Just Together


Published on Oct 19, 2007


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It makes no claims to the true personality or sexuality of anyone involved. You already know if you shouldn't be reading this.

------------------ Just Together by jm_stories ------------------

Chapter XXXVI

*** [ 1/3-6/04 ]

Kolya and Niko were waiting for us at the airport when we got in to St. Petersburg around 6PM. This time Niko was relaxed right away and happy to see us. Apparently Kolya had told Niko to start calling me "daddy", so that was how he greeted me. It felt good, but weird, and I hoped it wasn't premature.

The next day we had to take Niko to the doctor for a physical and inoculations before the adoption trial. The hospital was crappy and Niko hated the whole experience. He didn't cry, but he was at full pout after he got his shots. It took most of the day.

Finally the day of the trial arrived. I had no idea what to expect, but what happened wasn't it. All of us, Baba and Niko included, were at the government building on time -- and then had to wait for an hour. When we were finally called we went into a large office with a single person behind a metal desk. He asked a few basic questions, looked over the paperwork, stamped and signed and dismissed. That was it. Niko was mine now.

After the "trial" we went straight to the US Consulate and filed the paperwork. We came back the next day to pick up Niko's passport and visa.

*** [ 1/7/04, Wednesday ]

"Good morning, Niko," I said and sat down beside Niko, who was playing with his dinosaurs.

"Good morning, Daddy," Niko said and growled as he moved a brontosaurus up my leg.

"Oh no. Don't eat me," I said and jumped back. He laughed and moved another dinosaur in his left hand to my other leg. I grabbed a tyrannosaurus rex and growled as I chased his dinosaurs off my legs.

"Are you ready to go on the airplane today?" I asked him.

"Yes. Go fly in sky. Go um... New York?"

"Yes, that's right. We're going to New York to your new home with me and Michael."

"And Kolya."

"Kolya will be close, but in a different building. You'll be able to see him often, though."

"Go now?"

"After we have breakfast."

"I already eat."

"You did?"


"Good. Do you have all your toys packed so we can take them with us?"

"No. I play," he complained.

"You can keep one toy out, but you have to pack the rest. If you don't pack it then it'll have to stay here and you won't have it to play with at your new home. You have new toys there, but you may want some of your old ones."

"New toys?" He asked.

"Yes. In your new bedroom."

"Niko. Have you brushed your teeth yet?" Kolya asked as he walked into the room.


"Please go get dressed. We are leaving soon."


"You can play after you get dressed," Kolya interrupted. "Go."

"Okay," Niko huffed and ran off to his bedroom.

"I have coffee made. Do you want oatmeal for breakfast?" Kolya asked.

"Just coffee, please," I said as I stood up. "I'll get something to eat at the airport."

"You don't like Baba's oatmeal?" Kolya smirked.

"I don't care for oatmeal at all. Having all that butter in it makes it worse."

"I grew up with it. I like it," Kolya shrugged. "Is Michael awake?"

"Yeah, I am," Michael yawned as he walked in. "No oatmeal for me, either, but coffee would be wonderful."

Within the hour we were gathering our things and saying our good-byes. Baba was on the verge of tears, but Niko was fine and didn't understand that he wouldn't be back for a long time. We got to the airport with our many bags and were checked-in fairly quickly compared to US security. Then it was wait for an hour for boarding to begin. Niko stood at the windows to watch the planes take-off and land, checking back every few minutes to make sure Kolya and I were still there.

Niko was excited to get onto the plane, but that didn't last much past take-off when he learned he had to sit still. Kolya, Michael and I took turns reading "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" to him to try to keep him occupied. That wouldn't have been my first choice of a book, but it was the one Kolya brought and Niko enjoyed it. It mostly worked along with walks around the plane every so often.

After a very long 14 hour flight with a connection in Paris, we finally arrived in New York. Niko was sound asleep, at last, and curled up on the seat between Kolya and me. We waited until most of the people got off the plane before unbuckling him and putting his coat on. Kolya carried him off the plane and we started the long process to get through security. I took over carrying the heavy 3 year old as we went to get our bags. He started to wake as we stepped outside into the cold air.

"Hey, little man. Guess what?" I asked softly as he rubbed his face on my shoulder.


"English," Kolya prompted.

"Um... What?" Niko said and looked for confirmation.

"That is correct," Kolya said.

"You're in New York now," I said.

He twisted in my arms to look around. "Where I?"

"We're at the airport right now. We'll be home soon," I said as Michael grabbed us a cab and rolled the luggage cart over.

"New home?"

"Yes. Your new home. I know you're going to like it."

He wiggled and I let him down so he was standing on his own. He looked around and grabbed Kolya's hand and then mine. We walked over to the cab and climbed in. Niko stood and looked out the windows. I gave Michael a smile and leaned over for a quick kiss.

"I can't believe we have a kid now," Michael whispered.

"That was probably the easiest pregnancy ever," I said.

He rolled his eyes. "I didn't get nine months to get used to the idea, though. I'm still in shock. It's totally real now."

"Completely," I said and held his hand while watching Niko check out his new world.

It didn't take long to get back and we pulled up to the front of the building. It was just a little after 5PM.

"We're home now," I announced.

Niko practically bounced out of the cab and looked all around, but didn't let go of Kolya's hand. He asked Kolya something in Russian.

"English," Kolya reminded.

"Live in restaurant?" Niko asked again, looking at the coffee house.

"No. You will live upstairs. On the top floor," Kolya answered.

"Everyone grab a bag. We'll walk through to the elevator," I said.

Niko hung on to Kolya's jacket and we carried the suitcases inside.

"Welcome back," Lisa called out from behind the counter.


"And is this Niko? Oh my god, he's so cute," she squealed as she came around the corner. Niko quickly moved behind Kolya's leg.

"Scary girls," Michael teased.

"Shut up, you," Lisa said and got down to Niko's height. "Hi, Niko. I'm Lisa."

He just looked at her and clung tighter to Kolya's leg. I'm sure it was the first time he'd seen a goth-looking hippy-chick.

"We've had a long flight. Don't worry. I'm sure you'll see plenty of him," I said to move things along.

"Oh, alright. I'll see you later, Niko," Lisa waved before standing up and going back to work.

"Come on," I said and lead the way into the theater, up on stage and back to the elevator.

Niko was wide-eyed and didn't leave Kolya's side. We got upstairs and hauled the bags to our front door.

"You ready to see your new home?" I asked Niko.

He looked at me and then nodded, still looking a bit afraid.

Michael pushed open the door and we all walked in. "Home, sweet home," he said.

"This is your home now. Do you want me to show you around?" I asked as I pulled off my shoes.

"Bathroom," Niko said softly.

"We have two of them. Let's go into this one first," I said and lead him to the small bathroom. He dragged Kolya to the doorway with him and then went to the toilet to do his business on his own. I helped Michael take the suitcases to the laundry room and we pulled out the toiletries.

"Ready to learn where everything is now?" I asked Niko as he returned from the bathroom.

He nodded and, at Kolya's prompting, walked over and took my hand. I smiled down at him and guided him to the kitchen area and picked him up to stand on the counter.

"Okay. I know it looks big. This is the kitchen. Over there and up the stairs is the living room. That's where the TV is. Underneath is the library and the piano. On the other side is where all the bedrooms are. Michael and I have the bedroom at the top of the stairs and you have the bedroom right underneath ours. Scott has the bedroom next to yours and then the other bathroom is next to that."

"Who Scott?"

"Scott is a friend who also lives here. He's at school right now. You'll meet him tonight. He's very nice," I said. "Ready to see your room?"

He nodded.

"Okay," I said and lifted him down from the counter. "Go ahead. Let's see if you can find your room."

He looked in that direction and then back at me.

"Go ahead. I'll be right behind you."

Niko ran over and glanced into the big bathroom.

"That bathroom," he pointed out.

"Yes. That's the big bathroom. Where's your room?"

He looked at the two other doors, only one of which was open, and pointed to it. I nodded. He ran in, soon followed by the rest of us. He was already climbing up to the top of his platform.

"I like," he smiled broadly.

"Good. Remember to be careful climbing up," I said.

He grinned and walked along it, checking out the chalkboard on the wall and looking out over his room.

"Try the hole," I said and pointed it out.

He walked over to the dark hole with a ladder and looked at it, confused.

"You climb down it," I said. "Do it and see what's down there."

As Niko started down climb down the light came on. A few seconds later he gasped and laughed.

"You are going to spoil him," Kolya laughed.

"So?" I said. "I hope it's not too high. I guessed that 36" would be okay."

"I think it's fine. It's only a little taller than he is," Michael said.

"You're probably going to have to build a toy-box or something soon," Michael smiled.

"Maybe. We'll try to keep the number of toys down to what fits on the shelves."

Michael laughed at me. "Yeah, right. Are you hungry, Niko?"

"Yes," he called out from under the platform.

"We'll need to go shopping," I said.

"Probably. If we don't have anything I'll just order a pizza and we can go to the grocery tomorrow," Michael said and left.

"I need to use the bathroom," Kolya said and left.

I sat down on the dinosaur rug in front of the bed and slid open the door on the front of the platform.

"So what do you think?" I asked Niko.


"Is your room good?"

"Yes," he nodded. "Very good."

"I'm glad. Do you want to see where Michael and I sleep and the living room now?"

"Okay," he said and crawled out, carrying a stuffed chimpanzee with him.

I took his hand and we walked up to my bedroom.

"This is where Michael and I sleep. You can come up here if we are in here, but knock first if the door is closed. If we're not up here you shouldn't play in here. Okay?"

"Okay," he said and walked over to one of the half-round windows. "High," he said, staying back a foot or so from the window.

"Yep. We're on the fifth floor. That's Prospect Park across the street. We can go over there and play another day. Let's go see the living room now."

He glanced out the window again and rejoined me, taking my hand. We went down and then back up to the living room.

"You can come up here any time you want. We have some movies and books for you," I said and lead him over to the bookcase. "These are all yours. Ask someone to help you if you want to watch a movie until you learn how. Okay?"

"Okay. Watch now?"

"How about after we've had something to eat and get cleaned up. I need a shower."


I took his hand again and lead him downstairs to the piano.

"This is my piano. It belonged to my grandmother," I said and sat down at the bench. He climbed up beside me. I opened the lid and played a few keys. He grinned and touched a few keys with a single finger.

"Pretty cool, huh?"

"I like."

"Listen to this," I smiled and launched into the giusto-vivace section of Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody #2. He laughed and clapped his hands.

"Dinner is ready!" Michael called out.

"Let's go. Time to eat," I said and closed the lid.

Niko climbed down and ran over to the kitchen.

"Over to the table. Come on. This is your chair," Michael said and pulled out the chair with the booster stand. Instead of a booster seat on top, it was something that boosted the height of the entire chair. He helped Niko into the chair and pushed him up to the table.

Kolya sat down next to Niko and I sat across from him with Michael. Michael had made regular grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. Niko sat there waiting until one of us started eating.

When he was done eating we realized how messy kids could be. He wasn't too bad, but soup was still kinda tricky to eat without spilling it.

"Are you done eating?" I asked.


"Okay. Let's go take a shower to clean up and then you can watch a movie. Okay?"


"I'll clean up. Don't worry about it," Michael said as I started to pick up my dishes.

"Thanks," I said and gave him a quick kiss. "Do you remember where the big bathroom is?" I asked Niko.

"Yes," he yelled and ran to it.

"Is it okay if I wash up in the other bathroom?" Kolya asked.

"Absolutely. Help yourself," I said and went after Niko. He was checking out the bathroom.

"Get undressed so we can take a shower," I said to him and turned on the exhaust fan before getting undressed. "This is the clothes hamper. You put your dirty clothes in here," I pointed out and stuffed mine in. He picked his up off the floor and did the same. "Good boy. The shower is back here. Stand right there until I get the water ready."

He waited in the doorway while I turned on the water and set it to be cool enough for a little kid. When it was good I switched it to include the overhead shower.

"Okay. Come on in." He walked in, looking up at the water falling from the shower head in the ceiling.

"Just like rain," I smiled.

He smiled back and ran under the water and then back out, laughing.

"Stand under and get your hair wet," I said and demonstrated. He followed suit. I poured some baby shampoo into my hand and washed his hair, using the hand sprayer to rinse it off quickly as he squirmed. I started to wash my own hair when he protested that he wanted to do it since I did it to him. I poured some shampoo in his hand and squatted down so he could reach. He tried to mimic what I had done. When he was finished I thanked him and stood up to rinse.

Next I handed him a travel sized bar of soap -- a good way to get rid of the collection Michael kept bringing home -- and took a full sized bar for myself. We each washed and he watched me closely, mimicking what I did. We rinsed off and then got out. I handed him a towel and grabbed one for myself. Once again, he mimicked me.

"Now it's time to brush our teeth. This stool is so you can reach the sink," I said and pulled it out from under the counter. "When you're done push it back under. Okay?"

"Okay," he said and climbed up.

I handed him the toothbrush we'd bought him and squirted some kid's toothpaste on it before preparing my own. We brushed our teeth side by side. Teeth cleaned, I brushed his hair and then mine.

"I done," he announced.

"Me, too. Let's go get dressed. You've got new clothes in your room."

He climbed down and carefully pushed the stool back under the counter before running off to his room. I walked after him.

"Oh. Naked men," Michael teased.


"Woo hoo," Kolya laughed.

"You're sick, man. If I'm Niko's father and you're his brother, then it's almost like you're ogling your father," I teased.

"Not my daddy," he smiled, unrepentant.

"Thankfully," I said and walked into Niko's room. He was looking through his dresser drawers and had already pulled out a pair of underwear and a t-shirt. "Good boy. How about some sweat pants as well," I said and pointed to the bottom drawer.

He gave me a confused look. I knelt down and opened the drawer, pulling out a small pair of sweat pants.

"These are called sweat pants."

"Sweat pants. Okay," he said and took them.

"Do you need help getting dressed?"

"No. I do," he announced. "You go get dressed."

"Okay. I'll meet you in the living room as soon as you're done." I left him as he was pulling on his underwear and went upstairs to get dressed.

When I got back down he was already in the living room looking through his movie choices with Kolya. Michael was in the shower. He picked "Monsters, Inc." and I showed him how to put it in and turn everything on. I took it out and turned everything off again.

"Now you try it," I said and handed him the DVD. He did it perfectly, minus a little trouble getting the DVD out of the case and to lay flat in the tray.

He climbed up on the sofa and sat next to Kolya. I sat down next to him and we were soon joined by Michael.

Scott got back around seven and Niko jumped up and looked over the railing to see who it was.

"Hi, Niko," Scott called out and carried his bag to his room.

"That's Scott. Remember? He has the bedroom next to yours," I said.

Niko nodded and watched Scott. A few minutes later Scott joined us. Niko ran back to the sofa.

"How was Russia?"

"Cold," Michael said.

"Apparently everything went well. Hi, Niko. I'm Scott," Scott said as he knelt down and held out his hand.

"Hello," Niko said softly and looked at me and Kolya before shaking Scott's hand.

"How do you like your new home? Was the airplane ride fun?"

"Not like airplane," Niko frowned. "Have to sit still."

Scott laughed. "Yeah, and it took a long time, too. Didn't it?"

"Long time," Niko nodded.

"What about your room?"

"I like. You are in next room."

"Yep. Right next door," Scott said and sat back. "His English is pretty good," he said to Kolya.

"Yes. Soon it will be better than mine," Kolya laughed.

"You heading down to Shawn's?" I asked.

"A little later. He wanted to meet Niko. I need to give him a call to let him know everyone is home," Scott said and pulled out his mobile, calling Shawn and telling him to come up.

"So I will finally meet Shawn," Kolya said.

"Yeah, and you can't have him," Scott teased.

Kolya laughed. "No need to worry."

"Who Shawn?" Niko asked.

"Shawn is Scott's boyfriend like Michael is my boyfriend," I explained.

"You kiss Shawn?" Niko asked Scott.

"Yeah," Scott blushed.


Shawn walked in and ran up to the loft.

"Hi, Niko," Shawn smiled as he sat next to Scott.

"Hello," Niko said, shyly.

"Do you like your new home?"

Niko nodded.

"Was the airplane ride fun?"

"No. Long time," Niko said.

"Ah, yeah. I suppose it was a bit long," Shawn laughed.

"Just a bit," I agreed.

"At least it wasn't Australia or Japan. That's a painfully long flight. I'm guessing you're Kolya?"

"Yes. That is me. Nice to meet you."

"I've already told him he can't have you," Scott smirked.

"Of course not. How could I give up this face," Shawn teased and pinched Scott's cheeks before kissing him.

After keeping him awake as long as we could so he would adjust to New York time, Niko finally fell asleep around 10PM.

"I need to go now. I have class and work tomorrow," Kolya said as he slid out from under Niko and stood up.

"You can crash here if you want," Michael said.

"No. It will be easier if I go when Niko is asleep. I will call tomorrow, but try to stay away for a few days so he gets used to being with you."

"Don't disappear. I'd like to be able to call you so he can hear your voice and not think he's been abandoned. Maybe we can set up a once-a-week dinner or something," I said.

"Okay," Kolya said after a few moments. "It will take time, though. You do very well with him, but I know it may be a difficult few weeks until this becomes home to him."

"Yeah. I know," I sighed. "He did better than I expected today, but I don't think that's going to last."

"Let me call you a cab," Michael said and went for the phone.

"No. Is okay. I will take the train," Kolya said and put on his shoes. "He is a good kid, like I told you. He will be okay soon. I will call tomorrow before I go to work."

I picked Niko up after Kolya left, carried him to his room and gently put him in his bed. A little maneuvering later he was under the covers. Michael handed me the stuffed chimp and I put it in the bed before kissing Niko goodnight on the forehead.

"Night, little man," I whispered.

Michael gave him a kiss after me and we watched Niko snuggle the chimp and sleep for a few minutes.

"You ready for bed?" Michael asked.

"Yeah. I'm sure he'll be up early. It's kinda scary now that he's here."

"Yeah. Think of it like this: we can't screw him up any worse than any other first-time parent -- and I know you're gonna be a great daddy, anyway."

"As will you."

"So I'm not a mommy anymore?" He teased.

"You can be if you want."

"I don't know. I feel more like an Uncle Michael, but I think that's just because I still haven't wrapped my head around being a daddy -- even if it's not a legal daddy."

"Legal doesn't matter. What matters is the relationship you have with Niko."

"I know. Let's go to bed."

I turned on the night-light in his room and also in the bathroom. We went to bed and fell asleep right away. It had been a long day.

I woke up when I felt a little boy crawling over me.

"Niko?" I asked softly and glanced at the clock. It was 4AM.

"I scare, Daddy. Where Kolya?" He shivered on top of me, his voice quivering on the edge of tears.

"Aw, come here, little man," I said as soothing as I could and sat up to hug him. "Everything will be okay. There's no reason to be scared. Kolya had to go to his home. He has to go to school today, but he said he'd call you as soon as he gets done. Okay?"

"Okay," he sniffed.

"You want to get in bed with Michael and me?"

He nodded and pulled away to climb in-between Michael and me. I laid down and pulled the covers up before holding my frightened little boy.


"We'll call her in the morning and you can tell her all about your new room and your toys and everything," I said soothingly while rubbing his chest. "Now relax and go back to sleep. Everything is okay and Michael and I love you." I whispered more words of comfort until his breathing evened out and he fell asleep. I soon followed.

*** [ 1/9/04, Friday ]

I woke up again when I felt Niko wiggle out of my arms and climb out of bed.

"Where are you going?" I asked softly.


"Okay. Go ahead."

He ran out of the room. I looked to see it was a little after eight. A few minutes later he came running back and climbed over Michael -- causing a few grunts -- to get back to his spot.

"Someone needs to be careful where he puts his knees," Michael mumbled and rolled over to look at Niko. "Yes. I mean you."

Niko smiled.

"I think Michael doesn't like to be climbed on," I said to Niko. "He does like to be tickled, though."

"What tickled?"

"What's tickled? I'll show you tickled," I said and started tickling him. He squealed at a glass shattering pitch and laughed until I stopped.

"I know tickled. I know tickled. No more," he said warily and pulled the covers up over his head.

"You don't think that's going to save you, do you?" I teased and poked him a little. He giggled and crawled under the covers to reappear at the end of the bed.

"I get away!" He laughed.

"Think so, huh?" I teased and made a move towards him. He screamed and ran for the door. "Don't run down the stairs!" I yelled. I don't know if he listened, but he didn't fall down them.

"That's a different way to wake up. When did he come in?" Michael said.

"Around four. He woke up and was afraid being in a new place. I think it's a good sign that he came up to us, though."

"He'll probably keep doing that now that he knows he can."

"Yeah. I'm okay with that as long as he needs it. Probably the next month or so."

"Hmm. Sex is going to be difficult to get. We'll have to do it right after he falls asleep, before he wakes up again and comes looking for you," Michael said.

"For a little while, yeah. We'd better get downstairs," I said and rolled out of bed. I put on some clothes and headed downstairs with Michael following me. Niko was in the living room turning on the TV. We went to the bathroom and then I put on a pot of coffee.

"Eggs for breakfast?" Michael asked from the refrigerator and pulled out the package. "Um, maybe scrambled. There're only four left."

"That and toast will be fine. Any orange juice left?"

"The little Orange Pineapple bottles, yeah. You want one, or just for Niko?"

"Just for Niko," I said and pulled out the toaster.

"Here," he said and tossed me the bottle and a half-loaf of bread. I only caught the bottle because the toaster was still in my other hand.

"Oops. Sorry," he grinned and took the eggs over to the stove.

"Oops," I said and tossed the loaf of bread at him.

"My ass," he muttered.

"Watch it. Young ears are around now."

"He doesn't know what cursing is yet."

"And let's try to keep it that way as long as we can."

"Call Baba now?" Niko asked after he finished his breakfast.

"Let's wash your face and brush your teeth first, and then you can call Baba."

"Okay," he said and ran to the bathroom.

I followed and he already had the stool pulled out and was reaching for his toothbrush when I got there. I turned on the water and put toothpaste on his brush. He brushed quickly and braced himself as I washed his face and hands with a washcloth. He jumped down from his stool and ran out as soon as he was done.

"Niko," I called out and he ran back in. I pointed to the stool that was still out. He pushed it in and looked up at me expectantly.

"Call Baba now?"

"Yes, we can call Baba now," I smiled and we went to grab the phone. I dialed the number and said hello before handing the phone to Niko. He was hesitant at first, but soon babbling away in Russian. He was much more talkative in Russian, which only made sense since he was more comfortable with it.

Five minutes later he said good-bye and handed me the phone. I checked that his grandmother had hung up and then put the phone back.

"How is Baba?"

"Miss me. Want pictures."

"Ah, yes. We'll take some pictures to send her."

"What are we going to do today?" Michael asked.

"I don't know. I was thinking we'd take a walk around the building to introduce him to everyone and then go grocery shopping. Maybe go play in the park for a little while."

"That'll work. Want me to watch him so you can take a shower?"

"Thanks," I said and gave him a quick kiss. "I'm going to take a shower and then we'll go meet everyone downstairs," I said to Niko.

"I shower?" Niko asked.

"If you want."

"Okay," he said and ran to the bathroom.

"That makes things easier," Michael said.

"Yep. Now you can join us."

"It's going to be a while before we can shower together alone, isn't it?"

"Without someone to watch him. Scott'll probably help us out on the weekends."

"I'm okay with it. It's just another change."

"Are you ready to go see the rest of the building?" Michael asked Niko after we were all dressed.


"And the theater and other friends."

"Okay," Niko said and walked to the door.

"Come over here, Niko," I said and took him over to Justin's door. "This is where Justin lives. He's not home right now, but you'll meet him eventually."

"Okay," he shrugged.

"Let's go down the stairs and we'll find someone who is actually home."

We walked down the stairs and I showed him Chad and Charlie's doors before going to Ian's door. I let Niko ring the doorbell. A half-minute later Ian opened the door.

"Hey," Ian said and then noticed Niko. "Hi, Niko. I'm Ian," he said and knelt down.

"Hello," Niko said softly and stepped between Michael and me.

Ian smiled and stood up. "You're parents now. How's it going?"

"Good so far. We're just walking around and introducing everyone," I said.

"Too bad no one is home."

"Just you and Shawn, and he's already met Shawn."

"Shawn Scott's friend," Niko spoke up.

"Yes, he is," Ian agreed with a smirk. "A special kind of friend."

"I know."

"So what are you guys doing today?"

"Grocery shopping and then probably the park."

"We go park?" Niko asked.

"Yes. After we go to the store."

"Okay. I like park."

"I know you do."

"Okay. We'll let you get back to whatever," Michael said.

"Okay. I'll see you around. Bye, Niko."

"Good-bye," Niko said and Ian closed his door.

"Next floor down," I said and lead the way. I pointed out Shane and Charlie's doors and let Niko ring the doorbell to Shawn's. It was a short conversation and then we went down to the second floor.

"Who live here?" Niko asked as we walked into the theater office.

"No one. This is Daddy's office," I said.

"You office?"

"Yep. My office. This is where I go to work. And do you know what?"


"Come see," I said and lead him to my office. I sat down at my desk and gestured to the small desk and chair behind it. "That's your desk."


"Yep. You have your own desk next to mine."

"I go work?"

"With me."

"But we can play most of the time while Daddy is at work," Michael smiled.


After the office we checked out the control booth and played with making the lights go up and down. Great fun. Next was the theater and dressing rooms, explaining what happened there since he'd never seen a play.

The tour done, we put on our coats and went out to the car to go to the grocery. Niko was amazed and asked what everything was. If the only grocery he'd seen was the tiny drab one down the street from his old place, I could understand. Fresh food taken care of, we also went to Sam's for all the bulk stuff, including the juice that Niko seemed to like so well.

After getting home and putting groceries away we bundled up and went out to play in the park for a little while. The jungle gym was so much better than what he was used to and I almost thought we would explode trying to decide where to start. The rope ladder won. We practically had to drag him back home and settled the pouting with a cup of hot cocoa.

"Okay, little man. It's time for bed," I said around nine.

"I not sleepy," he protested.

"It's still time for bed. Let's go," I said as I stood up. "We'll read some more Harry Potter. Okay?"

"Okay," he said and followed me to his room. I helped him change into his pajamas, followed by a quick trip to the bathroom before getting into bed under the covers. I sat next to him and read another chapter before he fell asleep.

*** [ 1/10/04, Saturday ]

Saturday morning I woke when I felt Niko crawl out of bed. When he didn't return after a couple minutes I opened my eyes and looked at the time. Why don't kids like to sleep in?

"What time is it?" Michael mumbled.

"Just after eight."

"I'm staying in bed for another hour."

"Yeah, okay," I said and gave him a little shove as I got out of bed. Niko was in his room playing.

"Good morning, Niko," I said to him after I went to the bathroom.

"Good morning, Daddy. We go park today?"

"Yes. We'll go a little later. Are you ready for breakfast?"

"Yes. Michael still sleep?" He asked as he joined me and went to his seat.

"Yes. He's still in bed. Michael and I like to sleep later on weekends, but someone else doesn't," I teased as I helped him into his seat.



"But I wake up."

"I know. You always wake up first. What kind of oatmeal would you like for breakfast? You can have apple, peach or strawberry."


I put on a pot of coffee and then made Niko's oatmeal. We'd bought those instant flavored oatmeal packs at the store yesterday hoping it would provide some consistency for Niko -- even though it was substituting a ton of butter with a ton of sugar.

Instead of taking a shower we got bundled up and went to the park for a couple hours. I left Michael a note since he was still asleep when we left. He joined us as we were walking back.

Hot cocoa and a hot shower were welcomed when we got back. Warm again, Michael and I read while Niko watched TV.

"I'm supposed to take everyone downstairs now," Scott said as he walked in around three.

"For what?" I asked.

"You'll see," he smiled.

"Oh, gee, I hope it's not a surprise party," Michael mocked.

"Who would give you a surprise party?" Scott shot back. "Come on. Let's go."

"Fine. Niko."

"What?" He asked, not turning his head from watching "Monsters, Inc." for the third or fourth time since he'd been here.

"We need to go downstairs to the theater," I said and looked at Scott for confirmation that that was where we were headed. He nodded.

"But... I watch," he said and pointed to the TV.

"Pause it and you can watch it again when we get back. Let's go get your shoes on."

"Okay," he said and paused the movie, having already figured that out long ago.

As soon as we opened the door to the theater, everyone yelled "Surprise!" Niko immediately attached himself to my leg. The theater was full of the other people who lived here, plus several people we knew who knew we were getting Niko.

"Surprise," Scott smirked at Michael.

I knelt down and hugged Niko.

"Hey, little man. There's no need to be afraid. Remember when we went to all the doors yesterday but no one was home?"

He nodded.

"They're all here. Do you know why?"

He shook his head.

"Because they're so happy that you came to live with me and Michael. They're happy that I'm your Daddy and you're my Little Man, and they can't wait to meet you. I told them how good and how smart you are."

"Okay," Niko said on the verge of a pout.

"Let's go say hi to everyone. Okay?"


"Some of them may seem scary, but they're really not."

"Like Sully?"

I laughed. "Yeah, just like Sully in your movie. You ready?"

"Yes. I ready."

I stood up and took his hand before we walked into the crowd.

"You are so good at that," Michael whispered in my ear.

I smiled and gave him a quick kiss.

"I can't believe you have a kid before I do," Joey said as he walked up to us.

"This is your cousin Joey," I said to Niko. "He and Daddy have known each other since we were little like you."

"Hey, there, shorty," Joey smiled and knelt down.

"I Niko, not shorty."

"I know. I'm just teasing. How's it hangin'?" Joey smirked.

Niko gave me a confused look.

"He's trying to be funny," I explained.

"Not funny," Niko said and looked warily at Joey.

"Out of the mouthes of babes," Michael smirked.

Joey made a face at Niko. Niko made one back and moved behind me.

"Cute kid," Joey said and stood up. "You're so old now."

"Yeah, I know."

"Hey, big daddy," Charlie said as he walked up and gave me a hug.

"My daddy," Niko protested.

"My daddy," Charlie teased back.

I picked Niko up and stood him on the arm of a seat so he could see people easier while still holding on to me.

"This is Charlie. He's crazy, too. Actually, they're all crazy," I said to Niko.

"Hey, little guy. Nice to meet you," Charlie said overly properly and stuck out his hand.

Niko looked at him a moment before shaking his hand.

"Ow. Ow. Ow. Man, you're a strong one," Charlie cringed dramatically and made all kinds of weird faces.

"Silly," Niko laughed.

"He's more than silly," Justin said and pushed Charlie aside. "Hi. I'm Justin."

"You have door next?" Niko asked.

"That's right."

"Justin sings silly songs," Michael said.

"Michael's not funny at all," Justin shot back.

"Yeah, okay. Move along. Lots of people to meet yet," I said. "How long are you guys in town?"

"Just the weekend," Charlie and Justin said almost simultaneously.

"Not quite in sync," Michael smirked.

"Still not funny," Justin said.

"I'm getting some cake. I'll see you later, little guy," Charlie said and walked off, followed by Justin.

"Why call little guy? I little man," Niko asked me.

"He doesn't know that yet. We'll tell him later so he gets it right. Okay?" I said.

"Okay. Who that?" He asked as Chad walked up with Sophia.

"That's Chad and his girlfriend Sophia. He has the door near Ian."

"I know."

"Is this him? Awww. He's so cute," Sophia gushed. "Hi there. I'm Sophia. How do you like having a new daddy?"

"Give the kid a break. He's only been here a couple days," Chad said. "Hey, man," he said to Niko and held out his hand to give him five.

Niko went to shake his hand.

"He wants you to give him five. Like this," I said and showed Niko how it was done. He looked at me like I was crazy to slap Chad.


"It's okay to slap hands like this," I explained. "Go ahead."

"Give me five," Chad said and held out his hand.

Niko looked at me and then reached out and slapped Chad's hand. From there it progressed to the whole thing with "on the side" and "you're too slow". Niko was laughing and having fun with Chad's hand games.

"That's great. You're teaching the kid that it's the 1970s," Sophia teased.

"Every kid needs to know that. It's not 1970s. Now he'll remember me," Chad said. "Right, little man? Give me five."

Niko did so and laughed.

"You've got the magic," Michael said to Chad.

"Like Harry Potter?" Niko asked.

"We've been reading 'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone'," I explained. "Yes, kinda like Harry Potter, except the only magic Chad knows is how to make little boys laugh," I said to Niko.

"You need go Hogwarts," Niko said sincerely.

"I tried. They wouldn't accept me. I'm only a squib," Chad said.

"What squib?"

"We're only on chapter nine," I said.

"A squib is someone who's parents are wizards, but isn't a wizard," Chad explained.

"Okay," Niko said.

"How about some cake?" I asked Niko.

"Okay. I like cake."

"So do I," I said and lead him up to the table on the stage where the goodies were. On the table was a large double-layer chocolate cake, plates, forks and a couple dozen water bottles. Niko peered over the edge of the table trying to see what was there. I cut three pieces and handed Michael his before taking mine and Niko's over to the front of the apron.

"Sit down so you can eat your cake," I said to Niko and he sat down near the edge of the stage. Once he was settled I handed him his cake -- he dug right in. Michael sat down on his other side with water bottles and napkins.

"Good stuff?" Michael asked Niko with a grin.

Niko nodded and mumbled something with a mouth full of cake.

"I should have known you'd have a kid before me," Michelle teased as she walked up to us with Connor. "And a painfully cute one at that."

"This is Michelle, Niko. She's a friend who used to work with Michael," I said.

"Where she live?"

"She doesn't live here. Her house is far away."

"Hi, Niko," Michelle smiled. "How's the cake?"

"I like. Who that?" He asked and pointed to Connor.

"This is my friend Connor."

Connor just smiled and waved. Niko waved back and went back to eating his cake.

"Are you in town for the weekend?" Michael asked.

"Just today. We have to leave in about an hour," Michelle said.

"You're so jet-set. You never stay to visit."

"I'm busy," she shrugged. "Besides, I don't see you knocking on my door. Ever."

"Like we have time to get down there," Michael said and rolled his eyes.

"You've got presents to open yet," Scott said to Niko.

"Presents?" Niko asked, wide eyed.

"Yep. Up on the stage."

I glanced on stage and noticed the pile under a drop-cloth up-left. I may be building that toy-box sooner than I thought.

"For me?" Niko asked.

"Yes, for you."

"Christmas gone."

"Yes, but you weren't here yet for Christmas. This is like a late Christmas," I explained. "Do you want to go open them now?"

"Yes," he nodded.

Randy and Ian pulled the drop-cloth back to reveal everything, causing Niko to smile and run over to the pile.

"Present time, everyone," Scott called out and everyone gathered on the stage and sat in a semi-circle around the pile of presents.

I sat in front of the pile to hand them to Niko. The first thing he noticed, however, was a huge stuffed dog. It had to be close to six feet long with a big red ribbon around its neck.

"Dog. Big dog," Niko pointed out.

"Yes it is. It's almost a horse," I said and looked at the name tag. It was from Shane. "Shane gave you the dog. Go tell him thank you."

Niko looked around and Shane raised his hand. Niko ran over and said "thank you" and ran back.

I started with the smallest boxes first and had him thank each person as we went. Justin got him a couple CDs with kid's songs and a little boom box. Charlie got him a soccer ball. Shawn and Ian went in together and got a large kit of CoolBlox -- which looked like fun to me. Randy got him a dinosaur tent and tunnel thing. Chad's gift was a kid's basketball hoop and ball. He was teased for that, of course, and by Sophia before Michael could say anything. Michelle got him a little Razor scooter with a helmet and Matt got him a big pile of Playdoh things. Finally, Gus's gift was a ream of tabloid paper, kid's scissors and a 128 box of crayons. Leave it to Gus to give the most creative gift. Niko thanked everyone again.

Matt, Gus, Michelle and Connor had to leave soon after that. Each person remaining started assembling, if needed, their gift to get Niko to play with it first. I stopped them and suggested we take everything upstairs first.

Once we got everyone and everything upstairs chaos ruled. Randy was setting up the tent in the middle of the main area, much to Chad's consternation because it was the better place to set up the basketball hoop. I took the stuffed dog from Shane and put it in the living room loft -- it was too big to have a good place in Niko's room. Michael put the Playdoh, paper and crayons on the dining area table and, thankfully, stopped Justin from playing the kid's songs. It was loud and chaotic enough without that kind of noise going on. I also put the scooter and soccer ball in the closet. They would have to wait until it was nicer outside.

Niko just watched all these adults playing with his toys. They didn't seem to notice.

"The basketball hoop goes in the hallway," Michael said to Chad. "Put it back near the elevator."

"They're playing with all your toys, aren't they?" I asked Niko as I knelt down beside him.

"Yes. I go watch 'Monsters' now?"

"If that's what you want to do. Go ahead."

He ran up to the living room loft and un-paused the movie. I could see him pulling the dog out to in front of the TV. Chad and Justin were out in the hallway playing basketball with Sophia watching. Scott, Shawn and Ian were building something with the blocks while Randy watched and commented. Shane and Charlie started playing pool.

"Who are the kids?" Michael asked me.

I pointed towards the center of the room. "I'm gonna go sit with Niko."

"Go ahead. I'll be up in a couple minutes."

I walked upstairs to find Niko lying on the stuffed dog's back, sound asleep. I went back down to grab the camera and take a picture of it. It was past his nap time, anyway, so I covered him with a blanket and went back downstairs.

"He's asleep," I said to Michael.

"That's good. I didn't think we'd get him to take a nap after having some cake."

"I don't think he's used to all the excitement yet."

"Hey. Where'd Niko go?" Scott asked from his building.

"He's taking a nap."

"Oh. Sorry," Scott whispered and everyone got quiet. The TV could still be heard, however.

"Unless you scream he's not going to hear you over the TV. You don't have to whisper," I said.

"So what are we doing tonight, old man," Charlie asked as he waited for Shane to take his shot.

"Nothing that can't include Niko," I said.

"Why don't we go have dinner at Angelo's with everyone?" Michael asked. "We haven't been there in ages."

"That sounds alright. We can get Niko to try different things to find out what he likes."

"Yeah. We should probably do that all week -- go out and expose him to different things," Michael agreed.

"We'd better call and make a reservation if everyone is going."

"Who wants to join us for dinner tonight at Angelo's?" Michael announced.

"I'm in," Scott called out, followed by the others in the apartment.

"Okay. That's nine," Michael said and walked out to the hallway, returning a minute later. "And that's an even dozen. I'll make the reservation."

"Buona sera, Aldo," I greeted as we walked in.

"Buona sera. Hello. Hello. You have quite a crowd tonight," Aldo said in his usual over the top way.

"Yep. Hopefully you have a table reserved for us. Pitt."

He checked his reservation sheet. "Ah, yes. You are the large group. Follow me, per favore."

We were soon seated and drink orders taken. Everyone was having the Chianti, except Niko, who had a cherry flavored soda.

"What 'buona sera' mean?" Niko asked me after Aldo left to get our drinks.

"It means 'good evening'. It's Italian. That's another language like English and Russian," I explained.

He frowned. "I have to learn, too?"

"No. You don't have to learn Italian. Maybe when you're older you'll want to, but you don't have to."

"Okay. What 'grazie'?"

"That means 'thank you', and 'per favore' means 'please'."

"Okay," he said and then quietly practiced the words to himself.

Aldo soon returned with the drinks and we ordered several plates of bruschetta, olives and stuffed mushrooms as an appetizer. I ordered Niko the kids sampler plate -- it was a good way to see what he liked and didn't like.

He did like the cherry soda and the bruschetta, despite having a difficult time getting the tomatoes to stay on top. Green olives were okay, but he didn't like the black or the stuffed mushrooms. His sampler plate came with suppl" al telefono, ricotta stuffed raviolli in a primavera sauce and grilled meatballs. He liked all of it, but couldn't eat it all. He did manage to find room for the tiramisu for desert. He was obviously stuffed and almost asleep when we finally left. Michael and I took turns carrying him on the way home.

Sunday started about the same, but Charlie and Justin joined us at the park. Each was trying hard to make an impression and be the "Uncle" that was most fun. Justin eventually conceded after Charlie did a back-flip. I was surprised as well.

*** [ 1/12/04, Monday ]

"Where we go?" Niko asked.

"We have to go to the doctor today," I said.

"I not sick. I not like doctor," he complained.

"I know. We have to go to the doctor so you don't get sick. This will be the last time until next month."

"Hurt," he pouted.

"I know. I had to do it, too. It's just something you have to do when you're little so you don't get sick."

"I not sick."

"We'll go to the park after the doctor." That made him a little happier, but not much.

The pediatrician was nicer than his Russian doctor and gave him a sucker after the shots which helped some. She said he was a bit short and underweight for his age, but he seemed healthy enough. His more active lifestyle now that he was here would help a great deal.

Niko didn't let me forget that we were going to the park as soon as we walked out of the doctor's office.

On Wednesday, Rosaria, the case worker from Child Services, paid us a surprise visit. She talked with Niko a bit and then had a cup of coffee before heading to her next appointment. I knew this would happen about once a month for the next year.

We took Niko into the city on Thursday and rode the Roosevelt Island Tramway several times before taking a ride on the Staten Island Ferry. He slept very well that night and didn't end up in our bed.

*** [ 1/16/04, Friday ]

"I not like airplane," Niko complained as we entered the airport.

"It won't take a long time like before. This is only two hours. If you take a nap we'll be there when you wake up," I said.

"It's better than driving, Niko," Michael said. "Usually when Daddy and I go to Chicago we drive and it takes even longer than the last airplane ride."

"I not like long time."

"I didn't think so. That's why we're flying. Much faster."

"Okay. I like when go up in sky. That good."

Even though it was a shorter flight, Niko was more restless than the longer trip and wouldn't take a nap. Playing with the headphones and changing the music channel didn't last much more than a half-hour.

"We there?" Niko asked excitedly as the plane touched down.

"We're in Chicago now," Michael said.

"We go now?"

"We have to wait until the airplane gets to the terminal and they open the doors," I said.

He sighed and flopped back in his seat. "I hungry. We eat lunch?"

"We'll eat lunch before we go to Uncle Joe and Aunt Mary's house. Okay?" I said.


"What do you want for lunch?" Michael asked Niko.

"Um... Pizza?"

"For lunch? You just had pizza last night for dinner."

"I like."

"Pick something else."

"Want pizza," he pouted.

"Pizza will take a long time," I warned.

"Long time?" Niko asked.

I nodded.

"Um... Spanokopopio?"


"Yes. Spanokopopota."

"What three year old asks for spanakopita?" Michael laughed.

"Ours, apparently. Sure. We'll try to find someplace with spanakopita."

"Any ideas?" Michael asked me.

"There has to be something on Halsted. There are a ton of Greek restaurants there and we'll be driving by it, anyway."

"No Greek. Spanokopopota," Niko said.

"They have Spanakopita at the Greek restaurant."

"Okay. Greek good."

"I'm glad you approve," I teased.


"We need to teach him something other than 'okay'," Michael said.

"He's only been here a week. I'm sure he'll pick up something else."

It was another ten minutes before we got off the plane and went to pick up our rental car. Traffic was relatively light and we found a Greek restaurant with spanakopita -- which was the only thing Niko wanted to eat, except for a small piece of lamb from Michael's gyro.

Fed and happy, I called Aunt Tina, deciding to visit there first since no one was home yet at Uncle Joe & Aunt Mary's. We were told to come right over.

"This is the house that Daddy lived in when he was little like Niko," Michael said as we walked up to the house.

"Big house now," Niko said.

I laughed. "Yeah. Our house is bigger now. This one only has one family in it, though, not eight like our house."

"Only one?"

"Yep. One family with five people," I said and went to ring the doorbell.

"I do it," Niko said and jumped in front of me to push the button.

Aunt Tina opened the door almost instantly.

"Welcome. Come on in out of the cold," she said and ushered us in.

We took off our coats and shoes before anything else.

"Aren't you just the cutest thing," Aunt Tina smiled at Niko. He just looked at her as I took off his shoes.

"Okay. You're ready to go. Niko, this is Aunt Tina," I said.

"Hello," he said softly.

"He's shy at first, but warms up pretty quickly," I said and gave her a hug.

"I can't believe you're a father already. It seems like only yesterday you were his age."

"You didn't know me when I was his age. You and Uncle Jeff hadn't even met yet," I smirked. "You're making up memories to feel old."

"Oh hush. You were a lot younger, then."

"I was ten when you two got married."

"Don't bother me with facts," she dismissed and went to hug Michael. "How are you, Michael?"

"I'm good."

"Jeffrey still at school?" I asked.

"No. He's cleaning his room. He must have his headphones on if he didn't come running down."

"Jeffrey is another cousin," I said to Niko. "He's only a little older than you."

"How old are you?" Aunt Tina asked Niko.

He held up three fingers.


He nodded.

"Jeffrey is seven. That's this many," Aunt Tina said and held up seven fingers.

"I know," he said.

She laughed. "Let's go sit down. You want something to eat or drink?"

"No thanks. We just ate. Tell Aunt Tina what you had for lunch, Niko," I said.

"Spanokopopota," Niko said.

"Spanakopita?" She asked and gave me a weird look.

"Yes. I like," Niko said. "Very good."

"He loves it," I shrugged.

"He's going to be as weird as you. You're going to be as weird as your daddy, aren't you?" She smiled at Niko.

"Okay," he said.

She laughed. "Agreeable sort, isn't he?"

"'Okay' is his 'whatever'," Michael said.

"And I think he says that when he doesn't quite understand what you're saying," I added.

"His English seems to be pretty good -- even for a three year old."

"His brother has been teaching him for a while. He's more comfortable with Russian, though, right now."

"Of course."

We sat on the sofa and Niko crawled up to sit on my lap.

"He's really taken to you. That's amazing how quickly."

"Yeah, I know," Michael groaned. "He loved his daddy almost from the start, but will only come to me if Kolya or Jonah aren't around."

"That'll change. Kids always feel safer with one parent than the other."

"Kolya my brother," Niko said.

"Did Kolya teach you English?" Aunt Tina asked.

"Yes. Long time when live with Baba."

"That's his grandmother back in St. Petersburg," Michael explained.

"Mom! You said you were gonna tell me when they got here," Jeffrey complained as he came into the room.

"Did you finish cleaning your room?"


"Then they're here."

Jeffrey just rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I don't know if I want Jeffrey teaching Niko bad habits," I teased.

"Too bad," Aunt Tina shot back. "That's what cousins are for."

"When did you get here? Is this your baby? He's really big for a baby?" Jeffrey rattled out.

"Just a few minutes ago. Yes, and he's three. This is Niko. Niko, this is your cousin Jeffrey," I said.

"Niko is a weird name," Jeffrey said.

"So's Jeffrey," Michael said.

"Why don't you go show Niko your room and your toys," Aunt Tina suggested.

"Okay. Come on," Jeffrey said and left. Niko didn't move.

"Go with Jeffrey. He has toys in his room and you can play," I said to Niko.

"Go?" He asked and held me a little tighter.

"Just upstairs to play. Michael and I will be right here. It's okay. You can go play with Jeffrey."

"Are you coming?" Jeffrey asked impatiently.

Niko just looked at me.

"How about if I go with you to show you?"

"Okay," he said.

"Then let's go," I said and slid him off my lap to stand up. "I know Jeffrey has some good toys."

"I got tools for Christmas," Jeffrey said. "They're real ones that can cut and everything."

"Cool. So are you helping your dad?" I asked.

"Sometimes after school, but he won't let me use the lathe yet."

"You got a lathe?"

"No," he said and gave me a "you're stupid" look. "The big lathe Dad uses. It's the coolest."

"What lathe?" Niko asked me softly.

"You don't know what a lathe is?" Jeffrey gasped. "It's really cool. You put a piece of wood in it and it spins really fast. Then you push chisels into it and when you turn it off there's a leg there."

Niko just looked confused.

"We'll go to the shop one day so you can see what a lathe is. Okay?" I said.


We went into Jeffrey's room and it was soon a mess again as toys were pulled out. Once they were playing with some trucks I quietly went back downstairs.

I'd only just sat down on the sofa when Niko came running down the stairs, climbed back up in my lap and held on to me. He was close to a full pout.

"No go," he said.

"Hey, little man. I'm not going anywhere. Don't you want to play with Jeffrey?"

"No," he said and buried his face in my chest.

"Okay. You don't have to."

"Someone is missing his nap," Michael said.

"Has he done this before? Abandonment issues?" Aunt Tina asked.

"We haven't been apart yet except in our apartment. His whole world has changed in the past couple weeks. We were told that it would happen until he feels secure," I said.

"Oh, right. I guess that does make sense."

"Well, I think we're going to go, anyway, and try to get him to take a nap before everyone gets home," I said.

"It's after three. Jonny and Jay should be home soon. He'll never sleep with Jay around," Aunt Tina laughed.

"Probably. Let's go put our shoes and coat on so we can go to Uncle Joe and Aunt Mary's house," I said to Niko. "We can take a nap once we get there."

"I not want nap. I not sleepy," Niko protested.

"Okay, but I'm sleepy. Maybe you can just keep me company while I take a nap. Okay?"

"Okay," he conceded and climbed off my lap. He waited until I stood up and then took my hand as we walked to the entry to bundle up again. A half-hour later we pulled up to Uncle Joe and Aunt Mary's house.

"We're here. This is where your Uncle Joe, Aunt Mary, cousin Jay and Jonny live. Joey used to live here. Do you remember Joey from your party?" I asked Niko.


"This is where he grew up. Uncle Joe is his daddy and Aunt Mary is his momma. Can you help carry in a bag?" I asked and held out a smaller duffel bag.

"I do it," he said and wrapped his arms around the bag that was almost as big as he was. It only had his clothes in it so it wasn't too heavy.

"Hold it like this so you can see," Michael said as he moved the shoulder strap and guided Niko's hands to the handles.

"I do it," Niko grunted and carried his bag to the sidewalk.

I pulled the rest of the bags out and we slowly headed up to the front door. Just as we got to the porch steps I got hit on the shoulder with a snowball. I turned to see Jay grinning with another snowball in his hand ready to throw.

"Give me a sec. I've got to throw someone in the snow," I said and set down my bag before taking off after Jay. He screamed, threw his remaining snowball in my general direction and ran. Despite his head start, the snow piled up around the driveway slowed him down considerably. I caught his foot as he tried to get over the opposite snowbank. He fell face first into the snow. I lifted his leg higher and made sure he got a good face full and tossed some snow up his jacket before letting him go and running back to the porch.

"That's your cousin Jay. He likes to be dumped in the snow," I smiled as I joined Michael and Niko on the porch.

"He also likes to be tickled," Michael added.

Before we could ring the doorbell Uncle Joe opened the door.

"Come in. Come in."

"Hey, old man. Aren't you supposed to be at work?" I teased.

"Not when I don't have any afternoon appointments."

"Niko. This is Uncle Joe. He's Joey's daddy," I explained.

"Joey not funny," Niko stated, causing everyone to laugh.

"Yep. That's the one. How are you, Niko?" Uncle Joe asked.

"Okay," he said shyly as I pulled his boots off.

"Have you had lunch yet? I thought you were getting in earlier?"

"Yes, and we went to visit Aunt Tina first."

"You suck, Jonah," Jay said as he burst in.

"Quite well, too," Michael smirked.

"Ew! Gross! So this is your kid? You got a little Jonny?" Jay laughed.

"He's much cuter than Jonny ever was."

"Like that would be difficult," he snorted. "What's his name?"


"Hi, Niko. I'm your Uncle Jay."

"Nope. You're his cousin Jay," Uncle Joe corrected.

"You'll have to wait until Joey or Jill have kids to be an uncle," I said.

"Oh. Well, anyway. What are you gonna do while you're here?"

"First thing is we're going to take a nap. Basement?"

"No. You guys are in Joey's old room."

"Okay. I'll be back down after my nap," I said a gave a look to Niko. "Let's go upstairs."

We went up and got settled. There was a full bed and a full blow-up bed taking up most of the room.

"Let's take a nap now," I said to Niko and pulled back the covers.

"I not want nap."

"I know, but you said you were going to keep me company while I took a nap."

"Okay," he said and climbed into bed, but sat next to me instead of lying down.

"I'm going to take a nap, too," Michael said and got in bed.

It only took about ten minutes before Niko was asleep.

"That was easy. I'm going downstairs. You staying here?" Michael whispered.

"Yeah. I don't want him to wake up alone and not know where he is."

"Wake you in about an hour?"

"That should be good. Thanks."

"Daddy. Daddy," Niko said as he poked me.

"Yes, Niko?" I yawned and sat up.

"I have go bathroom."

"Okay. I'll show you where the bathroom is. Come on," I said and lead him to the bathroom. He insisted I stay there so I waited while he went, and then used the toilet while he washed his hands.

"Are you ready to go downstairs and meet everyone?"

"Yes," he yawned.

Michael and Uncle Joe were in the kitchen cooking dinner, but no one else was around.

"Good morning, Niko," Uncle Joe smiled as we walked in.

"It not morning," Niko said and gave me a confused look.

"He's like Joey. Not funny," I said.

"No. Not funny," Niko agreed. Michael choked on his beer trying not to laugh.

"Want to sit up on the counter so you can see everything?" I asked.

Niko nodded and raised his arms. I set him on the counter and then hopped up beside him.

"So where is everyone?" I asked.

"Jay is doing homework, Jonny isn't home yet, and Mary should be home any minute now," Uncle Joe answered. "So how has the first week been?"

"Good. Surprisingly good. We've been playing together and going to the park and reading. Haven't we, Niko?"

"Yes. Park very good. More good than old park."

"Much better and much closer," Michael agreed.

"What have you been reading?"

"'Harry Potter and Sorcerer's Stone'," Niko said. "Harry go to Hogwarts and learn magic."

"Isn't that a bit old for him? The later ones get pretty dark."

"I know. Kolya had it with him on the plane so we ended up reading it to him to keep him in his seat. I'm not going to read the others with him until he's older. Once this is done I think the next book will be 'The Wind in the Willows' or 'Peter Pan'."

"I know your parents read adult books to you, but remember there's nothing wrong with Dr. Seuss," Uncle Joe said.

"Of course not. During the day we read the kid books. This is just the bedtime story."

"Okay. Just don't push too fast. Kids grow up too quickly today, anyway."

"I agree and I'm not pushing. We don't start reading 'Atlas Shrugged' until he's five," I smirked.

"Does this mean I have to cut down the guitar lessons to only three hours a day?" Michael smiled.

"Guitar? Nope. He's going to learn piano first. Guitar is for when he's fifteen and wants to impress girls," I said.

"How about thirteen?" Michael countered.

"He can start guitar at thirteen, but he's not going out on dates."

"Fair enough."

"Have you started teaching him piano already?" Uncle Joe asked.

"Of course not. Not until he's five or six. I know this has happened quickly, but I have given it a great deal of thought."

"I'd expect nothing less from you. I just know that you can be a bit obsessive at times about how things should be. Kids will do what they want."

"Yes, I know. It won't all be happiness and sunshine," I said as Aunt Mary walked in.

"Hello, everyone," she smiled and gave Uncle Joe a kiss. "Hello, Niko."

Niko cringed beside me. "I not want shot. Daddy say not until next month."

I laughed. "This is Aunt Mary, Niko. She's a nurse and just got home from work. She's not going to give you a shot."

"No shot?"

"Nope. She's nice."

"Bad experience?" Aunt Mary asked me.

"Not bad, but not good. He had his Russian doctor jab him a bit before we left and then went to his doctor here on Monday. The Russian doctor wasn't very gentle."

"Ah. I need to shower and change clothes anyway," she said and started out the door as Jay walked in.

"Hi, Mom. What's for dinner?" Jay asked.

"Manicotti," Uncle Joe answered.

"Yum. With sausage, or are you making it vegetarian because Jonah's here?"

"Turkey sausage."

"Okay. So what are you going to do while you're here? How long are you staying?" Jay asked me.

"We fly back on Tuesday. We're just planning to visit. Maybe go to the museums."

"We're going tubing on Sunday. You can drive."

"Oh really? I can drive?" I teased.

"Yeah. You've got a car. Otherwise I have to ride with one of Jonny's friends or get smashed in Adam's van with all the tubes."

"Or you could just stay home," Jonny said as he walked in. "Hey." He gave me a quick hug and then Michael.

"Privet, Niko," he smiled.

"Privet. Vy govorite po russki?" Niko asked.

"Nyet," Jonny laughed. "I only learned how to say 'hi'."

Niko looked at me to explain.

"He only knows a little bit of Russian. You speak to him in English."

"Okay. Why you not know more Russian?" Niko asked Jonny.

"Because you're the only one I know who speaks Russian, and I just met you," Jonny said, which went right past Niko.

"This is Jonny," I said to Niko.

"Cute kid," Jonny said. "What's for dinner?"

"Manicotti," everyone answered.

"What manicotti?" Niko asked me.

"It's kinda like the ravioli you had at Angelo's. It's good. You'll like it."

"That the Italian restaurant?" He asked.

"Yes. That was the Italian restaurant."

"Okay. That good. We have cake desert?"

"That was tiramisu. I don't think we have desert tonight."

"No desert tonight," Uncle Joe confirmed.

"I like tiramisu. It very good."

"Yes it is," I agreed.

Saturday was a long and busy day. We went to Shedd Aquarium first, but the appeal of looking at fish only lasted about a half-hour. We went to the Museum of Science & Industry next and were there for hours. Everything was much more fun, not to mention that a sundae from Finnigan's threw some sugar into the activity.

That sugar buzz didn't make up for missing his nap, however, and he was cranky at dinner and fell asleep on the drive home. I put him to bed and he slept through the night.

*** [ 1/18/04, Sunday ]

"That what we do?" Niko asked as we walked towards the hill and he saw people sliding down it.

"Yep. That's sledding or tubing. That one is too big for little boys. You and I will take the little hill," I said.

"Where little hill?"

"We'll see it when we get to the top. It's on the other side."

By the time we got to the top Niko was bouncing with excitement from watching other people go down the big hill. I doubt he heard my instructions before I pushed him down the small hill. He laughed the whole way.

"I go big hill now! I go big hill now!" He demanded as we climbed back up to the top.

"Are you sure? The big hill is a lot faster."

"Yes! Go lot faster!"

"Okay. Remember to hang on tight."

"I know."

We got back to the top and I took us over far enough that we would miss the bump. He flopped down in his little snow tube and grabbed the handles. I gave him a push and then followed on my own tube. He laughed the whole way down.

It was a couple hours before he was exhausted enough that we could drag him away and go home.

*** [ 1/19/04, Monday ]

"Where we go today?" Niko asked after breakfast.

"We're going to the shop where Uncle Jeff works to see all the tools. Remember when Jeffrey talked about the lathe?"

He nodded.

"We'll see it there and lots of other fun tools."

"And what do we call Uncle Jeff when we see him?" Michael hinted.

"Lumberjack!" Niko yelled.

"Yep," Michael laughed.

*** [ 2/12/04, Thursday ]

Thursday morning I got a call from the Union asking/begging me to take a job on Long Island for a couple weeks. The job was in the evenings and Michael was home for a couple weeks, so I decided to take it.

After an hour-and-some drive out to Old Westbury, Long Island, I pulled into the driveway of some palacial house. A guard at the gate checked my ID and let me though, telling me how to get to the production trailer. All the union had told me was the address, time, and that I was doing lights for a TV show. I got the distinct impression that it was a reality show from the surroundings. I parked near the other cars, grabbed my toolbelt, and walked up to the trailer where some guy with a clipboard was giving out directions to a couple camera operators.

"You Jonah Mars?" The Production Manager asked.

"I am."

"I'm Aaron, the Production Manager. You know how to run a camera?"

"Yeah, but I'm more a lighting..."

"Yeah, I know," Aaron interrupted. "You won't need your toolbelt. I need a camera operator. There's a light on the front of the camera. You'll be following John around. I'll introduce you in a couple minutes. Any questions?"

"I'm guessing this is a reality show. What's the show?" I asked.

"'Growing up Gotti'," Aaron said and looked for a reaction from me. "Does working for the Gotti's bother you?"

"Not as a camera man. My grandfather built one of John Gotti's bars. He didn't have anything bad to say about the experience."

"Did he? Who's your grandfather? Mars?"

"Joe Mars. Chicago. The family business does antique furniture restoration and reproductions."

"Hmm. I'll have to tell Ms. Gotti about that. Grab a camera and I'll introduce you around," he said and tossed me an ID badge.

I put my tools back in my car and went back to the trailer. I pulled out a battery pack belt and put it on before grabbing one of the cameras out of the cases. Aaron explained where to get the tapes, where to put them when full, my schedule, and handed me a radio. He also explained that I answered to him or Ms. Gotti only and not to let the boys try to push me around. While I was working the camera was to be on him at all times -- except when he was in the toilet. I was getting a bad feeling about this job.

Once everything was explained and I had the camera all set up and working we headed up the driveway and into the house. I was introduced to Victoria Gotti, who was working at a messy desk, and then introduced to John, who was lounging on a sofa in shorts watching TV. Victora was a loud New York woman and I could guess right away that she ran everything.

"John! Get your butt up and meet your new camera man," Victoria yelled.

John gave her a laboured look before slowly standing up and walking over to me.

"John Gotti. Don't forget it," he smirked and gave me a challenging look.

"Jonah Mars, and I'm sure you won't let me forget it," I said back, meeting his look.

"Think you gotta lot of nerve, huh?"

"Absolutely, but I'm not here to be your friend or your enemy. I'm here to do a job, and that's keep my camera on you," I said.

He stared at me for a few more moments before nodding. "We'll see," he said and went back to his spot on the sofa.

"Hopefully you'll be around a little longer," Victoria said to me. "Don't take any shit from him. If he tries anything just tell me and I'll take care of him."

"Anything I should be aware of?"

"Nothing that you can't handle, I think. You Italian?"

"Italian on my father's side."

"I knew it," she smiled. "You're not from New York. I'm guessin'...Chicago?"

"Damn. I'd hoped my Chicago accent was gone," I smirked. She laughed.

"Said his grandfather built a bar for your father," Aaron said.

"Really? Do you know which one?"

"It was for his house. Oak and black walnut. That's all I know about it. I wasn't born yet. I've seen a picture of it, but it was an old picture and dark."

"I remember that bar. Daddy spent a lot of time in that room. It was right next to his office."

"Hey babe. Fun day?" Michael said as I walked in the door and gave me a quick kiss.

"It was...weird."

"What were you working on?"

"'Growing up Gotti'. It's a reality show and I'm running camera on one of the boys," I said.

"Really? Haven't heard of that one. What was so weird -- other than that you hate reality shows?"

"Just everything. They're all Guidos, but the guy I have to follow is a drama queen on top of that. Victoria is a balsy woman and okay, but her kids are just spoiled brats."

"How many are there?"

"Three. I've got the middle child: John. The oldest, Carmine, seems to be the least obnoxious. Least, mind you."

"Should you be saying something bad about them? Won't they put a hit out on you?" Michael smirked.

"I'm not worried about it, and Victoria likes me. Gpa built a bar for her father years ago. Apparently that makes me almost family," I shrugged.

"He did?"

"Yeah. I gotta eat. I'm starved."

"Sit down and I'll warm up something for you."

"Thanks," I said and sat down at the kitchen bar.

"So you going back? Why'd they have you running camera?"

"There's a light on the front of the camera, so Aaron says," I laughed. "It doesn't matter to me. It pays the same. It does get exhausting hauling around a camera for six solid hours. I'll probably keep doing it for a couple weeks, or until I can't take it anymore. We'll see. It's something different."

"Any nude shots that'll have to be edited out?" Michael grinned.

"Thankfully, no."

"Why? They all trolls?"

"No. They're all okay. I just don't want to deal with it. I just get a bad vibe from John. I think he'd accuse me of perving on him or something. It's just odd. I don't know how else to explain it."

"Does he not want to do the show?"

"I don't know. Sometimes it seem like it, sometimes not. It'll be fine as long as I blend into the background as much as possible. The rest of the crew is nice -- if a bit Italian heavy."

"Ah. Family."

"Some, I think. Anyway, how was Niko?"

"Good. He didn't want to go to bed, of course, and complained that I don't get the voices right in the book," he shrugged.

"You can start the next book so you can set the voices."

"Good. I think there's only a chapter or two left in 'Peter Pan'. Any thoughts for the next one?"

"Um... How about 'The Wind in the Willows'?"

"Okay. Sure. I haven't read that -- or if I have I don't remember it."

"Okay. What else did you do today?"

"Went to the park, of course. Watched 'Bedknobs and Broomsticks'. Built a fort with the CoolBlox. Nothing in particular," Michael said.

*** [ 2/21/04, Saturday ]

"Hey Jonah, man. Put down the camera and party with us," Frankie yelled over the music.

"I can't until midnight. I'm working. Just ignore me," I yelled back.

"But you're staying after, right?"

"I really gotta get home. I've got a long drive."

"Fuck it. Just crash here."

"Thanks, but I'd rather wake up in bed with my man than on a floor in someone's vomit," I smirked.

"You're sick, man," he laughed. "You can take John's bed. He'll be passed out on the floor."

"Yeah. That would go over well."

"It'd be funny as shit. He'd go ape-shit over someone being his bed -- especially a guy."

"I'd go ape-shit, too, if I woke up in the same bed as him," I laughed.

"No shit. I'll let you get back to it. Just don't disappear right away."

"I'll be sure to say good-bye."

He gave me a look and went to get another drink. The pool house wasn't large enough for the number of people in it and, despite it being February and the doors being open, it was hot as hell in there.

I found John again in the camera sights. He was dancing between two girls and trying to drink at the same time. Not soon enough, it was quitting time. I stopped filming and searched out Frankie to tell him I was leaving. He was snogging some girl on a sofa. Not to interrupt him, I just tapped him on the shoulder and waved before heading out. I was drenched in sweat and the cold air outside felt great at first, then cold as I joined Ben and JR, the camera operators for the other two guys, on the walk to the production trailer to submit tapes and drop off the equipment. It felt good to finally get all that weight off me.

I said good night to the other production people still around and headed towards my car, only to find Carmine leaning against my car with two drinks.

"You're not trying to sneak away, are you?" Carmine asked and pushed a drink into my hands.

"I appreciate the offer, man, but I've gotta long drive home and I'm exhausted."

"Just for a little while. I'll call you a cab if I have too."

"Fine. I'll stay for an hour, but no drinking. Let me call my man," I signed, thinking it was easier than arguing and maybe it'd help settle some of the attitude with John. A bonding experience of sorts. I flipped out my phone and called Michael's cell. Niko was staying with Kolya for the night and I knew Michael was going out with Shane to catch some bands.

"Hey babe. You done?" Michael yelled. "Just a sec. Let me go where I can hear... Okay."

"Hey. I'm done, but I've been invited to stay for a party. It's an offer I can't refuse," I smirked and shot Carmine a look. He just laughed.

"I'm sure. How long are you staying?"

"Only an hour. They'll all be passed out drunk by then anyway."

"Okay. We'll be here at least until two. The headliner hasn't even come on yet. Call me before you leave."

"Will do. Love you. Bye."

"Love you," Michael said and we hung up.

"So is your boyfriend the girly one?" Carmine asked.

"No. I like guys. He's masculine as well. Why would I want a chick with a dick?"

He busted up laughing at that.

"I don't know why you'd want another dick, anyway, but whatever gets you off," he laughed.

"Yep. So why are you guys picking on me and not the other camera guys?"

"'Cause you're the only one who's interesting and around our age. JR is an old man and Ben is not far behind him," Carmine said.

"Oh. I thought I was just the token gay guy for the show," I teased.

"No. That's John," he laughed.

"Really? I just thought he was a drama queen."

"At least!"

We walked back to the party. I got a soda and joined Carmine talking with some people on a sofa. He was the closest to my age. Some people had left already -- to head to another party, I was told. The place was still at least 80¡F and I pulled off my sweatshirt. The topics of conversation were all fashion and high school and different people I didn't know, so I didn't have much to say. After some more people cleared out, John came stumbling over to us.

"What the fuck are you still doing here?" He yelled at me. "You should be gone with the rest of the help."

"I was invited."


"Fuck off, John. I invited him to stay," Carmine interrupted.

"Well I want him gone."

"Ignore him," Carmine said to me.

"No, that's fine. I need to go, anyway. No need to cause extra drama," I smirked and Carmine laughed.

"Get out now! It's bad enough I have to have your faggoty ass watching me all the time. You have no right to invade my private time!"

I stood up. "I do my job. If you think you've got anything that I would want to touch, then you've had way too much to drink." I turned to Carmine and shook his hand. "Hey man. Thanks for forcing me to stay. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah. Tomorrow. Sorry about Jonny Drama," Carmine shrugged.

"Fuck you!" John yelled.

I stepped away and grabbed my sweatshirt to put it on. I just had it over my head when John shoved me and I almost fell into a table. I took a deep breath and went to grab my jacket, ignoring him. No good. Apparently he was looking for a fight. He came up to shove me again, but I was aware now and he was drunk. I caught his wrist and put out my leg, pushing him at chest level to make sure he fell to the ground. As soon as he hit I twisted his arm so he couldn't move without hurting.

"Listen, asshole. I was leaving. You have no right or reason to attack me. Don't try it again or you will get hurt. Understand?" I growled and twisted his arm a bit more.

Frankie was laughing his ass off and Carmine just had a grin on his face.

"Fuck you! You're dead! You hear me? You're dead! I'll fuckin' kill you," John screamed.

"Thanks for the warning. Now the police will know exactly where to go should something happen to me. I'm sure you'd love jail."

"We'll take care of him," Carmine said as he climbed off the sofa. "You'd better get going."

"Thanks, man," I said and let John go. Carmine sat down on him before he could get up. I waved good-bye to Frankie and headed out for my car. I was shaking with adrenaline as I called Michael.

"Hey!" Michael yelled.

"I'm heading home now!" I yelled back.

"Okay. See you later."

I hung up and got in the car. I was calmed down by the time I got home and very sleepy. Michael wasn't back yet, so I just took a shower and went to bed.

*** [ 2/22/04, Sunday ]

I woke up around ten and had decided to go in early and tell Victoria I quit. Michael was sound asleep beside me. I have no idea when he got home. After a quick shower and coffee, I left Michael a note and drove out to Long Island.

No one was in the production trailer yet, so I went up to the house and rang the bell. Victoria answered the door.

"Jonah? You're early. Oh. You're not quitting are you?" She asked and gestured for me to follow her in. We went to the kitchen. "Coffee?"

"Yeah, thanks. Yes. I'm quitting. After last night it's probably in the best interests of everyone that I do."

"What happened last night?" She said slowly like she was about to expload.

"John attacked me. I defended, put him on his ass and left. You can ask Carmine or Frankie to verify anything."

"I'll kill him. Wait right here," she growled and stormed out of the room.

I filled my cup with coffee and leaned against the island waiting for her return. A few minutes of yelling later, all the family was in the kitchen. She didn't even give them time to get dressed as they were all in their boxers. Frankie and Carmine gave me a look like I should be prepared for some drama.

"Now. What happened last night while I was out?" Victoria demanded.

"We just had a few people over and hung out in the pool house," Frankie said.

"We'll deal with your 'few people over' later. Why do I have a camera man in here on a Sunday morning telling me that he's quitting because John attacked him?"

"I didn't attack him. I just shoved him a bit," John snapped.

"What did you see?" Victoria asked Carmine.

"Jonny Drama was being an ass. I asked Jonah to stay for a little while. John stomped up and demanded he leave..."

"And accused him of being hot for him," Frankie interrupted.

"Yeah, that too. Jonah tried to leave when John shoved him while he was putting on his shirt and he almost fell into a table. Jonah brushed it off and went to get his coat when John shoved him again. Jonah did some crazy Kung Fu move and put John down, warning him not to touch him. We stepped in and held John down while Jonah left," Carmine continued.

"Man, that was mad wicked the way you did that. You gotta teach me how to do that," Frankie said, earning himself a glare from his mom.

"I didn't raise you boys to be biggotted thugs. What do you have to say for yourself?" Victoria demanded of John.

"What? It was nothing. I was drunk. It just got out of..."

"Oh no. I didn't not just hear you say you were drinking at this 'few people over'. You did not just tell me that. What am I going to do with you?..." Victoria ranted and raved for a minute or so before focussing.

"Apologize to Jonah. Now," she demanded.

"No! I'm not going to apologize. I didn't do anything wrong. He can fuck off. He threatened me!"

"I think what I said was 'You have no right to attack me. Don't try it again or you will get hurt.' If that's threatening, then so be it," I shrugged.

Frankie snickered again.

"Stop laughing," Victoria snapped at him.

"It was funny. John got all 'You're dead! I'll kill you!'"

Victoria got a seething look on her face and was silent for a moment before calmly telling John to go to his room. He stormed out, yelling. She took a few deep breaths before turning back to me.

"I'm sorry, Jonah, for the actions of my son. He won't do anything like that again. I understand if you still want to quit."

"You don't need to apologize for him to me. If it was just drunken bravado I could understand it. However, I'm fairly certain he dislikes me for a number of reasons and now even more. I think it would be disruptive for me to continue working here and I'd be less inclined to hold my temper if it happened again. It's just best that I take myself out of the problem," I said.

"I'm sorry to see you go, but I understand," Victoria said.

"If I might offer a suggestion?" I asked.

"Go ahead."

"Get someone old, straight and boring for his next camera man. He'll see it as less of a threat, I think."

"You can give him JR," Frankie offered.

"No. I don't want JR to quit, too," she dismissed. "I'm just going to have to lay down the law."

"Okay. Well, I gotta get going. It's been nice working with you. If you're ever looking to go to the theatre, keep mine in mind," I said.

"I will. Thank you, Jonah," Victoria said and shook my hand before grabbing her phone and storming off to her office.

"John can be such an asshole," Frankie said and gave me a quick hug. "See you 'round."


"Growing up Gotti," Carmine shrugged and also gave me a quick hug. "Later, man."

"Bye guys," I said and let myself out. I gave the gate guard my security badge and drove home. I called the Union and left a message that I'd quit that gig on the way. Michael was slouched in front of the TV with a cup of coffee when I got home. I sat down beside him and snuggled close.

"What happened? Why'd you quit?" He asked.

I told him what happend and how it went this morning.

"Sounds like it's for the best, anyway. You need to find something to direct again or do design work."

"I know. It was something different. I'm not sad over it. Just annoyed it ended like it did. What time is Kolya supposed to be back with Niko?"

"Any minute now," Michael said a second before a screaming Niko ran into the apartment followed by a laughing Kolya.

"Hey, little man," I yelled over the railing.

"Guess what? Guess what?" Niko yelled as he ran up the stairs to us.

"What? What?" I said back excitedly.

"We went movie and pengins go wobble-wobble woooosh," he babbled and waddled before flying around the living room immitating a penguin flying through the water. "And dofins."

"So you had fun?"

"Da. Um. Yes. Lots fun. We go tomorrow?"

"No, not tomorrow, but sometime soon. Have you eaten lunch yet?"

"No. I no want eat yet. I also see dinosaurs."

"We went to the Museum of Natural History," Kolya explained.

"Watched an Imax movie?" Michael asked.

"Yes. Some boring thing in the ocean, but he enjoyed it."

"Have fun?" I asked.

"Yes, but he's exhausting," Kolya smiled and sat back. "I cannot imagine having that much energy."

"Neither can I," I said and watched Niko pulling his books off the shelf until he found the dinosaur one he was looking for. He dropped it onto the coffee table and flipped through pages until he found the one he was looking for.

"This one. I see this one, but all bones," he announced. "Very big. Bigger than Kolya. Way big to the sky."

"All the way to the sky?" I asked.

"Uh huh. And teeth this big," he said and reached as high as he could.

"Imagine how big his toothbrush would have to be," I teased.

"Dinosaur not use toothbrush," he said and looked at me like I was crazy.

*** [ 2/23/04, Monday ]

"Hey, Justin," I answered my mobile.

"Hey, dawg. Can you do me a favor?" Justin asked.

"Depends on what it is."

"I've got a delivery coming at two. I totally spaced it. Can you let them in and just have them set it up on the wall with the shelves?"

"Yeah, sure. What is it?"

"Dance Dance Revolution. Everyone else was getting video consoles so I had to get one. Of course, mine will be the coolest," he laughed.

"Of course. Isn't that kinda big, though?"

"And Chad's racing game isn't?"

"True, but he has a bit more room. Doesn't matter to me. Can you have the delivery people call me when they get here so I can let them in the back?"

"Yeah. I just wanted to make sure you were there and could do it. Give them your mobile?"

"Yeah. That's fine. When are you in town next?"

"Shit. I don't know. Probably late next month. Why?"

"No reason. Just wondering how long your new game would sit before you got to show it off."

"Yeah, I know. Can't be helped. You could just have them set it up in the hallway so everyone could play it until I get there."

"Maybe. I'll have to see how big it actually is."

"I think it should fit. Anyway, it's just an option. Thanks, man. I need to call the trucking company. Later."

"Later," I said and hung up.

"Justin coming?" Niko asked.

"No. He's just having a game delivered and wants me to let the delivery people in. Did you finish your lesson already?" I asked. I'd signed up for the English lessons on Rosetta Stone and was having Niko do a lesson a day. He couldn't do the reading and writing parts, but he could hear the words and point to the correct picture.

"Yes. It easy."

"That's because you're so smart. Do you want to go to the park now or do you want to wait for Michael to get home? If we go now we can only be there for a little while."

"Um... Go now. Michael take me later."

"Nope. One time only. Now or later."

"Later. I go long time later."


*** [ 3/1/04, Monday ]

"Hello. Hello," Charlie said as he walked in during dinner.


"Hi, Charlie," Niko called out.

"Hey, little man," Charlie said as he sat down at the table with us.

"So?" Michael asked.

"Got it. Guess who with?"

"Congrats. Who?"

"Elijah Wood."

Michael and I busted up laughing.

"You don't have to blow him for it, do you?" Michael smirked.

"Piss off. I didn't blow him before," Charlie complained.

"So is that a 'yes' or a 'no'?"

"No. It's all about football. No sex at all," Charlie said. "Where's Scott? Down at Shawn's?"

"No. Shawn's filming. Scott's still on campus. When do you start filming?" I asked.

"May third. It was hilarious when Elija walked into the room and saw me. He froze and then busted up laughing."

"Yeah. It's a small world."

"Somewhat incestuous," Michael said. "Shawn's next film is with Nick. I wonder who is going to be next."

"Nick?" Charlie asked.

"Nick Cannon. He's on the board."

"Oh. Okay. I haven't met him."

"Who Elija?" Niko asked.

"He's an actor who visited just before you came to live with us. He makes movies," I explained.

"Where he live?"

"He lives in Santa Monica," Charlie said. "That's near LA where my other flat is."

"LA long way away?"

"Yes. It's a long way away," I answered. "When are you going to give up your apartment there?" I asked Charlie.

"My lease runs until September. I don't think I'm going to renew it."

"Good. You're in Europe too much to bother with keeping it."

"I know. Any spaghetti left?"

"Help yourself. On the stove," I said.

"Thanks. You've got auditions coming up soon, don't you?"

"Yeah. On Wednesday."

"You auditioning?" Michael asked.

"Nope. I've got a film to do, if you weren't paying attention. Are you?"

"Nope. I'm not right for the role. I don't think you are, either, really. And it closes a couple days before you start filming. I'm filming at the same time."

"A Cobain inspired masturbation with Gus," I teased.

"Yeah, but I play the Cobain character, so fu...orget it," Michael said, stopping to clean up his language when he remembered Niko.

"It'll be a total art house cult film," I added.

"Like 'The Dreamers' wasn't?" Charlie said as he sat back down with a plate of spaghetti.

"'The Dreamers' had much more dialog," I said. "So anyone else we know in this football film?"

"I don't think so. Anyone in particular?"

"No. Just wondering."

"Be sure to invite any cute guys back to 'visit' you here," Michael smirked.

"Not likely. It's a football movie. Any particular requests if I run into anyone?"

"Um..." Michael started.

"Cillian Murphy would be nice to play pool with," I said.

"Yeah, he is a bit alright. Anyone else?"

"How about Ewan McGregor?" Michael asked.

"He's brilliant, but a bit too old for me. Try again," Charlie teased.

"I don't know many Brit actors. It doesn't matter. Just have fun with someone so you aren't complaining all the time about not getting any," Michael said and gave Charlie a pointed look.

"I don't complain all the time -- only when I'm in a crowd of couples and I'm the only one going home alone."

I started to say something.

"Yes, I know I could find someone easily," Charlie interrupted. "I'm enjoying being single. I'd just like some company every once in a while."

"You come here and we go to park," Niko offered.

We all laughed.

"Thanks, Niko. I knew I could count on you. We'll go to the park tomorrow," Charlie said.

*** [ 3/5/04, Friday ]

"So do you have a cast for 'In The Garden'?" Michael asked as I walked in.

"If they all accept. I'm pretty sure they all will."

"Who'd you pick for Gabe?"

"Justin Long."

"He look good naked?"

"Yeah. Not bad. He'll fit the role."

"You don't mind if I watch rehearsals, do you?"

"Not as long as you watch from the observation booth. I think you wanking in the house would be a bit distracting," I smirked.

"I wouldn't wank during rehearsal. I'd wait until you get back from rehearsal all horny from looking at a naked guy all day."

"That'll lose it's appeal after a week. How'd story time go?"

"Almost two chapters before he fell asleep. I let him sleep too long for his nap," Michael said.

*** [ 4/9/04, Friday ]

"I not like this shirt," Niko complained and tugged at the collar.

"But it makes you look very nice."

"It not good."

"How about if we undo the top button?" I said and did so. "That better?"

"Yes. Why we get dressed up?"

"Because the show opens tonight. Remember the play we've been rehearsing in the theater?"

He nodded.

"Tonight is the first night that lots of people come to see it. It's a special occasion so we dress up."

"And then we have a party tonight after the show," Michael added from the kitchen.

"Okay. You're good to go. Ready to go downstairs and talk to the cast?"

He nodded.

"You're watching from the booth, right?" Michael asked.

"Yeah. Come and join us if you finish cooking."

"If," Michael sighed.

"You're the one who wants to make everything from scratch."

"Yeah, I know. No one will probably even notice. I will."

"Okay. We're off," I said and took Niko's hand.

We headed downstairs, stopping by the box office to check sales. Only half-full so far. Hopefully we'd get lots of walk-ups. The house was already open so we went down to the dressing room by the front stairs.

"Hey, Niko!" Most of the cast called as we walked in.


"Everyone ready for opening?" I asked.

"Actually, I was wondering if I could do the whole show in a thong instead of naked," Justin smirked.

"And you think a thong would be more comfortable?" I asked.

"Well, no. I'm just feeling nervous."

"If you're acting well, then no one will pay attention to the fact that you're naked after the first minute."

"Oh no! Everyone's going to be watching his schlong the whole time he's on the stage," Eric, who played John, teased.

"At least they'll be able to see mine," Justin shot back.

"From the back row," Liz, who played Lizzy, added. It was true that Justin was well hung.

"What a schlong?" Niko asked. Everyone laughed.

"That's just another name for 'penis'," I answered.

"Okay," he shrugged.

"We'll head up now before Niko's gutter vocabulary increases. Break a leg, everyone." I took Niko's hand and headed for the coffee house.

"Why you tell to break a leg?" Niko asked as we walked down the hall.

"It's tradition. In the theater it's bad luck to wish good luck, so instead of saying 'good luck' you say to 'break a leg'. Understand?"


"Okay. It's just what you say to actors before a show."


We got to the coffee house and I checked the box office. A few more seats had been sold. To give Niko something to do I had him hand out programs to people as they entered the theater. By curtain we were almost full. We headed up to the booth to watch the show. Niko fell asleep just before intermission. I let him sleep since he would be up late after the show. The performance went well and people seemed to enjoy it. I overheard several people comment on Justin's body during the intermission. He won't have any trouble getting laid after a show.

I woke Niko just before the show ended and took him upstairs.

"How'd it go?" Michael asked.

"It's going well. Probably five more minutes. I'll hang around the coffee house for a little before I bring everyone up and listen for comments. Everything seemed positive at intermission."

"That's good. Box office?"

"Ten empty seats."

"Very good. Not a sell-out, but not bad for a little known play. Once people know there's nudity it should sell even better."

"Hopefully," I agreed. "Everything ready up here?"

"As ready as it's going to be. Do you want something to drink, Niko?"

"Yes," he yawned.

"Okay. I'll be back," I said and gave Michael a quick kiss, and then Niko. The show had ended by the time I got downstairs and the coffee house was packed as people slowly exited -- many stopping for a coffee to go before they stepped out into the rainy night. There was so much noise that I had difficulty following any conversation, but people seemed happy and I didn't hear any negative comments about the show.

Once it started to empty out a little I went down to the dressing room. Justin and Liz were still in the shower -- not together -- and the others were almost dressed. A few friends or significant others were already there.

"Good show, everyone."

"Thanks. What were the comments?" Eric asked.

"Positive. Justin is probably going to have a STD by the end of the run if he's not careful."

Everyone laughed.

"I'm always careful," Justin said as he walked out of the shower room in his underwear with a towel on his head. "Is the director happy?"

"The director is happy. Is everyone ready to stuff themselves? Michael went overboard."

"Won't be a problem. I'm starved," Justin said.

"Hey, everyone. Good show," Matt said as he walked in with Luciana.

More friends or significant others showed up and it was around forty people I brought upstairs. Michael hadn't gone as overboard as I thought. It was loud and crowded 'till around 2AM. Niko only lasted until 1AM. By 3AM everyone was gone. Not a bit of food was left.

*** [ 4/10/04, Saturday ]

"Okay. Now future programming. Anyone have any ideas?" Susan, the Managing Director, asked during our monthly board meeting.

"I think we should have a musical this summer. Something classic to bring in the crowds," Steve said.

"How about something new? I'm tired of all the damn revivals," Larry said.

"No one will come see a new musical and they're more expensive to produce," Steve countered.

"We just have someone else produce it. There has to be some group in the city doing a musical," Nick said over speaker phone, since he was filming in LA with Shawn. "Jonah?"

"The only things that have come across my desk are community theatre type crap doing old stuff or things that aren't ready yet. We could put out a call for next summer, but it's probably too late for this summer if we wanted to do something new," I said.

"Do 'Candide'," Gus said. "We'll produce it."

"That's a musical? Never heard of it," Romeo said.

"It's an operetta. I could see that, though I don't know if the pit is large enough for the orchestra needed," I said.

"It can be cut down. Maybe have some of the instruments replaced with keyboards. Keep it non-union and get some students from Tisch or Juliard for everything," Gus continued.

"I love the social commentary of it -- especially in these times," Matt said.

"Will it have any draw?" Tasha asked.

"It's Bernstein, so it should," Steve thought aloud.

"Anyone opposed to the idea?" Susan asked. Everyone remained silent. "Okay, then. I'll check on rights and royalties and make sure no one else in the city is doing it. Jonah, if you can talk with Tisch and Juliard? See if there's any interest and a possible Musical Director?"

"Not a problem."

"Good. Any other ideas?"

"Yeah. I have an idea for a summer program. Just Saturday mornings for the whole summer," I said.

"A kids' show?" Nick asked.

"Pretty much, yeah," I said. "Has anyone here ever seen the Bozo show from Chicago?"

"That was a great show. Are you even old enough to have seen it?" Gus said.

"Yes. Anyway, something like that. Have a clown or character as the host. Show classic cartoons. Have skits. Also have a musical guest for each Saturday kinda like the 'Young People's Concerts' that Bernstein used to do. Introduce all kinds of music: jazz, classical, bluegrass, Celtic. Something different every week and not stuff they're usually exposed to. I'm thinking it should be something where parents can drop their kids in the theater for an hour or so and relax in the coffee house if they don't want to watch the show. Make it a regular Saturday morning family event -- at least for the summer," I explained.

"You're so family friendly now that you have a kid," Gus teased.

"It's good community involvement. It can't be any worse than Matt's Shakespeare with kids idea last summer," I teased.

"Yeah. That was a crap idea," Matt admitted.

"What would we charge? It would have to be fairly inexpensive to have people come every week," Romeo said.

"I was thinking $5 a person. That would depend on what we had to pay the performers and rights to show the cartoons."

"We can get sponsors to offset the costs to keep it down," Kristen said.

"That's fine as long as it isn't intrusive. I don't want it to be a big commercial push like Saturday morning TV is," I said.

"Just do it like the Bozo show did," Gus offered. "Have a game that the kids play and give out prizes."

"If you can find the talent for it I think that could work," Steve said.

"I'd bring my kids," Kristen said.

"So would I," Romeo agreed.

"Seems like we're in agreement to check it out. Add doing the research on that to your list, Jonah," Susan said.


"Looking to move?" I asked Scott as I noticed him looking at properties on his laptop.

"Um, yeah, kinda. Shawn and I were talking about a vacation house on a lake. The plan was to try to get a couple people to buy in and share it," Scott said.

"A timeshare?"

"No. Not that structured or expensive. We were also taking about a place within a couple hours drive, at most, so we could easily go for a weekend without making a big production about it."

"Sounds good. Who are the other people buying in?"

"You?" He smiled.

"Maybe. It'll depend on the place and the cost. Find anything interesting yet?"

"Yeah. What do you think of this place," he said and opened a bookmark. "It's on the New Jersey side of Greenwood Lake. Three acres. Five bedrooms. $600K, which is a bit expensive, but not too bad for what you're getting if the cost is split between six people. I figured we could probably get everyone here to buy in since it'll be close enough to use."

"How far away it is?" I asked as I looked at the pictures of the property and the lake. The lake looked nice. The house was a large salt box style and nothing special. Very rustic inside.

"Google says it's about an hour-and-a-half."

"Hmm. I suggest you start talking with other people as soon as possible. If everything goes well we can have a lake house for the summer."

"I've got at least a month. Shawn's not back until May 17th."

"He won't just take your word?"

"He's going to be the one putting money into it. I could, possibly, put in a grand, but that's it."

"But if you find something good you need to be ready to jump. Start talking with people now and get everything in order."

"I am talking with you about it," Scott said pointedly.

"Only after I noticed you looking at the houses, and I'm not about to buy the house by myself."

"You could afford it if you had to, though -- or at least the down payment."

"Nope. Not and still be comfortable and able to send Niko to a private school. Twenty percent of that is $120,000. If we get just four people to buy it then my share of the entire thing is only $150,000 and then it's paid for. At $150,000 I can justify the cost over the years."

"You're over-thinking it. It should be an impulse buy," Scott smirked.

"Maybe for Justin. Not for me."

"Do you think Justin would be interested?"

"Maybe, but I'd hold off and ask him as a last resort. We've got security here. That cabin is not so out-of-the-way that someone wouldn't figure out he was a part owner and either stalk the house or break in and sell things on ebay."

"Ah. Right. Didn't think about that. His fans do tend to be a bit...obscessive."

"To say the least."

"Who do you think I should ask, then? Who would be most likely to buy in?"

"Um... Ian probably would. Charlie may, depending on his finances right now, but he'd complain about it. I don't think Randy would. Shawn...obviously. Shane or Chad...I have no idea. What about Aaron?"

"No. Shawn wants to buy this with people he's not related to."

"Understood. Niko and Michael at the park?"


"Okay. You'd better start asking around today if you want a place by this summer. Just about everyone will be out filming by the end of the month," I warned.

"I know Michael is doing the thing with Gus. Who else is filming?"

"Charlie is filming in the UK. Chad is filming in Australia. I think Ian will be filming soon and you are leaving in about a month to work on Shawn's next film."

"Shit. You're right. You want to take this over? You already have experience doing this kind of thing," he simpered.

I laughed. "You find the people and I'll set up the organization. If you find a property everyone can agree on, I'll take care of the closing."

"Better than nothing," Scott shrugged. I gave him a shove and started dinner.

*** [ 4/16/04, Friday ]

"I've got the numbers for 'Candide'. I think it's doable," Susan said as she walked into my office.

"Great. I've meetings at Tisch and Juliard on Monday. I've fleshed out some things for the kid's show. Tell me how this sounds."

"Okay," she said and sat down.

"We'll have nine Saturdays if we start on 6/26 and end of 8/21. The music part is a must, but I'm not that thrilled about the old cartoons. The rights to show them are just too damned expensive."

"Yeah, I thought they would be."

"I didn't. I thought they'd be happy that anyone was still interested. Anyway, so my next idea is to have a story time. 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' is in production and will be out next year. We could read 'The Magician's Nephew'."

"Related?" She asked. "I've only read 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' and that was a long time ago."

"Yeah. It's the first book in 'The Chronicles of Narnia' series. It explains how the witch came to Narnia, the lamp post and other things. I'd edit the book down to fit into nine twenty minute or so readings. We'd get artists to do a handful of illustrations for each chapter and project them behind the reader."

"And how would we pay for that?"

"By selling the illustrations in the coffee house. They can be paintings or drawings or whatever. I'm sure some parents would buy them."

"As long as they're not too expensive."

"Of course. I was thinking $100-$200 each, depending on what it is."

"That should work."

"So we've got twenty minutes of story time, twenty minutes of music..."

"Who would do the reading each week?" Susan interrupted.

"We've got a building full of actors. I'm sure I can talk them into reading a day each. I can read if we can't find anyone else."

"You?" She smirked.

"Yes, me. I can read."

"I know, but can you perform? Can you read so it's interesting?"

"Yes. Do I need to go get Niko as a reference?" I laughed.

"Maybe later," she teased. "So fourty minutes taken care of. Anything else?"

"Yeah. That leaves twenty minutes for either a game or a skit. That'll depend on who I can find. I've made a few inquiries, but no one is interested in doing it."

"Try to think of something other than clowns. They creep me out."

"You're afraid of clowns?"

"No. They just creep me out. Some kids are afraid of clowns, though, so don't focus your effort on that. You already have the story time thing, so skits would be a little redundant. Maybe just a game with prizes. We don't need a clown for that. Just a host."

"What would the games be? I don't want to do something stupid just to fill time," I said.

"You're the Artistic Director. I have no idea," she laughed as she left.

"Thanks for the help!" I yelled.

*** [ 4/20/04 ]

-=-=- Jonny -=-=-

"Hey man, guess what?" Adam asked me.

"What?" I asked.

"I got a full scholarship to Columbia," Adam said excitely. "Full scholarship and I'll be in NYC."

"Cool, I guess," I shrugged. "Are you going to take it? What about Northwestern?"

"I was accepted, but no scholarship."

"Oh. I wish I had a choice. I have to go to Northwestern."

"Don't be pouty. We'll still see each other."

"Yeah, sure. Maybe you can live with Jonah," I suggested.

"You think he'd do that? I mean, it'd be totally kickin', but you won't be there and it might be weird for him."

"I don't know. Let's ask," I said and pulled out my mobile, calling Jonah.

"Yeah, Jonny," Jonah answered. "What's up?"

"Hey. Just a quick question."


"Adam got a scholarship to Columbia and is probably going to go there. Could he live with you?" I asked.

"Good for him. I don't have a free room, though, and I'd recommend he not live with me, anyway," Jonah said.

"You've got two free rooms."

"No. We've got one guest room. Niko has his own room. Doesn't matter, anyway. He should live in the dorms his first year. So should you. You'll meet more people and enjoy yourselves more. You're not planning on living at home, are you?"

"I haven't decided."

"Don't do it if you can avoid it. You can always go back home if you need to, but you should live out on your own. It's part of the experience. Same with Adam, and I'm always around if he needs a relatively close home-type atmosphere," Jonah said.

"Yeah, okay. Well, I'll tell him and let you go. Later," I said.

"Bye," Jonah said and hung up.

"No?" Adam asked.

"He said you should live in the dorms your first year to make friends."


-=-=- Jonah -=-=-

May was a very hectic month. Just about everyone was out of town -- Michael included -- so Niko was with me all the time. Scott had finals and then left for Vancouver. I hated to do it, but sitting Niko in my office with a movie was the easiest way to get through all the meetings.

"In the Garden" closed on the first and an original show moved in the next day for the rest of the month. After dozens of interviews I selected a Director and Musical Director for "Candide". Because we were producing it I'd still have to attended a few rehearsals.

Jonny graduated towards the middle of the month. Niko and I flew to Chicago the night before and flew back the morning after. I seriously considered not going, but knew I'd never hear the end of it. Michael had a good excuse. I didn't.

We got into Chicago around 11PM. Niko was half-asleep and wanted to be carried. I couldn't carry him and the bags, so he had to walk. I got a rental and we made it to the house by midnight. He was sound asleep by then so I had to carry him in.

"Hey," Jonny said tiredly as he opened the door.

"Hey. Joey's room?"


"Okay. Let me put Niko to bed and I'll be back," I said and took Niko upstairs and put him to bed. He didn't wake at all.

"So how does it feel to finally be graduating?" I asked Jonny as I walked into the living room where he was watching TV.

"It doesn't feel anything, really. I mean, I'll move into the dorms, but I'll still be on the same campus for the most part. Just in different buildings. I wish I could go to NYU or at least somewhere different," Jonny complained.

"Why can't you?"

"Because Mom and Dad already pre-paid my tuition at Northwestern years ago."

"I didn't know Northwestern had a program like that. I know there's a state one that lets you go to any school in the country."

"Yeah, well, apparently they decided that I would be going to Northwestern. I know it's a good school and all, but I'd like to get some new experiences."

"It'll be what you make of it. Living in the dorms and eventually on your own will change things. Just don't go to all the places you used to go and don't hang out with old friends all the time. Make new ones. Chicago is big enough that you can do that."

"Master of understatement. Adam is so lucky going to New York and getting a scholarship and everything."

"You could have applied, too. I'm sure you could have gotten some sort of scholarship. Instead you chose the easy way. Don't bitch about it."

He gave me an annoyed look. "Yeah, whatever. How long are you staying?"

I checked my watch. "Just today and then leave tomorrow morning at seven."

"Just overnight? I don't graduate until afternoon," Jonny asked, confused.

"It's after midnight," I clarified.

"Oh, right. So what'd you get me for graduation?"

"The joy of my presence, of course," I smirked.

"Too bad that's not worth anything," he shot back.

"I guess the cash will have to do, then. I haven't had time to do anything else."

"Cash is good. Why have you been so busy? Niko doesn't go to school yet, does he?"

"No, but just about everyone is out of town so I've had Niko with me all the time. We've got a kid's show starting soon, not to mention 'Candide' that we're producing. Gus suggested it, but it's all fallen to me. We're also buying a lake house and since everyone else is out of town they appointed me to take care of everything..."

"Wait. You're buying another house?" Jonny interrupted.

"With Charlie, Ian and Shawn. It's just a vacation house on a lake about an hour-and-a-half away. We close on it next month. Anyway, I've been very busy."

"Sounds like it. Okay. I'm off to bed. Long day tomorrow."

"Okay. Night."

The kids' show, "Saturdays on Mars" -- not my choice of names -- was progressing. I had the first six musical acts set up and a few readers. Michelle was going to be in town mid-July and wanted to read. Ian picked July 3rd and Matt picked August 21st. The rest I'd either do myself, or find in the mean time. Susan secured the rights and I edited down the nine segments of "The Magician's Nephew" into half-hour segments. Unable to come up with anything great, I set the show to be a half-hour of story time and a half-hour of music. I planned to add some lighting and sound effects in to the story time. Susan even got Disney to throw some money our way for posting teaser posters for "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe".

On top of everything else, the lake house idea took off and I was volunteered to "just take care of it" by all involved. All involved being Charlie, Ian and Shawn. QAF was going to be filming its final season, so Randy didn't want to spend the money. Shane said he wouldn't be around enough to justify buying it and Chad wanted a place in the south -- completely missing the idea that it should be within close driving distance from NYC, not Wilmington.

Split between four people was good enough and it was easy enough to have the lawyer create a corporation with the four of us as shareholders. We put in an offer on the house Scott had found after I visited it, taking lots of pictures to share with everyone. Thankfully, I did that on a Saturday and was able to leave Niko with Romeo, who had a son, Carlos, about a year older. The place needed work and was overpriced. I low-balled the initial offer to $500K. A week of back and forth and they accepted at $530K. The closing was set for June 9th.

Oddly enough, while flipping through channels Niko found the disco music channel and it became his favorite. I'm not sure if it's better or worse than the "Don't worry. Be happy" that he'd been playing and singing all the time since Scott played it for him. Of course trying to explain to an almost-four-year-old what "voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir" means and what a "groove thing" and a "boody" is... Well, he asked and I explained in a very clean manner. He couldn't understand why anyone would want to sing about going to bed, though. To him it wasn't something to be happy about.

Comments welcomed and encouraged. jmstories@gmail.com. Please put the story title in the subject line or my spam filter will eat it. I usually reply when the next chapter comes out. Yes, I know I'm slow.

Next: Chapter 37

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