Just Together


Published on Aug 15, 2005


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It makes no claims to the true personality or sexuality of anyone involved. You already know if you shouldn't be reading this.

------------------ Just Together by jm_stories ------------------

Chapter XXX

*** [ Friday, 7/26/02 ]

I heard pounding on my bedroom door that became an annoyance that blended in with my dream, but didn't make much sense. Sometime later, someone was shaking my shoulder and calling my name.

"Jonah. Wake up," Scott prodded.

"Yea, okay," I mumbled and swatted him away. "I'm awake." I could feel Charlie's head on my belly and his hand on my thigh -- his slow, even breath on the head of my morning wood.

"Enjoying yourself?" Scott smirked. "Late night?"

I sleepily looked up at him. "Yea, sure. Are you enjoying yourself? Why don't you take out your dick and smack Charlie across the face a couple times to wake him up?"

"Tempting, but no. Come on. Get up. It's already seven. I've got coffee made and everyone else is already up."

"You're no fun. You'll look but you won't show. Okay, watch how I wake him up," I smiled sleepily and flexed my erection while pushing Charlie's head down a little. The head landed near enough to his lips that another little push was all it took to slightly push his lower lip down.

"What are you doing?" Scott whispered, shocked.

"Waking him up and seeing what he'll do," I said and glanced at Scott, noticing one leg of his shorts seemed quite cramped. I rubbed the back of Charlie's head and pushed him down again. He shifted a bit and licked his lips, pausing when he noticed something there. A few seconds later he opened his mouth and swallowed down half-way before pulling back and just sucking on the head like a baby pacifier and groaned like he didn't want to get up.

I glanced up at Scott, who's eyes were wide, staring at Charlie sucking on the head of my cock. "Say something to him," I mouthed.

"Um...is this where the line starts?" Scott said softly.

Charlie jerked off me and jumped back. "Fuckin' hell!"

"Morning, Charlie," I smiled. "Sorry, but I gotta piss. Scott may help you if you're nice," I said as I climbed out of bed and grabbed a pair of shorts. Scott was still somewhat stunned and staring at a naked and erect Charlie.

"I can see," Charlie said and gestured to Scott's obvious erection. "But you're the only man I can touch these days," he smiled to me.

"Oh...um...damn," Scott stuttered.

Charlie winked and laid back on the bed, stretching. I left them with Scott staring and Charlie showing off.

"Took you long enough. You're usually the one waking us up," Jonny said as I walked down the stairs.

"It's too early," I said and went to the bathroom and then got in the shower. A few minutes later Charlie invited himself in.

"Have to say I really love this huge shower. It's just made for groups," Charlie said as he walked in.

"Yea. It's very nice. Your place will have the same."

"Good choice I made. What ever happened to that $5000 toilet you were going to get?"

"It's not available in the US yet. I prefer the wall hung pressure assist toilet and separate bidet, anyway."

"I think Scott's going to need some time alone," Charlie snickered.

"Ya think?" I smirked. "Enjoy teasing him?"

"Yea. He just saw me slobbing on your knob, so it's not like anything else would be embarrassing. Why the hell did you do that?"

I shrugged. "Half-asleep, and you were already right there and he saw everything."

"Jonny would have joined us."

"I wouldn't have done it if it was Jonny. What did you tell Scott?"

"Just that Michael and Kate know and not to spread it around. You may have to mention it again. I think all the blood was in his other head. He's hung," Charlie said.

"Better than either of us. Someday he may even use it."

"If I was still single, I think I could have gotten him to do something. He was right on the edge of jumping me. He's got amazing willpower."

"You evil temptress," I teased and smacked his butt as I stepped out to dry off.

"That's me. I'm just that irresistible."

"Hardly. I'm just taking pity on you, and Scott's hard-up."

Charlie poked his head out of the shower room. "Hey. I said I'm irresistible, damn it. Just humor me."

"Okay. You're irrepressible," I smiled.

"Close enough," he shrugged and went back to his shower.

I brushed my teeth and headed up to get dressed as Charlie was drying off. Coffee was consumed and any last minute packing done. Ian showed up at a little before eight.

"Hey, man. Everyone ready?" Ian asked as I let him in.

"Yea. Just waiting for you. Ian's here! Let's go!" I yelled. Everyone sleepily stumbled to their feet and filed out.

"Who's driving first?" Ian answered.

"You can. You seem too awake."

"Which campsite?" Randy, who was now driving, asked me. I had the map.

"It's cabin tent 8. Just follow the road back. The cabin tents start after the cabins."

A short drive later we were in front of our cabin tent -- basically a cabin with canvas sides and four bunk-beds inside. We were all happy to get out of the van.

"Can we eat now? I'm starving," Jack complained as we unloaded.

"Me, too," Jonny agreed.

"There's supposed to be a restaurant at the main lodge. Just a sec.," I said and dug through the packet I got when we checked-in for the meal passes. "Here. Run ahead and save a table," I said as I handed out the meal passes.

"We're gone," Adam said, taking his pass and leaving with Jonny and Jack.

"They actually agreed on something," Ian laughed.

"I doubt it'll last," I said.

"I'll talk to Jack. Try to get him to chill a bit," Scott said.

"Do you really think it'll make a difference? Both of them are trying to piss each other off," Randy said.

"I think they should just shag and get it over with," Charlie smirked.

"Mind out of the gutter, Hunnam," I said and slapped him on the back of the head.

"What? They both need a good shag."

"Just not with each other. I don't get any sexual tension between them," Ian said.

"I must be projecting," Charlie shrugged.

"Must be. Let's go eat."

"What time does it start tomorrow?" Scott asked as we were eating dinner. The kids had already left to explore.

"We have to be at the lodge by nine," I answered.

"Which one are we doing?" Randy asked as he looked over a brochure.

"The Gauley Gauntlet. It's seven hours."

"Did you bring an alarm clock?" Ian asked me.

"No. I didn't even think of it. We'll ask if they have a wake-up service."

"They don't mention it in the brochure. My watch has an alarm," Randy said.

"My cell has an alarm, I think," Ian said. "I'm not sure how to set it, though."

"Oh, right. I think mine does, too," I said. "We'll work it out somehow."

"Let's buy some firewood and have a campfire tonight," Scott said.

"Absolutely," I agreed.

"We'll have to see if they have stuff to make s'mores at the general store," Ian said.

"No need. We already have them, and a cooler of hard lemonade and cider," I said. "And soda for the kids."

"That's practically water," Charlie complained.

"I know. That's why I bought it. No hangovers to deal with tomorrow or on the way home."

"You're no fun."

"No, but he's damn handy to have around," Randy laughed. "He brought supplies for s'mores."

"And I didn't want to listen to you bitching about being sick tomorrow in the boat," I said to Charlie.

"I can handle my liquor, thank you very much."

"Yea, I've seen how well you hold it. Not as well as you let it go," Ian laughed.

"You can all piss off," Charlie pouted. "Let's get out of here and start that fire. It's already dark out."

*** [ 7/27/02 Saturday ]

At 7:30AM, give or take a minute, there were several beeps going off in our cabin tent. It did wake everyone up and it took a minute to find them all to shut them up. It was a nice night and, despite all the driving the day before, I felt awake and relaxed. Everyone made it to the showers, with only the expected issues: Jonny perving everyone and Jack freaking out about it. To Jonny's disappointment there were separate shower stalls so he didn't get to see as much as he would have liked.

Breakfast was quick and we joined the group of people rafting this morning. Instructions were short and we were all given a life vest before boarding the transport to the launch site. Zach, our guide who was probably my age, explained what to expect and what everyone needed to do. This wasn't going to be a gentle float down the river. I purposefully signed us up for the hard trip.

The water was high and the rapids heavy. It looked like great fun. Zach took the stern. Charlie and I were next on opposite sides of the raft, then Jonny and Adam, then Scott and Jack and finally Randy and Ian at the front. It was about two-hundred yards of mostly calm before we hit our first section of rapids.

Yes, it was great fun. Calm stretches river interspersed with exciting runs of great rapids.

After lunch at the first rapids we hit we came down hard around a large boulder and spun around, being pulled back to it. Water was rushing into the raft and Zach yelled for everyone to paddle hard to get us out of the backwash. What was probably only a few seconds later, we shot out of it, having caught the main current. Jack yelled that Ian was no longer in front of him. We all looked around the river to try to spot where he'd floated too. He was still stuck in the backwash and fighting to keep from being rolled. Zach immediately threw the emergency rope and it hit home like a pro. Ian, who was clutching for anything, grabbed it. Zach braced himself while Charlie and I helped pull Ian out and back to the raft. A minute or so later we dragged an exhausted and wet Ian into the raft and rowed for shore as soon as we hit calm water to make sure he was okay -- other than having lost his shorts to the current. Those of us who noticed -- Charlie, Zach and I -- were snickering at this.

"You doin' okay, man?" Zach asked Ian with a grin as we hit shore.

"Fuckin' wonderful," Ian coughed. "I'll be fine. Anyone bring any extra shorts?"

Jonny's head shot around, trying to catch a peek. Unfortunately for him, Ian was crouched over and nothing could be seen from his angle.

"Sorry, man. No extra shorts. You'll just have to rub everything with sunscreen and ride it out," Zach said.

"How about a towel?" Ian tried.

"The towels we bring are too small to wrap around you, and you'd never be able to keep it around you."

"How often does that happen?" I asked Zach. "That someone falls out and loses their shorts."

"About four or five times a season, and it's funny every time it happens."

"So glad I can provide the entertainment," Ian grumbled.

"You are an entertainer," I smirked and handed him the bottle of sunscreen.

"I'm not that kind of entertainer."

"That's too bad," Jonny teased. "Need any help putting on the sunscreen?"

Ian rolled his eyes and flipped Jonny the bird.

"You're now in Ian's spot, Jonny. Keep your eyes forward," I said.

"What? Why?"

"Do you really need to ask? Go."

"Freak," Jack muttered.

"Fuck you," Jonny shot back as he moved to the front of the raft.

"Both of you shut up," I snapped. Jack was stopped from commenting by a look from Scott.

A few minutes later Ian had himself protected from potentially disastrous sunburn and took Jonny's spot. We pushed away and continued down the river.

The remaining three hours of the trip were without incident. Well, at least no one fell out or lost any more clothing. Charlie kept teasing Ian by leaning forward and pinching his bare butt, until Ian turned around and poked him in the stomach with his paddle. When we got to the ending point Charlie and I gave Ian our shirts to keep himself covered on the ride back.

Ian grabbed some clothes and stomped off to the showers as soon as we got back.

The remainder of the day was spent swimming in the pool and relaxing. Everyone was exhausted and we went to bed early.

*** [ 7/28/02, Sunday ]

We woke early, without alarms, got packed, had breakfast, and then hit the road for the long drive back.

"That's it," I said and pulled over to the side of the highway in northern Virginia.

"What? I'm not doing anything. He's being the 'phobe," Jonny complained.

"Fuck you and just shut up. No one wants to hear you pervin' on every guy you've ever met," Jack snapped back.

"Get out. Both of you," I said.

"What? Why?" Jack asked.

"I told you two that if you kept it up I was going to leave you by the side of the road. I meant it. Now get out."

"You can't be serious," Jonny smiled.

"Get out or I'll throw you out," I smiled back.

"Scott?" Jack pleaded.

Scott shrugged. "You were warned. Sounds like a pretty good idea to me."

"You can't just leave us out here," Jack said to me.

"Actually, I can. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean I can't do it. Now get out. Everyone is sick of you two bickering."

"Fine. We'll stop fighting for the rest of the trip," Jonny sighed.

"Not good enough. Get out."

"I've got another option," Ian smiled, "though they may hate it more than being left on the side of the road."

"What?" Jonny asked cautiously.

"Well, when I was little I had a babysitter who would make kids who would fight sit in the corner and hold hands."

"Oh, hell no," Jonny and Jack said at the same time.

"You too? My mum used to do that with me and my brother," Charlie said.

"No fuckin' way," Jack restated.

"I like that idea, but I think maybe a slight modification would be better for this situation," Randy said.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Let's put them in the far back on the floor across from each other so they have to look at each other the rest of the way back. They should also tell stories from the other person's perspective. Jack will make up stories about being gay and Jonny will make up stories about being straight," Randy explained.

"You're good," Ian said.


"Well... What do you say, boys? Sit in the back and try to communicate, or walk?" I asked.

"Like there's much of a choice," Jonny muttered. "I don't know shit about being straight."

"Like I know anything about being a fag?" Jack snapped back.

"You have had sex with a woman," I said to Jonny. He rolled his eyes.

"You have?" Jack asked, shocked.

"He did," Adam confirmed. "A friend of ours walked in on them."

"Make your choice now. Some of us have to get back," I said.

"Fine. I'll do the back," Jack snapped.

"Yea, whatever. It's not like it's a real choice," Jonny said.

"Your decision. If that's your choice, get out, put the bags in front of the seat and get in," I said.

They both gave everyone tortured looks as they climbed out and opened up the back of the van. Bags were soon handed over the seat to Adam and they got in. Scott closed the doors and got back in.

"Ah. Now I have the whole back seat to myself," Adam sighed and stretched out.

"And I have the next row to myself, but you have to listen to them," Scott said.

"So? It'll be funny listening to Jonny talk about girls," Adam laughed.

"Not as funny as you actually getting one!" Jonny yelled. It came across fairly muffled and seemed like a perfect situation to me. I turned up the radio and pulled back onto the highway.

"We should have done this sooner," Charlie said to me.

"Yea. We'll see how it works out. They may just kill each other."

"I don't think they will. They actually seem to get along on everything except sexuality. If Jack can get over his fear and Jonny can get over rubbing his face in it, then I think they'll get past it."

"Two very big 'ifs'. I actually think Jack is afraid Scott may be gay."

"He's gonna have to get over it. I think it's probably safe to say that Scott is gay or bi," Charlie said just loud enough that I could hear.

-=-=-=-=- Jonny -=-=-=-=-

"God, this sucks," I sighed and tried to get comfortable without letting my legs touch Jack.

"One thing I agree with you on," Jack said. "Move to one side or the other so I can put my legs out."

I moved closer to the seat and Jack moved closer to the doors. We could both put our legs out now.

"Having fun, boys," Randy smirked as his head appeared over the seat.

"I used to like you, you know," I said to him.

"I'll get over it. So... Go ahead."

"Go ahead with what?" Jack asked.

"Story time. You go first. Tell a story about being gay or from Jonny's perspective."

"You aren't serious, are you? We have to do that as well?" Jack asked.

"Yep. Now start or I'll tell Jonah," Randy smiled because he knew he had us.

"Fine," Jack sighed. "I'm Jonny and I'm a big fag. The only thing I ever talk about is having sex with guys. I hit on anything with a dick."

"Good. Jonny?" Randy said.

"I'm Jack and I'm terrified of fags and even more afraid that I may be one or my brother may be one. Really it's because I don't know what to do with my own dick. I can't imagine what someone would do with two. I like to tell people my dick is really big 'cause I want them to be impressed, but I don't want them to talk about it. I hit on anything with a vagina, but that's completely different than what fags do because it's normal," I snapped back as snarky as Jack did.

"Great. Great. Jack?" Randy said while Adam laughed.

"What? I don't know anything else about being a fag."

"You're right. You don't," I said. "You don't even know what it means to be gay. The only difference between being gay or straight is who you fall in love with or are attracted to. Talking about sex or promiscuity is exactly the same, except it's considered 'normal' with straights."

"It's not the same. I don't talk about sex all the time with my friends."

"Bullshit," Randy coughed.

"Adam," I called out and waited for his head to appear over the seat.


"Do I talk about sex all the time?"

I saw a glint in his eyes that he wanted to set me up.

"Define 'all the time'."

I just gave him a look.

"No. You don't talk about sex more than anyone else except when you're trying to piss off Jack," Adam smiled.

"See?" I said.

"And it's more noticeable when you do talk about it because it's not something I would do," Adam added.

"Exactly," Jack said. "It's like someone talking about how much they love having sex with their dog. I like dogs, but not like that. It's gross."

"Are you really comparing being gay to bestiality?" I asked, incredulous.

"Yea. Not the different species things, but the gross part."

"So it's gross because you wouldn't do it?"

"And it's unnatural," Jack added.

"How it is unnatural? I was born this way. So are lots of people all over the world. There have always been gay people. And don't even try to use the Bible as an excuse."

"Fags can't have children."

"Directly, no, but we could adopt if there weren't bigots trying to keep us from doing it. There are also lesbians who have kids from artificial..."

"Yea, I know," Jack interrupted. "I saw 'Queer as Folk'. The lesbians are fine. It's just the fags that are all freaky."

"The show is fantasy. Not all gay guys are like that. You've been around Jonah for the past month. You know he's not campy."

"Yea, but Jonah's not normal."

I laughed. "No, he not, but he's still a fag. So what do you say to guys who like someone you aren't attracted to? What if a friend of yours liked some fat chick that you thought was gross. Is he perverted for liking her?"

"Maybe not perverted, but definitely not right in the head," Jack laughed.

"And you think that's the same as having sex with a dog?"

"If she is a dog," Jack smirked.

"Only figuratively. It's a huge difference. Gay sex is between consenting people, not rape of an animal," I said.

"Yea, whatever. It's not the same, but it grosses me out just the same."

"And talk about fucking girls grosses me out, but I don't freak out about it."

"So? That's normal. You're around it all the time so you'd have to get used to it. I'm not around fags all the time and I don't have to get used to it."

"What if Scott or one of your friends is gay and you just don't know it yet?" I asked.

"They're not."

"How do you know? Just 'cause they're not out yet doesn't mean anything. Some people are so afraid of being gay that they'll even get married and have kids just to prove to everyone else that they're straight. They're never happy and end up having affairs or divorcing. You never know how people really feel."

"Whatever. Just as long as they act like Jonah and not like a fag. You're even okay when you're not being a fag," Jack said.

"Hey Jack, you know what happened to the last two guys who were really homophobic around Jonny?" Adam popped over the seat again and asked.

"Don't even," I warned. "And who's the second guy?"

"What happened?" Jack asked.

"One is dead, and he dated the other one," Adam smirked.

"Oh fuck you. I had nothing to do with Billy Mascow's father killing him."

"He did it after he got arrested for trying to shoot you."

"Doesn't matter. I had nothing to do with it."

"Someone tried to shoot you for being gay?" Jack asked.

"No. That was just a convenient excuse. His father used to beat him and he was an angry bigot to everyone. He tried to shoot me because I kicked his ass in a fair fight when he was picking on a friend's little brother," I explained.

"Who then also fell in love with you," Adam teased.

"Bullshit. He just wanted to see me in super hero tights," I smirked.

"Weird. So the other guy you dated?" Jack asked.

"Yea. He was a closet case before we dated. He's a good guy and I like him a lot, but he wasn't ready to date anyone yet."

"Totally paranoid and jealous all the time," Adam added. "He was afraid I was trying to take Jonny away from him. Like I would turn gay for that," Adam laughed and gestured towards me.

"Who would you turn gay for?" Jack asked.

"You can't 'turn gay'," I groaned. "You are or you aren't."

"Stop being so literal," Adam said to me. "I don't think there's any guy I've seen that I've been sexually attracted to. I'll admit that some guys are good looking, but I don't want to have sex with them."

"Just like I can admit that some girls are good looking, but I don't want to have sex with them," I said.

"Oh yea. You had sex with a girl before? Why? Just to make sure you were gay? How'd you even do it if you don't like girls?" Jack asked.

I rolled my eyes. "We were at a party with a bunch of university people and this girl decided she wanted me. It was practically rape. I asked her to stop and tried to get away, but it's really difficult to run when your pants are around your ankles and someone is sucking your dick."

"Or riding you on the bed like a bucking bronco," Adam laughed.

"Oh man, you're so lucky," Jack sighed.

"Yea, lucky me," I groaned. "I've learned that's every straight man's dream. Anyway, sex is sex. I'm sixteen. I don't need anything more than to be breathing to get it up. I offered to go get a straight guy for her, but she wanted me. Dumb bitch."

"It was on this friend of ours' bed and he walked in on them while she was riding Jonny. It was hilarious," Adam said.

"For you. Anyway, I've been with both now, and let me tell you that girls have nothing on guys as far as sex is concerned. Even the worse sex I've had with a guy was better than that girl."

"So have you been with a guy?" Jack asked Adam.

"Not really. Just Jonny sucking me off on weekends. That's one of the benefits of having a gay best friend," Adam said, straight faced.

Jack looked between us, wide eyed. I just looked at Adam like I couldn't believe he said that. That's something I would say. He couldn't hold it in a burst out laughing a few seconds later.

"Dude. Your face..." Adam laughed at Jack.

"So you've never..." Jack asked me and glanced at Adam.

"Oh hell no. If he wants a blow-job from me he's gonna have to give one first," I smiled.

"Keep dreaming, dude."

"Yea, I know. I still think it's weird that you'll take it up the ass, but won't give a blow-job -- not that I'm complaining," I smirked.

Adam flipped me off.

"That's just sick. I can't imagine why anyone would want that. Doesn't it hurt?"

"A little at first, but it goes away and you have to prepare. It's not as quick and easy as fucking a girl, but it's tons better."

"No way. How can it be better?"

"It's way tighter and hotter and just...damn good."

"Maybe it's just 'cause your only comparison was a slut who was probably reamed out from her last party," Adam said.

"And your comparison would be...? Oh, right. The only pussy you've touched is yourself," I smirked.

"I don't have any problems with that. All girls are tight with what I got," Jack boasted.

"Don't tell if you aren't going to show," I teased.

"You'll have to wait to see it in a porno in a couple years," Jack smirked.

"You'd do that? Be in a porno?" Adam asked.

"Sure. Why not? Get paid lots of money to fuck. Sounds like a cool job to me."

"So you'd have sex with a guy in a porno?" I asked.

"No. Straight porno."

"Gay porn pays better, so I've read. There are lots of straight porn stars that are gay for pay."

"I read that, too," Adam agreed.

"Doesn't matter. I wouldn't do it."

"Doesn't matter to me," I shrugged. "You should try it with a guy once, though. You might like it. Guys give better head and fucking is tons better."

"I'm not going to fuck you no matter how much you beg," Jack said.

"Same with you. I was suggesting it purely for your benefit for you to explore with someone else. I don't want to be part of it."

"Yea, right," Adam laughed.

"Now Scott, on the other hand..." I smiled.

"Dude. Stop pervin' on my brother," Jack sighed.

"I'm just saying," I defended. "He's cute. Much cuter than you by far. Of course, it could also just be that he's a nice guy and not a Jack-off."

"Yea, Scott's a great brother, and even if he was gay, he'd never go for a douche like you."

"Only 'cause I'm a couple years younger. If I was the same age and lived here, I could totally have him."

"Yea, right. And if I was rich and famous I could have Paris Hilton," Jack said.

"She's a 'ho'. You wouldn't need to be either," I smirked. "Just flash your twenty-inch cock at her."

"It's not twenty inches. I'd pass out when I got hard if it was that big," Jack laughed. "I already feel a little light headed."

"I knew sitting so close to me would do that to you," I teased.

"You set yourself up for that, dude," Adam laughed.

"You wish. I don't have a hard-on because of you," Jack protested.

"But you do have a hard-on?"

"No, I don't. And that's none of your business, anyway. Do YOU have a hard-on?" Jack snapped back.

"Nope. Sorry, but I already told you you aren't my type."

"When did you stop breathing?" Adam asked Jack.

"Fuck you," I said to Adam.

"Okay. I'll leave you and Jack alone," Adam smiled and disappeared.

"Yea, whatever. So we talked. I'll chill out if you chill out," Jack said.

"Fine, but don't expect me to pretend I'm not gay just so you're more comfortable."

"I don't. Just don't talk about it all the time."

"Whatever. Adam, toss me back a pillow."

A few seconds later a pillow flew over the seat. I moved around so I could lay down on my back. Jack called for a pillow as well and took the same position opposite me. It wasn't all that comfortable, but I could see Jack's flaccid penis up the leg of his shorts now. I fought the urge to say something to him about it and closed my eyes, soon falling asleep. I woke up a few times during the ride home and eventually saw Jack's erection raising the leg of his shorts and poking out for all to view. It was a nice erection and I watched it for a while. To be fair I make sure my erection was visible to him through the leg of my shorts and eventually went back to sleep.

-=-=-=-=- Jonah -=-=-=-=-

"Are you two finally done with your bickering?" I asked Jonny and Jack as we rode the elevator up. They were barely awake and leaning against the wall.

"Yea, whatever," Jonny said.

Jack just shrugged.

"Okay. If it starts again I'm putting you both on a bus and sending you home."

"What about me?" Adam asked.

"You'll have to join them."

"Don't screw up, dudes. I don't want to take a bus back," Adam warned.

"Sending them back on a bus is a good idea," Scott said. "It would save us a lot of time."

"Don't even think it or I'll tell Dad you're gay and took me out drinking," Jack warned.

"Try it and I'll make sure your friends all know about your sordid gay summer love affair with Jonny," Scott shot back.

I had to laugh at that.

"You don't have a chance," Charlie said to Jack.

"He's right," Randy agreed. "You still live at home."

"Just don't be assholes to each other and you won't have to worry about it," I said and pulled open the elevator gate.

*** [ 7/29/02, Monday ]

I slept in 'till ten Monday morning. Charlie was wrapped around me so tightly that if he'd been hard he would have been in me to the hilt. I pulled away and sat up. I was still tired from the weekend, but had to get to work. It was all the time on the road that made me sleepy.

Charlie wouldn't be much help wiring the theater so I let him sleep and pulled on a pair of shorts before going downstairs. Scott was the only one awake, though barely and nursing a cup of coffee. After a quick trip to the bathroom, I made an attempt to wake Jonny and Adam and then got myself a cup of coffee.

"Mornin'," Scott said as I got my coffee. "What's up for today?"

"Mornin'. Wiring the theater. It should only take a couple days -- assuming all the supplies will still be here on time."


"Supposedly. Hopefully nothing changed over the weekend. We've been strangely lucky with supplies being delivered on time."

"I think that's only because you've ordered everything three months in advance."

"Because I could. I'm not going to be able to do that with the apartments. I just know that someone is going to change something at the last minute or spec something that will take six months to arrive wrong."

"It'll probably be Randy. He's been watching lots of HGTV. He was talking about some wallpaper technique where you cut it into six-inch squares and hang it so the sheen is in a checkerboard type pattern. You know that would take forever to do. Can you hang wallpaper?" Scott said.

"I haven't done it before, but I'm sure I could do it. Any specialty finish like that, though, will have to wait or he'll have to hire someone to do it. I haven't even done anything cool like that for this place yet."

"What more are you going to do in here?"

"Other than bookcases, I don't know. I haven't had time to think about it."

"Morning," Adam mumbled and went straight for the coffee.

"Morning. Jonny awake?"

"He was sitting up. I don't know if he was awake. What are we doing today?" Adam asked.

"Wiring the theater," Scott answered.

"Is that hard? Shouldn't you have done that before the walls were up?"

"The scenic lighting system. Everything up to the drop boxes gets pulled through conduit. That's the part that will be difficult and take forever. I ran the conduit in the walls larger than it needed to be, so hopefully it won't be too much of a pain," I said.

"Is this up on the grid?"

"Some of it, plus runs to the beam slot, back-of-house, stage pockets, a couple wall sockets on stage. A couple in the pit. We'll be pulling or feeding all day."

"Just one crew or are we going to split up?" Scott asked.

"Split up. I'll let you take Jack and hang the drop boxes. I'll need Jonny and Adam to pull cable."

"What about Charlie?" Adam asked.

"If he wants to help I'll have him pull cables with us. I wouldn't plan on him being too helpful up high."

"Is he afraid of heights?"

"Not that much, but it takes a particular brand of stupid to hang off a scaffold thirty feet in the air and pull an inch thick of cables through fifty-feet of conduit."

"And Charlie's not that stupid?" Scott laughed.

"No, not that particular brand. He's a completely different brand of stupid," I smiled. "Well, I'd better put on some clothes and go wait for the cable." I went upstairs to grab a shirt, put on my work-boots and went down to the dock, taking my mobile and coffee with me.

The cable, dimmers, cabinets, control board, connectors, lamps, speakers, amps and fifty fixtures arrived at a little before eleven. The dock was quite crowded. After getting another cup of coffee and everyone else, we started work.

"I thought you said we weren't going to have anything else really heavy after the work in the pit? I think my arms are more sore now," Adam complained as we were eating dinner.

"I don't think I can even feel my arms," Jack agreed.

"Such a shame none of you will be able to wank tonight," Charlie teased.

"Yea. Are you offering to blow us all?" Jonny asked.

"Nope. You'll just have to dream about that and hump your bed."

"Okay. I will," Jonny smiled. "Thanks for the suggestion. What are we doing tonight?"

"Do whatever you want. I'm going back downstairs to put connectors on the fixtures."

"And then we're drinking. I went out and got some Mezcal," Charlie said. "It's my last night here."

"Are you going to let us have any?" Jonny asked. "You did before."

"That was a special occasion," I said.

"Come on. Just one shot."

I looked to Scott.

"One is fine as long as he keeps his mouth shut," Scott said and looked at Jack.

"I'm not going to tell anyone," Jack almost begged.

"Adam?" I asked.

"No. I won't tell anyone."

"Okay. You guys can have one shot," I said.

"I had two at Lance's party," Jonny tried.

"They were also half-shots. If you'd prefer two half-shots, it amounts to the same. Don't ask for another."

"Okay," Jonny smiled.

After dinner I went down to the theater and put connectors on all of the fixtures. It took a couple hours. When I got back upstairs Jonny, Adam and Jack were a bit giggly and informed me that everyone else was on the roof drinking. I went up to find Ian, Randy, Scott and Charlie doing a shot. It turned out to be the parting one for Ian and Randy. Well, they stayed long enough to watch me do three shots to somewhat catch up.

Ian headed home and Randy went to bed, leaving me, Charlie and Scott on the roof. I wasn't drunk, but I was feeling no pain after three quick shots. Charlie was quite pissed and Scott was drunk off his ass.

"I really like Tequila," Scott grinned.

"Yes, we know. You've said that several times," I said and laid down, looking at the night sky.

"I know."

"I think you've talked more tonight than in all the time I've known you," Charlie said to Scott.

"Yea. I'm a chatty drunk, so I'm told. At least I keep my clothes on."

I laughed. "You were really out of it that night. I can still picture you proudly showing your erection."

Scott laughed and groaned. "God, that was so embarrassing. Not as embarrassing as blowing someone with an audience, though," he said and looked to Charlie.

"I wasn't embarrassed, just startled," Charlie justified. "Why is it I miss all the good stuff? You've seen me at the ready. I think you should share."

"Share what?" Scott asked.

"He wants to see you with a hard-on," I said.

"Really? Why?"

"Totally in the name of fairness," Charlie smiled.

"I don't know if I could get it up right now. I might be too drunk," Scott said and rubbed himself through his shorts absentmindedly.

"Oh, I'm sure I could get it up," Charlie said.

"Probably," Scott said, rolling his eyes. "Why don't you just strip and see what happens?"

"Okay," Charlie said and wiggled out of his shorts, leaving him naked with a woody.

"Slut," I teased.

"You'd know," Charlie said and pinched my nipple. I slapped his hand away. He turned back to Scott, who was definitely paying attention. "Your turn."

"What? Oh. Yea," Scott stuttered and laid back, pulling his shorts down. He obviously didn't have any problem getting it up.

"That's brilliant, mate," Charlie said. "May I?" He asked as he reached out to grab hold of Scott's erection. Any objection that may have been forthcoming was lost in a gasp and a sigh. Charlie examined it and played with the heft of it, jacking him slowly.

"Can I touch you?" Scott asked softly after a minute or so.

Charlie moved up and guided Scott's hand to his erection. Scott mimicked what Charlie was doing.

"When did this turn into a circle jerk?" I asked after watching them for a minute.

"What? Oh, right," Charlie said and then realized what he was doing that he really shouldn't be doing. He pulled back from Scott.

"Tease," Scott groaned.

"Sorry, mate. It's not that I don't want to go on, but I've only got permission to do that with Jonah," Charlie said and pulled his shorts back on.

"That's really weird, by the way," Scott said and pulled his shorts back up, adjusting himself to fit so he could sit again. "I mean, that your wife would tell you you could cheat, but only with one person. And that Michael would let it go on."

"It was Michael's idea -- at least on my side. It's only while he's away for months," I said.

"And Kate knows I'm bi. She'd rather have me be with one guy who is safe than just pick up some stranger if I feel the need for some man sex. It is weird, but very practical," Charlie explained.

"I guess. Still, it's weird who they'd each pick."

"Kate knows how I feel about Jonah, and we've had a threesome with Michael before. It really makes sense in some way."

"Yea. I understand. It's cool you can have that."

"What about you? Who do you have your eye on?" Charlie asked Scott.

"No one, really, that I'd want to date right now. Sex would be nice, though. I wish I could do friends with benefits without feeling guilty," Scott said.

"You're a decent looking guy with a huge cock. I'm sure you could find a warm body to shag pretty easily, if that's what you wanted."

"Thanks, I think. Anyway, casual sex is too scary. I'd have to know the person."

"When are you going to tell your brother you're gay?" Charlie asked Scott.

"Um, never?" Scott said. "You've experienced how he is. Admittedly, he's gotten a bit better, but I don't want to deal with that. Maybe if I find a guy I really want to spend the rest of my life with, but it's not worth the hassle just to tell him. Besides, I'm still attracted to girls, too."

"So are you admitting that you're bi?" I teased.

Scott gave me a drunken look. "I'm not admitting anything. I am what I am."

"Okay, Popeye," I laughed.

"Dork. So did you get everything done you were doing?" Scott asked.

"Yea, I got all the connectors on. I'll wire the dimmers first thing tomorrow if you can work with the kids."

"Pulling the rest of the cable?"

"Yea, and moving stuff. The speakers need to be placed and the fixtures spread out so we can test it when it's all done. I think we should be done with it by tomorrow night," I said.

"Didn't it take you a week when you rewired that theater last summer?" Charlie asked.

"Yea, but we had to remove the old system first and change over all the outlets. It was also a larger system. This is all new so it goes faster."

"Oh. Alright. I'm ready for bed. I'm knackered for not doing anything all day."

"Yes, I know. You live such a hard life," I teased as I stood up.

Charlie just grinned and squeezed his erection through his shorts. Scott stumbled to his feet and reached out a hand to help Charlie stand up. Charlie stumbled and pressed his face into Scott's crotch -- accidentally, I'm sure. Scott just laughed and pushed him off.

"We should put that thick padded rubber flooring all around the stairs from the roof so no one gets hurt trying to get down when drunk," Scott said as he moved towards the door.

"If they're too drunk to get down the stairs they can sleep on the roof," I said and lead the way, being the least drunk.

"I hate this," Charlie mumbled as he held me in bed.


"I'm horny as hell, but too tired and pissed to do anything about it."

"Yea, I noticed," I said and wiggled my butt around his erection. He pulled back and pushed his erection down, pushing it between my legs.

"Don't tease," he mumbled and gave a few half-hearted thrusts, brushing along the back of my balls.

"You, too. Night."


I drifted on the edge of sleep, feeling Charlie's erection start to fade, and then firm up again, several times. He was now pointing mostly at my hole and his precum slicked head felt good slightly pressing against it. His occasional thrusts weren't enough to do more than tease me there. I finally faded out completely.

*** [ 7/30/02, Tuesday ]

When I woke we were in the opposite position. My erection was pressing at Charlie's hole and he was gently pushing back and holding my hand around his erection. I gave a small thrust and squeezed him.

"Mornin'," I said.

"Mornin'. How about a last shag before I leave," Charlie said softly and pushed back on me.

"Right now?"

"You'll have to cover and lube, but yea."

I rolled over and grabbed a condom and the lube from my night table drawer. I prepared myself and then prepared Charlie. I let him control the entry and wrapped a lubed hand around his erection as he slowly pushed back onto me.

"There's nothing like a morning shag," Charlie sighed after I was all the way in.

"Yea. How do you want it?"

"Slow and smooth."

"Can't go too slowly. Your plane leaves at noon and it's already nine," I said and started slowly sliding in and out.

"You couldn't last three hours."

"Michael and I have made love for over three hours."

"Sure, but not fucking the whole three hours. Your bits would be rubbed off and Michael would be so plowed out he'd have to wear diapers."

I laughed. "Nice image, but no, we weren't fucking for three hours. I can last longer than you can, though. You and Justin used to go through it pretty fast."

"That was just with him. He likes it fast and multiple. It's much different with Kate. I make love to Kate. With J it was just sex."

"So what is this?"

"Somewhere in-between."

There was a quick knock at the door and Scott came in with the phone.

"Jonah, you awake? There's..." He started and then froze, seeing what we were doing.

"Shut the door behind you," Charlie said. Scott quickly shut it.

"Who's on the phone?" I asked.

"Um, uh, it's the people installing the fire curtain today."

I reached for the phone with my non-lubed hand. Scott hesitantly leaned over the bed and handed it to me, but didn't leave. His shorts were getting heavy.

"This is Jonah Mars," I answered. The contractor explained that they had some emergency and wouldn't be able to make it until four, but were willing to stay late and finish it at no extra charge since they knew the inspection was coming up soon. I said it was fine and hung up the phone. My focus was split between the conversation and Charlie squeezing himself around me to keep me hard.

"What did they need?" Charlie asked as he took the phone and passed it to Scott, who was staring and fully erect in his shorts.

"They're going to be late."

"You may as well pull it out and wank," Charlie said to Scott. "You can't go downstairs with your shorts like that and we're not going to stop until we cop-off."

"Um... That would be weird," Scott said, unsure of what to do.

"It's already been weird. I don't think it could get more so," I said.

"The kids could come jack-off and watch us, too?" Charlie offered.

"No!" Scott and I said at the same time.

"So pull it out. I want to watch you stroke that huge thing while Jonah shags my ass. It'll be hot and the last man sex I'll have in a while," Charlie practically begged.

"Is anyone else up yet?" I asked.

"No, of course not. They're all still in bed," Scott said.

"Good," Charlie said and reached out for Scott's shorts, trying to tug them down. Scott let him. A few seconds later Scott's shorts were at his knees where he knelt on the bed. His sizable erection was at a 45 pointing up.

"Hand me the lube," Charlie said to me and I passed it over. He put some on his hand and then grabbed Scott's erection, rubbing it all around. Scott gasped and put a hand on the wall to steady himself. "Keep going," Charlie said and pushed back onto me while he was giving Scott a hand-job.

I started fucking again, faster this time. Charlie let go of Scott and grabbed his hand, coating it with lube before pulling it down to his erection and going back to Scott's. Scott's handling of Charlie was uneven and he was practically hyperventilating. Charlie was lost in his own world of pleasure and started using both hands on Scott -- one hand stroking him while the other kneaded his balls and a single finger worked it's way farther back. Scott squeaked and I guessed Charlie now had a finger in him.

This was definitely weird and I hoped Scott wouldn't freak out afterwards. I lifted Charlie's leg and fucked him faster. Scott seemed close and tried to pull back, but Charlie's finger in his ass only let Charlie pull him closer. Scott's balance failed and he fell to his hands over Charlie and me, his erection now poking Charlie's chest. Charlie had a better reach now and I'm pretty sure he added another finger and went deeper into Scott. I took up Charlie's erection and jacked him hard. A throaty moan later, Scott was spraying Charlie's chest. This set off Charlie, who shot all over them both. I continued fucking Charlie and he continued finger fucking Scott and pulled him up a bit and took as much of Scott's erection into his mouth as he could.

"Oh god," Scott squeaked.

I was surprised that Charlie started sucking him, especially after he came once. I was close and fucked Charlie hard, pulling him back as I thrust forward. A minute or two later I came.

Charlie kept going on Scott and I knew he wasn't going to stop until they'd both come again. To hurry it up, I started jacking Charlie off again and used my other hand to pinch Scott's nipples that were over me. Charlie hummed and pulled Scott deeper into his throat. A few seconds later Scott groaned again and pushed into Charlie, causing him to choke a bit before recovering. A few seconds after that Charlie tightened around me and came again. I jacked him through it and then let him go before pulling out of him. Scott pulled away and slumped back on the bed next to Charlie.

"Damn, that was good," Charlie said as he laid on his back and sighed.

"So much for only being with me, huh?" I said to Charlie.

"Fuck. Yea, I got a bit carried away. Oh well. What's done is done. Sorry about that, Scott."

"No problem," Scott said with a silly post-sex grin. "Any time."

"Okay. Well, I'm gonna go take a shower," I said and pulled off the condom and wiped myself off with some tissue. I tossed a handful of them to Charlie and Scott.

I didn't bother putting on any shorts and went downstairs. No one else was up yet, thankfully. I was just getting out when Charlie joined me in the shower.

"Did you enjoy yourself this morning," I teased as I grabbed my towel.

"Very much so. Two guys are ever so much better than one. I did let it get out of hand, though."

"So to speak," I smirked.

"Yea, yea, whatever. It was great, anyway. Scott's cock is a bit big for sucking easily, but it was fun trying. Damned near choked me when he thrust in and came. I think he fired the first two shots straight into my stomach," Charlie laughed.

"Probably. It's not like he could have pulled back, though, with your fingers in his ass."

"Probably not. I'd almost bet he's never been fucked. I think he'd be fun in bed."

"I doubt he's been fucked, and I wouldn't want to take that thing of his in my ass."

"Why not? It wouldn't be bad -- as long as you had plenty of preparation, plenty of lube, and a week after to recover," Charlie laughed.

"Exactly. What are you going to tell Kate?"

"If she asks, I'll tell the truth. Same as I do with you."

"So you'll hide it until she asks."

"No, but I'm not going to run up to her and tell her. When or if it comes up we'll talk about it," Charlie said.

"That's a bit deceptive. 'Who else have to slept with' usually isn't part of regular conversation."

"Don't worry about it. She usually asks me after I've been around you, anyway."

"Okay. I just don't want to be the cause of domestic problems."

"No worries."

"Hey babe," I said as I answered by cell. It was Michael.

"Hey. What's going on?"

"Just wiring the theater. You at dinner?"

"Yea. We're outside at some generic cafŽ. You still up for cam tonight? Is everyone gone so we can be alone?"

"Charlie's gone. I'll do it in our room so we won't be disturbed. Feeling a bit needy?"

"Hell yes. I've been jacking off three or four times a day." Someone made a comment in the background and Michael told them to fuck off. "Louis thinks it's because of him."

"Is it?"

"Hell no. Totally not my type. There is this guy on the crew that's kinda hot, though. Na`l."

There was some more teasing from the people around him.

"Bunch of twats," Michael sighed.

"Want to hear something totally bizarre that will make you hornier?" I asked as I walked out to the dock for some privacy.

"You fucked Charlie again?"

"Yea, this morning. He was begging for it, but that's not the really weird part."

"I'm almost scared to guess," Michael said.

"Well, Scott walked in on us with the phone. Charlie did the Charlie thing and gave him a hand-job and then a blow-job while I fucked him. Fucked Charlie, that is."

"Really? Scott did that? Damn. I would have loved to have been there. How is Scott now? Is he really weird about it?"

"I don't think so. He really likes Charlie now, though," I laughed.

"How can you not like someone who sucks your dick," Michael laughed.

"Depends on how well. I didn't hear any complaints."

"Ugh! Are you sure you can't visit until September? Please?"

"Yes, I'm sure. You know I can't go until after everything is done and the final inspection. You'll survive and I'll make you glad you waited."

"Not possible. The least you could do is send Justin over here," Michael pouted.

"Yea, like that'd happen. He could barely walk after Jonny got through with him. He probably won't be that needy for men for a couple months. He's been dating girls right and left as well."

"Damn. Well, my sex life officially sucks."

"The sexual tension will be good for your character," I teased.

"Yea, that's what Bernardo said, too. Damn directors. Oh well, I gotta go. Six your time?"

"I'll be waiting."

"So will I. Night. Love you."

"Love you. Night," I said and hung up.

The electrical and fire inspections on Friday went without a hitch. It was getting to the point now that I knew most of the inspectors. They were friendly, casual, and offered advice on avoiding upcoming problems.

Saturday was a day of relaxation before taking the kids back.

*** [ 8/4/02, Sunday ]

"Why is it we're leaving at 7AM again?" Jonny mumbled as he nursed his coffee.

"Because it takes at least 12 hours to get to 'Busco," Scott answered.

"Just be glad he's not making us leave at 1AM again," Jacky said.

"Why does it take so long? Chicago is only ten hours and it's farther west." Adam asked.

"Because we can't take the interstate the whole way there. We have to take slow state highways," Scott answered.

"We're going to Mayberry, aren't we?" Jonny smirked.

"No," Jack huffed at the same time Scott said, "Yes."

"I thought you said Mayberry was the next town over," I said to Scott.

"Okay. You got me there. It's a step above Mayberry -- not a big step, but a step."

"The only place bigger that's close is Ft. Wayne," Jack justified.

Scott gave him a "get real" look. "You have to think about what everyone else is comparing it to. There are probably more people on this block than in all of 'Busco."

"There are only seven low-rise building on this block," I said. "You probably have a few more than that."

"Okay. Include the next block over. There's only 1600 people or so, if I remember the census numbers right. Ligonier has more than twice that, if you can believe it."

"No way. Really?" Jack asked, shocked.

"That's what the numbers say. Must be people from Goshen or Elkhart moving there," Scott shrugged. "They are putting in a lot of subdivisions."

"Okay. Let's go," I prodded and ushered everyone out.

"You never told me you lived on a farm, Scott," I said as we pulled into a long gravel driveway. It was about 8:30PM.

"It's not a farm -- at least not anymore. The yard is only five acres, and half of that is woods," Scott said.

"It's on a county road and you have a barn. Close enough for me. All you need is an old farmhouse."

"Just 'cause you're from a big city. We don't even have a tractor -- just a rider mower."

"And it takes forever," Jack said.

"What about animals?" Adam asked.

"Just a dog. The neighbor on the back side has a couple horses, but they don't do anything but eat and shit."

"And we had the old farmhouse. It sucked. Freezing in the winter and hot in the summer. The new house is boring, but it's comfortable," Scott continued.

"How old is it?"

"About nine years," Scott said as we got out of the car. "I think I was ten when Dad had this one built."

"This is weird. You can't even see your neighbor's house," Jonny commented as he looked around.

"Why would you want to?" Jack said.

"No reason. It just seems weird that the houses are so far apart. I can't imagine growing up here. You'd have to drive everywhere."

"They're closer in town. I've got a bike and a scooter so it's no big deal," Jack shrugged and carried his suitcases to the door.

"I begged for a scooter when I still lived in San Diego," Adam said. "But the 'rents wouldn't do it."

"We've got an ATV as well, but I don't know if it's working," Scott said and lead the rest of us inside.

Jack Sr. and Linda were sitting in the family room talking with Jacky.

"Your vacation is over," Scott smiled as he walked in and gave his father a quick hug.

"It's been so quiet here I haven't been able to sleep," Jack Sr. said and then turned to me. "Jonah. Nice to see you again. I hope Jacky wasn't too much trouble."

"No more than these two," I said and gestured towards Jonny and Adam.

"Oh. Right. This is Jonny and Adam. They're from Chicago," Scott introduced.

"Boys," Jack nodded. "How did you end up in New York?"

"Jonah is my big brother," Jonny answered. "And Adam is my friend."

"We're taking them back tomorrow," Scott said.

Jack nodded. "Have you eaten yet?"

"Yea. We stopped in Ft. Wayne and ate. Let me show them to the guest room and put some stuff away," Scott said.

"There's only one bed in there," Linda spoke up, giving me a quick glance.

"It's a king, though," Scott shrugged. "Come on," he said to us and headed upstairs.

"I believe that was a jab," I said softly to Scott.

"It was. Stupid bitch."

"What? What was the jab?" Jonny asked.

"A gay man in the same bed with two boys," I said.

"Right. Like I haven't slept in the same bed as either of you before," Jonny said and rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry about them. This is it," Scott said, opening the last door of the hallway. "Bathroom is en suite," he pointed to an open door on the left.

"Oh my god. This room is atrocious," Jonny laughed. The walls were a pink floral wallpaper and the four-poster king size bed had a frilly pink canopy and equally vomitous pink and red bedspread.

"Yea, I know," Scott agreed. "Linda's work."

"You really don't like her, do you?" Jonny asked.

"No," Scott said. "Just come on down after you're settled. Hopefully they'll go to bed soon. They're never up past ten."

"It's a good thing the lights will be off. I don't think I could sleep looking at this room," Jonny smirked after Scott left.

"Yea. It's pretty bad," I said and went to the bathroom.

Adam squeezed past Jonny after I finished and I went downstairs. Jack and Linda were watching some network TV drama and Scott was on the phone in the kitchen.

"We can go out for a while, if that's okay with you," Scott said to me after he hung up.

"Yea, sure. Where to?"

"Just over to a friend's house. There's nothing open on a Sunday night here."

"What about the kids?"

"Um, Jack's got friends coming over and I'm sure they'll be out in the barn. They can stay if they want."

"Why in the barn?"

"Oh, the game room is there. I'll show it to you before we head out."

"So what are we doing?" Jonny asked as he showed up with Adam.

"Jonah and I are going out," Scott said. "You can join us or hang with Jack and his friends in the barn."

"Hang out in a barn?" Adam asked before Jonny could.

"Game room," I explained.

"What? Horse shoes?" Jonny smirked.

Scott gave him a look. "No. It's got a big screen TV and a Nintendo."

"Why in the barn?"

"So we can be loud and have friends over without tearing anything up in the house."

"That's cool. You could have a party there and they'd never know it," Jonny said.

"My dad would notice all the cars in the driveway," Scott said.

"Hey. I got the guys coming over if a few minutes. What are you guys doing?" Jacky asked as he walked up.

"Jonah and I are going to Brad's house. Jonny and Adam can hang with you, right?"

"Yea, just as long as Jonny doesn't get faggy around my friends."

"Fuck you," Jonny said.

"I thought you were over that?" Scott asked.

"I am, but the guys wouldn't understand and I don't want to deal with it. You know how it is around here. I'd never hear the end of jokes about hanging out with fags all summer."

"So I have to pretend to be something else just so your bigoted friends don't tease you?" Jonny huffed.

"It's just one night. Just don't talk about guys," Jacky said.

"Discretion is the better part of valor," I said to Jonny. He gave me a "you're being weird" look. I shrugged.

"Fine," Jonny sighed. "I'm asexual tonight."

"A sexual what?" Adam teased.

"Don't answer that," I interrupted before Jonny could say anything.

"Why don't you take Jonny and Adam to the barn so the 'rents don't freak out any more than they already are," Scott suggested.

"Screw you guys. I can be discrete when I need to be," Jonny complained.

"They're really weird about gays and it's just easier to avoid any conflict. You'd just get mad and say something."

"Yea, okay," Jonny sighed.

"You aren't missing anything," I said. "Go hang with guys your own age."

The doorbell rang and Jacky ran to let in one of his friends. A quick yell at the 'rents to tell them they'd be in the barn and they were gone.

"Hey. Jonah and I are going over to Brad's for a while," Scott said to his father after the kids left.

"Why don't you stay and talk a little while. You've been in New York all summer and we've hardly seen you," Jack said.

"Everyone at the dealership has asked about you," Linda added.

"I told them you were working in New York so you wouldn't lose your apartment," Jack said and gave me an unfriendly look.

"I didn't have to stay because of the apartment," Scott corrected. "I had to stay so I could work in the theater. It's expected that you get practical experience over the summer. I couldn't do that here -- and no, community theatre doesn't count. It's a totally different league there."

"How is working construction in Jonah's theater for no pay experience?"

"He's compensated in rent," I corrected.

"We've already discussed this," Scott sighed. "I only helped Jonah when I was free. I had summer classes and worked crew on a couple shows. I made more than working for you for the summer."

"But it also costs you more to live there. You likely ended up with less," Jack countered.

"I think I'll go check on the kids," I said, getting myself out of this family discussion. Scott gave me an understanding and wishing-he-could-join-me look.

I casually escaped and walked out to the barn. Lights were left on and doors left open, so it was easy to find my way to the game room on the second floor. The room was all cheap paneling, drop ceiling, heavily padded low pile carpet and beat-up sofas -- perfect for a kid's game room. A bunch of guys were already there sitting around and talking over the loud hip-hop music blaring from the cable TV station.

"Where's Scott?" Jacky asked me.

"Being interrogated. I escaped," I said.

"About what?"

"When I left he was being yelled at for choosing to hang out with fags in New York instead of being back here working at the dealership. Not those words directly, but the intent was pretty clear."

"Yo! Who're you?" One of the kids yelled at me. He was wearing a John Deere baseball cap sideways, a wife-beater and baggy basketball shorts. The first thought that hit me was: hip-hop-hill-billy.

"I'm Jonah," I said back, trying not to smirk at him.

"He's the guy that owns the place Scott's living at," Jack said.

"I thought you said that guy was a fag?" Another guy said.

"Oh yea, he's definitely a fag," I smirked. "Has a boyfriend and everything."

"Jonah," Jack pleaded for me to shut up.

"What? You've already told them I'm a fag. I can take anything they can dish out."

"Michael would be pissed if you took them all," Jonny smirked.

"Ew. Gross, man. You're sick," some guy yelled.

"He's absolutely right," I said to Jonny, but I think he was the only one who got it.

"Hey Drew! Now you're not the only fag in 'Busco!" Someone yelled.

"Fuck you, man. You're just pissed that I wouldn't return the blow-job," Drew, apparently, yelled back. Cat-calls all around.

"Hmm. Jack never mentioned the gay orgies around here," I smirked.

"No gay orgies. Just Doug fuckin' cows."

"There ain't shit else to do."


"Such perversion in Hicksville," I laughed. "Are blowing each other and fucking cows the only things you talk about?"

"Before you walked in we were talking about New York. Maybe it's just you," Jonny said.

I shrugged. "So what about New York?"

"Just everything we did," Jack said. "Shouldn't you go try to rescue Scott?"

"Okay. I can see where I'm not wanted. I'll remember that next summer when you want to visit," I smiled and walked towards the door. Jack followed me.

"Really, man. It's no offense or anything, but, you know," Jack said softly.

"Yea, I know. Don't worry about it. Have fun," I said and went back to the house. Scott was still talking to his father so I went upstairs and laid down. After a few minutes I was almost asleep. Tomorrow would be a long day on the road, so I took off my shorts, turned off the light and went to bed early.

*** [ 8/5/02, Monday ]

I woke around 7:30. Adam was lying at an angle half-across my chest and Jonny was sprawled out, taking more than half the bed. It was warm out already and Adam using me as a pillow made it warmer. I slid out from underneath him and went to the bathroom. While there I washed up and went back to the room to get dressed for the day. Once I was ready I woke Jonny and Adam.

"Wake up, bed hog," I said to Jonny and poked his chest.

"Not yet. Sleep," he mumbled as he slapped my hand away.

"You can sleep in the car," I said and walked to the other side. "Adam. Time to get up," I said and shook his shoulder.

He jerked and looked up at me with a confused look. "Huh?"

"Time to get up," I said slowly.

He stared at me for a few seconds before it sank in and he sat up, rubbing his face with his hands.

"Make sure the princess gets up, too," I said and left them in search of coffee. Just before I walked out, Adam turned and slapped Jonny's belly.

"Get up, bed hog."

Jonny tucked in and rolled over, pulling his knees up to protect his belly.

When I got downstairs, Scott was nursing a cup of coffee at the kitchen table.

"Mornin'. Cups are left of the sink," Scott said.

"Mornin'. Thanks," I said and fixed my cup.

"So lots of sex last night?" Scott smirked.

I flipped him off. "I wonder if they really believe that. Anyway, no, no sex. Just two teenagers taking the whole bed. Or, rather, Jonny taking more than half the bed and Adam using me as a pillow on what little bit was left."

"You should have just pushed Jonny off the bed."

"I didn't even notice until I woke up, and fortunately he wasn't humping me in his sleep. Do you know what time they went to bed?"

"No idea. I went to bed around midnight and they were still out in the barn. Sorry about getting trapped and leaving you alone."

"Don't worry about it. I went to bed early. It's going to be a long day."

"Mornin'," Adam mumbled as he walked in and went straight for the coffee.

"Is Jonny up?" I asked.

"Yea. He's in the bathroom. Um, sorry about sleeping so close to you last night. Jonny just kept taking more and more of the bed," Adam said.

"Doesn't matter," I dismissed. "What time did you two come to bed?"

"It was almost five, I think. We lost track of the time."

"Enjoying yourselves?"

"Yea. It's cool to play Nintendo on a big TV."

"Did Jack's friends go home, or crash in the barn?" Scott asked.

"Both. Um, Eric and Doug went home around midnight. Everyone else crashed wherever. It's kinda funny how excited they were about everything we told them from New York. It must be really boring to grow up here," Adam said.

"It can be," Scott agreed. "Most of them haven't been out of the county, except maybe to Cedar Point or King's Island or something like that with their parents. I know none of them have been to New York or Chicago. It may as well be the moon when you're growing up here."

"So you're the man on the moon here," I smirked.

"Something like that."

Jonny stumbled into the kitchen and dropped down into a chair. "Let's go so I can go back to sleep," he mumbled.

"Morning to you, too. Did you two say goodbye to Jack?" I asked.

"Yea. Last night before we went to bed. He asked us not to let Scott try to wake him up in the morning before we left," Adam answered.

"Okay. Gather your things and we'll go."

Fifteen minutes later we were on the road. I put down the back seat so the kids could lie down to sleep. Scott and I got some doughnuts and large cups of coffee at a gas station on the way out, but Jonny and Adam went right back to sleep and slept until we were just past Michigan City.

"Hey. Do you think my dad can come over and make a drunken scene this time?" Jonny smirked as we pulled onto the street.

"I'd prefer not, and he doesn't have much of a reason this time. Why don't we try for drama-free?" I said.

"Is that possible with Jonny?" Adam teased.

"Bite me, freak."

We pulled into the driveway to find all the 'rents sitting on the front porch. Adam's parents were the first down the steps.

"Aw, their baby is back from his trip," Jonny teased.

"Bite me, freak," Adam echoed and got out to meet his parents.

"Come on. No delays this time," I said to Jonny and got out.

"What the hell is that?" Adam's father said as he noticed the nipple ring. Both boys had their shirts off in the car. So much for keeping it a secret.

"Shit," Adam mumbled.

All the 'rents turned an accusing glare at me.

"Hey, I had nothing to do with it. They went out shopping with Justin and came back with those," I said and held up my hands. "I already told them they were nuts."

"Why on earth did you do that?" Adam's mother asked him.

"It's just a nipple ring. Lots of guys have them."

"And you?" Uncle Joe asked Jonny.

"What? Justin wanted to get one and said he'd pay if we wanted one. No one can even see it most of the time," Jonny said.

"Other than the additional holes, they're safe and as sound as they were when they left," I said. "Come get your stuff out of the car."

"How long are you staying?" Uncle Joe asked me.

"Not long. We need to get back. I've got plumbers coming tomorrow morning to do the dressing rooms."

"How were they?"

"We were angels, of course," Jonny teased and took one of his bags.

Uncle Joe just gave him an incredulous look.

"Other than whining when I wouldn't take them out, they were fine and helped a lot. I'm sure you'll hear the embellished stories from Jonny."

"I'll just ask Adam for the real story afterwards."

"Ha! See? Everyone knows you're a drama queen," Adam laughed at Jonny.

"And everyone knows you have no creativity," Jonny shot back.

"You get a nipple ring, too, Scott?" Uncle Joe asked.

"No way. An ear ring is all the piercing I want."

"What about that Prince..." Jonny started before I slapped him on the back of the head to shut up.

"What? I was just teasing," Jonny complained.

"You're back in the real world now. Try to act like you have some manners in front of the 'rents."

"They already know better," Jonny smirked. "So where's my mom?"

"I think they're still on vacation," Uncle Joe answered.

"Oh. Right. Forgot about that. I still can't believe my dad flew anywhere. He hates flying."

"Driving to Hawaii isn't really an option," Uncle Joe laughed.

"I want this Justin's number. He has some explaining to do," Adam's mother said.

"We'll talk about it later," his father said, trying to calm her down. "Let's go home. Thanks for letting Adam stay with you, Jonah."

"You're welcome. Next to Jonny he was no problem at all," I said.

"Love you, too, dorkus," Jonny said to me.

"Thanks, guys. I had a great time," Adam said and shook my hand, and then Scott's. He headed home with his parents.

"Want something to eat before you hit the road?" Uncle Joe asked me as we walked inside.

"No thanks. We really need to get going," I said and went to the bathroom. Scott went in after me and I went downstairs to find Uncle Joe in the kitchen making sandwiches.

"Five minutes and you'll have some sandwiches to take with you," Uncle Joe said as I walked in.

"Thanks. I wish I had time to stay longer. I'm not looking forward to the drive back. Too much time on the road the past two days."

"At least you have Scott with you so you can take turns driving."

"Yea. The trip would have been shorter without dropping his brother off, though. Where's Jay?"

"Swim Camp. It's been so quiet here I've had to turn on the TV to be able to think," he laughed.

"Well, you've got some noise back. I'll welcome the quiet and not having to worry about anyone."

"You're young and aren't used to it. I've had twenty-one years of kids around. I think we'll have to get a couple dogs after Jay moves out just to keep things chaotic."

"Maybe you'll have grandkids by then," I shrugged and took one of the turkey sandwiches Uncle Joe had made.

"And maybe you'll be able to adopt by then."

"Maybe. Not any time soon."

"Jonah? We ready to go?" Scott asked as he walked into the kitchen.


"Have a sandwich," Uncle Joe said pointed to it on the counter.

"Thanks," Scott said and took the sandwich.

"Okay. We're off now. Talk to you later," I said and gave Uncle Joe a quick hug.

"Drive safe and call when you get in."

"It'll probably be 2AM," I warned.

"Okay," he laughed. "Call tomorrow at a reasonable hour."

"Will do. Later."

"Bye, Scott. Nice to see you again."

"Bye. Thanks for the sandwich," Scott muffled, trying to swallow his bite quickly.

We yelled "good-bye" to Jonny as we left and got back on the road. I drove first while Scott napped. We were both exhausted when we finally got home and went straight to bed.

The rest of the month, at least for me, was spent finishing or coordinating the theater. Scott helped until classes started for him. The dressing rooms were done, complete with counters and make-up lights. The rubber flooring was installed in the lobby coffee house and the bathrooms got some epoxy based finish that was expensive, but was supposed to be sanitary, slip-proof and hold up forever. The theater seats took a couple days to put in and carpet runners down the isles were installed. I bought some inexpensive sofas, office chairs and conference table for the office/rehearsal space on two. I hated to buy it all from Ikea, but it was cheap, quick, and not crap quality. The bookcases I planned to build would have to wait for now. It just needed to look good for the opening.

There were still a few things to do before we opened, but they would wait until I got back from Paris with Michael.

The final inspection for our certificate of occupancy was on September 9. It took several hours, but we passed. I called Michael first thing and left a message, then called Frank at Ozzie's to let him know so he could coordinate moving in all the coffee house equipment and health inspections. Keys, codes and phones were setup and distributed and I was off to Paris to join Michael a couple days later.

*** [ 9/13/02, Friday ]

My plane got into Paris at a little before 9AM. French Customs was pleasantly quick and I soon found my ride Michael had sent. Forty-five minutes later I was dropped off at some older looking building that was apparently serving as the studio. I made it past security and was met by another guy who guided me to the studio where they were doing the photo shoot. The current set was a bedroom and the three leads were all lying around on each other and in various states of undress. Michael noticed me immediately and jumped off the bed.

"Ahhh. You're finally here!" He yelled and attacked me in a hug and several kisses.

"I guess that's five, everyone," the photographer called out.

"I don't want to interrupt your shoot," I said softly to Michael as we were hugging.

"Too late. Don't worry about it."

"How much longer are you here today?"

"Until we're done. It's just promo photos. Probably early afternoon."

"Then why don't I go to the hotel. I need to take a shower and a nap would be good so I'm awake when you get back."

"You didn't sleep on the plane?"

"I tried, but there were two babies who tried to out-scream each other the whole way."

"Yea, okay. I guess you should go to the hotel," Michael said as he glanced at the photographer, who looked annoyed. "It's just next door. They have your name so you'll just have to show your passport to get a key."

"Okay. Focus so you can get done quicker. I'll see you in a couple hours," I said and gave him a strong kiss before leaving.

I carried my bag to the hotel next door. It was an older building and the room was more of a large apartment than a hotel room. Michael's stuff was scattered around and looked out of place in the antique looking room. I found the bathroom and took a quick shower before falling asleep on the soft queen-size bed.

Michael wasn't back yet when I woke a couple hours later. Not knowing how long he'd be, I walked down to a boulangerie and bought a baguette -- fortunately I exchanged some money before I left New York. There was a small grocery a little further down so I bought a large bottle of water and went back to the room to enjoy my snack while watching some French culture show on TV. I was half-way through the baguette when Michael ran in and jumped on the bed beside me.

"Hey," he said casually and then leaned over and took a bite out of the baguette.

"Hey," I smiled and rolled over on top of him, straddling his legs. "All done for the day?"

"All done, period. Well, until the Venice Film Festival. We're going to dinner tonight for the wrap party at nine, if that's okay."

"That's fine. That gives us," I checked my watch, "four hours to...remember each other," I smiled and wiggled on his lap a little.

"It's been a while. The first time will be really quick," Michael smiled lazily and rubbed his hands along my legs.

I pushed the baguette into his mouth and then pulled off my shirt. He growled and bit off a chunk, tossing the rest across the room. I stood up over him and dropped my shorts, stepping out of one leg and kicking them to the floor. I smiled down at him, looking past my increasing erection.

Michael feigned a swoon and signed. "Damn, man."

"Are you going to lie there and stare, or are you going to do something," I teased.

He sat up quickly and pressed his face into my crotch for a second before scrambling off the bed and undressing. "Let's take a shower. I've still got makeup on."

We were a little late to the wrap party.

*** [ 9/14/02 ]

Saturday morning in a fancy hotel in Paris with my man. What could be better? We woke up late and made love before having petit dŽjeuner at some generic cafŽ. After a long walk to and though the Tuileries, we decided to check out the current exhibit at the Centre Pompidou.

"Have you been recognized very often here?" I asked Michael as we were walking towards the Centre Pompidou.

"Not once. Of course, the only times I've been out on the town have been late nights with lots of other people."

"Well, I think you've been spotted, then. See that kid walking towards us? He's walked by us three or four times."

"Maybe he's just lost."

"You should walk by him a couple times and stare," I said.

"Yea, right. He'd probably think I was cruising him or something. He looks like he's 15, at most," Michael snorted.

"And Jonny nowhere near," I smirked.

"From what I've heard, Jonny got enough this summer. I can't believe Justin had sex with him. No. I take that back. I can believe that. I just can't believe you didn't pound Justin into the ground for it."

"What would that solve? There were no victims. Besides, I plan to make Justin very aware of what will happen if he does it again the next time I see him in person."

"Good. Oh, look, here comes stalker-boy again," Michael laughed as the kid walked back, looking over his shoulder towards Michael. "Let's grab him if he walks by again."

"And throw him in a trash can?"

"Maybe. Let's have lunch here before we go into the museum," Michael said and guided me to one of the cafŽs that surround the plaza in front of the Centre Pompidou.

We sat down at a table and, surprisingly, were promptly offered a menu. Of course that didn't mean we were going to get to place our order any time soon. The kid was walking towards us again when Michael pointed at the kid and waved him over. The kid looked startled that he'd been caught. It was kinda funny. The kid looked around and then slowly walked up to us.

"Is there something I can do for you?" Michael asked him as he approached our table.

"Pardon. You are Michael Pitt, no?" The kid asked.

"Oui. Et tu?" Michael answered.

"Parlez-vous franais?"

"Not enough to hold a conversation," Michael laughed. "So you are?"

"Pierre Boulanger."

"Salut, Pierre. Is there a reason you keep walking by and staring at us? Something you'd like to say?"

"Uh... Pardon. I was not sure if it truly was you. I've seen your movies. You are a good actor. I am an actor as well. Are you making a film in Paris now?" Pierre asked.

"Have a seat, Pierre," Michael said and pulled over a chair from another table.

Pierre excitedly sat down, but had to wait for the waiter to take our orders. Michael ordered a soda for him.

"What would you have done that I would have seen you in?" Michael asked Pierre after the waiter left.

"Nothing yet. I have only recently completed my first film, 'Momo'. It was with Omar Sharif. It won't be released until next year."

"How old are you?"

"I am 16 years."

"Just starting and in a film with Omar Sharif. Impressive," Michael said.

"He is very nice. I learned much."

"Oh, this is my boyfriend Jonah," Michael finally introduced me.

"Hello," I smiled.

Pierre gave an odd look between us. "You are homosexual?"

"Absolutely," Michael smirked and leaned over to give me a kiss.

"Oh. It is good, but unexpected. Salut, Jonah."

"So what have you seen Michael in?" I asked.

"I have seen 'Hedwig' and in 'Dawson's Creek'. I want to see 'Bully', but the video store does not have it yet. Are you making a new film now in Paris?"

"Yea. Just finished it, actually. We go home tomorrow. It's called 'The Dreamers'. Bernardo Bertolucci directed it."

"When will it be released?"

"I don't know. Sometime next year, I suppose. I've got to be at the Venice Film Festival to promote it, so probably around then."

"Really?" Pierre said excitedly. "I will be there as well for 'Momo'. Tres cool. You live in New York City still?"

"Someone has been reading your bio," I said to Michael.

"I'm still there. We bought a theater in Brooklyn and moved in a couple months ago. Jonah just finished remodeling it. We're opening in a couple weeks," Michael said.

"You live in a theater?"

"There are apartments above it," I clarified.

"Tres cool. It would be very good to live in a theater."

"Definitely," Michael agreed. "Now all we need to do is keep it busy."

"Have you done any stage acting, Pierre?" I asked.

"No. Only in school. One day I would like to do so. In London or New York City Broadway."

"If you want to do good work, the theaters off-Broadway or further out are better. Broadway has glitz and status, but the shows aren't always that good -- especially for a younger actor," Michael said.

Our food came and Pierre rattled on about everything while we ate, occasionally asking Michael for acting or career advice. His friends showed up and we ended up talking with a small group of French teens about American pop-culture and film. An hour or so later we finally got away when they all had to leave. We gave Pierre the address to the theater and told him to stop by if he was ever in NYC. He gave us each the customary two kissed and ran off.

"Cute kid," I laughed as Pierre and his friends ran off.

"He seemed nice," Michael shrugged. "Think he's gay?"

"I didn't get that impression. I think he was just thrilled to meet a movie star."

"Definitely that," Michael rolled his eyes. "Let's go before the museum closes."

"I think that was okay. At least he wasn't some squealing teen girl asking you about DC."

"Yea. He was fine. It just seems weird. You know? It's like... Why would he want my advice on anything? I'm only a couple years older than he is and he's already working. I can't teach him anything."

"There's a lot you could teach him. You have much more experience. Besides, I'm sure he's not going to base the rest of his life on anything you say. He was just getting information."

"Yea, I know. It just feels weird. In a good way, I guess. I mean, he actually wanted to talk and not just fawn over me."

"The fame thing still freaks you out a bit," I stated.

"Yea. It does."

We got home from Paris on the 16th and spent a day or two just relaxing and spending time together. We weren't clothed very often.

Planning and details for the opening took way too much time and effort, but everything eventually worked out. Finding actors to do random performances on the stage was the hardest part.

The crumbling sidewalk in front was ripped out and replaced with brick pavers with planters on either side of the crosswalk to the park across the street. I had a contractor do that and they started a few days after we got back and finished in three days. Black awnings were installed over all the front first floor windows and a larger awning over the doors. The main sign was finally installed on the 26th. It was made of 18" aluminum letters set off from the wall and lit from underneath. Just a simple "Marpitt Theater" ran across the building above the awnings. It was a beautiful sight and just the final touch to make the front look like we were open for business. Ozzie's had two neon signs that would hang in the windows, but wouldn't be hung until after the opening party.

*** [ 9/27/02 ]

Justin got in late Friday night for the opening. He was staying with us. I followed him into the guest bedroom and waited while he set down his bag and opened it.

"'Sup?" He grinned as he stood up.

I placed my hand on his crotch and started rubbing. His eyes got wide and his breathing hitched, but he didn't stop me. I guided him to stand against the wall and then gripped him hard, using my other arm against his neck to keep him pressed against the wall. His slight smile disappeared and was replaced by fear.

"This should have happened sooner, but I wanted to do it in person. If I ever even suspect that you've been having sex with Jonny again while he's underage, I'll castrate you with my bare hands. Got it?" I said casually and gave a squeeze to drive home the point.

"But... What did he tell you? It's not..."

"I don't care. He didn't say anything. It was obvious the morning you left this summer. Find someone your own age, or wait for him to turn 18. Understood?"

"Yes," Justin said and nodded at the same time.

"Good," I smiled and let him go.

He slumped down the wall and rubbed himself.

"At least he didn't kill me," Justin muttered to himself.

"Don't make that bet if it happens again," I said and left him alone.

"Did he understand?" Michael asked me as I joined him in the living room loft.

"Oh, I think I made it clear. He'll be facing castration by hand if it happens again. I gave him a slight taste to drive the point home."

"Good. You ready to go to bed? I'm exhausted and tomorrow is going to be a long day."


*** [ Saturday, 9/28/02 ]

"Mornin'," Michael said and gave me a quick kiss on my cheek before getting some coffee for himself.

"Mornin'. We ready for tonight?" I said.

"As ready as we'll ever be. I think it's pretty exciting. We're finally opening the theater -- and in only ten months. You said it would be years," Michael teased.

"The apartments aren't done yet and I've been working my ass off to get this far. I hope it goes well. We really need to generate some excitement."

"It'll all work out. The only thing I'm worried about is the press making it seem too trendy by getting stuck on all the celebrities that will be here tonight."

"Maybe. I only sent invitations to producers, directors, artistic directors and people we know. We'll issue a press release afterwards to say exactly what we want. Unless someone here gabs about it, it shouldn't be an issue."

Michael gave me a look. "They'll all talk about it and you know it."

"As long as it works in our favor."

"If everyone shows up, how many people will be here?"

"I sent out a hundred invitations, not including people we know. I'm going to guess probably 200 by the time all is said and done," I said.

"The actors should be here at six. Do you have the lights and sound ready?"

"As ready as it can be until they get here. Shouldn't take too long."

"Mornin'," Scott said as he walked in. "Ready for tonight?"

"As far as we can tell," I answered.

"How many people are going to be staying here?"

"Justin, Charlie and Kate, and Ian."

"Where are Charlie and Kate going to sleep? Why's Ian staying over?"

"Ian's bringing over a futon over today, and just because it's easier than stumbling home drunk at 3AM."

"What about Michelle?" Michael asked. "Did she ever confirm?"

"No. She said she'd think about it, but nothing certain."

"I hope she brings a sleeping bag if she's planning to stay here."

"She can just sleep on the floor. Did you talk to Charlie? Are we supposed to pick them up from the airport? Or anyone else?"

"He said they'd just take a cab, but we have to pick up Louis, Eva and Bernardo. I scheduled a limo to take them to their hotel, but we have to pick them up from there."

"Which hotel?" I asked.

"The Brooklyn Bridge Marriott. Don't worry. We're not paying for it," Michael answered.

"Good. What time do we pick them up?"

"Their plane is supposed to be in at two. They'll call when they're ready. Don't worry about it. I'll go pick them up."

"Is there anything you need my help with?" Scott asked.

"Um, just walk though all the theater spaces and make sure everything looks perfect... The shop area still needs to be cleaned up and all the tools put in the cage," I said.

"Oh, security will be here at seven as well," Michael added.



"What food are you having?" Scott asked.

"Just hors d'oeuvre type of things with red and white wine. Nothing too expensive. We bought the wine," Michael said.

"Did you already get it?" I asked.

"No. I thought you were picking it up when you went to talk with Eric," Michael said.

"I didn't know about it, and I took the train into town. Fuck. I hope we can get enough today."

"We'd better go now. I'll need the car later."

"Yea. Let's go."

"Hey. Security wants to know if we're ready to open the doors," Michael asked me as he walked into the theater.

"Yea. I think so. Is there anyone waiting?"

"No. These are theater people. No one will be here before nine."

"I'm here!" Charlie yelled from his slumped position in the middle of the theater.

"You're just an actor. You don't count!" I yelled back.

"That's not very nice," Matt said as he walked in.

"Maybe not, but it's true as far as this evening is concerned. Only people who would rent this place out are important tonight."

"Typical American. Only concerned for money," Louis drawled.

"Typical Frenchman. Always making disparaging remarks about everyone who isn't French," Michael shot back.

"Distain is the French national pastime," Charlie called out.

"And the English national pastimes are drinking and complaining about the French," Louis shot back.

"Settle down, boys," I said. "You can make fun of each other tomorrow."

"You're wasting your time. I've had to listen to two months of those two bickering," Eva said as she walked in.

"Boys will be boys," Michael and Louis mocked together.

"Unfortunately," Eva sighed.

"Okay. I'm going to have them open the doors. Places. Places everybody," Michael said and went out front.

"This'll be fun," Matt said to me and made a face.

"Hey. You made it," I smiled and pulled Michelle into a hug.

"I said I would," Michelle said.

"You said you'd think about it, and this is the first time you've visited in almost a year," I said and made a pouty face.

She stuck her tongue out at me.

"Maybe later," I teased. "So let me show you around."

"Just a sec. I've got people with me," Michelle said and looked around for her lost companions.


"The usual suspects and someone you haven't met yet... Ah, there they are," she said and waved her hand in the air for them to come over. It was Kerr, Katie, Josh and the guy I hadn't met yet.

"Hey, Jonah. Great place you have here. When's the first show?" Josh said as he patted me on the back.

"Hey, Josh. Don't know when the first show will be. That's why we're having the reception tonight. Introduce the space to theatre community."

"You want us to lie and say how great it is working with you to everyone?" Michelle smiled.

"Say whatever you want," I shrugged. "I can't talk now, but if you stay late we'll talk after the crowds are gone."

"Okay. We'll let you do your thing. It's an open bar, right?"

"No. Wine only. There's lots of food, though."

"Great. I'm starved," Kerr said and headed off, followed by Josh.

Michelle gave a grin and headed off towards the bar with Katie.

"Hey. Since no one introduced me, I'm Chad," he smiled and reached out to shake my hand.

"Hey. How'd you get mixed up with that crowd?" I said.

"Working on DC."

"Of course."

"Do you still have apartments available?"

"Yea. How'd you hear about them?"

"From everyone," he smiled. "I've been looking for a place in the city for a while. Katie mentioned that someone she worked with got a place here. James said about the same thing. Different person, of course. Then Michelle told me about it. I think it's a sign."

"Yea. A sign that the world is really small," I laughed. "So do you live here now?"

"No. I'm kinda all around right now. I'm looking for a home base kinda thing."

"Okay. Why New York instead of LA?"

"I've got a house in LA, but I want something on the east coast. I've got a couple gigs here that I can get to easily from NYC. I'm also from Buffalo, so it makes it easier to visit family without being too close."

"So you'll just be here part-time?"


"Okay. Well, we have two back apartments and a one front available. How long are you in town?"

"Just the weekend."

"Can you come over tomorrow so we can walk through the space. See the plans and all that jazz? All the current owners are here so they can meet you as well."

"Michelle said we were staying here," Chad said hesitantly.

"Did she? It was nice of her to inform me," I said and looked to see where she wandered off to.

"If it's a problem..." Chad started.

"It's not a problem as long as you don't mind sleeping on the floor. We've got plenty of space, but not plenty of beds."

"Oh. Okay. The floor is fine for a night. So who are the other owners? I can walk around and meet them tonight."

"First off, we take the security of the building and the privacy of the tenants very seriously," I said.

"Okay. Which means..."

"It means that all the other owners are working in the entertainment industry and fairly high profile. Letting out who lives here could only cause trouble."

"Ah. Okay. I can understand that. I don't want people stalking the place, either."

"Good," I said and motioned for him to follow me outside where we weren't surrounded by ears.

"I feel so cloak and dagger," Chad smirked.

"Yea, I know. It's weird for me, too. Okay, so Justin Timberlake has the loft on the fifth. Charlie Hunnam and Ian Somerhalder have the front apartments on the fourth. Randy Harrison has one of the front apartments on the third," I said softly.

"Justin Timberlake is probably the one you're most worried about, right?"

"Definitely. Do you know who everyone else is?"

"Yea. I haven't met any of them yet, but I know who they are."

"Good. I'll introduce you to someone and then you can go from there. I've got to get back to schmoozing," I smirked.

"I saw Matt Damon in there. He doesn't have an apartment?"

"No. He's on the board of directors for the theater. So's Gus Van Sant, who's also here tonight."

"Damn, man. Do you guys know everyone?" Chad laughed.

"Not even close. Oh, Bernardo Bertolucci is here tonight, as well. Michael just finished a film with him. I think Gus and Bernardo are the only big film directors here tonight. Everyone else is local."

"I should be schmoozing a bit tonight, too."

"Just be casual about it."

"I will."

"Okay. Let's go inside," I said and lead the way. I found Charlie first and introduced Chad.

I wandered around talking with theatre producers and directors from the region. Alex from the Heorot showed up and teased me about becoming competition. We were far enough away that we weren't really competition.

The turn-out was excellent. I talked to so many people that the time went quickly. It wasn't until I noticed people leaving that I noticed it was already 1AM -- and we were only planning to be open until midnight. I found Michael and we gradually rounded everyone up and sent them on their way. We made plans with Bernardo, Louis and Eva to come over for an early dinner tomorrow while waiting for their cab. Michael took those who were staying with us to the back dock while I checked for any stragglers, paid the caterers and locked up.

When I got to the dock Michael was passing out the cigars.

"Where'd all the girls go?" I asked, as it was just Michael, Scott, Justin, Charlie, Chad, Kerr, Josh, Randy and Ian there.

"None of them are lesbians, apparently," Randy joked.

"They didn't want to be around the cigar smoke," Michael said as he handed me a cigar.

"Their loss," I shrugged and started pouring everyone a glass of Scotch.

"Cigars and Scotch. This is a first," Chad commented.

"For us, too. It seemed appropriate," Michael said and lit up.

"I hate cigars," Justin said just before he lit his.

"This is how you guys could make some real money. Have a cigar club," Josh said as he sat down and leaned against the wall.

"Too trendy," I said. "And too expensive to set up."

"Why too expensive? All you need is a room with some sofas, ashtrays, booze and cigars," Kerr said.

"And a huge air cleaner. And the room would have to fit the look: heavy wood paneling and molding, leather sofas, fireplace. The atmosphere would have to be right," I answered.

"I prefer the theater. These aren't bad," Randy said and tried to blow smoke rings.

"So how do you think it went?" Ian asked.

"Good, I think," I said and took a drink of my Scotch. It was pretty good, though I don't know if it's good enough to justify the cost or what really makes twelve year old Scotch something so fancy.

"There were a few people who were interested enough to ask about availability," Michael said. "How is it?" He asked me.


"Better be for how much it cost," he muttered and took a sip.

"Don't worry about how much it costs. Just enjoy it," Charlie chided and took a sip.

"You've been working the past four months. You should have money rolling in," Ian said.

"Not enough. We need to get the theater busy," Michael said.

"He finally saw the numbers for the theater renovations," I stated.

"More than you thought?" Randy asked.

"No, about what we thought, but planning it and finally seeing the bills are different," I said.

"Don't worry about it. You've got more than half of the spaces sold, a coffee house moving in downstairs and a great theater across from a park. You're doing fine," Justin said.

"I know, but I'll feel better when everything is sold," I said.

"Have you asked about one of the places, yet?" Kerr asked Chad.

"Yea. Jonah's gonna show me plans and stuff tomorrow," Chad said.

"We're heading back by noon," Josh said.

"Is there another time sometime soon you can come up to go over everything if you decide to buy?" I asked Chad.

"I start filming a new project on Tuesday."

"Hi-ho Silver!" Josh laughed.

"I'm sure you'll look fabulous in chaps," Kerr teased.

"I'm the Lone Ranger," Chad said and rolled his eyes. "It's a TV movie. I think it's gonna be fun."

"You ride well?" Ian asked.

"Ride what?"

"Horses. Doesn't the Lone Ranger ride a horse?"

"Oh, right. Nope. Never been on a horse in my life. I'm getting a crash course the first week of rehearsal."

Ian chuckled. "Man, you're gonna be hating life. Your groin and legs are gonna be so sore..."

"That you won't be able to jack-off all week," Josh interrupted.

"Ha ha," Chad groaned.

"Yea, like that's ever stopped a guy in need," Michael laughed.

"Exactly," Chad agreed.

"Anyway, to change the subject from Josh's obsession with Chad's penis, any of the current owners object to Chad if he decides to buy in?" I asked.

"Have a drug habit?" Ian asked Chad.

"Nope. Not even an occasional."

"Like to have huge drunken parties with hookers?" Charlie asked.

"Uh, no."

"Damn," Charlie sighed.

"Sorry. I'm boring. No drugs. No parties. No hookers. No loud music at 3AM."

"Any good things to borrow?" Randy asked.

"I've seen his place in LA. Trust me, he's got nothing anyone wants to borrow," Josh said.

"Fuck you. I like my house," Chad complained.

"You've gotta admit that it's no showcase. Your career is taking off and you still live like a poor college student," Josh said.

"I've got one house, and maybe two. I don't need to waste money on stupid shit to impress someone else."

"You tell 'em, dawg. It's not like MTV Cribs is gonna be visiting you," Justin said.

"Excuse me, but what is up with the 'dawg' shit, dawg?" I teased Justin.

"Get with the show, dawg. It's modern slang."

"Show dawg?" I smirked.

"Can't say anything to you," Justin muttered.

"Jonah and I are the only ones here who aren't show dogs," Scott said.

"Yea!" I high-fived Scott. "Anyway, no MTV Cribs or anything public like that allowed. No mass media that could violate the privacy and security of the building."

"Sounds fine to me. What about security?" Chad asked.

"You've seen it: multiple locked doors and cameras. Each apartment will also have it's own zone and motion sensors," Michael said.

"I still think we should have full time security," Justin said.

"No way," Charlie said. "Most of us don't need a body guard and you won't even be here all the time. Bring your own when you come."

"I agree. It's too much money to watch over empty apartments," Randy said.

"You're outnumbered," I said to Justin.

"Fine. I'll just bring my own," Justin sighed.

"We'll have benefits that are actually useful. All the apartments will have digital cable, broadband internet, a security system, hot-tub on the roof terrace and an observation booth to watch any show that's running for free," Michael said.

"Don't forget the coffee house downstairs. I call that a definite benefit," Ian said.

"Don't you think everything at the coffee house should be included?" Justin tried.

"No, you freak. Stop with all the increased expenses," I said.

"I say he can have everything he wants as long as he pays for all of it," Charlie said.

"Yea right. When you're puttin' out, I'll think about it," Justin said.

"Switching teams?" Ian asked.

"No, but... He's a big whore anyway," Justin tried.

Michael looked at me and rolled his eyes at Justin's slip and pathetic cover-up.

"Where are we all sleeping?" Kerr asked as everyone walked into the apartment.

"Someone can take the bottom bunk," Justin yawned.

"I'll take it," Chad said just a second before Kerr and Josh.

"Chad wins. Come on. It's over here. Night," Justin said and led Chad to the other guest room.

"The rest of you have the floor in the loft," I said to Josh, Kerr and Randy.

"I've got a flip-n-fuck and sleeping bag in my room if..." Scott started.

"Dibs!" Randy called, once again, just before Kerr and Josh.

"You guys are slow," I teased.

"I don't care. I brought a sleeping bag," Kerr said and headed for the living room loft.

"Maybe I'll squeeze into bed with the ladies," Josh smiled and sauntered to the stairs.

"It's your life," Michael said. "We've got the shower first," he then announced as he pulled me along. "And we're both going to brush our teeth a thousand times," he said to me just before he shut the bathroom door.

"It only helps a little. I'm sure we'll still be tasting the cigar in the morning."

"Yea, I know, but it'll help. I enjoyed the cigar, but I hate the after effects."

When we got out of the shower we found Scott at the sink brushing his teeth.

"I can't get the taste out of my mouth," Scott said after he rinsed.

"You won't. Try again in the morning," Michael told him.

"Yea, okay. It's gross."

"No one forced you."

"I know. It just the first time I've had a cigar. I wanted to try it."

"And?" I asked.

"It was okay, I guess, as long as I didn't inhale. Afterwards totally sucks, though."

"Well, Randy is sleeping on your floor, so maybe it will," Michael smirked.

"You wish," Scott shot back.

"And you don't?" I added.

"He doesn't even like me like that."

"And you?" Michael asked.

"He's fun to talk with and hang around, but no, I don't have some secret lust for him."

"Too bad Kate's here with Charlie," Michael added with a grin.

"Yea. Too bad you're here, too, or Charlie could blow me while Jonah fucks him," Scott shot back.

"Hey! I'd be in on that, too, damn it," Michael complained. "I missed it last time."

"Too bad for you," Scott teased and walked out.

"I think that blow-job did him some good. He's not as shy as he used to be," Michael said after Scott left.

"Sometimes. He's bit drunk right now. Let's go to bed."

*** [ Sunday, Sept 29, 2002 ]

"No one has looked at 3C yet, have they?" Justin asked over breakfast.

"No. Why? You know someone who's interested?" I said.

"No. I was just thinking that you should make it a workout room."

"Uh, that's a really expensive workout room."

"I like that idea," Charlie said.

"You don't already have a workout room?" Chad asked.

"We do now," Charlie smiled.

"Not yet. You have to convince Ian and Randy, and everyone has to pay for it," I countered.

"Why pay for it? It should be included. All the good buildings include workout rooms," Justin protested teasingly.

"This is a co-op. Everyone owns a share. Everyone shares the costs of common areas. You add more common area, you add more costs. That's why we set it up this way," I smirked.

"Cheap bastard," Charlie smirked.

"Then why do we have the largest apartment?" Michael said.

"Compensation for smaller attributes?" Justin smirked.

"Of everyone here, you should not be teasing others about smaller attributes," I smiled at Justin.

"They're all nudists, in case you were wondering," Scott explained to Chad.

"You're not still singing that song, are you?" Michael groaned.

"Just explaining things for the uninitiated," Scott said.

"Besides, you were running all around my back yard in the buff last New Year," Justin said.

"The hot-tub and the pool. Not running around."

"So a nude examination is part of the interview process?" Chad asked.

"Not unless you really want it to be," Michael smiled. "Just drop your clothes and walk around. Better yet, drop them and go wake up Katie and Michelle."

"Come on, boy. Show us what you've got," Michelle catcalled from the loft.

"Sorry. You're already awake. You lost your chance," Chad yelled back.

"You're no fun," Michelle laughed.

"Anyway, there's a huge park right across the street. Why would you want a workout room?" I asked.

"Weight room," Justin said.

"Then I'd put it in the basement. Otherwise the noise and banging could be heard in the theater."

"I guess that could be okay, even though it'd be farther away."

"Stairs are good for you. If you complain about having to get some exercise to get some exercise..." I warned.

"How about a basketball hoop in back?" Justin tried.

"That would be cool," Chad said.

"You play?" Justin asked.

"I'm okay."

"Cool. Between you and Scott I should always have someone to play a little one-on-one with when I'm here."

"It's all about you, isn't it?" I teased Justin.

"Of course. I thought you were the smart one?" He teased back.

"Just stating the obvious. Anyway, there are basketball courts in the park. There's not enough room for a hoop in back without taking away from the already tiny amount of parking space."

"And if we have a hoop on the building then we'll have neighborhood kids hanging out where we don't want them," Michael added.

"That, too," I agreed.

"Have there been any problems with the neighborhood? Any break-ins?" Chad asked.

"No break-ins. Just trash and graffiti on the back wall. Pretty safe for New York."

"What's the neighborhood like?"

"Park out front, obviously. Mostly blue collar middle class. Fairly high Hispanic population. Like I said, it's pretty safe for New York. It's not Brooklyn Heights, but it's not the Bronx, either. So far we haven't had any problems," I said.

"When does the coffee house open to the public?" Josh asked.

"Monday," Michael answered.

"Are they having a big opening event?" Ian asked.

"Not big. Buy-one-get-one specials. They've blanketed the college areas with fliers. We even got one in the mail," I said.

"This place will be packed all the time if we get the college crowd," Michael said.

"Hopefully. Keep Ozzie's happy and us in business."

"Are you getting a share of their profits?"

"Only on show nights."

"Are they going to be open 24/7?" Randy asked.

"They've considered it, but not unless they see the need. It'll be 7AM to midnight at first," I answered.

"What college is around here?" Chad asked.

"Brooklyn College is the largest and it's about a mile or two down Flatbush. There's a University hospital a mile or so east, and a handful of smaller colleges around. There aren't any within a couple blocks," Michael said.

"We're planning on doing some joint-marketing at the zoo, as well," I added. "With any luck we'll stay busy enough to at least keep the doors open."

Comments welcomed and encouraged. jm_stories@yahoo.com. Please put the story title in the subject line or my spam filter will eat it. I usually reply when the next chapter comes out. Yes, I know I'm slow.

Next: Chapter 31

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