Just Together


Published on Aug 30, 2000


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It makes no claims to the true personality and sexuality of anyone involved. You already know if you shouldn't be reading this.

------------------ Just Together by jm_stories@yahoo.com ------------------

Chapter IV Original post 30 Aug 2000 Revised 7 Feb 2002

I no sooner shut down my PowerBook, when my cell phone started ringing.

"Hey, babe," I said happily.

"Hey. You're in a good mood," Michael said with a laugh.

"Yea. I just got an email from the Artistic Director at the Heorot Theater. He wants me to come in and talk to him about directing a show there this summer."

"That's great! What did you tell him?"

"I told him I was interested and gave my number to call me."

"What about the design jobs?"

"I haven't signed or promised anything yet, so no worry there."

"You sound really excited about this. Are you thinking about directing more than lighting design?"

"Yea, I think so. I still enjoy design, but directing is more challenging and fun," I answered.

"I'm glad you said it like that. I've got some news, too."

"Good news?"

"I think so, but you may be pissed off at me at first," Michael said carefully.

"What," I said slowly.

"Well...I got a film I auditioned for. It's with Gus, again."

"That sounds like good news. What's the bad part? You going to be shooting it for six months in South America?"

"No, it should only be two months, and it's in NYC."

"Sounds perfect then. Now why should I be pissed off about that?"

Michael took a deep breath and sighed. "I didn't actually sign the contract for DC..."

"You what?" I said softly.

"Well, I did sign it, but Carolyn held it and stalled until we knew if I was going to get this part or not. I got it, so she tore up the contract and told them I wouldn't be doing the show."



"What about school?"

"I'm still going."


"This is a good thing, Jonah. Don't be mad."

"I'm not upset about you not doing DC. I could give a fuck about a TV show -- just as long as you're still gonna get your education. What pisses me off is that you lied to me about it."

"I did actually sign it; just never sent it in."

"That's still a lie and you know it."

"Jonah," Michael pleaded. "I didn't know if I was going to get it or not, so I made plans like I wasn't. I didn't even know that Carolyn had held back the contract until I got up here, and then there were other things I wanted to talk about with you instead of something that may or may not happen. I love you, and I'm sorry if I hurt you."

I sighed. "I love you too, Michael, but I'm not very happy with you right now."

"I know."

"So what does this say about our relationship if we hide stuff from each other?" I asked quietly.

"It says that we're human and fuck up sometimes."

"No more secrets. Okay?"

"Agreed," Michael said and then paused. "So since there's no more secrets, how much did you actually get from the trust fund?"

"That's not a secret. I told you I'd tell you when you got back."

"You're stalling."

"Fine. It's something like $1.3 million," I sighed.

"Damn! I knew I picked the right boyfriend," Michael smirked.

"Oh, I see. You're in it for the money."

"Something like that. I can live with it, though, 'cause I'm totally in love with you."

I had to smile at that. "Man, you're smooth, but I'm totally in love with you, too, so I'll let it go."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Listen, someone's calling me so I gotta go. I'll call you tonight if I don't get in too late. Okay?"

"Okay. Later. Love you."

"Love you. Bye," Michael said and hung up.

I hit my "end" button and got up to look for some food. There wasn't much. I stopped in the living room on my way to my bedroom. "Hey, Danny. I'm gonna go to the grocery. We're outta everything. Make a list of anything you need."

"Yea, okay. We'll go with you," Danny said and got up from the sofa.

"No, that's okay. You can stay here and snuggle," I smiled.

"No, we'll go. You're gonna need help carrying everything back, and Lance promised to make dinner, so he needs to buy whatever supplies he needs."

"Okay. Give me a minute to get dressed," I said and went to my room to throw on some clothes.

We walked the few blocks to the grocery and started our wanderings through the store. We were in the frozen food section getting juice when a young girl recognized Lance and started screaming.


I thought quickly and came up with a pretty good response, if I do say to myself. "Sorry. This is my friend Lars. He's from Germany," I said to the girl and shot Lance a look.

"Hallo. Warum schreien Sie mich an? Ich weiss nicht, wer diese Person ist, fuer die Sie mich halten," Lance said.

The girl eyed him suspiciously, but stopped screaming.

"He doesn't even speak English," Danny quickly added.

"He looks like Lance," she said.

"Sorry, but he's not," I said apologetically.

Lance played it up by looked confused at me and Danny, waiting for a translation. I recited the only German I knew -- the words to Beethoven's 9th Symphony -- as if I was explaining. Lance started laughing and said, "Nein. Nein. Nein."

The girl's mother grabbed her and pulled her away, apologizing for bothering us.

"Gut gedacht, Jonah," Lance said.

"When we get out of here you'll have to tell me what the hell you are saying," I smirked.

"O.K.. Nur gut, dass ich deutsch spreche," Lance grinned.

Danny shrugged. "I have no idea what he's saying."

"Gut. Ich denke, dass Du sehr reizvoll bist und ich leidenschaftliche gerne Sex mit Dir haben moechte," Lance said to Danny in a sexy voice.

"Ah, I think I have an idea about that, though," I said with a grin.

"Was?" Lance said innocently.

"Let's finish up and get out of here before someone else recognizes Lars," I said.

Lance laughed and whistled the chorus of the 9th Symphony the rest of the time we were in the store. We were done and safely away from the store before he stopped babbling in German.

"That was great! The guys will never believe it. How'd you think of that so quickly, Jonah?" Lance asked.

I shrugged. "Don't know. It was pretty good though."

"Definitely. I didn't know you spoke German," Danny said to Lance.

"Yea, I took it in high school. We've also toured a lot in Germany. And what the hell was that, Jonah?! 'Ode to Joy'?! I almost lost it and started singing the song," Lance laughed.

"It's the only German I know," I smirked.

Lance broke into the chorus and he and I sang in German the rest of the way home.

There was a message from Alex, the AD at the Heorot, for me when we got home. I returned it right away as Danny and Lance put away the groceries.

"You've got Alex."

"Alex. This is Jonah Mars."

"Great. What time do you want to come down and check out script and discuss details? I'm at the theater all night tonight and tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay. How about tonight? Say, around eight?"

"I'll be here. Just ring the bell and someone'll let you in."

"Okay. See you then. Bye."


"So?" Danny said, walking back into the living room.

"I go in and get details and the script tonight. He didn't ask me about anything. Just come in as soon as possible. Maybe the play sucks."

"Maybe. But you said you were recommended by your professor, so he knows you're still a student."

"Yea, I guess I'll find out tonight."

"What do you say to hitting some clubs tonight?" Lance asked as he joined us in the living room.

"I've got a meeting at eight, but after that would be cool," I said.

"Is it gonna be okay for you to go to a club here without a bodyguard?" Danny asked.

"I won't be recognized, and if I am I can always become Lars again. You're probably more likely to be recognized than I."

"I still don't understand that," I said.

"Group thing. People don't think I exist outside of the group. If I'm on my own, I can pretty much blend in. When you put the five of us together, just about everyone recognizes us."

"Yea, okay, but I recognized you when you walked up to us at MTV and I don't even like your music and have only seen you with the other guys in passing as I changed the channel or something -- no offense intended."

"None taken. You're a freak," Lance smirked.

"You got me there," I laughed.

"Anyway, we were at MTV, so you would have expected to see me."

"So you think you have the psychology of celebrity and fans figured out, huh?"

"Not completely, but pretty close. So you up for goin' out tonight, Danny?" Lance asked.

"Yea, sure."

"Cool. What time is it?"

"Just about four."

"Okay. I'll start dinner then," Lance said and disappeared into the kitchen. Danny followed. I grabbed a book and sat down on the sofa to read.

"We'll just hang out in there until you're done," Danny said as he pointed to the coffee house across the street from the Heorot.

"Yea, that's fine. I don't think I'll be more than an hour, at most," I said and rang the night bell. A minute or so later a short girl with bright red hair opened the door.

"Yea?" She asked in a thick New York accent.

"I'm Jonah Mars. I have an appointment with Alex."

"Come on in. Alex is in his office," she said and started to walk away.

"Where's his office?"

"Through that door, up the steps and the first door on the left," she said over her shoulder as she disappeared.

I made my way upstairs. The door to his office was open and a name plate was on the frame. Sitting at the desk working on a laptop was a guy who appeared to be in his early thirties, extremely thin, and with bleach-blonde hair. I knocked gently on the door.

"It's open," he said without looking up from the computer.

"Yea, I can see," I smirked. "I'm Jonah Mars."

"Oh, hey, Jonah. Just let me finish this message. Have a seat," he said and continued typing.

I sat down on the sofa and looked around the room. The walls were covered with posters of past shows -- all of them signed by the casts. The bookshelves were packed to overflowing and piles of scripts were stacked everywhere. There was only a single script on the table in front of the sofa, so I picked it up to check it out. It was obviously an unpublished play called, "The Life and Times of Jack Shine," by E. Furlong. Long title.

"Oh good, you've found it," Alex said as he sat down in the chair next to the sofa.

"This is it? The title is not set in stone yet, is it?"

Alex smiled. "It's fine as a working title. Here's what the schedule is: four week rehearsal period starting June first. After that we run in rep through August. How does that fit with your schedule?"

"Fits perfectly."

"Great. Pay is $1500 plus 2% of box office, if that's okay."

"Yea, that's fine."

"Good. Now take the script and check it out. Get back to me no later than Monday on whether you want to do it or not. It still has some rough edges, so I'd like you to work with the playwright before hand to clean those up, and I'm sure there will probably be rewrites during rehearsals -- which is why you have so much time."

"Okay. What about a stage manager and other staff?"

"If you take it, we'll provide all the staff. And to answer the question as to why you before you ask it: you were recommended. I know you are a first time director, and this is a first time playwright. It's all part of our summer season to showcase new talent. Any other questions?"

"Uh, no, I guess not yet. Let me read the script first and think about it."

"Alright. Nice to meet you," Alex said as he stood up to shake my hand.

"You too. I'll let you know by Monday. Later," I said and left. I was amazed at how quickly it went. Wham. Bam. Here's the script and let me know, man. I walked across the street and sat down at a table with Danny and Lance.

"How'd it go?" Danny asked.

"Quickly. I've got to read the script and get back to him by Monday."

"So you still up for going out?" Lance asked.

"Yea, but I'd better not. I think I'm just gonna head back and do some reading," I said and tapped the script.

"Okay. Well, we're gonna head out now," Danny said and stood up.

"We'll be back by sunrise," Lance smiled.

"Or earlier," Danny said. "Later."

"See ya," I said and they left. I got some coffee and moved over to an overstuffed chair and started reading the script. The basic plot of the story was that Jack Shine is an 18 year old hustler who falls in love with one of his customers. That customer, Justin Harmon, is a member of a well known boy-band. Justin is a regular customer and is in love with Jack, but is too caught up in his fame game to come out of the closet, or even try to have a real relationship with Jack. Jack stops seeing other customers and moves in with Justin to be his house boy. Initially, Jack is just happy to be around Justin all the time. Justin keeps pushing Jack away, and then pulling him back, as he tries to deal with his double life. Jack starts to make demands that Justin admit his feelings and that they go out together as a couple. Justin snaps and kills Jack by strangling him. Justin dumps the body and tries to go on like nothing ever happened. The grief finally hits Justin a week later, helped by Jack's ghost, and he goes out on the streets to find himself another Jack. Every boy he sees looks like Jack. While running from these images of Jack, Justin steps into the street and his killed by an oncoming truck. Quite depressing. There were some nice moments in the show between the two characters and some comic relief moments, but the overall tone was that love is conquered by all and fame fucks everything. It took me about three hours to read through it and a couple cups of coffee.

I read it once more when I got home, and then went to bed around 4AM. Danny and Lance still weren't home.

I woke up at eleven and stumbled to the kitchen to make some coffee. I ate a banana for breakfast while waiting for the coffee, and then sat down in the living room with the script, my coffee, and a notepad. I started going through the script again and making notes on characters, scenes and what I thought worked or didn't work. I was interrupted a half-hour later by the phone ringing.

"Hell and back travel service," I said as I answered the phone.

"Huh? Is, uh, Lance there?"

"Who is calling?"

"This is Justin."

I felt really weird for a second. I had just been concentrating on the character in the play, and then get a call from another Justin in a boy-band. I felt I was joining an "Outer Limits" episode.

"Hello?" Justin said.

"Huh? Oh, sorry, Justin. This is Jonah. I don't think they're up yet. They were out pretty late last night."


"He was with Danny."

"Did you go along?"

"No. I had some work to do."

"Are they together now?"

"Haven't you talked to Lance?"

"Not for a week."

"Well, then it's not my place to say anything."

"So they are together. I figured."

"Do you want me to see if he's here and wake him up, or just tell him you called?"

"He is supposed to be at the airport to pick us up right now, but he's not here and isn't answering his cell phone."

"Okay. Just a sec.," I said and went over to Danny's door and knocked softly. There was no answer, so I slowly opened the door and peeked in. Danny and Lance were wrapped around each other and sound asleep. They looked so cute and comfortable that I didn't have the heart to wake them. I closed the door and got back on the phone with Justin. "He's still out cold. Is there anything he needs to do other than pick you up?"

"No, just that. We were hoping to keep it quiet by not having a limo pick us up. Lance was going to rent a car."

"Why don't you just take a cab or rent a car yourself? I pretty sure Lance hasn't rented a car yet and it would be at least an hour or so before he could get there."

"Yea, I guess we can do that," Justin said. "Okay, sorry for disturbing you. Tell Lance we're gonna come over and kick his butt after we get settled in the hotel."

"Okay. Just don't break anything or get blood all over the place."

"No promises," Justin laughed. "We'll be seein' ya later, man."

"Bye," I said and hung up.

I went back to my script analysis. An hour later Lance came out of Danny's bedroom in his boxers and stumbled sleepily off to the bathroom with a morning piss hard-on tenting his boxers. He emerged a few minutes later."

"Mornin'. Is there any coffee made?" Lance asked in a deep and barely awake voice.

"Yea, but it's probably cold."

"I'll nuke it," he mumbled and stumbled off to the kitchen. He came back a few minutes later with a cup of coffee and sat down on the other end of the sofa before nursing his coffee.

"What time did you guys get in?"

"Six, I think."

"Weren't you supposed to do something this morning?" I asked with a grin.

"I don't think so," he said somewhat confused as he tried to think of something he may have forgotten.

"Okay. Well, Justin told me to tell you they'd be over to kick your ass after they got settled."

"Shit! When did they call? Did they get to the hotel? Shit!"

"Yea, I told them to take a cab or something. It'd be quicker than waking you up and you trying to get there."

"Okay. At least they're okay," Lance signed and slumped back on the sofa. He took another sip of his coffee and then asked, "So how's the script?"

"Good. Pretty dark, though. One of those 'love is conquered by all' stories."

"Don't you mean 'love conquers all?'"

"No. I mean 'love is conquered by all.' You can read it, if you want. I'm just making notes now."

Lance took the script and sat up.

"I'll warn you, though. It may hit a little too close to home," I said ominously. He just gave me a weird look and started reading as he sipped his coffee. Danny came out a half-hour later and sat down next to Lance after getting some coffee.

"Mornin'. That the script?" Danny said.

Lance nodded and continued reading.

"Any good?"

Lance nodded again.

"Want me to let you read?"

Lance looked up and smiled. He leaned in for a quick kiss from Danny and said, "Thanks," before going back to reading.

"I guess I'm gonna take a shower, then," Danny said and went to the bathroom.

I flipped open my PowerBook and transferred my notes, as well as added and expounded on them. When Danny was done, I took my shower, and then called Alex and told him I'd take the job. He asked me to come down as soon as possible to sign a contract and get some paperwork. I said I'd be right down. It was Sunday and I didn't feel like waiting for the train, so I drove.

I carefully read over the contract and signed it. Alex handed me a folder full of notes he had on the play, basic schedules, budgets, the playwright's contact information and the headshot and resume of an actor that the playwright wanted to play Jack -- but whether or not he did was ultimately my decision. I'd be assigned a stage manager as soon as one was found. Alex would be the production manager. He suggested I contact Eddie, the playwright, as soon as I could so the script could be sorted out as much as possible before rehearsals started. I thanked him and went back home.

I parked my car about a block away and was walking to my apartment when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I put my finger on the trigger of my keychain pepper spray as I turned around and saw Josh.

"Hey, Jonah," he said with a grin.

I sighed in relief. "Hey, Josh. You'd better be careful about doing that to people in New York. You almost got to experience pepper spray."

"Already have, thank you. I'd like to avoid it."

"How's that?"

"Ask dick for brains," Joey said and slugged Justin.

"It was an honest mistake," Justin said with a grin as he rubbed his arm.

"Uh, huh. They why is it you didn't get any?" Chris countered.

"Luck, I suppose."

"My ass," Chris mumbled.

"I just sprayed it out into the air. How was I supposed to know the wind would blow it back at everyone?"

I unlocked the front door and let everyone in. When we got up to my apartment, Lance was still sitting on the sofa in his boxers reading and Danny was out of sight. Lance was so engrossed he didn't hear us come in. Justin sat down on the sofa next to Lance and leaned over to see what he was reading. Lance, without looking, turned his head to kiss who he probably thought was Danny. He was just about to make contact when his eyes turned from the page and he saw Justin.

Lance screamed and about had a heart attack as he jumped, throwing the script over his head. "Damn, Justin. You trying to kill me?" Lance said as Justin laughed like a maniac.

"'Sup, Scoop," Justin laughed as he gave Lance a titty-twister.

Lance slapped his hand away and then put him in a head lock and gave him a noogie. Danny came out of the kitchen to see what the noise was as Justin was breaking free.

"Forget something this morning?" Josh said to Lance.

"Uh, yea. Sorry guys. Totally slipped my mind. You know, vacation and everything...I just forgot," Lance apologized.

"Is this gonna happen a lot now that you have a boyfriend?" Chris smirked.

Lance just blushed and looked at the floor.

Danny spoke up. "When you're in New York it will. I'm going to take as much of his time as I can," he said as he walked over and gave Lance a kiss.

"Lance has a boyfriend. Lance has a boyfriend," Justin sang teasingly.

"Jealous?" Lance shot back.

"Absolutely," Justin said with a grin and gave Lance another titty-twister before jumping up so Lance couldn't easily retaliate.

"So why'd you guys come over?" Lance asked.

"Just to check up on you, and to see if you guys wanted to join us for lunch," Josh said.

"I've already made us lunch," Danny said.

"Uh, sorry, guys. How about dinner instead?" Lance tried to recover.

"Yea, that's fine," Justin said.

"Do you want to come here, or should I meet you at the hotel?" Lance asked.

"We should probably come here," Joey said.

"Yea, we'll avoid the crowds easier," Chris added.

"Okay. What time?" Lance asked.

"Seven?" Josh suggested and looked around. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Okay. We'll let you alone now. See ya at seven," Justin said.

They all gave Lance a hug good bye. Josh and Justin also gave Danny a hug, and they were out the door. Lance and Danny went to the kitchen to have their lunch.

I just grabbed an apple and went back to the living room to look through the folder I'd gotten from Alex. Being my first produced play, I didn't know if the budgets were high or low. I'd have to ask Larry, my directing prof who passed on my name, about it. I pulled out the head shot of the guy the playwright wanted to play Jack. Cute guy. I flipped it over to check the resume. Charlie Hunnam. British -- I hope he can do an American accent. All TV or film work -- I wonder how he'd be at live theatre. I looked at the picture again to see if I could see him in the role. Yea, I guess the look could work, but I'd have to wait until he auditioned to see if he was any good.

I put the head shot back in the folder and looked for the playwright's info. Edward Furlong. I chuckled and wondered if he realized there was an actor by the same name. Maybe that's why he goes my E. Furlong. I decided to give him a call and introduce myself -- maybe even talk about the play if he had time. I picked up the phone and dialed.

"Jerkin's Sperm Bank," a guy with a younger sounding voice said. I had to laugh.

"May I speak to E. Furlong."

"It depends on how much you have to say," the guy laughed.

I paused, and then got it. Bad. Really bad. "That's really bad. Is this E?"

"Depends. Who is this?"

"I'm Jonah Mars..."

"Oh, hey Jonah. Alex told me to expect your call. So you're gonna be directing my show... I'm so psyched about this and I can't wait. Did you read it? What do you think about it?" E said excitedly.

I had to laugh. "Yes. Yes. And we'll talk about it."

"Huh? Oh. Sorry, I'm just really psyched. This is my first play that is going to be produced for real."

"I'm glad you feel that way. So you won't mind a total re-write, right?" I said in a serious voice.

"A what?"

"A total re-write."


I started laughing.

"Ass," E said.

"Probably. I just wanted to introduce myself. If it's okay, I'll just email you my comments and you can look over them and think about it before we talk about it. I've only read it a few times, so they're basically first impressions," I said.

"And what was your first impression?"

"Well, I took the job, didn't I?"

"Evasive answer."

"Helps build tension," I smirked. "Anyway, you know there's an actor that has the same name as you?"

E laughed. "I should think so. He's right here with me now."

I got it as soon as he said it. "One and the same, huh?"

"Since birth...or at least as long as I can remember. I hope that's not an issue or anything."

"Should it be?" I said, somewhat confused why it would be.

"Uh, no. Nevermind. Send your comments and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Email me your number with the comments."

"Sure thing. Talk with you later."

"Laters," E said and hung up the phone.

I woke up my PowerBook and looked over the notes again before sending them off. I went ahead and put E's address in my address book. I had the feeling we'd be doing a lot of emailing.

I put in John Lennon's, "John Lennon and the Plastic Ono Band," and sat back to think about the play. Lance came out a little while later and picked the script back up. A few minutes later Danny was sitting beside him reading his own book. When John Lennon was over I put in Eric Dolphy's, "Out to Lunch," and flipped open my PowerBook to write down some more thoughts. I was emailing these to E when the phone rang. I grabbed it.

"Jack's Jazz Shack," I said.



"Hey, this is Edw...E. I've looked over your comments. You have time to talk?"

"Yea, sure. Just a minute." I grabbed my PowerBook and went into my bedroom. "Okay. Shoot. Oh, you should also have another email with some more comments I just sent."

We talked about the play for three hours. The main thing I wanted him to change was the ending. I didn't think it worked, and would be difficult to do well for live theatre. We went over a few ideas and he said he'd work on it. When we finally got off the phone, he said he'd have a new version for me in a week.

I went back out to the living room. Lance was sleeping with his head on Danny's lap while Danny read the script. Lance was still in just his boxers.

"This is really fucked up," Danny said softly, so as not to wake Lance.

I just nodded and went to the kitchen. I got a glass of water and went back to the living room. Danny had put the script down and had his eyes closed as he gently rubbed Lance's back.

"So?" I asked as I sat down in a chair.

"It is really fucked up."

"You already said that."

"I know, but it is. I couldn't stop reading, though. It's like watching a car wreck. I don't like the ending. It seems a bit too poetic justice or 'Twilight Zone' justice. It doesn't fit the rest of the play."

"I agree. I told E that."

"Who is this E guy? Has he done anything else?"

"Not as far as produced plays. I know you've heard of Edward Furlong, though," I said with a grin.

"Edward Furlong? As in the kid in the 'Terminator' movie and 'Pecker?'"

"Now our age, but yea."

"That's cool, and just too weird."

"I don't know. It seems to make sense. A designer who is directing. An actor who is the playwright..."

"Now all you need is a musician as an actor," Danny said and nodded towards Lance.

"He's welcome to audition, but I don't think he'll have the time to do it."

"You'd make him audition?"

"Yea. I'm even gonna make the guy that E wants to play Jack audition."

"Who is it?"

"Some British guy," I said and passed Danny his head shot.

"Damn. He's cute," Danny smiled and flipped it over. "Oh my god. Do you realize who this is?"

"Yea. It's Charlie Hunnam. And?"

"He was Nathan in 'Queer as Folk.'"

"Yea, I read that."

"You haven't seen it?"


"Oh, man. You gotta see it. I wanna meet him," Danny said excitedly.

"Um, maybe I'll watch it after the show opens, if I cast him."


"'Cause I don't want a preconceived notion of his acting, I guess. I'd confuse the characters he was playing."

"I guess that kinda makes sense in a weird way."

"I never claimed to make sense," I smirked.

The door buzzer went off and I answered it.


"It's us. Buzz us in."

"Us? I don't know any 'us,'" I said.

"Ha. Ha," Joey dead panned.

"Thanks for the pity laugh," I said and buzzed them in. "Looks like the band's here."

"I didn't realize it was so late," Danny said and tried to gently wake Lance up.

I heard a thunder of footsteps and opened the door as they walked in.

"Hey, Jonah. Danny. Where's...oh," Justin started and then noticed Lance sleeping on Danny's lap.

Lance sat up, still disoriented and with a severe case of bed head -- or should that be lap head. Anyway, he got a round of laughter from his bandmates.

"It is seven already?" Lance said.

"Ten after," Josh said.

"Sorry. I fell asleep. Let me take a quick shower and get dressed," Lance said and stood up.

"You've gotta let me know how you get your man to stay in his underwear all day, Danny. Maybe it'll work on my girlfriend," Chris laughed.

Lance mooned them quickly and went to the bathroom.

The rest of the 'NSYNC guys basically grilled Danny while Lance was gone. This was their friend's first boyfriend and they wanted to know he was in good hands. Once they were satisfied he was okay, Josh turned to me.

"So where's a good place to eat?"

"Tons of places. What is everyone in the mood for?"

The answers were all over the place, so I decided. "Bad question. We're going to Angelo's in Little Italy."

"Pizza! Ha!" Justin said and laughed in Joey's face.

"Foccocia and calzone, but no pizza," I said.

"No pizza. Ha!" Joey shot back to Justin.

"Just a few more minutes, guys," Lance said as he walked to Danny's bedroom.

"I'll call a cab," Josh said and pulled out his phone.

"We'll just take the train," I said.

"Too public and too great a chance of being mobbed," Justin replied as Josh talked to the cab company.

"I don't know why you'd want fame if meant you couldn't even go out without being mobbed," I said.

"It's a side effect, and you don't really realize what you've gotten yourself into until it's already too late."

Danny and I put on our shoes and Lance joined us a few minutes later, fully dressed and ready to go. We took the cab to Angelo's and had a great meal. I took the train home afterwards because I had classes tomorrow while everyone else went out to a club.

I got home around 10:30 and started pulling my stuff together for classes. I had just finished when Michael called.

"Hey, babe," Michael said, sounding very sleepy.

"Hey, sleepy boy. Long day?"

"Since 5AM. I'm dead."

"I accepted the directing job. You wouldn't believe who the playwright is."


"Edward Furlong."

"Like the actor Edward Furlong? No way."

"Yep. I talked with him over three hours today about the script."

"Is it any good?"

"Yea, it is. Some stuff needs to be fixed, but it has some good characters."

"Should I audition?"

"No. I don't want you in the show."

"Why not?"

"It would just be too weird, and the characters are really fucked up. It's my first real directing job and I don't want to deal with any problems because the director is sleeping with the lead. Besides, it would interfere with your classes."

"Yea, okay. I wish you were here now so we could snuggle up and sleep 'till noon," Michael said and yawned.

"That would be so nice, and I'd like to be there, or you be here. Just two more weeks."

"Two more long weeks."

We talked for another twenty minutes or so until Michael was mostly incoherent and whispered, "I love you," before hanging up and probably going straight to sleep. I brushed my teeth and then went to bed as well.

The next two weeks were an incredibly slow blur. If I hadn't been so busy with classes and rehearsals and the spring productions opening, I would have had time to think about Michael. As it was, I still missed Michael terribly. This would hit me every night when I went to bed alone, and every morning when I woke up alone. It's just damn cruel to sleep by yourself and I don't know how I ever did it before.

Lance stayed with Danny the rest of the week until he left for Copenhagen to do some recording. Danny was really depressed the first few days after he left.

On top of classes, E called or emailed me every time he changed something. I'm glad I didn't give him my mobile number. The script was getting better, though, but we were still going back and forth on the ending.

It was finally Saturday night and Michael's plane was getting in at 11:45PM. I drove and Danny came with me just so I wouldn't have to be out alone at night. When we got there I saw that the arrivals board said his plane wouldn't be in until 12:30AM. I asked an attendant why and, after checking, she said that it was delayed in Chicago because of heavy rain.

"Damn. Someone is enjoying teasing me," I grumbled.

"Let's get some coffee and something to snack on," Danny said.

"Yea, okay," I said non-committally.

We sat down at a coffee shop and each had some coffee and a big blueberry muffin. After an eternity, his plane landed. I got up and went straight to the gate the arrivals board listed.

After another eternity, the plane got up to the gate and started letting people off. I impatiently watched for Michael in the crowds of people. Finally, I saw him stumbling along -- hair messed up and looking sleepy. His eyes were barely open, but he managed a smile as he saw me. As soon as he was clear of the gate, I walked up, wrapped my arms around him and held him tight. We just held each other for the longest time, until Danny put his hand on my shoulder.

"Come on. Let's go home," Danny said.

Michael and I parted and shared a quick kiss.

"Hey," he said with a sleepy grin.


"Hey, Danny," Michael said and gave him a quick hug. "Let's get my bags and get the hell outta here."

Michael and I held hands as we walked to the luggage carousel and grabbed his bags. When we got home, Michael and I said good night and took a quick shower before going to bed. I wrapped myself around him and he held me to him as we drifted off to sleep. For the first time since he left, I felt like I would get a good night's sleep.

I woke before Michael and decided to run down to the bakery for some croissants for breakfast. I put a pot of coffee on before I left and was back before Michael was awake. I poured us some coffee, cut up an apple and a few bananas in a bowl, and brought everything into the bedroom. I dropped my clothes again and got into bed. I gently rubbed his back. After a minute or so Michael woke up and rolled over on his back.

He smiled. "Mornin'."

"Mornin'," I said happily and gave him a quick kiss. "Breakfast is ready."

"We're staying in bed all day," Michael said mischievously.

"Of course. That's why I brought it in here," I said and sat up. "Come on. Sit up."

Michael sat up, arranging the pillow behind him, and took the cup of coffee I offered him. I put the bowl of fruit and the bag of croissants on the bed.

"I better go to the bathroom first," Michael said and slid out of bed, running off to the bathroom with his morning piss hard-on flopping in front of him. He returned a few minutes later and gave me a minty fresh kiss before sitting down on the bed. "I love croissants," he said as he pulled one out of the bag and handed to me. Instead of taking it, I leaned forward and took a bite out of it. He grinned wider and then took a bite out of it himself. I fed him a piece of apple. We continued feeding each other until the croissants were gone.

"Lay back," I said with a grin.

"Okay," Michael smiled and moved so he could lay back without hanging off the bed.

I put a small piece of banana on each of his nipples, and two leading down his belly. I leaned over him and gave him a quick kiss before eating the piece of banana on one nipple and licking it clean. I moved to the next one, and then down. After eating the last piece I licked down his hard cock and then nibbled at his balls. I slowly licked my way back up and settled down into a kiss.

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day," I smirked, and then kissed him again.

"Then I'd better eat something," Michael said and we rolled over so he was on top. "Hmm. No more fruit. I'll just have to pretend," he said as he started licking down my neck.

Needless to say, we made love. We held each other close after we came and fell asleep again.

I awoke sometime later to the feeling of Michael's mouth around my cock -- so much better than an alarm clock that it doesn't even compare. I stretched and let out a yawn. Seeing that I was now awake, Michael moved up and gave me a quick kiss.

"I wanna try something new," he said with a grin.

"Okay. What?"

"Fucking. I mean intercourse. Well, that doesn't sound right. What would you call it so it doesn't sound crude or clinical? Making love isn't quite right because we already make love," he said and kissed me again.

I though for a second. "How about we call it...walking the dog?" I smirked.

Michael burst out laughing. "Okay. I want to walk the dog."

"Sounds good to me."

"Great," Michael said and produced a condom and some KY from behind him. "I was hoping you'd feel that way," he added and ripped open the condom package.

"Who goes first?"

"I do," Michael smiled as he started rolling the condom over my erection. He then squeezed a big glob of KY into his hand and rubbed it up and down my cock. Satisfied that I was as slick as could be, he rubbed the remaining KY in his butt and climbed up so he was straddling me. "Um, can you hold it straight and I'll guide you in? I wanna control the initial penetration."

I nodded and pushed my cock down so it pointed straight up. Michael spread his butt cheeks and positioned the head of my cock at his hole. A look of apprehension crossed his face before he smiled and said, "Well, here goes my virginity." He slowly sat down and my cock was pressing tightly at his hole. It felt like I'd never get in. Michael's smile turned into a grimace as he slowly continued to lower himself. His erection had gone down and I rubbed my free hand along his thighs. Suddenly the head of my cock popped in and Michael gasped. I gasped too, but for a completely different reason. It felt...incredible. Like nothing I could even imagine. I hoped I wouldn't cum before we even got started.

"You okay?" I asked with concern at the look of discomfort on Michael's face.

"Yea. It's supposed to hurt the first time, so I've read. If only you weren't so damn big," Michael said through heavy breaths, and then laughed. When he laughed he slid down a couple inches.

"I'm not freakishly large, just on the upper side of average," I joked and now used both hands to rub his thighs.

Then, of course, the phone rang. It startled both of us. I jumped a little bit and Michael sat down completely. He laughed and groaned at the same time. I laughed and tried not to cum.

"It feels really weird to have you inside me," Michael said as he started to relax.

"It feels really great to be inside you," I said and pulled him down so I could kiss him. "I love you, Michael. So much," I added and almost shed tears of happiness. I know it sounds sappy, but that's how I felt.

"I love you too, Jonah. More than anything," Michael said and we kissed some more. He was lying on my chest with my cock still in him as we kissed. It was a very pleasant distraction to keep me from cumming too soon. His penis was pressed between our bellies and was starting to become erect again. "I think we can start now," Michael said and held me tight as he rolled us over. After some maneuvering, Michael was on his back with his legs around my waist and I was over him. I slowly pulled out -- as much for myself as Michael -- and then slowly back in. His cock was semi-erect and would jerk a bit when I passed his prostate, as well as his hole would clamp down. I was totally in heaven. After a few strokes, I leaned back down so we could kiss as I slowly moved in and out. Michael clamped his legs behind me and whispered, "Harder," as he pulled me into him.

I did as he asked and knew I wouldn't last much longer like this. Precum was almost dribbling out of him and lubricated his erection between our bellies. We were breathing too hard now to kiss. Michael's hole was spasming and clamping down on me and I was fighting to keep going. He let out a loud moan and arched his back as his cum shot between us and his hole held me so tight I lost it myself and rammed in as far as I could as I shot into the condom. I squeezed him tight and it felt like my entire body was being shot into him. We clung to each other, panting heavily, as we started to come down. When I had control of my breathing again, I leaned up a little and kissed him.

"I like walking the dog," I said between kisses.

"Me too."

"And I love you."

"Definitely, me too."

I pulled my half-erect penis out of him and got rid of the condom so he could put his legs down. I lay down beside him and we cuddled as we talked about the wrap party, my classes, upcoming shows. Anything and everything as we just enjoyed each other. After a while, though, my stomach grumbled. Before he could laugh, Michael's did too.

"I guess it's time for lunch," Michael smiled and start to get up.

I looked at the clock. "Um, dinner, actually," I said and pointed out that it was 5PM.

"I think we need to take a shower first. We're kinda icky."

"I agree."

We took a long shower and got dressed. Danny was sitting on the sofa and on the phone when we went into the living room.

"Yea, they just got out...Yea, I know...'Bout time, guys. Lance says 'hi,'" Danny said and went back to his conversation as we went to the kitchen.

"What should we make for dinner?" I asked.

Michael thought for a minute and then said, "Why don't we go out for pizza?"

"Sounds good. Do we want to invite Danny?"

"Yea. May as well get his interrogation over with," Michael smirked.


"Yea. Watch. He'll be real casual about it, but he'll ask about Matt."

"He's with Lance now, so he might not bring it up."

"Bet ya."

"Nope. I'm not gonna take that bet."

Danny got off the phone a few minutes later and we went out for dinner. Sure enough, Danny slipped in the question.

"So how was it working with Matt Damon?" Danny said with a grin.

Michael laughed and nudged me. "It was great. He gives the best head."

"You're kidding, right?" Danny asked.

"Of course. He's not that good."

"Come on, just tell me."

"It was work. Yes, he's a nice guy. Kinda quiet. Very intelligent. We worked together."

"That's it?"

"What else can I say? What would you say to someone who got all excited that you work with Carson?"

"Okay," Danny conceded. "But Matt Damon is much cuter than Carson even thinks he is," he added with a grin.

"Without a doubt," Michael laughed. "He's also straight and I'm with Jonah," he said and rubbed his leg against mine under the table. "So you and Lance are now an item?"

"Yea," Danny said with a sappy grin.

"When's he gonna be back in town?"

"He'll be back in the country May third. He's gonna try to stop by, but they have some performances. I don't know when I'll see him next," Danny sighed.

"That sucks."

"Tell me about it."

"If they have a weekend show that's close, just borrow my car and go see him," I offered.

"Thanks, but they're down around Texas."

We finished dinner and went home. Michael and I went straight to our room.

"Ready to walk the dog?" Michael asked with a grin and a kiss.

I pushed his hand down to my growing erection. "Does that answer your question?"

"Good. Me, too," he said and moved my hand to his.

We kissed as we pulled each other's clothes off. Once we were naked, we moved to the bed. Michael laid on his back and I straddled his legs. I grabbed a condom and the KY and got us ready.

"Any words of advice," I said as I readied myself to sit down on his cock.

"It hurts really bad at first, but it goes away. Just go slow."

"Okay. Well, here goes my virginity," I smiled, mimicking Michael earlier. I slowly sat down and it quickly started to hurt. His head slid in and I stopped. It really hurt.

"Oh my god," Michael said with lust. "You feel so...incredible."

"So did you," I smiled and continued sitting down slowly until he was all the way in. Michael was breathing heavily and his hands were all over my thighs and belly. As the pressure lessened and it became more comfortable, I pulled his hands from my legs and held them over his head as I leaned over and we kissed. I know he needed the distraction to keep from cumming too soon and I needed the time to get used to the feeling.

A few minutes later I said I was ready and we rolled over. Michael started pumping slowly and it started to feel good for me. I was about half-hard now and leaking pre-cum like I never have before. A few times it felt like I was going to cum, but I didn't. It just kept building and building. Michael's strokes got faster before he rammed hard and held me tightly as he orgasmed. I rubbed his butt as he was cumming and his body shivered.

"That was the best. I love you so much," Michael mumbled into my neck as he still clutched to me.

"I love you, too," I said and continued to rub his butt and kiss his neck and shoulders. After a few minutes, he leaned up.

"You didn't cum?"

"Not yet."

"I can fix that," he said with a grin and pulled out of me. He got rid of his condom, grabbed a new one and rolled it over my cock after rubbing it a few times to bring me to full erection. He lubed us both up and got on his hands and knees and wiggled his butt. I laughed and knelt behind him. I positioned myself and slid in much easier than before. I leaned over him and wrapped my arms around him. I held out longer than I thought I would, but it didn't take long before I lost control and slammed into him as, once again, it felt like I was trying to cum my entire body. I continued kissing at his neck and shoulder as I came down and realized I'd bitten him. I pulled out and got rid of the condom. We lay down in each other's arms.

"Sorry I bit you," I said.

"It's alright. It was kinda intense."


"You know, there's only one bad thing about walking the dog," Michael said.

"What's that?"

"It makes a mess. Let's get cleaned up, change the sheets and go to bed."

That's exactly what we did.

Life got back to normal for a few days. Michael was taking an acting workshop that met a couple times a week, but he was always home by the time I got home. We also learned that walking the dog every night wasn't a good idea. Not only were we sore, but we had to keep washing the sheets.

We went out with Michael's folks for our birthday dinner, and then Danny took us out and tried to get me drunk. I held back because I couldn't miss classes tomorrow. I did, however, order a drink legally for the first time. The bartender didn't even ask for my ID. It was kind of a let down. Overall, it was a calm birthday.

Auditions for "Jack Shine" were going to be Friday, Saturday and Sunday, with callbacks being the following weekend. Hopefully everyone would respond before Michael and I left for Europe. E and Charlie would be staying with us for that time period and I was sure Danny was going to wet his pants when I told him. I don't know why I wasn't excited about meeting these two celebrities. Maybe it's just as Michael had explained it before: it's just people you work with.

Audition notices had been sent out and I'd been assigned a Stage Manager and space for the auditions. I asked Larry to be at the auditions and he said he'd try to pop in from time to time.

Charlie was getting in today, Thursday, at six, and E was getting in tomorrow morning and would meet us at the theater. Danny wanted to come with me to pick Charlie up from the airport, but had to work. Michael came with me, though. I didn't feel like dealing with rush hour traffic, so we took the train.

Charlie's plane had already landed when we arrived. We went to the Customs gate and looked around for him. I didn't see him and assumed he hadn't gotten through, yet. I pulled out my sign that said, "Hunnam," and held it in front of me so people exiting Customs could see it. A few minutes later he came through the doors and walked up to us.

"Jonah?" He asked.

"Yep," I said and extended my hand.

He smirked and shook my hand. "I'm Charlie, as you've already guessed."

"This is my boyfriend, Michael," I said introducing Michael.

Charlie didn't even flinch and shook Michael's hand.

"Nice to meet you, mate," he said.

"Let's go get your bags. How was the flight?" I asked.

"Bloody long for it only being two hours later. And what is the deal with Customs people in the US and UK? Such stupid questions. Like I'd really tell them if I was a terrorist."

"Maybe they're just hoping to catch the really stupid ones," Michael smirked.

"If they were that dim they would probably have a t-shirt that said, 'Kiss me. I'm a terrorist,'" Charlie added.

"Or 'My terrorist buddies blew up a skyscraper and all I got was this lousy t-shirt,'" Michael added with a laugh.

"How many bags do you have, Charlie?" I asked.

"Just one. God, I need a fag."

"Huh?" Both Michael and I turned and looked at him.

"What? Oh, sorry. A cigarette. Forgot it means something different here," he grinned and grabbed his suitcase from the luggage carousel.

"That's okay. I should have realized," I said.

"So where's your auto?" Charlie asked now that he was ready to go.

"At home. We took the train," Michael answered.

"Oh well, off to the tube then. Where do we go?"

"If you want the tube, you'll have to go back to London," I smirked.

"Then I guess we'll take whatever you call your tube over here."

Michael started to make a comment, but I stopped him.

We made our way to the shuttle to the train station and caught a train right away. Charlie sat across from us with his bags on the seat next to him. He kept looking at Michael.

"You're an actor as well, aren't you?" Charlie asked Michael.


"'Dawson's Creek.' Right?"

"Not anymore, but yea."

"Why not? Did they write you out?"

"Now they have. I got some better offers for films, so I told them I wouldn't be back."

"Yea, film work in the States is better than tele, but a regular paycheck is nice. Apparently we're both WB refugees. Are you auditioning for 'Jack Shine' as well?"

"No, he's not," I answered.

"He won't let me," Michael smirked to Charlie and poked me in the ribs.

"Probably best. You have an unfair advantage, and I'm not going to sleep with the director," Charlie laughed.

"Damn right, you're not," Michael laughed. "Are you even gay?"

"I've played one on tele. Does that count?"

"Sure. We'll make you an honorary gay man," I said.

"What does that entail?"

"You get to hang out with us, but you don't get any good sex," Michael laughed.

"Cheers to that," Charlie laughed.

"Here's our stop," I said and stood up.

We got off the train and started the couple block walk home.

"Which part of the city is this?" Charlie asked.

"Brooklyn," I answered.

"Where is that in relation to Manhattan?"

"Uh, south-east, just across the East River."

"Just getting my bearings."

"Here were are," I said and opened the front door.

"Are you hungry?" Michael asked as we climbed the stairs.

"Starving. What do you say to going out for some real New York American pizza? I'll even pay," Charlie said.

"Can't turn down an offer like that," Michael said.

"Nice flat," Charlie said as he walked into the apartment. "Where should I put my stuff?"

"Anywhere is fine. I don't have any guest rooms, so you and E are sleeping in the living room," I said.


"Eddie. Edward. Ed. Whatever you call him."

"Ah, why E?"

"'Cause his script said E. Furlong. I started calling him that and he hasn't asked me to call him something different. He also signs all his emails that way. Anyway, it's your choice between the sofa and the flip-n-fuck for a bed."

"The what?" Charlie laughed.

"The sofa and the flip-n-fuck," I said again pointing them out as I said it.

"You call that foam chair a flip-n-fuck? That's brilliant," Charlie laughed again.

"What else would you call it?"

"Doesn't matter. Now I'm calling them flip-n-fucks. If you can tell me where the loo...bathroom is, I'll be ready to go eat in a few minutes."

Michael showed him to the bathroom and I checked the answering machine. Two were from E. He wanted to know if Charlie made it in okay, and then called back again to say how excited he was about auditions. He may have been excited, but I was nervous. I had three days to audition 60 people for ten roles. That's 20 people a day in closed auditions.

Charlie came out of the bathroom a few minutes later -- his face washed and hair wet back.

"I feel tons better. Thanks for letting me stay here, by the way."

"No prob."

"Now lets go get some American pizza."

"Where do you think?" I asked Michael.

"Um, what's close? How about Joe's over on Fulton?"

"That'll work."

We walked down to Joe's. Michael and Charlie shared a large gut-buster with lots of meat, while I ordered a small veggie. Charlie looked at the beer list and ordered us three pints of Guinness.

"I can't believe she didn't card us," Michael said in hushed tones.

"What do you mean?" Charlie asked.

"I'm under 21."

"Oh, that's right. Silly law if you ask me, but no one did. How old are you?" Charlie asked Michael.

Michael looked for the waitress and then said, "Just turned 20."

Charlie looked to me.

"Same age as you," I answered.

"Oh yea, here's something weird for you. We all have the same birthday. You and Jonah were even born in the same year," Michael said.

"April 10?"

Michael and I nodded.

"Must be a good day to be born."

The waitress brought out our Guinness and Charlie lit up a cigarette after taking a drink. He was careful to blow the smoke up or away from us. We chatted a bit about the play and nothing in particular until the pizza arrived. It didn't last long. Charlie paid and we headed back.

"Not to be rude, but I'm going to bed now. I'm still on London time so it's like three for me."

"No prob. Good night," I said and went to my bedroom. Michael was in the bathroom and joined me when he got out.

"He seems like a nice guy," Michael said as he sat down on the bed beside me. I had my PowerBook open and was going over my audition notes and schedule.

"Uh, huh," I mumbled.



"It's the people auditioning who are supposed to be nervous," Michael teased.

"Why should they be nervous? If the show fails, I get the blame."

"You also get the glory if the show does great."

"The actors get the glory."

"Directors do too, just from a different audience," Michael said and started massaging my shoulders.

"I guess. I'm still worried about everything, though."

"You'll do fine. Now put that thing away and lay down. I'm gonna give you a massage and you're gonna relax. Got it."

"Yes, sir," I said, put the computer away and stripped before laying down on the bed. Michael stripped as well and straddled me as he started at my shoulders. It was just what I needed and I was soon sound asleep.

I woke up just before 7AM and turned off the alarm before it went off. I woke Michael and then went to take a quick shower. Michael joined me about half-way through. He was sleep walking, I'm sure. I started to wonder if it was a good idea to have him there. Too late now. I got dressed and went to make some coffee. Charlie was awake and watching TV, though I guess it was afternoon in London.

"Morning," I said as I walked through to the kitchen.

"Mornin'," he said, but I was already in the kitchen.

I put on the coffee and ate a banana as I was waiting for it. I really didn't feel like eating anything, but I know I needed to. Charlie came into the kitchen as the coffee was finishing.

"I thought I smelled coffee. Brilliant."

I pulled down another cup and poured some for both of us.

"There's fruit in the 'fridge, as well as bagels if you want breakfast. Help yourself."


I left him in the kitchen and went to call Lisa, the Stage Manager. She was already at the theater and was making copies of the audition scenes. She assured me everything was ready and told me to relax. I thanked her and got my bag ready to go. The first audition was at 9AM. I downed the rest of my coffee and started out the door. Then I remembered Michael and Charlie. I told Charlie that Danny, who he hadn't met yet, would make sure he got to the theater in time for his 2:00 audition. I hurried Michael along and we were out the door.

We quickly walked to the train station and waited ten minutes until the train arrived. When we finally got to the theater I relaxed a bit. I checked in with Lisa and got Michael and I another cup of coffee before setting up at the director's table at the back of the rehearsal room we were holding auditions in.

"What am I supposed to do again?" Michael yawned and took a sip of his coffee.

"Just read the other part if I have them read from the play. They have to do a monologue first, so if that sucks I won't bother having them read."

"Okey dokey. You want a doughnut?"

"No thanks. I'm starting to relax, but if I eat I think I'll throw up."

Michael giggled.

The door to the rehearsal hall opened and some guy let out a loud scream. I jumped about a mile and looked to see who it was on the way down. It was E. I should have guessed.

"Nothing like a good shock to get your blood pumping in the morning," he smirked as he walked in with his bags.

"If you do that every morning, you're not gonna live through the weekend," I warned.

"I'd recognize that smart ass voice anywhere. How ya doin', Jonah," E said as he dropped his bags and gave me a hug.


"Oh, hell yea. Me too, but this is so exciting. Casting call for my first play. Who's the guy eating all the doughnuts?"

"My boyfriend Michael. He's gonna help by reading the other part when we have them read."

"Boyfriend?" E said a bit bitchy.

"Someone talking about me," Michael said as he walked over to us.

"Just telling E who the guy eating all the doughnuts is."

"Nice to meet you," Michael said and extended his hand.

"Charmed," E smirked and shook his hand. Exit E the charming and funny, if not a bit overzealous, guy. Enter E the bitchy queen. I got a dreadful feeling that this was going to be a problem and he was gonna get bitch slapped. Michael shot me a look that said, 'What the fuck is his problem?'

"Is there a problem, E?" I asked, wanting to get this out of the way instead of having it hang over the auditions.

"Problem? No, just a little surprised. You never told me you were dating a boy from 'Dawson's Creek.'"

"There was no reason to. We talked about the play. My personal life has nothing to do with your play," I said, and though to myself, 'You never told me you were a bitchy queen.'

"No, I suppose it doesn't. So did Charlie get in okay last night," E said, changing the subject.

"Yea. He'll be here in time for his audition," I said.

Thankfully, Lisa walked into the room before E could open his mouth again.

"Hey Jonah, there's a guy named Larry here to see you."

"Great. I'll be right there," I said and exited the room. Larry was in the lobby looking at photos on the wall. "Thanks for coming, Larry," I said and shook his hand.

"Don't mention it. I can only stay 'till noon, though. Nervous?" Larry smiled.


Larry laughed. "Yep. I felt the same way casting my first show. Meet the playwright yet?"

I sighed. "Yea."



"Which is...?"

I pulled Larry outside and out of ear shot before explaining.

"E was apparently hoping to hook up with me. He just discovered I have a boyfriend and went really bitchy queen on me."

"Well, you're the director. If he brings that into rehearsals, ban him."

"Yea, but I hate to cause friction because of that. He just needs to get over it."

"Good luck. You're gonna find that there are a lot of very talented assholes in this businesses," he laughed.

"Now you tell me," I laughed back.

"Come on, Jonah. You have an audition in five," Lisa said as she poked her head out the door.

"Time to get to work," I said and we went in to the rehearsal hall.

Auditions were...well, they were long. There was a new person every half hour until 8PM, minus an hour for lunch. The audition usually lasted about 15-20 minutes, which gave me some time between to make notes and take a quick break before the next person. Larry came back after 5PM, and E had settled his attitude a bit. Alex showed up around three. All told, there were a few people I wanted to see again, and some who I wondered how they made a living as actors. Charlie was good. I had him read for both Jack and Justin, but I was leaning towards Justin for him if I didn't find anyone better. He did manage an American accent for the most part, but he'd have to work on it if I cast him. If I wasn't dating Michael, I would have cast him right away as Jack.

When it was all over, Alex, Larry, Lisa, E and I went to a restaurant to have dinner and exchange comments. Michael went out with Charlie.

"You really should consider casting Michael as Jack," Alex said as we were going over things.

"I think so, too," Larry agreed.

"He's got a prior commitment," I answered.

"Like what? Maybe he can get out of it," Alex asked.

"He's starting university second summer session, and then starts working on a film the first week of September."

"The film doesn't conflict. The show closes August 31st," Alex said.

"And second summer session is July, so you'll already be running. Classes are in the day and the show is at night," Larry added.

"Yea, okay, but what about the fact that we're dating?"

"You wouldn't be the first or last director who is dating one of his actors," Larry laughed.

"And in this case he is the best person for the part, so far," Alex added.

"E?" I asked for his opinion, hoping it would be against Michael being in the show.

"As much as I hate to say it, Michael's the perfect Jack," E said slowly.

"Well, let's not print the posters yet. We still have two more days of this," I sighed and then took a drink of my beer.

I got home around eleven. Michael and Charlie were sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"Hey," I sighed and dropped down on the sofa next to Michael and gave him a kiss.

"Hey. Where's E?" Michael asked after our kiss.

"He decided to stay at a hotel. I agreed that that would be best."

Charlie started laughing.

"Good," Michael said.

"He didn't like that you had a boyfriend already, did he?" Charlie laughed.

"Nope, and was being quite the little bitch about it too for a while."

"Yea, he can be that. He's probably at a bar getting over it right now. He's such a slut," Charlie snickered.

"As long as he gets over it I don't care what he does. I'm gonna go to bed now. I'm exhausted," I said and gave Michael a kiss before getting up.

"I'll be in in a few minutes," Michael said.

I cleaned up, set the alarm and was asleep before Michael joined me.

The next two days went the same, except I was no longer nervous. There was only one other person who would make a good Jack, so I had little choice but to ask Michael if he was interested in joining call-backs. After our post-audition discussion dinner, I headed home and planned to ask Michael.

"Can we talk a minute?" I asked Michael when I got home.

"Yea, sure. What's up?"

"In private."

"Uh, okay."

We went into our bedroom and shut the door. Michael looked at me with a look of concern on his face.

"Um, I know I said I didn't want you in the show, and you'll have a lot going on, but it seems to be unanimous that you should be at call-backs."

Michael smiled broadly. "What about the 'sleeping with the director' fear?"

"I guess I'll just have to sleep with the rest of the cast as well," I sighed dramatically.

"Even the girls?"

"I'd have to...just to be fair..." I smirked.

"If you're willing to go through that, then I accept. What role?"


"Isn't that the one E wants Charlie to play?"

"Yea, but you'd make a much better Jack, and Charlie'd make a much better Justin. We'll see at call-backs, though. Maybe I won't cast either of you," I teased.

"I won't be upset if you don't cast me. Just so you know."

"Thanks," I said and gave him a kiss.

"You're welcome. Who else are you calling back?"

"Don't know exactly, yet. You'll just have to wait and see now that you're on the list."

"Oh, I see. I'm just a peon actor now," Michael teased.

"Yep, but you're my peon actor," I said and gave him a kiss. "Now go play with the other peon actor while I try to make up my mind."

Michael gave me another quick kiss and a grin before he went back to the living room. I sat down and spread the headshots of the possibilities across our bed and worked on deciding two people for each role to call back. I finished around 1AM and emailed the list to Lisa to contact the people.

Once everything was cleaned up, I went out to the living room. Charlie was asleep on one side of the sofa and Michael was asleep on the other side. I threw a blanket over Charlie, turned off the TV and half-carried half-walked Michael to bed.

The week went rather quickly -- of course it was only four days until call-backs. We all got along with Charlie very well. Well, I wasn't home that much, but Michael and Danny were out on the town with him every day and Danny even gave him a tour of the MTV studios. Charlie was pretty thrilled about that and the fact that he met Serina Altshul.

Call-backs were much easier than the auditions. We had them in the theater instead of the rehearsal hall and all the actors called back were in there all the time. By 5:00 I knew what the cast should be and let everyone go. I talked it over with Alex, E and Larry before giving the list to Lisa to send out the offers. Overall I was pretty happy with the chosen cast and hoped that no one would back out. I cast Charlie as Justin and Michael as Jack and brought their contracts home with me.

Michael was alone when I got home.

"Hey, babe," I said and gave him a kiss. "You lose the Brit?"

"Yea. Dropped him off at MTV. Britany Spears is in the studio," Michael said and rolled his eyes.

"Oh, I've lost any respect for him now that I know he listens to Britany Spears," I smirked.

"He says he hates the music, but that...how'd he put it... 'She'd be a might fine shag,'" Michael said in an English accent and laughed.

"And of course she'll run into the audience and 'shag' him as soon as she hears his accent. Right?"

"Oh, of course," Michael said and took a drink of his juice.

"There's gonna be an Englishman wanking in New York," I somewhat sang.

Michael laughed and sprayed juice everywhere.

"Don't do that while I'm drinking," Michael laughed between coughs.

"Okay. You already eat dinner?" I asked.

"Yea, sorry. I didn't know how long you'd be. So are you decided? Do you have a cast? Do I have a job?"

I just handed him the envelope with the contract. He opened it to see what it was, and then smiled.

"Good choice."

"So I've been told. Even E said you were the best person for the role."


"Right after the first day of auditions. Everyone said you should play Jack."

"What about you?"

"If we weren't dating, I would have cast you the first day."

"I did have an unfair advantage, you know?"

"What? Sleeping with the director?"

"Kinda. I've read the play and heard your thoughts about it. That and the fact that I read that scene sixty times," he laughed.

"So you were trying to get me to cast you," I teased.

"Not really. I was just reading the best I could."

"Then it appears my boyfriend is just damn talented."

"You're just figuring that out?"

"Too bad he's not modest, too," I smirked.

"Nobody's perfect. Why don't you eat dinner, and then maybe we can do something."

"Like walk the dog?" I said hopefully and raised my eyebrows.

"Maybe. We do have at least until 11:30 before Danny and Charlie get back, and I haven't seen Nicole for days."

"Really? I wonder what is up with that. Usually she at least shows up to change clothes and do laundry."

"I don't know. Maybe she's just been in before I've gotten up."

"That wouldn't be too difficult."


"Absolutely. Enjoy it while you can. You're not going to be able to in July. Classes in the morning. Performance at night. Homework all the time," I teased.

"I'll have to store up sleep."



"I just remembered that I've totally forgotten about the set design for the show. Damn. I'm gonna have to find someone soon. We go to Europe in two weeks and I need to know what the set is before I can start blocking. Damn. Damn."

"Relax. You know tons of designers."

"I know, but... Well, I'll just have to bring my PowerBook with us to Europe and do it long distance," I sighed.

"Tell you what: I'll make you some dinner and you can call around to find a set designer so you can relax. Okay?"

"Thanks," I said and gave him a quick kiss before grabbing the phone. The first call I made was to Alex. I asked him if I was supposed to find the designers or if he was doing that? He informed me that he already had designers and hadn't told me yet so I could focus on casting. He'd have Rebecca, the set designer, call me tomorrow.

I ate the dinner Michael made me and then we walked the dog before anyone got home. Actually it was more like fucking because it was getting late and we were trying to rush. I'm not complaining, though. Afterwards we took a shower and snuggled up on the sofa to watch TV.

I drifted in and out of sleep as Michael held me. My dreams were really weird combinations of whatever we were watching on TV and the auditions and call-backs and classes and everything else that was going on in my life. I was aware enough to know I was dreaming and aware enough to think how totally bizarre the dreams were, but not aware enough to remember them when I awoke.

Danny and Charlie got in around 2AM and were a bit drunk.

"Hi-a guys," Danny said as he leaned over the back of the sofa and placed a sloppy drunk kiss on Michael's forehead and then mine. I pushed him away.

"Hey, drunk boy," I said as I sat up, waking Michael in the process.

"Wha?" Michael said sleepily as he looked around. "Oh, just you guys. How was Britany?"

"The bird wouldn't even talk to me," Charlie said and flopped down on the other end of the sofa while Danny dropped down on the floor in front of it.

"You couldn't get him a private audience," I teased Danny.

"Hey, I'm just a peon there. Her body guards wouldn't let anyone close to her off stage."

"I don't think he really tried," Charlie said in a drunk confidential tone.

"I did so. You were right there when I asked Carson."

"And he told you to bugger off!" Charlie laughed.

"Yea, well apparently you aren't as big a star as you think you are," Danny shot back.

"I'm enough to get you all hot and bothered," Charlie countered.

Danny blushed.

"He got you there," I laughed.

"Yea. Yea. Yea," Danny mumbled.

"Cheer up little buck-a-roo. Your man will be back in town soon and you can pretend he's me," Charlie teased Danny. "Anyway, any news on the casting front?" Charlie asked.

I picked up his envelope off the end table and gave it to him. He ripped it open and looked over the letter.

"Thanks, mate," he said and gave me a quick sideways hug. "I think this is gonna be fun."

"I've gotta ask you a question, though."

"Go on."

"Why would you want to do a low paying play with a first time playwright and first time director? From your resume, this is a step backwards."

"It's not a step backwards at all. It's just not as high profile. It's nice not to do something high profile once in a while. It's my first live theatre as well. Beyond that, it's got good characters and a good script, even if Eddie can be a bit of a priss," Charlie smiled.

"If he gets prissy at rehearsals, I'll kick him out," I said.

"Good for you. All of us, actually. I doubt it will be a problem, though, he is a professional when he's working. Of course, now I need to find a flat for three months."

"Can I talk to you in the kitchen a minute, Jonah?" Danny asked.

"Uh, yea, sure," I said and went to the kitchen, followed by Danny. "What's up?"

"Nicole will be moved out by then. You could rent the room to Charlie for that period," Danny said hopefully.

"Yea, I could. You do remember that he's straight and you're with Lance, right?"

"Yea, of course," Danny brushed off. "It's nothing like that. He's just fun to be around and we all get along really well. But for the record, I don't think he's all that straight."

"How's that?"

"I've just noticed him checking out guys."

"So why the straight act?"

"I don't know. Maybe he's bi or in denial. Doesn't really matter, though. I'm with Lance and even if I weren't, he's not interested in me."

"Uh, okay. Have you talked with Nicole recently, or even seen her?"

"Yea. She came through this morning. She's moving to Dallas, middle of next month."


"Something about her boyfriend got a good job there. I was talking to Lance at the time, so I wasn't really listening."

"Oh. Okay. Well, I think Michael and I are going to go to bed. You can tell Charlie about the room, if you want. Same cost as you."

"Thanks, man," Danny said and gave me a quick hug.

"Yea, okay. Night," I said somewhat confused and went back out to the living room while Danny got a glass of water. Michael had already gone to bed and Charlie was making his bed up.

"Can I ask you a question and get an honest answer?" I asked Charlie.

"Sure," Charlie said hesitantly.

"Are you gay, bi, straight or what?"

"Uh, why?"

"Just curious. I realized your answer when Michael asked you was a bit evasive, and Danny has seen you checking out guys."

"Does it matter?"

"Only the truth matters. It won't affect anything else."

"Okay. Then I guess you could say I'm bisexual," Charlie said. "But I know that you and Michael are together and Danny is with Lance. And anyway, I'm past my sleeping with whoever phase. I just want to find my soul mate now -- be it a he or a she," he added quickly.

"Thanks for being honest. Night, Charlie," I said and went to my room. I got undressed and got into bed, wrapping myself around Michael.

"Danny want Charlie to move in?" Michael whispered.


"That'd be cool. Night. Love you."

"Love you," I whispered and snuggled up. I was asleep in minutes.

We woke up at ten and took a long, hot shower. About half-way through it, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in," Michael and I both said.

"Sorry, but I need to use the toilet and Danny said it was cool. Is it?" Charlie asked.

"It's fine. Just don't flush the toilet," Michael said.


A minute or so later we heard the door close.

"I wanted to look," Michael said softly. "You?"

"Yea," I said, somewhat ashamed. "But just to see."

"Nothing more."

"Well, we'll all be seeing enough of him naked for the sex scenes in the play."

"I think you're gonna have to tone some of them down or cut them. It gets pretty graphic."

"I will, but so far I've been focusing on the other scenes as far as E is concerned. There are ways to still have the sex scene without it being as graphic as he describes in the script."

"I know."

"That's another reason why I didn't want you to audition. It's gonna be hard to direct you doing a sex scene with someone else. Yes, I know it's acting, but still...

"As long as you strap E to a chair so he can't touch, we'll be fine," Michael joked.

"Knowing E, that'll probably just excite him more," I shot back.

"Probably. At least Charlie is straight."

"He's bi."

"He's bi? I thought he said he was straight."

"He didn't actually say it. Danny said he's seen him checking out guys and I asked him for a direct answer last night. He said he's bi."

"Um, okay. He's not attracted to any of us, is he?"

"He says no and realizes we're all involved. I don't think he's hit on any of us, so that says as much as anything."

"Like you would even notice," Michael teased.

"Hey, I'm very observant," I protested.

"Yea, but not when it comes to someone hitting on you."

We finished our shower and got dressed. Charlie got in the shower and Danny was on the sofa reading.

"Some girl named Rebecca called while you were in the shower, Jonah. She said she'd be home 'till three," Danny said and handed me her number.

"Great. I'm gonna call her and see when she can meet. Can you make some coffee and I'll join you in a few?" I said to Michael.


"Thanks." I said and dialed the phone.




"Hey. This is Jonah."

"Hey. So when do you want to get together and discuss the show?"

"Can you do it today?"

"What time?"

"Just name it. I'm free all day."

"I've got some running to do... How about we meet at The Perk at eight?"

"Yea, that'll be great. Do you have a script, or should I bring you one?"

"I read an early version, so you'd better bring one. See you then."

"Thanks. Later," I said and hung up and went to the kitchen. Michael was just pouring us some coffee.

"So?" He asked.

"Meet tonight at eight."

"Good. Now you can relax a bit."

"Except for getting the design done before leaving, and final projects and finals and talking with the other designers," I smirked.

"Just remember to relax. You get too up tight about this stuff. I was thinking about it and I don't think you should bring your PowerBook to Europe."

"And you decided this for me?"

"I'm not trying to tell you what to do, I'm just strongly suggesting. We should both be able to relax and have fun in Europe. If you bring your PowerBook, you're gonna be on it all the time and worrying about things."

"I can relax and still check up on things."

"No you can't. I know you and you're too much of a workaholic. Just get as much done as you can before we leave, and then trust everyone to do their jobs."

"And what if everything is wrong and too late to change."

"It won't be. We have a month of rehearsals, and a week back before rehearsals even start. You also have Alex and Lisa. They're not going to let the world end while we're gone. If it'll make you feel better, then call once a week."

"What brings this up?"

"Just that you were planning on working while we're away. Already we'll practically be living work when we get back. Let's just relax while we can."

"What do you mean, 'living work when we get back?'"

"I mean we will work together, live together, and even Charlie will be living here as well as working with us. It's gonna get stressful."

"If you don't want to be in the play, just tell me and I'll cast someone else."

"That's not what I said."

"Then you don't want Charlie to stay here?"

"No. That's not it either. I just know that, despite our best efforts, we're gonna get on each other's nerves because we'll be together 24/7. We need some relaxing time together before we go through that or we'll be at each other's throats."

"Fine. I won't bring my PowerBook on vacation."

"I'm not trying to piss you off."

"I know."

"So are we good?"

"Yea. We were never bad."

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you, too," I said and gave him a kiss.

"Is it safe to come in?" Charlie said through the door.

"Uh, just a sec. Let us put some clothes on," Michael laughed. "Okay. You can come in."

"Unless you fight while you shag, I know that wasn't going on," Charlie smirked as he came in.

"We were making up," I shot back.

"Well I'm sorry it only took you a minute to make up. There are techniques...nevermind. I need some coffee," Charlie laughed as he poured himself a cup. "So what's the plan for my last full day in the US?"

"I was thinking we'd let you take a self guided tour of Spanish Harlem," I said. Michael snickered.

"Harlem? Like the Globetrotters, right?"

"Something like that."

"So what's really there?"

"Gangs. Drug dealers and slums," Michael laughed.

"Sure. Make fun of the Brit," Charlie laughed.

"What's so funny?" Danny asked as he walked in.

"I'm going to get a tour through Spanish Harlem," Charlie said with fake excitement.

"No you're not. From what I hear even the cops won't go there after dark."

"How do you know? Have you ever been there? Maybe it's so nice that they spread stories about how bad it is to keep everyone away and keep it for themselves," Charlie said.

"When it comes to being shot, I'll take the chance and stay away."

"You're no fun."

"Have you ever been mugged?"


"I have. It sucks. I was lucky, though, and didn't get stabbed or shot. I'm not about to take a chance to try that luck again."

"To change the subject, can I get Lance's number, Danny?" I asked.

"Uh, why?"

"So I can tell him about you and Charlie," I joked. "No, seriously. I wanna ask him if he'd be interested in working with Charlie and the rest of the cast on being a boy-band. Maybe even be the musical director."

"I'm not supposed to give out his number, but I guess it'd be alright. I mean, you do know him."

"Hell, I've seen him naked and...well, yes, I do know him. I don't think he'd be upset. Of course, he would probably have to spend some time in NYC..." I hinted.

"Okay, you've convinced me," Danny laughed, wrote down Lance's number on a piece of paper and gave it to me.

"Any best time to call?"

"Just before six because of the time difference. He won't answer if he's not able to take a call."

"Okay. I'm gonna go make a phone call," I said and gave Michael a quick kiss before going into the living room and dialing Lance's number.

"Hi, babe," Lance said softly into the phone.

"Hi, snookums," I laughed back.



"Sorry, caller ID. I thought it was Danny. Why are you calling? Is something wrong with Danny?"

"Yea, he's missing his boyfriend, but beyond that, he's fine. What are you doing in June?"

"I'm in the studio for a week working with one of my artists, but I'm free besides that. What's up?"

"Well, I was thinking about who I knew who could help a bunch of actors act like a boy-band and, of course, I thought of you. Would you be interested in working on the play. Maybe even being the musical director?"

"What kinda time requirements do you need?"

"That's kinda up to you. I would think that you'd need at least a week, and then a few days before opening just to check back on things."

"Is this gratis work?"

"From what you're used to, probably. There's no budget for a musical director, but I may be able to scrape something up."

"Don't worry about it. If I donate the time I can write it off. Let me think about it and I'll get back to you."

"That's all I can ask. Just let me know as soon as you can."

"I will. Is Danny there?"

"Yep. Just a sec. and I'll get him. Later," I said, set the phone down and went to the kitchen. "Your man wants to talk to you, Danny."

"Thanks," Danny said as he ran into the living room and grabbed the phone.

"He take it?" Michael asked.

"He said he'd think about it."

"Even after you played the staying with Danny card?"

"I didn't play it. Danny can do that."

"He'll do it," Michael said confidently.

"Yea, I think so."

"So what's the plan for my last full day in the US?" Charlie repeated.

"I don't think there is plan. What do you want to do?" Michael said.

"Um... I want to try to find that 'Amityville Horror' house."

"Is that place even in Amityville?" I asked.

"I don't know. That movie was made a long time ago. Even if it was, the house could have been torn down already," Michael said.

"It was on the waterfront, so it couldn't be that difficult to find if it is there," Charlie added.

"And what if we find it?" I asked.

"Don't know. Nothing, I guess. Just to say that I saw it in person; maybe snap a pic or two. Oh come on, it'll be a blast," Charlie prodded.

"Why the hell not," I said.

"Brilliant. Let's go after lunch. Now a serious question. How has it worked out living in New York when all the movie studios are in LA, Michael?"

"It's worked out okay so far. Why do you ask?"

"I've just been thinking about moving to the States to be closer to the work. LA has great weather, especially compared to London, but I don't know if I'd want to live there. Everything seems so superficial and everyone has a script to pitch or is an actor or whatever. This past week in New York has been pretty cool. So I was just wondering if it was a viable option, or if I should bite the bullet and just move to earthquake territory."

"Depends on what you want, I guess. If you want to play the glamorous life, then LA is the place to be. If you just want a good career, you can do it here. I've had to fly out there a few times, but I don't think living here has cost me any work."

"Okay. Thanks. I haven't decided yet, but flying from London to LA is getting really old and most of my offers are from the States."

We ate lunch and then took the train to Amityville. We looked around for an hour or so and didn't find it. There were, just to make it confusing, lots of houses with the quarter-round windows. We got back around three and decided to take a nap and then go out to a club all night.

My meeting with Rebecca went well and she said she'd have sketches to me by mid-week. Michael, Danny and Charlie met me there at 9:30 and we headed out to a club -- actually a couple clubs. We got home around 6AM and all went straight to bed.

We got up around noon and went out to breakfast before taking Charlie to the airport. I spent the rest of the day working on a paper for class and Michael worked on trying to learn some languages of the countries we would be in from a CD-ROM he'd bought. It would come in really handy if we ever had to say, "The boy is under the table," or "The girl runs."

The next two weeks were hellish. Final projects were due. Final papers were due. And then finals hit. Rebecca and I finalized the basic design for the set and I talked briefly with the lighting, props and costume designers. Lance accepted the musical director position and I emailed him a semi-final script -- he was going to write songs for them to perform.

By the time my last final was over and I was done for the semester, I was ready to collapse. I made sure that I had everything ready for our plane to Europe tomorrow evening and collapsed in bed around four in the afternoon. I slept 'till nine the next morning.

Comments welcome and encouraged. jm_stories@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 5

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