Just Together


Published on Aug 4, 2000


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It makes no claims to the true personality and sexuality of anyone involved. You already know if you shouldn't be reading this.

------------------ Just Together by jm_stories@yahoo.com ------------------

Chapter III Original post 3 Aug 2000 Revised 7 Feb 2002

I woke up with Michael and I facing each other and intertwined. Danny was curled up loosely behind me with his arm around me. It was nothing inappropriate, so I didn't worry about it. It was only eight, and Michael was still asleep, so I closed my eyes, pulled him closer and went back to sleep.

When I woke again, I couldn't feel the heat of Danny's body, so I assumed he was up. I could feel Michael, who was gently rubbing my hand and our foreheads were barely touching. Without opening my eyes, I tilted my head and gave him a gentle kiss. He smiled mid-kiss and I opened my eyes.

"Mornin'," I said softly.

"Mornin'," he said just as softly and gave me another kiss.

"We need to send Danny furniture shopping."

"He's making us breakfast."

"Really? I wonder if he likes to clean bathrooms, too," I smiled.

"It'd be great if he did. Come on. Let's eat and send him away for a few hours," Michael said and rolled out of bed, pulling me with him.

We did our business in the bathroom and then joined Danny in the kitchen. He was making pancakes and already had the coffee made.

"You're setting a dangerous precedent here," I laughed.

"Oh, hey. You're up. Yea, well don't expect it all the time."

"How's the gut today?" I asked.

"Better. Hurts less, but it's turning colors that just aren't natural," Danny laughed gently.

"So you goin' furniture shopping after breakfast?" Michael asked.

"Probably. Wanna join me?"

"Uh, no. I've got...stuff to do," Michael said and glanced at me.

Danny smiled. "Ahhh. Say no more," he said knowingly.

Michael gave me a sheepish look and Danny set a plate of pancakes down on the table.

"Dig in," Danny said and sat down.

Breakfast was good and Danny left soon after, saying he'd call before he headed back to give us some warning.

"That felt weird," Michael said after Danny left.


"Asking him to get lost so we could fool around."

"I think he understood. It would have been more weird if we'd asked him to stay and watch," I smirked.

"I don't want an audience when we're making love."

"You don't want an audience?! Are you sure you're an actor?" I teased.

"Actor: yes. Exhibitionist: no."

"Uh, huh. Who is it that drops all his clothes at the end of the show on a stage in front of hundreds of people?"



"Thank You," Michael completed and we both laughed.

"You know what I want?" I said seductively.

"Um, I could guess, but tell me anyway."

"How 'bout I show you instead," I said and grabbed Michael's hand to pull him into the bedroom.


I grabbed some towels out of the bathroom on our way to the bedroom and spread them out on the floor. Michael stood there with a confused smile on his face. I pulled off my t-shirt and then pulled his off. Michael leaned forward and gently kissed me with short, light kisses. I wrapped my arms around him and held him to me with my hands down his boxers and holding his butt. Our kisses soon deepened and Michael had his hands on my butt, pulling our bodies tight together. As we kissed, I slowly started pushing his boxers down, and pulled back so they could fall to the floor.

"Lie down on the towels," I said with a final kiss. Michael laid down and watched me as I grabbed a bottle of massage oil from my drawer, dropped my own boxers and knelt down beside him. His smile broadened.

"When did you get that?"

"Friday between classes," I said and gave him a quick kiss. "Now roll over on your belly."

He rolled over and I straddled his body, just above his butt. I poured a little of the oil on his back and he jumped.

"Hey! That's cold!"


"I think you're supposed to warm it up in your hands first."

"Next time," I said and started spreading the oil across his back and shoulders. My hands traced every inch of his back before I moved to his shoulders and started the massage. He groaned in appreciation. I slowly moved down his back and thoroughly enjoyed massaging his butt before going down the back of his legs. I nudged him to roll over and was greeted to the sight of his erect cock. I ignored it as I worked my way back up -- well, I didn't ignore it, but I didn't touch it with my hands. When I got to his face, I lay my body against his and watched his face closely as my fingers traced the curves of his beautiful face. I completed it with a kiss and Michael wrapped his arms around me, but didn't open his eyes. We kissed again, and then again before he opened his eyes and smiled.

"That felt so incredible. You ready to get yours?"

"Absolutely," I said and slid off him.

Michael sat up and I lay down in his place. He warmed the oil in his hands first and then did as I had done to him. It felt so good. His body was radiating heat and his cock was rubbing against my back and butt as he moved back and forth. I had to fight the urge to roll over and pull him against me. When I finally rolled over my belly was wet with precum. Michael ignored it, though, as I had done and worked his way up. We were both now slick with massage oil and the feeling of him sliding along my body was indescribable. He ended it with a kiss, and I rolled us onto our sides. Our bodies intertwined and our kissing became more passionate. Michael's hand slid down between us and rubbed our erections together as we kissed.

I was very close and wanted this to last longer, so I gently pulled back and pushed Michael on his back.

"Close?" He asked.


"Me too."

I rubbed my hand gently along his chest as we both cooled down a little. When I felt a bit calmer, I got up and knelt with Michael's head between my legs so I was looking into his face upside down. I kissed his forehead, then his nose, then a weird upside down kiss on his lips before kissing down his chest and nibbling on his nipples. I almost collapsed on him when I felt his tongue on my nipples at the same time. Slowly, I continued down 'till I was facing his bouncing erection. I licked from the precum coated head to his balls, and then licked and sucked on his balls for a few minutes. Michael was licking up and down my cock. I finally took his cock into my mouth and sucked it in all the way. Michael pulled me down and we rolled on our sides. He sucked my cock into his mouth and held me in while his tongue rubbed the shaft. I grabbed his butt and held him to me as I sucked up and down his cock. Michael pulled me closer and I felt the head of my cock going down his throat and him swallowing. I instantly lost it. I wanted him to cum at the same time and frantically sucked him as I felt myself go over the edge. He started a few seconds after me.

After we came down, I pulled off and out and turned around. We kissed and could taste ourselves in each other's mouth.

"I love you," I said softly between kisses.

"I love you, too -- more than anything," Michael said just as softly.

We were both still hard, and our bodies sliding against each other while we kissed wasn't helping -- or maybe it was. We humped against each other and continued to make out. We kissed and rubbed and grabbed and slid and squeezed until orgasm came again for both of us.

We stopped moving after we came, but continued to kiss -- and then the phone started ringing. We both pulled back and smiled.

"Danny?" Michael asked.

"Probably. Give it a sec and the answering machine will get it," I said and we listened for it. It picked up after the fifth ring.

"Hey guys. This is your warning. I'm heading back. I'll be there in about 15 minutes," Danny's voice came through the answering machine.

"I guess we should get cleaned up. He could have given us a bit more time," Michael sighed.

We separated and got to our feet, realizing we had to stand on our own because our hands were too slippery to help each other up.

"You're a mess," I teased and pointed to the cum all over Michael's stomach.

"So are you. I guess we'll have to wash each other...thoroughly," Michael said.

"Can do."

We had a hell of a time trying to open the door with our oily hands, and had to resort to using the towels. We got in the shower and took our time washing each other.

Danny was home and sitting on the sofa with his PowerBook when we finally got out of the bathroom.

"Hey guys. Have fun?" Danny smirked as we joined him in the living room after getting dressed.

"As a matter of fact, yes, we did," I smiled.

"We could have had more if someone didn't feel the need to rush back," Michael teased.

"It's 4:00. How much longer do you need?" Danny said incredulously.

"4?" Michael and I said, and then laughed a little.

"I guess we lost track of the time," I said.

"I guess you did."

"I guess it's true that time flies when you're having fun," Michael smiled.

"We probably should start dinner sometime soon so you can eat and get to the theater on time," I said.

"Yea. How'd it go with the furniture hunt?"

"Being delivered Monday morning."

Danny slept with us again that night, and then in his own new bed after that. Everyday life routines were all that happened for the next month. I had classes during the day, and worked in the scene shop as an electrician in the late afternoon.

Most of my evenings were spent in rehearsal. The main assignment for my Directing II class was to direct a full play and present it to the class every three weeks. We were assigned the play we had to direct. Mine was "Tea and Sympathy." It's a good thing that there are a ton of actors. With only a little bit of trouble, I was able to get a full cast that I was happy with. Auditions may be hard on the actor, but they're even more difficult for the director. We learned in class to be more concerned with how well the actor took direction, and not just how well they auditioned. Some actors will audition really well, but not grow beyond that. Others will have a horrible audition, but grow into a part and be a thousand times better than the other person could be. It makes it really difficult to know what to do. Anyway, I think I got pretty lucky with my cast.

Michael's show closed on February 14th. I spent the day in classes, but we did have a sorta Valentine's lunch in the Village. After the show closed we went to the wrap party. I would have preferred that we go someplace private, but Michael wanted to go, and was kinda expected to go; so we went. It turned out to be a good time and we didn't get home until 5AM. Needless to say, I slept through my classes and made it to campus in time to go to the scene shop.

Around this time I also learned, in a letter from a lawyer, that since I was turning 21 I would get my trust fund and had to go to Chicago to sign a bunch of papers. "Trust Fund" makes it sound all rich, doesn't it? Nothing so spectacular. It's basically my college fund money and the money the life insurance companies paid when my parents died. I've gotten a monthly stipend from it since I've been in university and that's about all I know about it. I decided spring break would be a good time to take care of it.

"Hey Danny. Can you get the second week of March off work?" I asked.

"Probably. I've got some time off coming. What's up?"

"I have to go back to Chicago to sign some papers, and it's my spring break, so I'm thinking a perfect time for a road trip."

"Why do you have to go to Chicago to sign papers? Can't they just Fedex them and have to sign them?"

"Probably, but I'd have to pay another lawyer and notary here to watch me sign it and witness it. Besides, it's a good excuse for a road trip."

"Okay. I'll see if I can get it off. I've never been to Chicago."

"I remember. Let me know as soon as you can."

"I'll ask tomorrow."

I was working on a paper for AmLit the next day when Danny got home.

"Good news. I got it off," Danny said happily.


"How long is it going to take for you to do your paper signing stuff?"

"Only a couple hours. Why?"

"Well, I have a request... Well, really more an idea of where else we can go."

"Okay. Where?"


"Uh, okay. What's in Cincinnati?"

Danny smiled and said, "Lance."

"Aaaahhh. Why's he in Cincinnati?"

"He's working in the studio with one of his Free Lance performers."

"Is he gonna have time to hang out with you?"

"I think so. He should be finishing up by then."

"Okay, sure. Maybe we can hit Kings Island while we're there."

"I'm gonna call him and let him know. Night," Danny said and went to his room.

And that's how spring break was planned out.

Michael had gotten on a bit of a cooking kick since his production ended and he really didn't have much to do until filming started. It was great. We had freshly baked muffins for breakfast, great lunches that he brought to campus and we shared, and damn fine dinners. If he kept doing that I'd be fat in a few months.

Michael also learned when he signed the contract for DC that the production schedule was pushed back. Instead of starting in June, it wasn't starting until early August. That eliminated his plans for starting university in the fall and he was kinda pissed about it. His dad convinced him to take summer session classes and get some core classes out of the way. I don't know what I'm gonna be doing yet this summer, but I do know that Michael is gonna be hating life for that month of classes. Every day for two hours each class. The dork took three classes!

Michael and I went out for dinner the night before he left for Montana, and then came home and made love. Before we went to sleep, Michael gave me a small box.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Open it and see."

I opened the box to find a small cell phone. "Uh, thanks, but I hate cell phones."

"You won't hate this one. Don't give the number out. This is so I can call you and actually get a hold of you. I don't know when I'll be able to call, and you'll be on the road for a week, so this seemed like a good solution."

"You're right. It is. Good thinking," I said and gave him another kiss.

I took him to the airport in the morning and we said goodbye. It sucked. I know it's only a month and we'll both survive, but it still sucked. I was kinda mopey the rest of the day until he called when he got to his hotel room. I was just starting a rehearsal and couldn't talk long so he called back after eleven.

7AM. Saturday morning. Spring Break.

"Got everything?" I asked Danny, and kinda myself as well.

"Uh...sleeping bag...clothes...toiletries...I think so."

I checked over my own stuff as Danny took inventory of his stuff. "Oh, can't forget music," I said and grabbed my CD case.

We locked up, packed my car and were on the road.

"Okay. What should we start this trip out with?" Danny asked as he flipped through my CDs.

"How 'bout some Henry Rollins?" I suggested.

"Got it," Danny said, put in the CD and cranked it up.

We stopped about an hour later to fill up and get some drinks. I also grabbed a pack of cigarettes.

"I didn't realize you smoked," Danny said.

"When I'm driving long distances, and sometimes when I'm out drinking."

"I'm gonna smell like smoke," Danny complained.

"It's not that bad. I always have the window open. It keeps me awake while driving."

"Still, it's a nasty habit."

"It's not a habit. I only do it on those two occasions. If you have a drink are you a hard core alcoholic?"

"Of course not, but smoking is more addictive."

"You used to smoke, didn't you?"

"Yea, and it was a bitch to quit."

"Is it gonna be really difficult for you if I smoke?"

"No, but it will be tempting with nothing else to do."

"Which is why I smoke while driving long distances... Okay, I won't smoke, but you have to stay awake and keep me awake, then."


"No prob," I said and put the cigarettes back.

We got back on the road and drove and drove. Pennsylvania sucks, by the way. The speed limit is 55 all through the state and cops are everywhere, as well as signs posted that tell you how much your fine will be if you go as much as one mile over the speed limit. If I didn't have to go so far out of the way to go around Pennsylvania, I would have, but taking 80 all the way across was significantly faster.

We took another break near Youngstown, Ohio, and Danny took over driving for a while after we had lunch. Danny drove as far as Gary, Indiana, and then I took over again because I knew where I was going. I got on 94 and then took Marquette over to Lake Shore Drive. Yea, it would have been quicker to just continue up 94, but it was after rush hour and the view of the lake on one side and the city on the other side would be cool for Danny.

"This place is beautiful," Danny said as he watched the scenery.

"Yea, this part is."

We continued up and then over into Skokie, where Uncle Joe lived. We pulled up to the house at a little past ten.

"We're here," I announced.

We both rolled out of the car and groaned as we stretched. I ran up the steps to the porch and rang the doorbell. Fuz, the dog, started barking and the door soon opened.

"Jonah!" My uncle Joe said and stepped out to give me a hug. "Good to see you. How was the drive?"

"Good to see you, too. It was long, but not bad. Uncle Joe, this is my roommate, Danny," I said turning to introduce Danny who was on his way up the steps.

"Nice to meet you, Danny," Joe said and gave Danny a firm handshake.

"You too."

"So get your stuff and come on in. Have you eaten? Are you hungry?" Joe said.

"Yea, food would be great," I called back as Danny and I went to empty the car.

We hauled our stuff inside and dropped it off in the family room.

"Where's Aunt Mary?" I asked.

"Still at work. She's on second shift this month. She'll be home by midnight."

"Oh, man. Second shift? That sucks."

"Better than third," Joe smirked. "So you wanna make something, or just order a pizza?"

I looked at Danny for his answer.

"Either one is fine," Danny shrugged.

"Okay. Let's just order a pizza. Make that two, I'm starved."

"What do you want on your pizza, Danny?" Joe asked.

"A veggie is good, thank you."

"Another vegetarian, huh?" Joe smirked.


"Where are my cousins hiding?" I asked.

"Joey and Jill are out. Jay is probably in his room playing on the computer."

"Okay. We'll go say hi," I said and handed Joe a $20 for pizza. He waved it away. I set it down on the table anyway and headed upstairs with Danny.

"What's with the J's?" Danny asked.


"Everyone's name starts with J. Is that some sort of Mars family tradition?"

"Yea, I guess. I hadn't really thought about it."

"You didn't notice?"

"Yea, I noticed, but... I don't know. That's just the way it is, so I didn't think there was any thought needed about it."

"Okay. I just think it's funny."

"Whatever," I smirked. I got to Jay's door, flung it open and yelled, "Hey Jay!"

Jay, who was nine, fell back on his chair and screamed. I laughed.

"Jeez, Jonah. You scared the shit outta me," Jay said as he pulled himself from the floor.

"I scared the what out of you?" I asked.

"The crap outta me," Jay corrected himself.

"That's better. Now give me a hug," I said and pulled him into a hug. At nine years old he was a bit too cool to hug me like he did when he was younger. There was also someone else in the room, so he pulled back after a quick hug.

"This your boyfriend?" Jay asked, pointing to Danny.

"No, this is my roommate, Danny. Michael is my boyfriend and he's shooting a movie in Montana."

"Hey," Jay said and gave Danny a nod.


"So what were you doing that you shouldn't have been doing that scared you so much when we walked in?" I teased as I walked over to look at the monitor.

Jay tried to block my way, to no avail.

"Aren't you a little young to be thinking about girls like this?" I asked as I saw the porn site on his monitor. He quickly closed the browser.

"Please don't tell Dad," he begged.

I just stared at him for a minute to make him sweat before I said, "Tell him what?"


"So answer my question. Are you starting to think about girls that way?"

"Yea, I guess. I don't play with myself like Joey does, but I was just curious, ya know..."

"If you don't play with yourself like Joey does, then how do you play with yourself?" I teased.

I got a nasty look for that.

"Okay," I laughed. "We just ordered some pizza. Wanna join us?"

"Pizza!" Jay yelled and started to run downstairs.

"I'll take that as a yes," I laughed as Danny and I walked down the stairs.

We joined Joe in the kitchen and talked about nothing in particular. We quickly devoured the pizza when it got there and had a beer as we talked afterwards. Aunt Mary got home a few minutes past midnight.

"Jonah," she said as she put down her bag and hugged me.

"Hey, Aunt Mary. This is Danny, my roommate."

"Nice to meet you, ma'am," Danny said, but I noticed a bit of surprise in his eyes. It took me a minute to realize that he was probably surprised that Aunt Mary was black.

We talked for another half-hour, and then parted to go to bed. I was totally wiped and fell asleep almost instantly. Danny and I slept side by side in our individual sleeping bags on the queen-sized sleeper sofa.

I awoke to the sound of cartoons. Jay was sitting in the middle of the bed in his underwear and t-shirt with a bowl of cereal.

"We're not bothering you, are we?" I asked.

Jay shook his head, but didn't turn his attention from whatever cartoon was on.

I pulled a pillow over my head and tried to go back to sleep. It wasn't meant to be. Jay took his bowl into the kitchen and then hopped on me when he came back. I'm still bigger than he is, so I pulled him under the sleeping bag and lay on top of him so he couldn't move. He laughed and screamed as he tried to break free. I put my hand over his mouth and told him to be quiet, or I'd start tickling him. He just thrashed harder.

I looked over to see Danny was awake and had an amused, if not annoyed, look on his face. "Hold his hands," I said to Danny. As soon as Danny had Jay's hands held over his head, I scooted back so I was sitting on his legs and started tickling him.

"NO! STOP! STOP!" Jay screamed as he laughed and tried to thrash about. "HELP!"

Joey walked into the room, obviously having just woke up, in his boxers and t-shirt.

"Hey, Jonah. You're doin' it all wrong," he said with a grin.

"Be my guest," I said and stopped tickling Jay, but still held his legs.

Joey went straight for Jay's under arms and Jay practically jumped off the bed and screamed with his high, prepubescent voice.

"Keep it down!" Joe yelled from the kitchen.

We let Jay go, but he wasn't ready to settle down.

"What have I told you about roughhousing?" Joe said from the doorway.

"Not to," Jay said.

"Then stop," Joe said and went back to the kitchen to read his paper.

We cleaned up the family room and took turns taking a shower before having breakfast.

"So what do you have planned for today?" Joe asked.

"Nothing in particular. I was thinking we'd go into the city and bum around. Danny hasn't been here before, so we'll probably hit the usual spots," I answered.

"Can I go with you?" Jay asked.

"I don't know. You woke us up this morning..." I said like I was thinking it over.

"Pleeeeese," Jay said and gave his best puppy dog face.

"And you think that'll work on me?" I laughed.

"Pleeeease," he repeated.

I looked at Danny. "Fine with me," he shrugged.

"Okay. I guess you can go with us, but you have to ask you-know-who," I said pointing to Uncle Joe.


"Is your homework done?" Joe asked.

"Most of it. I just gotta read a chapter in Social Studies."

"When are you going to be back?" Joe asked me.

"What time is dinner?"


"Okay. We'll be back by then."

"Okay, you can go, but be good."

"I will."

"Well, let's get going," I said.

We caught the train into town and went to the Sears Tower first. It wasn't very clear, so the view wasn't that good. After that we hit the John Hancock and then on to Grant Park. Any of the big museums would take too much time, so I just pointed them out as we walked by. We had lunch in a small family owned Italian restaurant, and then hit the Ripley's Museum. After that we checked out a few stores and galleries up Michigan Ave., and caught the train back to Skokie in time for dinner.

Sunday dinner has always been a big deal in my family. Well, not really a big deal, but everyone was expected to be there. Only death or being out of town was an excuse. Over dinner I finally got to talk with Aunt Mary and Jill, as well as a bit more with Joey. Joey was a year younger than I, and Jill is 17 and graduating this year. Joey, of course, goes to Northwestern.

After dinner, Danny, Joey and I went to a blues bar downtown on State St. It's not a great neighborhood, but to get real Chicago blues, it can't be beat. We had a good time and got back around 1AM and went straight to bed.

I was supposed to be at the lawyer's office at ten. Joey woke me up before he left for his 8AM class. I reached over and woke Danny.

"You wanna stay here and sleep, or head into the city with me?" I asked.

"Where is it and how long do you think it'll take?"

"The office is on Michigan Ave. I don't know how long it'll take, but there's plenty to check out near by if you wanted to go off on your own."

"Okay. I'm just gonna sleep in," Danny mumbled and went back to sleep.

I couldn't blame him. I certainly wouldn't get up to go with me if I could avoid it. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to bifurcate myself yet, so I put on some coffee and hopped in the shower.

I got to the lawyer's office exactly on time, but still had to wait 20 minutes. If I had made the lawyer wait 20 minutes he would have billed me for that time, but I could only wait. When I was finally called into the office I was kinda pissed.

"This won't take very long, Jonah," Mr. Fields, the lawyer said.

"That's Mr. Mars to you," I stated.

"Of course."

"Do you always schedule appointments and then make your client wait 20 minutes?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Mars. Unforeseen complications with another case."

"Let's just get this over with. What do I have to sign?"

"First, I'd like to talk with you about the amount of money you will be receiving and what to do with it."

"Okay. What's the amount? $20-$30 thousand?"

Mr. Fields smiled. "More along the lines of $1.3 million."

"Excuse me?"

"$1,310,448.43 to be exact, as of this morning."

"What? How?"

"Each of your parents had a $150,000 life insurance policy that paid off into your trust fund, plus the $10,000 you already had in there for a college fund when they died. Take that amount and invest it over 15 years..."

"Wow," I said very intelligently.

"Now that I've got your attention," Fields smirked, "you need to think about how to receive the disbursement. My recommendation is that you leave it right where it is for now and continue to draw a monthly stipend. That way you'll avoid being taxed so heavily."

"Do I have to make a final decision right now?"

"If you want, you can leave everything like it is for now, and change it later. Once you sign the papers you are the legal executor."

"Okay. That's what I'll do now. I want to talk with a financial advisor before I make any big move on that kinda money."

I was presented with a dozen different forms and signed them all after reading them and asking questions when the legalese didn't make any sense to me. I left there three hours later and took the train back to Uncle Joe's place.

"How'd it go?" Danny asked as I walked in the door.

"Complicated. I need to find a financial advisor."

"Why's that?"

"'Cause it's a shit load of money. If I take it all at once I'll get taxed an absurd amount."

"I thought you said it was only gonna be around thirty grand or so?"

"Yea, that's what I thought. I was off by a couple decimal places," I smirked.

"Just how rich are you now?"

"I won't HAVE to work for a while."

"Come on, man. Give me a number so I can be jealous," Danny smirked.

"Oh, I see. You want a number so you can kidnap my boyfriend and hold him for ransom," I teased.

"We live together. I think you'd notice him tied up in my bedroom."


"So spill it."

"It sounds obscene," I whined. Really, I did think it sounded obscene. I've never gone without, but I didn't get everything I wanted. I knew my family was well off, but not exact numbers. Whenever I needed money, it was there. I did always work during the summer, so I always had that money. I never really thought about money and didn't really consider myself wealthy. I didn't live like I was wealthy -- no limos and gold and so forth. Now that I knew a number, I felt weird.

"Then write it down."

"Fine," I sighed. "It's about 1.3 million as of this morning."

A look of shock came over Danny's face, and then he smiled, "Wow. I've never known a millionaire."

"And if you make a big deal of it you won't know this one for very much longer," I shot back. "Don't tell anyone about it. Please."

"I don't know what the big deal is."

"It's not a big deal and I want to keep it that way. I don't want to have to constantly be looking over my shoulder and wondering what people's intentions are."

"Paranoid much?"

"With this, yea. Besides, you know Lance and I'm sure he's a millionaire. You never even bring it up."

"Point taken. Anyway, I want to actually see the inside of the museums we walked by yesterday."

"Thanks. Give me a sec to go to the bathroom and I'll be ready to go."

We headed out a few minutes later and took the train down to the Museum of Science and Industry. After that we walked up the lake front to the aquarium and the planetarium. We had dinner at a little bistro and then continued our walk up the lake shore to Northwestern's campus. Yes, we did a lot of walking and were exhausted when we finally got back to Uncle Joe's around ten. We both took a shower and went straight to bed.

We were leaving for Cincinnati today, so I got up early to say good bye to everyone. Everyone, except Aunt Mary, was gone by 7:30 and I went back to bed for a few hours.

I woke up again and 9:30 and took a shower. Danny was already up and showered. It was obvious that he was excited about seeing Lance. We hit the road at 11:30. Bad timing on our part and we got caught in the lunchtime traffic. We finally got out of the city and were lucky enough to get caught in the evening rush hour traffic as we went around Indianapolis. Fortunately, it didn't take us too long before we were out of it and soon to Cincinnati.

"This is the exit," Danny said as he looked over the directions.

"Okay. Which way off the exit?"


"Okay. Now where?"

"Six blocks and then a right on Liberty."

"I wasn't counting. Keep and eye out for the road."

"Okay. This is it up here. ... Uh, okay, left at the light. ... And...right here at the next stop sign. ... Okay, it's the...well, that must be it," Danny said pointing to an eight story building with a huge brick wall around it. "He said you couldn't miss it."

"Yea, I'd guess not. Where do we park?"

"If we go around the block there is supposed to be a garage. Let me call and let him know we're here," Danny said and pulled out his phone.

I drove around the block and stopped in front of the only break in the wall around the place. It looked like some factory garage door, but it was the only one.

"...Yea. We're in front of it now. Okay. See ya," Danny said into his phone and then hung up. "He'll open the door as soon as he can get to it."

"Is all this the studio? This place is huge," I said.

"Oh, no. Remember when the guys in Backstreet came out last spring?"


"Well, this is that place where their boyfriends live."

"Uh, okay. I didn't see any of the hoopla on MTV, but I know that one of the guys had a lot of kids or something. Right?"

"Yea, he adopted them. That's Josh, Kevin's boyfriend."

"I hope we aren't walking into a boy-band convention," I smirked.

"I don't think so. Only Lance is here from 'NSYNC. He didn't say anything about Backstreet, though."

The garage door started opening and Lance appeared as it was going up and waved us in. I pulled into the warehouse and the door closed. Danny got out quickly and met Lance half-way. They almost ran to each other, and then stopped.

"Hey," Lance said shyly.

"Hey," Danny said.

"Just jump each other already," I heard a guy say and then start chuckling. I hadn't noticed him when we pulled in. From what little I had seen on MTV concerning this place, that was probably Josh.

Lance blushed and pulled Danny into a hug. It seemed to go on and on. I decided to give them their moment and walked over to the guy.

"Hi. I'm Jonah."

"Hey, Jonah. I'm Josh," he said and shook my hand.

"They're not even dating," I joked.

"Not for lack of desire, I think," Josh said. "Lance has been as giddy as one of his fans the whole day."

I laughed at the image. "Danny has been a bit anxious as well. Maybe they'll actually get together some day."

"Lance would like that. I don't know why they're not, since they both seem to really like each other."

"Danny mostly, I think. He wants to avoid media scrutiny."

"Ah yes. I've had my fill of media scrutiny, myself," Josh laughed.

"Hey, Jonah," Lance said as he and Danny finally separated and they walked over to me and Josh.

"Now you acknowledge me," I laughed. Lance blushed.

"Danny, this is Josh. Josh. Danny."

They made their greeting and then Josh went back to whatever he was doing. Lance gave us the grand tour and we dumped our stuff off in the apartment Lance was using. There were kids everywhere.

"You guys haven't eaten yet, right?" Lance asked.

"Nope. Drove straight through," I answered.

"Good. We're going out. You need to get ready 'cause we're meeting everyone at eight."

"Who's everyone?" Danny asked.

"Josh and Kevin, and Nick."

"Oh no, we did fall into a boy-band convention," I laughed.

"Three out of ten hardly makes a convention," Lance dismissed.

"Okay. I'm just joking with you, Lance. I really don't care as long as I don't get trampled by a bunch of twelve year old girls."

"Won't be a problem."

"Okay. I'm gonna take a shower first," I said and headed off to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and got dressed as Danny took a quick shower.

"Thanks for bringing Danny," Lance said as we sat in the living room waiting for Danny to finish his shower.

"No prob," I dismissed.

"We're gonna go to a club afterwards, if that's okay with you."

"Yea, sure," I said. It seemed like Lance was a bit uncomfortable and it made me a bit uncomfortable.

Lance looked at the bathroom door, and then leaned forward towards me. "Does Danny ever talk about me?"

I smiled and felt like I was in sixth grade. "Yea, and yes, he does like you. Why else would we be here?"

"I really like him, too. I wish he wasn't so afraid of the media," Lance sighed.

"He told you about what happened to him during and after 'Real World,' right?"

"Yea, but he's different now, and I'm not Paul."

"I think it's more than that. What about the long distance thing?"

"I've talked with Josh and Kevin a lot about it. They seem to be good even when they aren't together. How are you and Michael doing?"

"Good, but I miss him. A lot."

"But you're doing it."

"It's different with us. We're together more than we're apart. If it were the reverse, I don't think we could."

"If you loved each other enough, you could."

"Maybe... Shouldn't you be talking to Danny about this?"

"I have," Lance sighed and flopped back on the sofa.

"I don't know what to tell you, Lance. Give it some time. If you both want it and it was meant to be, then it'll happen."

"Yea, I know. Oh, I wanted to ask you something. I'm done here and have to be in NYC next week. Would it be cool with you if I joined you and rode back with you guys?"

"Yea, sure, but what about security? I mean, there's not enough room in my car for a body guard as well."

"Not necessary. I hardly ever get recognized unless I'm with the other guys. I haven't had a body guard the weeks I've been here. Watch tonight. Kevin and Josh will probably be recognized, and maybe Nick, but not me."

"Does that bother you? I mean, everyone else being recognized."

"I guess it used to, but now I'm thankful that I'm not. It makes life easier."

"Okay, I'm ready," Danny said as he walked into the living room. Lance immediately smiled again and we were on our way.

"So who's driving?" I asked as we were walking down the stairs.

"We're walking. It's not very far away," Lance answered.

We met Josh, Kevin and Nick in the lobby area and were introduced. We walked about a half-mile to this tiny restaurant next to a theater and had a damn fine meal. Kevin and Josh seemed to know the owner and the waiter, as well as half the people in there. It was kinda weird, but in a good way. Here was probably the most famous gay couple in the world right now and they were acting just like a hetero couple in public. Well, almost.

Kevin and Josh were kinda quiet, but Nick made up for that and talked incessantly about "Real World" and what he thought about the different people. Danny looked a bit uncomfortable until Lance finally shut Nick up.

After dinner, Kevin and Josh went home and the rest of us went to some club. We so totally looked out of place. Everyone around us was very punk or goth looking. I can punk out when I want, but I don't normally dress that way and wasn't expecting it. There were gay couples there as well as straight couples, and Lance and Danny danced together the whole night. Nick danced with me for one dance and ground himself against me. He's such a dork. We had a good time, though, and got back around 2AM.

Danny and I flipped for the bedroom. I lost and slept on the sofa bed in the living room.

I woke up to the smell of coffee. Lance was in the kitchen singing softly to himself. The shower was running, so I assumed Danny was in there.

"Mornin'," I said to Lance as I made my way to the bathroom. I knocked first and then went into use the toilet.

"Do you always just walk into the bathroom while someone is taking a shower?" Lance asked as I walked into the kitchen.

"Huh? Oh, well, it's no big deal. We have an understanding that when you need to go, you need to go. If someone is in the shower, just knock first. It's not like we're gonna see anything we haven't seen before," I said as I poured myself a cup of coffee.

"You've seen each other naked?"

"We live together, Lance," I dismissed and took a sip of my coffee. It was good and strong. "Good coffee."

"Thanks. Josh got me hooked on atomic coffee."

"Good addiction. Any plans today? How does going to Kings Island sound?"

"No plans, and Kings Island hasn't opened yet."

"Okay. What time does it open?"

"Uh, May," Lance smirked.

"Oh. That's weird. This is kinda south. I'd think they'd be open all year."

"It gets cold here, too."

"It was still below freezing at night in Chicago, so this is warm. Anyway, how about we head out then?"

"We could do that."

"It's only Wednesday. I kinda hate to waste the rest of the week back in the city. Let's see if there's some places to visit on the way back," I said and pulled my road map out of my bag. I sat down at the table and Lance sat beside me as we looked over the map. A few minutes later, Danny joined us.

"Where are we going?" Danny asked.

"How about the Rock & Roll Museum in Cleveland?" Lance asked.

"That could be cool," I said.

"Let's just go to Niagara Falls. It's only an inch further than Cleveland," Danny smirked.

Lance shrugged. "Niagara Falls is good for me."

"It's probably gonna be cold as hell," I offered.

"So we won't go swimming," Danny said.

"Okay. Niagara Falls it is. Let's have breakfast and hit the road."

That's exactly what we did. Well, we did thank Josh & Kevin for giving us a place to stay and say good bye before leaving. Nick asked to go with us. I hope he wasn't being serious because none of us took his question seriously and we left him there. I'm not sure if I'd want him to come with us anyway.

We took turns driving and stopped at a motel just outside of Buffalo. They only had two bed rooms. After some hesitation, Danny decided he would sleep with me. Lance looked hurt and went to the bathroom.

"Why are you sleeping with me instead of Lance?" I asked.

"I trust myself with you. I don't know if I trust myself with Lance or not."

"It's not like you're gonna have sex with me in the room."

"I know, and I know it hurt Lance's feelings, but...I don't know," Danny sighed.

"Do you want my opinion?"


"Sleep with Lance. Date Lance if you want. Don't worry about how the rest of the world will react. You should be used to that with just being gay."

"But he's always gone. How'm I supposed to date a guy who isn't there? It's not the media attention that scares me as much as my track record with long distance relationships."

"I don't know, but you talk on the phone with him every day as it is. Think of it as adding something to what you already have instead of what you won't have, 'cause it's not like he's around all the time anyway."

"I don't know if I'm strong enough. I really loved Paul, but it was long distance and I screwed up, big time. I was a real asshole. I don't want to do that to Lance and I don't want to feel like that again."

"You've learned from that, right?"

Danny sat there thinking.

"Well, I'm gonna make it easier for you. You're not sleeping with me," I smiled and pushed him off the bed just as Lance was coming out of the bathroom. Danny shot me a dirty look and I spread myself across the full sized bed for emphasis.

"Uh, it looks like I've been kicked out. Can...uh...can I sleep in your bed, Lance?"

"Yea, I guess," Lance said nonchalantly, but he mouthed "Thank You" to me when Danny went to the bathroom. I just smiled and answered my cell phone.

"Hey," I said softly.

"Hey. I miss you," Michael said.

"I miss you, too. I wish you were here."

"Even with the Backstreet Boys around?" Michael teased.

"We left there. We're just outside of Buffalo."

"What are you doing there?"

"Going to Niagara Falls."

"Did Lance and Danny have a fight or something? Why aren't you still with Lance in Cincinnati?"

"He came with us. There wasn't really any reason to stay in Cincinnati. Kings Island wasn't even open for the season yet. How was shooting today?"

"Good, but boring. I mostly stood around all day..."

We talked for another half-hour and then hung up after saying "love you." Lance and Danny were already asleep. I brushed my teeth and then went to sleep in my big lonely bed.

Lance was in the shower when I woke up and Danny was lying in bed staring at the ceiling.

"I see you survived the night," I joked.

"Yea," Danny said softly.


"And it scares me, alright."

I sat up in bed and looked at Danny. He was still staring at the ceiling and his eyes were glassy like he might start crying at any minute. I got up and sat down on the bed beside him.

"You're scared that you might not care enough?" I asked gently.

"Yea, I think. You know, I really hurt Paul. I didn't mean to and I tried not to, but I did it anyway. I loved him, Jonah -- more than anyone else I've ever known. I loved him, but sometimes that's not enough, you know."

"I don't know what the answer is, but I do know that you learned something from the experience. If you keep yourself away from any possibility of a real relationship because you're afraid you'll screw up, then you're gonna be a lonely and bitter old fag."

Danny chuckled at that. "But what if I really fall for him, and then screw up?"

"What if you don't? And for the record, I think you've already fallen for him."

Before Danny could reply, Lance walked out of the bathroom.

"Am I interrupting something?" Lance asked as we got quiet.

"No. I'm gonna take a shower," Danny said and quickly went to the bathroom.

"Was I?" Lance asked me.

"Yes and no."

"You're not gonna tell me, are you?"

"I think you need to talk to Danny and not use me as the go between," I stated.

"Do you hate me or something?" Lance asked, a bit annoyed.

"No. Why do you say that?"

"You're just always kinda short with me."

"I don't hate you, Lance. I hardly even know you. The only time we've talked at all since New Year's is you asking me about Danny like we're all in sixth grade or something."

"Sorry," Lance said, obviously hurt.

"No, I'm sorry. I know what's going on, but I don't have any answers, Lance. I don't have the experience to even really offer a helpful suggestion. Michael is the first person I've really been in love with and I don't even want to imagine myself without him. I know you and Danny like each other, but if you won't get together and even try for a relationship, then...I don't know..."

Lance looked at me for a second, and then started getting dressed. I sighed and laid back down on my bed. Danny came out a few minutes later and I went to take my shower. When I walked back into the room, Danny and Lance were sitting on the bed, facing each other and holding hands. They both had tears running down their cheeks. I tried not to disturb them, but they didn't talk once I came out of the bathroom. They just sat and stared at each other.

I was ready to go, but they weren't moving. I sat down on the bed with them and they looked at me. I couldn't think of anything sage-like to say, so I just wrapped my arms around both of them and said, "group hug," as I pushed them over so we were lying side by side across the bed. It lightened things up a bit and we all laughed.

"I said group, not grope, Lance," I said with a laugh and slapped him on the leg as I got off the bed. Danny went into hysterics he was laughing so hard. It wasn't that funny, but I guess he'd been really tense before.

"I gotta get some any way I can," Lance laughed.

"I'll tell my boyfriend and he'll kick your butt," I shot back.

"Eh, I could take 'im," Lance said as he shadow boxed.

"So let's get out of here already. I'm starved," I said to move things along.

We made sure we had everything, checked out, and stopped at the first Denny's we found. The food was horrible, but plentiful, as usual for Denny's.

We pulled into Niagara Falls around one. Lance had been here before and said we should park on the American side 'cause the Canadian side was expensive and it was easier to walk across. The American side was nice -- like a big park with some shops. We parked and raced to the falls. Danny won. It wasn't too cold out -- around 55¡F. We walked around the park for a while and then across the bridge to the Canadian side. What a tourist trap. Eventually we walked back to the US.

"Wanna take the cruise, or just go down to the base?" Lance asked.

I looked at the price for the cruise. "I'm thinkin' the base is just fine."

"Yea, I don't really wanna spend $30 to be sprayed with ice water," Danny added.

We paid our $2 to take the elevator down to the base of the falls. The mist from the falls was everywhere and the sound was an incredible roar. We carefully made our way along the slippery rocks until we were right at the base of the falls. We were all soaked from the mist and cold as hell, but it was fun. Lance slipped while reaching his hand out to touch the falls, but only fell on his butt on the rocks as Danny and I both grabbed him. He was walking a bit funny for a while and we teased him about it.

"For someone who's not gettin' any, you sure walk like it," Danny laughed.

"Ha, ha," Lance groaned.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm freezing my ass off," I said.

"Me too. Let's find a hotel and take a hot shower," Lance said through chattering teeth.

We quickly walked towards my car, but Danny got sidetracked.

"Be right back. Just take a sec.," Danny said as he went into a liquor store.

Lance and I gave each other a questioning look. Danny came back out a few minutes later.

"What'd you get?" Lance asked.

"Tequila," Danny said in a bad Mexican accent.

"Good thinking. That'll warm us right up," I laughed.

We got in my car and I started driving around looking for a decent but cheap looking motel. Danny and Lance were already dipping into the tequila.

"Hey! That's no fair. I have to drive," I pouted.

"Well hurry up and find someplace," Danny said.

"Pull into this place up here," Lance said.

"It's all honeymoon suites," I said.

"So what. I'll pay for it," Lance said and took another swig.

I pulled into the motel and Lance got out to check us in. I took the bottle of tequila and had two large gulps. I looked in the bag at the bottle.

"Damn, man. You got the good stuff. Yummy," I said and took another swig.

"Hey! Save some for the rest of us!" Danny laughed and pulled back the bottle and took a drink.

Just then, Lance pressed his face to the windshield and waved the room key. We got out of the car, grabbed our bags and stumbled down to our room. Lance let us in and we all started laughing. The room was truly tacky. It was done in a jungle theme. There was a king size bed with a leopard print bedspread. The carpet was a leopard print as well. The walls looked like a jungle and there was a fake rock mound on one side that lead to a hottub.

"This place is so swank," I laughed as I wandered around it.

Danny climbed up the fake rocks and turned on the water to fill the hottub.

"It's gonna take a while, but it's a hottub," he said as he climbed down and pulled off his shirt. He twisted it to wring it out, but not much water came out. He threw his shirt at Lance and sat down to take off his shoes and socks.

I grabbed some glasses off the vanity like thing and poured each of us a half-cup of tequila before getting undressed myself.

Danny was soon naked, grabbed his drink and headed up to the hottub. I was trying to pull my own pants down when I noticed Lance staring at the naked Danny climbing up to the hottub. I started laughing and fell over on the floor. Danny flashed a smile back and lowered himself into the hottub. I finally managed to get my wet clothes off, grabbed my drink and joined Danny in the hottub. The water was barely waist high.

"You waiting for an invitation?" I yelled at Lance, who was still fully dressed and staring.

"I...uh..." Lance stuttered, turned away and took a sip of his drink.

Danny smiled at me. "Let's get him."

Danny and I got out of the tub as quickly as we could and ran towards Lance. Lance turned around just as we got to him, but it was too late. He was too stunned at first and didn't put up too much of a fight as we pulled his shirt off. When Danny got to his pants, however, he did start to put up a fight. I held Lance around the chest and Danny unbuttoned his pants and pulled them off. Lance was hard as a rock and bright red. Once he was naked, we let him go and he covered himself. It was cute that he was so modest and his entire body turned red as he blushed.

"Get your cute butt in the hottub," Danny said as he lightly slapped Lance on the butt.

Lance took another gulp of his drink and then joined us in the hottub. It was full by now and Danny shut the water off while I got up to turn on the jets.

Damn, it felt so good. We all had a pretty serious tequila buzz going. The water was hot and bubbly and the chill was soon gone. We were sitting in an almost equilateral triangle around the tub. I scooted down so the water was up to my neck and put my legs out. There wasn't really any room for them anywhere else, so I put one on Danny's lap and one on Lance's. Lance jumped, but Danny slouched down and did the same. When he did that, my leg was now against his half-erection and his was against mine. Danny wiggled his leg a bit and smiled, and I did the same. Lance looked a bit too excited and was frozen.

"Hey man, relax," Danny slurred.

"I am relaxed," Lance said stiffly.

"No you're not," Danny said and reached down in the water to grab Lance's leg. I realized what he was doing and grabbed Lance's other leg. His eyes got larger as we pulled him down and into the same position we were.

"Uh guys, I don't know about this...I...I'm still a virgin..." Lance stuttered.

"Uh, Lance, we're not having sex," I said plainly.

"You're virginity is safe...for tonight at least," Danny laughed.

Lance looked down and a grin slowly formed on his face as I felt his foot getting a little happy with my half-erection. He was doing it to Danny as well. Lance was sneaking looks and grinning like mad as he rubbed each of us. Maybe it was wrong for me to let him do it, but it felt good and he seemed to be having fun. A little mutual masturbation isn't really sex.

Danny pulled his leg back a little and started the foot treatment on Lance. I did the same. It was weird. Danny and I had our feet pressed together with Lance's cock between as we gently moved back and forth. Lance's legs went limp. Danny and I smiled at each other as we noticed at the same time. Lance was breathing heavy and had his eyes closed. My cell phone started ringing and I tumbled out of the tub and almost fell down the rocks trying to get to my phone.

"Hey babe," I said, somewhat breathless.

"Hey yourself. You sound out of breath," Michael answered.

"I had to run for the phone and practically killed myself running down this volcano thingy," I snickered as I climbed back up to the hottub and sat on the edge with my feet in the water. If I had been sober and not on the phone with Michael, I may have been self-conscious about sitting there naked with an erection, but I wasn't now. Lance and Danny seemed to be occupying themselves under the water.

"Hello?!" Michael said.

"Huh, oh, sorry. What did you say?"

"What's going on?"

"Oh man, I'll tell you later, but it's been a weird day. Right now we're in this swank honeymoon suite in Niagara Falls. We got wet and froze our asses off at the falls, so we jumped in the hottub to warm up. Oh, and Danny got a bottle of tequila that we've pretty much polished off."

"So you're drunk off your ass?"

"Pretty much," I nodded with a grin, though he couldn't see me. "I wish you were here. Lance and Danny are gonna be making out pretty soon and I'll be left with my hand."

"From the sound of it, I wish I was there too. Are you all in the hottub?"

"Were. I'm sitting on the side now...talking to you. Aw, they're kissing now," I said as Danny moved on top of Lance.

"And you're watching them?"

"We're not gonna have sex, though there was a little masturbation earlier. Man, I really wish you were here."

"So do I. You're making me horny."

"Good," I smiled and Michael laughed. "Let's have phone sex," I whispered into the phone.

"Right there in front of them?"

"They're a bit occupied. I don't think they'll even notice," I said and lay on my back with my feet still in the water.

"Okay. Let me get my pants off," Michael said and I could hear him struggling to do it with the phone under his chin.

"No. Let me. I'm standing behind you and softly run my hands along your hips to the button of your pants. I undo the button and then the zipper. Instead of pulling them down right away, I slide my hands under the waist band of your boxers and brush against your hot erection and then your wonderful butt as I slowly push everything down. You step out of your pants and I pull your shirt over your head. It's off now and I press my naked body against yours. My hard cock resting between your butt cheeks and my arms wrap around your chest as I nibble and kiss at your shoulders," I paused. "How are you feelin'?"

"Really good. I turn around and our lips lock as I slowly push you down onto the bed. We interlace our fingers and I hold your hands above your head as I nibble on your lips and rub our throbbing manhoods together."

"Throbbing manhoods?!" I laughed.

"Sorry," Michael laughed. "All the blood is in my other head right now. Anyway, I let my kisses move down your neck and your chest. You're so hot and you're begging me to go down on you, but I kiss past your cock and devour your balls."

"And the only thing I can think about is pleasuring you as well, so I shift so we're in a 69. I slowly run my tongue along the back of your 'throbbing manhood' and then take all of you into my mouth and suck hard as I go all the way down and slowly back up. You moan in pleasure and..."

"...And I go straight for your cock and suck you down to the base and...and..." Michael's voice got strange. "...I'm...cu..ahhh..."

I realized he was cumming. If I had been jacking off while talking, I'm sure I would have shot by now as well. I talked him through it. "Oh yea, the release hits you like a tidal wave and you feel like your entire body is trying to escape through your cock. Each spasm pushes you further and further until the pleasure is almost painful. You finally remember to take a breath and your entire body relaxes."

Michael panted heavily for a minute before saying anything. "Oh man. That was great! You were great," he said softly and a bit sleepy.

"Thanks. You were great, too. Now take a nap. You sound sleepy. And you're gonna need your rest for when you get back in two-and-a-half weeks," I said softly.

"I love you."

"And I love you more than anything. I'll talk to you tomorrow night. Okay?"

"Yep. Night. Love you."

"Love you. Night," I said and hung up the phone. I suddenly felt really depressed that he wasn't here. My cock, however, was throbbing above my stomach and there was a puddle of precum. I grabbed my drink, sat up and took a shot. When I finally looked up, I notice Danny and Lance were sitting on the side as well with erections and watching me.

"That was totally hot!" Lance said huskily.

"Sorry for listening man, but Lance is right. That was totally hot," Danny added.

"And Michael was the only one who got off," I smirked.

"Not for long. If it's cool with you, we could have a circle jerk since I think we all need to get off," Danny suggested.

"Sounds good to me," I said and moved over so I was sitting next to Lance. Danny was on the other side of Lance.

"Uh, we probably want to get away from the hottub," Lance said.

"Good idea," Danny said and stood up. His erection was pointing almost straight up and small trail of precum ran down it. He pulled Lance up and then Lance helped me up. We went down the volcano thing and sat down on the floor.

Surprise of surprises, Lance got bold and grabbed Danny's cock in his right hand and mine in his left. He slowly jacked us with a grin from ear to ear. After a minute or two of this, I grabbed Lance's cock with one hand and my other hand joined his on Danny's cock. Danny soon completed the circle. Lance started jerking us faster as his own orgasm approached. I knew I was close and pulled out of the circle.

"Something wrong?" Lance asked.

"No, I just don't want to cum with either of your hands on my dick. Maybe it's weird, but it'd make me feel better about Michael."

"No, I understand. How about this?" Danny said and moved so we were all sitting next to each other. "Each person finishes himself off by himself."

"I can do that," I said and lay back, taking my cock in my hand. Lance and Danny lay back as well. Lance was between us and our sides were touching. I closed my eyes and thought of Michael masturbating in his hotel room as we talked earlier.

Lance came first and his cum sprayed everywhere, getting Danny and myself as well. I came just a few seconds before Danny. My first shot went across my chest and on to Lance's shoulder and neck. I was so worked up from everything, and Michael having been gone for two weeks, that I pumped out a good seven or eight volleys before I was spent and relaxed. We all lay there, covered in cum and breathing heavily.

"Thanks, guys. This was the best. I love you guys," Lance said and gave me a quick peck on the cheek, and then Danny.

I chuckled at Lance's comment. "Don't expect this to be a regular occurrence -- at least with me," I said and sat up. "Now where's the shower?"

"Are you okay with what we did?" Danny asked, concerned, as he sat up.

"Yea. We just jacked-off together. Michael was here in spirit, if not in body, earlier. I just want to wash up and go get some food."

"I think the shower is in the hottub. There's a handle up higher that is probably a shower," Danny said.

"Okay." I got up and climbed back up to the hottub. I rinsed my hand off in the water and then turned off the jets and flipped the drain lever. It started to drain and I played around with the handles until a stream of water poured kinda like a waterfall from higher up into the tub. I put my head under the stream and enjoyed the water pounding against me. When I pulled out, Lance and Danny were next to me. Danny handed me the soap and then took my place under the water while I lathered up. I rinsed as Danny lathered and Lance sat there watching. As soon as I finished, Lance got under the water and I got out and got dressed.

I flipped through the tourist guide that was in the room to find a restaurant as Danny and Lance got dressed. A funny thought hit me and I started chuckling.

"What's so funny?" Danny asked with a smirk.

"This. All of this. I can imagine it being some guy's fantasy. 'There I was, in a fancy hotel room with Lance Bass of 'NSYNC and Danny from "Real World." They were both naked and looked to me to satisfy their manly desires,'" I laughed.

Danny rolled his eyes and threw a pillow at me.

"If I had the sex life those stories say I do, we'd have really had sex and still be going at it," Lance laughed.

"What stories?" Danny asked.

"On the 'net," Lance explained casually.

"Oh. You read those?"

"Yea, sometimes. It's fun and good jack-off material."

"You jack-off to stories about yourself? Someone is full of himself," I joked.

"I would be too. In the stories I'm usually like nine inches soft with balls the size of grapefruit that hang down to my knees," Lance laughed.

"I would be scared of you if that were true," Danny said.

"I would, too," Lance added. "Let's go eat."

I was still too drunk to drive, so we walked down the strip and found an Olive Garden. We stuffed ourselves and went back to the room. We were all exhausted, not to mention still drunk, and went right to bed -- the three of us in the leopard print king size bed. Lance went crazy and fed a couple quarters into the Magic Fingers box. I was asleep before the bed finally stopped vibrating.

I awoke when Lance rolled back on top of me and our heads hit.

"Ouch! Fuck, Lance. Be careful," I groaned as I pushed him back.

"Sorry. Ohhh," Lance moaned and held his head.

I rolled out of bed and stumbled to the toilet -- which was about the only thing that could be done in private in that room. All the water that I drank last night at the restaurant helped prevent a massive hangover, but I felt like I was gonna piss Niagara Falls. When I was finally empty, I stumbled back into the room and sat on the edge of the bed trying to wake up. Lance was curled up in a fetal position and Danny was sitting on the side of the bed holding his head. Danny finally got up and went to the bathroom and I dropped my shorts and trekked up to the shower. I'm not an exhibitionist, but you really couldn't be modest in this room.

When Danny came out of the toilet closet he grabbed some clean towels and climbed up to the shower. He set the towels down and sat on the steps watching Lance sleep while I finished my shower. When I was done, I left the water running, wrapped a towel around myself and sat down beside Danny.

"Weird night, huh?" I said.


"Hung over?"

"Not too bad."

"So what's the status with you and Lance?"

"We're gonna try. I told him what I was afraid of. He still wants to try, though."

"What about you?"

"I wanna try, too. He said to call him if I felt like I was going to do something I'd regret later, but he'd understand if something did happen because of the long distance thing."

"So he's giving you a way out?"

"Yea, I guess he is. I'm not going to use it, though."

"Good, or I'd have to kick your ass," I smiled and gave him a light shove.

"Are you becoming Lance's protector?"

"No, I'm being your protector. You'd beat yourself up if you did it again. I'll just be there to remind you."

"Thanks," Danny said and gave me a little sideways hug.

"No prob. Better take your shower while there's still hot water," I said and got up to get dressed. I got dressed and sat on the bed next to Lance, who was still curled up trying to sleep.

"Hello. National Enquirer. Have I got a story for you! Oh, yea, full motion video and everything," I said in Lance's ear loud enough to wake him if he really was asleep.

"No even funny," Lance mumbled without moving.

"Oh, yea, it's true. Yep. Nine inches. Kinda freaky if you ask me," I continued with a smirk on my face.

Lance turned quickly like he was going to attack me, but turned a bit pale and ran for the toilet. He made it just in time and spent the next five minutes or so puking.

"You okay?" I asked as he came out of the toilet closet.

"Yea, I'll be fine. I just turned a bit too quickly," Lance said kinda ashamed that he'd gotten sick. "I feel better now."

"Why don't you join Danny in the shower?"

Lance looked up and saw Danny standing under the water with his eyes closed letting the water massage his shoulders.

"Go on. There's no need to be bashful now," I prodded.

Lance gave me a quick grin and dropped his shorts before climbing up and joining Danny in the shower. I watched them for a minute, and then turned on the TV and flipped through channels.

When they were finally done and dressed, we checked out and had a late breakfast at a Perkins before hitting the road. We got on the Thruway and took turns driving. Other than stopping for gas, food or toilet, we drove straight through. I talked with Michael for a few minutes while Lance was driving, but mobile coverage was pretty bad and then non-existent. We got to my apartment just past 4AM. Danny and Lance went to Danny's room and I went to mine. I was asleep before I hit the bed.

Morning came at just about noon, just the way I like it. The trip was fun, but it was good to be home. I went out to make some coffee and found Danny and Lance sitting on the sofa together watching TV. I wish Michael was here. I put on a pot of coffee and then pulled out my PowerBook and caught up with email and the news at the kitchen table. I was glad Danny convinced me to go in with him on an AirPort and DSL Connection. The only real interesting email I got was from an Artistic Director for a small theater in SOHO who'd been given my name by my directing prof. It seems he was looking for new directors to direct plays by new playwrights over the summer. I thought about it for the split second it took to hit 'reply' and told him I was interested. I was very interested, actually.

Comments welcome and encouraged. jm_stories@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 4

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