" I asked.

"Yea, sure. What do you want to hear?" He said and picked up the CD case.

"Put in Dylan's 'Highway 61 Revisited.' We're gonna have a sing along to keep the kid occupied," I smiled and shot Justin a look through the rear view mirror. He stuck his tongue out at me and Charlie grabbed it with his fingers.

Michael put in the CD and turned it up. "Like a Rolling Stone," came blaring through the speakers. A great thing about Dylan is that even if you don't know the words, it doesn't matter. Bob mumbles most of the lyrics anyway. It was fun as everyone sang along at the top of their voices. When the CD was over, Michael put in Pavement's "Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain." It was a nice change of pace, but only Michael and I knew the words. The last CD he put in was Travel's "Opus Oil Slick # Same Said." I'm the only one who had heard Travel before, but everyone liked it and Justin gave it a "crazy cool." The last song was starting as we pulled into the campground and the sun was almost set.

"We're here. I'll go check us in," Michael said and went into the office.

Danny was asleep on Lance's shoulder and Charlie and Justin were barely awake. Lance was reading.

Michael came back a few minutes later and hopped back in.

"We're all set."

"Which way to the camp site?" I asked.

"We wanna be by the lake, right?"


"Then, uh, right," Michael said as he looked at the little map. "If we follow that about an inch -- which is...a half-mile -- we should be at the lake. The road runs around it and the tent grounds are on the far side."

I slowly drove along the pitted gravel road until we got to the tent grounds. We were the only ones there, which kinda surprised me. The camper area had quite a few campers, but the tent area was only us. I parked at the last tent lot. The area was nice and heavily wooded. The lake was about fifty yards away.

We got out, stretched, and made our rounds to the bathrooms a hundred yards away. It also had a shower area that was a 10'x10' room with four shower heads.

"We'd better get the tent set up and a fire going before it's totally dark," I said.

"We'll go find firewood," Justin offered.

Michael and I set up the tent -- which took all of five minutes -- while Danny and Lance unpacked the car and got everyone a beer. Justin and Charlie came back a few minutes later with a couple logs.

"That's all you got?" Lance asked.

"We only need it for tonight. This is plenty for that," Justin said.

"Yea, but we can't start a fire with that. We need some kindling too. I know you've been camping before," Lance said like it should be obvious.

"Yea, okay. Let's go get some kindling," Justin sighed and disappeared back into the woods with Charlie.

"Bug spray?" Danny asked Lance.

"Yea, thanks," Lance said and held out his arms and closed his eyes as Danny sprayed him. They reversed and then sprayed me and Michael.

Charlie and Justin came back with an armful of kindling each and dumped it before stepping in line to be misquito proofed.

We sat on the picnic table and drank our beer as Lance started the fire. He had a nice blaze going after a few minutes. The sun had completely set and the not quite full moon was giving a pale glow over everything. It was still quite warm out, though.

"You wanna go check out the lake?" I asked Michael.

"Sure," Michael said and went to grab some towels. "Maybe we'll go skinny dipping," he whispered in my ear as we walked off. Charlie and Justin were right behind us. Lance and Danny stayed with the fire.

The moon reflecting off the large lake was beautiful, and the water was a calm sheet of glass. Even the campers across the lake with their tacky colored lanterns looked nice as the light also reflected across the lake.

Michael set the towels down on a rock and we took off our shoes. We carefully waded along the sandy shore. The water was perfect.

"There's a diving platform. See it?" Michael asked.

I looked around and finally saw it. "Yep. Wanna swim out to it?"


We waded back to shore and started getting undressed. Charlie and Justin were sitting on the shore.

"How's the water?" Charlie asked.

"Perfect. We're gonna swim out to the diving platform," I said.

"You're going skinny dipping?" Justin asked.


"Cool," Justin said and started taking off his shirt.

Michael and I waded back into the water and continued walking towards the platform as the water got deeper and deeper. I looked back to make sure I could see the fire so I knew which direction shore was. I knew this from experience. Joey and I had gone skinny dipping in a lake and when we swam back to shore we were about two-hundred yards from where we'd gotten in. It took us forever to find where we left our clothes so we could go back to camp. Anyway, the water was now chest high and we started swimming the fifty yards or so to the platform.

"Whoa. There's a cold spot," Michael laughed.

"Yea. I've hit a few myself. It's better than hitting a warm spot."


"I agree."

We reached the platform and climbed up. The water was too deep to easily touch bottom. We sat on the edge with our feet in the water and could hear Justin and Charlie swimming towards us.

"This is so nice," Michael sighed as he wrapped his arm around me.

"Uh, huh. You know what would be really cool?"


"This," I said and pulled him into a kiss.

"Yea, that was pretty cool. How about this?" Michael said as the kiss ended, and then pushed me down and straddled my waist as he kissed me again.

"Get a room," Justin said as he pulled himself up onto the platform.

I flipped him the bird and continued making out with Michael. Right now nothing was more important than making out with Michael on a platform in the middle of a lake.

"Looks like a pretty good idea to me," Charlie said.

"Not in front of them," Justin protested.

"It's dark out. Besides, it's not anything they haven't heard, or we haven't heard," Charlie coaxed.

"True... It is kinda exciting...you know, to be making out in the open."

It got quiet, so I assume they were doing what Michael and I were doing. I really didn't care, though. After a few minutes of this, we were both erect and ready for more.

"Wanna do it in the water?" I whispered to Michael as we parted for a short break.

"Walking the dog?"

"No. The other thing."

"Now what other thing would that be?" Michael smiled.

"I'll show you," I said and rolled Michael off me.

We got down into the water on the side opposite Charlie and Justin.

"Hold onto the ladder and stay right here," I said and took a deep breath before going under water. I grabbed Michael's erection and tried to suck him underwater. It didn't work very well and I choked on the water and came to the surface coughing. "Didn't quite work the way I planned."

"How about this?" Michael said and guided me so my legs were hooked on the ladder and my crotch in his face. I floated with my feet hooked on the ladder and, and he held my upper body up with his hands under my lower back. He made sure I was floating okay before going down on me. Man, what a feeling.

"That's incredible," I whispered. It only took a few minutes before I came. I did the same for Michael.

We went to climb back up on the platform, but I stopped as I saw Charlie and Justin in a 69 on the deck.

"Uh, we're gonna swim back to shore, guys. Remember to look for the fire to find your way back," I said and sank back into the water.

"What are they doing?" Michael asked and stepped up to look, and then back down. "Yea, we'd better go back in."

We swam back to shore and went to grab our towels to dry off. They were gone.

"This is the right spot, right?" Michael asked.

"Yea. Our clothes are gone, too. I guess Danny and Lance think they're being funny."

"It is kinda lame. If the campground was full, then it would be funny," Michael smiled.

"Let's go give them their show," I said and we walked up to our campsite. Danny and Lance were sitting beside the fire, smiling.

"How was the lake?" Danny smirked.

"It was great. The taking our clothes thing doesn't really bother me, but if I get a misquito bite on my dick, you're both sleeping outside," I said.

"I know it was a bit 8th grade, but it really was too easy," Lance smiled. "We had to do it."

"Here," Michael said and threw me a towel.

We dried off, put our clothes back on, and sat in front of the fire.

"Y'all are dicks!" We heard Justin yell from the lake, and had to laugh.

"Now that's the reaction we were after," Lance laughed.

A minute later Justin came stomping up. "Just you wait, Michael," he huffed. Charlie was a few steps behind him.

"What?! I didn't do it. It was Danny and Lance. They took our clothes too," Michael protested.

"You did that to me, Scoop?" Justin said in a hurt voice.

"Yep," Lance answered proudly.

"I never thought you had it in you. Good one," Justin smiled.

"Wait a minute. When you thought I did it you were ready to kill, but since Lance did it you give him a pat on the back and say good job?" Michael said.

"Well, yea," Justin said like it was obvious. "I'd never expect it from Scoop. As soon as you do something I'd never expect you to do, I'll congratulate you as well."

"I'll work on it," Michael mumbled and I could practically see the gears spinning.

"Good luck, 'cause I'd expect you to do just about anything," Justin challenged.

"You guys should take a swim. There's a platform in the lake where you can...experience nature," Charlie suggested with a grin.

"You guys had sex in the open?" Lance asked with a look of shock on his face.

"Yea, but it's dark out, so it's not like anyone could see us," Justin said.

"You want to?" Danny smiled at Lance and gave him a nudge.

"I don't know," Lance said hesitantly, and then smiled.

"We'll be back," Danny said and pulled Lance up. They soon disappeared into the darkness.

"They'll probably be expecting it, but I should go take their clothes," Justin said.

"Just for fairness?" I asked.

"Yep," he smiled and slowly walked in the same direction as Danny and Lance had gone. Charlie stayed by the fire.

We sat there and watched the fire. Entranced by it, actually. The calm was broken a few minutes later when Justin walked back up and dropped Danny and Lance's clothes on the picnic table.

"That's done," Justin said like it was a chore and sat back down beside Charlie.

A truck pulled up to our spot a few minutes later. It was the ranger, or whatever you'd call the ranger in a privately owned campground. We all separated to 'straight' levels of closeness. The overweight ranger didn't get out of his truck and flashed over us with a very bright flashlight.

"Evening, boys," he said in a thick New England accent.

"Evening. Is there a problem?" I said and walked over to him -- hoping that way I wouldn't be blinded by his flashlight.

"You boys know there's no swimming after dark?"

"No, we didn't know that. We got here just before dark."

"Read your rulebooklet. I'll let it go this time."

"Thank you."

"We do have those rules for a reason. We've had people get lost on the lake at night and drown. Not a pretty sight to pull a body from the lake."

"I don't imagine it is. Is there anything else?"

"Just to keep the noise down. We had a complaint of someone yelling earlier."


"Is this all of you?"

"No. Two of our friends are down at the lake."

The man turned his spotlight like flashlight towards the lake and scanned the shore. Danny and Lance were nowhere in sight. The man grabbed a bullhorn off his passenger seat. "There is no swimming after dark. Please get out of the water." It echoed throughout the park. He kept scanning with the flashlight until he found them coming in to shore.

"Okay. Is that all of you? No one going to the water later?"

"That's it and we won't be going to the lake 'till sunrise," I said.

"Okay. I don't want to have to come back out here tonight."

"We don't want that either," I said and tried not to sound sarcastic.

"Enjoy your stay," he said and pulled away.

Once he was gone, Danny and Lance walked up. Justin was rolling with laughter.

"Real funny, Justin. What if he'd dragged us off like this?" Lance admonished with a serious look. Well, as serious as he could look standing in front of a fire naked.

It only caused all of us to start laughing.

Lance just sighed and took the towel Danny handed him.

"So how was the water?" I asked.

They both grinned.

We sat quietly watching the fire go down. When it was just coals, I sleepily stood up and stretched.

"Ready for bed?" I asked Michael.

"Yea," Michael yawned and stood up.

We grabbed our toiletries bag and a flashlight and headed off to the bathroom building to brush our teeth. The others were right behind us.

"This ought to be interesting," Michael smiled as we climbed into the tent.

"What's that?"

"The six of us in here tonight."

"Don't even go there."

"I'm just sayin'..."

"Yea, I know. You can sleep next to Justin."

"Why me? You're the one he wants," Michael teased.

"Not funny."

The zipper opened and everyone else climbed in.

"I've got the outside," Danny said and quickly moved to the far side of the tent.

"I've got this side," I said before anyone else could try.

Shufflings in the dark as everyone stripped to their boxers and got situated. It wasn't too bad. If each couple stayed spooned up, there was about a half-person space between and on the ends. It's good Josh didn't join us. In order, it was Danny, Lance, Charlie, Justin, Michael and me. Lance was lying on his back, so everyone had to scoot back.

"Do you mind, Justin?" Michael said as Justin pushed back so he was spooned against him.

"Get over yourself. There's not that much room. Just don't try to fuck me."

"Then stop rubbing yourself on me, or something is gonna come up, whether I want it to or not."

"Will you two stop it," Danny said.

"I knew we should have left the kids at home," Lance signed and grinned.

"Who's your daddy?" Danny chuckled.

"I guess that makes you the momma, Scoop."

"I have it on good authority that he's a daddy, too," Danny said and gave Lance a kiss.

"So are you going to name your kids Bass-Roberts or Roberts-Bass?" Justin asked.

"It's too early to even think about that," Danny said.

"How about Bobs-Bass?" Justin smirked.

"Go to sleep, Curly. You're starting to get stupid," Lance said.

"Starting?" Michael said.

Justin elbowed him and Michael poked him in the ribs back.

It eventually calmed down and everyone drifted off to sleep. Lance was on his back with Danny wrapped around his chest. I was spooned to Michael, who was spooned to Justin, who was spooned to Charlie, who was against Lance's side.

I woke up early and was confused for a moment as to where I was. It was just starting to get light out. Michael was on his back and I was draped across one side. Justin was draped across his other side. I looked up to see Charlie spooned against Justin and Lance spooned against Danny facing the other way. No one else was awake yet and I was still tired. I moved Justin's arm so I could hold Michael instead of him and snuggled up to go back to sleep.

I woke again sometime later to the feeling of Michael trying to shift. He wasn't having much luck with me on one side of him and Justin on the other. I opened my eyes and he was smiling at me.

"Can you do something for me?" He whispered.

"Yea, sure. What?"

"Remove Justin's hand from by dick," Michael smiled.

"Why not do it yourself?" I teased.

"Because he's pressed against one arm and I can't move it, and you're on the other."

I looked up to see Michael's erection poking out the fly of his boxers and Justin's hand on the end of it over Michael's lower belly.

"I don't think so," I smiled and lay my head back down.

"So you want me to make a scene?" Michael threatened.

"Go for it," I smiled.

"Did I also mention that his erection is pressing into my hand?"

"Should make for a better scene," I smirked.

Michael shot me a frustrated look and I chuckled at him. I could feel him trying to move his right arm from under Justin. Justin pressed closer to him and clutched his erection.

"God, I hope he wakes up and doesn't cum all over my leg," Michael sighed.

"He's a heavy sleeper," I smiled.

Michael continued and Justin showed no signs of waking, but started thrusting his hips a little and clutching Michael's erection tighter. Before it went any further, I reached over started shaking Justin's shoulder.

"What?" He groaned.

"You mind taking your hand off my man's dick and stop humping his leg?" I leaned up and whispered into his ear.

Justin pulled back quickly and banged his head against Charlie's. Charlie groaned and rolled over against Lance.

"Sorry," Justin mumbled and rolled over against Charlie.

I rolled back and Michael sat up, rubbing his arms to get the feeling back in them.

"Another minute of that and we may have had a mess," Michael said quietly.

"I figured. That's why I stepped in. Just making you sweat," I teased.

"You've been hanging around me to long," Michael smirked. "Wanna go take a shower?"

"Yea," I said and put my shorts on.

We quietly unzipped the door and got out of the tent.

"Damn, it's cold," Michael said.

"It's still early. I hope the shower has hot water."

We grabbed our toiletries bag, some towels and clean clothes and walked down to the bathroom building. We were about half-way there when we heard Lance.

"Wait up," Lance called out.

We stopped and waited for him.

"Sleeping in, Lance? I expected you to be up and have breakfast made before anyone else woke up," I teased.

"It's still early, and we didn't bring anything to make for breakfast."

"There was a greasy spoon a few miles before the campground. We could probably eat breakfast there," Michael said.

We got to the bathroom building and went to the bathroom before going into the shower area. I turned on the hot water before getting undressed. There wasn't much water pressure, but it was hot. As soon as Lance turned on his shower, the pressure dropped even more so that it was barely a dribble. We shot each other a look, and then jumped as a loud pump turned on. The water pressure quickly came up to a hard spray. We showered and walked back to camp. Charlie was up and sitting on the picnic table smoking a cigarette.

"Do the showers have hot water?" Charlie asked.


"We're gonna go have breakfast soon at some place we passed on the way here," Michael said.

"Alright," Charlie said and went to get his toiletries and towel.

Lance climbed into the tent to wake Danny and Justin. Once everyone was up and showered we drove to the restaurant and had breakfast. It was pretty good and I had a large vegetable omelet.

The rest of the day was spent doing nothing in particular. We swam and lounged by the lake. Each of the couples took separate walks in the woods. A couple other people with tents showed up by early afternoon, but we never had any fan problems. Lunch and dinner were from the cooler of food we brought.

It got a bit cool once the sun went down and we had a pretty good blaze going. After a while in front of the fire, Michael and I went to bed.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked Michael as he flopped down in my spot.

"You can sleep next to Justin tonight," he smirked.

"Haven't we already learned that lesson?"

"So. Better you than me."

"Oh, I see how you are."

"Yep. Maybe you should have thought of that this morning when you wouldn't help me."

"I've got a better idea. Justin can sleep on the end."

"Perfect," Michael smiled and rolled over to the middle. I laid down beside him.

"You're in my spot," Justin said as he climbed into the tent.

"Your spot's been moved," I said and pointed to the end.


"Because you have wandering hands when you sleep," Michael said.

"Fuck you. I didn't mean to touch you. I'm sorry, already."

"I'm not saying you meant to do anything, but you tend to clutch onto the person beside you. If Charlie is the only one beside you, then no more embarrassing situations," Michael explained.

"Fine," Justin sighed and flopped down.

"Don't be all pouty," Charlie said as he lay down in his spot between me and Justin.

"I don't appreciate being treated like a sex offender," Justin pouted.

"You're not being treated like a sex offender. They're saving us all some embarrassment. Besides, I want you to hold only me," Charlie said and kissed Justin with a bit of passion. "Better?"

"Much," Justin smiled.

"Danny and Lance coming to bed?" I asked.

"I think they're just going to watch the fire for a while. They put another log on," Charlie said.

"Okay. Night."

Michael spooned against me. I spooned against Charlie, and Charlie spooned against Justin. It felt nice to be sandwiched and I soon fell asleep.

It got cold that night and I woke up freezing. I snuggled closer to Charlie and pulled Michael tight to me as I went back to sleep.

"It's freezing. Isn't it supposed to be summer?" Justin whined as we got up the next morning.

"Hot shower," I grunted as I pulled Michael out of the tent.

We all went to the showers together so we could take all of the shower heads and not have any strangers there. We broke camp and packed up the car before heading to breakfast. We'd head back after breakfast.

The restaurant was packed. Lots of families in their Sunday clothes having breakfast before or after church.

"Should we go in? Is there any place else close?" Justin asked as we noticed the crowds.

"Just the gas station," Danny said.

"Even if we have to wait for a table, it'll be quicker than driving for an hour until we get to another restaurant. They'll all probably be busy with the Sunday breakfast crowd," I said.

"It's not the waiting that concerns me. It's the kids," Justin said.

"They're all with their parents, so they should be less prone to riot. We've also got a getaway car," Michael said.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," Justin said with a frown.

We stepped in had to wait for a table. We got lots of looks, but nothing was said. We really did stick out -- six guys in shorts amidst families in their Sunday best. About ten minutes later we got a table and ordered. It was all going fine until a young girl, who's parents probably owned the place since she was working there bussing tables, came up to us. Lance and Justin looked the other way.

"Um, sorry to disturb you, but...um...weren't you on 'Dawson's Creek?'" She asked Michael.

Michael smiled broadly. "Yep. Used to be."

The girl's face brightened and she looked like she was going to wet herself. "I really, really liked you in that. I'm so upset they cut you out."

"Thank you. They didn't cut me out, though. I'm making movies now and going to school, so I didn't have time to do it anymore," Michael explained.

"Really? What movies?" The girl said excitedly.

Michael listed the couple films he'd done, and then mentioned in a hush-hush tone that she should keep an eye out for an upcoming film he was in with Matt Damon. She promised to keep it quiet, and then asked for his autograph.

During this, Justin sat there with a look of disbelief on his face. The girl had looked at him with no recognition at all. He seemed hurt.

As soon as she got the autograph she thanked him and ran back to the kitchen area squealing. Michael was grinning like an idiot.

"I can't believe she recognized you and didn't recognize me," Justin mumbled under his breath.

Michael laughed and we got up to pay and left.

"Maybe she didn't recognize you with the new hair," Lance said to Justin as we walked out to the car.

"Yea, that must be it."

"Why are you being all pouty. I thought you didn't want to be recognized," I said.

"I didn't, but if someone is going to be recognized, I'd have thought it would be me."

"We can drop you off in front of MTV when we get back, if you want to be recognized," Danny offered with a grin.

"No thanks. You're just eating this up, aren't you?" Justin said to Michael.

"Hey. It doesn't happen very often, so yea, I am eating it up," Michael smiled.

"And when he does get recognized, they think he's someone else," I teased.

"Don't even go there," Michael threatened.

"What? Who do you get mistaken for?" Justin asked.

"Nevermind," Michael said.

"No. I wanna know."

"Don't you dare," Michael threatened me.

"Why don't we go to the beach and read Rimbauld?" I smirked.


"That's all I'm saying."

"Nice way to tell without telling," Michael smiled.

"Thank you."

"Beach...? Beaches... They think you're Bette Midler?" Justin thought out and then teased.

"Yea, that's it," Michael said and rolled his eyes.

We made it back to the apartment by two and carried everything inside. The answering machine was flashing and Michael hit the play button.

"Mike, honey, it's Mom. Sorry to disturb you, but Dad had a heart attack last night. Friday night. Um, don't worry, he's doing okay. We know you're busy with the play and all. He's at County General right now. Doctor Petersen is probably going to let him go home on Monday. He's weak, but doing okay. It was just a mild heart attack. Um, call us when you can. Bye, honey. We love you," Michael's mother's voice came over the speaker.

"Damn it! I hate it when they do that!" He yelled.

"What?" I said, confused.

"They leave me out of important stuff because they think I'm too busy and they don't want to disturb or worry me. They have my cell number. What if he'd died?"

I wrapped my arms around Michael and held him for a few minutes. "Let's go to the hospital," I said.

I grabbed my keys and we were out the door again.

"You're gonna have to tell me where to go," I said as we got in the car.

"Yea, okay. Just go like we're going to their house for now," Michael said softly.

"You doing okay? For the circumstances?"

"I'll be okay. He's only fifty. He's not supposed to die yet."

"He didn't."

"Yea, but he could. Once someone has a heart attack, it only gets worse. It's like a sign of impending doom."

"Don't leave him for dead, yet. Gpa had his first heart attack before I was even born, and look how much longer he lived. At least twenty years."

"I'm not ready for this to start happening."


"For my parents to get sick and die."

"When would you be ready for it?" I questioned.

"Maybe when I'm 90," Michael said with a slight grin.

"Somehow, I don't think they'll live to be 120."

"Probably not. How did you deal with your parents dying? How old were you?"

"I was eight. As for dealing... I just did. I cried a lot. I was depressed and pissed off at the world for a while. I don't know. It just got easier after time. But you don't have to worry about that, yet."

"Hopefully," Michael sighed and held my hand as he lay back in his seat.

We got to the hospital an hour later and found which room his father was in. Both of his sisters were in the seating area just off the elevators. He went right up to them and they all hugged each other.

"How's he doing?" Michael asked.

"Okay. The doctor said it was just a mild one, but that he'd have to change his lifestyle and diet if he doesn't want another one," Ann answered.

"I am not ready for this to start happening," Ruth said.

"I was telling Jonah the same thing on the way here," Michael smiled.

"Oh, I didn't see you there, Jonah. Nice to see you again," Ann said and shook my hand.

"You, too," I said and shook Ruth's hand as well. I hadn't seen them since Christmas when I'd first met them.

"Where's Mom?" Michael asked.

"She's in with Dad."

"Okay. I'm gonna go see him now," Michael said and grabbed my hand as we walked down the hall to the room.

Michael slowly walked in first. His father was on a heart monitor, but didn't have tons of tubes running into him, so that was a good thing.

"Mike. It's about time you got around to seeing your decrepit father," his dad said with a bit of humor in his voice.

"We were camping. I came as soon as I got the message -- though I would have got it sooner if someone had called my cell phone," Michael said and shot his mother a look as he gave his dad a hug.

"Did you have fun camping?" His dad asked.

"Yea, it was nice. How are you doing?"

"Feeling better, and I've felt better. Hello, Jonah."

"Hello, sir. You know, they sell Jello in the store. You didn't have to come here to get it," I smiled.

He laughed at that and Michael shot me a grin. "It's just not the same."

They talked a bit about life and the show. I added a comment here and there, but mostly stayed quiet. Michael's mom was pretty quiet as well. She looked exhausted. Although she was trying to act like everything was fine, it was obvious she was scared she'd almost lost her husband.

His father tired out quickly and we left him to let him sleep.

"Thanks for coming, honey," Michael's mom said and gave him a hug as we closed the door.

"I hate it when you do that, Mom."

"What am I doing?"

"You think you're protecting me by keeping things from me, but you're not. You don't have to thank me for coming. He's my dad and I'd be here no matter what."

"I just didn't want to worry you."

"Mom. I'm twenty years old. I think that's old enough to be able to choose what I worry about. I'm not mad at you, but please don't leave me out again. I love both of you and you're more important than anything I may be busy with."

His mom just hugged him and cried.

"Now how are you doing?" He asked her once she pulled back and composed herself.

"As can be expected. The doctor gave me a list of what he should and shouldn't eat, exercise schedules, medication. This is going to be a big life change for your father and me."

"Do you have the diet list?" I asked.

"Yea," she answered, a bit confused.

"Can I have it?"

"Okay. Why?"

"We're gonna go shopping for you and get the house ready for you to come home tomorrow."

"You really don't have..."

"I know we don't have to, but it'll be one less thing for you to worry about tomorrow."

"Okay. Thank you," she said and gave me a hug.

"We'll be back later tonight," Michael said and gave her another hug.

We walked back to the seating area where his sisters were.

"We're gonna go to the house and get things cleaned up and groceries, if you want to join us," Michael said.

"I'll go with you," Ruth said.

"I'll stay with Mom," Ann said.

We got on the elevator. It was just Michael, me and Ruth.

Michael gave me a quick kiss. "I love you. You were great in there."

"I love you, too," I smiled and gave him a quick kiss back.

Ruth smiled a bit uncomfortably.

"Jeeze, sis. Relax," Michael laughed.

"I'm fine. I'm just not used to seeing my little brother kissing his boyfriend."

"It's not like you haven't known I'm gay for years."

"Yea, but Jonah is the first guy you've brought home. This is just the first time I've actually seen you being gay. It just takes some getting used to."

Michael kissed me again and held my hand as the elevator doors opened. We walked to my car and went straight to the grocery store. We split the list and Ruth went off in one direction while we went in another. We had enough food for at least two weeks and drove back to his parent's house.

I practically knew by heart what was good and what was bad. If it was in the pantry when I was growing up, then it was okay. Otherwise, it went in a bag. I cleared the shelves of chips, high fat snack foods and high salt canned goods. Michael pulled all the red meat out of the freezer and put it in a cooler. Once that was done we were able to put away the new groceries and clean the kitchen. Ruth was cleaning the house and had put in a load of laundry.

"So what are we going to do with all the junk food?" I asked.

"Let's go see if the neighbors want any of it. Otherwise we'll just throw it away."

"You don't want to take some of the meat home?"

"Um, no. I think I'm gonna try your diet for a while."

"It's not really a diet, it's just the way I eat. It's not like either of us are overweight."

"That's not what I mean. I mean I'm just gonna start trying to eat healthier. I don't want to be where my dad is in thirty years."

"Okay. You're gonna be begging me to go out for a hamburger in about a week," I smiled.

"Maybe. I take it you don't eat red meat because of your grandfather's heart attack."

"Kinda. We never had any of it in the house. Not a lot of junk food, either."

"When's the last time you had a nice, juicy steak?"

"I don't remember. I know I tried having a pizza with pepperoni when I was about 16. It made me sick."

"My dad is gonna be hatin' life for a while. He likes his steak and potatoes with lots of sour cream, and a beer."

"Not anymore. It's gonna be baked turkey breast, a baked potato with a small amount of real butter, steamed broccoli and a glass of juice."

"Yep. He's gonna be hating it. Let's head back and then go home."

Ruth said she'd see if the neighbors wanted any of the food and decided to stay there. We went back to the hospital and his dad was still sleeping. We stayed until nine and then drove home.

"How's your dad doing?" Lance asked as we walked into the apartment.

"Good, I think, for just having had a heart attack. They're letting him go home tomorrow."

We talked a little more as we made something for dinner and then went to bed. Dress rehearsals started tomorrow and we opened Friday. It was going to be a stressful week.

Comments welcome and encouraged. jm_stories@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 8

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