Just Together


Published on Apr 17, 2004


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It makes no claims to the true personality or sexuality of anyone involved. You already know if you shouldn't be reading this.

------------------ Just Together by jm_stories ------------------

Chapter XXVII

-=-=-=-=- Jonah -=-=-=-=-

*** [ Monday, 4/1/02 ]

"This is Jonah," I answered my mobile.

"No it's not. It's Charlie. Where the hell are you?"

"I'm on campus. You know that already. Michael's there, isn't he?"

"No. He went out shopping with Kate. I'm in the Green Room -- the one we found the workshops in last summer," Charlie said.

"What are you doing there?"

"I don't feel like shopping for home building crap and Michael said I'd probably find you here."

"An hour ago you would have. I'm working in the shop right now. I can't hang out."

"What am I supposed to do? When will you be done?"

"I'll be done at five. Go play in the city, or just sit there and talk with people and I'll pick you up at five."

Charlie sighed. "Yea, okay. I might head out, but I'll meet you here at five."

"Okay. Call me around then to remind me so I don't forget and head home first."

"Who's going to remind me?" Charlie laughed.

"I will after you remind me. Anyway, I gotta go. I'll see you at five. Later," I said and hung up.

Of course, Charlie didn't remember to call me. Fortunately, I remembered and walked into the Green Room to find him chatting away with some younger actors. I sneaked up behind him, pulled his head back, and kissed him on the forehead. The groups of actors loved it.

"Hey, baby," I teased. "Ready to go?"

"See? Didn't I tell you he was a twat?" Charlie exclaimed to the group.

"I always heard he was just a tight-ass," Sam, a sophomore actor who I'd worked with last year when he was a slavecrafter, laughed.

"No one would ever accuse you of having a tight ass, Sam," I shot back. Laughs all around and they all started talking at once -- typical actor conversation.

"Let's go. I've got stuff to do," I said to Charlie.

"Please tell me you're not dating Jonah Mars," one of the girls said.

"No, but you're still out of luck. He's engaged," I said.

"He does give great head, though," Charlie smirked. Laughs and catcalls all around.

"Thanks. Those tips you gave me really made a difference. I guess experience counts for something. Now let's go. I need some release," I shot back and walked out, dragging him with me.

"Now that wasn't very nice of you," Charlie complained as we got out into the hallway.

"Teasing you like that?" I smirked.


"So have you seen the place yet?" I asked Charlie as we headed for the train.

"Yea. Michael walked us through everything. It looks like hell. I thought you were going to be moved in by the beginning of next month?"

"It'll be ready enough to move in. The hard stuff is mostly done. Figuring a week-and-a-half to tape and finish all the drywall. A couple days to paint. A couple days to put down the flooring. Tile the bathrooms. Cabinets. Yea, okay. It's a lot to get done in not much time, but I've got it scheduled out and it works."

"You working on it tonight?"

"I should. I need to get the cement board up in the bathrooms."

"Why are you having cement walls in the bathroom?"

"It's cement board. It makes a stable backing for the tile."

"Oh. Okay. I've seen that stuff before."

"So why did the ladies go out shopping for house stuff? Did you already decide you're buying a place?" I asked.

"Pretty much. Just a matter of picking one and then finding out how much you're gonna screw me for."

"How much I'm gonna screw you for? I love you, man, but not that much -- and you're not THAT good of a lay," I smirked.

"What?! Who have you had better? Don't even tell me it's J."

"No, of course not. He's a crap lay with a hair trigger and a deep denial."

"True, but he makes up for it in enthusiasm."

"Not for me. I'm a quality, not quantity, kinda guy."

"Uh huh. Both is even better."

"Of course. Anyway. All the places will have fair prices. Just expect New York prices."

"Like I said. You're gonna screw me."

"Okay. We'll make that part of the negotiations," I sighed. "What does Kate think?"

"About you screwing me? I don't know. If it would lower the price I'm sure she'd be okay with it," Charlie smirked.

"Have you told her who you've slept with?"

"Not exactly. She figured it out after New Years. She didn't get Michael, but she figured you and J."


"And nothing. She knew I'd been with guys. She knows we're friends. Actually, she joked about a three way with you," he laughed.

"She did not," I protested as we got off at our stop.

"Yea, she did."

"Gross. I don't want to be around a naked girl. Why not you and J?"

"She thinks he's a twat!" He laughed.

"So she doesn't have any lesbian tendencies?" I laughed.

"She said she's done it with another woman before, but no, I don't think so. She just thinks J's too full of himself."

"And he is."

"Yea, but he's been a little stand-offish with her. Not rude or anything, but not as casual and real as he usually is with us."

"Yea, I guess I've noticed he tends to perform when there are women around."

"Exactly, and unfortunately for him, women notice that. So when are you going to have my place done?"

"By Christmas, if everything goes as planned. You aren't buying it together?"

"No. She owns the house in LA. I'll own the flat here."

"What about your place in London?"

"That was just leased. I let that go months ago."

"So why aren't you out doing the shopping?" I asked.

"Because I hate shopping and really don't care. I'd just let you handle how it looks."

"Come on. I know you must have some ideas about what you'd want. Things you love or hate about places you've lived before."

"Yea, but you get used to things," Charlie shrugged. "I know you'll make it nice."

"What style? Victorian? Modern? Open plan? Traditional? You've got a million choices."

"I've been informed. That's why I'm letting Kate take care of it. I know it'll be fine."

"You're weird. You should just buy some finished and furnished apartment if you don't want to make any choices."

"I'll still approve everything. I'm not a designer and I don't have the patience to sort through a million choices. Between you, Kate and Michael, I'll end up with two or three choices. I can deal with that."

"Did they say when they'll be back?"

"Just that it would be late and we should eat dinner without them -- unless they called by 4:30. They didn't, so..."

"Okay. Let's just grab something from the deli on Flatbush and you can help me work on the apartment."

"I'm not a carpenter."

"I know, but you can lift, carry and hold things."

"Yep. That I can do."

We had all the cement board up in both bathrooms by ten and headed home to find Michael and Kate drinking beer and buried in brochures and samples.

"Oi! What's all this? You were supposed to reduce my choices not increase them," Charlie complained.

"Don't you 'Oi' me or I'll have your bollocks for earrings," Kate teased Charlie and slapped him on the butt.

"Hello, Dear. Have fun?" I teased and gave Michael a quick kiss on the forehead.

"Yep. As always. What did you get done tonight?" Michael said.

"Got the cement board up in the bathrooms. Everything is ready to tape this weekend."

"Guess I need to make a final decision on the tile, huh?"

"Yes, you do. The tile setter needs to start tiling next week."

"You're hiring someone to do it? You're not doing it yourself?" Charlie teased.

"Just the shower stalls. I'm doing the floors. It's too much detail work and not enough time for me to learn on the stalls. The floors will be easy in comparison," I said.

"I'm getting a beer. You want one?" Charlie asked me.

"Yea, thanks."

"I love the wood floor you chose," Kate said. "What was it called?"

"Kempas plank," Michael answered. "I'm still gonna try to convince someone to try the stainless steel tile and the leather tile."

"Not in our place," Kate stated. "Those are incredibly tacky."

"True, but they're expensive and exclusive."

"That's because nobody in their right mind would want them," I laughed.

"Justin'll do it," Michael smirked.

"Of anyone, Justin would," Kate snickered.

"I think it would be too radical for him. He's not on the cutting edge of anything," I said.

"Maybe the cutting edge of being a diva," Kate smirked.

"Oh leave him alone. I told you he's just a twat around women," Charlie chided.

"And anyone he thinks he needs to impress," Michael added.

"Moving on. Have you thought about the style of the apartment?" I asked Kate.

"I'm thinking French Country. Light and lacy."

"Like hell," Charlie protested. "You hate French Country."

"Yea, but this is your place and you've given me free reign," Kate said sweetly.

"You are a master manipulator," I said to Kate.

"Thank you."

"So. What style?" I asked Charlie.

"Just make it look like yours. The floor plans Michael showed us are fine. Just get it done," Charlie said.

"No. Not exactly like ours. Each place needs to be different in some obvious way. These aren't ghetto apartments," I said.

"Then just make some changes. Paint the walls a different color. Have different counters or cabinets. I know you'll make it nice and masculine," he said gave Kate a look.

"If it ends up looking like a bachelor pad, you will be," Kate said to Charlie.

"You got a chick with balls, man," I teased Charlie.

"I know. It's a mixed blessing," he said and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I could make it look like the QAF shag shack. Make the bedrooms raised a couple feet and have glass panel pivot doors," I said.

"Ha ha ha. Fuck you," Charlie groaned.

"I like the idea of the bedrooms being raised. Not the glass walls, though. Is the ceiling high enough to do it?" Kate asked.

"The finished ceiling will be ten feet. Raising it a foot with two six inch steps would still give you nine foot ceilings in the bedrooms," I said.

"Fine. I want both bedrooms to be lofts. Just have a big platform a meter from the ceiling and put a wardrobe under it. Carpet everything with thick shag," Charlie said.

"If that's what you really want. Orange shag, right?" I said.

"Posh. The more vomit inducing the better," Charlie laughed.

"Black walls and mirror tiles with gold veining on the ceiling would look great with the shag carpeting," I offered.

"I like the mirror tile, but shouldn't it be in a checkerboard pattern with black mirror and cover the walls, too?" Charlie continued.

"Now THAT would be posh. It would make your place seem huge. What about the kitchen?"

"Mmmm. How about pink marble counters and black lacquered cabinets?"

"Perfect. And the bathroom?"

"Ah. Here's where I know what I want. Tile everything, ceiling to floor. I want the floor to be sunk like a huge shallow tub and the shower nozzle will be cherubs along the wall that piss water. The sink... It would be killer to get one of those wall fountains of the lion with water coming out of its mouth into a half-round basin."

"You will be the envy of the building. I think instead of a regular toilet you should have the kind of toilet they have in some bars in Europe where there's just two places to put your feet, a hole in the floor and a handle on the wall," I added.

"I thought that was just assumed, but it should also have a pissing cherub there for the cleaning flush."

"I thought the pissing cherub was assumed, but it should be over near the shower with an extra-high setting to piss across the room."

"Great idea," Charlie laughed. "And it would make a great surprise for people."

"Damn. I thought Jersey people were tacky. Now you know why I'm doing all the interior design," Michael laughed.

"And I'm rethinking our wedding plans," Kate said and gave Charlie a strange look.

"Oh, come on. You love cherubs. You've got one pissing in your garden," Charlie said.

"A single cherub, and I'm not showering in its piss."

"We'd have to have multiple cherubs, or one really hung one to get a big enough stream to shower in," Charlie continued.

"Fine, but I want a regular shower head. You can have your hung cherub."

"Someone's gonna be having regular enemas," Michael smirked.

"Perfect! We could have one with a stiffy for a bidet," Charlie laughed.

"It's your money," Kate said.

"Actually, he was trying to get it in trade," I said casually. "But he's not that good of a lay."

Charlie pouted. "I've never had a complaint."

"You're just fine, but even I wouldn't pay you a couple hundred thousand for it," Kate said.

"I'll have you know that I've had thousands begging for one night with me."

"After one night they'd be cured of that obsession," Michael smirked.

"I think you'd make a good naked house boy, but you can't cook worth shit," I said.

"Not for you twats."

"He's getting better. I think it's more the what he tries to cook than the cooking itself," Kate said.

"Moving on. Show me the plans again so I can pick a place and be done with it," Charlie said.

"One of the front ones on the fourth floor," Kate said.

"Clear off the table," I said and went to my pile of plans and pulled out the floor plan for the fourth.

"You should take A. It's the larger one," Michael said.

"Why the larger one?"

"Because it costs more. We can pay for all of this quicker," I explained.

"I should have guessed. Why didn't you get J to buy a bigger place? He's the one with all the money," Charlie complained.

"Because I don't want him here all the time. You know what a pain it would be with security if he was here all the time," I said.

"We debated on whether or not to sell him a place," Michael said.

"Why'd you sell him one?" Kate asked.

"Things we put into the contract. No revealing to the public where he lives and no photoshoots or filming. He also agreed to pay for any additional security caused by his presence and to sell if we start having problems because people found out he lives here on occasion," I explained.

"That's fantastic. How'd you get him to agree to all that?" Charlie asked.

"His choice was to agree or not to buy. He really wanted the place," Michael said.

"And you'll have to sign the same thing. Everyone will," I added.

"Me?!" Charlie exclaimed.

"I think it's a great idea," Kate said.

"Thanks. We do, too."

"I don't. No one is going to stalk me anymore. Why should I have to pay or move because some freak wants to see my bathroom?" Charlie said.

"It's not the rare case that becomes the problem, and the decision is made by all the tenants. It's supposed to be fair for everyone," I said.

"Besides, if you don't have any stalkers anymore then you don't have anything to worry about," Michael added.

"It applies to you, too, right?" Charlie asked Michael.

"The extra security part, but I can't really sell. Maybe get an apartment somewhere else and make people think I moved, but I own the building."

"And Michael would never have the kind of fans that Justin has, or even you. He doesn't foster that kind of behavior and he's not a pretty boy," I said.

Kate laughed.

"Fuck you. You're calling ME a pretty boy?!"

"More than I am," Michael said.

"Jonah is more of a pretty boy than YOU are."

"Jonah is too butch to be a pretty boy," Kate countered.

"Thank you," I said.

"You're still hot enough that you'd have your share of fans if you ever went into acting," Kate added.

"I'm not ever going to become an actor -- there are enough bad actors in the world."

"You could just do pornos. I'd buy it," Michael smiled.

"I'd buy it, too," Charlie added.

"You know, sometimes I wonder if you like men more than I do," Kate teased.

"No, not men in general. There's only you now, but that doesn't mean I can't look anymore."

"Uh huh. So you won't mind if I still look."

"You can look at other women all you want," Charlie smiled.

"Thanks," Kate groaned and rolled her eyes.

"You can even sleep with women as long as I get to watch," he added and wagged his eyebrows.

"Ugh. Don't bring up your lesbian fantasies," I groaned.

"Yea, really. It's bad enough that you're in love with a woman. There's no need to bring lesbians into it," Michael added.

"Awww. Are the gay boys afraid of a couple lesbians?" Kate teased.

"Hell yea -- at least when they're naked and having sex," I said.

"I agree. I have to do enough sex scenes with a single woman. I don't want to see two going at it," Michael said.

"You guys are such fags," Kate laughed.

"Absolutely," Michael and I said together.

"Speaking of sex scenes, I want to watch the video of 'Jack Shine'," Kate said.

Charlie groaned.

"Charlie's got a copy of it," I said.

"Really?" Kate said and gave Charlie a look.

"I lost it in the move," Charlie tried.

"I'll just have to make you another copy," I smiled.

"And send it to me. So let's watch it," Kate said.

"Do you want to disappear? Go get some drinks?" Charlie asked.

"Sorry. I've got homework to get done," I said.

Michael seemed undecided. "It's been a while, but... Yea, okay. I'd rather go out for drinks than watch it."

"No one is going to watch it with me?" Kate asked.

"I'll do my reading out here and give you occasional behind-the-scenes tidbits," I offered.

"There wasn't much interesting going on behind the scenes. Now behind closed doors after we got home... That is something else," Michael teased and moaned a couple times.

"Like you weren't doing it, too," Charlie shot back.

"Not three times a night, every night!" Michael laughed.

"Three times? Why don't I get three times?" Kate pouted.

"Because it's better with you. More than twice in six hours would kill me with you," Charlie tried valiantly.

"Good answer," Kate smiled and gave him a quick kiss. "Now run along so I can watch you sing, dance and screw Michael."

"Ah, if only he was good at any of them," Michael sighed dramatically.

"Piss off. You loved it every night and you know it."

"Uh huh. I wasn't the one poppin' bones on stage."

"One. Bloody. Time."

"Bullshit. Almost every show for the last two weeks. It was just the one time that you were nude when it happened."

"When was this? How would you know?"

"Well, most of the time in II.iv when I'd be rubbing up against you. Something felt pretty stiff," Michael smirked.

"I wasn't getting any and you were feeling me up and doing your best to get me up. Of course something would feel pretty stiff."

"Yep. He's good," I smiled and gave Michael a quick kiss.

"Yea, okay. Let's get out of here," Charlie said and got up.

Charlie and Michael headed out a few minutes later. I set the tape up for Kate and read while she watched it. All in all she thought Charlie was very cute in it and I'm sure got plenty of teasing out of it.

*** [ Sat, 4/6/02 ]

"Coffee is on. Are you still helping today?" I called as I knocked on Scott's door. I heard some shuffling and shushes. He, obviously, wasn't alone. I went to finish getting dressed while the coffee brewed.

"Scott's got company," I said to Michael as I got dressed and he laid in bed.

"Good for him. Guy or girl?" Michael yawned.

"Don't know. I just heard some shuffling and shushes. Are you helping today?"

"Didn't we already agree that I shouldn't do anything that involves construction? I'll be there with food and drink and supplies when needed. I can help more when it gets to painting and cleaning and shit."

"You can probably safely sand. Probably Tuesday at the latest," I said and gave him a quick kiss before going to the kitchen. When I walked into the living room Chris was almost to the door. That answers who.

"You don't need to sneak out, Chris. Have some coffee," I said and continued to the kitchen.

"Shit," I heard him mutter under his breath.

"We still doing drywall?" Scott asked me as I walked into the kitchen.

"Yep. Start taping joints today. You could have at least offered Chris some coffee," I smiled.

"Chris who?" Scott tried, only a second before Chris slowly walked into the kitchen.

"He caught me," Chris apologized.

I just looked at Scott and smiled broadly. "So?" I prodded.

"Nunya," Scott shot back, looking uncomfortable.

"I know, but I still want to know. Tell me or I'll go get Michael," I threatened.

"No. No. Okay. Okay. I'll already have to endure enough of his innuendos," Scott pleaded.

"Endure?" Michael asked as he walked in. "Oh. Hi, Chris. Have a ball last night?" He smiled. "Perhaps two?"

"Now why is it that you don't make comedies? Oh yea, that's right. 'Cause you're NOT funny!" Scott said.

"I've learned to live with it," Michael shrugged. "So?"

"We slept together. That's more than you need to know," Scott shot back.

Fortunately for Scott, the door buzzer went off. It was Kolya and I buzzed him in.

"Good morning," Kolya smiled as he walked in.

"Morning. Come on in and have some coffee," I said and lead him to the kitchen after he dropped his jacket.

"Who was...oh. Kolya, right?" Michael asked.

"Yes. That is me."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Michael," he said and they shook hands.

"Hey, man," Scott nodded.

"You are working, too?" Kolya asked Scott.

"We'll see. I've never done it before."

Kolya gave me a look like he didn't understand why I'd hire someone who didn't know what to do.

"He lives here," I explained.

"Ah. And you are Chris 'son of a bitch', right?" Kolya smiled at Chris.

"Yea. That'd be me," Chris sighed. Scott and I laughed.

"What am I missing?" Michael asked.

"I accidentally spilled some paint on a drop that this girl was painting a couple weeks ago. She's had it in for me ever since," Chris explained.

"It was a whole gallon of paint," Scott clarified to Michael.

"Have you been trying the coffee and food begging?" I asked.

"Yea. She's stopped attacking me, but she still won't let me near the paint shop."

"It's probably for the best. I won't let Michael near power tools," I grinned and poked Michael in the ribs.

"That's 'cause he always tries to cut off a finger, or runs the screw completely through the drywall, completely missing the stud," Scott laughed.

"There's only one stud I want to screw," Michael smirked and shot me a look.

"I hope your aim is better there."

"It is," I said and handed Kolya a cup of coffee. From his confused look, he had no idea what we were talking about.

"Chris is also helping?" Kolya asked me.

"I don't think so. Chris?" I asked.

"Sorry. I've got stuff to get done."

"No prob."

"Are you helping, Michael? There are no power tools today -- I think," Scott smirked.

"I'm fulfilling my role as a provider. Food and supplies. Sorry, but you'll have to get your own lube and condoms," Michael shot back.

"You really shouldn't try to be funny," Scott sighed dramatically.

"So? What do you think?" I asked Kolya as we walked into the apartment.

"Is good. Not take long. You put...crown molding in corners?" Kolya said as he walked around checking things out.

"No. I hadn't planned on it. Why?"

"Is expensive apartment, no?"

"Pretty much, yea."

"If you no use crown molding then should have cove. Something nice. Not plain corner of cheap house."

"How much more time is that going to take? And how much more cost?" I asked.

"Many types. Easiest is simple curve instead of corner. Most cost is time. Materials is simple and cheap. Take time, though."

"Ah, I see. Trying to increase your hours," I teased.

"No. Just try to make good. If you don't want..." Kolya started to protest.

"I'm just kidding," I interrupted. "I like the idea, but not everywhere. The ceilings in this main space are too high to notice the corners. In the entry would look nice and give an easy place to break. Um...the back wall of the living room loft, and...maybe the long walls of the master bedroom."

"It would look good in the library, too," Scott offered.

"No. I'm putting in bookcases."

"Oh, that's right."

"Let's just forget about the cove. I'll put crown molding up if I need to. I didn't design everything with them in mind and it'll just look half-assed to throw them in at the last minute."

*** [ Wednesday, 4/10/02 ]

"Happy Birthday," Charlie said as I answered my cell.

"Is it? Damn. Happy Birthday to you, too. I'm tellin' ya man, I've lost all track of time."

Charlie laughed. "You're gonna be in trouble with Michael. Isn't it his 21st?"

"Yea. He's forgotten about it, too. I just talked with him a couple hours ago. He's bringing dinner."

"I guess you're working in your place?"

"Yea. Doing the finish coat on the drywall. Hopefully to start painting this weekend."

"You need to take him out to a bar tonight. At least to order one drink."

"It'll have to wait until this weekend. The bar closest to here closes at midnight. We won't be done in time," I said.

"You can stop for an hour."

"No. If we stop and the plaster starts to dry, then we'll have to wait until tomorrow to continue when it's completely dry. We hardly did anything for our last birthday, so it's no big deal. Maybe I'll just ask him to stop and buy some beer."

"If I forgot Kate's birthday I'd be sleeping on the sofa."

"Sucks to be you. He forgot both of ours, too."

"Not when I call him after I call you," Charlie teased.

"Good luck with that," I said and hung up, quickly speed dialing Michael.

"Yea? Watch where you're fuckin' going!" Michael yelled into the phone. "Sorry. Yea?"

"Hey, man. Still on the road?"

"Oh, hey. Yea, I'm on my way to pick up dinner now. Did Kolya show up? What about Scott?"

"Kolya is here. Scott's got a production tonight. Could you stop by a liquor store and get some beer? I could really use some tonight. Just some Sam Adams or something."

"Yea, sure. I'll give it a shot," he said, obviously distracted by traffic.

"How soon 'till you get here?"

"If I keep running into god damned tourist drivers who don't know how to fuckin' drive then I'll be lucky to get there at all. Probably an hour."

"Okay. I'll try to be at a stopping point by then. Love you."

"Love you. Later," he said and hung up.

"Ready to start?" Kolya asked me after I hung up.

"Actually, I need to run out real quick. Can you start without me? I should be back in twenty minutes or so."

"Yea. Is okay. You slow me down," he smirked.

"Only because you're so busy teasing me about not being as good at it as you," I shot back as I ran out. There was a bakery on Flatbush and Caton that I was pretty sure was open until eight. Michael had the car so I ran the seven or so blocks. This late in the evening, the pickings were slim, and there were only two cakes left. I bought the black cherry and chocolate one and jogged back. Kolya was already half-way across the outside wall.

"Dinner?" Kolya asked.

"No. Birthday cake. Totally forgot."

"Whose birthday?"

"Mine and Michael's."

"Is good thing on same day, but you still forget," he laughed.

"So did he," I said and got some plaster to start my own wall. It was thinner and smoother than the other coats. "And words of wisdom with this coat?"

"No. Is same. Just make smooth," Kolya shrugged and continued his way across the wall.

Michael arrived a half-hour later, weighed down with dinner. I was in the library area and Kolya was in the living room loft.

"Dinner!" Michael yelled and dropped the bags on the work table.

"Five minutes. I need to get to the end of the wall," I called out.

"No prob.," Michael said and started pulling everything out of the bags. Subway tonight.

I finished my wall, wrapped my tray and blade in a trash bag to keep the plaster from drying, and washed my hands in the clean water bucket before joining Michael and Kolya, who were already eating.

"Happy Birthday," I said to Michael and gave him a kiss on the forehead as he was taking a bit of his sub. He tried to say something back, choked and started coughing. I handed him his beer.

"Note to self: don't try to talk and swallow at the same time," Michael gasped out between drinks.

"I don't know. I kinda like it when you hum and swallow," I teased and sat down beside him.

Kolya snickered and blushed.

"I know you do. Happy Birthday. We'll have to send Charlie something for reminding us. Maybe a dildo," Michael said now that everything was clear and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I don't think we want to get into a dildo war with Charlie. He's done a lot of research getting Justin back. We may come home to find a 30' inflatable dildo hanging off the side of the building."

"What is dildo?" Kolya asked.

"A fake penis," I explained.

"Ah. Okay. Never understand that. Why would you want fake when real is so much better?"

"True, but a real one isn't always available."

"I'd rather wait, then," Kolya shrugged and continued eating.

"Yea, me too," Michael agreed. "You know they didn't even card me when I bought the beer? Kinda disappointing. Nice hint, though, to ask for that."

"Thanks. I also got a cake," I said and pointed to the bag on the table.

"When did you get that? When I talked to Charlie he said he'd just talked to you."

"I ran down to that bakery on Flatbush and Caton. Chocolate and black cherry."

"I had the car."

"I know. Like I said, I ran down to the bakery."

"Man, that's love," Michael teased.

"Yes, it is, and you'll like it even more when I eat it off you."

"But what if I want to eat if off you?"

I sighed. "I guess that would be okay, too."

"Good. How long tonight?"

"Only eleven. I've got a paper to finish."

"No celebrating tonight, I guess," Michael shrugged.

"Sometime this weekend?" I offered.

"I'm going to be in LA for the 'Murder by Numbers' premier."

"You'll be back Saturday afternoon, though, right?"

"Yea. Saturday night, then?"

"It's a date," I smiled and gave him a quick kiss. "Now I need to get back to work."

*** [ Saturday ]

"Come on. We're going back to the theater," Michael said to me after I'd gotten out of the shower.

"Why? We're not painting again until tomorrow."

"We're not painting," he said and leaned in to whisper. "We're gonna have fun in the theater. It's warm enough now that we can do it down there without freezing."

"Not that I'm against it, but why tonight? I thought we were having our date."

"'Cause I got some new toys in LA and I can't wait to try them."


"You'll see. Let's go."

"So what's the big surprise?" I asked after we'd walked into the theater and turned on a few lights.

Michael dug in the bag he'd brought and pulled out some things made of black leather.

"Dare I ask?" I smiled.

"They're restraints made just for suspending. We had fun when we improvised it before. Now we can do more."

"What do you have in mind?"

"I want you to tie me up and have your way with me," Michael grinned wickedly.

"Hanging from a rope from the grid? Isn't that going to hurt your arms?"

"I don't know. We'll try it and see. I don't want to be off the ground."

"How about a sling?" I teased.

"They were too expensive. Do you really want to try one?" Michael asked seriously.

"I was just joking. I don't need any toys, just you."

"I know, but toys can be fun on occasion."

"Anything else in that bag?"

"Condoms. Lube. Paper towels. Just the basics."

"Okay. I guess I need to drop a line."

"Drop it as far down-center as you can," Michael said.

"Okey-dokey," I said and went to find an existing line that would work. The lines were all hanging free so I had to climb up to the grid and feed one down. Michael had the wrist restraints on and his shirt off by the time I got down. The restraints had a D-ring that I looped the rope through and then tied the end. I went back over to the pin rail and took up the slack.

"A little higher," Michael said.

"Just say when." I slowly pulled until he was standing on his tip-toes.

"When. Down just a little bit. Okay. That's good," he said when his feet were flat on the ground again.

"Okay. Let me wash my hands. I'll be right back," I called out and went to wash at the dock sink.

"How are you doing?" I asked Michael as I walked back in and ran my hand along his belly.

"Doing good. Could be doing better," he smiled.

"Does this help?" I asked before nibbling on his nipple. He sucked in his breath.

"Yea. That's getting there," he sighed.

I nibbled on his other nipple and ran my hands along his sides.

"Take off my pants," Michael said.

"Getting a little cramped?" I teased.


"That's too bad," I smirked and stepped back. I could see the bulge in his low hanging jeans. I slowly undressed in front of him. It felt a bit odd to be naked on stage, and kinda exciting.

I stepped up to Michael and kissed him while rubbing his erection through his jeans. His arms were tensing as he tried to pull his arms down undo his pants. I finally took mercy on him before he came in his pants and moved behind him. I unbuttoned his pants and pushed them down. He kicked them off and breathed a sigh of relief.

"You may want to speed it up a little," Michael said.

"Your arms starting to hurt?"

"Not yet, but if you try to do that multi-hour thing they will."

"Okay. Then I guess I should do this first," I said and moved back to his front. "Let me know if this is too uncomfortable." I knelt down and swallowed him.

"Not uncomfortable at all," he panted.

While still sucking him, I put my hands on his thighs and slowly pushed back until he was no longer touching the ground. His body tensed and he moaned, but didn't say to stop. I pushed farther until I was standing -- still not removing him from my mouth. I pumped him in and out of my mouth by pushing his legs away and letting gravity pull him back. It was kind of a cool way to exercise my arms. Michael didn't last long at all and almost twisted out of my grip as he came. I drained him and then lowered him back.

"You ready to get down now?"

"Yea," he said, still in a daze.

I ran over to lower the rope, and he slumped to the ground. I ran back to him and removed the restraints.

"That was great, but I think I'll do it lying down next time," Michael said as he rubbed his arms.

"Or I'll just not lift you off the ground."

"Now it's your turn," Michael smiled.

"To be tied up? I don't think so."

"Oh, come on. It'll be good for you to not be in control for once."

"I know I'm a control freak."

"You don't trust me?"

"Of course I trust you, I just... Fine. I'll try it, but you need to let me down if I feel too uncomfortable," I said.

"Of course. I want this to be pleasurable for you," he said and helped me put the restraints on.

A minute or so later my arms were over my head, just enough slack so my arms were slightly bent. I felt weird and very vulnerable being restrained and naked on a stage.

"Not too bad?" Michael asked as he walked up.

"It's weird, but I'm not panicking."

"Good," Michael smiled and picked up my shirt, putting it over my head to act as a blindfold. He tied it up so my mouth was still uncovered.

"Doh. I knew I was forgetting something," I joked.

"Next time." He said and kissed me. The kiss deepened as his hands ran over my body. I pressed forward to feel his body against mine, but he broke the kiss and pulled back from all contact.

I sighed. "Tease."

He just laughed. It got quiet. I could almost feel the heat from his body as he walked around me silently. A quick nibble on a nipple, and then nothing. A hand brushed against my butt. A lick along my erection. A kiss here. A lick there. He was enjoying teasing me.

He pushed my legs apart and cool, slick fingers lubed my ass, and then disappeared. Another kiss on my lips, then my nipples. A tongue lightly licking along my erection, teasing, and then gone when I tried to push towards the lick. I heard him putting on a condom. A few seconds later his erection was teasing around my ass. I pulled away, thinking two could play the teasing game. He chuckled and pulled me back with his hands on my hips. He pushed my legs apart as far as they would go until my arms were straight and his legs were holding mine from pulling in. His left hand went around my belly and he teased his cock around my hole, rubbing around it and then sliding in an inch before starting again. After a minute of this he pushed in an inch and reached both hands around to play with my nipples. He stayed there, not allowing me to pull out or in, as he teased and pinched my nipples. Suddenly he pinched both my nipples hard and pushed in all the way. It was intense and I arched my back, hissing at the pain and pleasure mixture. Buried all the way in my ass, he held tight and rubbed my sensitive nipples while kissing and licking my neck and shoulders. Eventually he started slow thrusts and his hands moved to brushing feather touches all up and down my body, avoiding my erection. His thrusts gradually increased in speed and his hands dropped to my hips, pulling me back to him. A few minutes later his thrusts got erratic and his arms wrapped around me as he pulled himself tight to me and I could feel his cock spasm. He relaxed a little, but I was painfully hard and felt like I would go off at a feather's touch.

Eventually he pulled out and stepped away. I pulled my legs in and shook my legs out a little. Michael walked away and I soon heard the sink in the dock running. He returned a few minutes later.

"Remember what you said about that multi-hour thing?" I asked.

"Soon," was all he said as he pushed a bucket between my legs in front. A second later ice cold water poured down my chest.

"Ahh! That's fuckin' cold!" I screamed and tried to twist away.

"That's the point. Pulling you back from the edge," he smirked and another shock of water splashed across my slightly deflated erection. He hit me with a few more before pulling the bucket away. I was still about half-hard.

Michael finally got back from emptying the buckets and a few licks was all it took for me to be at full attention again. As soon as I was, he rolled a condom on me and lubed me up. I held as stead as I could, hoping he wouldn't pull away again, as he tugged on my erection and placed it at his hole. Gradually he pushed back until I was in all the way and he reached back to hold my ass. He started with slight movements, wiggling his ass around, before pulling forward and slamming back into me. I lost control and started thrusting. He went to pull away, but I lifted my legs so I was hanging from my arms and hooked them over his so he couldn't pull away. It wasn't the best position, but it worked. He chuckled and squatted down a little so I could thrust deeper. It didn't take long before I was ready to explode and pulled him to me so hard with my legs that I pulled his legs out from under him and he fell forward and off me. I screamed in frustration.

"Damn. Guess you're ready, huh?" Michael said from the ground.

"Yes. Now!" I growled.

I heard him run away and was about to scream when I felt the rope lowering. I pulled the shirt off my head and hand one cuff off before Michael got back and helped with the other one. He gave me a quick kiss before turning around and presenting his ass.

"Figured you'd need to hang on so I don't go flying on my face again."

"Good thinking," I grunted as I slammed into him. It only took a minute or two before I was ready again and probably would have thrown him across the room had I not been hanging onto his hips so tightly. My orgasm hit hard and I saw stars as I exploded and felt like I'd shoot right through the condom. I kept thrusting through it, not remotely coherent, and didn't go even slightly flaccid. The condom was a bit sloshy now, but I wasn't about to pull out or stop. I grabbed Michael's half-erection and jacked him roughly as I continued fucking him hard and pinched his nipples hard with my other hand. My breathing was ragged against his cheek and his head was thrown back on my shoulder. His third orgasm of the night hit soon, but kept going until my second one hit a minute later. I buried myself in him and held him to me, holding still and allowing the waves of pleasure to crash through me.

It took a few minutes before I was able to think clearly.

"Sorry, I bit you again," I said and kissed the teeth marks on Michael's shoulder. I don't know when I did it.

"Don't worry about it," he sighed softly.

We held together for a few more minutes before separating.

"All I have to say is: daaamn. I'm going to have to tease you like that more often," Michael said as he wiped himself off with a paper towel.

"Or not. That's a bit too intense for a regular thing, and it would lose it's intensity if it happened all the time."

"Yea, but it was pretty great. I feel pretty safe in saying that you enjoyed it," he smiled.

"Definitely. Though now I'm totally wiped out."

"That's okay. Let's just go home, take a shower, and then lounge on the sofa the rest of the night."

"Sounds perfect," I said and gave him a quick kiss.

*** [ 4/14/02 ]

"So are you moving with Jonah and Michael?" Randy asked Scott as they walked in. He was in town working a play for the month.

"Definitely. Unless they kick me out," Scott said.

"We've talked about it. You're okay for now," Michael teased.

"Thanks," Scott groaned.

"What are you going to do with your old place?" Randy asked me.

"Rent it out," I said.

"We've got some people coming to look at it next week," Michael said.

"You won't have any problem renting it out. I know lots of people who would take my place in a second. You can't get anything even close to this in the Village for the same price," Scott said.

"It's not going to be the same price as you're paying. It'll be market rate," I said.

"Okay. There's still people interested in living with you guys, then. There are a couple people who've insisted that I let them know first if I move so they can get first dibs."

"Not likely going to happen, unless you move out right away. Even then, first dibs doesn't mean crap," I said.

"Why would people want to live with Jonah and Michael?"

"You mean beyond the obvious of having a killer apartment in a theater across from a park and being surrounded by famous people?" Scott smirked.

"Who have you told about people living here?" I asked.

"I haven't told anyone. Just about everyone knows you're dating Michael and quite a few know you know Charlie," Scott defended.

"That's hardly surrounded," Randy said.

"Where there's smoke..."

"Just people trying to find an in. I've had directors who would barely give me the time of day before trying to start up a conversation since everyone found out about the theater," I said.

"Did you tell them to fuck off?" Michael asked.

"No. We need interest in the theater. It won't make any difference with any decision on whether they can rent the space out or not."

"Yea, that's a good idea. Don't tell them yes, but don't say no," Randy said. "So do you really think you'll be done on time to move in next month?"

"That's the plan. Don't think I'm rude, but I need to get started on the tile."

"I know. We need to get painting, too," Michael said. "Randy thinks he wants 3B."

"Great. When will you know for sure?"

"After I see the price with the finishes the way I want," Randy answered.

*** [ 4/18 ]

"Hey," Michael said and gave me a quick kiss. I was about to start grouting the floor in the large bathroom. "Come see what I got us."

"Hey. I thought you were going to paint all day."

"I did. I got the upper bedrooms all painted. I've only been gone for a couple hours. Come on," he said and pulled me along.

"What did you buy now?"

"Don't say it like that. We need what I bought, and it wasn't that expensive. We probably should have bought one sooner," he said and pulled down the elevator gate.

"You're scaring me."

"There's nothing to be scared of. I bought a truck. It's a 1985 Chevy Stepvan. It runs great and was only $1500. We can use it to save some trips or delivery charges. You could almost park your car in it -- well, if the door was big enough and there was a ramp. I don't know if I'd trust it with the weight. It is an '85. Anyway, we're gonna need it more and more and it's a lot cheaper than buying a pickup truck," Michael rambled quickly. "Plus we can use it when we move."

"If it's so great, why was it so cheap? Even the old ones I saw online when we were looking at forklifts were over three-grand."

"Because the heat doesn't work, some of the windows are smashed out and it looks like shit. Doesn't matter, though. It's just a work truck. We can replace the windows and paint it or something."

We got to the bottom and walked out to the dock. Sitting in one of the few parking spaces was an old looking Stepvan with "Hal's Plumbing" on the side -- or the remains of the vinyl letters. It looked like it had been painted many times, with the top peeling color being bright blue. It looked like it had been painted with house paint, which is probably why the paint was peeling. Michael yanked open a door. It was greasy and dirty inside and stank like a sewer.

"Yea. I know it stinks. I'll clean it up," he admitted as he put the key in and started it up. The engine started perfectly, even if it was a bit loud.

"Okay. Cool. Yea, we can use it, but not until you clean it. You should probably start tonight so you can be done in time for us to move in a couple weeks," I said.

"Nah. It's dark already. I'll to it tomorrow. I need to get stuff to clean it out, anyway. Probably scrub it down and then bleach everything." He shut off the engine.

"Definitely. We can rent a sandblaster sometime so you can clean off the layers of paint before you try to repaint it."

"Yea. That sounds like great fun," Michael groaned. "That can wait for a while. We should have the theater logo painted on it."

"Yea. I'll work on that this summer."

"We've got time," Michael said as we walked back inside. He started painting and I worked on grouting the smaller bathroom floor.

*** [ 4/22/02 ]

"I think I found someone to take over the coffee bar," Michael said as I was installing outlets in the living room loft.

"Cool. Who?"


"Now they want to move to this side of the park?"

"They've wanted to for a while. We're giving them a great opportunity."

"Yea, and they're doing us a great favor -- not to mention that it'll be nice to have a coffee house downstairs. When do we sign the lease?"

"Ozzie is coming over to look at the space tomorrow."

"What time is he coming?"

"Ten. Don't worry about anything. He knows it's still under construction."

"Okay. Have you talked about when he'll want to open?"

"Not anything definite. After the theater is open. Did you save the renders of it, or do I need to do them again?"

"I didn't save them, but there are the print-outs of them."

"Looks better on screen. I'm gonna go set the first one up. I'll scream if I run into trouble," Michael said and headed back to our old place.

The next week was crazy busy. The cabinets finally arrived and went in in only a couple hours. Contractors put down the carpet in the living room loft and rubber floor in the utility room while Michael and I installed the cork floor in the kitchen and Kempas plank floor in the rest of the apartment. Fortunately, none of my classes had finals, only final papers.

We didn't have any interior doors yet -- Uncle Jeff was bringing them -- and a lot of trim was still missing, but we were ready for our Certificate of Occupancy inspection. I hope.

*** [ Sun, 5/5/02 ]

"Hey. Look what I found," I said to Michael as we were packing.

"What is it?"

"The voucher Lance gave us for Iceland."

"Shit. I forgot all about that. Is it still good?" Michael asked.

I flipped through the sheets looking for a date. "It's good until the end of July."

"Do we have any time to go? I don't think we do."

"I don't think so. After we get back from Europe, maybe, but I've got things scheduled already."

"I'm not gonna want to go on another vacation after we get back, anyway," Michael said.

"I'd hate to let it got to waste... Wanna see if Scott wants it?"

"Sure. Hey, Scott!" Michael yelled.

"Yea?" Scott said, walking out of his room.

"Want a free week in Iceland?"

"Uh, yea. Sure," Scott answered, confused.

"Here," I said and handed him the voucher. "You can take one person with you. Just call the number on there and give them the voucher number when you're ready. It has to be before the end of July."

"Uh, okay. Why aren't you guys using it? Where'd you get it?"

"Lance gave it to us. We just don't have the time and don't want to waste it," Michael said.

"You could go after the semester ends," I offered.

"Yea. That'd be cool. Thanks."

"Who're you gonna take?" Michael asked.

"I have no idea, and it's not much notice."

"What about Brian? You guys were talking about going to Paris together," Michael said.

"Yea, I don't know. We've kinda grown apart."

"Grown apart? He was just here for New Year's."

"Yea, but he was an embarrassment. He's flunking out, too, 'cause he's partying so much. It's like he's changed into someone who doesn't give a shit."

"It happens," I shrugged. "Some people just don't handle the freedom very well."

"I know, but it's not like his folks are super strict and he was breaking out or something. They even let us have the graduation party in their barn and knew everyone would be drinking. He's just being a fuck-up."

"Okay. So who else? What about Chris? Are you still friends with him? I haven't seen him around recently," Michael said.

"Not like before."

"He and Kolya are dating," I explained to Michael.

"Oh. Sorry. When did this happen?"

"A couple weeks ago."

"It was just too weird to hang out after we'd done it, and now he's dating Kolya," Scott said.

"Well, maybe you'll make a new 'friend' with a free trip," I smiled.

"I'll figure it out. Do I need a passport?"

"Yea. It is a foreign country. You don't have one?" I asked.

"No. I've never needed one before. How long does it take to get one?"

"At least six weeks. You'd better do it right away," Michael said.

"I know there are some services where you can get one in a week or less, but they cost around $250 or more," I offered.

"Really?" Michael asked me.

"I came across a few different places when I was planning for our Europe trip last year. I didn't bookmark any of the URLs, but you should be able to Google on 'passport' and find them."

"I'll check it out. What is there to do in Iceland?"

"Haven't been there," I shrugged.

"I think it's more a couples and nature type of vacation. Lance and Dickhead talked about natural hot springs and volcanoes and stuff like that," Michael offered.

"Sounds boring unless you're dating someone," Scott muttered.

"Maybe, but it's free."

"Yea. Thanks," Scott said and went back to his room.

*** [ Monday, 5/6/02 ]

"Don't you have class this morning?" Michael asked me.

"No. My classes are over. Even if they weren't, this is our Certificate of Occupancy. I'm gonna be there."

"Worried about anything?"

"No. And yes. We've had great luck with inspections so far. I hope it continues."

"You're psychotically anal about everything being perfect. That's the reason we've passed all the inspections on the first try."

"Yea. I'm sure it had nothing to do with you kissing the inspectors' asses."

"I didn't kiss any ass. I was just very polite."

"As long as it works. Let's get going so we have time to pick up coffee and doughnuts for a bribe."

"That's the spirit. Works for everyone, amazingly."

The final inspector was Ed Mariano, who we'd had before. He was pleasant, jovial, and enjoyed many doughnuts as he check over everything. In only two hours we had our Certificate of Occupancy and went out to lunch to celebrate.

*** [ Tuesday, 5/7/02 ]

"Come on. It's time to move," Michael said and nudged me.

"What time is it?" I groaned.


I gave him an annoyed look and pulled him back down, wrapping my arm around him and holding him close. "You're sleep walking. Wait for morning."

"No. I'm anxious to move into our new place. Come on," he said and tried to sit up.

"No. Sleep. We've got all day," I countered and wrapped a leg around him to further lock him in.

"How about I give you another hour of sleep?"

I mumbled an approval and went back to sleep.

Two hours later I was awake, and Michael was still asleep. I let him sleep and went to make coffee. Scott was already up studying for a final.

"Mornin'," I said to Scott.

"Wha? Oh. Mornin'," Scott said, slightly startled.

"How long have you been up?"

"All night. I've got three finals today."

"Killer. When's your first one?"

"Ten. One and four."

"Good luck. Remember that we're moving today."

"Huh? Already?"

"Other things on your mind?" I smirked. "Yea, it's today. Is any of your stuff packed?"

"Uh, yea. Most of it. None of my clothes are."

"Okay. Do you want us to move your stuff, or wait for you to pack everything?" I asked.

"Just go ahead and move everything, please. You'll be there tonight, right?"

"Yep. If you come back here you'll come back to an empty apartment."

"And I'm going to sleep for days. There should be a rule about how many finals you can have all at once."

"You could have talked with your profs to reschedule some of them."

"You can do that?"

"Yea. They don't have to, but most will."

"Damn. I wish you would have told me sooner."

"I didn't know you had all your finals on two days, and you didn't ask. Think of it this way, you only have two days of hell instead of five. You'll be back by six?"

"At the latest, yea. Why?"

"So dinner will be ready and you can eat before you crash."

"Why didn't you wake me?" Michael asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"I was going to make coffee first. We've got all day."

"I know, but I'd like to get it done as soon as possible. Maybe we can even go furniture shopping if we get done soon enough."

"With what? Didn't we already agree not to buy any new furniture until we've sold all the spaces?"

"We can still afford some more furniture."

"We only have three out of seven sold, and ours isn't even finished yet. Let's just wait before we get anything nice."

"Fine," Michael sighed, and then mumbled under his breath, "Damned practical son-of-a-bitch."

"I heard that," I said and smacked him on the butt as he walked by to get a cup of coffee.

"Oo baby. At least wait until Scott's gone," Michael teased.

"Freak," Scott muttered. "I'm gonna take a shower and try to wake up."

"Got you excited, huh? Enjoy," Michael teased and make a jacking-off motion.

"You wish," Scott said and flipped Michael the bird as he walked out.

"He's probably too exhausted to even get it up," I said.

"Like that's ever happened to you."

"No, but too tired to do anything about it."

"That's not today -- or it better not be. We'll have to christen our new home before Scott gets home," Michael said.

"I don't think it can be considered christening on the hundredth time," I countered.

"It'll be the first time in our bed in our new bedroom in our new home," he said and stuck out his tongue.

"If we're in our room it won't really matter if he's there or not, now, will it?" I smirked.

"We're not only going to christen our bedroom. We'll have to christen the whole finished apartment."

"Maybe. I say we don't christen it all at once. Save some places."

"We'll see."

"You ready to get started?"

"Shouldn't we get dressed first?"

"Probably. It's still a little chilly out."

We started with the furniture. Even though we didn't have much furniture, it sucked carrying everything down three floors. At least we had an elevator in our new place. The boxes sucked even more and it took forever. It was after five before we got everything moved and most things put away. I ran to get some beer while Michael ordered pizza and worked on arranging the living room loft. Any thoughts of christening the apartment were forgotten in exhaustion.

We'd finished two beers each before the pizzas arrived. Scott arrived a few minutes later.

"Thank God this day is over," Scott sighed as he walked in. "I'm so exhausted I went to the old place first. I almost stayed there, but I'm starving."

"Well drop your shit in your room, grab a beer and come have some pizza," I called out from the living room loft.

A couple minutes later he was sitting on the floor in front of the coffee table stuffing his face.

"So how do you think your finals went?" I asked Scott.

"No idea. I think it went okay, but I'm so fuckin' exhausted that I can't even see straight right now. Did you get everything moved?"

"It's all done. You owe us," Michael said.

"I had finals," Scott protested. I ran down to get us all another beer.

"Too bad. You can go clean the old apartment. You've got until the end of the month," Michael said.

"Yea, okay. I guess that's fair," Scott said and finished off his beer.

"Have another one and then go to bed. You look like shit," I said as I handed him a bottle.

"Thanks. Good idea."

"I think we're gonna do that, too," Michael said.

"I'm not. I'm just gonna chill. I'd be up way too early if I went to bed now."

"I'm too tired to get you up -- or at least too tired to do anything about it. My legs feel like I took the stairs to the top of the Empire State. Ten times," Michael said.

"It was probably pretty close to it, though not ten times," I agreed.

"There wasn't that much stuff," Scott said.

"You try carrying four beds, their frames, a sofa, a chair, four kitchen chairs, a kitchen table, two dressers, a keyboard, four bookcases and who knows how many boxes down three floors, pack it all into multiple trips in a Stepvan, unload it and carry some of it up another floor," Michael rambled.

"You forgot the flip-n-fuck," Scott yawned.

"And a flip-n-fuck," Michael added.

"You become such a drama queen when you have to do manual labor," I teased Michael.

"I'm an actor. I shouldn't have to do manual labor."

"If you turn into Justin, I'm gonna drop you like a rock."

"I'd prefer if you just shoot me."

"And then go to jail?"

"Then have someone else do it. Scott?"

Nothing. He was sitting the same way he was, but sound asleep. I grabbed the beer out of his hand and set it on the table.

"Scott. Get up and go to bed," I said and nudged him. He just mumbled something and laid down on the floor.

"You want to carry him to bed?" Michael asked me.

"Want to, or will I?" I said and moved to help Scott to bed. He wasn't about to wake. "A little help?" I said to Michael. He helped me get Scott off the floor and then I carried him like a baby to his room and laid him on his bed.

"Should we strip him?" I asked Michael.

"Probably not, but lets do it, anyway. It'll be fun to watch him get weirded out when he wakes," Michael smiled.

Between the two of us we got him stripped completely and under his covers. Scott only mumbled.

"Now it's time for us to do that," Michael said.

"I don't want to go to bed yet."

"How about we get undressed, wrap a blanket around ourselves and snuggle up in front of the TV? You can stay awake and I can fall asleep."

"That'll work."

*** [ 5/8/02 ]

I reached over and grabbed Michael's cell. "Michael's phone," I said as I answered it. "Hello, Carolyn."

"Good morning. Is this Jonah?"

"Yep. Michael's right here. I'm trying to wake him up," I said as I nudged him.

"You should wake his lazy butt up. He's not working. Yet," Carolyn laughed.

"Hopefully soon. Anyway, we just moved in yesterday. He was really tired from that."

"Oh, that's right. I can't wait to see your new place. When are you having a house warming party? You are having one, right?"

"Uh, I don't know. I haven't had time to even think about it. I have no idea when we'd have it. You'll have to stop by sometime after we get back from the audition vacation."

"Definitely, and before our boy goes to Toronto."

"Really? So he got the part?"

"That's why I'm calling. Filming starts June third."

"That's great. Just a sec.," I said and shook Michael harder. "Wake up. Carolyn's on the phone."

"What?" Michael groaned and rubbed his face.

"Carolyn's on the phone. Talk to her."

He reached for the phone.

"Finally woke him up. Talk to you later, Carolyn," I said and then handed the phone to Michael "I'm gonna go make some coffee."

"So are you going to or not?" Michael asked Scott.

"I'm not sure. Are you sure this won't make me go crazy?" Scott asked me.

"Not permanently. It'll just feel that way for twelve hours. Just remember that it's a trip and you'll be fine," I answered.

"Just do it. You know you want to and you know Jonah won't let anything bad happen to us. He's done it a couple times before," Michael prodded.

"Don't force him," I said to Michael. "If you want to do it, then do it and know that you'll be safe. If you're afraid, then don't do it. It amplifies whatever you're feeling, so if you're afraid, you'll have a bad trip. If you think it'll be a good trip, then it will be."

"Yea, I know. That's what you said before. I'm still nervous about it," Scott said.

"Because it's something you've never experienced before."

"Yea, okay. I guess. I'll be fine tomorrow, though, right?"

"You won't be tripping anymore, but you'll feel pretty wiped out all day."

"Kinda like a hangover?"

"Not really. You don't feel sick, just dazed and tired -- or at least I did. The people I knew who did it more often felt fine."

"Why'd you stop doing it? Why aren't you doing it?"

"Um, because it's not like being stoned or drunk. It's very mental and interesting and exhausting. I've experienced it as much as I care too. It's not that something bad happened, it's just exhausting. For twelve hours or so your mind is going at hyper-speed and all over the place," I tried to explain.

"Your mind already goes at hyper-speed all the time," Michael joked. "I'm dropping now. I don't want to be up 'till tomorrow." He opened up the foil the hits of LSD were in, picked up two tabs and put them on his tongue. "How long will it take before I feel it?"

"Probably a half-hour. It creeps up on you. First thing you'll probably notice is tracers or something moving in the corner of your eye."

"Cool. So are you tripping with me, Scott, or are you gonna make it do it by myself?"

"It's totally your choice. Ignore his pressuring," I said and poked Michael in the ribs.

Scott looked at both of us and then at the remaining two hits. "Ah, what the hell. New experiences, right?" He sighed and put the tabs on his tongue. "How long do I have to keep the paper in my mouth?"

"Until you start to feel it."

"I've changed my mind. I'm not doing it," Michael teased and took the bits of paper out of his mouth.

"Too late. You're already committed," I teased back and stuck my tongue out at him.

"I know," he shrugged and put them back in. "So what should we do now until it starts?"

"Whatever you want. I know. Why don't we go down to the theater and you can play guitar?"

"You need to play drums or something. Bring your keyboard down."

"Too much hassle to take it down and bring it back up."

"You don't need to bring it back up. You're gonna have the piano in a couple days."

"Yea, okay."

"What about me?" Scott asked.

"You can take the other half of the keyboard," I offered. He seemed satisfied with that.

We carried everything down -- using the elevator, of course -- and set up. Michael already had his guitar, amp and a microphone set up. We started playing around and it was pretty fun until the LSD kicked in. Then it just got funny. Michael was playing something fast, and then started repeating the same chord as he watched his hand move back and forth across the strings. Scott hardly noticed and went into some type of keyboard-based-drum-from-someone-who-doesn't-play-drums solo. I just sat back and watched them playing with the new and odd way of perceiving the world.

Scott finally got tired of the drums and waved his hands in front of his face with a grin as he watched them. I loaded the sequence Michael and I had used for the "Boy Bands Suck" punk song and let it play. Michael jumped and started playing along. On another channel, I switched to some weird synth pad sound and added incidental sounds. It only disintegrated from there. I set another, calmer, sequence to play and left it alone. Scott laid in front of the speakers and looked at the grid. Michael played with sounds and noises from his guitar.

"Hey, Jonah?" Scott called out a few minutes later.

"Yea?" I asked and turned down the keyboard so I could hear him.

"Who's up on the grid?"

I looked up but couldn't see anyone, and the lights were off, anyway. "There's no one on the grid."

"Then I must be hallucinating. 'Cause I can see a guy looking through one of the slots and he looks kinda surprised that I can see him," Scott said and gave a little wave at the grid.

I looked up again. Nothing but some dust floating around, visible from the sun coming in through cracks in the fire vent.

"What's his name and why is he there?"

"I don't know," Scott said and then yelled the questions up. "Did you hear him?" He asked a minute later.

"No. What did he say?"

"He said his name is Nicholas. He's not sure why he's here, but he has been for a long time. He used to work here, but something happened. He's not sure what."

"We've got a ghost? Cool. Where is he?" Michael exclaimed, joining the conversation.

"Right there," Scott said and pointed straight up.

"Where? I don't see him."

"He just stepped back. I can't see him, either. That's kinda cool. This girl I went to high school with had a ghost in her house. She said it was her great-grandmother. Their house was really old and had been in their family from the beginning. I never saw it," Scott rambled.

"Yea, okay. Let's go for a walk through the park," I said.

"What if someone sees us?" Scott asked.

"Don't act like a freak and it won't be a problem. I doubt many people will be there, anyway."

"Let's go. I promise not to freak out," Michael said.

We went out the front door and walked across the street to the park. At six o'clock on a Wednesday in early May, it seemed like we were the only ones in the park. We walked around the lake and then ran back to our apartment. They were both excited about the way things looked and the feeling of running. We raced up the stairs. I won because they both got distracted by the stairs moving.

I ordered pizza and put Roger Waters' "Pro and Cons of Hitchhiking" on the sound system. Michael and Scott laid on the floor in the living room loft and got lost in the sound play. It was almost over by the time the pizza arrived. They only had one piece of pizza each, complaining that they couldn't taste it and it was like chewing rubber. After dinner we just lounged around and watched movies. Scott tried to draw, but kept getting distracted. We played around with music in the theater again and then listened to more music upstairs.

"Now that you're coming down a little, let's take a shower and go to bed," I said to Michael. It was just before 2AM.

"Yea. That's cool. Let's shower. I bet the water will feel really wicked," Michael said.

"Maybe. Usually you can't even feel it."

"Really? Weird. Come on, Scott," Michael said and headed to the big bathroom.

"Where are we going?" Scott said and followed him.

"Jonah says taking a shower is really cool and you can't even feel the water."

"I was thinking it would just be us," I said to Michael.

"But you're not going to leave me alone, are you?" Scott asked.

"No, he's not. Come on. We've got a big shower now," Michael said and dropped his clothes.

"Okay," Scott said and followed.

I sighed and followed suit. Michael was already in the shower and had the water turned on way too hot when I walked in. I quickly turned the faucet to a decent temperature.

"You had it way too hot. You'll burn yourself," I explained when he looked at me.

"I didn't feel it at all. It didn't feel hot or cold."

"I know. It's safe now," I said and turned on the second head. Michael and Scott pretty much played in the shower streams and I sat on the bench and watched them for a few minutes.

"You look so weird, Scott. It's like you're really skinny and then this big dick pointing out. Ha. You look like a stick figure!" Michael laughed.

"That's how I look all the time," Scott groaned. "You should see how I'm seeing you. You look like you're pear shaped, but with droopy tits and a lion's head."

I laughed at that.

"What do you see when you look at Jonah?" Michael asked Scott.

"He looks like he's dancing, but like a wiggle-worm or something. Like he's made out of rubber," Scott said.

I was, of course, sitting still and not made of rubber.

"Oh yea. I totally see that," Michael laughed.

"How about we wash and then go to bed," I said, trying to move things along.

"Yea, okay," they both said and ignored me, probably not even knowing what they were agreeing to.

I got up and grabbed the soap to wash Michael. He jumped when I first touched him, smiled, and then forgot I was there as I washed him all over.

"Don't forget Scott, too," Michael said as I finished him up.

I looked at Scott studying the way the water ran down his arm and realized I'd never get out of here if he had to wash himself.

"Hey," Scott smiled as I started to wash him, and then forgot about me. I washed him quickly and not as thoroughly as I did Michael, and then started myself.

"Hey. No. Our turn," Michael said grabbed for the soap several times before actually making contact.

"Go ahead," I said.

"Come on, Scott."

"What? Where are we going now?"

"We're gonna wash Jonah. He washed us," Michael said to him.


I was soon lathered and had two sets of hands roaming my body. It was like they were studying the feeling and curves and I was only secondary. To me, it was very erotic and I was soon erect. This just gave them something more to rub along, but not in any way that spelled relief for me. I finally stopped them and rinsed off, making sure they were rinsed as well. We dried off and then put some clothes back on and went to the living room. They were both tripping too hard right now to go to sleep.

"So what do you want to do now?" I asked.

"Can you play piano for me?" Michael asked sweetly.

"Wouldn't you rather listen to a CD or watch TV?"

"No. Just for a little while. Please? I know it's late."

"We have to go back down to the theater."

"That's okay."

"Okay," I sighed and headed down to the theater, grabbing some sheet music along the way. Michael sat next to me while Scott just laid on the floor and looked up at the grid.

I pulled out my book of Beethoven sonatas and played through the 18th with only minor difficulty. It will be so nice to have Gma's Steinway in a couple days. Michael laid down on the floor and closed his eyes somewhere during the second movement, but was still awake and listening. I played a few JS Bach preludes after that and then called it quits -- my fingers hurt. I'd stopped playing for about five minutes before Michael noticed.

"Why'd you stop?"

"Because I'm tired. How about we put some music on the house system and go to bed?"

"What time is it?"

"Almost four."

"Okay. Where'd Scott go?"

"He's ten feet behind you."

"Scott!" Michael yelled.

"What?" Scott yelled back.

"Just checking. We're going to bed now."

"Yea, okay," he said and sat up.

We went back upstairs and I made sure Scott was safely in bed before going upstairs to my room. Michael was naked and sitting in the dark in front of one of the half-round windows, looking out at the park and the glow of lights beyond it. I dropped my clothes and sat down behind him, holding him in my arms.

"It's a nice view, isn't it?" I asked softly.

"Yea. I really love our place."

"Want to do one last thing before bed?"

"What?" He asked.

I answered him by moving to the side and laying him down. I gently licked his nipples and down his belly before reaching his flaccid cock.

"Oh. That," he smiled and stretched out.

"In order for you to get it up and keep it up, you've gotta concentrate. Think sexy thoughts," I said to him.

"Yea. Your mind wandering..." he started and then trailed off as I took him into my mouth.

He got about half-hard right away, and then went flaccid despite my best efforts to keep his focus. I gave up and went to get a condom and some lube. He noticed as I entered him, but wasn't all there. He muttered something and hummed along with Bill Evans on the sound system crossed with some tune in his head. I jacked him off with a lubed hand as I slowly fucked him. I was pretty worked up before I started, so it didn't take long. He came just before I did and I was glad we'd finally decided on a wood floor instead of carpeting. We cleaned up and then went to bed. I snuggled a very warm Michael in my arms and went right to sleep.

*** [ Friday, May 10, 2002 ]

I buzzed the door open and headed downstairs. Everyone was inside and wandering around the lobby when I finally reached the ground floor.

"Hey, everyone," I smiled at the crowd.

"You've got your work cut out for you, huh?" Uncle Jeff said.

"Definitely. How was the drive?" I said and gave him a hug and then moved down the line.

"Long and bumpy in the truck."

"Oh yea. Are you parked out front?"

"Yea. Please tell me you have an elevator."

"Absolutely, and a dock. You want to drive it around? The dock is just off Flatbush."

"On my way," Uncle Jeff said and headed out.

"So?" I said to everyone else.

"It's huge," Jonny said.

"Yea, no kidding," I smirked. "Do you want to take the stairs or the elevator?"

"Elevator," Aunt Mary said.

"Okay. We have to get there the hard way," I said and led the way through the theater, up on the stage and back to the elevator off the dock. I pulled up the dock door. "Can you stay here, Jonny, while I take everyone else upstairs?"

"Yea," Jonny said as he looked around.

"Thanks. Okay. I know it looks as old as it is, but the inspector says it's safe," I smiled as I pulled up the gate for the elevator.

"Looks fun," Uncle Joe smiled.

"I'll let you ride it up when we bring in the piano," Joey smirked.

"I've taken pallets of drywall up on this. The piano is nothing compared to that," I said as I pulled the gate down and then hit the button for the top floor.

"This is cool," Jay laughed, thrilled that you could see everything passing by as we rose.

"It's scary," Jeffrey said and stayed close to Aunt Tina.

We finally got to the top and I pulled up the gates. Everyone exited and I led them down the hall to the apartment.

"This is home. Mostly done, but not everything yet," I said as I pushed open the door.

"Nice," Aunt Tina said.

"It's enormous," Jay said.

"It's not that big. The high ceilings make it seem larger."

"Welcome, everyone," Michael said from the kitchen area. He was still working on dinner for everyone.

"Okay. There's one bathroom right there and the other bathroom is over there on the right. Go ahead and get cleaned up or relax. Sorry, the doors are all in the truck, but there is a curtain in front of the bathroom doors. I'm gonna run down to get Jonny and Uncle Jeff." I took the elevator back down and got there just as Uncle Jeff stopped at the dock.

"I thought you'd been working on it. Isn't anything done yet?" Jonny asked as he saw me.

"I have been working on it. It takes time. I don't have a whole crew to bang it out, plus I've had to do all the plans and stuff."

"Yea, okay. Is your apartment done?"

"It's livable, but not done."

"I bet having this dock has come in handy," Uncle Jeff said as he appeared from behind the truck.

"Very. You want to unload everything now, or after dinner?" I asked.

"After dinner. Let's see this place of yours, first."

"I'm going to warn you that none of the detail work is done. Just the basics and enough to be comfortable and get a Certificate of Occupancy," I said as I closed the dock door.

"I pretty much figured since I brought your interior doors and bedroom cabinets with me," Uncle Jeff smirked.

"I want to do it," Jonny said as I went to pull down the elevator gate.

"How old are you?" I teased.

"Bite me. I love old freight elevators like this."

"It loses it's appeal after a couple thousand times," I said.

We rode to the top and I lead them in.

"This place is huge!" Jonny exclaimed.

"It's the high ceilings. It's less square footage than where you live now," I sighed.

"And the open plan makes it seem larger as well. If you needed a dining room table you should have just told me. I already had the truck," Uncle Jeff joked, making fun of my cheap temporary banquet table. It was plywood and 2x4 sitting on saw horses. The chairs were old folding chairs we found in the basement.

"We just moved in a few days ago. Besides, we want something contemporary. You can't do anything more contemporary than 1930," I shot back.

"Because contemporary has no class."

"I'm not talking about the crap at Value City. Think Ikea. Contemporary Scandinavian. Clean lines. Birch or beech. Maybe glass topped. Maybe craftsman style. I haven't designed it yet."

"We're just gonna buy one. You've got enough to build without worrying about stuff we can easily buy," Michael countered and gave me a look like he wasn't going to budge on it.

Jonny made the "whipped" sound. I slapped him on the back of the head.

"Your place looks very nice, Jonah," Aunt Mary said.

"Thanks. Michael's place, too."

"Of course. I didn't mean it that way. Sorry, Michael."

"No problem. So now that everyone is here let's take the grand tour until Scott gets back with dessert," Michael said. "I'm standing in the kitchen," he smiled, and then continued in a announcer voice. "The cabinets are a simple Shaker design, executed in natural maple. The counters are Corian and maple butcher block. You'll notice that the kitchen is the focal point of the apartment and the first thing you see when you walk in the door. Bar stools will eventually be placed along the island counter for everyday meals, while a more formal dining area is to your right. The wood floors throughout most of the space are all Kempas plank. The kitchen area has cork. All the bathrooms have tile, and the living room has carpeting..."

"Dork," Jonny muttered.

"Does the dork have a question?" Michael asked Jonny.

"Where did your clue go?" Jonny smirked.

"I don't think I ever had one. Anyway, to cut it short. Master bedroom and a guest room are above on that side, with two bedrooms and full bath below. Living room is in the loft on this side, with the library below. Closets, laundry and utility are hidden throughout. Feel free to wander," he completed with a grand gesture.

"You give new meaning to 'overly verbose'," Joey commented and went to wander around.

"Definitely a defining moment for me," Michael smirked.

"Very quick of you," I teased and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.


"Why do you have all this open space in the middle?" Uncle Joe asked.

"Space. The piano and bookcases go under the living room, and a pool table, eventually, will go out here in the center," I said and pointed things out.

"Ah. So the pool table will be the first thing people see when they enter."

"Eventually. We have plenty of space to entertain and do many different things," I said.

"I'm sure we'll end up having rehearsals and meetings here once the theater is up and running," Michael said.

"I've got dessert," Scott said as he walked in, carrying a couple pies.

"Good. Then it's time to eat," Michael said.

"So... Let's go get everything," I said as we were having coffee after dinner.

"Can we have a few minutes to digest our food?" Uncle Jeff teased.

"I suppose," I sighed.

"How'd the doors come out? How do they look?" Michael asked.

"They'll probably look good in here. I wouldn't put them in my house," Uncle Jeff answered.

"Of course you wouldn't. Completely wrong style," I said.

"We'll finally have doors," Scott laughed.

"We've only been here since Tuesday," Michael said.

"Okay. I'm gonna go start unloading," I said and got up.

"Me, too," Michael agreed. Scott got up right away.

"You'll need this," Uncle Jeff said and tossed me the keys.

"Come on, kid. You, too," I said to Jonny and tapped him on the head as I walked by.

"Fine," he sighed as he followed.

"Why don't you go help," Aunt Mary said to Joey.

"That wasn't a question, was it?" Joey smirked.

"Such a smart boy."

"Why'd you have your Uncle Jeff build your doors? Wouldn't it be cheaper just to buy them already made?" Jonny asked as we were taking the elevator down.

"They're custom designed," I answered.

"I can't wait to see them," Michael said.

"He charge you the family rate?" Joey asked.

"At cost. Still not cheap, though."

"What did you do? Have him carve a full scene in each one?" Joey laughed.

"No carving. Just expensive wood. They're solid core, laminated with Kempas -- same as the floors -- and have a 2"x60" slot down the center with beveled leaded glass," I explained.

"2"x60"?" Joey asked.

"Design and light, but not view. Any light going through them should spectrum out as well. The glass should almost look like a jewel."

"What about the bathroom doors?" Scott asked.

"All glass," Michael teased.

"Yea, right," Scott snorted.

"You'll be happy to know that it's colored green glass in the bathroom doors."

"Green for, 'gotta go'?" Jonny smirked.

"As well as it looked good. Smoked glass for the closet and pantry doors."

Joey started laughing. "I can't believe you color coded your doors."

I gestured he was number one as Jonny lifted the elevator gate. Michael practically ran to pull up the dock door and I had the truck unlocked and open a few seconds later. The piano was at the front of the trailer -- its legs were removed and it was sitting on carts -- with the doors and trim padded and strapped to the walls. The cabinets for the built-ins in our bedroom were in the center. Michael went right to one of the doors and started unstrapping it.

"Hold up. Let's go in order. Cabinets first," I said.

Michael looked behind himself. "Oh. Guess it would make it easier," he smirked.

"Let's just carry them in."

It took several trips to get the huge cabinets inside, but having five people on it made it much easier than it would have been normally.

"This is a bedroom door. Do you know which is which?" Michael asked as he got one unstrapped and the pad pulled back.

"Whichever. It's either ours or the upstairs guest room," I said.

"Doesn't my room and the guest room next to it have regular hinged doors?" Scott asked.

"Yep. Those are the two pre-hung."

"We're gonna hang at least one of them tonight, right?" Michael asked.

"Yea. Probably Scott's," I teased.

"I think the bathrooms would be better," Scott shot back.

"Probably. Let's get moving. We can just stack them all in the elevator."

As soon as they were all in the elevator we wheeled the piano inside. I'm almost as excited about the piano as I am about the doors. It was to be the next thing up. After it was in place I ran along the keys to check how much the move screwed with the tuning. They didn't move.

"The hammers are padded to keep them from bouncing around," Joey explained.

"Quit playing. Door time," Michael said.

"Just wanted check how it handled the ride. We're bringing this up next."

"Don't you think it can wait?"

"Not unless you're Superman. We'll have to turn it on its side to get it in the door," I said and joined everyone in the elevator.

"Yea. It was real fun getting it out of Uncle Jeff's house," Joey said.

"Who all helped? I know you, Jonny and Uncle Jeff couldn't get it rolled over and down the stairs by yourselves," I asked.

"No. He had a couple guys from the shop help. There were eight of us, and it was still a pain."

"What are you complaining about? I'm the one who was almost crushed against the side of the truck," Jonny countered.

"So it was more of a pain for you. It was still a pain."

"We'll try not to crush anyone this time," I stated.

A few seconds later we were at our floor and stacked the doors along the hallway outside of our apartment and went back down for the piano.

"So what do you think is the best way to do this?" I asked Joey.

"Have someone else do it," he smirked.

"True, but not an option. You've already moved it. Is it easier to take it up like this and turn it just to get through the door, or better to turn it down here and wheel it right in?"

"It's probably better for it to roll it flat than on its side."

"Yea. Okay. Let's roll it into the elevator."

"You're gonna need a couple taller saw horses or something to set it on while you attach the legs. It's too hard to flip it over with the legs still on," Joey said.

"I've got some upstairs."

We muscled the piano into the elevator -- which didn't leave much room for people -- and took it upstairs. We had to make another trip to get the rest of the parts and some more carts to flip it on to.

"Need any help?" Uncle Jeff asked as he walked into the hallway.

"Absolutely. I'll hold the carts steady and you can lift," I smiled.

"Wus. Jay!"

"What?" Jay asked as he ran out.

"Hold those carts steady while we flip the piano on them," Uncle Jeff instructed.

Everyone else got on the other side and slowly lifted it until it made contact, and then quicker, moving around to steady it and stop if from completely flipping over. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. We easily rolled it inside and into place. It was harder to flip it back and hold it in the air while Jay put a couple saw horses under it. It didn't take too long to bolt the legs back on, and then lift it again while Jay pulled the saw horses out and we gently lowered it. Piano movers earn their money.

"You'll probably want to have someone check over everything and tune it," Uncle Jeff said.

"Ya think?" I smirked.

"Unless you've become tone deaf. You want some help hanging the doors?"

"Hang as many doors as you want," I said.

"You helping, Dad?" Joey asked.

Uncle Jeff started laughing. "No. You don't want him touching anything."

"Give it up, you Norm Abram wanna-be. I was working with Dad when you were still in diapers. I'm just not interested in making a life out of playing with wood," Uncle Joe shot back.

"Just peoples' heads," Uncle Jeff countered.

"Settle down, boys," Aunt Mary teased.

"Ha ha," Jay laughed.

"Are you boys going to be at it all night?" Aunt Tina asked.

"It shouldn't take any time at all to hang them. I already installed the rollers. I'm not doing any trim tonight," Uncle Jeff said.

"Give us an hour and then you can go to your hotel and then out drinking," I said.

"You're offering to keep the kids?" Aunt Tina asked.

"I don't think any of the bars will let them in," I smirked.

"Thank you."

"We've got the big bathroom," Michael said as he and Scott carried the door across the room.

"Time to start. Give me a hand with the other bathroom door," I said to Joey.

"Great. Stick me with the old man," Uncle Jeff groaned teasingly.

Uncle Joe slugged him on the arm. "Which door do you want first?"

"The loft bedrooms. Everyone else can watch TV in the living room, or wander around the building. We can tour it afterwards," I said.

"What about me? I can help hang doors," Jonny said.

"Me, too," Jay said.

"I wanna," Jeffrey added, not to be left out.

"You can help Daddy," Uncle Jeff said to Jeffrey.

"Why don't you and Jay take the carts back downstairs," I said to Jonny.

"Yea, okay," Jonny sighed.

"We got ours done," Michael declared and slid the door open and closed. It looked good. It'll look even better when the trim is up.

"Looks good. Keep going," I said.

"Daddy needs a screwdriver. Phillips," Jeffrey said and tugged at my leg.

"Do you know what a Phillips screwdriver is?" I asked him.

"Duh. It's the X one," he shot back like I'd insulted him.

"Yep. You're right. My toolbox is over by the piano. Can you bring me one, too, please?"

"Okay," he said and ran over to the toolbox. A few seconds of digging and he ran back with one in each hand. "Here," he said and held one out for me.

"Thank you. Be careful and don't run with the screwdriver."

"I know," he said and ran off.

"But you don't do," Joey smirked.

"Nope," I agreed as I adjusted the rollers so the door hung square in the opening. I know Michael and Scott didn't bother with it and I'd have to get those as well.

"What's the next one? I can at least carry it over while you're doing that," Joey asked.

"Uh, take one with the smoked glass up to the living room loft. It goes just to the left for the storage room. You can set the other one in front of the utility room."

"How long is it going to take you to play with a few screws?"

"I need to adjust the ones Michael and Scott did, too."

"Okay. We're done. How do we put the hinged ones up?" Michael asked.

"You don't. Uncle Jeff and I will do those. Here," I said and handed him the screwdriver. "Check the adjustment on the ones you hung so they're square in the openings. I'm gonna drag out the nail gun for the other doors. You can help Joey hang the other doors, Scott."

"Where's your nail gun?" Uncle Jeff asked.

"I'm going to get it now. There are a bunch of shims on the floor of the bedroom on the right," I answered and went to get the compressor out of Justin's apartment. I plugged it in in the hallway to keep the noise down in the apartment and dragged out the hose.

All in all it took just over an hour to hang all the doors, with the hinged doors taking the most time. We gave a tour of the rest of the building and the old folks went out for their night on the town.

"This is going to be so cool when I come here this summer," Jonny said as we were relaxing in the living room.

"Who said you were coming here his summer?" I asked.

"Aw, come on. I can even help. I know how to build."

"Maybe. I won't have the time to go out and do stuff or hang out. Everything will be here working on this place."

"Except Sundays," Michael said and gave me a look.

"Okay. Except Sundays," I sighed.

"Why Sundays?" Joey asked.

"Because he needs to take a break," Michael said.

Jonny kept quiet, but gave me a smirk. I slugged him on the arm.

"Can I come here this summer, too?" Jay asked.

"When you're older," I said.

"It's not fair," Jay pouted.

"Shouldn't you get a job this summer?" I asked Jonny.

"I have one."

"He got suckered into working with Uncle Jeff," Joey said.

"Suckered? He's gonna pay me $8.50 an hour. That's more than I was making working for my dad during the summer," Jonny said.

"Then when are you going to have time to come here?"

"Not the whole summer. Just a few weeks. I've gotta have some fun while I'm still young."

"Then you should probably stay in Chicago. I told you I'm going to be working on the building all summer. I don't want to hear you bitch about not going out."

"I can still go out. Maybe Adam can come with me. Isn't anyone staying with you during the summer again?"

"Not that I know of. Randy is going to be here off and on. I think Scott's going to be here all summer."

"Most of it, yea," Scott said.

"Do you have any toys?" Jeffrey asked.

"Sorry. I don't have any toys for little boys. How about watching a movie?" I said.

"Do you have 'Monsters'?" Jeffrey asked.


"The only kid movie I have is 'Willy Wonka'," Scott said.

"What's that about?" Jeffrey asked.

"It's about a chocolate factory and good kids and bad kids," Scott explained.

"Okay. I like chocolate," Jeffrey declared.

"And I like beer. I think it's time for one," Joey said and went to get one.

"Bring some for the rest of us as well," I called out.

"I'll get the movie," Scott said and went to his room.

"So would it be okay if Adam came with me?" Jonny repeated.

"We'll see. You need to find a way to get here, first."

"You're coming to the family reunion, aren't you?" Joey asked as he came up the stairs with four beers.

"Yea. When it is?"

"Fourth of July. You didn't get the invitation?"

"Yea, I got it. I've just had other things on my mind," I said.

"Then you can bring me and Adam back with you," Jonny said.

"What about getting back to Chicago?"

"You can just take us back," he smirked.

"And maybe you can take a bus back."

"I think he should take a bus. He'll get to experience America," Michael teased.

"Most of it, since they'll route you through every city this side of the Mississippi," Joey added.

"Do you have any popcorn?" Jay asked.

"Nope. There's still some pie left, though."

"I want some pie," Jeffrey said. "Please."

"Jay?" I asked.

"Yea, since you don't have popcorn."

I went to get the kids some pie and Scott put in the movie and queued it up. A few minutes later we were watching "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory". It was Jay and Jeffrey's first time seeing it. Jeffrey thought the Oompa-Loompas were scary at first, but was singing along with them by the middle of the movie, and sound asleep by the end.

"Where are we sleeping?" Jonny asked.

"You and Joey can take the bunks. We'll open the sofa bed for Jay and Jeffrey," I said.

"I don't want to sleep out here with Jeffrey. What if he wets the bed?" Jay complained.

"He's not going to wet the bed," Joey said.

"Then you can sleep with him."

"Fine. I will. Now stop whining."

"Now I've got to sleep in the same room as Jay. It's just like at home," Jonny whined.

"Then you can sleep with Jeffrey," Joey said.

"No way. No how. I was just kidding."

"Do I have to go to bed now?" Jay asked.

"Yes," Joey said.

*** [ 5/11/02 ]

Graduation was boring as hell. Magna cum laude. Pomp and circumstance. Blah, blah, blah. I really despise ceremonies, especially long ones. This was a long one. High school graduation was bad. This was worse.

Once we finally got out of there we had an early dinner at Angelo's. The family went back to their hotel afterwards and Michael and I went home to take a quick nap. We picked Joey up around nine and went out for drinks with some people from the department. It was a good night.

We had breakfast with everyone the next morning before they left for home. Michael and I had enough time to finish packing and caught our plane to Paris for Michael's audition.

Comments welcomed and encouraged. jm_stories@yahoo.com or aim:jmstories Please put the story title in the subject line or my spam filter will eat it. If I don't reply within two weeks, then you've been eaten, or I'm just really slow and will get back to you when the next chapter comes out. Most likely, I'm just slow.

Next: Chapter 28

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