Just Together


Published on Sep 7, 2006


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It makes no claims to the true personality or sexuality of anyone involved. You already know if you shouldn't be reading this.

------------------ Just Together by jm_stories ------------------

Chapter XXXIII

After the busy building schedule of the past year, January felt lethargic. I took my time installing all the bookcases and built-in's -- even though the detailed work demanded more time, anyway. Planning for "Equus" was going well and many of the audition slots were taken by the end of the month. Scott convinced me to let him do the scenic design, and I filled out the rest of the designers with a quick visit to Tisch. For the Stage Manager I hired Damien Wahlberg, who I'd worked with before at Tisch. He was a couple years ahead of me and kept in occasional contact, including pushing his resume as soon as he learned I had a theater.

Justin, in some odd attempt to be helpful, told everyone he met about the upcoming auditions and encouraged them to stop by if they were in NYC. Apparently he wasn't always that clear in his description and some people turned up thinking I was some sort of party tour guide.

*** [ 2/7/03 ]

"Marpitt Theater. This is Jonah," I answered the office phone.

"Why do you do that? You know it's me," Ryan, one of the coffee house staff, said. We were on the same phone system.

"Because I was concentrating on something else and didn't notice the beep before the ring. What's up?"

"You've got a cute guy here to see you. Jordan Brower. I don't know why they're always coming to see you. You already have a guy. I'm the one who's between boyfriends."

"You'd probably have better luck if you'd stop drooling on them," I shot back. "I'll be down in a minute."

I ran downstairs to the coffee house and Ryan pointed to a younger looking guy with dirty blonde hair at the bar.

"Hi. I'm Jonah," I said as I got to him.

"Hey, man. Jordan Brower," he said and we shook hands.

"What can I do for you?"

"I don't know, really. I'm in New York for a week and Timberlake said, and I quote, 'Dawg, you need to hook-up with my bro Jonah. He'll show you a kickin' time and might even get you a job in his theater.'" Jordan said in a pretty convincing Justin impression. "I had some free time, so...here I am."

"Good impression. I don't know what I'm supposed to do as far as entertainment, but I've got auditions starting on Monday. There are two slots open for Wednesday if you are interested in auditioning -- assuming you're an actor."

"Yea. What's the show?"


"Never heard of it. When does it run? Rehearsals?"

"March through May. There are only two roles you'd be able to play. One is the lead and the other is a supporting role. You really should read it before you consider auditioning. The lead role is pretty demanding," I said.

"Sounds like fun stuff. Can't do it, though. I'm filming in April."

"No worries. I'm sure the film pays more -- even if it won't have the artistic quality my production will have," I smirked.

"Oh, of course. I haven't done live theatre in ages, anyway. Even if it's crap, live theatre always seems more artistic. I'm not sure why that is."

"I think it's related to how the work goes. Film is start/stop and you never know what you've done until it's all been edited and you see the film. Theatre has that whole Stanislavski through line and you experience the immediacy of the action. Theatre also changes and grows deeper as the run continues. Film is static -- it only captures a single moment that's then manipulated and processed."

"Uh, yea. All that. Um, well, I guess I'll head back now. Thanks anyway," Jordan said, looking like he was in over his head.

"Okay. Slap Justin next time you see him for me."

"Uh, sure. Later, man," he said and left.

I turned to look at Ryan as he busted out laughing.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing," he waved and went to help someone.

Auditions started the day Michael left to film "The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things". Being busy made the week pass quickly and auditions all day didn't seem so bad when I could just go upstairs to go home.

*** [ 2/15/03, Saturday ]

"Hey, man. Finished with the cast list yet?" Chad smiled as he sat beside me at the kitchen counter.

"I think so," I said and continued looking over the proposals I'd gotten for building the roof terrace. That was something I was going to let professionals do.

"And...?" Chad prodded after a minute of silence.

I waited another minute to make him squirm, and then smiled. "I'll send out offers on Monday."

"Fuck, man. Just tell me already," Chad groaned.

"Not very patient, are you?" I teased.

"No. Tell me. I want an Oompa-Loopa nooowww!"

"Yes, Varuka, dear. I'm offering you the part of the young horseman/nugget."

"Oh," Chad said, disappointed. "Who'd you offer Alan to?"


"Shawn? I thought you said you couldn't see him in that part?" Chad complained.

"I couldn't; but after his audition I could. He surprised me and pulled off the tension better than I'd imagined he could."

"So what did I do wrong?"

"Nothing wrong."

"Okay. So what did I do that made him a better choice?" Chad corrected.

"It's nothing you did, just who you are. You have an air of confidence and a worldliness about you. Shawn pulls off the innocence that is needed for Alan better. You'd be better as the young horseman. Whether you love the role or not, you're just not the best for it," I explained.

"Yea, okay," Chad sighed. "I never knew confidence could be a bad thing."

"It's attitude and the way you carry yourself. It can work for you in other roles."

"I know. Have you told Shawn yet?"

"No. I'll tell him when I see him. I expect him to show up fairly soon. Just like you did," I smirked.

"Are you suggesting I'm predictable?"

"Sure. As much as any actor would be in the same situation."

"Hey, guys. Secret meeting?" Shawn asked as he walked in.

"Not anymore."

"Got the casting done yet?" Shawn asked.

Chad laughed.


"I just asked the same thing a few minutes ago and he said he expected you here in a few minutes," Chad said.


"Go pick up your envelopes in your mailboxes," I said.

"You're a sadistic bastard. Just tell him," Chad said.

"Where's the fun in that? Alan can just go get his contract."

"Who's... Really? I got Alan?" Shawn started to question and then caught it.

"If you accept it."

"Hell yes, I accept it. I can't believe it. I thought for sure you were going to give it to Chad," Shawn said.

"I tried to, but he's straight," I smirked.

Groans from both. I shrugged.

"This is the first time I've lost a role by not sleeping with the director," Chad said.

"Do you usually lose them by sleeping with the director? Doesn't say much for your skills," I teased.

"I wasn't even given the option, but it worked out just fine," Shawn smiled.

"No. You're just sleeping with the director's roommate," Chad quipped.

"Had nothing to do with it. Speaking of, how'd your date go last night?" I asked.

"Good. Really good," Shawn said with a soft smile.

"Must have been. I was in bed before Scott got back."

"Um, he's still at my place."

"Really? And?"

"And what?"

"Did you guys finally have sex?" Chad asked.

"Are there no secrets here?" Shawn complained.

"Not many," I said. "So I'll take that as a yes. You're walking normally so I can guess what went on."

"You've seen him hard before?" Shawn asked.

"Yea. I know you'd be walking bowlegged if he'd topped you, and I'm pretty sure that he wouldn't bottom until you'd been together for a while, if at all."

"Are you saying that skinny Scott is hung?" Chad asked.

"Most definitely," Shawn said.

"You've found out the casting; now go back to your man. It's not nice to sneak away the next morning," I teased.

"He's already awake. I told him I was going to get us some coffee and muffins from downstairs."

"Then you'd better get going before he goes looking for you."

"Are you trying to get rid of me?"

"Yep. I know Scott. He's not the most confident person when it comes to relationships."

"Okay. I'm going. Later, guys," Shawn said and left.

"Didn't you see Scott on New Year's?" I asked Chad.

"Huh? Yea, I saw him. I didn't drink so much that I forgot the whole night."

"No. I meant didn't you see him naked after strip pool?"

"I was probably passed out by then. The last person I remember starting to play was Jonny."

"Okay. Oh, what time is Shane coming to check out 3C?"

"This afternoon sometime. He had some audition and was going to come by after that."

"So what do you think of these proposals? Which one do you like?" I asked and set the renderings out along the counter.

"This is for the roof terrace?"


Chad looked them over for a few minutes. "They're all cool, but I think I like this one. The vines and planters screening the hot-tub are better than just a railing. You know someone is going to learn who lives here and be taking pictures with a zoom lens or something."

"Probably. Is that the only reason you like that one?"

"Um, no, but it's the thing that makes it stand out. I like that the hot-tub is recessed in this other one, but it's all open to the world. It should be shaded or screened in some way. Which one do you like?"

"Bits and pieces of all of them, but leaning towards the one you picked. I may pick that company and have them make a few changes, integrating things I like from the other ones," I said.

"Such as?"

"Such as having the tub recessed and the large shallow planters covering the roof. Not quite a green roof, but closer."

"Green roof?"

"It's a roof with a garden on top, basically. The whole roof is a garden. It's supposed to be great for reducing water run-off, lowering air conditioning costs and increases the life of the roof."

"Why don't you just do that?"

"When the current roof needs replacing, maybe, but they'd have to tear it off to put on the green roof. It's not as simple as throwing some dirt and plants up there. If I was building new I'd definitely consider it -- especially if I lived in a hot climate."

"So are we going to have a vote on this at the next tenant's meeting?"

"No. It needs to be decided before that. I'll just talk to each person individually."

"Okay. Well, you've already got my vote. I need to get some things done before Shane gets here. You know that I'm flying back to LA tomorrow, right?"

"I didn't, but I figured you'd probably need to."

"Yea. I've got meetings and need to get everything to live here full-time for a couple months and probably rent out that house. If I get this gig I'm working on then I'll hardly ever be there," Chad said.

"You could just sell it."

"Not until I need to. Property values are outrageous there. My place has already doubled in value in the two years I've owned it. I don't know if I could afford to buy a house there now."

"Then high rents are a good income."

"Absolutely. Okay, I'm off. I'll be up when Shane gets here. You'll be here?"

"Or in the office. Just call my cell."

"Okay. Later, man."


It was just after four when Chad showed up with Shane while I was playing piano. I stopped as soon as I saw them.

"No. Don't stop. Keep playing," Shane said. "I love Liszt."

"That's okay. I'm butchering it. Sonata in B minor is just a bit beyond me."

"Sounded good to me," he shrugged.

"Jonah's a perfectionist," Chad said.

"You just heard the section I can play. Anyway, I'm Jonah, as you already know now," I said and walked over to shake his hand.

"Shane. Likewise."

"I'm Chad," Chad smirked.

"As if I care. I already have your money," I grinned. "Have you seen any of the building yet?" I asked Shane.

"Just the coffee house and Chad's place."

"I already told him it's the same basic layout," Chad said.

"Good. Let's go see it. Let me grab the keys," I said and went to get them. "So why do you want a place in New York? You're living in LA now, right?"

"Yea, I'm living in LA. I'm in New York a lot and it'd be cool to have a place. It's more the opportunity. I don't know how often I would be here, but probably more than I am now since I won't have to hotel it."

"And why here instead of Manhattan?"

"Cheaper and I know people here. If it's like Chad's place then there should be enough room for friends to stay here as well."

"It's a co-op, so realize that you can't rent it out unless everyone meets the tenant and approves."

"No. I didn't mean rent it out. Just have people stay over while I'm in town."

"Ah, okay. Here it is," I said and handed him the key.

"Making me think I've already bought it, huh?" Shane smirked as he took the key and opened the door.

"Sure," I said and walked in behind Chad.

"What type of wood is the floor?" Shane asked.

"African walnut."

"I thought walnut was dark."

"Not this kind, and it's a natural stain."

"What the hell is this? Glass walls? You didn't tell me this place had glass walls," Chad said.

"They're not glass walls. They're more of a large sliding door on the bedrooms," I said.

"I should have gotten these. It's not too late to change mine, is it?"

"No. You can remodel your apartment any time you like. You'll have to pay for it, though, and I won't have time to do it for a while. You'd have to hire someone."

"Yea, okay. Maybe in a couple years."

"They make the place look kinda swank. I like it, though," Shane said and went to check-out the bathroom. "Speaking of swank, I could have a dozen people in this shower."

"Not unless you're really close," I said.

"We'd be showering together," Shane smirked and walked back out. "So I can see it's a cool apartment. Why should I want to live here? Why should I buy this place?"

"If location and neighbors don't make that decision, then you shouldn't," I said.

"Going for the hard sell, huh?" Shane laughed.

"Don't need to. You've already talked with Chad and Ian and probably made your decision as soon as you walked in. Nothing I can say will make any difference," I shrugged.

"You're just as they described," Shane said and went to look out the living room window. "No views from the fire escape, I see."

"Not unless you climb to the roof."

"We're getting a terrace on the roof with a hot tub. Jonah just got the proposals," Chad said. "They're all pretty cool."

"Are there any good music venues near?"

"Hit and miss like the rest of the city, but nothing within close walking distance that's regular. You'd have to take the train or a cab."

"Shane's got a band," Chad said.

"What style?"

"Indy punkish eclectic," Shane said. "All original stuff."

"Good. I wouldn't sell to you if you were in a cover band," I smirked. "Since I now know that, I don't suppose that having a recording studio here would make any difference to you."

Shane looked at me with full attention. "Serious? You have a recording studio here?"

"Mostly. We have the studio which makes a great place to turn up your amp and practice, but we don't have much recording equipment. The studio and booth are wired and ready for whatever equipment you have, though," I said.

"When did you put in a recording studio?" Chad asked.

"I built it for Michael for Christmas. You already know that. I told you the day you moved in."

"Oh, right. I wasn't very awake."

"Anyway, it's in the basement. The only equipment we have in there is a Mackie 1202, a couple SM57s and an old Tascam 238 that Michael bought for $50."

"I'm not familiar with the Tascam 238. What is it?"

"An 8-track multi-track cassette recorder. It works well for lo-fi. Michael loves the noisy analog sound."

"Killer. Can I check it out?" Shane.

"Yep. If we're done up here."

"I'm done. Let's go. Lead the way."

We had to go back upstairs so I could get the key to the studio, but opted to take the elevator down to the basement. I opened the door, flipped on the lights and let Shane explore.

"I'd have full access to this?" Shane asked.

"Shared, but yea. Michael's only used it to practice with his amp cranked so far. None of the other owners are musicians."

"You don't include Justin as a musician?" Chad laughed.

"No. He's a performer who sings. He needs studio musicians and a producer to make music."

"Do you think Michael would mind if I tried his guitar?" Shane asked.

"Help yourself," I gestured and sat down on the storage bench seat I'd built into the wall in the control booth.

Shane went into the studio and closed the doors.

"Will we be able to hear him in here?" Chad asked.

"Only slightly if he cranks it. We don't have any monitors yet."

"How do you record?"

"We haven't yet. Michael hasn't been here long enough to worry about it. He's got a wish list all made up, but it depends on him being able to find a bunch of old crap in working condition."

"You'd do it different?"

"Yea. I'd go current. Use ProTools or Digital Performer for tracking. He wants some old 1" 24 track open reel-to-reel monster. He'll find one for cheap, I'm sure, but he won't be able to find tape for it. I read that Ampex, who was the only one still making it, is going to stop in 2004. He can have all the analog outboard equipment he wants, but he's gonna have to face that he'll have to go digital for tracking," I said.

"I'll take your word for it. I can hear that he's playing, but not really make it out," Chad said, looking through the window at Shane.

"Yea, some of it gets through, but you'd never notice with the monitors turned on -- at least with a guitar. I don't know about drums yet. It's fine for what we'll use it for."

Shane set down the guitar and turned off the amp. He walked back in with a smile on his face.

"Damn. I love that Sovtek amp. I gotta get one of those."

"Yea, it's got a great sound. He got it not long after we bought the place and would blast it in the theater. He blew out his first cabinet," I said.

"Too loud for me."

"Me, too, but to be fair, the cabinet was only rated for 40 watts and the theater is a much bigger space to fill."

"So are you buying or not?" Chad asked.

"Don't I have to have an interview or something before I can buy?"

"If you intend to purchase, then yes," I said.

"Let's do it," Shane smiled.

"Great. Shawn is still here. You already know Chad and Ian. Charlie is in LA, so you could meet up with him there. We just need to get Randy and Justin here somehow."

"Oh god. You mean I have to be nice to a boy-bander? I don't think I'll be able to not laugh," Shane smirked.

"He's used to it. You don't have to be nice to him about that," I said.

"He's really alright," Chad said. "For short periods of time if there are no women around. Actually, he's alright one-on-one. The more people around the more of a diva he becomes."

"True, but that eases up a little once he's known you for a while. Just ignore him when he goes diva," I said.

"He doesn't play his latest single for you to comment on, does he?" Shane asked.

"Oh hell no. Michael and I made it quite clear when we first met him that we hate his marketing...I mean, music," I smirked.

"Dead on," Shane laughed.

"No. He uses this place to escape all that and the only time I've ever heard him really singing here has been in the shower."

"You've taken a shower with him?" Chad teased.

"Michael has, but I haven't. That was a while ago. We were still living at the old place. I doubt it's grown much since then, though," I smirked.

"Yea, I think we all saw that on New Year's," Chad smirked.

"How's that?" Shane asked.

"Strip pool after the party. I was the last one standing and clothed," I said. "You done down here? Ready to walk the rest of the building as we talk?"

"Yea, I'm done."

I gestured them out, shut off the lights and locked up.

"There's nothing in there to steal yet," Chad said.

"Not a lot, but it's more to keep wandering people out."

"Have there been any problems with theft?" Shane asked.

"Not that I'm aware of, but there are always people from the theater or coffee house walking through here. Why tempt it? Let's walk up through the theater," I said and gestured back the way we came. He'd already seen the dressing rooms when we arrived so we took the stairs up to the shop and then walked out onto the stage.

"Nice little theater," Shane commented.


"Do you only have plays in here?"

"So far. We've been talking with Ozzie's about having an open mic night once a week and having live music in here, but I'm not sure when that's going to start."

"That'd be cool. You never know who'll show up."

"You want to get some coffee before we go upstairs?" Chad asked Shane.

"Actually, why don't we go get something to eat? I missed lunch and I'm starving," Shane said.

"Yea, okay. We could also grab Shawn to go with us," Chad said.

"I know the perfect place and I haven't been there in a while. Italian okay with everyone?" I asked.

"Sounds good to me," Shane said.

"Is this that place in Little Italy that Michelle is always talking about?" Chad asked.

"I don't know. Probably. Angelo's?"

"I don't remember the name. Anyway, sounds fine to me. Let's go get Shawn."

"And Scott. I'm sure they'll want to stay together," I said.

"Oh, right. Maybe we shouldn't interrupt them."

"Who's Scott?" Shane asked.

"My roommate," I said. "We should ask, anyway. They'll need a break."

"He and Shawn are dating," Chad said.

"Anyone else in the building dating?" Shane said and gave Chad a goofy look.

"No," Chad said while flipping him off. "Though I think Charlie and Justin used to be an item." He looked to me for some reaction.

"Figures," Shane smirked.

"Why do you say that?" I asked Chad.

"It's either that or Justin wants to. At least that's the impression I get when they're around each other. Justin is all buddy-buddy when he's alone, but doesn't even acknowledge Charlie when he's got a woman with him -- other than the looks he always gives him. I know you know. Tell me. Am I close?"

"You'll have to ask Justin and Charlie," I shrugged.

"Do you know?"

"I know lots of things, including when to shut up. If you actually had a love life to be gossiped over, I wouldn't tell anyone anything that wasn't already known," I said.

"You're no fun," Chad pouted. "I've already tried asking them. Justin just changes the subject and walks away. Charlie wants to show me what he did with Justin."

I laughed. "Don't fall for it. You don't want to lose your virginity to Charlie."

"My virginity is long gone."

"Oh? And here I thought you were straight. All along you've just been playing hard to get with Charlie," I teased.

"Okay. Well, I guess I'm still a virgin when it comes to guys."

"Bullshit," Shane coughed.

"I'm sure there's a good story there," I smirked and rang Shawn's doorbell.

"Buy me a beer and I'll tell you," Shane said despite Chad's look.

"It'll have to wait until we get back then. This place only has wine," I said and rang the bell again.

"I'm coming!" Shawn yelled from inside a few moments before the door was yanked open. "What?!" He huffed, wearing only a pair of boxers that I recognized as Scott's -- unless Shawn also had a pair with Harry Potter golden snitches.

"We're going to dinner with Shane. You and Scott want to join us?" I said.

"Oh," Shawn said, now embarrassed to be meeting Shane in his current state. "Um, yea. Dinner would be good. Let me ask Scott. Um, come on in." He left the door open and ran up the hall to his bedroom while we stayed in the entry.

A minute later he reappeared with a t-shirt and shorts on. "Can you give us a half-hour to get ready?"

"No problem. Just come on up when you're ready," I said and we headed up to my place.

"Harry Potter boxers?" Chad laughed.

"Scott's Harry Potter boxers," I added.

"Oh yea. I can totally see that. Scott would make a great Harry Potter if he wore glasses."

"And Ice Man was playing with Harry's magic wand, I'm sure," I smirked.

They both groaned.

"What? You know you were thinking it."

"Some things are left best unsaid."

*** 2/17/03

"Hey, stranger," I said to Scott as he walked into the apartment.

"Hey," he sighed went to his room. He emerged a minute later with his laptop and sat down at the kitchen table.

"Shawn catch his flight on time?"

"Yea. And yea, I know he'll be back next week."

"Okay. So...?"

"So what?"

"How's it going? This is your first real relationship with a guy. I'm just checking up on you," I smiled.

"Thanks," he rolled his eyes. "It's going good. Really good. It's just...I don't know what I'm going to do when he goes away for longer periods. I don't know if... I don't know. It's just worrying about the future."

"Has he said anything about living here full time?"

"Not full time. He can't. Plus he'll be away for filming. You do it, so I know it's possible, but I'm not sure if that's the kind of relationship I want," Scott said.

"It's just dating right now. Not forever. And, believe it or not, the time away from each other can be good."

He gave me an incredulous glare.

"No, really. At least for Michael and I. It forces us to talk instead of getting buried in the day to day crap. It also gives us each different experiences so we have something to talk about. After you get to know each other you need those experiences to keep things from getting too boring."

"You say that now, but I also know you hate it when he's gone for months."

"Yes. Sometimes it's too long, but just imagine how good the makeup sex is when he gets back," I grinned.

"I've heard enough of it, thanks. Why do you think I get lost for a couple hours when Michael gets back from filming," he smirked.

"See? It works out. You can still talk to Shawn every day when he's gone, you just won't be able to do things with him and won't have him in your bed at night. I think that's probably the most difficult thing to get used to -- sleeping alone."

"Eventually, probably. I'm still trying to get used to sleeping with someone. I keep waking up whenever I touch him and... I don't know. It's just different. You know what I mean?"

"Yep. You're not comfortable with each other yet, so you're not sure which touches are welcome and which aren't."

"Yea. Exactly. And even worse is if I have an erection and he's touching it while we sleep. It makes me feel... I don't know. Not nervous, exactly, but like it's wrong or something. Like he's going to wake up, call me a fag and beat the shit out of me."

"I seriously doubt that'll happen," I laughed.

"I know. It's totally irrational, but... It's just being used to it being completely platonic when I've slept in the same bed as someone else before. I just have to get used to something different. Of course, if he was here it would make that easier."

"He'll be here for a couple months. He's in the show."

"I know. Thanks, by the way. Did you cast him just so he would spend more time here?"

"Nope. It's just a happy benefit for you two. I didn't take that into consideration at all and I wouldn't even if you asked me to. The theater's reputation and my reputation as a director are not worth screwing up so you can get laid."

"Hmm. Close, at least," he smiled.

"Nope. Sorry. Not even close. You can get laid on your own," I said and then grabbed my cell as it rang. "This is Jonah."

"Hey, Mr. Landlord. Do you think you could come down and clear off the sidewalks? There's at least a foot of snow out there," Ryan from the coffee house said.

"Uh, yea. Sure thing. I didn't even know it was snowing."

"Turn on the news, then. We're having a blizzard. We're probably going to close early down here."

"Alright. I'll be down in a few. Later," I said and hung up.

"Want some help shoveling?" Scott asked.

"Yea, thanks. Supposedly we're having a blizzard."

"It's not supposed to hit full force until later this afternoon."

"Did Shawn's plane leave already?"

Scott checked his watch. "No. He's probably boarding now. We checked before we left and once we got there. They're still flying -- or were when we checked."

"Hopefully he'll get out before they shut down."

"If not, he can just come back here."

"If he can get back here."

Shawn's flight did get out just before they closed the airport and he called Scott when he got to Toronto. We were shoveling for the third time to keep the front cleared. I was now determined to have radiant heat put under the pavers before next winter. Ozzie's was shut down by four and we gave up on shoveling. Hot cocoa with rum was the drink of choice that evening.

The blizzard shut just about everything down for a couple days, but by Friday it was almost back to business as usual -- minus the huge snow drifts. The following week I did a furniture building workshop at Tisch for a couple days, as I'd told Mike I would. The pay was crap, but it did give me the chance to talk with quite a few people about the theater. Hopefully I wouldn't have any problems getting crew or designers in the near future.

On the last Friday of the month I had a read-through for "Equus" that went well. Rehearsals started Monday morning.

*** [ 3/12/03, Wednesday ]

"I know it's written that way, and it's probably to make it easier for costume changes, but shouldn't Alan really take his clothes off?" Shawn asked about scene twenty-one. "It's that way in the movie."

"Exhibitionist," Anna teased.

"I think it was written that way so I don't have some naked psycho riding me," Chad said.

"Would you rather be riding him?" Peter teased Chad. "I didn't realize you were a bottom."

"I think it could have been full nudity originally, but changed for actor comfort or audience comfort. It's completely erotic between Alan and Equus," I said.

"So what's your answer?" Shawn asked.

"My answer is: if you feel you should be nude and can make it as erotic as it needs to be without anything rising to the occasion, then go ahead. If you get too excited, then you'll have to keep your clothes on. It's considered pornography if you have an erection," I clarified.

"I think I can rehearse the sexuality out of it. No guarantees during rehearsal, though."

"Okay. If you don't have it under control by next Friday, you're clothed."

"Don't I have any say?" Chad complained.

"Does it have anything to do with your comfort level of having him naked on your back?" I asked.


"Then, no, you don't have any say."

"I'll be gentle. I promise," Shawn teased Chad.

"Okay. Let's start the scene," I said.

Shawn did well at keeping control of himself on the first run of the scene because he was concentrating on the blocking. That didn't last on the second run. All the actors started snickering as Shawn climbed off Chad's back. He was fully boned.

"Settle down. You've all seen an erect penis before," I called.

"I'm sorry. I think it's the fur that's giving too much...stimulation," Shawn said as he covered himself.

"You know the deal. Get it under control by next Friday or cover it," I said.

"I'll try to be less adorable," Chad teased.

"Just give him some saltpeter. That'll take care of it," Peter said.

"But then he'd be out of luck if he wanted to hook up with someone after the show," Vince said.

"The saltpeter thing is a myth. It doesn't work," I said.

"You could just rub some of that desensitizing cream on it before the scene," John offered.

"Or just brush it into Chad's costume," Anna said.

"Brushing it into Chad's costume is what's causing the problem," I smirked.

"Okay, okay. I'll deal with it. Can we end the discussion on my ability to still get it up," Shawn said and shot a look at Peter and Frank.

"We won't bring it up again," Dora smiled.

"Good. Now let's start the scene again. Anyone who breaks character if Shawn gets an erection has to help him get rid of it. Understood?" I said.

"That's not much of an incentive for Shawn," Vince laughed.

"But it is an incentive for the rest of you. Ignore him and don't break character. Top of the scene. Let's go."

In the end, I had Shawn keep his underwear on. While it had somewhat to do with his sometimes getting an erection, it was mostly due to the script. Alan wasn't stripped to his essence at that point in the play. It wasn't until his final scene that he was stripped naked, both literally and figuratively.

The Iraq war started on the 20th. I'd seen it coming. Dubya wanted a war. The people who elected him wanted a war. We were going to have a war no matter what or why. I was glad that they still reject gays in the military. The draft will eventually have to be reinstated. The whole region is a series of hornet's nests that won't go back to sleep once kicked. The only thing an invasion would do is unite the hornets against us -- no matter how good our stated intentions.

*** [ 3/22/03, Saturday]

Saturday night Chad decided to have a movie night with Tequila shots. "The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys" & "Monsters, Inc." were the movies he chose to show off his new 42" plasma TV. It was a nice picture that got blurrier as the night, and drinks, went on.

"So Shane. You never told us about Chad's man-sex," I said as the last movie ended. I was feeling no pain by then.

"Shut up," Chad groaned as Shane laughed.

"Oh, really? I gotta hear this," Michael said.

"Though you turned Charlie down at New Year's. He gives a great blow-job," Scott said.

"What?" Shawn asked and looked at him. "When did this happen?"

"Um, before I met you. It was just a one-time thing," Scott said.

"Only because Charlie was still married and then you met Shawn," I teased.

"So what? You were fucking him," Scott countered.

"He was begging and Michael said I could."

"I did. Charlie's a good fuck," Michael said.

"Have you all had sex with Charlie?" Ian laughed.

"The three of us have," Michael said. "We don't know yet about the rest of you."

"I've never touched him," Ian said.

"The first time I met him is when I bought this place," Shane said.

"He tried and was denied," Chad laughed.

"So back on subject. Who and when with Chad?" I said.

"Let's play Truth or Dare," Shane smirked and Chad flipped him off.

"How about another shot, everyone?" Chad said as he fumbled with the bottle to pour out seven more shots.

"Trying to get everyone too drunk to remember?" I laughed.

"I think most of us are pretty close," Shawn said.

"It didn't work for him before. A drunken night that ended in playing Truth or Dare. Lisa, this girl he was dating at the time, dared him to give Miles a hand-job. Not to be outdone, Miles' girlfriend got back later and had Miles blow Chad while Chad sang 'YMCA' at the top of his lungs," Shane explained between laughs.

"Yea, and you ended up with your dick pulled between your legs singing 'I am Woman'," Chad said.

"So Chad's been blown by a guy, but hasn't blown anyone?" Michael asked.

"No. I've never given a blow-job. Never going to, either," Chad said.

"Never say never," Ian said.

"So are we playing or what?" Shawn asked.

"Absolutely!" Michael yelled.

"Ah, what the hell," Ian said. "We'll all be hung over in the morning anyway."

"The 'I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing excuse'. Good choice," I teased.

"An oldie but a goodie," Ian shrugged.

"There aren't any women here," Chad complained. "Why would we play Truth or Dare?"

"Nothing better to do at two in the morning?" Shane suggested.

"I can think of lots of better things to do -- just not with you," Chad said.

"I think Chad's afraid he'll get a little excited if he sees a penis," Shawn teased.

"Sure. That's it. I've had such a difficult time controlling myself with you on my back with a hard-on," Chad said sarcastically.

"You did pay me $100 to change it so he wasn't naked," I smirked.

"Fuck you. I didn't pay you anything. You cut it because Ice Man couldn't help getting excited at the thought of touching me. You need to put out more, Scott."

"You need to put out at all. I have yet to see you with a woman here," Scott countered.

"Man, I've got women throwing themselves at me. This is my sanity escape home."

"So you keep all your bitches in LA?" Ian smirked.

"Exactly. If I brought them here they'd think it meant something more than it does."

"So much for being a non-practicing slut," I laughed.

"I'm not a slut. I don't fuck anyone. I'm very selective. I'm just saying that I've got a lot to choose from," Chad smirked.

"Even after they see your winky?" Michael teased.

"Just because I'm not Scott's size doesn't mean I'm small. I'm bigger than Justin," Chad huffed.

"Aren't we all," Shawn laughed.

"So let's start this thing," Michael said. "Shawn. Truth or Dare?"


"Wait. What's the penalty?" I asked.

"Penalty?" Chad asked.

"Yea. If you refuse to do the dare or tell the truth, then you have to do the penalty," I explained.

"It should be something that would be a real penalty," Ian said. "How about the penalty is you get fucked by Scott," he laughed.

"Hey!" Scott and Shawn said together.

"Sorry, but for the rest of us... You're huge," Ian said.

"Not much of a penalty for Shawn," Chad said.

"Then Shawn gets fucked with a fire-hydrant," Michael laughed.

"Fuck you all. We haven't gone there, yet, so it'd be the same for me," Shawn said.

"Well there goes my question," Michael sighed.

"Don't I have any say in this?" Scott asked.

"You won't have to do it. Think of it like nuclear weapons. It's the ultimate deterrent," I said.

"Thanks," Scott groaned.

"Okay. My turn, then," Shawn said. "Jonah. Truth or Dare?"


"Um... Have you ever slept with a woman?"


"What?!" Several people asked.

"What? I've slept with Michelle Williams. So has Michael. I didn't fuck her."

"That's what I meant," Shawn said.

"She's a bitch," Chad said.

"True, but there's nothing wrong with that," I said. "Okay. Um... Scott. Truth or Dare?"


"Is no one going to take a dare?" Michael complained.

"Just wait," I said. "So. Scott. Being that you're as well endowed as you are, have you ever sucked your own dick?"

Everyone busted up laughing.

"Yea," Scott blushed and hid behind Shawn. Everyone laughed harder.

"Yea, whatever. Like everyone else here wouldn't if they could. It's my turn. Chad. Truth or Dare?"

"Truth," Chad said forcibly with a look towards Michael.

"Which of your co-stars have you had sex with?"

"None. I've never hooked up with anyone I was working with."

"Really? What about Alexis Bledel? You told me you'd tapped that," Shane said.

"No I didn't. We just made out a bit."

"Busted," Ian said.

Chad rolled his eyes. "Shane. Dare or Dare?"


"Pussy. Did you, or did you not fuck that skank who was hiding naked in your car after that show in San Diego?"

"No. I didn't fuck her. She scared the shit outta me. I was about five minutes out of town when this arm reaches from the back seat. I almost killed us when I ran off the road," Shane said. "She refused to put on her clothes and was rubbing on me the whole way back to the bar. Crazy bitch."

"I don't believe you didn't even let her blow you."

"Believe what you want. Chad. Truth or Dare?" Shane asked.

"Oh, what the hell. Dare."

Shane smiled broadly. "I dare you to...give Jonah a blow-job -- to completion."

"Whoa. When did it turn like this? You were just waiting for that, weren't you?" I asked.

"Yea. He was going to blow someone," Shane grinned.

"Great. So I get to deal with the teeth of a first time blow-job," I groaned.

"At least it's not me," Scott smirked.

"Go on. Hop to," Shane prodded Chad.

"Since I'm being drawn into this, I want to have a counter dare for Shane," I said.

"That's fair," Ian agreed.

"No it's not," Shane protested.

"Totally fair," Chad agreed.

"It is," Shawn added.

"You're overruled," I smirked. "If Chad has to go through with his dare, then I get to counter dare you."

"Fine. Whatever. But no one is going to fuck me," Shane eventually huffed.

"Sad, but true," Ian teased.

"So since you're so set on Chad blowing me, you can blow him at the same time. To climax, of course," I smiled.

"What?! No way!"

"Then someone's getting fucked," Michael sing-songed.

"Should I go get some lube?" Shawn teased.

Shane shot everyone a drunken pissed-off look. "No. Fine. I'll blow him, but you just wait. Every one of you."

"The straight boy's not too bright, is he?" Michael laughed.

"Apparently not. I'm playing Truth or Dare with four gay guys and two may-as-well-be-gay guys," Shane said.

"And yet you're the one sucking cock," Ian said.

"Enough banter. Let's get this show started," Michael said.

"Perv.," I teased.

"You know it," he smiled and gave me a quick kiss.

"How is this going to work?" Chad asked as he stumbled out of his seat.

"You'll have to strip completely. Shane should lie on the floor between your legs with you kneeling in front of Jonah," Michael said.

"Thought this out, have you?" Shawn teased.

Michael grinned. "Like you haven't?"

Shawn gave his best innocent face.

Chad stumbled around drunkenly as he removed his clothes and then kneeled on the floor. "Let's get this over with."

Shane pulled off his shirt and then crawled over to in front of Chad. "I'd rather do it like this than have him on top of me."

"Watch your teeth," Chad warned.

"Go on," Michael said and pushed me off the sofa.

I gave him a look and then dropped my pants and threw them at him. I stepped over and straddled Shane's back, leaving my still flaccid penis in Chad's face and Chad's in Shane's face. Neither one made a move to go any farther.

"You have to open your mouth to start," I said to Chad.

"I know. Shane goes first."

"No. You go first. You were dared first," Shane countered.

Chad pushed his dick into Shane's face and grinned before grabbing me with one hand. He played around and inspected it, jacking me a little to get me hard. With all I'd drank it was slow going.

"Put it in your mouth and suck. Use your tongue. It'll grow," I prompted.

Chad gave me an annoyed look before opening his mouth wide and putting most of my mostly flaccid penis in his mouth. He slowly closed his lips around me and gave tentative licks while increasing the suction. I started to get hard and he soon had to back off.

"Your turn," Chad said to Shane, who was staring at Chad's now slightly erect penis.

Shane closed his eyes, opened his mouth and leaned forward, cautiously tasting his first cock -- that we knew of, anyway. Chad sighed and watched him for a moment, still holding my erection in his hand. I pushed forward to remind him he was supposed to be doing something else.

"Yea!" Michael cheered and laughed.

Both Chad and Shane flipped him off without stopping.

For my part, it was obvious that Chad had never given a blow-job and I had to keep reminding him of his teeth and prompting him on what to do. The sight was erotic, but the experience was anything but. Eventually I pulled out and jacked-off in his face while Shane was still going to town.

"No fair," Ian said.

"I don't care. I'm not getting hazard pay for this," I shot back.

Chad was now pretty much ignoring me and held Shane's head, fucking his mouth. I stood back a little and watched it as I jacked off. A minute later Shane jerked back, coughing and Chad's cum sprayed Shane's hair before he'd gotten out of the way. I just barely got out of the way in time not to be racked by Shane's head. Chad quickly grabbed himself and jacked through it.

"You could have warned me," Shane complained. "Hey wait. You're supposed to be blowing Jonah."

"Put your lips over your teeth and press your tongue up against me. Don't try to do anything else. I'll take care of the movement," I said to a dazed Chad. A little prompting and he did it. I slid in and skull-fucked him, trying to get off as quickly as possible. A few minutes later I pulled out and came on his face and down his chest.

"Ha!" Shane laughed at the sight.

I squeezed a last drop out and then went to the bathroom to wash up. Michael followed me.

"Was he that bad?"

"Yea. He needs lots of practice -- though hopefully not with my dick," I said as I turned on the water to the bathroom sink.

"It was totally hot to watch."

"I'm sure it was. No more straight guys are going to get anywhere near my dick unless I'm fucking them," I said and hung my dick into the sink as much as possible and started soaping it off.

"It won't me be," Chad said as he stumbled in and went straight to the shower.

"Me be," Michael laughed and went back to the living room. I joined him after I finished washing up.

When I got back to the living room Ian was pulling off Shane's pants and Shane seemed to be passed out, still covered in Chad's cum.

"He took another shot, laid back and passed out," Scott said to me.

"And you're doing what to him now?"

"I dared Ian to fuck him while he's passed out," Shawn grinned.

"Whatever," I shrugged and pulled on my pants before dropping down onto the sofa next to Michael. I was sleepy now. I thought about protesting using Shane while he was passed out, but couldn't bring myself to the effort.

"Someone should be able to have a counter dare in Shane's name since he can't right now," Scott said.

"I agree. Shawn can fuck Ian while Ian fucks Shane," Michael said.

"What?" Ian asked.

"Shawn is the next smallest -- unless we want to get Chad. It'll be easiest for you," Michael said.

"Some choice. Get fucked by a tree trunk or fucked by a tree branch," Ian groaned.

"Either way you're fucked," Scott laughed.

"I should go get condoms and lube," Shawn said and stumbled to his feet.

"Scott should go get them," Michael said.

"Yea, okay," Scott said and was helped up by Shawn, who also gave him his keys.

As soon as Scott left, Shawn started getting undressed. Ian soon followed. Shane was on his stomach with his pants around his ankles. A few minutes later Scott came back with a box of condoms and a bottle of Slippery Stuff.

"How do I do this?" Ian asked.

"Lube him up first," Shawn said and squirted some lube in Ian's hand before adding some to his own. "Just like this."

Shawn moved his hand to Ian's ass and rubbed the lube around. Ian yelped at first and made and odd face before leaning over and doing the same to Shane. Shane didn't move. After a few minutes of this they were both erect.

"That's probably good. Now put on the condom," Shawn prompted. They both did so and then lubed the condom up.

"Wait a minute. If he was awake I wouldn't have any problem with Shane getting fucked, but I think it would be rape if you fucked him while he's passed out," I said, unable to just let it go.

"Try to wake him up, Ian," Michael prodded.

"If he didn't wake up with my finger in his ass, I don't think I'll be able to wake him," Ian said.

"Thanks a lot for being the voice of reason," Michael told me, sarcastically.

"So what now?" Shawn asked. "I can just fuck Ian?"

"No," Ian complained. "That wasn't the dare. I should get a new dare since I can't do the first one."

"Okay. I dare you to get fucked by me," Shawn said quickly with a huge grin.

"He got you," Michael laughed.

"Wait a minute. What about...?" Ian complained and gestured to his condom wrapped sagging erection.

"Take things in hand. You probably won't need the condom," Michael said.

"You can cum on Shane," Chad said as he walked in, wrapped in a towel. "Why aren't you just fucking him?"

"Because it would be rape since he's passed out," I said. "Ian can fuck you."

"No fuckin' way."

"Let's get on with it," Shawn prodded.

"Fine," Ian growled. "Let's get this over with."

Shawn pushed Ian into position, lined up, and slowly entered him. It took a while.

"This is really uncomfortable," Ian grunted as they held there. "If I was sober I think it would hurt like hell."

"It gets better, and it's not that bad," Michael said.

Shawn made a small push forward and Ian grunted.

"So are you going to fuck Scott now?" Chad asked Michael as he flopped down in his chair.

"No," Scott said.

"I wouldn't do that to Scott and Shawn," Michael said. "I'm fine. I think we'll quit after this. Everyone is half-asleep drunk."

"Except you, you little manipulating troublemaker," I whispered to him. He just grinned and gave me a quick kiss before turning his attention back to the fucking.

Shawn had picked up some speed now and was huffing loudly. Ian was grunting and groaning with his ass in the air and his head on the floor in his hands. He gave a startled yelp and sat up quickly as he pissed on the floor, and on Shane once he was leaning up. He pushed Shawn off him and fell back.

We all laughed.

"What the fuck, man? Pissing on my floor?" Chad yelled and stumbled up to get some paper towels.

Ian didn't move, other than to cover his face with an arm.

"You ready to go?" Shawn asked Scott as he pull off his condom and tossed it on Ian..

"Yea," Scott said huskily and stumbled to his feet, reaching into his pants to adjust his erection.

"You should show that thing to everyone before you go so they know what a real cock looks like," Michael said.

Scott, apparently, didn't feel like arguing and just pulled down the front of his pants. His 8.5" pointed at a stiff 45¡.

"Damn, man," Chad said.

"That's my man," Shawn smiled and tried to get to his feet. Scott pulled his pants back up and helped him. They were gone almost instantly.

"Well I guess the only thing left is for me to fuck Ian since he's passed out," Michael announced.

"Try it and you're dead," Ian mumbled as he slowly sat up. "What the fuck? I just got the piss fucked out of me," he laughed.

"Why don't you help Chad clean up a little? I'm going to bed," I said to Michael.

"Stay awake," he said.

"No. I'm going to sleep. Save it until morning or jack-off," I said as I stumbled to my feet and walked out. The stairs were challenging, to say the least. Somehow I had enough presence of mind to have a banana and a glass of water before brushing my teeth and going to bed, falling to sleep almost instantly.

*** [ 3/23/03, Sunday ]

The next day none of us were in any shape to do anything other than be hung-over. Even Michael, who had less than everyone else, was feeling crappy. We didn't get up until noon and were mostly monosyllabic. Scott came back with Shawn around five. Shawn was walking a bit funny and sat gently on the sofa.

Michael and I grinned at each other.

"Don't even say it," Shawn said as he snuggled back into Scott's arms.

"Recovered from your hang-over yet?" I asked.

"Mostly," Scott answered. "Have you seen anyone else today?"

"No. You two are the first. I think Ian is probably feeling the same way Shawn is," Michael smiled.

"Probably, but at least I enjoyed it," Shawn said. "And I didn't piss all over everything."

"Ian didn't seem to be hating it too much. It's hilarious what you can get straight boys to do when you get them drunk," Michael said.

"It was totally weird," Scott said.

"And totally hot," Michael added.

"To watch. My dick is still sore from Chad's blow-job," I said.

"Too bad you didn't just fuck him. Mine feels fine," Shawn smiled.

"Mine is lonely. I had to jack-off by myself," Michael pouted.

"Too bad for you," Scott teased.

*** [ 4/4/03, Friday ]

"Ready to open tonight?" Michael asked me as we were having our morning coffee.

"Absolutely. Are you ready for your show?"

"Hopefully. I'll delay as long as I can."

"I don't think you can delay an hour or two. Don't worry about it. I know you'd rather not have me there," I said, still a little pissed that he'd set his first show playing his music with a band on the night "Equus" opened.

Michael sighed. "Yea, whatever. I'm not going to argue about it again. This is when I could get the spot and there's no need for me to be here. I didn't plan it that way on purpose. If you can make it, great, but I don't expect you to run out of here early. I know you do need to be here and probably for a while. You've heard everything anyway."

"I wanted to see you perform and be there for you. I'd also like you to be here for me. It doesn't matter that you've already seen the show or that I've already heard your songs. Whatever. It's obviously something we're not going to agree about."

"Well, that we can agree about. What are you doing until tonight?"

"Nothing in particular. I need to be in the office to take reservations for a few hours. You?" I said.

"I need to get some new guitar strings. That's about it."

The opening went well to a full house. Most of the board was there for the opening, except Gus, who couldn't make it. Of the tenants -- who weren't in the show -- only Justin showed up for opening night with a friend, Nick Cannon. I didn't recognize Nick from anything, but Justin assured me he was very famous -- as if that was important to me. We talked a little, but they got there after the house opened so I couldn't sit down and have a decent conversation. Matt went all social butterfly when he noticed Jon and Tracey Stewart, and talked up the theater in addition to the regular biz BS.

The actors were all going out after the show, but I begged off, promising to join them tomorrow night. I invited everyone over for brunch at ten. I didn't expect anyone to actually show up.

Michael didn't get home until after I was asleep.

*** [ 4/5/03, Saturday ]

"So what's next on your directing list?" Matt asked me over brunch coffee. He was the only one who showed up for brunch at ten.

"I don't have anything planned. Any ideas?" I asked.

"As a matter of fact, I do," Matt said with an evil grin.

"What?" I asked suspiciously.

"Remember when we were talking about community involvement?"

"Yea," I said hesitantly.

"You should do 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' with high school kids over the summer," Matt said and cringed.

I just looked at him for a minute. "No way. I am not going to try to do Shakespeare with a bunch of punk kids who can barely read."

"You don't cast anyone who can't read."

"Why don't you direct it?"

"You're a better director. I'm an actor," Matt said.

"That's kissing up if I ever heard it," Michael said as he joined us. "What's he trying to get you to do?"

"Direct Shakespeare with local kids," I said.

"Ugh. That's an exercise in frustration."

"I agree."

"It would be a good thing to do. Maybe open it to kids citywide if you don't think you can find the talent close," Matt said.

"It's not just local kids, it's trying to do Shakespeare with kids -- or anything with an all kid cast. I would have to be a babysitter and teacher more than director."

"Are you not up to the challenge?" Matt taunted.

"Okay. I'll do it with the condition that you're the Assistant Director," I smiled.

"Can't, sorry. I've got a film to work on."

"Bullshit. I already know your schedule. You don't start filming until the middle of July. That's plenty of time to be there for the rehearsals," I smiled.

"Uh...I just got it. Something I'm helping Ben with."

"You just gave me your schedule yesterday. Are you not up to the challenge?" I tossed back.

"I'm not a director."

"And I'm not a babysitter. I've stated my conditions. If you want me to direct you need to assist."

"Why not Gus? Gus would do it," Matt tried. "He liked the idea."

"Gus would not be my assistant, and can you imagine the local kids reactions to some of Gus' sexual innuendoes?"

"I'm sure he can clean it up around the kids."

"Gus is busy," Michael said. "And I know that he wouldn't want to do it straight if he wasn't. It would be all 'Henry IV' as 'My Own Private Idaho'. I can't imagine him doing anything with 'Midsummer' that wasn't NC-17."

"Good point. Besides, I like Gus. Why would I want to inflict him with community theatre?"

"What about Michael?"

"I'm not a director and don't want to be. I'm also filming," Michael said.

"What about Scott?" Matt asked as Scott walked in with Shawn.

"What about me?" Scott asked.

"He's trying to get out of assistant directing a bunch of kids," Michael said.

"I'm not a director and I don't want to be."

"Michael just said the exact same thing," I laughed.

"What's the show?" Shawn asked as he got some coffee.

"'A Midsummer Night's Dream'."

"Sounds like fun, but not with kids."

"Shawn could do it!" Matt tried.

"Neither of them could do it. We would need to start rehearsals soon to be able to run during the summer. They're still in production. It's your idea. Stop trying to pass it on to other people," I said. "You AD or no show."

Matt glared at me for a minute. "Fine. I'll do it, damn it."

"Damn," I sighed, hoping he would have backed down.

"You're gonna need at least six weeks to rehearse. Maybe even more with kids not familiar with Shakespeare," Michael said.

"Yea, I know. We'll need to decide the schedule and send out audition notices within the next week. You could have mentioned this sooner," I said to Matt.

"Yea, well, I was hoping to just push it all onto you and show up to take credit for it."

"Actor," I insulted. "I'd really prefer to have at least one real actor for a lead. Probably Puck, but it'd be nice to have real actors for Titania and Oberon, too."

"It's not going to be a community production if you give all the leads to professionals."

"I know. Not someone with Shakespearean training. They'd make everyone else look bad. I just want at least one lead who I don't have to babysit."

"Who are you having to babysit?" Justin asked as he walked in with Nick.

"Kids doing Shakespeare," I said.

"Cool. What are you doing?" Justin said and helped himself to our brunch pastries.

"Help yourself, Justin."

"Whatever. I didn't feel like walking downstairs. You want some coffee, Nick?"

"Yea, man. Thanks," Nick mumbled and sat down at the table. He looked barely awake.

"'A Midsummer Night's Dream'," Matt answered Justin's question.

"Cool. Doing it with kids, though? Trying to go all 'Dead Poets Society'?"

"I'm not hairy enough to be Robin Williams," I smirked.

"What are you doing the next couple months, Nick?" Matt asked.

"Huh? Oh, you know, bit of this and that. No filming 'till August. Why?" Nick said.

"How would you like to be Puck in a production of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' this summer?"

"Shouldn't you consult the director before you offer people roles?" I asked Matt.

"You'll get over it."

"Um, I don't know, man. When does it run? What's the time commitment?"

"We haven't worked that out yet, but probably run a couple nights a week during July. Rehearsals would need to start early next month. Probably a six week rehearsal period," I answered.

"You're directing it?" Nick asked me.

"So I'm told," I said and gave Matt a look.

"He is," Matt said. "I've watched him direct. He's pretty good with his actors, and not too much of an asshole."

"Yea, but the Assistant Director is a bit cunty," I smirked.

Matt casually flipped me off and then explained to Nick what we were thinking. He seemed somewhat interested, but wasn't ready to make any sort of commitment right away.

"What about me?" Justin asked.

"What about you?"

"Why didn't you ask me?"

"Aren't you going to be on tour?" I asked.

"Oh, yea. Right."

"Besides, you suck as an actor," Michael smiled.

"Fuck you."

"Dawg, he's right. You need to stick with singing and dancing," Nick laughed.

"Dawg, no one asked you," Justin snapped.

"Why did you choose Shakespeare for the summer program with kids?" I asked Matt. "While they may learn something, it'll be a crap performance without real actors."

"What would you suggest? It should be something that challenges them."

"If they're amateurs then anything will challenge them. Maybe something like a couple one-acts or melodramas. Perhaps a musical. Something where we can focus on character and acting instead of learning the language."

"I think I read that Shakespeare in the Park is doing 'Midsummer' this year," Scott said.

"Good enough reason for us not to do it," I announced.

"The city is big enough to have the same show in different locations. We could even do it in Prospect Park. It'd be like Shakespeare in the Park, Brooklyn Edition," Matt said.

"Okay. No. No. No fuckin' way. Kids would be bad enough. I'm not going to deal with permits and weather and everything thing else you have to deal with when doing a show outside in addition to the kids," I protested.

"It was just a suggestion," Matt smirked.

"It's been dismissed. We have a theater to promote, not a theatre company. It needs to be here."

"So are you going to do Shakespeare or not?" Michael asked.

"I'd prefer not -- at least not with amateurs. If we want to do a young professional actors type performance, then I can deal with it. If it's going to be amateurs, then...I think melodramas. I know of this theater out in the 'burbs of Chicago that would always do summer melodramas. Totally hokey and with popcorn and ice-pops to bring in families with younger children," I said.

"The melodrama thing is a cool idea, but do you really think it'll play in NYC? Maybe a night or two, but not a couple week run," Matt said.

"It's all in the marketing. You know that. If we promote it as a family friendly bring the kids type of thing then I'm sure we could fill the house with matinŽe shows during the week and early evening shows on the weekends."

"I don't want us to get a reputation for children's theatre," Michael said. "We need to be good theatre and edgy stuff, not mass market fluff."

"Have you gotten any original scripts to do?" Shawn asked.

"Nothing that's ready to produce. A few have had some interesting ideas, but they still need work," I answered.

"So Shakespeare with young professional actors?" Matt asked.

"Sounds better to me," Michael said.

"Yea, but how about 'Twelfth Night' instead of 'Midsummer'? It's still a comedy and not being done by Shakespeare in the Park," I offered.

"That works for me. Which part would you have Nick play in that one?" Matt asked.

"IF I do it," Nick said, trying to avoid being roped in.

"Um...if I'm working with professional kids, then he becomes less necessary, but probably Malvolio."

Matt laughed. "Yea. I could see him in that part."

"I also think we need an age restriction. Probably 16 to 18."

"How about 15 to 19?" Matt asked.

"If they're a mature 15 or younger looking 19 -- depending on the role. I don't want age differences to draw attention in roles that should be around the same age. Maturity could also be an issue. I don't know. I'm just throwing out ideas."

"Oh. Jonah. I need to make a reservation for tonight," Shawn said.

"Comp or paying?"

"Paying. He can afford it. Jonathan Taylor Thomas. I don't know if he'll be here before call, so if you could..."

"Write it down, please," I said and pointed to the notepad on the 'fridge.

"Must be a good friend if he's flying in from LA to see you," Justin said, hinting that he was probably a past lover.

"He's just a friend, and he's coming in from Cambridge. He'll just take the train from Boston," Shawn said.

"Does he know how to get here once he's in town?" I asked.

"Yea. I told him which trains and stops. He'll have a bag with him, so if you could just throw it in your office or something until after that show?"

"Or I can just call Scott and have him drop it off at your place. I assume he's staying with you?"


"So lets get back to 'Twelfth Night'," Matt said.

Each of the actors had their sets of friends flying or driving in to see the show and staying with them. Chad seemed to be ahead with number of people until the day after "X-Men 2" opened. There was no performance that evening so Shawn could attend the premier, but the next night it seemed like half of the audience had something to do with the "X-Men 2" production. My apartment, being the largest, was co-opted for after-show drinks and pool. The place was packed until 6AM and required a large beer run by Scott and Shawn. I had a nice night drinking and talking with Ian McKellen, who had great stories about everything and flirted with everyone. Michael, who was away filming "The Village", laughed and asked me if I'd fucked him when I told him about the evening. This was the fun part.

The not-so-fun part was auditions for "Twelfth Night". Professional actors or not, teen actors are annoying. We had a cast, but I could already predict several potential personality conflicts between certain cast members. I had a painful read-through and then instructed everyone to read the play several times and work on their lines before rehearsals started on May 12th.

The contractors had finished the roof terrace the day after Michael left for filming. The hot-tub did not go unused. Shawn, Scott, Chad, Ian and I "tested" it out that night and pronounced it wonderful. The terrace was nice as well and I had breakfast and read the news up there on several nice mornings.

*** [ 5/15/03, Thursday ]

"Marpitt Theater. This is Jonah," I answered the business line. I was in my office preparing for the rehearsal later.

"May I speak with the manager, please," asked some guy with a very proper British accent.

"This is he. What can I help you with?"

"I am Lieutenant James Witherspoon of the Grenadier Guard. Prince Harry of Wales would like to attend a performance of 'Equus' at your theater this evening. Do you have a private box or balcony where the prince may view the performance in security?"

"We have a private viewing booth, but it's not open to the public, and the experience from the theater is better. While we haven't had royalty here, we have had numerous celebrities and not had any problems," I said.

"That may be so, but paparazzi may disrupt the performance or disturb other patrons. It is in your best interest to make your private booth available to the prince to avoid any disruptions."

"If you feel it's going to be that much of an issue, then I can allow that. Regular tickets are $35. For the private booth... How many will be attending?" I asked.

"The prince with two companions and two security personnel. Security will not be requiring any seats."

"Okay. Let's call it $300 for the booth for the performance. I assume you'd like to arrive early to avoid any crowds?"

"Yes, thank you. Do you have a private entrance?"

"A dock entrance in the back. The performance is at eight. What time should I expect you?"

"Just a moment, please," James said and I heard him talking with someone in the background. "We would like to arrive at six, and the prince would like to meet the cast, if that can be arranged."

"Not a problem, though after the performance. I don't want the actors distracted."

"Understandable. Is there a lounge where the prince may wait until the performance?"

"Not a private lounge. If the prince wants to remain mostly hidden until after the performance then he can wait in my apartment on the top floor. I have a pool table that could keep him occupied."

"That is most generous. Thank you for the offer. We will be arriving at six, precisely."

"Okay. I'll be waiting on the dock. The rear entrance is on Flatbush. What type of car will you be driving?"

"A single black BMW 7 Series."

"Okay. The dock has an entrance gate. I'll open it as soon as I see you."

"Thank you very much. Six this evening. Cheers."

"Thank you. Bye," I said and hung up. Hmm. Interesting. I wonder how much of a diva the prince will be. It's good that call is at 6:30. I wouldn't want the actors to freak out thinking they were performing for royalty.

I called Michael and left a message to call me when he could and then headed down to the theater for rehearsal. There were already a few actors there practicing their lines.

As promised, a black BMW with black tinted windows pulled up to the gate at precisely six. I punched in the code to open it, and then closed it as soon as they passed through. They pulled into a parking spot closest to the building and one man got out of the front seat. Obviously one of the guards. I walked down to meet him.

"Jonah Mars," I introduced myself.

"Lieutenant James Witherspoon of the Grenadier Guard," he said and shook my hand.

"Welcome to the Marpitt. Shall we get everyone inside?"

"Thank you. I would like to secure the entrance first and then allow the prince and his companions to enter."

"You can check that there is no one waiting to ambush him, but there is nothing to secure and you'll draw attention to yourself by dragging it out. Actors are beginning to arrive and may be wandering around. The elevator is straight through the door. I can take everyone up to my apartment and then one of you can stay with the prince while the other checks out the space," I offered.

James thought for a moment. "That is acceptable, thank you. Please lead the way."

I did so. After checking that the dock was a dock and the elevator was straight ahead, he spoke into his radio that it was clear. A moment later the car doors opened and everyone got out. It was two guys with Prince Harry and they were all dressed nicely, but casual. The other guard looked around and ushered them to the dock.

"Welcome to the Marpitt Theater. I'm Jonah Mars," I introduced myself as they stepped into the dock.

"Good to meet you, Jonah. I'm Harry," the prince said and shook my hand. "These are my mates John and Rich." I shook their hands as well. "Thank you for going through all this trouble for us."

"No problem. Follow me," I said and lead them into the elevator. "We'll be going to my place until the performance."

"Interesting that you live above a theater. Quite convenient to get to work," Rich said. He was English as well.

"Yes, and difficult to leave it, but we bought it with that in mind. Vacationing in New York, or just here to see the show?"

"Vacationing," Harry anwered. "A friend of John's saw the show last week and recommended it."

"Good, and you're just in time. We close Saturday."

"James said we could meet the actors after the performance. Will the director be around as well?"

"Yes. I'm sure I'll be here," I smiled.

"Ah. It seems to be a bit of a one man show. Are you acting in it as well?" Harry smirked.

"Nope. Can't act to save my life. My partner and I own the building. I'm on the board for the management of it, and I directed this show. I don't direct all of them. This is the first one I've directed here, actually. We only opened the theater this past September."

"Does your partner live here as well, or did you get the sole pleasure of working where you live?"

"A little bit of both. Michael, my partner, isn't on the board, but he does live here. He's away filming and won't be back until tomorrow night."

"A director as well?"

"No. An actor. Michael Pitt. Most likely you would have seen him in 'Dawson's Creek' or 'Hedwig and the Angry Inch'."

"I'm sure I'd recognize him if I saw him."

"Probably. Here we are," I said and lead them inside. "Rest room is there on your left. Feel free to play pool or watch TV. The TV is in the loft."

"Nice flat," Rich commented.

"Thanks. Please take off your shoes. Feel free to make sure I'm not hiding any crazies," I said to the guards. Harry and his friends laughed as they kicked off their shoes and placed them on the stand. "Once you're satisfied I'll take one of you down to the theater to check that as well." They only nodded and began looking in each room.

"Do you have anything to drink or a concessions stand?" Harry asked.

"There's a coffee house on the first floor. I don't have a menu, but they've probably got any coffee type drink you'd want or New York soda."

"What is a New York soda?"

"Soda water flavored with syrups," John answered.

"May we go down?" Harry asked James, who returned from his check.

"I would prefer not, Sir. I can bring back anything you would like," James answered.

"Don't you just love security?" I smiled at Harry's annoyed look.

"I would phrase it differently," Harry said under his breath.

"So? Everything good?" I asked James.

He said everything was fine and took drink orders. I left them alone with the other guard -- who's name I didn't know -- and took James down to the second floor to show him the booth.

"Giving tours this late?" Damien asked as he walked out of the office area.

"Nope. Security. We've got a VIP in the observation booth tonight."

"Too important to sit in the audience?"

"No, just paranoid security and it's easier this way."

"It's your theater," he shrugged. "Anything you want me to tell the cast?"

"Not about who it is. Just ask the cast and crew to come up to my place after the performance."

"Will do," Damien said and headed down the stairs.

"That's the stage manager. The tech booth and offices are through that door," I explained to James. I had to show him the tech spaces before taking him down to get drinks for his charges. He also paid me for the performance in cash.

We walked to the second floor where we'd left the elevator and took it back up to the top. Harry and John were playing pool while Rich watched. Drinks were handed out and then the other guard waited in the hall while James stood by the door on the inside. I turned on the sound system and set it to random.

I watched them play and read the news online, pausing to let Scott in and introduce him. He was startled but played it off well and excused himself to go take a shower -- he'd been working doing set construction all day. I ended up playing a game or two with them and Scott played a game against Harry after his shower. They were alright. Obviously well to do teens, but polite in my company.

I escorted them to their booth at a quarter 'till and went back to the apartment. Scott was fixing himself some dinner.

"I think you've hit an all time high on people showing up here," Scott said to me.

"Why do you say that? He's just royalty. That's being famous just for being born into a particular family. It's not famous for doing anything."

"Yea, but he's a prince. He's the first royalty I've met."

"Me, too, but it's no big deal. I'm not British and I'm not intrigued by royals. He's just a guy with security who paid $300 to watch the show from the observation booth," I shrugged.

"Damn. You should sell it every night like that."

"No way. Too much hassle with security. Just the rare occasion is fine. I'm gonna take a nap. Oh, everyone is coming up here after the show to meet Harry."

"Does anyone know he's here?"

"Just you, me and Michael, if he calls."

"You should try to get him to play strip pool with everyone."

"I'm sure he would and he's cute, but the guards would likely prevent it."

"It can't hurt to try," Scott smiled.

"What about Shawn?"

"He'll be here, and I just want to see, not touch."

"Whichever. You can bring it up if you want, or just start playing with Shawn and see if they join. Depends on how long they plan to stay after the performance. I'm going to take my nap now," I said and went into my room.

My alarm went off an hour later. I washed up and then made a sandwich for a late snack. Scott was asleep on the sofa in the living room with the TV going. I put some more beer in the 'fridge for the cast and woke Scott before going down to wait to escort everyone back upstairs. I got a little work done and went to the booth as the performance ended. Both guards were standing outside the door.

"Enjoy listening to the show?" I smiled as I walked up to them. The monitors were on in the hall.

"I'm sure it made more sense seeing what was happening on the stage," James said without humor. These guys were both stiff and humorless.

"Probably. If everyone is ready we can go back to my place to wait for the cast. They'll be up as soon as they've changed."

James knocked on the door to the booth and then opened it. I escorted everyone back upstairs.

"Enjoyable?" I asked as we got into the elevator.

"Truly bizarre. I'm not sure what to think yet," Harry said.

"Yea. That's the show. If you don't feel slightly insane afterwards then we didn't do our job," I smiled.

"I didn't fully appreciate how odd it was from Rebecca's description," Rich said.

"Shawn Ashmore, the guy who played the lead, he was in 'X-Men', right?" John asked.

"Yep. Have you seen the new one?"

"Yes. We saw it last week. It's better than the first, I think."

"Yea. I agree. They could focus on developing the characters instead of introducing what mutants were. Hopefully the third will be even better."

"Do you know if they're filming that one yet?"

"Not that I'm aware of. They've probably started the planning, but nothing concrete from what Shawn has told me -- assuming he'll be in the next one, of course."

"I really would have preferred to watch it from the audience," Harry said and gave a glare at James.

"Yes. It's definitely a different experience. Less like TV. You're the first non-resident who's used the booth. People usually sit in the house with no problems, but I already explained that to James. Besides, it's an adult show and who would expect to see the Prince of Wales at a small theater in Brooklyn," I smirked.

"Actually, I'm Prince Harry of Wales, not Prince of Wales," Harry corrected.

"Uh, yea. Sure. Great distinction," I smirked.

"Who else has come to see the show?" John asked.


He nodded.

"Just other actors who know people in the cast or know people who know people. Everyone tries to blend in. Like I said, it hasn't been an issue. Most of the time I don't pay attention unless it's someone I know or they come upstairs with someone else after a performance to play pool and have a beer."

"A beer would be fantastic," Harry said.

"How old are you?"

"Eighteen. I'm legal."

"In the UK, but the legal drinking age is 21 here. I don't know if the law wouldn't apply or not. As long as you only have one or two I don't have any concerns. It depends on your guards, probably," I said.

Harry looked to James.

"Your father's orders were quite clear, Sir. You may only drink with meals and no more than three drinks. There are to be no drunken parties," James stated.

"If you're planning to stay for any amount of time you could order a couple pizzas. The cast would love you if you fed them," I offered.

"Brilliant. Let's do that," Harry smiled.

I raised the gate and we went into my apartment. Scott was gone -- probably with Shawn. I turned on the music again and went to grab the menu for the pizza place.

"Do you and Sam want one?" Harry asked James as he took the menu. "We'll probably be here for a couple hours. I think you've already seen that I'm safe here. You two can sit in the hallway and frisk everyone who comes in."

Sam and James agreed and ordered a large gut buster. I placed the order for four pizzas and then moved a small bar table with two stools out to the hallway for the guards. Harry visibly relaxed once the door was closed. Normally I leave the door open all the time if I'm home, but the guards insisted it remain closed.

Twenty minutes later the whole cast and crew came up at once -- most of them didn't have a key to the elevator nor codes to get upstairs. James and Sam stopped just short of frisking everyone before letting them enter. Stunned introductions later, beer was passed out. I went down to get the pizza with James, who also paid for it. Everyone dug in.

The older actors didn't stay long -- just long enough to have a beer and briefly talk with Harry over a piece of pizza. About an hour later it was down to me, Scott, Shawn, Chad, and Harry's crew. Harry seemed to be as excited to meet Shawn as Shawn was to meet Harry. As they were talking while playing pool, Scott casually mentioned how bad Shawn was at strip pool.

"Each time he loses he swears he'll never play Jonah again," Scott laughed.

"I seem to recall that you were pretty bare the last time we played," Shawn shot back.

"Those were strategic losses," Scott smiled.

"Oh, right," Shawn smiled after a few seconds.

"Are you two together? A couple?" Harry asked.

"For a couple months now. Yea," Shawn smiled and gave Scott a quick kiss on the cheek. Scott blushed and gave him a quick kiss back.

"Hmm. Wouldn't have guessed. Rich is a pouf, too," Harry teased.

"Piss off, mate. I'm bi, not a pouf," Rich complained.

"As in he has to buy it 'cause no one will give him any," Harry laughed.

"Says the Prince of Rosey Palms," Rich smirked back.

"Still not paying for it."

"Liz said she'd do you," John said to Harry.

"Right! Like I'd touch that!"

"Watch it. That's my sister," John warned.

"Exactly. It'd muck up our friendship, and then your father would find out and tell my father and I'd never hear the end of it. What about you, Jonah?"

"No, sorry. I don't want to fuck you," I smirked.

"Thank you. That's not what I was asking, though. Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?"

"A partner. Michael."

"Oh, right. I didn't realize you meant partner in that way. Chad?"

"I'm straight, but I'm not seeing anyone right now," Chad answered and got himself another beer.

"You looking for someone to suck you off after we play strip pool?" Rich teased Harry.

"Why would I look? I know I can always count on you for a good knobbing. Are you up to playing? Aren't you afraid everyone will see your twig and berries? Quite sad, really."

"You thought it was big enough when I was buggering you last night."

"Would you two like a room?" I asked.

"That won't be necessary, but I'll play. Well, anyone but you," Harry said to me. "I'd like to have a chance of winning."

"Then play against Chad," Scott offered.

"Hey. Fuck you. I'm better than Shawn."

"I don't know. Shawn's been up here practicing against Scott," I said.

"And I've been practicing against you. You're better than Scott is."

"No. I think we're about even. Neither of us wins consistantly against the other."

"You're better at massŽ shots and jumps," Scott said.

"Yea, but those are rarely useful. So who's up first?"

"I'll play against Chad. You can break first," Harry said and then walked over to me. "You don't have any cameras here or anything, do you?" He asked me quietly.

"Only security cameras in the hallways. You're safe in here, but if you go running through the building without your clothes you'll be on the security tape," I smiled.

"I'd never get past the door," he said and paused, thinking of if he could trust me, and then smiled. "Okay. Let's play. I'm feeling like a win," he called out and grabed a cue.

After explaining house rules Chad broke and put in one of each, as well as the cue ball. Harry took solids -- or spots -- and only put in two balls before missing. Chad only got one before missing. They seemed to be pretty evenly matched and it was neck and neck until Chad finally won. Harry pulled off his button down shirt -- he had a T-shirt underneath -- and racked with a look of determination. He got another beer while Chad broke.

Harry's determination was apparent and Chad lost that game. He was at a disadvantage since he had on less than Harry. He pulled off his T-shirt and racked. The determination switched sides and Harry soon lost his shirt. Harry lost the next game as well, leaving him in his underwear and black socks. Chad's luck failed the next game and he was soon without his pants -- he didn't have any socks on. In what could have been their final game, Harry lost and removed his socks, leaving them both in their underwear. Both were determined for the final game and Harry won. Chad dropped his underwear.

"Next," Chad said as he went to get another beer.

"I need a break. How about Scott against Rich," Harry suggested with a grin.

"How about I play Shawn instead?"

"Okay," Shawn shrugged. "You can break."

It was no contest, really. Shawn spanked him all games and Rich was soon showing his twig and berries. He really was small -- smaller than Justin. The next game was Scott against John. Same results, though John was better hung. Harry played Shawn next and it was over before it started since he lost the first game. He was about average, but shaved almost clean with a short sandy red bush above. Finally Scott and Shawn played. It was neck and neck, but only because Scott was letting Shawn win. It ended, however, with a naked Shawn and Scott in his boxer-briefs.

"Your turn now, Jonah. You can beat Scott," Harry said.

"Oh? I'm allowed to play now?" I teased. "You can break," I said to Scott.

Scott broke and would have been doing well were it not for Shawn distracting him by always standing in his line of vision. He lost the first game and reluctantly dropped his boxer-briefs. He had a slight woody and looked positively massive compared to Rich. Harry didn't let the comparison go and teased Rich about it.

Now that it was over everyone got dressed and prepared to go home. It was about 3AM. Thanks were passed about and I escorted Harry and friends out. Harry offered to show me around London if I was ever there and we exchanged email addresses. Chad had gone, but Shawn and Scott were still there when I got back.

"Do you realize we just played strip pool with a Prince?" Shawn asked me as I walked in.

"Yep. Thank your man. It was his idea."

"Thanks, baby," Shawn smiled and gave Scott a deep kiss.

"No problem. You ready for bed?"

"After a shower. Here or my place?"

"Here," Scott said and pulled Shawn towards the big bathroom.

I cleaned up, brushed my teeth and then went to bed.

*** [ 5/16/03, Friday ]

Rehearsal was long and painful. Despite being professional actors, very few had any experience with Shakespeare. Most were still stumbling over lines and I stopped anyone who spoke the lines in an English accent and made them repeat them in their normal accent. Matt was feeling the same frustration. I told them all to read the play aloud over the weekend and not stumble over any lines on Monday's rehearsal. I didn't expect them to be perfect or off book, but after knowing of their part for a month and one week of rehearsal, they were still stumbling over the lines while reading as if it was all new.

After rehearsal I harassed Matt about missing yesterday's rehearsal and teased him about missing playing strip pool with Prince Harry. He didn't believe me until Chad backed me up. Then he just laughed that I'd gotten the Prince from Wales naked in my apartment. I left him laughing and went to pick Michael up from the airport.

Just for interest, the plane was actually on time and since he was flying from Pennsylvania security was no problem. He already had his bags and was waiting for me.

"Hey. Welcome home," I said and gave him a quick kiss.

"Thanks," he sighed. "Let's go home. I'd dead."

"I can tell. Late night last night? You never called."

"Yea, I know. Sorry. We were shooting all night. I only got a couple hours sleep. What happened yesterday?"

"Prince Harry came to see the show and we ended up playing strip pool."

Michael gave me a confused look, and then laughed.

"Yea. Matt laughed, too. I wasn't allowed to play until only Scott remained. He lost and they went home. Harry offered to show us around London if we're ever in town and gave me his email address."

"We're gonna have to go to the UK again just for that. I wish I'd been here. How hung is he?"

"About average, but almost all shaved. Scott, believe it or not, was the one who brought it up and wanted to see him," I said.

"Before he got together with Shawn I wouldn't have believed it. Now that's he's getting some he's much more relaxed and flirtatious."

"True, but for Scott that was going from negative numbers to zero."

"Yea," Michael yawned. "How is rehearsal going? They doing any better yet?"

"It's going like crap. I'm thinking about firing anyone who stumbles through their lines next Friday. I haven't talked with Matt about it yet, but I know he's feeling the same frustration. We'll never be ready to open by next month if they're stumbling over lines while still on book," I said.

"They are kids. Maybe you need to have an interpretation class or something. Teach them what the lines mean."

"That's what we've been doing all week. We've gone over verse or prose and made sure everyone knew what was being said. They just aren't working on their lines except at rehearsal, and that's a problem. Well, not everyone, but enough to stop the show," I said and pulled out my cell. CallerID said it was the theater. "This is Jonah."

"Hey Jonah. It's Ryan. A British guy named Harry called and left a number for you to call him as soon as you can and something about billiards. You ready?"

"No. I don't have anything to write with on me. We'll be back in a half-hour. I'll just get it from you then."

"Oh. Okay. Sorry. I figured you were somewhere around here. Anyway, see you soon. Bye."

"Later," I said and hung up.

"What's up?" Michael asked.

"Harry called, I guess, and wants me to call him," I shrugged.

"I'd like to meet him, but I'll probably be asleep."

"Do you want me to invite him for breakfast tomorrow or something?"

"Huh? Oh, breakfast. Um, yea, that'd be okay. I'll be awake by then," Michael mumbled and lounged back in the seat, closing his eyes.

I let him sleep on the way home, but had to wake him up to get him to bed. He was out as soon as he hit the bed. After I got him undressed and covered, I went down to the box office to get my message.

The area code was of a Long Island number and I dialed it as I walked to my office to get my Powerbook. It was answered after two rings by a butler. I asked for Harry and gave what I guessed was the pass phrase: billiards. I waved to Matt who was still there and on the phone with someone and sat down at my desk. A minute later Harry got on the phone.


"This is. What's up, Harry?"

"Oh. Great. Thank you for returning my call. I was wondering if you could direct me to a decent club in the city. Somewhere I can blend in and disappear," Harry asked.

I laughed. "Sorry, man. You won't be able to blend in anywhere with two bodyguards watching over you. I'm sure there are exclusive clubs that deal with people in your predicament, but I don't know where they are."

"I have no desire to attend one of those," Harry almost pouted. "I want someplace real with a live band."

"That still leaves the problem of bodyguards."

"Let's assume for the moment that they aren't an issue."

"Okay. You're under 21, so that severely limits your choices. CBGB's is probably your best bet. There are smaller ones around, but I don't think they always have bands. CBGB's is also probably safer than some others. You'd probably be okay if you dressed down and toned down the British accent," I offered.

"Dress how far down?"

"It's a dump. Dress like you're going to a dump. Don't look proper or pretenscious or like a poser. Jeans, T-shirt, button-down shirt is okay as long as it's not fancy. Think common people, Harry," I teased. "Dress like the common people."

"Ha ha," he groaned. "I don't own such clothing and I'd never be allowed out in them if I did."

"Sucks to be you," I teased. "If you want a good club with a live band and don't want to make a scene you'll have to blend in. Maybe dye your hair dark brown and go thrift store shopping."

"Yes, I'm sure James would allow that," he said sarcastically. "And there's not enough time for tonight. Bollocks."

"Just lose the bodyguards. Justin goes out all the time and only gets attacked when he stupidly walks into MTV without security. We've gone out several times with his bodyguard following and I wouldn't know it if I didn't already know it. They know how to be discreet."

"Justin who?"

"Timberlake. Big pop diva?"

"Ah. Yes, I remember you mentioning him. Unfortunately, the Royal Guard doesn't understand discression. They want a visible show of force to discourage any attempted kidnapping."

"Well, what do I know about being a bodyguard? I'm just a designer and director."

"What are you doing this evening? Fancy some company? We could all play billiards again," Harry asked. "Oh, and your mate is back now, if I remember correctly."

"Yea, Michael's back, but he's sound asleep. He was filming all night and only got a couple hours sleep before flying back. He did say to invite you to breakfast tomorrow morning if you're interested. He'll be awake by then."

"Sorry. I have a previous engagement and I'm leaving in the afternoon. What about tonight?"

"I don't have any problem if you want to come over with Rich and John to play pool for a couple hours. I'd prefer if the bodyguards weren't hanging out at my door, though. I may be able to wake Michael for a few minutes so you can meet him, but no guarantees."

"I've already been there once. I can likely get them to wait near the front and rear entrance on the ground floor. That should satisfy them. Is it okay to come over now?"

"It'll only be me and Scott until the performance is over, but now is okay."

"Fantastic. I'll bring pizza to mollify James. We should be there in an hour or so, depending on how long it takes to get the pizza."

"Just order the pizza once you get here so it'll be hot."

"Right. That'll work. Okay. An hour then.

"I'll be here. Just call when you get to the gate and I'll come down to let you in."

"At the number you're ringing from now?"


"Okay. Thanks, mate. See you in an hour. Cheers," he said and hung up. Weird. I'd gotten a bit from the conversations yesterday that Harry, unlike his brother, hated being cloistered. He had little chance of ever being crowned king and saw the fame as an impediment to what he wanted to do: play professional polo.

Seemingly, he wasn't desperate for friends so I had to wonder why he would want to hang out with me, and why I let him. Perhaps I do get some sort of satisfaction thinking that I'm hanging out with royalty. For his part, maybe he enjoys my relaxed, no bullshit attitude towards celebrities. Our lives are radically different. Who knows? I'm not bothered by it, but it made me wonder why on both sides. It could be as simple and strange as he enjoyed my company and he seemed to be an okay guy to me.

Anyway, I unplugged my Powerbook and started upstairs.

"Back so soon?" Matt asked as I left my office.

"Yea. Weird, I know. The plane was actually on time. What are you still doing here?"

"Just making phone calls."

"Anything planned for this evening?" I asked.

"Nothing important. What's up?"

"Nothing important. Harry and his friends are coming over to play pool again in an hour. Come on up if you want to meet him."

"Damn. How bored are they," Matt laughed.

"Quite bored, apparently. He asked me if I knew of any live music clubs where he could disappear. I mentioned that two bodyguards standing over you makes it impossible to not be noticed," I smirked.

"Ah. So you were their last choice."

I shrugged. "Play pool. Drink beer. Eat pizza and not worry about paparazzi. I should charge for the privledge," I teased.

"Nah. You'd lose the whole casual thing that makes it comfortable."

"I know. So should I expect you? It'll probably be easier before they get here and the bodyguards take their positions."

"Yea, sure. Um, give me a half-hour and I'll be up," Matt said.

"Okey-dokey," I said and continued on my way. Once I got to the apartment I put more beer in the 'fridge and put on the grocery list that we needed more. I turned on the sound system, making sure it was set for the main room only. Scott walked in the door and kicked off his shoes.

"Hey," he said tiredly.

"Hey. Hard day at work?"

"Yea. Load-in was today. Their TD is so disorganized," he sighed and trudged towards his room.

"Harry, Rich and John are coming over in an hour to play pool again," I called out.

"Huh?" He asked and stepped back out of his room.

"Harry, Rich and John are coming over to play pool. They'll be here in an hour. They're buying pizza, too."

"Oh. Okay. Guess I won't get a nap."

"No. Take your nap. I'm sure they'll be here until I kick them out and you only take hour-long naps, anyway."

"Yea, okay. Good idea," he mumbled and disappeared into his room for a minute before padding off naked to the bathroom for a shower. Things do change.

With nothing to do but wait, I opened my PowerBook and read the news until I buzzed Matt up a half-hour later and then the call came a half-hour or so after that. I opened and closed the gate from upstairs before taking the elevator down to meet them. They were waiting by the dock door when I finally got there.

"Hey guys," I said softly as I opened the door. "Come on in, but be quiet. The performance just started."

Sam stayed by the elevator on the dock and I took everyone else upstairs. After glancing inside, James went downstairs to watch the front entrance from within the private section. If he'd gone out the door that separated the private and public areas neither of them could have gotten back up unless I let them.

"So one last night of debauchery before going back to school?" I asked as I pointed to the pizza menu on the counter.

"Precisely, though not very debauched as far as debauchery goes. It's only final exams, anyway."

"Shouldn't you be studying?"

"We have been. All day. Every day," Rich complained.

"Nights are ours to relax," John said.

"Okay. Relax. Scott is taking a nap, but should be up soon and I'll try to get Michael up in a couple hours. Matt is in the bathroom, I think. Help yourselves."

And they did. First things first, of course. Beer. Harry casually stuffed two hundreds into the beer fund jar as Matt walked out of the bathroom.

"Matt Damon!" Harry yelled.

"Prince Harry!" Matt yelled back and gave an elaborate bow.

"I said Matt was in the bathroom," I shrugged at Harry's 'why didn't you tell me' look.

"Yes, but you said it so casually I figured it was just someone else who lived here. I wasn't expecting Matt Damon."

"Just Matt, please," Matt smirked. He was having fun with Harry's reaction.

"He doesn't live here. He's just on the board for the theater and is Assistant Director for a show we're in rehearsals for now," I explained.

Matt could only stay long enough for a beer and left before the pizza got there. Harry was awed and it was quite amusing.

"So you hang out with Justin Timberlake?" John asked as we were eating.

"Occasionally, though it's more like he hangs out with me," I said.

"He's a big fan," Rich teased John.

"Piss off. My youngest sister has his picture plastered everywhere."

"That's funny. Justin has his own picture plaster everywhere, too," I laughed.


"No. Just joking. He's okay around me most of the time. I turn him off when he goes diva, but that's not very often. Generally he's just a dork. I don't hang out with pretentious tosspots more than once."

"How very English of you," Harry commented.

"Yea. Charlie Hunnam's coloquialisms rubbing off on me."

"He's English?" Rich asked.

"No, German," John smirked.

"English actor. You probably would have seen him in 'Queer as Folk'. He played Nathan, the youngest guy."

They all nodded that they knew who he was now.

"What does your family do, Jonah?"

"The family business is antique furniture reproductions and restoration, but only one uncle works there. I did my bit there growing up and he built all the doors in here and the built-in cabinets in my room."

"Hmm. I would have thought you were from an old money family like the rest of us to have a place like this," Rich said.

"Nope. Michael and I bought the place for cheap and I did all the remodeling. It was only a shell when we bought it. I have some money from insurance when my parents died and Michael's had steady work."

"You did all this?" Harry asked.

"With some help. I had contractors do the HVAC, plumbing and some of the tilework. Scott helped a lot and I hired people on occasion when I needed it."

"Still. I wouldn't have any idea where to even start."

I shrugged. "It's just experience, reading and trial and error. It's not difficult."

"I'd hire people to do it. Father would have a fit if he saw me with a hammer and nails," Rich said.

"Different lives," I said. "I'm sure I'd have no idea how to exist in your world. I'm more of a no-nonsense, do it myself kind of person. Pretense just gets on my nerves."

"Mine as well, but you can escape it. I can't," Harry said.

"Nope. You were born and bred into it. C'est la vie."

"Poor Prince Harry," John teased.

Harry flipped him off and took a drink of his beer.

"How many people live here?" Rich asked.

"There are eight apartments. Scott, Michael and I are the only ones who live here full time. Oh, and Ian, too, but he's gone a lot. For the others this is an east coast home. Chad and Shawn both have apartments here."

"That makes more sense now. It's still a bit cool to go out the way Chad was dressed last night."

"Yea. It's still nice out. Maybe we can use the hot tub later."

"You have a hot tub? Where?" Harry asked and looked around.

"It's on the roof. There's a terrace up there. Very nice."

"Fantastic. A good soak would be marvelous. John has one at his house but it's in a most inconvenient location and his family is always about," Harry said.

Scott walked out of his bedroom in his underwear and looking like he was still asleep. He squinted towards us and then continued to the bathroom.

"Hullo Scott!" Harry called out, laughing. Scott just waved his hand back and closed the bathroom door.

"Doesn't he remind you of Alistair?" Rich asked.

"A bit, but Alistair's not hung like that," John said.

"Yes, of course, but the black shock of hair on a skinny white body."

"I'd say he's Harry Potter, though I don't remember the books mentioning anything about his endowment," Harry laughed.

"Who's up for a soak in the hot tub?" Harry asked. It was after the show, many beers and many games of pool.

John, Rich and Chad agreed while Scott and Shawn said good-night and went down to Shawn's place. Chad ran up to turn it on while I handed out towels and wrote a note to put on the door so James wouldn't panic if he came looking for Harry. I was the only one who still had any clothing on, so I stripped and wrapped the towel around myself. Chad returned a minute later.

"It'll take twenty minutes or so to warm up," he said.

"Probably. Let me check on Michael," I said and went upstairs. He was still sound asleep and clutching a pillow. I sat down beside him and rubbed his shoulder. "Michael," I called out softly.

"Hmmm?" He groaned after a few moments.

"Sorry, but Harry, et al, are here now and can't come to breakfast in the morning. Do you want to meet them now?"

"Huh? Now? Ugh. I'm asleep and need a shower."

"So? They're naked."

"Huh?" He said and opened his eyes.

"Strip pool. We're about to go up to sit in the hot tub."

"Oh, right. Um, let me get cleaned up and I'll join you guys. The hot tub would feel good."

"Okay. See you in a little while," I said and gave him a quick kiss.

I joined the others and we went up to the roof. It was about 55¡F out and definitely too cool for just towels. Needless to say, we all quickly got into the water. It wasn't quite up to temperature, but close enough to be comfortable.

"Are there cameras up here?" Harry asked.

"No. And anyone with a camera in any of the surrounding buildings would have to have a zoom lens that shot in the dark and through the lattice screen."

"Sorry. Just checking."

"Don't worry about it," I said and slid down so just my head was out of the water. Everyone else soon followed and were silent, enjoying the hot tub. Michael came up about ten minutes later, startling the hell out of Harry and crew.

"Relax. This is Michael," I laughed.

"Hey, guys," Michael said sleepily as he removed his towel and got in next to me. "Sorry I'm not more awake, but I just got back a few hours ago."

"That's perfectly alright. Jonah explained. Sorry for disturbing your sleep. I'm Harry," he said and extended his hand. John and Rich introduced themselves next. Only John recognized Michael from DC.

"Hey, Jonah! You up here? What's with the goons? Almost didn't let me up," Charlie called out as he walked out onto the terrace.

"We're here. What are you doing here? You never said anything about coming," I called out as Charlie walked around the corner to the hot-tub.

"I wanted to see the show and... Fuck me!" Charlie started as he got around the screen and close enough to see who was in the hot tub. He was wearing only a towel.

"No thanks, mate. I'm not into blokes," Harry smirked.

"Hence the reason for the goons," I smirked at Charlie's blank look. "Harry. John. Rich. Charlie. Charlie lives here. Harry, John and Rich came to see the show last night and play pool tonight."

"You seem ready," Michael said of Charlie being in only a towel. "Get in."

"Um, yea. I saw the sign on your door and it sounded like a good idea. Um, sorry, Your Royal Highness."

Harry gave me a look and rolled his eyes. "Just 'Harry' will do, thanks."

"Right. Sorry."

"Stop being a twat and get in the hot tub," I said.

"Uh, yea. Alright," Charlie said and in a rare moment of modesty, quickly got into the hot tub with his hand hiding his bits.

"You're Charlie Hunnam, right?" John asked.

"That's me."

"Anyone else waiting in the wings to get in the hot tub?" Harry asked.

"No idea. Did you see anyone else?" I asked Charlie.

"I only saw the goons. Who else is in town?" Charlie said.

"Shawn and Ian. Ian was going out clubbing, and Shawn is with Scott."

"Ah. They finally got together. Good for them. So how's the show been doing?"

"Selling well, and the reviews were okay," I said.

"The reviews were better than okay," Chad interjected. I just shrugged.

Harry got out of the tub and sat on the side. "I'm a bit warm."

"There's a cold shower over there," I said and pointed to it.

"Thanks, but I'm fine in the cool air. I think we'll need to get going soon. Does anyone know the time?"

"It was around 1:30 when I came up," Michael said.

"We should leave soon, then," John said. "We have that stupid breakfast at eight to go to and it takes an hour to get back."

The trio groaned at the prospect of an early breakfast and all got out of the hot tub, grumbling about formal breakfasts and such. Chad got out as well, but Michael and Charlie opted to stay since they'd just gotten in. I took the trio downstairs to get dressed and then showed them out after collecting the bodyguards.

When I got back upstairs Michael and Charlie were coming down from the roof.

"Everything turned off and covered?" I asked.

"Yea. I'm going to shower off and go back to bed," Michael said and gave me a tired kiss. "You'll be up soon?"

"Probably not before you fall asleep."

"Because I'm already asleep. Night," Michael said with a vague wave and went into the apartment. I turned to look at Charlie.

"Nice way to greet your prince. Show up in nothing but a towel and demand he fuck you," I teased.

"I was just in a hot tub with Prince Harry of Wales," Charlie stated.

"Yes, you were."

"Bloody brilliant, mate. Bloody brilliant," he laughed and patted me on the shoulder before walking down to his place.

"Night," I called out.

He was too busy mumbling to himself to notice.

Comments welcomed and encouraged. jmstories@gmail.com. Please put the story title in the subject line or my spam filter will eat it. I usually reply when the next chapter comes out. Yes, I know I'm slow.

Next: Chapter 34

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