Just Together


Published on Sep 11, 2000


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It makes no claims to the true personality and sexuality of anyone involved. You already know if you shouldn't be reading this.

------------------ Just Together by jm_stories@yahoo.com ------------------

Chapter V Original post 11 Sep 2000 Revised 7 Feb 2002

Our trip was really great. I felt closer to Michael than ever before and perfectly relaxed. I'm glad he didn't let me bring my PowerBook.

We stayed with Charlie the three days we were in London. He was glad to have us around, but was stressed out because he had a stalker who kept calling him and had broken into his flat a few times. He drove us to the airport and said he'd see us in a few days.

The flight back was longer than the one there. We finally landed at JFK and were ushered through numerous hallways until we got to Customs. This was the first time I'd encountered US Customs. Now I understood what Charlie was talking about. They asked all sorts of stupid questions like: "Which high school did you go to?" and "What is your purpose for entering the United States?" Uh, hello?! I live here and how the hell would you know which high school I really went to? Anyway, we finally made it through.

"Danny did say he was gonna come pick us up in your car, right?" Michael asked as we looked around for Danny.

"Yea. I'll call and see where he is." I pulled out my phone and called home. "It's busy."

"Let's just catch the train back."

We caught the shuttle to the station and the train back. We were both grumbling that Danny better have a good excuse as we trudged up the stairs. I unlocked the door and we walked in to find Danny curled up on the sofa with the phone and tears running down his face. Our anger instantly faded as Danny looked up at us.

"Just a sec, Lance. Jonah and Michael just got home," Danny said into the phone and put his hand over the mouthpiece. "Sorry I wasn't there to pick you up. Lance came out to his parents today and it didn't go well," Danny explained softly.

"That's okay. How's Lance?" Michael asked.


"Okay. We'll let you get back to him. Let him know he's welcome here," I said.

"Thanks," Danny kinda smiled and got back on the phone. "I'm back... Yea, they're fine and asked about you... Yea, you know you're welcome here..."

We left him alone and went to our room.

"Ahh, our own bed," Michael sighed and flopped on the bed.

"Yep. Unfortunately that also means the end of vacation," I sighed and flopped down next to him.

"Yea, but if it lasted forever it wouldn't be a vacation," Michael smirked.

"'If all the year were playing holiday, to sport would be as tedious as work,' eh?"


"Yep. Henry IV."

"Do you memorize everything you read?"

"Not on purpose. I just remember the really poignant lines. That really sucks that's Lance's folks freaked out."

"My parents weren't too thrilled, but they got over it. How'd your parents...uh, I mean grandparents take it?"

"It was really easy. I think they were too old to get all freaked out. Gma went and got me a whole bunch of pamphlets on AIDS and STDs and Gpa gave me a box of condoms and told me, 'This isn't an invitation to do anything, but I remember being sixteen and...well...just be safe,'" I said trying to imitate my Gpa.

"That's so cool. Did they give you a coming out party and everything?" Michael teased.

"Dork. No, they didn't. Like I said, I think it was just because they were so old and had seen just about everything. I mean, that they accepted Uncle Joe and Aunt Mary says a whole lot."

"Why's that? Did your Aunt Mary used to be a guy?" Michael laughed.

"Huh? Oh, no. She's black. You know, interracial marriages weren't all that accepted twenty years ago."

"Or even now. So I take it Joe and Mary didn't have any problems with it at all?"

"Nope. My Uncle John did, though. He lives in Oregon. He refuses to even be in the same room with me. No big deal. I've only met him a few times and he mostly keeps to himself. I think there was a mix up at the hospital when he was born, or he got dropped on his head or something."

"I guess that's why you've never mentioned him."

"Probably. You're gonna have to come with me to Chicago the next time I go so you can meet some of my family."

"Maybe we can go for Thanksgiving."

"Thanksgiving? That's months away."

"And do you see any other time before then when we could go?"

I thought a minute. "No. I guess not. Thanksgiving it is."

We lay there quietly, and I was drifting off to sleep.

"I don't know him as well as you do, but I hope Lance doesn't do anything stupid over this," Michael said.

"I don't know. I don't think he would. We'll talk with Danny in the morning. Wanna take a shower and then go to bed?"

"Yea, that sounds good."

We took a quick shower and went to bed. Danny was still on the phone.

We both woke up way too early. It would take a couple days to get back to NYC time. Danny was asleep on the sofa. I made some coffee and Danny woke and joined us in the kitchen.

"Mornin'," Danny mumbled as he poured himself some coffee.

"Mornin'," Michael and I said and waited for Danny to sit down.

"Is Lance doing okay?" Michael asked.

"I don't know. He's flying in this morning."

"They're done with performances?" I asked.

"Yea. Friday night was their last one for a while. He told his parents Saturday afternoon."

"And what happened?"

"Boiled down: they told him he was going to burn in hell and not to speak to them until he was ready to get help and be cured of his homosexuality," Danny said with more than a bit of disgust in his voice.

"What'd he do?"

"What could he do? He left, and then called me."

"And how are you doing?"

"I feel like shit because there's nothing I can do or say to make things better and I'm pissed as hell at his parents for being so small minded."

"Does he have any family that is cool with him?"

"Yea. His sister has known for a few months and is okay with him. Listen, he's gonna be here soon, so I need to get a shower and get down to the airport to pick him up. We can all talk with him then," Danny said and stood up to leave.

"Want me to drive you?" I asked.


Danny took his shower while Michael and I got dressed. After Danny was dressed I drove us to the airport. Lance's plane had already arrived and we went to his arrival gate. It was empty.

"He must have gone to get his bags," Danny said.

We went to the luggage claim area. Lance was sitting off to the side with four suitcases in front of him. Danny took off ahead of us as soon as he saw him and pulled him into a hug. Michael and I hung back to give them a moment.

"Hey, guys," someone said and I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I jumped and turned to see Justin. "Hey, Justin. Where are the rest of the guys?"

"On the road heading back to Orlando. I'm the only one who came with Scoop."

"How's he doing?"

"Better now that he's with Danny. I was with him when he told his parents. It was really ugly. I always thought Lance was exaggerating when he worried about how his parents would react. If anything, it was understatement."

"Do you think they'll come around after they get over the shock?" Michael asked.

"I don't think so. Maybe in twenty years or so, but it would take a lot for even that to happen. They've got the bible suck so far up their asses it'd take a dentist to pull it out the other side."

"Maybe they should have it extracted and read over the other parts. Like judge not lest ye be judged, and so forth. Why'd he even tell them if he knew they wouldn't accept him?"

"Wishful thinking. He was really close to his mother. Now that he's dating Danny he wanted to be able to talk with her about it and everything. Uh, oh," Justin said and pulled his hat down a little and looked down.

Michael and I both looked around and saw a large group of kids walking into the area.

"I think that's our cue to exit," Michael said.

We joined Danny and Lance, who were still hugging.

"Come on, guys. We need to get out of here," I said.

They mostly ignored us.

"Rabids," Justin said and Lance quickly pulled out of the hug.

"Let's get out of here quick," Lance said as he grabbed his bags.

I shot Justin a questioning look.

"Rabids. Rabid fans. Like a pack of rabid dogs," Justin explained as he picked up his bags.

We quickly exited the building, without incident, and loaded into my car. We were home twenty minutes later. Danny and Lance went straight to Danny's room and Justin flopped down on the sofa.

"Is it alright if I stay here, Jonah?" Justin asked.

"Yea, sure. When do you need to catch your plane back to where-ever?"

Justin looked confused for a second. "Oh. I guess Lance hasn't told you. I'm gonna help him with choreography for the boy-band stuff in your show. He can sing, but he's not the most graceful," Justin smirked.

"That's great. I appreciate that," I said to Justin, and turned to Michael. "We're gonna have a full house for a while."

"As long as no one climbs into bed with us," Michael smirked.

"If it's a problem, I can just stay in a hotel," Justin said.

"Huh? No, it's not a problem at all. You're staying here," I said.


"It's just that Charlie will be here in two days and is staying here through the run," Michael explained.

"Who's Charlie?"

"Charlie Hunnam," Michael clarified.

Justin still drew a blank.

"He's an actor in my show," I explained, simply.

"Okay. Well, do you mind if I take a nap? I've been up since yesterday morning," Justin said and yawned.

"Not at all. Just a sec," I said and went to look in Nicole's room. It was spotless and completely empty. "You can sleep in here so we don't wake you up," I told Justin. I grabbed the flip-n-fuck and put it in there. Michael grabbed Justin's bags and did the same. Justin sleepily walked to the room and lay down. I think he was out before he hit the mattress. I grabbed a blanket from the hall closet and threw it over him before closing the door.

Michael and I went back to the kitchen for some more coffee.

"Isn't it funny how things change," Michael said as we sat at the table.

"How's that?"

"Just that on New Year's Eve we were making fun of 'NSYNC and now we have two of them staying with us and one is dating our roommate."

"Yea, I guess, but we didn't know the people then -- just the performers. I still hate their music," I said.

The phone rang and Michael grabbed it.

"Hello?...Hey, Josh...Yea, they're here and sleeping...Haven't really talked with him yet...Yea, okay, I will...Alright, Later," Michael said and hung up the phone.

"Checking up on Lance?"

"Yea. They haven't talked with him since it happened. Justin called and told them what happened while Lance was on the phone with Danny."

"Should we be planning for more guests?"

"He didn't say, but I'd almost bet on it."

"Maybe I should just open a B&B," I joked.

"We'd have to get a bigger place."

"Yea. I don't want to run a B&B anyway. I do know something we should do, though."

"What's that?"

"Go down to Ikea and get a bunk bed for our new guest room."

"So you're just going to make Nicole's old room a guest room?"

"Seems to make the most sense."

"Yea. Do you want to go now, or wait until after we've cleaned up?"

"Let's go now. We'll have to clean up after we put it together, so we may as well do it all at once."

We went to the Ikea on Long Island and spent way too much time looking at everything. I resisted the urge to buy all new everything and we left with a bunk bed, two twin mattresses, sheets, blankets, a double dresser, some lamps and some mirrors. We also grabbed some paint and supplies from the hardware store next to Ikea. My car was totally packed down -- good thing you have to assemble everything from Ikea. We got back around four and Michael ran up to get everyone to help bring stuff in while I stayed with the car about a block away. Ten minutes later Danny, Lance, Justin and Michael were carrying things upstairs.

"Did you guys have fun?" Danny smirked as he looked around at the piles of stuff in the living room.

"Yep," Michael and I said at the same time.

"You gay guys and your Ikea," Justin laughed.

"Oh really?" Lance smirked. "Who was it who rented a truck and drove all the way up to Ikea in Virginia to get stuff to furnish his new townhouse?"

"You rented the truck," Justin shot back.

"Just because they wouldn't rent it to you because you were 19."

"No comment."

"Anyway, so here's the plan," I said. "We order a couple pizzas, get some beer, and spend the night making the guest room livable. Some people can paint and some can put stuff together. How does that sound to everyone?"

"Sounds like fun," Lance said and everyone else agreed afterwards.

"Great. I'll go get the beer. Any special requests?" I asked.

"Pete's Wicked," Danny said.

"Okay. Anything else?"

"Whatever is fine," Justin said.

"Okay. I'll be back in a few. Someone else wanna order the pizzas? I want an artichoke parmesan."

"I'll take care of it," Danny said.

"Want me to come with you?" Michael asked.

"Of course," I said and pulled him off the sofa.

We walked down to the store and got some Guinness and some Pete's Wicked Ale. When we got back, Justin had everything out of the room. Lance was on the phone and Danny was reading the assembly instructions for the dresser.

"Okay. We've got beer. Who wants what?" I announced as we walked in the door.

"What all did you get?" Justin asked as he walked from the bedroom.

"Guinness and Pete's Wicked Ale."

"I haven't had Guinness. What's it taste like?"

"Real beer," I smirked.

"Strong," Michael said.

"It actually has less alcohol than the urine beers like Bud," I countered.

"Nice image. I'll try a Guinness, I guess," Justin said.

"Lance?" I asked holding up the Guinness and the Pete's. He pointed to the Pete's and continued talking on the phone. Michael and I went to the kitchen.

"I'm just gonna have a Pete's for now. Maybe a Guinness later," Michael said.

"Okay." I poured the Guinness and Michael opened the bottles and distributed the Pete's. I handed Justin his glass and he looked at it.

"Kinda thick," he said as he looked at it.

"Yea, but you'll eventually catch on," I smirked.

"Fuck you," Justin smirked as he held it up to the light. "You can't even see through it. Hey, aren't the bubbles supposed to float up and not down?"

"It's a magical drink," I laughed. "Actually, they are floating up in the middle. You just can't see it."

"Oh." He took a small drink, waited a second, and then took another drink. "This is really good."

"Finally! Someone with taste," I laughed and took a drink of mine.

"Would you two like to be alone?" Michael smirked.

"Maybe later," I dismissed and grabbed the masking tape. "Let's go paint."

I taped over the window glass while Justin spread out the drop cloth and Michael removed the cover plates from the outlets and light switch and taped over them. We were just about ready to start when the pizza arrived.

"Pizza's here!" Danny yelled.

"Phat! I'm starved," Justin said.

Michael and I looked at each other and laughed. Lance was off the phone and moving everything off the coffee table so Danny had a place to spread out the pizzas.

"I need another beer. Anyone else?" Justin said as he walked to the kitchen.

"You'd better go show him how to pour it so we don't have a mess," Michael said and gave me a light shove towards the kitchen.


"Why don't we just drink from the can?" Justin asked as I walked into the kitchen.

"It won't taste right. Let me show you how to pour it."

"I think I can manage to open a can of beer and pour it into a glass."

"Okay, but you're cleaning up any mess you make. I'll pour my own." I took the second can from Justin and watched him.

"What? Is it going to explode?"

I shrugged.

Justin set his can on the counter and pulled the tab. The nitrogen cartridge released and he jumped back at the sound it made. I just laughed and popped mine open.

"What the hell was that?"

"Nitrogen cartridge."

"Any more surprises?"

"I don't think so. Just tilt the glass and pour it very slowly," I said and started pouring mine.

"Is there supposed to be a marble in the can?" Justin asked as he finished pouring.

"That's the nitrogen cartridge. It's so it tastes like it's from the tap. Guinness uses nitrogen instead of carbonization."

"Cool," Justin said and tried to look at the cartridge through the opening in the can.

"Just break the can open if you want to see it," I laughed and went into the living room.

"He make a mess?" Michael asked as I sat down beside him.

"Nope. Breaking the can open to see the nitrogen cartridge, though."

The pizza was quickly devoured. Lance was kinda quiet, but seemed to be doing a little better.

"Let's do some paintin' before I fall asleep," Justin said as he hopped up.

"That's one. Who wants the other roller?" I asked.

"I'll do it. You can play with the jigsaw puzzle," Michael said and stood up. "You want an old shirt or something to paint in?" He asked Justin.

"Thanks, but I've got some old stuff I can change into," Justin said as he started to dig through one of his bags.

Michael went to our room to get changed and I put a fan in the bedroom window to vent the fumes. Justin emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later in shorts and a t-shirt. Michael came out in sweats and a t-shirt. I got everyone a fresh beer.

"This dresser is going to take us all night to put together," Danny said as he spread out the parts into the different piles and Lance sorted the screws.

"If it takes three of us all night to put it together, then we are truly pathetic," I laughed.

"We'll put together the drawers and you can do the cabinet," Danny said and handed me the instructions for the cabinet part.

We were actually doing pretty good. A half-hour later I had the cabinet standing and four of the six drawers were assembled. It probably would have gone faster if we had a screw gun.

"Hey! Asshole!" We heard Justin laugh from the bedroom.

"Sorry. My bad," Michael replied.

"I know. How's this?"

Michael yelled. "Hey! I didn't get you that bad."

Danny, Lance and I ran to see what was going on. Justin had a light green stripe from the top of his head down to the middle of his back. Michael had a stripe down his entire front. We just laughed.

"Care to step inside and laugh again?" Michael grinned.

"Nope," I said and quickly shut the door.

"Chicken!" Justin yelled.

"Smart," I yelled as we went back to our assembly.

"Can you get us some more beer?" Justin asked, poking his head out the door a few minutes later.

"I don't think you two need any more," I teased.

"Pleeease," Justin said and tried to do a puppy dog face.

I laughed. "You don't seriously believe that will work on me, do you?"

"Try having Michael do it," Lance suggested.

Michael poked his head out above Justin's. "Pleeease. I'll even have Guinness this time," Michael said with his puppy dog face.

"Oh, okay," I sighed and grabbed Justin's glass. I poured them each a fresh beer, as well as myself, and grabbed two more bottles for Danny and Lance.

"Thanks," Michael said as he took the glass from me and gave me a quick kiss. I pulled back before he could swipe his painted hand across my face.

"Better luck next time," I laughed and went back to my assembly.

"We're done," Lance said.

"Wanna start the bunk bed?"

"Actually, I think we're gonna take a walk," Danny answered.


Danny and Lance left on their walk and I finished the dresser and put the drawers in it. Everything worked and it looked good. I pushed some space open and started the bunk bed. I had put together what could be put together and still get it into the room when Michael and Justin announced that the painting was done. It looked good. Satisfied, they started to walk out of the room. I stopped them. They looked like they'd painted each other as much as the walls.

"Where do you think you're going?" I asked.

"Out of here," Michael answered.

"You're both covered in paint and will track it through the apartment. Let me get you some rags. You can clean your feet, strip and go straight to the shower."

"Oh, goody. We get to shower together," Justin said with fake excitement.

"Sorry, Justy, I'm taken," Michael smirked back.

"I didn't say you have to shower together," I said as I handed them each a wet rag to clean the paint off their feet.

"What fun is that?" Michael said.

"Yea. Get me all excited and then shoot me down," Justin pouted.

"I didn't say you couldn't. I just said you didn't have to."

"You'd have a fit if I actually showered with your boyfriend," Justin teased.

I shrugged. "I trust Michael. I've showered with Lance, so I don't see any reason why Michael shouldn't be able to shower with you," I said, seeing how far Justin would take it. Michael realized what I was doing and shot me a grin.

"When did you shower with Lance?" Justin asked.

"When we were in Niagara Falls. There wasn't really much of a choice with the room we got."

"He never mentioned anything about that."

"Why would he? We didn't have sex, just took a shower together. Take a shower by yourself or with Michael. You're straight, and I'm just in the other room, so it doesn't matter to me."

Michael pulled off his shirt and stood on the clean part of it as he pulled his sweats and boxers down and off. "I'm ready. You coming?" Michael smirked as he stood there naked as the day he was born.

Justin noticed the smirk on our faces and grinned. "Just a sec," he said and was soon naked.

Michael shot me a surprised look. I shrugged.

"Well, let's get cleaned up or are we just going to stand here naked all night," Justin teased.

Michael sighed and went to the bathroom with Justin following him. Justin closed the door and Michael opened it back up. I just laughed at Justin's bravado and grabbed their clothes to soak them in the kitchen sink. I had rolled up the drop cloth and was pulling the tape off the glass when Danny and Lance got back.

"Where're Justin and Michael?" Danny asked.

"In the shower."

"Together?" Lance said with a bit of shock in his voice.

"Yea. We were teasing the straight boy and he called our bluff."

"Oh, I should have warned you about that. Justin's very competitive and doesn't back down. He would call your bluff even if it meant he had to crawl through broken glass," Lance laughed.

"Now you tell me," I laughed.

"How long have they been in there?" Danny asked.

"About fifteen minutes. They were covered in paint, so it may take a while."

"Let's check up on them," Lance grinned and we went to the bathroom.

"Be sure to get all of it," Justin said.

"I'm working on it," Michael said.

"What's up, guys," Lance said and pulled back the shower curtain. Justin was slightly bent over, facing Michael and Michael was trying to shampoo the paint out of Justin's hair. What it looked like, though, was that Justin was about to go down on Michael. They both jumped.

"We're trying to get the paint off us. What does it look like?" Justin said and pulled the curtain closed.

Lance started to answer, but I stopped him for Michael's sake. "Let's go move stuff into the room."

We set the bunk bed up in the center of the room and made up the beds before pushing it closer to the wall, but still away from it. We brought the dresser in next and put one of the lamps on it. Lance put Justin's bags on the bottom bunk and we sat down on the sofa to relax. A few minutes later, Justin came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, followed by Michael.

"Jonah," Michael said and motioned for me to join him in the bedroom.

"Yea?" I smiled as I shut the door.

"We are so gonna walk the dog tonight," Michael said as he dropped his towel and pinned me against the door in a kiss.

"Sounds good to me," I said, out of breath, as we parted.

"I should get an award for the will power it took to not pop a boner in there."

"Yea, I'm impressed. I'll make it up to you."

"You'd better. I can't believe he got in the shower with me."

"Lance just informed me that Justin doesn't back down -- ever."

"We'll have to remember that."

"Cold?" I asked as I noticed the goosebumps on Michael chest as he pulled on his pants.

"I had the water turned a bit cool," he smiled.

"Ah, the secret to your success."

"Yep," Michael smirked as he pulled on a shirt and kissed me again.

"You know you could have just told him you didn't want him in the shower with you."

"And have him think he won? No way."

We went back out to the living room. Lance was cuddled up in Danny's arms and Justin was sitting on the flip-n-fuck watching TV. Justin started snickering as we sat down on the other end of the sofa.

"What are you snickering at, peewee," Michael shot to Justin.

"Peewee, huh? Well if you didn't have the water so damn cold so you could control yourself from this luscious bod," Justin countered and ran his hands down his body.

"Yes, you have a nice body, Justin. It's just too bad you got cheated down there," Michael countered.

"It's not the size of the boat, it's the motion of the ocean," Justin said very sure of himself.

Michael just looked to me.

"He's damn good, Justin," I said.

"Thank you. So are you," Michael smiled and gave me kiss.

"The judge is biased," Justin smiled.

"I'm gonna get another beer. Anyone?" Lance said as he got up.

Justin got up to pour his own and no one else spoke.

"So where'd you guys go on your walk," I asked Danny.

"Just around."

Lance came back and took a long drink of his beer before settling back into Danny.

"Oh, Lance, I forgot. Josh called this morning and wanted to you call him," Michael said.

"Yea, I know. I talked to him earlier."

"So how are you doing?" I asked.

"Better," Lance said and gave Danny a kiss.

He wasn't forthcoming with any more info, so I let it drop. Justin came back with his beer and sat on the floor. I turned off the light and we sat there watching TV for a while. Well, some of us were watching TV. Danny and Lance were making out. After about an hour, Michael got up and pulled me up.

"We're going to bed," he announced and pulled me along. Justin was the only one who heard us.

We closed our door and were immediately pressed together. We stripped as we kissed and made our way over to the bed. I pushed Michael onto his back and straddled him.

"Now you just relax and let me make you feel all better," I smiled as I looked into his eyes with our foreheads pressed together. He answered me with a kiss and a grin. "Okay. Now put your hands behind your head and don't move them." Michael complied. I leaned back on his legs and gently ran my hands across his body. He closed his eyes. When his cock was standing out from his stomach, I leaned over him and held my body just above touching him, except my cock, which lay against his belly. He tried to pull his arms down, but I stopped him and made him put them back. I gently kissed all over his face, and then down his body -- the whole time the only part of me touching him was my lips and my cock. I kissed past his erection and nibbled on his balls, which were pulled up tight. I then continued down one leg and up the other. He was squirming by the time I reached over and grabbed the lube and a condom. I put the condom on and lubed myself up before lubing Michael to give him some time to relax.

"Do it now," Michael said between clenched teeth -- his eyes still closed and hands behind his head.

I positioned myself and rubbed the head of my cock around his hole before sliding in to the hilt. I slowly moved in and out a few times, and then stopped when I thought he was getting close. I got an idea and pulled out. His eyes shot open and he gave me a confused look.

"I've got an idea. Press yourself up and let me get under you," I said and guided Michael the way I wanted him. He was on top now and sitting on my cock facing me. I pulled myself forward and was able to get about two inches of his cock in my mouth. His eyes got wide and he pumped up, giving me more of his cock. He pumped back and forth -- fucking himself on my cock on the way down and fucking my mouth on the way up. His thrusts got faster and I felt myself getting close to the edge. His climax a few seconds later set me off and I almost choked on his cum. After he came down, he pulled off me and got rid of the condom before laying down on me and kissing me.

"That was FUCKING FANTASTIC!" He yelled after the kiss, then looked around and grinned as he remembered we had a house full of people. "Really, that was great," he now whispered. "Thanks," he kissed. "You're gonna love it," he kissed again.

"It couldn't have been that good if you're ready to go again," I teased.

"Tomorrow night. I'm wiped for tonight," he said and yawned for emphasis as he lay his head down on my shoulder.

"Night," I whispered. "I love you."

"Love you," Michael mumbled and was asleep on top of me.

I rolled us on our side so I could breath and was soon asleep.

We got up at ten the next morning and took a shower. Danny and Lance were already up and sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee when we walked in. Lance was all smiles. Danny was smiling too.

Michael and I looked at each other and laughed.

"Seems like someone else got some last night," Michael said.

"And it was 'fucking fantastic,'" Danny and Lance said simultaneously.

Michael blushed and smiled. "Well, it was," he said sheepishly.

"So what was it? Maybe we'll try it," Lance said.

"Really. I've never had a guy yell that before," Danny added.

"I'm not giving away my secrets. Have fun and figure it out yourself," I smirked.

We grabbed some coffee and sat at the table as well. Danny and Lance were still smiling.

"Is there something else?" I asked.

"No. Why?" Danny asked.

"'Cause you two are still smiling like...ahhhh. You did." I started and then realized.

Lance turned red, but couldn't stop smiling. He looked like the proverbial cat who ate the canary.

"Awwww. Our little Lance became a man last night," Michael teased.

"They grow up so fast," I added with a fake sob.

"Okay, you can stop now," Lance said.

"Alright. I've got to get to work, anyway," I said.

"You want anything for breakfast?" Michael asked me.

"I'll just have a banana," I said as I grabbed one and went to get my PowerBook. I sat down in the living room and checked mail after it started up. 100 messages. At least twenty of them were from E, and one from Michelle, saying she'd be in town next week. Justin stumbled out of his room around noon.

"It's about time," I said.

"Well, between 'fucking fantastic' and 'oh, oh, oh,' I didn't get to sleep until late," Justin growled and went to the bathroom.

I continued reading through everything. It was after two before I was done. Michael already had most of our laundry done and was cleaning our room. Danny had left for work and Lance was in their room. Justin had gone out.

"Ready for lunch?" I asked Michael.

"Yea. We need to go grocery shopping. How many changes to the script have been made?"

"Not too many. Nothing major, anyway. So do you want to get groceries and make lunch, or go out and then get groceries on the way back?"

"Uh, let's go out. I also want to do something tonight, if that's okay."

"Yea, sure. What?"

"Character study. I want to go up to 42nd and talk with some hustlers."

"Will they talk with us, or will they make us pay?"

"I don't know. I'll bring some cash, just in case."

"Uh, okay."

"It'll be okay. I mean, it'll be a Monday night. Business can't be that good," Michael smiled.

"That's not what concerns me. Being on 42nd at night and talking with hustlers does."

"You've got your pepper spray, right?"

I nodded.

"Then we'll be fine as long as we stay on the main strip."

We went out for lunch and then grocery shopping. We got back around 4:30. Michael went to our bedroom to play guitar and I made phone calls to let everyone know I was back in town and talked with E some about the script. We had to have it frozen soon so the actors had a chance in hell of memorizing their lines.

I made us dinner around 7:30 and Lance ate with us.

"I wanna thank you guys for letting me stay here, and being there for me," Lance said as we were eating.

"You're dating our roommate. What else could we do," Michael teased.

"Which is how we know you more than just that one night," I added. "You know you are welcome here, just as long as we don't have prepubescent girls trying to break in."

"I'm serious. Last night was just what I needed... Just doing normal crap with friends who understand..."

"And I'm thinking that later with Danny didn't hurt any as well," Michael hinted.

"Actually, it did at first," Lance laughed and blushed.

The door buzzer went off and I jumped up to answer it.


"It's Justin. Buzz me in."

I buzzed him in and unlocked the door before going back to the kitchen.

"Justin's back," I said as I sat down. "Oh, yea. We're having a production meeting tomorrow at noon at the theater if you want to be there, Lance. You don't need to be there 'cause we didn't expect you in town yet, but you can if you want."

"I probably will. Just to get out."

"Hi, guys," Justin said as he walked into the kitchen.

We all busted out laughing. Justin's longish curly hair was cut down to almost a buzz and was dyed a dark reddish-brown.

"Like the new do?" Justin smiled as he showed it off.

"It's better than the mop you had before," Lance laughed.

"Yea, that's what I thought. A cool new haircut for the summer. So what have you guys been up to all day?" Justin said as he sat down and grabbed a piece of pita bread.

"Cleaning," Michael said.

"Working on the show," I said.

"Just relaxing and reading," Lance said.

"Yea, you'd need to relax after last night, Scoop. 'Oh, oh, oh,'" he teased and Lance punched him in the arm.

"Ow. If you're gonna keep me awake all night then be prepared for some teasing. Anyway, I'm glad you finally got some. So who's up to go clubbin' tonight?"

"We're going to talk with some hustlers tonight, but maybe after that," Michael said.

"Excuse me?" Justin said.

"Character study for the play."

"Oh. Okay. After 'fuckin' fantastic,' I didn't think a hustler would be needed," Justin smirked.

"So how many times did you masturbate listening to us?" Michael teased.

"Just once," Justin shot back with a smirk to everyone's surprise.

"You have something you want to tell me, Justin?" Lance said.

"Huh? Oh, no. I'm hopelessly straight..but I don't care how straight you are, when you hear two couples going at it half the night and obviously having a good time... Well... I can use my imagination that it's not two guys getting it on. And even so, I don't think it's gross or anything. Just not for me. So you up for a club tonight, Scoop?"

"Maybe for a little while. Danny gets off work at eleven and I'm gonna meet him there."

"I guess that's a no, then, 'cause nothin' is happenin' before eleven," Justin sighed.

"Charlie will be here tomorrow and he enjoys going to the clubs," Michael said.

"Besides, how good is any club going to be on a Monday night?" I added.

"It's only Monday?"

"What day did you think it was?" Lance teased.

"Well, you know, we're not working, so it always feels like a weekend... 'Sides, I count on you to let me know what day it is."

"It's Monday," Lance stated.

"Thanks," Justin said and gave him a little shove. "Any falafel left?"

"Sorry," I said.

"Here, you can have my other one," Lance said and pushed his plate in front of Justin.

"Thanks," Justin said before he started stuffing his face.

"Oh, I got an email from Michelle. She's gonna be in town next week," I said to Michael.

"Is she gonna visit, or is she still pissed off at me?"

"The email was sent to you, too, so I think she's probably over it."

"I guess I should check my email. I never remember. Email should be like an answering machine. When a message is there your computer should blink or something."

"It does if you leave it on all the time and set it to check automatically."

"Too much trouble."

We finished dinner and then Michael and I got ready and took the train uptown to 42nd. This is the seedy side on NYC. The Red Light in Amsterdam seemed much cleaner. We walked past strip joints and painted prostitutes until we came upon a couple hustlers. One of them walked up to us.

"You guys looking for some..." He started and then froze, staring at Michael.

Michael froze as well. "Tony?" Michael said softly.


They both nodded slowly.

"You two know each other?" I said, wondering what was up.

"Yea, we were best friends until sixth grade when he moved away," Michael said softly.

"So, uh, how've you been?" Tony said, nervously.

"Really good. What happened to you? Why are you hustling?" Michael shot out.

"Long story."

"Uh...If you can take the time, I'd like to hear it. We can go to a diner or somethin'..."

"You buyin'?"

"Yea, sure."

"Okay. Monday nights are kinda slow, and it's early anyway."

Nothing else was said as we walked down to a diner on 40th. We sat down at a booth and ordered our drinks.

"So what are you doin' now?" Tony asked.

"I'm an actor."

"Gettin' any work?"

"Doin' okay."

"Why'd you come down to 42nd?"

"I wanted to talk with a hustler for a character study for a show I'm doing."

"Playin' a hustler?"

Michael nodded.

"Gotta be better than being one."

"Then why don't you quit?"

"It's not that easy," Tony sighed.

"So what happened to you?"

"Who's this?" Tony asked as he pointed to me.

"Oh, sorry. This is my boyfriend, Jonah. Jonah, Tony."

"Nice to meet you," Tony said politely and shook my hand over the table.


"So what happened?" Michael prodded.

"Did your folks accept you when you came out?"

"After some yelling, yea."

"Mine didn't. They walked in on me kissing my boyfriend at the time and freaked out. They sent me to a psychiatric hospital to be 'cured.' I escaped and came here."

"So when'd you start hustling?"

"When I was hungry and some guy offered me $50 to give me a blow job. I though, 'hell, there are worse ways to make a living.' I was pretty naive at the time," Tony said with a bitter laugh.

The waitress came with our drinks and took our food order.

"So why don't you get a regular job?"

"No high school diploma. No permanent address. No job."

We talked with Tony another hour or so until he said he had to get back and make some money. Michael paid for the dinner and tried to give Tony $40 for his time. Tony refused and left.

Michael was quiet the whole way home and went to our room as soon as we got home.

"You okay?" I said as I sat down on the bed behind him and massaged his shoulders.

"Yea," he said after a few seconds. "That was just too weird... And a little too close to home..."

"Thinking that it could have been you?"

"Maybe. I don't know... With what just happened with Lance, and then running into Tony... Just feeling really lucky, I guess. I'm gonna call my folks," Michael said and grabbed the phone.

"Okay. I love you," I said and gave him a kiss on the back of the neck.

"I love you, too," Michael said and turned to give me a kiss before dialing his parents number.

I left him to talk and went into the living room. Justin was watching TV and Lance was gone.

"Where's Lance?" I asked.

"He went to pick Danny up. What happened? Michael seemed upset."

"The hustler we ended up talking to..."


"He used to be Michael's best friend in elementary school. A bunch of shit happened to him and now he's hustling."

"No way. That's so weird that he'd run into someone he knew doing that in a city this size. So what happened to the guy?"

"Basically, his parents caught him kissing another guy and locked him in a psychiatric hospital to be 'cured.'"

"What Lance's folks wanted to do to him."


"I think I'm gonna make a phone call to let them know exactly what can happen," Justin said with a determined look on his face.

"Is that wise?"

"Why not? It's not like they're gonna stop speaking to him since they're already not speaking to him," Justin dismissed. He pulled out his cell phone and started scrolling through the numbers before hitting send. "Diane? This is Justin... Yea, I don't care. I just wanted to inform you of how you've hurt you son and what has happened to someone who went through one of those... It's not a choice and if you'd pull you head out of your ass long enough to... The bitch hung up on me," Justin said heatedly and threw down the phone.

"You really didn't think she'd stay on the phone and have an intelligent conversation with you, did you?"

"I don't know. Fuck! I need to take a walk and cool off. Please don't tell Lance about this," Justin said as he grabbed his shoes.

"I won't. Give me a sec and I'll go with you."

"That's alright. I know where I'm at."

"You're not going to walk around alone here at night."

"I'll be fine."

"You're right, 'cause I'll be there too."


I ran to my room and told Michael we were going for a walk. He was still on the phone and told me to be careful. I put my shoes on and gave him a quick kiss before rejoining Justin.

We started walking down the street. Justin was fuming and stomping around as he mumbled to himself.

"How can people be so fuckin' closed minded and uncaring towards their own son? That cunt never liked us anyway. She didn't want her baby to get mixed up in the evil world of sex, drugs and rock-n-roll. Do you know she even accused us of turning him gay!?" He rambled on for at least a half-hour before he settled down. I just followed him and listened. Finally he sat down at a bus stop and buried his face in his hands as he cried. I sat beside him and rubbed his back until he stopped.

"Feeling better now?" I asked.

"Yea, I just needed to get it out of my system. It's just that Scoop is one of the nicest people I know and one of my best friends. I just can't understand any of this."

"That's because it doesn't make any sense."

"The biggest lie we're told as we're growing up is that life is fair."

"Maybe it's not as much a lie, as it is hope that it will be," I offered.

"Yea, I guess you have to have hope, or you may as well kill yourself. I don't think Lance had a lot of it the other night. After I got him out of there, he cried almost the whole night. I was afraid to leave him alone and just held him all night until we left for the airport."

"You're a really good friend to him, Justin, and it's obvious you love each other. To probably misquote Richard Bach, the members of one's true family rarely grow up under the same roof."

"Richard Bach? He's the guy who wrote 'Jonathan Livingston Seagull.' Right?"

"Yea, but it's a line from 'Illusions.' I've got a copy of it back at the apartment that I'll let you read. It's one of my favorite books."

"Thanks. We are kinda like a family... Even with Joey being the red-headed step-child," he laughed. "Well, let's get back before they start to think we were mugged," he said and hopped off the bench.

It was midnight by the time we got back. Danny and Lance were in their room and Michael was reading on the sofa.

"What's up?" Michael asked as he put down his book.

"Justin just needed to blow off some steam and I didn't want him walking around alone."

"You're right, Michael. He is fucking fantastic," Justin smirked and flopped down in a chair.

I laughed. "In your dreams, peewee."

"I'm not that small. The water was cold."

"How are your folks doing?"

"Good. They want us to come over for the Fourth of July. We don't have any other plans, do we?"


"Good. I told them we'd be there. So what caused the steam?"

I looked at Justin.

Justin looked to make sure Lance wasn't around, leaned forward and whispered. "I called Lance's mom to bitch her out and she hung up on me. Don't tell Lance."

"I won't say anything. I take it you told him about Tony?"

"Just the basics, yea."

"Can you give me a massage tonight?" Michael asked.

"Yea, sure."

"Thanks. We're gonna go to bed, now. Night, Justin."

We brushed our teeth and then went to our bedroom and got undressed. Michael was quiet and obviously thinking about things.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked softly as I worked out the knots in his shoulders.

"Not right now. I just need to think, but I don't even know what to think," he groaned.

"Okay," I said and placed a single kiss on his back.

"You can stop now. I think I just want you to hold me."

I lay down behind him and wrapped my arm around him, pulling him close. We laid there for a few minutes when I heard him crying.

"What's wrong, babe? Why are you crying?" I asked and kissed the back of his neck.

"I don't know. I think loss of innocence," he said and rolled over so he could hug me and cried into my shoulder.

His sobs soon stopped and his breathing slowed as he fell asleep. I held him tight and shed a few tears myself, though I'm not sure why, before I fell asleep.

I woke up at ten the next morning and let Michael sleep as I went to take a shower. Lance was up and was making coffee when I went into the kitchen.

"Mornin'," I said, still a little sleepy.

"Mornin'. Ready for the meeting?" Lance said, a bit too chipper.

"You're too happy this morning," I grunted.

"Sorry. Fuck you. Ready for the damn meeting," Lance said in a low, who-cares voice.

"That's better," I smirked. "Yes, I am."

"Good," he said, chipper again, as he poured us some coffee and handed me a cup.


"So how was your trip? With all the crap that's been going on, I haven't even though to ask," Lance said as he sat down at the table across from me.

"It was great," I smiled.

"Which place did you like the best?"

"Paris. Definitely Paris. We probably stayed there too long and didn't spend much time in other cities, but it was so nice. I now believe all the clichŽs about Paris in the spring."

"Yea, Paris is really nice. If I was fluent in French, I'd probably retire there."

"Why when you retire?"

"Just because all of the music biz stuff revolves around the US. Did you ever listen to the radio when you were there?"


"You didn't miss anything. It sucks. I think it's to balance out the great food and wine," he laughed.

"Prague was kinda cool as well, but every place else seemed like a let down after Paris. We probably should have made it the last stop instead of the first."

"What about Germany?"

"Uh, we didn't have a very good experience there."

"Why's that?"

"Well, when we got to Berlin we couldn't find any hotel rooms even remotely affordable, so we stayed at a hostel. During the night, some guy tried to rape Michael."

"He didn't actually..." Lance started.

"No. Michael woke up when he felt him climb into the bed. Good thing the springs were so squeaky. Anyway, we got outta there and went straight to the train station and went to Copenhagen."

"That sucks. You should try Munich next time. Berlin is a bit too industrial and run down."

"Okay. The next time we go, though, we both want to go to Italy, and maybe Greece."

"Venice and Florence are great, but Rome is too dirty. Athens is kinda the same, but I'm told some of the smaller towns and islands are really nice."

"Is there any place you haven't been on tour? Other than tiny islands, of course."

"Um... We haven't played in Iceland, and not much in Africa. Oh, we also haven't played in the war torn Balkan area or much of the Middle East. But as far as major countries of the world, I guess we've played at least once in all of them."

"One of the benefits, eh?"

"I guess. Most of the time we don't get to do much sight seeing. 'NSYNC is not going to be going on for much longer, so I'll have time to go back to the places I want to see again before I'm old and gray... Well, old. I'm already getting gray hairs," he smiled.

"You're planning on breaking up the group?"

"Not really breaking up, but significantly reducing our presence. We all have other things that we want to do. After this next album is out, our contract is fulfilled. We're just gonna take it easy with 'NSYNC and work on side projects for a while."

"Isn't that death for boy-bands?"

"Don't care. Right now we're all getting really burned out on 'NSYNC."

"I can believe that. You'd better take a shower and get dressed if we're gonna be on time."

Lance took his shower and got dressed. We took the train in and got there in plenty of time.

Apparently Lisa didn't believe me when I told her Lance Bass was going to be the musical director, because she dropped her clipboard and looked like she'd see a ghost. I laughed and handed her her clipboard as we continued up to the meeting lounge.

E was already there, sitting on a chair and smoking a cigarette. He quickly put it out and stood up when we entered.

"Hey, E," I said.

"Oh. My. God. And here I though he was shitting me," E said as he walked up to Lance. "Nice to meet you, Lance."

"You too."

"Just so you know: he's taken," I said.

"Story of my life," E sighed melodramatically and sat back down.

Lance shot me a confused look and I whispered I'd tell him later.

E and I talked more about some character development issues as we waited for everyone to arrive. Once everyone was there, I made introductions so everyone knew each other and then we got down to work. I talked a bit about the look and feel I wanted for the show. The final schedule was set. The final set design approved and scheduled. The lighting designer and I talked about the look of the show. The costume designer had some sketches to show everyone. Lisa gave the props schedule to the props mistress, and Lance talked a little bit about what he had planned. All in all it was a productive meeting and we, mostly, stayed on topic. We got out of there at 4:30 and took the train home.

"That was really interesting," Lance said as we were riding back.

I laughed. "It was just a production meeting."

"I know, but it seemed more collaborative than the production meetings that I've been at before where one or two people tell everyone else exactly what they want and when they want it."

"Yea, I've been in meetings like that. I hate those, though. Maybe it's from being on the designer side and hating having a director who just want's me to be their draftsman. I want my designers to do their job and help make the play a success."

"That's rare in the entertainment business."

"Makes me special," I said in a stupid voice and laughed.

"Oh, you're special, alright," Lance smirked and rolled his eyes. "So anyway, what was the deal with E?"

"Oh that. Well, when he came here for auditions he didn't know about Michael and apparently was hoping to hook up with me. When I introduced Michael as my boyfriend he got all bitchy queen on us. I told him you were taken right away so we wouldn't have to deal with it again."

"Alright. He seemed okay in the meeting, though."

"Yea. Most of the time he's fine, charming even. I think the claws come out when he doesn't get the guy he's after."

"Then it's good that we got that out of the way, 'cause he's not getting me. I'm quite happy with Danny."

"I can see that, smiley," I teased.

"Well, he makes me happy. He's such a great guy."


We got to our stop and walked home. Michael and Justin were both sitting on the sofa reading. I leaned over the back of the sofa and gave Michael a quick kiss.

"How was the meeting?" Michael asked.

"Really good."

"When do I get a final script so I can start memorizing lines?"

"Friday, at the latest."

"That's not enough time for me to have them memorized by Monday."

"So. You don't have to have them memorized by Monday. I know this is different than you're used to, but it'll be fine. We've got a whole month," I said and started for the kitchen.

"Don't eat dinner yet," Michael called.

"Why not? I'm starved."

"Just have a snack. You know that Charlie will want to go out for pizza after we pick him up."

"Yea, okay. I'm gonna be sick of pizza by the time he leaves here," I joked.

"How can you get sick of pizza?" Justin spoke for the first time as he put down his book.

"'Cause Charlie wants it all the time," Michael explained. "Something about American pizza being so much better than the stuff he can get in London."

"That's true. There's a lot of great things about Europe, but pizza isn't one of them," Justin said.

"We had a pretty good pizza in Paris at that little Italian restaurant in Pigalle," I said.

"It wasn't that good, or at least my pepperoni one wasn't that good."

"Okay, my artichoke and feta one was pretty good."

Justin make a puking noise.

"I take it back, Justin doesn't have any taste," I announced.

"I could have told you that," Lance smirked. "Whatcha reading, Justin?"


"How do you like it so far?" I asked.

"It's pretty good. Makes me want to go out and take flying lessons."

I laughed. "I did too, but it costs too much and takes forever. I ended up taking skydiving lessons."

"You've gone skydiving?" Michael asked.

"Yep. I'm even certified to make solo jumps, or at least I was. I don't know if it expires or not. I haven't been in a while, though."

"Why'd you stop?" Lance asked.

"Moved to NYC and got busy with other things."

"You're gonna take me skydiving this summer," Michael stated.

"Me too," Justin added.

"Count me in," Lance said.

"I don't know. What if you hurt your leg or something when you land? There's not much time for it to heal in time for the show, or even your movie with Gus."

"And I could be hit by a cabby or mugged just walking down the street. Don't be so paranoid."

"Fine. You find a place to do it on a Saturday or Sunday in the next three weeks, and we'll go."

"Thanks," Michael smiled, happy that he got his way.

"Make it sooner, if you can, so I can go too," Justin said. "So how is this Charlie guy?"

"Danny says he's really cute," Lance said.

"Thanks, Scoop. That was really important for me to know," Justin said sarcastically.

"I think you'll get along. He's a good guy," I said.

"And just a bit full of himself like you," Michael teased to Justin.

"Come to think of it, yea. He's like and older, British, better looking..."

"Better hung," Michael interrupted.

"Fuck you," Justin shot back.

"...more mature version of Justin."

"God help us all," Lance sighed.

"Aw, you know you love me, Scoop," Justin cooed.

"Despite my better judgement, absolutely," Lance said and gave him a wet kiss on his forehead.

"I'm changing you nickname from Scoop to Slop," Justin muttered as he wiped his forehead.

"Uh, huh. Explain that one in an interview. 'Well, ya see, he gives me big wet kisses, so I call him Slop,'" Lance laughed.

"We'd better get going if we're gonna be driving," Michael said.

"Yea. Either of you want to join us?"

"Nah. I'm just gonna read."


"No thanks."

We got in my car and fought with rush hour traffic until we got to the airport forty-five minutes later. If he wasn't going to have a bunch of luggage I would have preferred to take the train and be there in 15 minutes. Anyway, we found him in the loading area smoking a cigarette and I blew the horn as we pulled up.

"Hey, mates. I was beginning to think you forgot," he said as he walked over with two of his bags.

"Nope. Just stuck in traffic," I said.

Michael got out and grabbed his other two bags and threw them in the back. They both got in and we were off. We asked about the flight and Charlie went off about the turbulence coming into JFK that almost had him tossing his cookies. The trip home was significantly quicker and we hauled his bags up to the apartment.

"You're hungry and want to go out for pizza, right?" Michael laughed as we climbed up the stairs.


"Good, 'cause we were waiting until you got here to eat."

I unlocked the door and we piled inside.

"Charlie, this is Justin and Lance," I said as the introductions.

"Danny's Lance?"

"That'd be me."

"Nice to meet you, mate. He never mentioned you were 'NSYNC Lance. I guess for obvious reasons," Charlie said as he shook Lance's hand.

"Hi-a roomy," Justin said.

"Ah, my character to study. Quite convenient of you to do that for me, Jonah," Charlie laughed.

"What are you talking about?" Justin asked. "I haven't read the play."

"My character is a boy-band singer named Justin who is a closeted queer who kills his boyfriend. Are you a closeted queer as well?" Charlie smirked.

"Now if I was in the closet, would I tell you?" Justin smirked.

"Good point."

"Anyway, I'm quite happily heterosexual, and in the minority in this place."

"Well, cheer up little buck-a-roo. Our numbers are increasing. Anyway, let me get rid of my bags and get cleaned up, and we'll go eat. Which room?"

"I'll show you. I've already got the top bunk, so don't even think about it," Justin said as he showed Charlie their room.

"I thought Danny said he was bi," Lance whispered to me.

"He is, but I think he prefers to say straight."

"Okay," Lance said, somewhat confused.

Charlie got cleaned up and we walked down to Joe's for pizza. As we guessed, Charlie and Justin hit it off right away.

"So anyway, they caught the bugger who's been crawling up my arse," Charlie said as we were walking home.

"That's great. When and where?"

"Last night. They got him on vid as he was trying to get into my flat."

"Got who?" Justin asked.

"He had a stalker," Michael explained.

"That's freaky. They always scare the shit outta me," Justin said.

"I didn't fancy this bloke too much, either. Real crazy. Kept calling me Nathan."

"Why Nathan?" Justin asked.

"A character I played on tele."

"Well at least when we get stalked, they get our names right," Justin laughed.

"So are you going to have to go back for the trial or something?" I asked.

"Don't know. They have everything on file and I gave another statement and told them I'd be working in the States for the next three months. It didn't seem to concern them."

"Allow me to go director on you for a minute. You need to start working on your American accent," I said.

"Ya mean ya want me ta talk like dis?" Charlie goofed.

"No, I want you to talk like you've pulled that British flag pole out of your ass," I shot back.

"Oh, all right. What did I say that sounded un-American?"

"'I didn't fancy this bloke,'" Justin said.

"And an American would never call this the 'States.' Usually the 'US' or the 'United States.'" I said.

"And bugger crawling up your arse screams British," Michael added.

"And 'tele' instead of 'TV,' Lance completed.

"Then cheers to me having a script for my lines," Charlie laughed.

"You don't have to take all the British colloquialisms out of your speech, just work on your American accent. Taking them out may help, though," I said.

"Yes, yes, I know. I had a workshop on doing an American accent."

"Well, by the time the show opens I want to believe you're an American, not a Brit doing an American accent."

"Gotcha, boss. Let's get pissed tonight," Charlie said as he turned into a liquor store. "Yes, I know an American would say 'drunk' instead of 'pissed,'" he announced as he entered.

Lance and I walked in with him while Justin and Michael waited outside.

"Hard liquor tonight? Yes, I think so," Charlie said to no one in particular.

"Is he insane?" Lance said to me.

"Very possible," Charlie answered. "Very possible. However, I think that the mental instability you are now witnessing is solely from lack of sleep and stress from the bugger," he continued as he looked through the shelves.

"Tequila?" I asked Lance and held up a bottle.

"Tempting, but no. I don't think the brand with a plastic sombrero is going to be very good."

"You're probably right."

"Gentlemen, I recommend cognac. Not fine cognac aged for centuries in wood barrels that stuffy old buggars drink, but good enough for us," Charlie announced as he carried three bottles to the cashier. Well, at least they had a cork instead of a screw top.

The cashier rang him up and Charlie had him bag them separately so we could each carry one.

"What'd ya get?" Justin asked excitedly as we exited.

"Nothing for you, young man. You are under age," Charlie said in a stern voice.

"We'll see about that."

Michael looked at me and I told him what it was.

We continued home and Charlie went straight to the kitchen.

"Break out some cubes, mate," he said to me.

"Cubes? Oh, ice," I said confused, and then made the translation.

Charlie pulled five glasses down and instructed me to put one cube in each glass. He then put about three inches of cognac in each glass, which just about finished off the first bottle. He picked up his glass, downed it all, and then refilled it with the remainder of the bottle.

"No sense in leaving a little in the bottom," he smirked as he handed out the glasses.

"See. I knew my roomy wouldn't let me down," Justin said.

"Just don't wet the bed or toss on me."

"I can hold my liquor just fine. Shut up Lance."

"What? I didn't say anything."

"Just making sure."

Charlie started crawling out the window onto the fire escape -- probably so he could have a cigarette. We all followed him and sat down. Sure enough, Charlie lit up a cigarette.

"Those things will kill ya," Justin said.

"Really? Ya don't say?" Charlie said sarcastically and took another drag from his cigarette.

I took my first sip of the cognac, and I'm sure I made a face. It tasted good, but strong. Michael was smiling at the face I probably made and swishing his around.

"Drink up, boys. There's plenty," Charlie said and took another gulp of his.

Michael took a small sip of his and his brow furrowed. Lance had apparently had it before and sipped it like a gentleman. Justin thought he'd be cool and took a big swallow, and then started coughing. We all laughed as Lance patted him on the back.

"Smooth," Justin said between coughs.

"Take it slow, little man," Charlie teased.

"Damn it! I'm not that small!" Justin protested.

Charlie was confused, but the rest of us laughed at Justin's outburst.

"I was just teasing you about being younger. Maybe you shouldn't be drinking," Charlie said.

"Oh," Justin said softly, to which we busted out laughing again.

"Someone care to explain what he's so sensitive about?" Charlie asked as he took a drink.

Michael wiggled his pinky finger in front of his crotch and Charlie laughed, spraying cognac over everyone. Justin didn't see what Michael had done.

"I'm so sorry, mate. I never would have said that if I knew you were so sensitive about packing a 9mm," Charlie said like he was making an honest apology. It took a second before everyone started laughing, except Justin.

"You all suck!" He pouted.

Everyone nodded, and Michael added, "swallow, too."

"Okay, now I'm grossed out," Justin laughed and took another, though smaller, drink. "And what were you nodding for? I thought you said you were straight?" Justin accused Charlie.

"Never said such a thing, but I'm not queer, either."

"So that makes you what? Bi?"

"Ding! Ding! Ding! Give the twink a drink!" Charlie announced.

"I've gotta get going to pick Danny up," Lance said as he crawled back inside.

"I hope I didn't scare him off," Charlie said and lit up another cigarette.

"He can take it. I don't think you freaked him out," Justin said.

"And what about you?" Charlie asked Justin.

"What about me? I can take it. No prob."

"I'm sure you could. Legs against your chest and moaning like a bitch in heat," Charlie teased.

"Sorry, Charlie. Exit only."

Michael and I looked at each other. Was Charlie hitting on Justin? We turned back to see what would happen.

"So you're a top, then. Tops are usually the better hung. No wonder you think you're straight -- you can't find a smaller bottom," Charlie continued his assault.

"Okay. Okay. Okay. Let's get this out of the way. I am not that small. Swallow boy over here had the water turned really cold, and I'm a grower, not a shower."

"And just what do you grow to?"

"Five and three-quarters inches," Justin said proudly.

"Measured from the top, right? Not including your bollocks?"

"Yes, measured from the top."

"I guess that's respectable. Nothing to brag about, but respectable," Charlie said a bit softer.

"Thank you," Justin said, proud of himself.

"What's it look like? Straight? Curved off to the left?"

"It's like the rest of me: sexy as hell," Justin laughed and took another gulp of his drink.

"Aren't you curious about me?"

"Sure. How big are you?"

"I don't know what it is in inches. Perhaps you'd like to measure it for me?" Charlie said suggestively.

"Nice try," Justin laughed.

"Can't blame me for trying. Have you ever kissed a man?"

"Yea, sure."

"I mean a real kiss. Not the kind of kiss you'd give a friend or your mum. A real kiss."

"Well, no, of course not."

"Why not?"

"'Cause I'm not gay, or bi. I've never felt the urge."

"You should try it sometime. From someone who's kissed both men and women, there is definitely something more about a man's kiss."

"That's just 'cause you're into men."

"Don't think so. I'm into women, too, and probably a bit more than men, but I can still tell the difference. A man's kiss has an animal passion behind it. It's strong and tender at the same time; and it's hot as hell," Charlie cooed as he leaned into Justin. Justin wasn't leaning forward, but he wasn't leaning back. He seemed frozen in Charlie's gaze. "A man's kiss has a definite masculinity to it that makes you feel even more a man. The passion of a man, just like yourself. A man knows best how to please a man, and you can feel him wanting to please you when his mouth...touches...yours," Charlie almost whispered and was suddenly kissing Justin. Justin just sat there for a second, and then got into the kiss as Michael and I watched in amazement.

The kiss was going for about thirty seconds when Charlie pulled back. "Oh, fuck! I'm sorry. I shouldn't have...fuck...I'm going to bed," he grumbled as he climbed inside. Justin still sat there, stunned.

"Justin?" I called softly.

"He's a really good kisser," he said softly, almost to himself. "Wha? Oh. Don't tell ANYONE about this," he warned.

"So you liked it?" Michael asked.

"I don't want to talk about it," Justin dismissed and climbed back inside.

"I have now seen everything," Michael said, still a little stunned.

"Without a doubt. He was really seductive, though. I was ready to kiss him if Justin didn't," I smiled.

"Me too. I guess I'll just have to kiss you," Michael said and was all over me. I wasn't complaining.

"Shit," Michael said as he pulled out of the kiss, and I heard glass breaking a second later. "There went my glass," he said and looked over to make sure no one was hit.

"We should probably go clean it up," I said, really not wanting to right now.

"Later," Michael smiled and we stared kissing again.

We sat on the fire escape making out. Sometime later we heard Danny yelling, "Get a room!" from below. We both flipped him the bird and tried to continue kissing, but it's hard to kiss and laugh at the same time.

"Well, the moment is over. Shall we go clean up our mess and then retire to our bedroom? I promised you something last night that I didn't get to give you," Michael said with a grin.

"What are we waiting for?" I said and climbed in the window.

Danny and Lance were just walking in as we were walking into the living room with the broom, dustpan and a trash bag.

"Your glass all over the sidewalk?" Danny asked.

"We're going to clean it up," Michael answered.

"Charlie already in bed?"

"Yea. He was getting a bit stupid and decided it was time for bed," I said and noticed Justin's head jerk to look at me out of the corner of my eye.

"You okay, Justin?" Lance asked, noticing the look he gave me.

"Yea, I'm fine. Just tired and a little drunk."

"Why don't you just go to bed, then? I think the party is over for tonight."

"Maybe later. I wanna read some," Justin mumbled and grabbed his book.

"Uh, okay," Lance said confused and looked at me and Michael. We quickly exited so we wouldn't have to say anything. Danny and Lance were in their room when we finished cleaning up the glass and Justin was sitting in the same spot with the book closed on his lap. He quickly picked it up when we walked in.

"You okay, Justin?" Michael said softly and sat down next to him.

"Yea. Why wouldn't I be?" He dismissed.

"You just seem to be deep in thought, and I've heard how hard that is for you," Michael grinned.

"Fuck you," Justin said, and grinned in spite of himself.

"Good. We're not going to tell anyone. There's nothing to tell. It was just a drunken kiss."

"I know. It just really surprised me...nevermind. Thanks. I'm gonna go to bed," he said and went straight to their room.

"I don't think he's bi," Michael said as we walked into our room after brushing our teeth.

"No, but I think he did just realize that it really isn't gross, even if he said it before."

"Charlie's gonna be kicking himself in the morning."

"That he went as far as he did, or that he didn't go further?"

"Probably both," Michael laughed.

"We've been drinking and I'm kinda tired. Can we just go to sleep?"

"Yea, I'm there myself."

We stripped, crawled into bed, and were out in minutes.

"How poorly did Justin react?" Charlie asked me as he sat down at the kitchen table while I made some coffee.

"He didn't. I'm kinda surprised, but he just seemed...intrigued. Yea, that seems to be it. Intrigued," I answered.

"Intrigued? By what? That some freaky Brit got him drunk and stuck his tongue down his throat?"

"You did what?!" Lance said from the doorway.

"You weren't supposed to know about that," I said to Lance.

"But now I do. What happened after I left?"

"I kissed Justin," Charlie said.

"And he let you?"


"I am now totally confused. What made you think that kissing him was a good idea? You know he's straight," Lance questioned.

"Yes, I know. I don't know what made me do it. It just happened. I've been under a bit of stress with that stalker and not sleeping well, and then the plane over and even more exhausted, and then a bit of cognac, and feeling a bit lonely, and he was there...it just happened, and I wish it hadn't," Charlie rambled on.

"So that's why he was acting so weird last night after we got home," Lance said aloud to himself.

Justin sleepily stumbled into the kitchen. Lance gave him a concerned look, and Justin rolled his eyes.

"You told him?" Justin accused Charlie.

"I overheard," Lance said.

"So he kissed me and I liked it. It doesn't mean anything," Justin dismissed.

"You liked it?!" Lance almost yelled.

"You didn't tell him that part?" Justin questioned to me and I shook my head.

"Listen, Justin. I'm really sorry I did that. It was completely uncalled for and I just wasn't thinking. I'm sorry," Charlie pleaded.

"Don't worry about it. What's done, is done," Justin dismissed. "Can I have some coffee?"

I pulled down another cup and poured some for everyone.

"You know, it's weird being the only straight guy. I've never been in this situation before. I guess I'm kinda understanding the pressures you have being around straight people all the time and being expected to be that way," Justin said after he took a sip of his coffee.

"The difference, though, is that we don't expect you to be gay, Justin," I said.

"I know, and I appreciate that. I could have stopped the kiss last night. I'm not sure why I didn't, but I could have. Maybe I was just curious as to what it was like. I don't know."

"Still, I'm sorry," Charlie reiterated.

"God! I forgive you already! Get over it."

"Alright. If there's anything I can do..." Charlie said, honestly.

"Well...I could go for a blow job..." Justin said with a grin, and then burst out laughing.

"Are you any good at it?" Charlie countered.

"I meant get one, not give one, you dork," Justin laughed.

"If you opened wide, you could probably get two," Charlie shot back.

"Okay, you win. Enough talk about blow jobs; and no, you're not giving or getting one from me."

"Your loss," Charlie dismissed.

"I'll live."

"What's all the talk about blow jobs?" Danny asked as he and Michael walked into the kitchen.

"Justin is negotiating reparations," I said.

Everyone laughed, except Danny, who still didn't know what had happened.

"Charlie kissed me last night," Justin explained.

"Oh," was all Danny said and he went to get himself a cup of coffee.

"Well, I'm gonna go work on the blocking," I said and started to leave.

"Any ideas on the final script yet?" Charlie asked.

"Friday," Michael sighed.

"Why not now? He's only changing phrasing back and forth being all anal. We do need some time to memorize our lines, Mr. Director," Charlie said.

"Fine! Geesh, actors. I'll make sure it's done tonight," I sighed.

"Thanks, Charlie. Now we know he'll cave when his two leads gang up on him," Michael smirked.

"Anything to make you happy," I teased and snapped the waistband of his boxers as I walked out.

I went straight to our room, fired up my PowerBook and called E. I had the feeling it was gonna be a long day...and it was. I met him at the theater and we spent until 9PM getting everything as right as possible -- making final decisions on things. We worked in the black box theater -- which was currently empty -- and read through things aloud, just to make sure. I really should have thought to have a cast read-through right after casting. I'll know better next time. When it was finally done, we printed it out and then went to Kinko's to have it copied and bound. It was just past 11:30 when I got home.

"Hey. I was beginning to think E kidnapped you," Michael said as I walked in.

"Nope. I said I was going to make sure the script was done tonight, and it is. Here you go," I said and tossed him his script, and then tossed Charlie his.


"Yea. Thanks, mate."

They both started reading their scripts.

"Now I'm gonna get something to eat," I said and went to the kitchen.

"You didn't have dinner?" Michael asked as he followed me.

"Not really. We ran across the street and had something for lunch around three, but that's it. I'm starved."

"Lance made spaghetti. There's some left over," Michael said as he pulled it out of the 'fridge and handed me the bowl.

"Great," I said threw it in the microwave. A few minutes later I was stuffing my face.

"I talked with Michelle today," Michael said as I was eating.


"She's gonna be here Friday afternoon. She wanted to come up during next week, but I told her we'd be in rehearsals."

"She gonna stay here?"

"Maybe. She's got her new boy toy with her, so maybe not."

"We worked on the script in the theater today and read it aloud. I think I got some blocking done as well just by walking around the space. We really should have had a read through a long time ago."

"Probably. It's your first time, so I'll give you a break," Michael smirked.

"Thanks," I smirked back. "I'm dead. I'm gonna take a shower and go to bed. Care to join me?"

"Shower, yes. Bed, later. I wanna read the script tonight."

We took a leisurely shower and then I went to bed while Michael went to read in the living room.

I woke up around eight the next morning and made coffee before waking Michael in that better-than-an-alarm-clock way. We made love before taking a shower and having breakfast. He was absolutely correct: it was fucking fantastic.

"Can we talk sometime today?" I asked Lance, who was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee and working on his laptop. Michael was already working on memorizing his lines in the living room.

"Yea, sure. What about?"

"The fame game. I'd like to hear how your feelings developed from starting out through where you are now. Probably Justin as well."

"An interview?"

"No. I don't care what your favorite color is, and I already know you wear boxer-briefs and who you're dating," I smiled. "I'm interested in how you feel about the things that have happened in your life and career."

"Okay. We can do it now before Danny gets up. What do you want to know?"

"Would you feel comfortable if Charlie listened?"

"I guess."

"Okay. Let me try to get him up," I said and went to wake him. I knocked on Charlie and Justin's door, and then walked in when I didn't hear anything. Justin was sleeping on his back with the blankets at his feet and his morning piss hard on poking through the hole in his boxers. I gave his arm a little shove to wake him and then did the same to Charlie, who was under his blankets and curled up holding his pillow.

"I'm up," Justin groaned and rolled over on his side towards the wall.

"Yea, I saw. How about awake?" I smirked.

"Fuck you," he grumbled. "Why are you waking me?"

Charlie sat up in bed and just looked dazed, not saying anything.

"Come on. It's after ten. We're gonna have a talk."

"What about?" Charlie asked as he finally woke up and flipped his legs over the side.

"Character development stuff for you," I answered.

Charlie grabbed his boxers from the floor and put them on as he stood up and stretched.

"Let's go, roomy. Mr. Director looks determined," Charlie said and snapped the back of Justin's boxers.

"I'll be out in a few," Justin said, without turning.

"I've already seen your piss hard-on, Justin," I teased and went back to the kitchen. "They'll be in in a few," I told Lance as I poured two more cups of coffee for Charlie and Justin.

"Yea, okay," Lance mumbled as he continued working.

A few minutes later Charlie came in. I pointed to his coffee and he took it and sat down.


"Okay. Just a minute," Lance said and continued typing.

Justin stumbled in a few minutes after that and slumped in his chair while he nursed his coffee.

"Okay. Ready," Lance said and closed his laptop.

"Okay. I guess first thing I'd like to know is how your feelings about your career changed from when you started to where you are now," I said.

"Well, when we started it was really exciting and really different. We had people coaching us on how to act in public, what and how to say things, dance classes, and tons of stuff like that. It was like breaking down the individuals we were and rebuilding a group."

"Do you think that was good or bad?"

"Both. It built the group, so that's good. It also made me a bit paranoid about saying the wrong thing or saying it a way that could be misconstrued, so that's bad. But it was really exciting at the time. We all had these dreams of being famous and respected and rich and everything that goes with that. We worked really hard so that everything almost came automatically."

"And it was a real rush when we played our first show to a packed house. All the girls were screaming and tried to rip our clothes off after the show. The first time was a real ego trip," Justin said.

"Yea, that was really cool," Lance smiled fondly. "Unfortunately, it didn't last."

"Yea. It started to get totally out of hand. It hurts when you have a bunch of little girls grabbing at you and pulling on anything they get their hands on. A couple times we were lucky to get away with our pants still on, and bruises and scratches were pretty common," Justin said.

"That's when we had to hire more security and crowd control. It got better after that, but looking back on it, I don't know if it did or not. There's something nice about being able to blend in and join the fans after a show."

"Okay, but how did you feel about yourselves at the time?" I asked.

"Confused, I guess. It really is an incredible ego trip to have people look at you like a god, and you kinda get caught up in believing your own media if you aren't careful," Lance said.

"But at the end of the day, we were segregated from the world and still the same five guys we were before we started. You start to question what they really like about you, and how they'd react if they knew about the real people -- faults and all," Justin said.

"Yea. Like Josh and Joey having farting contests after Taco Bell," Lance laughed.

"Don't remind me," Justin laughed. "Or Chris' porn web surfing habits."

"Or me being gay," Lance added.

"Or me being straight," Justin said. "Anyway, you get so wrapped up in everything and all these people are working to make sure you're always in the public eye and so forth, that you really don't have the time or energy to give it much thought."

"So where are you now?" I asked.

"Bored with it and tired of being cloistered," Lance sighed.

"I'm with ya. We hardly ever go out as a group anymore without security and it being a media event. I mean, the money is great, you know, and I love performing, but it gets really frustrating. Trying to date someone is especially frustrating."

"Because they're all fans?" Charlie asked.

"Kinda. I mean, I have dated women who aren't fans, but you have to be so careful. Some people seem cool at first, and then you discover later that they were trying to use you for something. Trying to have a sexual relationship is almost not worth it. Is she gonna go to the tabloids afterwards? Is she gonna break the condom and get pregnant on purpose? You never know."

"So do you?" Charlie asked.

"Chris has a regular girlfriend, so he does. Joey and Josh take the chance and date whoever. I haven't been with a woman in so long I'm about to declare myself a born again virgin," Justin laughed.

"And I found Danny," Lance said.

"Why don't you try?" I asked Justin.

"It's too complicated. Too much business involved. It feels like a contractual arrangement. I get so worried about everything that I just don't feel like it. Those rumors about Brittany and I were somewhat true. We weren't dating, but we did use each other for sex because we knew we could trust each other. Since she started dating her current guy and got engaged... You don't know about that, by the way."

"Of course not. So how do you reconcile the public and the private?"

"Schizophrenia," Lance smirked.

"It's a life saver. I was raised to live this life, though. I've been in the entertainment industry for as long as I can remember. It's become second nature to have a public and a private persona."

"It's not quite second nature for me, but I do the same thing," Lance said.

"Didn't you feel a bit embarrassed at first? I know that after I did 'Queer as Folk' I got all this attention and people falling over themselves to have me do this or that or try to get me into bed. I just felt kinda embarrassed. I didn't think I was that good of an actor and really started taking it seriously so I wouldn't feel so embarrassed."

"At first, yea. But that was part of the separating yourself from who you are, and what your image is. We were already rehearsing ten hours a day or more," Lance explained.

We talked for another hour or so until Danny got up. Charlie took a shower while Danny and Lance sat together at the kitchen table. I sat down next to Michael in the living room and worked on blocking while he worked on memorizing his lines. Justin sat down and read.

Lance made dinner that evening. As far as I'm concerned, he can come here whenever he wants, just as long as he cooks. He's a great cook and enjoys doing it. Who am I to deny him?

"You find a place to take us skydiving yet?" Justin asked Michael as we were eating.

"No. I haven't looked yet."

"I'll find a place, then. I want to do it before I leave and I'm only here until next Monday."

"You're going skydiving?" Charlie asked.

"Hopefully. Jonah said he'd take us," Justin said.

"Count me in."

"Great. Now I'm gonna have both my leads in casts," I sighed.

"I am going to use a parachute," Charlie smirked.

"Of course, or you wouldn't be alive, but it's really easy to get hurt on landing."

"How many times have you jumped and how many times have you gotten hurt?" Michael asked.

"I don't know how many times I've jumped. I went every other weekend for two summers, so probably quite a few. I've never gotten hurt badly, but I have sprained my ankle a few times and some scrapes and bruises."

"Sounds like pretty good odds to me," Charlie said.

"It only takes once," I shot back.

"Then I'll jump with you, since your luck is so good."

"Can't. I'm not certified to double jump."

"I don't understand. You can't have two people jump out of the plane together without certification?"

"Not attached. You probably could if you had your own plane and stuff, but none of the companies that offer skydiving would allow it."


"Yea. Until you're certified to make a solo jump, they strap you to another jumper with the parachute. You're just there for the ride."

"So what does it feel like?" Lance said.

"Tons of things. First is the excitement when you're getting ready and the plane takes off. Once it's time to jump, however, every fear you have comes crashing down on you as you look down at the ground. That's the hardest part -- to get yourself to do something so totally unnatural as to willingly jump into nothingness. The first feeling once you're out of the plane and free-falling is...indescribable," I smiled. "The wind is rushing across your body and you can feel that you're falling at first, but then it feels like flying. Now that we're talking about it, I'm starting to miss it. Anyway, once your chute opens it kinda feels like a let down after flying, but very relaxing. The wind noise is almost gone and it's very quiet and peaceful, until you see the ground coming up quickly and you try to land as gracefully as possible. Then you want to do it again as quickly as possible."

"Why haven't we done this before, Scoop?" Justin asked.

"As a group?"


"Well, it may have something to do with the fact that Chris would rather crawl through broken glass than jump from a plane. You remember what happened when we got him to bungie jump in Cancun, right?" Lance laughed.

Justin started laughing and choked on his water, and then coughed and laughed.

"What?" Charlie asked.

"He pissed his pants," Lance shot out and continued to laugh.

"You didn't see THAT on MTV," Justin added.

"How'd you even get him to jump if he was that afraid?" I asked.

"We paid the operator not to let him down until he jumped."

"It took two hours before he jumped."

"And he wouldn't talk to us for a week," Justin said.

"Did you ask Danny if he wanted to come?" Michael asked.

"No. I forgot about it. I'll try to remember tonight."

"Speaking of tonight: anyone up for going out? Movie? Club?" Justin asked, hopefully.

"I could go for a movie," I said.

"What's playing?" Michael asked.

"I got a paper today. Just a sec," Lance said and ran to the living room, returning a minute later with the entertainment section. We were done eating and he spread it across the table.

"Oh my god," I said and flipped the paper around. "Bad Religion is playing."

"Really?" Michael asked, as excited as I was.

"Oh man, they're playing tomorrow. I hope we can still get tickets."

"I'll get the phone," Michael said and jumped up to get the phone.

"Anyone else want to go?" I asked.

"Sure," Charlie said.

"Nah. Danny won't be off work yet and we have plans afterwards," Lance said.

"I don't know who they are, but sure," Justin said.

"Of course you wouldn't," I smirked and dialed the number. I talked with the person a few minutes and then hung up. "They're only selling them at the door. It's CBGB's, so I should have known."

"We're gonna go early so we can get in," Michael stated.

"Now what about movies?" Lance said and turned the paper back around so he could read it.

After some arguing, we decided on a movie and caught the train into town just in time to catch the 7:30 show. Afterwards, we dropped Lance off at the MTV studios to pick up Danny, and then went out to a club for a few hours. We got back around 3AM and went straight to bed.

No one was up before eleven the next morning. We were sitting around drinking coffee when Michelle arrived. I buzzed her in.

"Hey guys. This place reeks of testosterone," Michelle laughed as she walked in.

"Smells fine to me," Michael shrugged and got up to give her a hug.

"Of course it would. There's got to be a city ordinance somewhere against six guys living in an apartment."

"Well, if it gets you too excited, go to the straight boys' room and I'm sure they'll help you out," I teased.

"Thanks. That was so thoughtful of you to have some brought in for me."

"Uh, excuse me. Boyfriend in the room," the guy with Michelle said.

"Oh, sorry. Devon, this is Jonah and Michael, and that's Justin, and Lance and Danny. I don't know who the other guy is," Michelle said quickly.

"Charlie," Charlie said.

"That's Charlie," Michelle said.

"Thanks. I got that," Devon smirked.

"Don't you guys ever put on any clothes?" Michelle said to the fact that everyone was sitting around in their boxers, or boxers and a t-shirt. "You do have company, you know."

"I'm sure Devon has seen guys in their boxers before," Michael said.

"Doesn't bother me," Devon said.

"See," Michael teased Michelle.

"Anyway, you're early. I thought you weren't going to be here until this afternoon," I said.

"We made good time," Devon said.

"You drove?" I asked.

"Yea. We're taking a road trip up to Maine before DC starts shooting. My family has a cabin up there," Devin explained.

"Anyway, we're gonna stay in a hotel, but just stopped by to let you know we're here. You up for going out to dinner tonight?" Michelle asked.

"Yea, sure," Michael said. "But it has to be early. We're going to see Bad Religion at CBGB's. Wanna come?"

Michelle looked to Devon.

"Don't know who they are, but sure," Devon said.

"Ha! I'm not the only one who doesn't know who they are," Justin said.

"Do you know who 'NSYNC is?" I asked Devon.

"I know they're some stupid boy-band, but I don't really listen to pop," Devon said.

"Ha!" Michael laughed at Justin.

Devon looked confused.

"Uh, babe. Justin and Lance are part of 'NSYNC," Michelle said with a giggle.

Devon looked mortified. "Shit. I'm sorry. But really, I don't listen to pop at all."

"Don't worry about it," Justin dismissed.

"God, I feel like an ass," Devon whispered to Michelle.

"I think we'll be going now. So dinner at five?" Michelle said.

"Sure. Where do you want to meet?"


"That'll work. See you at five, then."

They left and Charlie fell off his chair in fits of laughter.

"'...some stupid boy-band.' 'Uh, babe. Justin and Lance are part of 'NSYNC,'" Charlie mocked as he laughed.

"Open mouth. Insert foot," I smirked.

"Yea, well I'm glad he didn't know who we were. Anyway, I'm gonna look for a place to go skydiving. Where's the phone book?" Justin asked and I pointed it out.

"Oh yea. We're gonna go skydiving. You want to join us?" Lance asked Danny.

"No way in hell," Danny said firmly.

"Afraid of heights?"

"No. Terrified of heights."

"Just don't look down," I said.

"Perhaps I'm not making myself clear. No. Fucking. Way."

"So you'll think about it?" Michael smirked.

"I'll go and watch y'all be a bunch of fools, but there's no way I'm gonna jump."

"Are you afraid of flying as well?" Lance asked.

"No. I just don't look out the window."

"Then close your eyes and jump. It'll be good for you to conquer the fear," Lance said.

"I'd still know and have a heart attack before the plane even left the ground. Even thinking about it makes my heart race," Danny said and held Lance's hand over his chest.

"Damn. Why are you so afraid of heights?"

"I don't know. I always have been. Maybe I was killed by falling off a cliff in a previous life."

"How's tomorrow at nine sound," Justin said with his hand over the phone. Everyone agreed. "Five? Okay," he clarified and made the reservations. "This is gonna be so phat!" He said excitedly as he hung up. "We have reservations to jump tomorrow at 9AM."

"Actually, we won't be jumping until probably noon or so," I said.

"Then why do we have to be there so early?"

"Classes. They teach you how to jump, and then you do some practice landings before you even set foot on the plane. You didn't think they'd just strap you to someone and throw you out the plane, did you?"

"I guess not."

"I need to start getting ready for work," Danny said and stood up. "Wanna join me?" He asked Lance. Lance just smiled and followed him into the bathroom.

"Everyone's getting some but me," Justin sighed.

"And me," Charlie said.

"I'm not that desperate yet," Justin laughed.

"Hey. I'm a sexy bitch," Charlie goofed.

"And I get teased about being conceited," Justin smirked.

"It's not being conceited if it's true," Charlie shot back.

"Someone's been smoking crack," Justin said.

"You know that stuff will kill ya?" Charlie said.

"You wanna take a nap before tonight since we have to be up early tomorrow?" Michael asked me.

"Yea, sure."

We took a nap and then got ready to go out. Michael took one look at Justin after he was ready and started laughing.

"Where the hell do you think you're going dressed like that?"

"What's wrong with how I'm dressed. We're going to a club, right? I look good."

"We're going to CBGB's. If they even let you in dressed like that you'll probably get your ass kicked. Don't you have anything less...dressy. Jeans and an old t-shirt?"

"Yea. I didn't realize CBGB's had an anti-dress code."

"It's a dump. Dress like you're going to a dump."

"I have the feeling I'm gonna hate this place," Justin muttered and went back to his room to change.

"How do I look?" I asked Michael as I walked out in old jeans, an old and very faded Zero Boys t-shirt, and my black work boots.


"I've just been informed that I have to look like a bum. You have a shirt I can borrow?" Charlie asked.

"Yea. I'll get you one," Michael said and disappeared into our room. He returned a minute later with a well worn Sex Pistols t-shirt.

Fifteen minutes later we were finally ready and took the train into town and met Michelle and Devon at Angelo's. It was a good meal, as always, and we left for CBGB's around nine. Michelle and Devon were properly dressed for CBGB's.

There was already a line to get in when we got there. Justin thought he'd just say who he is and get us in right away, but we convinced him that he'd probably just get laughed at. A half-hour later we were inside. The opening band was doing sound check and we got some drinks from the bar.

"For being so famous, this place is a dump," Justin said.

"Told you," Michael smirked.

The opening act was okay. Not great, but okay. Bad Religion finally started around 11:30. They rocked! I even went in the mosh pit for a little while, but it was a bit too rough for me. I'm sure I'll have some bruises tomorrow, but it was fun. We left around 1AM and were a bit tipsy. Well, Michael and I were a bit tipsy. Justin and Charlie were drunk off their asses and complaining how they were going home alone instead of with some girls. We made it home safely and went to bed after taking a quick shower.

"Do you hear that?" Michael whispered as we were laying in bed.


I heard a laugh, and then someone shushing.


"Yea. I heard it."

"You don't think they're..."

"No way."

We listened some more and heard Justin say, "Damn, that feels good."

"Oh shit. They are," Michael and I said together and started laughing before shushing ourselves and listening some more.

"Did you hear something?" Justin asked.

"Everyone's asleep. Relax," Charlie said.

It got quiet for a few minutes.

"Now you do me," Charlie said.

"I haven't cum yet," Justin complained.

"So. I don't want you to fall asleep after you do and not return the favor."

"Fine. So, uh, what do I do?"

"Same thing I did to you."

"Ow. Be careful of your teeth," Charlie said a minute later.

"Sorry. How's this?"

"Much better."

It got quiet again.

"I'm gonna cum," Charlie said, and then we heard a few grunts. "Damn, Justin. You didn't have to swallow. I would have understood."

"I swallowed?! Oh shit. Well, too late now. I didn't even think about it. Now finish me," Justin said.

A few minutes later we heard Justin moaning and then a muffled yell.

"That was so much better that Brittany ever was," Justin said.

"I told you a guy knows better how to please a guy."

"Ew. I can taste my cum in your mouth," Justin said.


"You can't tell anyone about this. It doesn't mean anything. We were just helping each other out and relieving some frustration," Justin said. "Promise me you won't say anything."

"It never happened."


It got quiet again.

"Oh man, I really want to tease Justin about that," Michael whispered.

"Yea, but we probably shouldn't -- unless he gets really obnoxious."

"You know what I want to do now?"


Michael answered me by turning around and sticking his erection in my face as he went down on mine. We didn't get to sleep until a half-hour later.

I really wanted to throw the alarm clock across the room when it went off at 7AM.

"I hate mornings," I groaned as I stretched.

"I'm not getting up," Michael mumbled and snuggled up to my chest.

"Yes you are. You wanted to go skydiving."

"Why can't we go at night?"

"'Cause you can't see the ground. Come on. I'm sure Lance is already awake."

"Probably. Damn morning person."

Then there was a knock at the door.

"Yea, Lance," I called.

Lance poked his head in. "Just checking to make sure you're up."

"Just barely," I said.

"Okay. I've got coffee made. We may have to drag Justin there in his sleep," Lance laughed and closed the door. We heard him knock on Justin and Charlie's door and then run into our room a few seconds later. "Oh. My. God," Lance said like he'd...well, like he'd seen Justin and Charlie in bed together.

"What?" I asked.

"Justin and Charlie are in bed together," Lance whispered.


"You don't think they actually..."

"Of course not," I lied. "They were both really drunk when we got back. Maybe Justin just couldn't climb up the ladder to his bunk, or wanted to be able to get out easier if he got sick."

"Yea, that must be it," Lance said a bit calmer. "Sorry. Just really freaked me out for a sec. I'll let you two get up," he said and went back to wake up Charlie and Justin.

"You're such a liar," Michael giggled.

"What was I gonna say? Yea, I know. They blew each other last night. I'm surprised you didn't hear?"

"Not without Lance having a heart attack. I'm really interested in how they're gonna explain being in bed together."

"We're not gonna find out unless we get out of bed," I said and stood up.

We got up and went straight to the bathroom and took a shower. Justin got in after us, and then Charlie. I guess they'd explained it to Lance's satisfaction, because it wasn't brought up. Charlie and Justin kept their distance from each other, though. We got in my car and drove to the small airport in New Jersey. We got there just in time.

My certification was still good, but I sat through the classes anyway. It's not like I had anything else I could do. It was 11:30 when we climbed onto the plane. The virgins were all quiet. It was kinda funny. The solos jumped first.

"See ya on the ground," I yelled and jumped out. There was that familiar shock of falling, and then the incredible rush. If you could have sex while skydiving... Oh man, that would be complete orgasmic bliss. Not really enough time to even try it, though. Maybe if you started in the plane, and then jumped just before orgasm. Oh well, it's not like I'd have the chance to try it. My parachute opened the way it should and I steered towards the landing area. A short time later I was on the ground. The weather was perfect, so I had a great landing. I collected my chute and went over to the truck to wait for everyone else. Michael was the first. After he was unclipped, he walked over to me with a huge grin on his face.

"That was so fucking incredible," he said, unable to stop smiling.

I laughed and gave him a public hug as we waited for everyone else. Charlie was next and had the same perma-grin as he walked over to us.

"Sex is gonna be so dull after this," Charlie said.

"So how did you explain sleeping with Justin to Lance?" Michael said.

Charlie's eyes got wide. "Uh, we didn't. He didn't ask. Thankfully. You heard us, didn't you?"

Michael and I nodded.

"I thought I heard you laughing. Listen guys, you can't say anything about this," Charlie pleaded.

"We're not. That's why I'm asking you when Lance isn't around," Michael said.


"So are you gonna be a couple now or what?" I asked.

"No," Charlie dismissed. "It was just sex. Just getting off."

"You gonna do it again?" Michael asked.

"I doubt it. Last night was just the right combination of pissed and horny."

"So'd you start it or him?" I asked.

"Both, I guess. He joked about how he'd like his blow job now, and I said I wasn't giving one unless I got one. We bantered back and forth and the next thing I knew..." Charlie trailed off as Justin came running up to us.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! I want to do that again!" He said excitedly.

"We will. Two more times," I laughed.

"Sorry, but I have to do this," Michael said and leaned over to whisper something in Justin's ear. Justin's eyes got wide and he shut up as he shot Charlie a pissed off look.

"I didn't say anything. They heard us through the wall," Charlie said.

"So you gonna tell everyone now?" Justin said a bit pissed off.

"Nope. Just wanted to see your face," Michael smirked. "We didn't and won't say anything to anyone else."

"Thanks," Justin said, a little more relaxed.

"But I'm not letting you shower with Michael anymore," I teased.

"Fuck you."

"What did you say to him?" I whispered to Michael.

"'Damn, Justin. You didn't have to swallow,'" Michael whispered back.

"You're mean."

"I couldn't help it."

"I have just seen God," Lance said as he walked up.

"Isn't it great? I am so gonna drag Josh and Joey out to do this when I get back," Justin said, excited again.

"Danny doesn't know what he's missing," Lance said.

"So let's go again. What are we waiting for?" Justin said.

"The rest of the jumpers and the plane to land," I said.

"I wish they'd hurry up."

A few minutes later the other jumpers had landed and the truck took us all back to the terminal to wait for the plane. Lance ran up to Danny and gave him a hug as he excitedly talked about how it felt and tried, without any luck, to convince him to do it. Eventually we made our two other jumps and then drove back home. We were all exhausted from getting up so early and the excitement of the day.

Comments welcome and encouraged. jm_stories@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 6

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