Just Together


Published on Nov 23, 2004


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It makes no claims to the true personality or sexuality of anyone involved. You already know if you shouldn't be reading this.

------------------ Just Together by jm_stories ------------------

Chapter XXVIII

[ 5/25/02 ]

"This must be home now, 'cause it feels so good to be back," I said as I dropped my bags next to the bedroom loft stairs.

"Yea. I agree. Let's sleep for a week before we start working on things again," Michael said as he disappeared into the bathroom.

"It'll throw my schedule all to hell."

"Fuck your schedule."

"Fuck your sleep. Inspections and contractors are all carefully fit into the schedule. Just the damn inspections are scheduled two months out. If we miss one, we're fucked. We've got tomorrow off."

"Yea, I know. Just call me a bitchy queen right now. I'm gonna take a shower and then a nap," he yelled from the bathroom.

"You want anything to eat?"

"Yea. Thanks."

I put some McCoy Tyner in the sound system and then looked around for something to make, settling on canned lentil soup and bread. Scott must have gone shopping today because there were some fresh baguettes on the counter. No sooner had I dumped the soup in a pan than the phone rang. I flipped on the stove and then ran for the phone.

"Hello," I said as I went to turn down the music.

"Hello. May I speak to Jonah or Michael?" A guy asked.

"This is Jonah."

"Oh, great. This is Ian Somerhalder. I'm a friend of Charlie Hunnam's. He said you have a co-op that you're trying to fill out and that the apartments were pretty great and it was in a theater."

"Yep. We do. I take it you're looking for a place?"

"Yea. What size are they?"

"They're all decent sized two bedrooms. Not a typical New York closet apartment. The smallest is around 1000 square feet," I explained as I stirred the soup.

"I'm in one of those closets now," he laughed. "What price range?"

"Around $300,000 for the back apartments and $500,000 for the front ones -- unless you want something finished with any really expensive extras."

"Such as?"

"I don't know. If you wanted teak or stainless steel counters. If you wanted zebra wood floors or glass walls. Stuff like that. It also doesn't include any appliances, so plan a lot more if you wanted some expensive commercial stove or something like that."

"So they aren't ready yet?"

"Nope. They're pretty much going to be finished as the buyer wants. I've got basic plans for a layout, but that can all change if you wanted. I don't have any walls up yet."

"Hmm. I got the impression from the way Charlie was describing it that it was done and just needed some finishing touches."

"Just my place. I did show him some 3D walk-throughs and he and Kate decided on a plan. Maybe that's what he was talking about."

"Could be. It's just like Charlie to leave out an important detail like that."

"Pretty much. So are you no longer interested?" I asked.

"Can I come look at the space? Maybe see the plans and the building?" Ian asked.

"Sure. When would you like to do it?"


"Today's not a good day. We just got back from Europe and are tired and grumpy. How about tomorrow? Around three?" I offered.

"Uh... Yea, okay. I can do it. What's the address?"

"150 Ocean Avenue."

"Uh, okay. Where's that at? It's in Brooklyn, right?"

"Yea. Are you driving or taking the train?"

"The train."

"Okay. Take the Q to Prospect Park. Walk down Flatbush a couple blocks to Ocean Avenue. We're down a couple buildings."

"So you're really close to the park?"

"Right across the street."

"Cool. So tomorrow at three?"

"Tomorrow at three," I confirmed.

"Great. See you then. Bye," Ian said and then hung up.

"The calls have already started?" Michael asked as he walked up to me with a towel wrapped around himself.

"Yea. Charlie told someone about the apartments. He's gonna come take a look tomorrow afternoon at three," I said and turned off the burner.

"Who is it?"

"Ian...something-or-other. I didn't catch his last name."

"He a Brit?"

"No. He sounded southern, actually, but just slightly."

"Hmm. Did he say how he knew Charlie?"

"No, and I didn't ask. I'm not in thinking mode yet."

"Yea. Jet lag sucks, not to mention the three hours in Customs. Why don't you take a shower after dinner? You'll feel a lot better."

"I will."

"Baguettes? Scott always buys the crap ones at the grocery," Michael groaned.

"They were in a bakery bag. Probably not as good as in Paris, but not the grocery store crap."

"Bitchy queen. Remember?" Michael shrugged and sat down on a stool at the counter.

"Yep," I said and served out our soup.

Lunch was quiet and I took a shower afterwards while Michael cleaned up. We spent the rest of the evening on the sofa nodding in and out in front of the TV.

*** [ 5/26/02 ]

The doorbell went off. I walked over to the control panel and touched the screen to bring up the camera. The guy standing at the door was very pretty. Not handsome or sexy, but pretty. Charlie probably knew him from his modeling days.

"Hello?" I said after I pressed the button.

"Hi. It's Ian Somerhalder. I have an appointment at three with Jonah," he yelled back at the box.

"Come on up. Fifth floor," I said and buzzed him in. "Ian's here," I yelled.

"What's he look like?" Michael yelled from the laundry room.

"A pretty boy."

"Of course."

I opened the apartment door and then started a pot of coffee.

"Hello?" Ian called as he hesitantly walked into the apartment.

"Come on in," I said and turned on the pot.


"Yep. Hey. How's it going?" I smiled and shook his hand.

"Pretty good. There isn't an elevator?"

"There's a freight elevator."

"Ah. Good."

"So how do you know Charlie?" I asked.

"Hey. I'm Michael," Michael said as he walked out of the laundry room with a basket full of clean clothes.


"Let me drop this off. I'll be right back," Michael said and continued up to our room.

"Okay. So... Okay. Charlie and I worked together on 'Young Americans'."

"Another WB refuge," I laughed.

"Yea. I guess you haven't seen it."

"No. I don't watch much prime time TV. Have you been working pretty regularly since then?"

"Yes, I can afford it," he smirked. "I'm doing pretty well and staying busy."

"Good. Just had to ask. So what would you like to see first? I can show you around our place, which should give you an idea of how poor my building skills are, or we can walk around the building. I have some prints of the plans to be approved, or we can do a 3D walk-through if you want to wait a bit for me to set it up."

"Hey. Sorry about that. So how do you know Charlie?" Michael asked as he came down the stairs.

"We worked on 'Young Americans' together."


"Yea, and a working actor," Ian smiled.

"Good. So am I."

"I know. I've seen some things you were in."

"Sorry. I don't recognize you."

"Don't worry about it," Ian dismissed. "I'm not offended. So the apartments?"

"Okay. So what do you want to see first?" I repeated.

"I guess this place. You did all of this?"

"Most of it. I hired contractors to do the plumbing and HVAC. I've done most everything else. Heat is radiant floor."

"Are all of them going to have hardwood floors?"

"It's an engineered wood floor, actually. There are tons of styles available if that's what you're interested in."

"We're putting this cool recycled rubber flooring in the lobby, hallways and on the stairs," Michael said.


"Yea. It's totally cool. Made out of recycled tires. Soft without being mushy. Non-slip so our insurance is lower," Michael continued.

"We're gonna try it in the entry hall first. I'm not quite sold on huge areas of it, yet," I said.

"You will be. It'll be better than carpet."

"Michael's done all of the research on new building materials," I explained.

"Yep. Can't build a damn thing, but I know all about what it's made out of," Michael laughed.

Ian just watched our banter with a slight grin on his face.

"Anyway," I said, "if you buy before we build then you can pretty much specify what you want, or have it done yourself."

"We'll see. This place looks good, so I can see you have some taste."


"What was here when you started?"

"Totally gutted. Basically a shell with a new roof and windows."

"Even better. So I guess I'd like to see the plans for the available apartments, first, and then see the space they're going in."

"Okay. They're over here," I said and led him over to my project table in the library area.

"This floor is all sold, and Charlie has 4A. Everything else is still open," Michael said while I flipped through the plans to the right page.

"The layout of 3 and 4 are the same, unless you really want something different. As I said, until the walls go up..."

"Everything is customizable," Ian continued.


"Lots of pocket doors," he commented.

"Better use of space. Because of where the windows, elevator and stairs are I had to chop things up a bit oddly. Originally it was all narrow and long studios," I explained.

"Typical New York apartments. 4B looks pretty decent. Can we go walk through the space?"

"Sure. The walls are taped out on the floor, so it'll give you a sense of where things are."

"Theater people," Ian smiled.


"We're trying to keep it that way if we can. Theater people can understand the needs of a theater. You know, people wandering in and out of the theater all the time, crowds when there are performances, etc. We'll also have a private booth for residents so you can watch any performance going on for free. It's next to the control booth so you can come and go as you please without disturbing anyone," Michael explained as we headed down to the fourth floor.

"We also want to keep it to people who understand the need for security and privacy. No one here wants to have to deal with fans causing problems," I added.

"I completely understand. What about security? Will you have a doorman?"

"Only if it becomes necessary. It seems overkill for eight apartments. You saw the bell and camera at the front door. There's also one at the back door and the middle door. If someone buzzes your apartment you can see who it is and buzz them in. Eventually we'll add a recorder to the cameras. From the touch screen in each apartment you can monitor both entrances and the entrance hall."

"So everyone could see who you have coming and going?"

"If they really wanted to, but they could anyway just by looking out their door. That's another reason why we're selecting people carefully," Michael said.

"All of the building entry doors have a keypad, so you don't need a key. They're on a battery backup in case of a power outage, and everyone will get a key, anyway. The system keeps track of who entered or let someone in and when. If your code is ever stolen it can just be disabled, or set to let the person in and call the police as soon as it's used. Pretty fun stuff," I said. "Each apartment will also have it's own security system. Just a few motion sensors and a keypad. Nothing elaborate."

"Toys are good," Ian said as he walked around the taped space. "This isn't bad."

"We're planning on putting a terrace on the roof, but that won't happen 'till next year, at the earliest," Michael said.

"How soon do you plan on the apartments being ready?"

"If everything goes as planned, then by the end of the year," I answered.

"Why so long?"

"It's just me, mostly."

"Ah. Gotcha. If I buy it I should give my dad a call and ask him to come up to do mine."

"He's a carpenter?"

"Close enough. A contractor. In Louisiana."

"That would be a long time to be away from home."

"Yea, I know. He'll probably say the same thing, but he'd complain if I didn't give him the option," Ian smiled.

"Pacifying," I nodded.

"Yea. So what else about this place? What are you looking for in tenants?"

"So far it's a lot of people in the entertainment industry. We want to keep it so it's a safe and friendly place to live. A place where you can talk to your neighbors, but still have your privacy. Relaxed. People who understand that there are other people in the building and try to be considerate. It's small enough that it can be like that," Michael said.

"Your own private utopia," Ian smirked.

"And hopefully for those who live here as well," I said.

"Good. Can I see that 3D walk-through, and maybe get a print of the plans to take with me. I'm thinking about this one. Um, 4B?"

"Okay. Great. Let's go back upstairs," I said.

"Do you live in New York now?" Michael asked as we headed up.

"Yea. I rent an expensive closet in the Flatiron."

"Did you just move here?"

"A couple years ago. Why?"

"Just that Charlie never mentioned you when he was living here last summer."

"I was out of town all last summer. By the time I'd gotten back he was already in LA. You can call him and verify everything if you want."

"Okay. Just wondering."

"It'll take a few minutes for me to set it up and let it render. I'll just do the quick render so it'll only take 15 minutes or so," I said and started the process.

"You want some coffee?" Michael asked.

"Yea, thanks."

"Hey, guys," Scott said as he walked in and went straight to his room to drop off his bag.

"Our roommate," Michael said.

"Okay. What's the procedure if I decide to buy?" Ian said.

"First thing would be to meet all the current owners so they can decide if they want you to live here. Typical co-op audition."

"Of course."

"If you're voted in, then it's just a matter of deciding how you want the apartment finished, deciding on a price and then paying up."

"Okay. It's rendering now. It'll scream when it's done," I said and walked over to get a cup of coffee.

"Do you have a set of choices that I can look at, or is it just whatever I want to specify?"

"We've got some samples, but you don't have to stick to them," Michael said.

"Can I see what you have as far as floors and kitchen cabinets?"

"Sure," Michael said and went to dig them out of the piles of samples.

"What about extras?"

"Such as?" I asked.

"Built-in bookcases."

"Whatever you choose. I'm planning on putting some in here, but I haven't gotten around to it, yet."

"You really do do everything," Ian laughed.

"Yea, he does, and he's great at furniture building," Scott said as he walked up. "Hi, I'm Scott."

"Ian. Nice to meet you," Ian said and they shook hands.

"Looking to buy one of the apartments?"


"Cool. You'll like it here."

"Why's that?"

"It's just kind of a cool building and they're doing cool things with it. Plus you get to live in a theater. How cool is that?" Scott smiled.

"Pretty cool, apparently," Ian smirked.

"Yea. Cool," I added and gave Scott a goofy look.

"That's so not cool," Scott pouted and grabbed a cup of coffee.

"Oh yea, what's the maintenance?" Ian asked.

"We don't know yet. The building isn't full and we haven't had a year where we have an idea of what the utility bills are. We're tax abated for the next five years and possibly 15 years, so that reduces things considerably for now."

"What's your guess?"

"Probably around $400."

"Not bad."

"Tax abatement. We also put high-efficiency everything in. You can choose whether you want the outside walls of your apartment left brick, or insulated and faced."

"I see you chose insulated up here."

"Yea. It's enough space to heat and cool without doing the outside as well, and I hate sitting near a wall that's radiating cold in the winter."

"Okay. Here are choices in kitchen cabinets and flooring," Michael said and dropped a large pile of brochures and sample books on the plywood dining table. He went back to his stash and brought back an armload of flooring samples. "These are what we were considering up here, so we have full size samples of them."

"This won't take very long," Ian chuckled. "What is it you have on the floor in here?"

"It's called Kempas Plank. We were also considering the Birch Plank," Michael said held up that sample.

"Yea. It's beautiful. It's also a nice contrast with the maple cabinets. I love the doors as well. Custom?"

"Thanks. Yea, my uncle built them for us. If you want something like that then it'll take a month or two to have them built and shipped here from Chicago."

"So what's next on the schedule? The apartments or the theater?"

"The lobby and then the theater. Did the supplies for the lobby show up?" I asked Scott.

"Yea. It's all in the back hall. It's gonna suck carrying all that drywall off the stage," Scott said.

"Good exercise. It'll make you buff," I smirked.

"No amount of exercise is going to make me buff," Scott said. "So how was Europe? How'd the audition go?"

"Paris was great. Cannes wasn't," I said.

"I think the audition went well. They're gonna let me know in a week or so," Michael said.

"What was the audition for?" Ian asked.

"Can't say. I'm sure you understand how that is."

"Yea. Who with? Can you say that?"


"Really? That's cool," Ian said, seeming impressed.

"Yea. It should be if I get it."

"What was wrong with Cannes?" Scott asked.

"It was just crowded and everything was expensive. We saw a bunch of great films, though," Michael answered.

"And even more crappy ones. Same thing with people. We had some fun nights talking with people all night in cafŽs over several bottles of wine," I started.

"And encounters with pretentious tosspots, to use a Charlie expression," Michael continued.

"I want to do Cannes one year. Have you ever been to Sundance? I went last year. Probably the same thing as far as people, but the films are probably better at Cannes -- or at least more variety," Ian said.

"Maybe we'll avoid that one," Michael said.

My computer screamed. Literally. I had the "rendering complete alert" set to a recording of Michael screaming "Look at me!" Everyone jumped.

"When you said it would scream I didn't think you meant literally," Ian chuckled.

*** [ Thursday, 5/30/02 ]

"Are we getting another computer?" Michael asked as we walked into the campus computer store.

"Yep. For you."

"Why? I barely use the one I have now."

"Because you need something faster with more memory."

"Once again. Why?"

"For these," I said and pointed to the new iSight camera display.

"A webcam?"

"Yep. Video conferencing on demand. This way we can still see and talk to each other since you're going to be gone for months -- and no phone bills. It's all over the 'net," I explained.

"So we'll be able to have video sex?"


"Oh. Cool. Is it a tiny picture, or can it be as big as the screen?"

"The demo I saw showed it full screen. You need a broadband connection, but I already verified you'll have one in the hotel in Toronto. You'll need to insist you have it in your hotel in Paris when that time comes," I explained.

"If I get it."

"You'll get it."

"You don't know that for sure. Never think you have a job before you get it."

"If Bernardo doesn't give it to you then he's gone senile in his old age. You can pretend that you won't get it, but I'm sure you have. You fit the look and attitude and he had you there four days reading against different people. Either you got it or he's a sadistic bastard for wasting your time."

"Probably, but I don't have a contract yet. I'll believe it when I get a contract," Michael dismissed. "Let's get this since you're so sure."

*** [ 6/2/02 ]

"I'm gonna tell you something and I don't want you to freak out about it. Okay?" Michael said as I was driving him to the airport.

"With that kind of preface how can I promise I won't freak out?"

"Then just don't. Anyway. I've been thinking about it a lot and I know it's going to be rough. We're gonna be apart for four months. Anyway, I'm not saying it's okay to fuck around, but if you wanted to do something with Charlie, I'd be okay with that. I know him and I trust him."

"I can't believe you even suggested that."

"I know. I'm not saying I'm happy about it. I'm just trying to be realistic, and realistically, if you were going to do something, I'm okay with you doing it with Charlie. I'm not okay with you doing it with anyone else."

"Well, thanks, I guess. What about Kate?"

"I never thought you'd want to do anything with her," he smirked.

I just looked at him.

"Keep your eyes on the road. It's not like I'm forcing you to sleep with him. He'll have a say in it. It would depend on what arrangement they have."

"Okay. Then I'm going to make you the same deal. You can sleep with Charlie while we're apart. You can even fuck Justin if you want," I said.

"Real nice, but neither of them will be in Paris or Toronto."

"Sorry about your luck," I shrugged. "Those are your options. You'll just have to take things in hand."

"As usual when I'm away filming. You can fuck Justin, too, if he shows up. I know you'd never get together with him."

"I didn't fuck him when you were there. I'm not going to fuck him when you're not. I guess I could have him blow me again, though," I smiled.

"Oh yea? Well tell him that I get to fuck him once for each time he blows you," Michael smirked.

"Don't count on getting any from him, then. I do expect you to use the iSight."

"We will. You'll also have to use it if you and Charlie do something. I wanna watch."

"What about when you're in Paris? Time differences could be tricky."

Michael thought for a moment. "We can do it in the morning before I have to be on set. That'll be late night for you. You can fuck him later that night, as long as I've gotten off already to you two doing something," he smirked.

"Such a romantic," I groaned and rolled my eyes as I pulled into the unloading area.

"A pragmatist. Anyway, better get started on the security nightmare," he said and pulled me close, giving me a kiss to remember him by. "Love you," he said as got out and pulled his bags out of the back. The new security measures sucked -- only passengers could be on the concourse.

"Call me when you get in. Love you," I yelled. He gave me a silly grin and headed inside.

*** [ Saturday, 6/8/03 ]

"Who are... Jonah? What the hell happened to you?" Scott stuttered and stared at me.

"I got a hair cut. What the hell happened to you?" I shot back. It was a drastic haircut -- about a half-inch long and bleached blonde -- but it was still just a haircut.

"Sorry. You just look... really different. Really different. Why'd you do it?"

"It's easier to keep clean with all the dust and plaster and paint."

"And why blonde?"

"'Cause I wanted something different. I could only go black or blonde -- I can't stand bright colored hair. I've done black before. So..."

"Okay. You just look...really different."

"You've already said that. You ready to hang some drywall?"


"Well, all of it in the lobby. We're not doing the ceiling so it shouldn't be that bad."

"No, but we are doing the 14' walls and around a dozen doors and windows."

I shrugged. "Let me change and we'll get started."

I changed into shorts, put my work boots back on and we headed down to the lobby. We started with the heavy full sheets. It was a bit of a pain to position the 5/8" thick 4'x12' sheets, but it would make finishing go faster. We were working around the front windows when someone knocked on the apartment entrance door.

"Just a minute!" I yelled while we secured the drywall to the wall. As soon as it was secure I went to the door and pulled back the paper curtain to look out. There stood Matt Damon. I pulled open the door.

"Hey, Matt. What can I do for you?" I greeted.

"Um, I'm looking for Michael Pitt," Matt said hesitantly, probably confused that I greeted him so casually.

"He's in Toronto filming. I can give you his mobile number if you need to get a hold of him."

"Sorry, but who are you?"

"Oh, sorry. I'm Jonah. Michael's partner."

"Ah, okay. Now it makes sense. I heard about you. So, anyway, I just heard that Michael had bought a theater and wanted to come check it out -- see what was happening with him."

"Come on in and you can see the theater, such as it is. I'm just starting the spaces down here," I said and ushered him in.

"Thanks," he said and came in.

"So you just heard about it?" I asked.

"A couple weeks ago. I overheard Jake Weber telling someone about it and asked. Christmas present, right?"

"Pretty much, though it's like the gift that keeps taking, rather than giving," I smirked.

Matt chuckled. "It'll give back, eventually."

"Matt Damon!" Scott said, startled, after he turned to see who it was.

"That's me."

"That's Scott, our roommate," I introduced.

"Nice to meet you, Scott," Matt said and stepped over to shake his hand.

"Yea. You too. I like your movies," Scott said.


"Okay. So as you can see, it's drywall-hanging time in here. The theater is over here. Let me flip on some lights," I said and did so. "At least all the plaster is still in here, but it needs repair and painting."

"Interesting space," Matt commented as he looked around. "What are you planning to do with it?"

"Have it be a working theater."

"Union or non?"

"Haven't decided yet. Pros and cons with each."

"Rent it out or have a resident company?"

"Rent it out. I'd like to put a resident company together, but that's not going to happen for a while. I've got my hands full with the renovation for the next year."

"Do you think you'll get many people out from the city this far?"

"That'll depend on the quality of space, the work and word of mouth. We're just off a major road and a couple blocks from the train. It's easy to get to."

"Yea, it is, but it's hard to get people to cross the river."

"True, but there are a couple million people in the city who don't live in Manhattan. Some people will go to where the good theatre is, some wouldn't leave Manhattan if their lives depended on it. We're not too worried about it. We're right by the park, so the folks in Park Slope and Brooklyn Heights would be willing to check it out."

"How do you have it organized? Business and artistic wise?" Matt asked.

"Michael and I are retaining full ownership of the physical theater. We're setting up a corporation to rent from us and run it. Ozzie's is going to be renting and running the coffee house in the lobby."

"You have the corporation set up yet?"

"No. We're still looking for people for the board. The corporation will have control over artistic choices, so we're screening candidates carefully."

"Of course. Have anyone yet?"

"A couple, and a couple who wanted to, but couldn't devote the time."

"How much time?"

"However much it takes. I would think, at minimum, a meeting every two weeks. Reading scripts and proposals. Paperwork. We're looking for people who will be active participants in both the artistic and business parts," I explained.

"What is the buy-in?"



"Okay. We're looking for ten people willing to commit $100,000 for five years. That's $100,000 total for the five years, not each year. That will give us a million to operate and build a reputation. Twenty thousand up front, and then any additional on an as-needed basis, up to the $100,000 limit. As soon as we're making money, the board gets paid. If it all just falls flat, then the board will decide what to do."

"Ten board members? You want to try to get ten people to agree?" Matt laughed incredulously.

"Majority rules," I shrugged. "I'm sure there'll be some arguments, but the majority will decide."

"So who do you have so far?"

"Me, of course, and Gus Van Sant. Randy Harrison has expressed an interest, but hasn't made any commitment."

"Not Michael?"

"No. Just one of us. Still interested?"

"I'll think about. When does Michael get back?"

"Late September."

"September? Damn, what's he filming?"

"Not the same film. He's in Toronto until July 15th, and then leaves on the sixteenth to film in Paris until September 16th. Yea, he's already been informed that it's psycho to do back-to-back films."

"It's better than not working at all," Matt said.

"That's what he says, too. I agree, even though it means we're apart four months, basically."

"Yea, that's hard on a relationship. When are you planning on opening?"

"Late September or early October, if everything goes as planned."

"Does anything ever go as planned?" Matt laughed.

"No, but I also planned 'oh fuck' time into the schedule," I smirked.

"And I'm probably contributing to that right now by keeping you from your work. Can I get your number?"

I gave him our home number and he programmed it into his phone.

"Thanks. I'll get back to you about the theater. Maybe we can have dinner some night and discuss your plans for the theater in more detail," Matt said.

"Yea, sure. Sounds good. I'll be out of town around July 4th, but other than that, I'll be here all summer."

"Okay. Well, I'll let you get back to work. I'll give you a call in a couple weeks, at the latest," Matt said as he headed for the door.

"Oh, if you know anyone who is looking for an apartment, and they aren't a total twat, give them my number. We still have a few places open here. Co-op."


"Yep. One place on the fourth floor and two on the third. One on the third has a front view of the park."

"I don't know of anyone who is looking, but I'll keep it in mind."

"That's all I can ask," I said and opened the door for him.

"Okay. I'll be in touch," Matt said and left.

I relocked the door and went back to the drywall.

"What did Matt Damon want?" Scott asked.

"Just to talk to Michael and check out the theater. Expressed some interest in being on the Board. We'll see."

Scott smiled. "It's always interesting to see who will show up next and your blasŽ attitude towards them."

"My attitude is not blasŽ. It's casual. They're just actors."

"I know, but I still get intimidated at first. You don't even blink."

I shrugged. "You'll get over it eventually."

"So you say. Oh, I finally decided on a date for Iceland. I'm leaving the 21st."

"Okay. Who'd you find to go with you?"

"Joel Zipato. Do you know him? He's in the film school."

"I don't think so. He's a freshman as well?" I asked.

"I'm a sophomore now."

"So sorry," I smirked.

"Anyway, yea, he's same year as I am."

"Another Chris, or just a regular friend?"

"Hopefully just another friend. I'm pretty sure he's straight. He's got a girlfriend here, at least. I wouldn't take anyone I was interested in like that. It would be really long first date," Scott said.

"Yea, if it ended up being a bad first date."

"You're not going to be screwed during that time because I'm not here to help, are you?"

"Don't worry about it. I think by then I'll be putting down the floor and installing the cabinets -- nothing that needs two people."

"That's the first day. What about the other six?" Scott smirked.

"Ha ha," I groaned. "If I'm so damn fast then why isn't the place done? Anyway, I move on to rewiring the theater after that, so no worries."

"Okay. I just didn't want to leave you high and dry."

"I appreciate the help, but you don't have to help all the time. Go out and have fun while you're still young and have fewer responsibilities."

"Yea, sure, old man."

"Damn smart alec kids," I grumbled in an old man's voice.

*** [ 7/3/02 ]

I pulled up in front of Uncle Joe's house, exhausted. It's a hard drive by yourself. Michael had been sitting on the front porch and headed down as soon as I pulled up. I got out and we met in a long hug, wrapping ourselves together.

"Hey, you," Michael smiled as we parted and gave me a quick kiss.

"Hey. I need some food, and then we're gonna shower and make love all night long," I smiled sleepily.

"You look like you could use a nap first."

"Yea. Maybe a short one," I agreed.

"Okay. Let me get a hug in before you drag him to bed," Jonny said as he appeared and pushed Michael back to hug me.

"It's good to see you, too," I said as we hugged. "Now give me my man back," I teased and pushed him away, pulling Michael back. It felt so good have him in my arms again.

"Enjoy it while you can. You won't be getting any while you're here," Jonny smirked.

"I beg to differ," Michael said.

"Exactly," I added.

"You guys are sharing a room with Joey. I don't think he'd like watching or listening," Jonny said.

"Why are we sharing? House full?"

"Getting there. It will be by tonight."

"Doesn't matter. Joey can stay out or we can do it in the shower or something," I said.

"Or both," Michael added.

"Or both."

"Must be nice," Jonny groaned and rolled his eyes.

"It will be," I smiled and separated from Michael to pull my bag out of the car.

"So when did you bleach your hair? It looks weird. You trying to look like me?" Jonny asked.

"Yea. That was it, exactly," I said and rolled my eyes. "I skipped the beating with an ugly stick, though."

"Hmmm. Couldn't tell," he shot back.

"Okay. First and only rule: no sex in my room," Joey stated.

"Yea, I heard that about you," I teased.

"Fuck you," Joey groaned. "There's been plenty in here recently. The rule just applies to you two."

"Does it count if it's just with yourself?" Michael asked innocently.

"He's always counted that," I smiled.

"Once again: fuck you."

"Not in your room, remember? Anyway, we've been apart for a month. We'll be discrete," I said.

"You'll be..." Joey started as his mobile started ringing. He got a goofy look on his face after checking the CallerID. "Hey Trish," he practically cooed and laid back on his bed.

"Let's go take that shower now," Michael said.

I just smiled and started getting undressed. When we were both down to our boxers we walked across the hall to the bathroom.

"Can I watch?" Jonny teased.

"No. Go away," Michael said while I just flipped him off.

"No fun at all," Jonny grumbled and went downstairs.

As soon as the bathroom door was closed we were in each other's arms again.

"I've missed you so much," Michael whispered between kisses.

"Ditto," I agreed and slid my hands down to cup his ass, pulling him tighter against me. We continued making out for a few minutes before Michael slid down, removing my boxers and swallowing my erection. I sighed and leaned back against the door. It hardly took any time at all before I exploded down his throat. He kept sucking, refusing to let up, until I was completely hard again. He slowly licked his way back up to my lips.

"I want you to fuck me," Michael growled in my ear and then licked my neck.

"Did you bring..." I started to ask when Michael produced a condom and a small packet of lube, seemingly from nowhere.

"I should have been a boy scout," he smiled.

"Can't see it. Let's turn on the shower and do it in there. It'll help mask the sound."

"I don't think it'll matter. I'm not going to last long. I'm almost there now, but I want to feel you inside me."

"Then get in the shower now," I said and pushed him towards it.

He stood in the shock of cold water until it became hot, thinking it would delay him a bit. Once it was up to temperature I quickly prepared us and entered him slowly but firmly. He moaned and pulled me into him. I only gave him a minute to adjust before slowly pumping his ass and jacking him off at twice the speed.

"Not so fast. I want this to last," Michael said and tried to slow my hand.

"Just let go. I'm gonna make you cum twice," I growled into his ear and pinched his nipple.

"Yea," he sighed and bucked back.

I smeared more of his precum and jerked faster, pulling him back and fucking him with short, hard strokes as I felt him tense up. When I felt the first contraction of his orgasm I slowed my fucking down to deep and slow and squeezed his erection tight with both hands, making sure to collect his cum as lube for his next time. He went slack and held me to him as I never let up.

"That was great. This is torture. I can't stand your hands still jacking me but I don't want you to stop," Michael chuckled.

"I'm not going to stop until you shoot a second time. Can you do that? Do I make you hot enough to shoot twice in a row?" I said softly and licked his shoulders. His semi-erection was quite slick with his cum and I was jacking it as lightly as possible.

"I'm not 15 anymore," he laughed. "But I'm happy to try."

"So am I."

I increased the friction and speed as Michael's erection stiffened up again. Michael reached back and rubbed his hands where he could, pulling me into him. My own second orgasm was quickly approaching and I jacked him faster while kneading his balls. I finally came over the edge and pounded him hard. His second started as mine ended. I milked him clean and then held him tight as we both came down.

"I so needed that," Michael said softly as he held my arms around him.

"Me, too. I think we probably made Joey happy as well," I snickered.

"So he doesn't have to watch? Yea, I'm sure he's quite happy about that."

"You ready to wash and get something to eat? The water is starting to get cool."

"Yea. It'll feel good, though. There's no central air."

"Yea, I know," I said and separated, removing the condom.

"Have you had it on in our place yet?"

"At night in the bedrooms, but not much during the day. The humidity hasn't been that bad so I've just opened the skylights and windows. It gives a pretty nice draft."

"I like your hair like this. It's different," Michael said and started washing it.

"You've seen it on camera."

"I know, but now I can feel it. It's all fuzzy and blonde."

"It's not fuzzy. It's three-quarters of an inch long."

"Stop whining. I still like it. I don't know if blonde fits you, though. Maybe I'm just not used to it."

"I don't think it fits, either, but it was something different. How was the flight? Did they pick you up on time?"

"The flight sucked and was late. Security crap. I hate flying anymore. It takes forever."

"Sucks to be you, taking all these films far from home," I teased and made a pouty face.

"Someone has to make money to pay for your extravagant spending. Do you realize you've spent over half-a-million so far this year?" He teased back.

"Only that much? I figured it was more."

"It would have been if you weren't doing most of the work."

"Hey. I do expect to get paid."

"You will, after we sell spaces."


The water was almost cold so we quickly finished and headed back to the room to get dressed. Joey was still on the phone while we were getting dressed. It was quite warm in the house so I only put on a pair of shorts.

"Who's Trish?" I asked Joey after he hung up.

"My girlfriend."

"Really? She going to be there tomorrow?"

"Yea. She'll be there. Don't be a freak, alright?"

"Has she been over here yet?"

"Yea. Why?"

"Because if she hasn't run after dealing with Jay and Jonny, I don't see how I could do anything so bad," I smiled.

"Yea, well, she was a little weirded out, but didn't run. She's lived a more...sheltered life."

"Trish... Hmmm... A wealthy white girl from the suburbs?" I teased.

"Yea," Joey mumbled.

I burst out laughing. "I'm sorry. No. I mean it. It's just... You, the same cousin who told me he'd never date a white girl, is now all sappy over a white girl named Trish."

"Laugh it up, cock-sucker. I was 15 when I told you that, and I've dated several white girls since then," Joey shot back.

"He's a damn good cock-sucker, too," Michael spoke up.

"I did not need to know that," Joey groaned.

"But now you do. So you're obviously all smitten over her. Do tell," I said and moved to hold Michael from behind as we sat on our bed.

"Not much to tell. She's pre-law as well. Has an apartment near the university with three roommates that she's known forever who think I'm some sort of curiosity."

"They don't like you, or they think you're the exotic black man?" I interrupted.

"The exotic black man," Joey smirked. "I don't know what she sees in them other than having known them forever. She's smart and beautiful and they're stupid giggly air-heads who are looking for rich husbands."

"Trish isn't?"

"No. Not yet, anyway. She wants a career first."

"Have you met her parents yet?"

"No. We've only been dating three weeks and her folks live in Minneapolis."

"Do you want to get something to eat?" Michael asked me.

"Um, let's see if there's some ice cream. Just a snack before going to bed. We should also say hi to everyone else."

"You just came straight up here to fuck in the shower?" Joey asked.

"Wouldn't you?" I smirked.

"After a month apart? I would have gotten a hotel room," Joey laughed.

"Yea, but this way I'll actually see people. If we got a hotel room I don't think we'd make it out."

"Definitely not," Michael agreed. "Let's go make our appearance."

"Have fun," Joey said as he sat down at his computer.

We headed downstairs and to the kitchen were everyone seemed to be. Jonny, Jay and a couple other kids were in the living room watching TV.

"It's about time you guys went down," Jonny teased as we walked through.

"Jealous much?" I asked and continued to the kitchen.

"All the time," he called out.

"Hey, guys. Nice of you to finally join us," Uncle Joe said as we walked into the kitchen. There were a couple older guys and a teenager sitting at the table drinking beer.

"I was making myself presentable first. It took some time," I shot back.

"You could have put on a shirt, too."

"You could install central air," I shrugged. "Is there any ice cream?"

"Not for tonight. Have a beer and try to figure out who everyone is."

"I'm Michael," Michael said and raised his hand. "I'm not a native to Mars."

Everyone groaned.

"I'm Jonah. Obviously a Mars. I have no clue who anyone here is, except that old man," I said and gestured towards Uncle Joe.

"Obviously Jonah's kid," some guy, who I later learned was named Jerome, laughed.

"I'm Jonah, too," a kid who looked around 17 said. "Julian is my dad." Julian raised his beer in a salute.

"Is there any part of the family that hasn't stuck to the J naming scheme?" I asked as I handed Michael a beer.

"Only from the women descendents."

"It's going to get quite confusing just calling out names," Michael said.

"That's what makes it fun," Uncle Joe smirked.

"Sure. So how many Jonahs do we have?" I asked. Michael and I hopped up to sit on the counter.

"Um...five?" Uncle Joe said.

"No. It's six. Justin and Ellie just had a boy and named him Jonah," Jerome said.

"Well, we won't have to worry about him answering a call."

"There're eight Joes," Uncle Joe continued. "Um, ten Jeffs. Four Justins. Three Jeromes. Four Jeremys... Hell, I can't keep track. Just pick a name and someone is bound to answer," he laughed.

"How did you get dragged into this mess?" Jonah asked Michael.

"He's my man," I answered and gave Michael a quick kiss on the cheek.

"That's cool," Jonah said casually like it didn't make any difference to him. "I wonder how many gay Mars there will be."

"At least one. I'm hoping to be unique," I said.

"Oh, there's nothing to worry about there," Uncle Joe teased.

"I don't think everyone will be as casual about your relationship, though," Julian said a bit uncomfortably.

"Doesn't matter to me. If they're that bothered they can leave," I shrugged.

"He meant him. Geeze, Dad, chill out," Jonah chastised. "I've got a good friend at home in Seattle who's gay. Dad always gets weird around him, too."

"Like I said, it's doesn't matter to me."

"How's the building coming along?" Uncle Joe asked to change the subject.

"It's getting there. The coffee house lobby is done and I'm working on the theater now," I answered.

"The lobby looks great," Michael said.

"When did you see it? I thought you've been filming?"

"Video conferencing over the 'net," I answered.

"Cool. You have iChat?" Jonah asked.

"Yep. It works pretty well."

"And a necessity for long months away from each other," Michael smiled wickedly.

"Yea. It's cool for that, too," Jonah agreed with a smirk that quickly disappeared when his father gave him a look.

"Boys and their toys," Uncle Joe said.

"Easy on the innuendo," Jerome said as Jonny walked in with Adam.

"And not a second too soon," I smirked.

"Too soon for what?" Jonny asked.

"Ending the sexual innuendo," Michael said.

"I always miss the good stuff. Adam and I can have a beer, right?" He tried.

"No," Uncle Joe said. "Nice try, though."

"I was worth a shot," he shrugged.

"How've you been, Adam?" I asked.

"Fine. I'll be glad to go to New York, though," Adam answered.

"Why's that?"

"'Cause his job sucks," Jonny laughed.

"Burger King," Adam groaned. "Yesterday was my last day, thank god."

"Uncle Jeff not have two spots open?"

"No. Just me," Jonny said. "It was much better than slinging burgers."

"Anything would be better than that. Never again," Adam agreed. "When do I need to bring my stuff over? We're still leaving Friday morning, right?"

"That's the plan. Just bring it over tomorrow night."

"What are you doing in New York?" Jonah asked.

"Vacation," Jonny said.

"They're gonna help me with the theater remodeling," I said.

"And vacationing," Jonny added.

"And I told you that I'm not going to have any time to go running around the city."

"So? Adam and I can go out together. I know where things are at now."

"I didn't know you were in New York. I'd love to visit there someday," Jonah said.

"You're welcome to. Plenty of room most of the time," I said.

"Yea. You should see their place. It's huge and has these lofts on both sides and a cool freight elevator," Jonny said.

"It's not that huge, but it's big enough. I may put you to work if you come in the next year, but you're welcome to visit."

"Dad?" Jonah asked and looked at his father.


"I'll give you my email and AIM name sometime," I said to Jonah. It was strange having another Jonah -- not to mention another Jonah Mars. I've never met anyone else named Jonah.


"Why don't you just come with us? That way we'll have three against one when he doesn't want to let us go out, and you'll have a way to get there," Jonny volunteered.

"Sounds killer to me," Jonah said and looked at his father.

Julien was put on the spot and didn't look like he liked that at all.

"He would be okay. Jonny spent last summer there and came back in one piece," Uncle Joe said.

"How would you get back? And what about clothes?" Julien asked his son.

"Um... I brought enough clothes for a week, and I could fly back."

"And pay for it how?"

Jonah rolled his eyes. "Just talk with Uncle Jack and get a free ticket. If that doesn't work I've got some money saved up. Come on, Dad. This is a chance to go hang out in New York City. You'd let Jules do it."

"We'll talk about it tomorrow."

"What's to talk about? It'll be crazy tomorrow and they're leaving the next morning."

Julien gave me an appraising look. I got the distinct impression that he was concerned about me exposing his son to wild homosexual parties and drugs.

"I won't be there so the wild drug and sex parties can't happen," Michael smirked, also catching the look and commenting on it.

"What? I don't want to go anymore, then," Jonny protested jokingly.

"Good. It's all settled," I smiled.

"I was just kidding. I'm going and you're not getting out of it," Jonny said.

"Damn," I sighed.

"I'm going as well. Dad would make me get a job again and there's no way I want to even see another Burger King," Adam said.

"Their pathetic banter aside, he couldn't be safer. Jonah acts like he's forty when he's not acting like he's fourteen," Uncle Joe said.

I gave him a look and gestured he was number one.

"Come on, Dad. It's perfect timing and two other guys my age will be there. You know I've always wanted to go to New York," Jonah begged.

"We can probably get into MTV again, too," Jonny said.

"I doubt it. Danny's gone and Justin is working on an album," I said.

"What about Lance?"

"I don't know. I haven't heard from him much. They usually give some notice before they stop by and I haven't heard anything."

"You have to know someone who can get us in," Jonny complained.

"Not well enough that I'd ask any favors. You can just stand in line like everyone else."

"Just email Justin and ask him to make a call," Michael suggested.

"Perfect," Jonny said. "Now you have to come. We'll get to go inside MTV."

"Who's Justin?" Jonah asked.

"Just some dork we know who knows a lot of people at MTV," I said before Jonny could answer. Jonny looked at me and realized I didn't want him name-dropping.

"See?" Jonah said to his father. "I'd have to wait in line any other time."

"Your mother and I will discuss it tonight. Now let it drop," Julien said.

"Speaking of mothers, I just noticed a distinct lack of women here," I said.

"Girls night out. They were shopping all day," Jerome answered.

"Why's Jonny still here, then?" Michael teased.

Jonny gave a sarcastic laugh.

"On that note, I'm going to bed," I said.

"Old man," Uncle Joe teased.

"I had an inspection this morning and then drove for ten hours. What have you done besides talk? Oh, wait, that's what you do every day," I shot back.

"Joe's been all talk for as long as I've known him," Jerome said.

"Me, too," Julien agreed.

"And before Joe starts talking again... Goodnight," I said and hopped down from the counter, pulling Michael with me. We were in bed a few minutes later and sound asleep, snuggled together, soon after.

*** [ 7/4/02 ]

The reunion was at Lincoln Park. It was mostly fun, but totally packed with people -- and, surprisingly, not all relatives. There were two other family reunions going on and a blues band having a concert. It was an exhausting day. We finally got back around midnight. Jonny went to help Adam bring over his stuff so we could pack quickly and leave first thing in the morning.

"What's all that?" I asked Adam. "We have beds. You don't need to bring your entire bedroom."

"It's not my entire bedroom," Adam protested.

"The only things you need are summer clothes, and one or two nice outfits. You're only going to be there a month, not move in."

"You pack like a chick," Jonny teased.

"You're not much better," I said to Jonny. "Two suitcases. That's it. Unless you two want to ride the whole way sitting on each other's lap so there's room for all your crap, I suggest you try again."

"Yea, but I want to bring my computer," Jonny protested.

"You'll survive without it for a month. You can use Michael's old one if you need to."

"Good thing you're packing the night before," Michael smirked.


"I can bring my iBook, can't I?" Adam asked.

"As long as it fits within the two suitcase limit."

"I only have one suitcase," Jonah yawned.

"Good. So sort yourselves out and then get to bed. We're leaving by eight."

"Unless you're me. Then you're leaving at six," Michael groaned.

"Right. Let's get you to bed."

"Like you'll sleep," Jonny smirked.

"They will 'cause they're not screwing in my room," Joey said as he walked in. He had taken Trish home.

"We're too exhausted, anyway. Night," Michael said and pulled me upstairs. We brushed our teeth and went straight to sleep.

*** [ 7/5/02 ]

Morning came way too early. We were both sleepwalking when Michael left in a cab at 4:30AM for the airport to fly back to Toronto. He had to be on set by two. I went back to bed and got up at seven. Everyone was dragging ass that morning and coffee was a necessity.

"Let's go already," I muttered as I sat in the car waiting for Adam's folks to say good-bye. You'd think they were sending him off to war. Another couple minutes and several hugs later, Adam finally got into the car.

"Aww. They're sending their baby out into the world," Jonny teased him.

"Shut up," Adam snapped and slapped him on the back of the head.

I started the car, gave the obligatory smile and wave, and tore off.

"Have they been saying good-bye to you since last night," Jonny continued to tease as he turned around in his seat.

"It's the first time I've been away from them for so long," Adam defended.

"There's something to be said for quick good-byes," I offered.

"Are you going to let me drive?" Jonny asked.

"Do you have your permit with you?"



"Yea. I'm on Mom and Dad's. I've got a card, too."

"Know how to drive a stick yet?"

"Mostly. Joey's taken me driving in his car. I'm not very good in heavy traffic, but as long as it's not stop and go then I'm good."

"Okay. I'll let you drive some."

"Cool. When?"

"You can drive through Ohio."

"What about me?" Jonah asked.

"I don't know. Do you have a license and insurance? Do other people think you're a good driver?" I asked.

"Why other people?"

"Because every bad driver thinks they're a good driver."

"Yea, but I'm a good driver. I've never had an accident and I've been driving for three years."

"Okay. You can drive through Pennsylvania. It sucks."

"Why does it suck?"

"Slow speed limit that's psychotically enforced and winding, narrow roads."

"Oh," Jonah said, disappointed.

"It's not bad in the summer. Driving it in the snow with truck traffic is...nerve wracking."

"When have you done that? You haven't come back for Christmas as long as I can remember," Jonny asked.

"You have a short memory, then, and it snows more than during Christmas. I haven't done it very often, but the few times I have it sucked. Now chill out and take a nap or something. It's a long drive and you need to be awake to drive through Ohio."

"How long does it take?" Jonah asked.

"Probably twelve hours with you two driving."

"You're gonna make me do the speed limit?" Jonny pouted.

"Five above, but no more. Jonah will have to do no more than two over. They really are psycho about speeding in Pennsylvania."

"They're not really that bad, are they?" Jonah asked.

"They are. I was pulled over once for doing 58. He only gave me a warning, but it's still psycho. Don't tempt it."

"You know, we're gonna have to call you something other than Jonah," Jonny said to my cousin.

"CJ," I offered.

"Why CJ?" Jonah asked.

"Cousin Jonah."

"Oh. Okay. That works."

"CJ it is."

"What about Adam? He's got his permit now, too," Jonny said.

"I don't know how to drive a stick," Adam said.

"Then you're not going to learn this trip," I said and turned up my Belle and Sebastian CD.

I pulled into the back lot and parked next to Scott's truck.

"Wake up. We're home," I called out.

Jonny jerked awake and looked around like he was confused. A few seconds and a shiver later, he finally woke up. In the back seat, Adam was looking around like this looked like anything but home and CJ was still out cold.

"This is it?" Adam asked.

"This is the back dock. Wake CJ up. Come on. I've gotta piss," I said and got out. I opened the back and had all the suitcases out and the door shut before everyone was out. I grabbed my bag and headed in. Needless to say, we took the elevator up.

"Haven't you done anything else? It looks the same," Jonny said as we walked into the apartment.

"The lobby is done. Now that you're here, maybe things can go a little quicker. You're okay with 20 hour work days, right?" I said.

"Yea, right," Jonny snorted. "Where's our room?"

"I guess we can cut it down to 15 hour days. Give you time to wank," I smirked.

"Ha. Ha. You are so funny. Now which room?"

"The same one you were in last time."

"Dude. This place is huge," Adam said to Jonny as they went to their room.

"Where's Scott? That was his truck, right?" Jonny asked as I walked out of the bathroom.

"I don't know where he's at. He comes and goes as he pleases."

"He's gonna be here, though, right?"

"As far as I know."

"Where am I sleeping? There're only two beds in there," Jonah asked.

"What? Oh, right. Uh, you'll have to use the flip-n-fuck, or sleep on the sofa."

"Where's the flip-n-fuck?" Jonny asked.

"In the loft," I said and pointed to it. "Everyone fine with pizza?"

"Veggie only," Jonah called out as he was getting the flip-n-fuck.

"You're not a vegetarian, too, are you?" Jonny groaned.

"Yea. Do you know how they treat those animals you're eating? Your body can't even digest all..." Jonah started ranting.

"Yes, yes. We all know," I interrupted. "Ovo-lacto?"


"Okay. Artichoke parmesan okay?"

"Sounds good."

"I want sausage and mushrooms," Jonny said.

"Adam?" I asked.

"Anything's okay."

"Okay. One artichoke parmesan and one sausage and mushroom," I said and called to order them.

"Order some Coke, too. You don't have anything to drink," Jonny called out with his head in the refrigerator.

"You can run down to the store and get a couple two liters of what you want for half the cost of having the pizza guy deliver it," I said to Jonny after I hung up.

"But then I've got to run to store, and it's night, and I don't know where it's at," Jonny tried.

"If you want soda you have to go get it. If you want to go into the city by yourselves, then you need to show you can go two blocks by yourself," I smirked.

"You're a manipulative bastard. You know that, don't you?" Jonny said.

I shrugged. "You only wish you were as good at it. Two blocks down on Flatbush. Go out the back door. Malik's Market. Big sign with lots of lights. You can't miss it."

"Yea, okay. Come on, Adam. You going with us, CJ?" Jonny called out.

"Go where?" CJ asked as he walked out of the bedroom where he'd placed the flip-n-fuck.

"The store to get some soda."

"Yea, sure."

I gave them five dollars, a code to get in and sent them on their way. The pizzas were already here by the time they got back.

"We're back!" Jonny yelled as they walked in. I was in the living room loft eating and having a beer to drink.

"Pizza is up here. What took you so long to go two blocks?"

"They're long blocks, and we checked things out. This is really a different neighborhood than your last place," Jonny answered.

"Where are the glasses?" Adam called out.

"Upper cabinet next to the 'fridge."

"This isn't at all like I expected New York to be," CJ said as he climbed up to the living room.

"How'd you expect it to be? Like everything was Manhattan?"

"Uh, yea, I guess. Are the buildings higher there?"

"Yea. That's probably what you're thinking. You're in Brooklyn right now. It's more low-rise and residential than Manhattan. That's Prospect Park out front. Kinda like Brooklyn's Central Park."

"Okay. So we could just catch that train a couple blocks past the market to go into Manhattan?"

"There's a closer station the other direction, but both will take you where you want to go."

"Is it easier or harder than your last place?" Jonny asked.

"Easier, for the most part. No transfers once you're out of Manhattan."

"I didn't think it looked that small. I mean, most of the buildings around here are at least ten stories," Adam said.

"True, but it's more like twenty stories in Manhattan. You'll see. I can take you all into the city on Sunday if you want."

"This is good," CJ said of the pizza. "What are we doing tomorrow?"

"Plaster work in the theater. Patching and sanding."

"It's our first day here," Jonny complained.

"I clearly told you that I'm working on the remodel six days a week. After I've taken you into town on Sunday so you can navigate the trains you guys can go out on your own. Tomorrow you can help," I stated and gave Jonny a look.

"You just want free labor," Jonny pouted.

"Free? Since when are you paying for your room and board?"


"That's right. Don't start being a pain or I'll put your ass on a bus and send you home."

"Someone's in a bad mood," Jonny muttered.

"No, someone doesn't want to baby-sit. I don't have the time or energy to argue with you about every little thing. Just chill out and we'll be fine."

"I'm cool with whatever," CJ said.

"Yea, me, too," Adam agreed.


"Suck ups," Jonny muttered.

"Hey, guys," Scott called out as he walked in around 1 AM. We were up in the living room loft watching TV. "You just get home?"

"No. We got back around eight," I said.

"We must have just missed each other. Fabrizio and Randy are here."

I sat up and looked over the railing. "Hey, guys."

"Hey. The lobby looks great. It's coming along," Randy said.

"Thanks. I seem to be making some progress."

"We were just leaving for dinner at eight. We would have waited if we knew you'd be back then," Scott said.

"Don't worry about it. We just ordered some pizza. Nice and relaxing until it starts up again tomorrow."

"Hey, Randy. I love your show," Jonny smiled as he leaned over the railing.

"Thanks. Who are you?"

"The infamous Jonny, of course," he smirked.

"Oh, hey. Jonah never said you were so cute," Randy teased. Jonny blushed. Everyone laughed.

"Alas, you're way too young for me," Randy sighed dramatically.

"That's okay. You're way too old," Jonny shot back with a grin. "Oh, this is my best friend Adam. He cute, too, but younger than I am and straight. It's not his fault."

"Dude. I really wish you'd stop introducing me like that," Adam complained.

"Fine. I'll introduce you as an ugly old gay stranger from now on," Jonny smirked. "Oh, and the sleeping guy is Jonah Mars, again, but we're calling him CJ to avoid confusion."

"Cousin Jonah," I explained and threw a sofa cushion at Jonny before heading down to talk with them.

"Hey, Randy. Where does Debbie on your show get all those cool T-shirts? Can you get me some?" Jonny asked as he followed me down.

"She gets them from all over, and some people send them to her. I think they make some. You could probably find them online," Randy answered.

"Hey. I'm Jonah," I said, introducing myself to the guy with Randy who I hadn't met yet.

"Fabrizio. Please, not Fab or Fabio. Just Fabrizio."

"How about Zio?"

"Haven't heard that one. I'll think about it," he smiled.

"Sorry. Fabrizio is on QAF. He's visiting for a couple days," Randy said. "Where's Michael?"

"Back in Toronto, filming."

"Ah, that's right."

"I don't remember seeing you on the show," Jonny said to Fabrizio. "Are you on the crew?"

"I haven't been in one yet. I'm in the last five episodes."

"Damn. I don't have Showtime. I'll have to wait until they come out on DVD and hope to get them again next year," Jonny said and gave me a hopeful look.

"Maybe," I shrugged. "So..."

"Which role are you going to play? I mean, whom are you going to be sleeping with? I've seen you in something before. Oh, I know. You were in 'Buffy' for a few episodes, weren't you?" Jonny interrupted.

"It wouldn't be right to tell, and yes," Fabrizio answered.

"Ugh. Come on. I'm not going to see it for a whole year."

"His character is Justin's new love," Randy explained.

"Really? Cool. Justin should get over Brian. He's just a twat. And you're much hotter than the guy who plays Brian," Jonny smiled at Fabrizio.

Randy burst out laughing. "I'll be sure to tell Gale you said so."

"Okay, kid. Stop monopolizing the conversation," I said.

"You know they cut my scene?" Scott said to me.

"When you just said it."

"I told you, it's nothing personal. It just didn't make the cut," Randy said. "So what's with the second Jonah Mars?" He smirked.

"Family reunion. Cousin visiting the city. There were actually six Jonah Mars there. It was kinda humorous with all the same-named people there."

"They all have names that begin with J," Jonny explained. "Talk about a bunch of freaks."

"Unlike a Mathias family reunion, of course," I smirked. "Now go away if you're going to be a brat."

"You think I'm being a brat no matter what I do."

"True, but not when you're not around," I hinted.

"Fine," he sighed. "Nice to meet you Randy and Fabrizio. I'm being exiled."

"You'll see them again, I'm sure. Randy's staying here the rest of the month."

"Oh. Okay. Cool," Jonny smiled and headed back up to the living room loft.

"Jonny is a cute kid. He's gonna be quite the heartbreaker," Randy said as he sat down on one of the kitchen counter stools.

"He already is, though it seems to be working both ways," I said.

"Wanting what he can't have and ignoring what's in front of him?"

"Well, in the past year, as far as I know, he's been ravaged by a girl, fell in love with a guy who was already dating someone -- though he didn't know that at the time, and had a short thing with a guy who he said was too clingy," I explained. "Oh, and a hand-job with the straight guy he's attracted to."

"That didn't turn ugly, did it?" Randy asked.

"Not that I've heard. They're friends and it was a macho dare type thing, from what I got from the story," I said.

"Maybe you should get him to write Justin's part," Fabrizio laughed.

"He could probably do it. He's always scribbling in his notebook or writing stories and putting them out on the net."

"Have you read any of it? How is he?"

"I've read a couple things. He's a decent writer, but his plot skills need time. It's obvious he's sixteen with what he focuses on and some of the plot twists."

"So lots of sex," Randy said.

"Not as much as you'd imagine, but yea, pretty much."

"He probably could write for QAF," Fabrizio laughed.

"We won't still be running by the time he's old enough to write for the show," Randy said.

"Lucky you. Anyway. Not to rude, but I'm going to bed. Nice to meet you Fabrizio," I said and shook his hand. "Night."

"Are you working tomorrow?" Scott asked.

"All day. You?"

"Not all day, but I'll help a couple hours."

"Okay. Night," I said and stopped by the bathroom before going to bed.

*** [ Saturday, 7/6/02 ]

I was surprised to find Jonny awake before me -- well, not that surprised since he was talking with Randy.

"Morning," I said as I walked into the kitchen area to pour myself a cup of coffee.

"Morning. Randy said we could go into the city with him and Fabrizio today," Jonny said.

"Do you know what you're getting yourself into?" I asked Randy and gave him a look.

"No, but it'll be fun. We were planning to spend the day shopping, anyway. The more the merrier," Randy said.

"Gay shopping gene," I smirked and went to answer the phone. "Marpitt home for wayward boys."

A chuckle on the other side. "May I speak with Jonah?"

"Yep. Just speak."

"Hey, Jonah. This is Matt Damon."

"Hey, man. How's it going?"

"Left and backwards," he laughed. "I was wondering if we could get together today to talk about the theater?"

"Possibly. I'm working on the theater all day, but we could meet this evening. Maybe a late dinner?"

"How late?"

"Eight. I stop work around six on Saturdays. That should give me enough time to clean up and meet you somewhere."

"Quite a schedule you've got."

"Yea, I know. Have to force it to an exact schedule or I'll never get done."

"I know how that works. So I think I can do eight. Where would you like to meet?"

"Um, are you in Manhattan?"

"Yea. I'm staying with a friend on 101st."

"Okay. How about Angelo's in Little Italy?"

"Yea, I've been there before. Good place. I haven't been there in years."

"Just a couple months for me. So Angelo's at eight?"

"I'll be there."

"Great. See you then. Later."

"Who was that?" Jonny asked.

"Nosey, aren't we?"

"Yea. Who was it?" Jonny smiled.

"Just someone who is interested in being on the board for the theater. It's just a business meeting."

"Oh, really? You found someone else?" Randy asked.

"Maybe. We'll see after tonight."


"I'm not going to say unless he joins. Only other board members need to know," I said.

"Which is only you."

"And Gus. You have the option."

"I know, but I don't have the time or the cash. You need people more established, anyway. QAF isn't going to last forever and I'm just getting used to having a regular paycheck."

"That's fine. I'm not holding it against you. I'm just stating that board member candidates are not for public knowledge."

"Like we'd tell anyone," Jonny complained.

"Doesn't matter. If he commits then you'll know. If he doesn't, then it doesn't matter who he was. Anyway, what time are you guys going to be back?"

"I don't know. Depends on if we have dinner in the city or not," Randy answered.

"Okay. Well, you have the codes to get in. Have fun," I said and refilled my cup before heading downstairs to start the plaster repair in the theater.

Today was the first day of plaster work in the theater. I wouldn't need to hang full sheets of blueboard, but there were lots of holes and cracks to fix. It took the whole day and I only had around the proscenium left to do on Monday. I got cleaned up and left to meet Matt at Angelo's. The kids still weren't back when I left.

Matt and I talked for several hours about theatre, the entertainment industry, culture and what kind of work we'd like to see a theater doing over a fine meal. At the end of it he decided he'd like to join. He came back with me to check out the progress on the space.

"Here it is, such as it is," I announced and flipped on the lights to the lobby coffee house.

"'Such as it is' looks damn good. Much different than the last time I was here. When does the coffee house open?" Matt said as he walked around.

"After we open the theater. We talked about them opening sooner but with the dust and noise and advertising... It would work out better if everything opened at once. Pool advertising dollars and so forth."

"Definitely. Try to get some synergy between the functions. I must say, man, this looks fuckin' awesome. I can't wait to see it packed with people."

"Oh, good. Then you can come back Tuesday and help paint the theater," I smiled.

"I would, but, sadly, I've got stuff going on all day. Maybe another time."

"Wimp. Just stop by anytime and I can put you to work."

"Thanks for the warning. How about some coffee?"

"I suppose so, though be warned that I've got three kids with staying with me. You may have to deal with a bit of fawning."

"Girls or guys?"


"Should be okay, then. At least there won't be squealing and hyperventilating," Matt smirked.

"I doubt it, but you never know. Let's go," I said and lead the way up. "As fair warning there's Jonny, who will probably flirt with you. Adam, who will probably be really quiet, and CJ, who I'm not sure how he'll react. You've already met Scott. Randy Harrison, the guy who plays Justin on QAF, may or may not be in. Randy will flirt, of course."

"Not a single woman?"

"Ew. No way. Why would I want a woman?" I laughed.

"Just as a fag-hag, of course," Matt shot back.

"I'm not a very good fag. Michelle Williams is probably the closest thing to a fag-hag I have, but I haven't seen her in months. I hope I won't get thrown out of the club. Michael would be pissed."

"I'm sure he would," Matt laughed. "I hate stairs," he commented a moment later.

"It's only five floors, old man," I teased.

"Shut up. I'm not that old."

"You're in your 30s. That's well on your way to being old."

"Know that I'm being sincere when I say this: fuck you."

"Grumpy old man. Stairs are good for you."

"I know. How horrible. I think I'll need a pizza and a couple beers to recover."

"We just ate. You can't be hungry already."

"No. I'll work on it tomorrow. You really should install an elevator."

"We have a freight elevator and there's no place to build a passenger elevator. We could probably mount a chair on a screw lift to the side of the building just for you."

"Don't worry about it. You can just give me a key to the freight elevator."

"Too late. We're here," I said and opened the door.

"Well, damn. You're keeping the nice part hidden up here," Matt said as he walked in.

"It's further along than the rest," I said and noticed CJ standing in the kitchen, frozen. "Go ahead and look around if you like. I'll put on some coffee."

"Sure thing," Matt said and gave me an amused look at CJ's staring.

I touched CJ on the shoulder and he turned a startled look to me.

"Relax and stop gawking," I said softly. "Where's everyone else?"

"Um, Scott went out with Randy and Fabrizio. Jonny and Adam are asleep in front of the TV," CJ answered.

"Good. Matt, this is CJ. CJ, Matt," I smirked and started the coffee.

"How's it goin', CJ?" Matt smiled as he walked up to us.

"Uh, Fine."

"Relax," I repeated and poked him in the ribs.

"Um, sorry. Hi," CJ finally recovered and shook Matt's hand.

"So how was your day out in the city?" I asked CJ, hoping to get him talking.

"Tiring, but it was cool. Randy got accosted a few times when we were in the Village. We went into a lot of stores and on the Staten Island Ferry."

"Is it what you expected?"

"Yea. More so than here."

"Did you guys eat dinner in the city?"

"Yea. Some diner a couple blocks from Central Park."

"First time to the city?" Matt asked as he sat down on a stool.

"Yea. I live in Seattle. Just met this cousin at a family reunion a couple days ago."

"And you just ran to New York with a stranger?"

"He begged, actually," I said.

"He's still family. Besides, I couldn't turn down the opportunity. Everyone's been cool so far," CJ said.

"Of course, it's only been one full day," I smirked and set Matt's coffee in front of him.

"Jonny said there would be celebrities walking in and out all the time. I thought he was exaggerating."

"I'm hardly a celebrity. Ben would qualify, but not me," Matt said.

"I don't know why that is. You are cuter and a better actor," I teased.

"I know. Go figure," Matt smirked.

"Just lucky."

"I still think you'd qualify," CJ said.

"Lucky me," Matt groaned.

"You can fawn and sing his praises after he's gone," I said to CJ.

"I'm not fawning. What are we doing tomorrow?" CJ snapped and changed the subject.

"I have no idea. We could go into the city like we originally planned."

"Is there a good beach around here? Someplace to swim? It was hot as hell in the city today."

"A good beach? Not that I've seen around here."

"I don't know any good ones, either," Matt agreed. "Unless you don't mind freezing, dirty water. Some are pretty to look at, but not great swimming beaches."

"Oyster Bay isn't too bad, but the water is still cold."

"I'm from Seattle. I'm used to cold water crappy beaches."

"Okay. Then we'll go to Oyster Bay tomorrow," I said.

Matt left about a half-hour later and I went to bed knowing that Jonny would bitch about missing meeting Matt in the morning.

*** [ 7/7/02, Sunday ]

---- Jonny -----

-=-=-=- Jonny & David Chat -=-=-=-

dav1d7g: hey. guess what?

iamjam: hey! u found a bf and did it all night long?

dav1d7g: i wish. i'm gonna b in nyc next week.

iamjam: cool. why?

dav1d7g: visiting family in queens.

iamjam: your family are queens, too? ;-P

dav1d7g: groan. in queens. u know. near u.

iamjam: so u want 2 meet?

dav1d7g: yes. we can go do something. family is gonna get boring.

iamjam: ok. how long r u here?

dav1d7g: a week. get in & leave on monday.

iamjam: u better not be an old fat pedo.

dav1d7g: you either.

iamjam: i sent u a pic of me. that's me. and yours...?

dav1d7g: you'll see me in person.

iamjam: you'll have to meet jonah 1st.

dav1d7g: why?

iamjam: so he knows ur not an old fat pedo.

dav1d7g: u don't trust me?

iamjam: not yet. u don't trust me.

dav1d7g: i tell u everything.

iamjam: except what u look like or ur last name.

dav1d7g: so u want 2 meet up or not?

iamjam: sure. email when u get here. u can come to the theater.

dav1d7g: ok. where is it?

iamjam: in brooklyn near prospect park. ocean ave.

dav1d7g: can u email me the address & a map?

iamjam: yea. so what else is up

iamjam: besides you ;-P

dav1d7g: besides me?

dav1d7g: nothing.

dav1d7g: absolutely nothing.

dav1d7g: bored out of my mind.

dav1d7g: friends are all gone on vacation

dav1d7g: rents in crappy mood

dav1d7g: you?

iamjam: went to beach today

iamjam: lots of good eye candy

dav1d7g: always a +

dav1d7g: anyone good?

iamjam: yea, but not with a chance

iamjam: jonah is hot. cj is hot.

dav1d7g: who is cj? he new?

iamjam: yea. jonah's cousin. just here for 2 weeks.

iamjam: he's straight, but seems pretty cool. went shopping yesterday in the city with a couple guys from 'queer as folk'. great fun.

dav1d7g: really? u know them?

iamjam: jonah does. he knows everyone.

dav1d7g: i gotta go. rents yelling.

iamjam: ok. me 2. dinner.

dav1d7g: see u soon. l8r.


*** [ Wednesday, 7/10/02 ]

"Do you hear some banging?" Scott asked me as we were at the top of the scaffolding priming the ceiling.

I stopped and listened. "Jonny, can you go see if there's someone at the front door?" I asked.

"I'm painting."

"We all are. You're closest to the ground. Go."

"Fine," he sighed and dropped his roller in the tray before running out to the lobby.

"Justin's here," Jonny announced as he walked back in.

"Were you expecting him?" Scott asked me.

"No. I guess you weren't either."

"Nope. Hey, Justin," Scott called down.

"Hey, guys. The place is looking great. I came to help, but you seem to be doing pretty well on your own," Justin said.

"Thanks. Drop your stuff off upstairs, get changed and come back down to paint," I said.

"Great. I can't wait to see it," Justin said as he picked his bags back up and headed for the stairs.

"Why didn't you tell me Justin was coming?" Jonny asked.

"I didn't know," I said.

"Was that Justin Timberlake?" CJ asked.

"Yea. Please don't tell me you're a fan," I smirked.

"What? No. No way. It's just...surprising, you know, to have someone that famous just walk in and be all casual. I think he definitely qualifies as a celebrity."

"Not around here," Jonny mumbled.

"Definitely not around here," Scott agreed.

"Get over it. All of you."

"How do you know Justin Timberlake?" CJ asked.

"Long story. I'm sure Jonny can fill you in sometime. Anyway, just treat him like any other dork and everything will be fine."

"Is this the Justin you were talking about who could get you into MTV?"


"Good. Talk to him. I want to meet Serina Altshul."

"You're so straight," Jonny teased.

"Damn straight," CJ smirked.

"Hey. Your place looks fuckin' awesome. I can't wait until you get mine done," Justin said as he finally walked back in.

"After the theater is done," I said.

"So where do you want me?"

"There are rollers on the stage apron. Grab one and start painting the wall near Jonny."

"What's up with the surprise visit?" I asked Justin while I made dinner.

"Is it a problem?"

"No. Just wondering. Usually you give notice."

"Okay. I just wanted to get away and do something mindless."

"Gee, thanks."

"I'm serious. I've been working on my new album and I just needed to take a break. Painting and carrying things is a nice distraction."

"How's it going?"

"The album?"


"Good, I think. Three of the songs are complete and the rest have, at least, basic tracks. You guys would hate it, but it's not your style."

"Okay. Aren't the paint fumes and dust going to be bad for your voice?"

"I don't know. It didn't smell too bad in there and you had the doors open and fans going. I'll live."

"Okay. Just so your record label doesn't try to sue us."

"Don't worry about it."

"Are you planning on staying here?"

"Yea, if that's okay."

"Yea, it's fine. I just don't have a bed for you."

"What's Randy using?"

"He brought a futon."

"You're not going to offer your room?"

"Nope. Not when there are other options. Michael did say that I could let you blow me while he's gone, though, as long as he gets to fuck you," I smirked.

"So do I get to fuck him if I don't blow you?"

"I don't think it works that way, and I don't want you to blow me, anyway."

"Oh. I'm hurt," Justin goofed.

"Probably horny, too, but you'll have to sort that out for yourself."

"It's easier that way, anyway. I need a break."

"A break from what? Have you actually been with someone? Guy or girl?"

"Women, and yes, I have."

"Who and what happened that you're here to hide out?" I asked.

"Can't I come hang out with friends without having a reason?"

"Yes, but not unannounced in the middle of recording an album."

"Yea, okay," Justin sighed. "I'm not hiding out, just getting away."

"Kinda the same thing."

"No. Hiding out would be if I was hiding from someone. Getting away just means I needed a change."

"Okay. So who are you getting a change from?"

"I'm not..."

"Who have you been dating?" I clarified.

"It's not important. We aren't dating anymore."

"Why so evasive?"

"Sorry. Just sick of rumors, gossip and speculation. If I'm dating someone and it's serious, then I'll let you know. If I don't tell you then it wasn't serious, or was just gossip," Justin said.

"Man, I don't know how you can stand the life you lead. You should just retire and get out of it instead of going solo as well."

"It wouldn't work. As you like to tease, I love the attention too much. I guess it's just a bit of a love-hate thing."

"As always. So where are you going to sleep? You could just use the sofa."

"I think I'll just run out and get another flip-n-fuck or a futon. Why don't you just have your cousin sleep with you? He seems kinda nervous around me."

"I think you're his first diva. There you go: taking away a boy's virginity," I teased.

"Or not," he said and flipped me the bird. "Maybe I can convince your cousin to take the sofa."


"CJ! 'Sup, man..." Justin started in on his weaseling as CJ walked out of the bathroom.

It ended up in his favor, but not due to his ass-kissing. CJ thought the flip-n-fuck was too soft to sleep on and preferred the sofa, anyway.

  • -=-=-=-=- Jonny -=-=-=-=-

"Thank God he's finally got air conditioning," Justin said as he pulled off his shirt.

"Now if he'd only turn it up," Adam said.

"'It costs too much right now'," I mocked.

"Jonah can be such a tight-wad sometimes," Justin said and kicked his shorts towards his suitcase, leaving him in his boxer-briefs.

"I didn't know you were gonna give me a striptease, but I appreciate it," I smiled.

Justin gave me a 'you freak' look and mooned me quickly before lying down on the flip-n-fuck.

"Woo hoo. Keep going," I laughed.

"You guys first," Justin countered.

"Are you gay, too?" Adam asked.

"He wishes he was," I said to save Justin. "He's just trying to get me to give up teasing him."

"You know, sometimes I wish you were still shy and respectful," Justin said.

"Those days are gone," I shrugged and stripped down to my boxers to sleep. "Your turn, Adam."

"Why are we friends, again?" Adam joked and stripped down to sleep.

"'Cause I add fun to your life and you do what I say," I teased back.

"Every good drama queen has to have an audience," Justin said.

"Are YOU calling ME a drama queen?" I asked Justin.

"If the tiara fits..." Justin smiled and Adam busted up laughing.

"Is the diva envious?" I smirked.

"You are so grasping for straws, dawg," Justin laughed.

"It's not much bigger, and I haven't reached for you once," I shot back.

"Ooo. He got you good on that one," Adam laughed at Justin.

"I've never seen him, so maybe he's not much SMALLER than a straw," Justin tried.

"Wanna compare?" I smiled.

"No. I'm not 15 anymore. I don't need to compare. Better luck next time."

"You did when you were 15? Who'd you compare with? It had to be the rest of the guys in 'NSYNC, right?" I asked.

"None of your business. Who have you compared with?"

"No one you know," I said. "Unless we do it now," I added with a grin.

"Damn. Someone's super horny tonight," Adam joked.

"It's not just tonight," I said.

"And it's not just tonight that you're gonna have to be satisfied with your hand," Justin smirked and got up to turn off the light.

"You, too," I added.

"On a normal night, but seeing you is enough to eliminate any horniness on my part," Justin said gave me a titty-twister on the way back to his bed.

"Ouch, fucker," I complained. "Can't keep your hands off me?"

"Just giving you something to fuel your fantasies."

"Better give Adam something, too."

"No thanks, dude," Adam said.

"You don't want any," Justin teased and tried to give Adam a titty-twister, but had to reach into the top bunk and Adam was pulled back as far as he could to avoid it and was yelling and trying to slap him away. From the bottom bunk I had a pretty nice view of Justin's crotch bouncing in my face. It would have been even better if the lights were on.

I couldn't resist and reached to snap the waistband of his briefs. As I reached he jumped up and I ended up grabbing his dick -- and he had a pretty good woody going. I was shocked and pulled my hand back right away, but his reaction was not what I expected. He pushed his underwear down with his free hand so his dick popped out and continued trying to get Adam. He was also getting hard. Damn, I wish the lights were on so I could see it better. I finally heard a squeal from Adam and Justin ducked into the bottom bunk. He grabbed my hand and pushed it into his crotch with one hand and grabbed my head and pulled us together with the other. At first I thought he was going to kiss me, but he turned so he could whisper in my ear.

"This is your free touch. You touch me like that again and I'll break your hand," Justin whispered into my ear and then let go of my hand and grabbed my erection hard. He went to pull back, but I grabbed his erection and held him close so I could whisper back to him.

"We need to talk in the other room now," I whispered and let him go.

"Fine," he whispered and let me go, leaving the room immediately.

"What's going on?" Adam asked me as I got up to leave as well.

"Nothing. Just something Justin and I need to talk about alone," I said and closed the door. I looked around for Justin and saw him sitting at the kitchen counter.

"Hey, man. I'm sorry about grabbing your dick. I was just trying to snap your waistband, but you jumped up and it's dark," I whispered, looking up at the loft to see CJ with his iPod on and typing away on Michael's old iBook.

"Uh, huh. And all the comments?" Justin countered.

"Duh. I'm horny all the time. I'm just playing with you."

"Tried, anyway," Justin smirked.

"What's with you boning up and flashing me and everything?"

"Duh, I'm horny all the time," he mocked. "Plus someone was grabbing me."

"That's not much of an excuse."

"It's as good an answer as any for doing something stupid," he shrugged.

"Oh. Okay. Do you still missing being with Charlie?"

He gave a look towards CJ and then got up and walked towards the front door. "Not here. You coming?" He asked and continued on.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I caught up with him.

"To the roof," he said and led the way up. He propped the door open and we went out. The roof was still warm, but the night air felt good.

"So you miss being with Charlie?" I asked again.

"I don't know. Yes and no," he sighed and slowly paced around the roof. There wasn't much ambient light to see where you were going on the black roof. Pretty much everything below waist level was black from the height of the ledges around the edge.

"Uh, okay. What does that mean?"

"Just that. I don't know. I miss the sexual play we had. I don't miss the worrying about people finding out part."

"Have you been with any guys since Charlie?"

He paused a few seconds. "No."

"Was the pause trying to remember, or trying to decide if you're going to tell me the truth?"

"You're too damn perceptive, you know that?" Justin quipped.

"I know. I'll let you off on that one. Any girls?"

"A couple," he shrugged.

"Really? Good for you. Were they good?"

He rolled his eyes. "Do you really expect me to answer that in any way other than yes?"

"No. Probably not."

"Then don't ask stupid questions."

"Meow. Hiss," I teased.

"Blow me."

"No thanks. You're not my type. I guess you were really curious, huh, if you grabbed me?" I smiled.

He shrugged again.

"You're just afraid to admit you're turned on by my hot body, aren't you?" I teased.

"Sorry, dawg. That's not it at all."

"Uh, huh. I bet if I was older so you didn't have to worry about Jonah kicking your ass you'd be all over me right now."

"Damn. And I get hassled about having an over-active ego," Justin laughed.

"Just trying to make you relax. You should probably jack-off before you go to bed tonight. Just don't moan my name or Adam will get suspicious."

"I think I'm gonna jack-off right here. Out in the open. Shoot my wad over the edge," Justin said and walked towards the side.

"Out here? What if someone sees you?"

"I can barely see you and I'm ten feet away. Chicken?"

"So you're trying to get me to jack-off with you," I surmised.

"No. Just giving you the option to do it up here. You're not going to jack me off."

"Yea, okay. Why not? It's easier than waiting for you two to fall asleep," I said and walked near him.

"Like that would make any difference since all three of us would be waiting for the other two to fall asleep."

"You've got a point."

"And a stick, too," Justin said and I could see him freeing his erection. I almost instantly went back up.

"You're gonna do it in front of me?"

"What can you see? Shadows?"

"Pretty much."

"Then it's just as much as you'd see if I'd done it in bed."

In some strange way it made sense. I freed myself and started stroking. It was actually kinda exciting doing it out in the open and in front of Justin -- even if it was dark and we were about four feet apart. He turned sideways slightly and I could see him much better. I didn't think I was going to last very long, but Justin soon stepped up to the wall and started moaning slightly. I joined him next to the wall and stood shoulder to shoulder with him as we both worked towards release. Our hands were moving fast and he was pressing his shoulder into mine. I lost it and shot a powerful load, trying to get most of it to go over the wall. It was difficult to see, but I think the first three spurts went over. Justin started as I finished.

"Damn, I needed that," Justin sighed as he tried to shake off the last bit and put himself away.

"Don't we all," I agreed.

"Don't menti..." He started as we walked back.

"Never happened," I interrupted.

"Thanks," he said and patted me on the shoulder. He still had cum on his hand and got some on me.

"Ew! You got your cum on me," I said and pulled away, wiping my hand on his belly to get him back.

"Ew! You, too. Gross."

"I better not find you licking your fingers," I teased.

"Now that's really gross. If you taste a little in the heat of the moment it's not bad, but licking it up afterwards? Ugh!" Justin said and shuddered.

"Wow. Something about sex we agree on."

"Well, we also both agree I'm hot," Justin smirked.

"You have your moments, but I prefer guys who are smarter."

"I'm smart enough to have millions."

"Yea, but you're dumb enough to sleep with girls. That's an immediate disqualification."

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you sleep with a girl?"

"Not willingly. It doesn't count. You do it willingly, and that's not right."

"Women are beautiful things. You gay guys just can't appreciate that."

"That's not true. I can recognize when a woman is beautiful, but I don't want to have sex with her. Besides, guys are MUCH hotter than any woman could hope to be."

"You're such a fag," Justin teased and shut the door.

"And you're such a slut who'll sleep with anything," I shot back.

"Except you."

"There was that one time," I hinted.

"Oh really. When was this?"

"During the hurricane."

"And we were also sleeping with Charlie, Jonah, Michael, Lance and Danny. That doesn't count."

"See what a slut you are? You slept with six other guys. And you say you're straight," I laughed.

"Where were you guys?" Adam asked from the kitchen. He startled both of us.

"Up on the roof jacking-off," Justin said casually and went to the bathroom.

"What were you really doing?" Adam asked me.

"Up on the roof talking. Sorry about leaving you out, but he doesn't know you that well yet."

"So you two were up on the roof, alone, and in your underwear, just talking. Right," Adam said knowingly.

"I've been in bed with you, alone, with both of us in our underwear. What does that say about you?"

"Point noted, but we were wearing shirts, too. So everyone going to bed now, or staying..."

"I'm going to sleep. Night, guys," Justin said as he walked out of the bathroom and went into our bedroom.

"Guess that's my answer," Adam said.

"Yep. I gotta piss, first," I said and went to the bathroom. I pissed and cleaned up any remaining cum -- including Justin's -- and then went to bed. In a weird way, that whole thing with Justin was really hot. I wish we'd given each other hand-jobs -- though it would be kinda weird jacking-off someone so much smaller. I almost got up to go jack-off again thinking about everything, but, fortunately, sleep won out.


Comments welcomed and encouraged. jm_stories@yahoo.com or aim:jmstories Please put the story title in the subject line or my spam filter will eat it. If I don't reply within two weeks, then you've been eaten, or I'm just really slow and will get back to you when the next chapter comes out. Most likely, I'm just slow. The next chapter is just over half-written and I hope to have it out by New Year's. Encouragement helps. Hint. Hint.

Next: Chapter 29

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