Just Together


Published on Jul 5, 2002


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It makes no claims to the true personality or sexuality of anyone involved. You already know if you shouldn't be reading this.

------------------ Just Together by jm_stories ------------------

Chapter XVIII

=-=-=-=-=-= Jonny =-=-=-=-=-=

*** [ Saturday, Oct 6, 2001 ]

"God. What's your problem? Just screw it in," I snapped at Adam as he destroyed another screw trying to screw together a platform for the set.

"Fine, asshole. You do it," Adam said and dropped the screwgun.

"Fine. I will. You're such a girl." I snapped off his stripped-out screw and screwed the joint together. I don't know what his problem was. It's not difficult.


"I'm not showing off. You just suck," I countered.

"I've never done this shit."

"Not everyone has a contractor for a daddy," Chris said.

"So? Doesn't your dad build anything?"

"Yea. He builds piles of paper on his desk. I'm pretty good at that," Chris smiled.

"The only things I've ever seen my dad build are store things you just have to assemble," Adam added.

"You guys should be ashamed. The gay guy is more macho than you are," I teased.

"Because I can't screw?" Adam asked.

"You've got other problems there, buddy," Chris smirked and patted Adam on the shoulder.

"Fuck you," Adam groaned.

"Didn't you just say you can't?" Chris countered.

"Come on, guys. Less talking. More screwing," Dave, the TD, smirked as he walked by to check up on us. He was a grad student at the university and pretty cool, as long as you worked.

"I'll do the screwing since I'm the only one here who can screw anything other than his hand," I sighed, and then smiled.

"Some of us are a little more selective about what we'll screw," Chris smiled back.

"Let's ask Sarah about that," I hinted.

"Don't even go there," Chris warned.

"What?" Adam asked.

Chris shot me a warning look.

"Nothing. Let's get this done," I said and let it go.

As we were cleaning up for the day, Brandon, who plays Tony -- and is totally hot -- came over.

"Hey. A bunch of guys are going to Sy Lanes tonight. You interested?" Brandon asked.

"What's that?" Adam asked.

"Bowling alley," Brandon and I answered like he was stupid.

"I'm new here. How the hell should I know what it is?" Adam complained.

"The name kinda gives it away," Brandon smirked. "So?"

"I'll have to ask, but I can probably go," I said.


"Sure. I'll ask."

"Cool. 'Round eight. See you there," Brandon said and walked off to ask some other people.

"I've never been bowling before," Adam whispered to me.


"Yea. You're probably a whiz at it, right?"

"No. I haven't played for almost a year. I got a 200 once, but usually I'm around 160."

"Is that good?"

"A perfect game is a 300. That means you got all strikes. If you're a beginner, you'll be lucky to break 100."

I took a shower when I got home and then called Jonah back.

"Hey. It's me," I said.

"Hey, kid. How was set construction?" Jonah asked.

"Okay. Easy for me. You wouldn't believe how many guys can't screw in a simple screw -- and don't even get me started on the miter saw."

Jonah laughed. "Yep. I know exactly what you're talking about. I have some slavecrafters who are like that."


He explained who they were, and then said that he wouldn't be able to make it to the show.

"Why not? You said you'd be able to make the Saturday night one," I complained.

"I said we MIGHT be able to make the Saturday night one. Michael doesn't get back until Saturday night."

"Oh. You can't come without him and just have him fly into Chicago?"

"And drive ten hours by myself? I'd fall asleep during the show. Just get a tape of it. I know they tape all of them."

"It's not the same."

"I know. Sorry. That's just how it turned out."

"Yea, okay."

"So what else is happening?"

"Nothing. Just rehearsals and school."

"How's Adam?"

"Okay. We're still good friends. Nothing exciting is happening. What about there?"

"Got a new roommate. He moved in last week."

"Is he famous?"

"Not that I know of."

"Is he gay?"

"Not that I know of."

"Do you know anything about him?" I sighed.

"Yea. His name is Scott and he's a freshman."

"Is he cool about all the celebrities there?"

"He hasn't met anyone yet, but he probably will be. We'll see."

"Is he cute?"

"He's still too old for you."

"God. I just want to know."

"He's okay. You're pretty grumpy today."

"I'm tired and hungry. Jay woke me up early. I need to take a nap before I go out tonight."

"Got a date?"

"I wish. No. Just going bowling with some people."

"I haven't been bowling in years. Probably since high school."

"I haven't been in about a year. Adam's never been."

"That should be pretty funny."

"Yea. We'll probably be calling him 'gutter boy' by the end of the night," I smiled.

"It's time for dinner, butt-head," Jay said as he walked out of the kitchen.

"I gotta go. It's time for dinner."

"Okay. I'll talk to you later."

"Okay. Thanks for calling earlier. Later," I said and hung up.

I went over to Adam's at a little before eight and his dad drove us to Sy Lanes. It was pretty busy. Fortunately Vince was joining us so we got two lanes. Your dad owning the alley certainly has it advantages.

"Hey, Mathias. I didn't expect to see you. Your brother let you out?" Vince joked because Tommy had been so freaky about me being around guys last year.

"Yea. I got him to chill out."

"Cool. Hey, Adam."

"Hey, dude."

"Adam's never played before. We might want to have a practice game to teach him," I said.

"Don't they have bowling alleys in San Diego?" Vince said and looked at Adam like he was from Mars.

"Probably. I just don't know anyone who goes bowling. Do you know anyone who surfs?" Adam shot back.

"You," Vince smirked.

A couple other guys showed up and we just decided to teach Adam on the fly. He had killer beginner's luck and got a strike on his first frame and finished the game with a pretty good 140. He was a natural. Kinda. Strike or gutter, with not much in-between.

We bowled three games and then pigged out on greasy alley food before playing some video games. I totally suck at video games. I was also distracted by Brandon. God, he's so hot. Damn shame that he's straight -- though no one has actually seen his girlfriend. He says he's dating some girl that goes to St. Mary's. Maybe it's just a cover. Even if he was a closet case, I'd do him in a heartbeat.

"Dude. Come on. Let's go," Adam said, pulling me from my revelry.

"Yea, okay. You call your dad?"

"Yea. Ten minutes ago. You're spacey tonight."

"Just thinking about things."

"What things?"

"You don't want to know," I smiled.

We said good-bye to everyone and went outside to wait for Adam's dad.

"This was fun. I think I like bowling," Adam said.

"Of course you do. You kicked ass."

"Guess I just know how to handle a ball," he smirked.

"Yep. Too bad you can't bowl with two balls," I laughed.

"That would be cool to try."

"You don't already?" I teased.

"Not that, freak. Bowl with two balls in two lanes at the same time."

"It would be really hard."

"I said 'not that'," Adam laughed and shoved me.

"I know. You have enough trouble handling the two balls you have. What would you do with two more?"

"Fuck you."

"You would?!" I said in mock shock.

"In your dreams."

"Yep. And then I wake up screaming," I countered.

"Good. So what were all the guys saying about Tommy?"

"I already told you he was being an ass last year after I came out. Any time I tried to do anything with any guy outside of school Tommy would be there to make sure we didn't have sex, or whatever. Like, if anyone even patted me on the back or anything, he'd be shoving them away."


"Psycho. I'm so glad he stopped, or I would have had to have him locked up."

"He doesn't think we're doing it, does he?"

"Probably," I shrugged.

"But I'm straight."

"So? Tommy's not too bright. Just be glad he's leaving us alone."

"You know, sometimes it feels like I walked into the middle of a movie and suddenly have to be part of it, and I haven't even read the script."

"What are you talking about?"

"Just that you have this history with all these people. I don't have any history here."

"Don't worry. We'll make history," I smiled.

"That was lame."

I shrugged. "There's your dad."

*** [ Thursday, Nov 15, 2001 ]

"Ready to knock 'em dead?" I asked Adam as I sat down beside him after I'd gotten my makeup on.

"I'm gonna do fine. I'm not gonna get sick," Adam said softly to himself.

I laughed. "Dude-man. You've been doing great. Relax a little," I said and put my arm around his shoulder and gave him a sideways hug.

"I'm gonna do fine. I'm not gonna get sick," Adam continued.

"Matt! Come help me snap Dude-man out of his trance," I yelled to Matt, who plays Bernardo.

"Come on, man. Don't flake out on me. I need my Chino," Matt said as he walked up to us.

"I know what'll work," Chris said as he bounded over and punched Adam in the arm.

"Ouch! What the fuck was that for?" Adam yelled and shoved Chris back.

"You talkin' to me, spic?" Chris teased and danced around, trying to slap-box Adam, but not hard.

"Get off me, freak," Adam complained as he blocked Chris' blows.

"What was that?" Chris teased and got in a good slap. "You can't possibly be a Shark. You fight more like a guppy."

"What's going on here?" Mr. Wonka said as he walked in. Chris stopped right away.

"Just trying to chill out Dude-man," Chris said.

"Just do it without killing him," Mr. Wonka sighed and walked away.

"Time for the Sharks to split," Matt said and pushed Adam out of the green room.

"That was fun. This is so gonna rock," Chris laughed and danced around.

"You are way too hyper," I laughed.

"You should be too. Come on. Get up. Get the blood moving. We go on in ten minutes."

The rest of the Jets came out of the dressing room all pumped up and just as hyper. It was totally infectious and I started getting into it. Missy, the Stage Manager, called places and we went out to the stage, shushing and shoving each other. The orchestra was playing and we got to our places. I mentally went over my lines and the choreography. The lights back-stage came up first, and then the curtain opened. We were on.

After the show everyone was hugging and congratulating each other. It went really well and no one screwed up too badly -- just a missed step here and a jumped line there. We'll be even better tomorrow night. Mom and Tommy came to see the show tonight and gave Adam and me a ride home. Adam's folks and Dr. and Mrs. Mars would be coming to tomorrow night's show.

"See? I told you you'd do fine," I said to Adam as we were riding home.

"Thanks. I just get really nervous," Adam said.

"I think you did a fine job," Mom said.

"Thanks, Mrs. Mathias."

Mom went on to babble about what parts of the show she liked. Tommy said he liked it, but I don't think it was really his thing 'cause he didn't say much about it. We dropped Adam off first, and then they dropped me off. I still have homework to do tonight, damn-it.

*** [ Friday, Nov 16]

I so did not want to get up in the morning to go to school. If you're in the musical they should give you Friday off, or at least a half-day. Adam was dragging just as badly when I met up with him to catch the train. I don't think I said more than grunts until almost third period. The rest of the day went just as slowly, though. Why are Fridays always like that -- especially right before a long break?

After forever it finally ended. A bunch of people were planning to meet up at Starfucks afterwards, but when we got there it was totally crowded. I suggested Wilder CafŽ and we all walked the extra couple blocks. It was busy, too, but at least we were able to get a place to sit.

"Hi, Dave," I said as I finally got to the counter.

"Hello there, Jonny. Are you responsible for the crowd?" Dave smiled.

"Some of it."

"Thanks. What can I get you?"

"I need caffeine. How about a quadruple espresso?"

"Quadruple, huh? How about a double-mocha-coffee instead? More liquid and less trips to the toilet."

"Sure. Chocolate is always good, too."

"Such a smart boy," Dave teased with a grin and started making my drink.

"What'd you get?" Adam asked from behind me.

"A double-mocha-coffee."

"Sounds good. I think I'll get one, too."

"Make that two, Dave," I called.


"Make it three," Julie, who was behind Adam, called.

"Four!" Chris yelled.

"Five!" Matt yelled.

"Okay. How many in this group want a double-mocha-coffee?" Dave asked. Ten arms went up. "Well, that certainly makes it easy."

A few minutes later we all had our drinks and went to take over the back. I sat down on the sofa next to Brandon.

"This is a cool place. How'd you discover it?" Brandon asked me.

"Just walking around. I came here a lot last year to hide from my brother."

"Yea, I've heard he's a dick. Why weren't you in the musical last year?"

"I didn't know it'd be this fun. Chris practically begged me to audition this time."

"I did not beg," Chris protested. "I just said you should and bugged you until you said yes."

"I think he was just afraid to be the only guy on the soccer team in the musicals. He's so gay," I teased.

"Oh, yea. I'm totally gay, except that I love women."

"Plural? Since when have you had more than one? And Rosie doesn't count," Matt said.

"I don't tell you everything. Besides, I said I love women, not that I've loved women," Chris countered.

"It's gonna stay that way, too, after they see you flopping around on stage in that thing you do that's supposed to be dancing," Matt laughed.

"Who has more songs? Hmmm?" Chris countered. "Who has more lines?"

"Maybe you can not step on mine tonight," Brandon said.

"God! I stepped on one line. ONE DAMN LINE. Get over it!" Chris ranted.

"Drama queen," Brandon smirked. "Everyone going to the cast party at Tina's tonight?"

Everyone said they were going. We talked about classes and stuff for an hour or so and then went home. No homework when I got home. How weird is that? Well, I have to read a book over break, but I have a whole week. I really need to sit down and write some. I've hardly done it at all the past month.

"Hey. What took you so long to get home?" Jay asked me as I walked into the kitchen. He and Matt were having a snack.

"I went to a coffee house with some people. Is that okay?"

"Yea, I guess," he shrugged.

I rolled my eyes and got myself something to snack on.

"The show is going to be good, isn't it?" Jay asked.

"The audience last night didn't run out screaming."

"Even when they saw your face?" Jay said, and then they both cracked up.

"Nope. I wasn't wearing my 'Jay mask' last night," I countered.

"Butt-head. If you looked like me you would have had a standing ovation as soon as you walked out."

"There is a difference between people standing to applaud and people standing to run for the exit," I smiled.

"You'd know. I heard a contest on the radio. They're giving away 'NSYNC tickets."

"Don't need 'em. Are you going?"

"Everyone makes fun of them."


"So if we go then everyone will make fun of us," Matt explained.

"They already do," I smiled.

"We might go. I don't know. It's not like they're my favorite or something, and it's gonna be all girls....and you, which is just the same as a girl," Jay said.

"Adam's gonna be there."

"He likes them?"

"I think he's kinda indifferent about them."

"Is he staying here tonight?"

"No. I'm gonna crash at his place after the cast party."

"You'd better hope the monster twins are in bed by then."

"They will be."

The performance went better than it did last night and the cast party at Tina's was pretty good. I just talked with some guys, but Adam was attacked by Sarah and didn't know enough to run. Chris gave us a ride home to Adam's house.

"Are you tired?" Adam asked softly as we walked into his house. Everyone else was asleep.

"I'm still kinda wired."

"Wanna watch a movie?"

"Yea. Let's get something to eat, too. I'm starved."

"Yea, me too. It'd be cool if we had some microwave pizzas left," Adam said and lead the way to the kitchen.

There weren't any pizzas, so we dug around and decided on hot dogs and chips. Adam prepared the buns and stuff while I chipped us out two hot dogs each and put them in the microwave.

"Just get home?" Mr. Walker said from the doorway. He startled both of us and chuckled.

"Hey, Dad. You weren't waiting up for us, were you?" Adam asked.

"No. Just woke up and heard you two trying to be quiet."

"Sorry," I said, and then the microwave went off. It's weird how it sounds so incredibly loud when you're trying to be quiet. I quickly opened it so it only got out one beep. "Sorry."

"We're gonna watch a movie downstairs," Adam said.

"Okay. Just keep it turned down. How was the cast party?"

"It was okay," Adam blushed.

I snickered and made kissy-lips at him. He gave me a nasty look.

"Something you're not sharing?" Mr. Walker smiled.

"I just kissed this girl. No big deal," Adam tried to dismiss.

"Like half the night," I teased quietly so only Adam could hear.

"It was not half the night. We weren't even there half the night," Adam protested loudly.

"Half the night? Is this a new girlfriend or just post-show euphoria?" Mr. Walker said.

"Um, I don't know."

"Post-show euphoria," I stated.

"How would you know?" Adam challenged.

"'Cause you were kissing Sarah Stahl."


"Dude. No offense, but she's...um...got a reputation," I said as politely as I could in front of his dad.

"Why didn't anyone tell me?"

"We did. You just weren't listening."

"I think I'll let you guys talk this out alone. Night," Mr. Walker said and went back upstairs.

"Dude. The only thing you guys were teasing about was why I didn't go all the way with her," Adam whispered.

"Right, 'cause she would. You'd become another notch in her bed post."

"She's a girl."

"I know. So?"

"So girls aren't like that -- seeing how many guys they can score with."

"Sarah is," I shrugged and grabbed my plate to go downstairs.

"And everyone knows about it?" Adam asked as he followed me.

"Well, yea. She brags about it. Sizes. How long the guy lasted. Everything," I laughed. "That's probably why a lot of guys stay away from her."

"So did you ever...?"

"What do you think?" I smirked.

"Oh. Right."

"What do you want to watch?"

"I don't care. Just nothing too loud or sappy."

I grabbed "The Faculty" and put it in the DVD player. Adam turned everything on with the remote and started it.

"She didn't ask you if you wanted a blow-job or try to get into your pants?" I asked him.

"Um...she asked if I wanted to go back to her place, but I couldn't."

"If you had..." I hinted and moaned like I was having an orgasm.

"Dude. Stop. That's just wrong."

"It's true."

"I wouldn't do that."

"Why not? Oh, wait. You're still a virgin," I teased.


"So you'd be scared. And you're already way too uptight."

"I'm not uptight."

"I'm not uptight," I mocked.

"Oh, like you're Mr. I-have-sex-all-the-time."

"Only with myself," I laughed. "I'm still a virgin, too."

"You've never done it with a guy? I thought you had. How do you know then?"

"How do you know?" I countered.

"Yea, okay. So why do you say I'm so uptight?"

"'Cause you are. You always get really uncomfortable when anyone talks about sex."

"No I don't."

"Yea you do. You freak out when I talk about guys."

"That's totally different."

"Whatever. You also totally blushed when you're dad heard about you kissing a girl."

"Well, you've had your gay mentor thing that made you more comfortable. I haven't had my straight mentor, yet."

"It's not about being gay or straight. It's just about being comfortable with your body and being a man, not who you're attracted to."

"Okay, but it took gay big brothers to help you. I don't have any brothers, and I'm not ever gonna talk to my dad about that stuff. I'm still recovering from his birds and bees talk."

"Your dad is comfortable with his body. He was standing there in his underwear when he was talking to us."

"You just want to see me in my underwear," Adam teased.

"Already have."

"You really aren't attracted to me?"

"No. That would be stupid. You're straight."

"So you're only attracted to gay guys?"

"No, but if I'm attracted to a straight guy -- especially one who is a friend -- I just try to ignore it. Think about someone else."

"Like who?"

"If I start talking about this you can't get all freaky and tell me to stop because it's gay," I said.

"I'm asking."

"Okay. Well, um, it depends. I...um...I can recognize that you're cute, BUT I haven't ever had a fantasy about you."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Um, I guess I've been thinking about David Gallagher most recently."

"Is he in our class?"

"I wish. No, he's an actor on '7th Heaven'. He's totally hot. I read on a board that he's gay, too."

"Yea, okay, but what about people you actually know. I know Brandon has to be one of them."

"Brandon's okay," I smiled.

"Yea, right! Like your tongue doesn't hang out when he's around," Adam teased.

"Whatever. He's straight. And he's a junior. I don't have a chance in so many ways."

"Okay. So who else?"

"Um, I think about Gareth and what we did."

"I thought you were still a virgin?"

"I am. We didn't have sex, just kissed and jacked each other off. It was really nice," I said and shifted so Adam couldn't see I was starting to get a hard-on thinking about this stuff.

"So is that, like, second base or something for gays?"

"I hadn't thought about it. I guess it could be. Depends on how you did it. I mean, straight guys have had circle jerks or stuff like that, so I don't know."

"I've never known anyone who's done that."

"Neither have I. Just read about it. I think it's just being horny. Just because a straight guy has some sort of sex with another guy doesn't mean he's gay any more than me having sex with a girl would make me straight."

"You would try sex with a girl?"

"I don't know. Maybe. Doesn't appeal to me, though. Seems kinda gross."

"But at least you wouldn't get shit on your dick."

"That's gross."

"What? If you butt-fucked someone you'd get shit on your dick."

"Not every gay guy likes anal sex, and even so, you wear a condom and you don't do it if you have to take a shit. The pictures and video clips I've seen don't show any shit."

"So you don't want to be butt-fucked?"

"Not butt-fucked. That sounds crude. I guess I'd try it with the right guy, but making love and not butt-fucking."

"I just can't imagine making love to a guy."

"'Cause you're straight. I think it's pretty damn appealing. Just what Gareth and I did together was great."

"Just kissing and jacking each other off?"


"Why is jacking-off any big deal? You can do that yourself."

"It's totally different when someone else does it, and it's really cool to do it to someone. We did this thing where he put his dick on top of mine and we each wrapped a hand around both and did both together. That was totally hot," I sighed.

"Dude. TMI," Adam cringed.

"Sorry. You asked."

"Generalities, please. Not details."

"It's just jacking-off. You've done it."

"Not with someone else there."

"You don't know what you're missing," I smiled.


"I'm serious. It's more exciting. It feels better. Don't you ever try different ways?"

"To jack-off?"


"Um, I guess."

"You know you do. What's the weirdest way you've ever jacked-off?"

"None of your business."

"Come on. I told you everything. Okay, how about this? Where is the weirdest place you've jacked-off?"


"I'm not uptight," I mocked, again.

"Fine. Um, I guess the weirdest place I've ever jacked-off was...in the ocean."

"In the ocean?"

"Yea. I was boned up and couldn't get out of the water without everyone seeing, so I just took my belly-board out a bit further and did it so it would go down."

"Weren't you afraid a shark or something would...you know."

"Didn't think about it. I was too horny," Adam laughed. "Okay. What about you?"

"Um...I did it at school once in the bathroom."

"That's not weird. Everyone has done that."

"You have, too?"


"Um, okay. Well, then I did it twice in the shower with movie stars and stuff in the next room."

"Twice in a row?"

"Yea. I was really horny. What's the most you've done it in a day? Charlie said he'd done it eight times, and Jonah had done it five."

"And you?"

"Um, probably five."

"I've only done it three times."

"Do you ever use lube?"

"Too hard to clean up unless I'm doing it in the shower. I think someone would get suspicious if I started taking five or six showers a day," Adam laughed.

"Yea. I can't do it as easily now that I don't have my own room."

"Taking a lot of showers?" Adam teased.

"No. I just wait for Jay to go to sleep and then try to be quiet."

"What about..."

"Um, I've got an old sock I keep behind the bed."

"A sock?" Adam laughed.

"Yea. It works. What do you use?"

"Same thing," Adam smirked.

"Okay, I see. Try to make me feel like a freak. I bet you're all boned up just talking about this stuff."

"So? I know you are. You pulled your legs up a while ago."

"Yea. If I were home I'd be spanking it right now," I laughed.

"Just don't do it now."

"You wish."

"No, you wish. You just want to try to get me to jack-off with you, don't you?"

"I wasn't, but..." I teased.

"Dude. No way."

"Your loss," I shrugged.

"I'll survive."

"Maybe, or maybe you'll explode. You and Sarah were really going at it."

"You shouldn't have been watching that closely, and I'm not that far gone."

"It wasn't hard to miss. You've never thought about doing it with a guy? I don't mean full sex or anything. Just jacking-off together."

"Um, not really. Just, you know, seeing how I compared. Not touching or anything."

"How do you compare?"

"You're asking how big my dick is?"

"Afraid to tell me? You have a wee-wee?" I teased and held out my pinky finger.

"No. I'm sure I'm bigger than you."

"How sure are you? What do you want to bet?"

"I'm not going to bet you."

"Guess you're not all that sure, then," I smirked.

"Fine, asshole. If I'm bigger than you, then you have to...lick my feet," Adam smiled.

"Okay. And if I'm bigger than you, you have to give me a blow job," I smiled.

"What? No way! That's not even fair."

"Fine. Then you have to give me a hand-job."


"What? You want me to lick your skanky feet."



"So. How big?"

"Six-and-three-quarters," I smiled.

"You are not," Adam protested.

"Yea I am. You can measure when you're giving me that blow-job, if you think I'm lying."

"It was a hand-job. I'll be right back," Adam grumbled and ran upstairs, reappearing with a ruler a minute later.

"You didn't say what you were," I said.

"Six-and-a-half," he said and handed me the ruler. "Prove it."

"You, too. I'm not going to just drop my pants and give you a free show."

"Whatever. Fine. After you."

"Um, okay," I said hesitantly. This felt really weird. I pushed down my pants and freed my erection. I set the ruler on top and pressed it flat. I looked up at Adam to tell him to check it. He had a kinda shocked look on his face. "Well? According to this ruler it's actually six-and-seven-eighths."

"Yea," Adam grumbled. I handed him the ruler. He pulled down the front of his pants and put the ruler on his erection. It was a nice looking erection.

"Looks like six-and-a-half even," I smiled.

"Dude. You're not gonna make me do it, are you?"

"What? You would have made me lick your feet. It's not like it's something you haven't done before to yourself."

"Yea, but..."

"It's just a hand-job. Just jacking-off. You'll survive. If it'll make you feel better, I'll do you, too."

"How's that gonna make me feel better?"

"Duh," I said and made a face at him. "It'll make that pole you're still holding go away."

Adam blushed and tucked himself back in his boxers. I just looked at him. Waiting.

"Dude. Let's just watch the movie."

"Fine," I sighed and buttoned my pants. I dropped back down on the sofa and Adam sat on the other end and restarted the movie since we hadn't been paying attention. I was so boned up and it wasn't going to go away until I took care of it. I tried to just watch the movie, but seeing Josh Hartnett wasn't helping it go down. I could feel Adam glancing over at me every so often, as well. I hope he's not gonna freak out about this and start being weird.

About twenty minutes later, Adam paused the movie and turned to me.

"Dude. If we do this, you can't tell ANYONE," he said seriously.

"Like I would want anyone to know," I said sarcastically.


"I'm not going to tell anyone," I sighed.

"Okay...then...um. How do we start?"

"Really? Um, I guess we should probably do it where we can clean up easily."

"Oh yea. Um, let's go into the laundry room. We could do it into the sink," Adam said and got up -- he was still boned.

"You've done it there before, haven't you?"


We got into the laundry room and he closed the door and put a chair under the door knob so no one could get in.

"So? How do we start?"

"Um, I guess we could stand side by side and try it, but we're both right-handed. Maybe we'll have to go one at a time and kinda stand behind."

"How'd you and Gareth do it?"

"You wouldn't be interested, and we were in the shower, so we didn't have to worry about spunking on each other."

"Oh. Okay. Um, I guess I'll do you first. Uh, you should probably get it out."

"Yea, okay."

I walked over near the sink, pushed down my pants, and pulled up my shirt. Adam stood to my right, gave me a hesitant look, and then took a deep breath before reaching out to grab hold of me.

"This is so weird," Adam said softly as he tried to get some sort of rhythm at the angle he was at.

"Yea," I mumbled and closed my eyes.

"Is this okay?" He asked after about a minute.

"Yea, but the rhythm is kinda jerky."

"I'm not used to the angle."

"Or the size," I smiled.

"Fuck you. It's not that much bigger," Adam groaned.

"Um, why don't you try standing more behind me so it's more like you're doing yourself?"

"Um, okay," Adam said and moved behind me so his right arm was around me. In a more natural position, the rhythm got better.

"That's better," I sighed.

Adam soon had his left arm around my belly and was pressed against me as he jerked me faster. His face was buried in my shoulder and I could feel his bone. It didn't take long before I felt it starting.

"I'm almost there. Keep going," I hissed and then felt the explosion. I bucked back against him and he just kept jacking. Not as good as with Gareth, but better than by myself. "Okay. Stop, man," I said and pushed his hand away 'cause he kept jacking.

"Damn. You shot all over the wall. You have to clean that up," Adam teased as he immediately washed his hand off. I cleaned myself and the wall behind the sink with some paper towels and pulled my pants up.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Um, yea," Adam said and pushed down his pants. I stood behind him and reached both arms around him. I grabbed his erection with my right hand and rubbed his balls with my left. He groaned and bucked back into me. He had a lot of precum and I rubbed it over his head with my finger, and then started jacking again. He had his head thrown back on my shoulder and was making these grunt like moans. It didn't take long before I felt him tense up and start shooting. He bucked his hips hard and I watched his first shot shoot higher up the wall than I had hit. He was having a great orgasm. Maybe it's just 'cause it's his first time with someone else touching him. I continued jacking him until he pulled away, and then washed off my hands.

"And you were complaining about me shootin' on the wall. You better check the ceiling for that shot of yours," I teased.

"Oh, yea. That was intense."

"Told you it was better having someone else do it for you," I smirked.

"Yea, well, I think I'd rather have a girl do it next time."

"Why? A girl wouldn't know how to jack-off."

"Because I like girls, dude."

"Yea, I know. I'm not saying that. I'm just saying that if you got a girl, why would you want her to jack you off? She wouldn't know how. There are better things -- for you -- that you could do."

"Oh, yea. A blow-job would be really cool."

"I read that guys give better blow-jobs than girls."

"No way. That's probably just some gay thing."

"No. They were saying that because a guy knows how it feels and what feels good. I mean, if you know your own body and what feels good..."

"I guess that makes sense, but it's not something I want to try."

"Don't worry. I wouldn't give you one if you begged."

"Like I would. Why not?"

"'Cause that's different. I'd want to be in love with the guy, not just getting off with a friend."

"You think this was just getting off?"

"Yea, of course."

"Good," Adam sighed. "Um, well, wanna try watching the movie again?"


We went back into the family room. Adam threw me a blanket and grabbed one for himself.

"We'll probably just crash down here. I'm tired now," he said with a lopsided grin.

We sat down again and un-paused the movie. I was out before it ended.

I woke up when Adam kicked me in the balls and I fell off the edge of the sofa.

"Oh," I groaned. "Asshole. What was that for?"

Nothing. He was still sound asleep. I checked my watch and it was only 7AM. We hadn't gone to sleep until probably after three. I climbed back up on the sofa, pushed Adam off onto the floor, and went back to sleep. All I heard was a grunt from him as he hit the ground.

"Dude. Time to get up," Adam said as he shook my shoulder.

"Yea, okay," I mumbled and shrugged away from him. I checked my watch. It was ten.

Adam pushed my legs off the sofa and sat down. "My dad was already down here. I have to do yard work today. You know, I never had to rake leaves in San Diego. I just did it last weekend."

"Yea. Raking sucks. Better than shoveling snow, though."

"You could help me," Adam tried.

"Sorry. I've got stuff I gotta get done."

"Like what?"

"Like laundry. Like cleaning my room. Like I also will probably have to rake leaves. Like I'm supposed to go out with my mom this afternoon. We also have the show tonight." I listed.

"Okay. Um, about last night..."


"Like...don't tell anyone about it. Not even Gareth."

"I won't. Don't get weird on me about it."

"I'm not. I'm just... Just... Let's not talk about it. Okay?"

"Yea, whatever. So let's get some breakfast, and I need to piss," I dismissed and went to the bathroom. Adam went after I did and we went upstairs.

"When are Jonah and Michael supposed to be here?" Adam asked me as we were eating breakfast.

"Sunday night. I can't wait. You're still gonna come see 'NSYNC, right?"


"You're not going to see 'NSYNC! You don't even like them," Amy whined.

"Why does Adam get to go see them and we don't?" Ashley whined, as well.

"You can go see them," I started.

"You just can't come with us," Adam finished with a grin and we gave each other a high-five.

"Stop teasing your sisters," Mr. Walker said.

"Why does he get to go?" Amy demanded.

"Because Jonny asked him," Mrs. Walker said.

"You can take us, too," Ashley tried.

"Nope. Sorry. I can only bring one person," I said.

"Then take me," Amy and Ashley said at the same time, and then started fighting over it.

"I wish you would have kept quiet about it," Mr. Walker sighed to Adam.

"Sorry," Adam shrugged.

=-=-=-=-=-= Jonah =-=-=-=-=-=

*** [ Fri, Oct 26, 2001 ]

It was after midnight when I finally got home. Being a senior, I got the pleasure of helping set up for the department Halloween party instead of tearing it down, like the underclassmen will have to do. It will be pretty fun, though. As everything is last minute, the different areas have been plotting ways to turn the mainstage and surrounding hallways into a terror filled extravaganza all week. Of course, being theatre people and having all the supplies at our disposal, it got pretty elaborate. Projections. False walls. Trap doors. Pits. Eerie lighting and sound effects. Things flying in and out automatically. It's gonna be fun.

"Hey. You're home late," Scott said from his lounged position on the sofa as I walked in.

"Yep. All finished."

"With what?"

"You'll see. You are going to be at the department Halloween party, aren't you?"

"Nah. I don't really like Halloween parties. You have to get dressed up and spend the whole night uncomfortable. Not to mention riding the train looking like a freak."

"So you'll blend in a little better," I shrugged. "You're going."

"Really. I'm not all that big on big parties," Scott tried to beg out.

"You need to be at this one. If you don't, you'll be taunted about it for the rest of the year. People will shun you. You'll have to switch to being a business major at a small school in Nebraska. Not only that, but the 'PP' they brand onto your forehead will bring you shame and ridicule for the rest of your days."


"Party Pooper," I smiled.

"So, in other words, I don't have a choice."

"Now you're getting it. Besides, you don't have to wear a costume. You just have to show up. The entire department will be there. It's also hilarious to see some of the faculty drunk off their asses."

"They're gonna have alcohol there?"

"Of course."

"I didn't think they could in the school."

"This isn't high school. Hell, some of the faculty are messed up on something most of the time. Have you had to deal with Bert French yet?"

"Um, no. I don't think so. What does he teach?"

"Acting. You'll probably have him for Acting 1 or 2. Anyway, he always has a big cup of 'iced tea' with him," I explained and made quote marks with my fingers. "His breath is mighty flammable for that to be just iced tea."

"They let him drink while teaching?"

"He's not teaching rocket science. You'll find out. He's a complete caricature. Acting 2 is mostly improvs. Every one of his improv. situations go something like, 'You're naked. You're scared. Go.'" I laughed.

"Yea. I heard some people in the green room joking about something like that."

"Probably talking about Bert," I said and said his name like a belch. "You're in a subway car with a mean looking gang member. You're naked. You're scared. Go. You're in the woods and you see a bear. You're naked. You're scared. Go," I mimicked in Bert's slow southern drawl.

"Did he used to direct slasher films?"

"I don't think so. Just act. What do you mean?"

"You know. Slasher films. Women running naked through the woods while being chased by a guy with a chainsaw, or some variation thereof."

"That's great. I haven't heard that one before. Mind if I share it?"

"Go ahead. So what's this party like?"

"Can't tell. That would be cheating," I smiled.

"Now what good is having an upperclassman for a roommate if you won't fill me in?" Scott complained.

"Some things you just have to experience," I countered and went to get something to eat.

*** [ Sat, Oct 27, 2001 ]

"Hey, Scotty. Ready to go?" I slurred. Yes, I was drunk.

"Huh?" He was, too.

"Ready to go?"

"Oh. Hey, Jonah. How ya doin'?"

"One sheet to the wind more than you."


"Nevermind. Ready to go?"

"Oh. Yea, okay," Scott said and gave everyone he was talking with a big hug and kiss on the cheek -- guy and girl alike. I busted up laughing at his drunken behavior. After he finished he jumped on my back. "Home, James!"

I promptly dropped him on his ass. "Walk, Scotty!"

"I just want you to know, I hate being called Scotty," he said as he stumbled to his feet.

"I know," I smiled.

We said our good-byes on the way out and stepped into the cool October night, or, rather, morning. It was almost 5AM.

"Let's walk home," Scott announced.

"You're drunk. Let's take the train," I countered.

"Oh, come on. It's not that far."

"It is at 5AM while drunk. We'll still have a few blocks to walk when we get to our stop."

"Okay," Scott sighed and hung on me as we made our way to the station.

We had to wait for a train. It was just after 6AM when we finally got home. I was exhausted, but too wound up to go right to bed. I got some orange juice and a banana for both of us and sat down on the sofa, flipping on the TV.

"This your hang-over prevention?" Scott asked as he grabbed a banana.

"Yep. It helps."

"Good. The last time I got drunk I had a horrible hang-over. I don't drink very often."

"When was the last time you were drunk?"

"Graduation. My best friend had this huge party in his barn. Everyone brought whatever they could get hold of. Man, I've never been so sick in my life," Scott giggled.

"Yep. Mixing drinks will do that."

"I know that now. Thanks for making me go, tonight. I had a blast."

"You're welcome."

"That stuff you guys did was so cool. Much better than any haunted house I've been in."

"Thanks. It helps to have all the supplies at your disposal. What stuck out the most?"

"Um...I think the tunnel where the lights kept shifting and the scrim walls. That was really cool. It's like you could hardly walk a straight line with the shadows swirling around you and the walls changing position. You couldn't tell what was real or not sometimes."

"Thanks. That was my idea," I smiled.

"Really? Cool. You'll have to show me how you did all that. I know you used scrims."

"Just basic parts: scrim, flats, strips, pars and a few RoboScans. It's all in the setup. You'll see when you get to strike it on Monday."

"At the community theater I did stuff with in 'Busco we always did strike on closing night after the show."

"Sometimes you'll get that here, but not often. Just before Thanksgiving break and just before Christmas break are about the only times. It shouldn't be too late this year since I just have the studios."

"Oh yea. Wow. It's almost Thanksgiving."

"You going home?"

"Yea. You're staying here?"

"No. Michael and I are going to Chicago. First time he gets to meet my family -- other than one cousin."

"Are they all cool with you being gay?"

"Totally, at least that aunt and uncle."

"Some aren't?"

"Not really. My Uncle James is a career Marine, so he's a little stand-offish, but not nasty. My Uncle John is a anti-social freak and doesn't associate with anyone, so no concern there. Uncle Joe and Uncle Jeff are totally okay with it."

"And you were teasing me about having a big family. How many uncles do you have?"

"Just four. My grandparents had five boys: Joe, James, Jonah, John and Jeff. Jonah, of course, was my dad."

"Was? I noticed that your folks never call. It's always your aunt or uncle."

"They died when I was eight," I shrugged. "My grandparents raised me, mostly."

"Are they dead now, too?"


"Huh? That doesn't make any sense."

"Gpa is dead. Gma is still alive, but only physically. Her mind is gone. Tabula rasa."

"Oh. Okay. Why do you call them 'gpa' and 'gma'?"

"I don't know. Just to be different. I think that's what I've always called them. I'm the oldest grandchild, so my cousins pretty much followed my lead. Someone probably has a story about why, but I don't know what it is."

"Do you have lots of cousins?"

"Um...Twelve -- unless someone has had a baby and hasn't told me."

"I don't have any cousins. My dad is an only-child and my mom's sister can't have kids."

"You've got lots of brother and sisters to make up for that, though."

"It's not the same. Your cousins go home when you're done playing. My brothers and sisters are there all the time," Scott said.

"I think it would be great to have brothers and sisters around."

"You're an only-child, aren't you?" Scott laughed.


"You're being cryptic again. How kinda?"

"I had a little brother, but he died in the same accident that my parents died in."

"Oh. Sorry."

"Don't worry about it. You want some water?" I asked as I headed for the kitchen.


I returned a minute later with two glasses of water. I dropped back onto the sofa and flipped channels until I found something bearable to watch. I fell asleep a few minutes later.

*** [ Sunday ]

It was almost noon when I woke up. My back was stiff from sleeping at an odd angle. Scott was curled up on the other side of the sofa, using my thigh as a pillow. I carefully slid out from under him and went to the bathroom. Other than being stiff, I felt pretty okay. No hang-over. I grabbed the phone as it rang on my way to the kitchen to make some coffee.

"Hey, babe," Michael said.

"Hey," I said and dropped the phone as I was pulling the coffee out of the 'fridge. "Sorry. Dropped the phone."

"Just get up."

"Yea. Didn't get home until around six."

"How was it?"

"Great. My funky room worked out perfectly. Even had a few people fall down trying to walk through it."

"I wish I could have seen it," he sighed.

"You sound down."

"Just missing you. Charlie is supposed to be picking me up later do go do something."

"So Kate is busy," I surmised.

"Pretty much. He's got it so bad."

*** [ Friday, Nov 16, 2001 ]

I got home around eight. There was a kid checking out entrances as I climbed up the front stairs.

"Lost?" I asked him.

"Um, I don't think so. I thought it was supposed to be here, but the door's locked and no one answers the buzzer. Do you know where Scott McManis lives?"

"Are you Jack or Brian?"

"Jack," he said cautiously.

"Hi. I'm Jonah. Scott's roommate," I smiled and shook his hand.

"Oh, hey. That's lucky. So this is the right place. Is the buzzer broken?"

"Not as far as I know. He's probably still in town. I know he needed to go to the library. Aren't you supposed to have someone else with you?"

"Yea. Brian's trying to find a place to park."

"Hey. Is this the place?" A guy, who I assumed was Brian, called out as he approached.

"Yea. This is it. He's not home yet. This is his roommate."


"Hey, man. Brian. Nice to meet you."

"Come on up, guys," I said and let them in.

Once we got upstairs I pointed out the bathroom and the guest room before unpacking my bag.

"Cool place. It's pre-war, right?" Brian asked.

"Yea. Architecture student?"

"Yep. I'm an Archie at Ball State."

"I considered architecture."

"Why didn't you?"

"Because it's a five year program, and then you end up being some else's draftsman for another ten years before you can actually do anything of your own."

"It's not ten years, but it'll probably feel like it. You're in theatre, right?"

"Yep. Lighting design, mostly. A bit of directing as well, recently."

"That's cool. You have to have good visualization skills for that. It's not like you can easily model light."

"Nope, but most of the time it's easy enough to fix something that doesn't look like you expected it to."

"Yea, okay, freakoids. Enough geek talk," Jack said.

"Shove it, Jack-off," Brian said. "So where's Squat?"

"Running late, apparently. I saw him in Studio 1 about an hour ago. He said he had to return some books before he headed home."

"So how's he doing?" Brian asked and dropped down onto the sofa.

"How's he doing in what?" I asked.

"As a roommate. In general."

"He's been a good roommate so far. You haven't talked to him?"

"Oh yea. We email all the time. I just know that he doesn't always tell me everything until I beat it out of him," Brian smiled. "So what was that TV show he was in in Toronto. He wouldn't tell me."

"Then I'm not going to tell you, either."

"You're no fun. Where's your boyfriend? He still shooting that movie?"

"Yea, he'll be back tomorrow night."

"You're a fag?" Jack said.

"Grow up, Jack-off," Brian snapped. "You'll have to forgive him, he thinks going to Fort Wayne is going to the big city."

"Yea, I've heard that Churubusco is tiny. And to answer your question, Jack. Yes, I'm a fag. You have a problem with that?" I challenged.

"Yea, I have a problem with that. My brother is living with fags."

"Guess it's a good thing you aren't. Oh no, you're gonna be staying the night in a fag's apartment. You know, I heard that that makes you one," I teased.

Brian started laughing hysterically. He seemed like a fun guy. Very outgoing compared to Scott's more quiet nature.

"I'm not going to stay here," Jack stated.

"There's the door. No one is stopping you," I pointed.

"Just sit down and shut up, Jack-off," Brian said.

"Fuck you. We're not staying the night."

"Why are you so frightened, Jack?" I asked.

"I'm not. I just don't want to be around a fag."

"Why? What do you think will happen?"

"I know what fags do. You'll try to molest me."

"Sorry to disappoint you, but the only guy I molest is my boyfriend, and he kinda insists on it," I smiled.

Brian had another laughing fit.

"Stop laughing," Jack snapped.

"Hey. Sorry I'm late," Scott sighed as he walked in.

"You're living with fags!" Jack yelled.

"Don't be an asshole, Jack," Scott chastised.


"But nothing. Jeez, you're acting like a dumb-ass hick," Scott interrupted and gave his brother a quick hug.


"Zip it. No one wants to hear it."

Jack folded his arms and pouted, but didn't say anything. It was kinda fun to see this different side of Scott and how he interacted with his younger brother. Obviously Jack respected him or he would have just told him to fuck off.

"Sorry, Jonah," Scott apologized. "Hey, Bri," he said and gave Brian a quick hug. "How long have you guys been here?"

"Just long enough for Jack to stick his foot in his mouth," Brian smiled.

"So just got here, huh?" Scott smiled.


"Okay. So let me dump my stuff and we'll head out. You want to come with us, Jonah?" Scott asked.

"No thanks. I've got some stuff to get done," I said and headed to the kitchen to make something for dinner.

"Come on. It's Friday night before Thanksgiving break. Besides, you know the city better," Scott prodded as he followed me.

"Oh, I see. A tour guide."

"It's Friday night. Not much tourist stuff is going on. Besides," he said in a softer voice, "I want Jack to get over being all freaky about me living here. If he sees how you are, he won't cause trouble."

"Would it be trouble?"

"I don't know. I don't think so, but I don't want to chance it. Jack has a big mouth. If he doesn't know you, then he can make up stories. If he sees that you're just a regular guy, then I won't have to worry about it. Please?"

"Yea, okay. I guess," I sighed. "But you're paying for dinner."

"Thanks, man," Scott smiled and went back out to the living room.

"So where're we gonna eat? I'm starved," Brian said as I walked back in.

"Where do you want to go?" Scott asked.

"You live here. Where's a good place?" Brian countered.

"Jonah?" Scott asked.

"Probably Hard Rock. Good touristy place," I suggested.

"Why not something more New York? Something you can only get in New York?" Brian asked.

"Like what? New York has everything from everywhere. There are thousands of restaurants here," I said.

"I want to go to Hard Rock," Jack said softly.

"Okay. Let's do that," Scott said. "We'll do more stuff the next time you come," Scott said to Brian.

"Why? Just 'cause I'm here?" Jack pouted.

"Yea. You're only here until tomorrow. We have one night. It's not much time," Scott explained.

"Okay, but I wanna do cool stuff. Can we go see the World Trade Center ruins?" Jack said.

"No. It's too late. Maybe next time."

"It'll be gone by then."

"No it won't. They'll be working on cleaning it up for a long time."

"So are we gonna drive or take the subway?" Brian asked as we were walking out the door.

"We'll take the train," I answered.

"Aren't they dangerous at night?" Jack asked.

"If it's 3AM and you're alone it could be. Not in the early evening or with a group of people," I said.

"I haven't gotten mugged, and I'm usually coming home after ten," Scott said.

"You did get some pepper spray, right?" I asked.

"Yep," Scott smiled and dangled his keychain pepper spray for all to see.


"Have you ever had to use it?" Brian asked me.

"Nope, but it's better to be safe if you know you're gonna be alone late at night," I said.

"I haven't had any problems," Scott added.

"So when did you go to Toronto and what TV show are you gonna be on?" Jack asked.

"You told him," Scott said to Brian.

"Sorry. I just asked Jonah if he would tell me what show it was. He wouldn't tell me."

"Thanks," he said to me.

"So? When did you go? What's the show?" Jack continued.

"I went in October. It was just for a weekend. We were in some crowd scenes for a show on Showtime."

"What Showtime series is filming in Toronto?" Brian asked. "Is it 'Stargate'?"


"'Stargate'. It would probably be on a sound stage, though."

"You have Showtime in the dorm?"

"Yea. Not in the room, but down in the lounge."

"Now I'm definitely not telling you," Scott sighed.

"Oh, come on, man. Tell me. Tell me now," Brian pleaded and then grabbed Scott in a headlock. "Tell me. Tell me."

"Fine!" Scott yelled after struggling a bit.

"Go on..."

"I'm only going to tell you."

"If it's a trick..."

"It's not," Scott sighed.

Brian released him. Scott stood up and straightened himself before whispering in Brian's ear.

"No shit!?" Brian gawked.


"Oh man, that's so cool. Everyone watches that in the lounge. All the girls get so hot after that, and the lesbian scenes are fuckin' awesome," Brian smiled.

"What? What show? I want to know," Jack protested.

"You're too young," Scott said.

"I'm not too young. Come on, Scott. You're supposed to trust your brother. I won't tell Dad."

"I'm not going to tell you because you'll be freaky about it."

"No I won't."

"Just like you weren't freaky about Jonah?"

"That's totally different. He's a fag."

I rolled my eyes. It was going to be a long night.

Scott slapped Jack on the back of the head. "That's why I'm not going to tell you. You're acting like a hick."

"Just 'cause I don't like fags?"

"You don't know anything about gay people. What would you do if I was gay?"

"But you're not."

"How do you know?"

"'Cause you're not. You don't act all faggy."

"That doesn't mean anything. Jonah doesn't act all faggy. Neither does his boyfriend. Neither do a lot of gay people I know. How do you know I'm not gay?"

"You can't be."


"'Cause you just aren't. If you were then that would mean we had that in our family."

"Everyone has it in their family," I said. "Here's our train."

"Get over it, Jack. You're acting like a bigot," Brian said. "Right, sweetheart?" He added with a grin and a wink to Scott.

"In your dreams," Scott laughed.

Jack got quiet as we were now in a crowd of people on the train. He actually looked a little frightened.

"First time on a train?" I asked.

"Yea," he answered quietly.

"You're no longer a virgin," Brian teased him.

"I haven't been a virgin for a while," Jack countered smugly.

"Really? When did this happen?" Scott asked.

"Um...a couple months ago," Jack stuttered.

"With who?"

"Jenny Anderson."

"You sly dog, you," Brian teased.

"I hope you were safe."

"Yea," Jack blushed.

"Why didn't you tell me you were dating her?" Scott asked.

"'Cause we broke up. She got really weird after."

"Why? Were you shitty to her?"

"No. She was all, like, 'it was a mistake', and stuff like that."

"Did you pressure her to do it?"

"No. It was just after the World Trade Center attack. You know, it was a weird time."

"Okay," Scott said and let it drop.

"So what scenes were you in?" Brian asked Scott.


"What scenes? In that TV show."

"Oh. In the cafŽ and in the club."

"Staring role in the club," I teased.

"Jonah..." Scott warned.

"What? He already knows you're on the show."

"Staring role, huh?" Brian smiled. "Doing what?"

"It wasn't a staring role. Just on camera for one short scene."



"There must be more or you'd tell me. Come on. You know I'll probably see it eventually, anyway."

"Fine," Scott sighed and then whispered in Brian's ear.

"Really? Wow. I wouldn't think you had it in you."

"Thanks a lot."

"You know what I'm saying. Seems like someone else has taken over the role of getting you into trouble. Good job, Jonah," Brian laughed.

"It was nothing. There's actually a much better story about that weekend..." I started, but was interrupted when Scott wrapped his hand over my mouth.

"Don't you dare," Scott threatened.

Brian sighed dramatically. "Do we need to do this the hard way? You know you're gonna tell me, eventually."

"Oh look, we're at our stop," Scott smiled and pushed me towards the doors.

"Do you want to take the train, or walk uptown? It's still slightly light out, so walking now would be better so they can see some of the city," I asked Scott as we got out onto the platform.

"You guys want to eat first, or see the city on the way?" Scott asked.

"Food first," Jack said.

"I agree," Brian said.

"Okay. Next train," I said and led the way to our transfer.

"How was the drive?" Scott asked Brian.

"Not bad. Caught the tail end of rush hour, but smooth beyond that."

"I drove some, too," Jack added.

"I let him drive most of the way."

"Must be getting better," Scott teased Jack.

"God, get over it. I had one accident when I was 14 and no one will let me forget it," Jack whined.

"I let you drive, didn't I?" Brian countered.

"It was also a spectacular accident. I don't think I'd ever seen Dad turn that color before or since," Scott smiled and then turned to explain it to me. "He was supposed to be washing cars at the dealership. Just washing. Not driving. Well, we finished one and Jack decided to bring in the next one. A new Mercury Cougar. Dad walked out just as he was pulling it into the bay. Jack freaked and slammed the gas..."

"I meant to hit the brake," Jack interrupted.

"But you didn't. Anyway, he hit the gas and went squealing into the wall. Totaled the front of the car. Set off the airbag. Busted up water pipes. Oh man, I thought Dad was going to have a heart-attack," Scott continued.

"Don't forget that he also pissed his pants," Brian added.

"You would have, too, asshole," Jack pouted. "I'm still grounded."

"So what about those stories?" Brian whispered to me.


"The weekend in Toronto..."

"Don't do it," Scott warned/pleaded.

"Oh, come on, Scott. They're great stories," I said.

"They're embarrassing. How would you like it if I told an embarrassing story about you?"

"If it was a good laugh... What have you got?" I smiled.

"I don't have anything," Scott sighed. "You have no modesty."

"Yea, I do."

"You walk around naked or in your underwear no matter where you're at."

"Where was this? I'm pretty sure I'm wearing clothes now."

"Around the apartment..."

"Which is home. I think that's allowed."

"And when we were at Randy's."

"I was wearing my boxers. We're all guys. No big deal."

"And changing in the middle of wardrobe like it was nothing."

"It was. Besides, I think you have enough modesty for a couple people."

"I did that stuff, didn't I?"


"Stop speaking in riddles. Someone fill me in," Brian said.

"G-strings," I whispered in Brian's ear.

"G-strings?!" Brian yelled. Everyone in the train car looked at us.

"Jonah..." Scott pleaded.

"That's all I'm saying," I smiled.

"Oh no. You can't let it go at that. I have to know, now," Brian begged.

"You wore a g-string? Even with..." Jack asked.

"Being hung like a horse," Brian continued.

"No. I did not wear a g-string," Scott pouted.

"Then you went naked?" Jack surmised.

"This is another one of those pushing me things. Isn't it?" Scott asked me.

I just smiled and shrugged.

"Fine. I'll tell the whole story over dinner," Scott sighed.

We got to our stop and headed towards Hard Rock. Then, of all the people we could have run into...

"Jonah! Hey man!" Nick Carter said and gave me a quick hug. "Long time, no see. What's up?"

"Hey, Nick. Just heading to dinner. Hanging around the city again?"

"Yea. I got in last night. Mel's working. I was gonna try calling you later."

"I'm not home," I smiled.

"Then I won't call. So where're you going for dinner?"

"Want to join us, Nick?" I asked to get it out of the way. I knew he was going to ask, anyway.

"Sure. Where're we going."

"Hard Rock."


"Different people. Tourist place," I said and looked around for the rest of people I was with. They'd walked ahead and were looking back at us.

"Okay. So who're tonight's kids?"

"New roommate and his brother and friend here to pick him up for Thanksgiving," I answered as we walked on to catch up.

"What happened to Danny?"

"Long story. He moved back to Atlanta."


"Hey, guys. This is Nick. Nick, this Scott, my new roommate. Brian, his friend, and Jack, his brother," I introduced.

"Hey, man," Brian smiled and shook Nick's hand. "You know, you look like that guy from the Backstreet Boys -- no offense."

"Yea, I get that all the time," Nick smirked.

"It is him, dumb-ass," Jack said.

"Hey, Nick," Scott said and shook his hand.


"So you really know him?" Jack asked, though I'm not sure if he was asking me or Nick. Nick answered.

"Know who? Jonah?"


"Not in the Biblical sense," Nick smirked.

Jack wasn't quite sure what to make of that.

"Thank god! I've known this goof for almost a year," I answered.

"Um, okay. I like some of your songs," Jack said to Nick.


We continued on our way. It was early enough that we got a table right away.

"So you're still seeing Mel. How's that going?" I asked Nick.

"You're a fag, too?" Jack said.

Scott buried his face in his hands and Brian slapped Jack on the back of the head.

"It's short for Melissa," Nick and I said at the same time. I could hear Nick was as annoyed by the 'fag' talk as I was.

"Oh. Sorry."

"Anyway. It's going okay, I guess. It can be hard sometimes, you know...not being around all the time."

"Yea. You've made it last this long, though. I'm gonna let the 'hard' comment pass," I smiled.

"Either way," Nick shrugged.

"Do we get to experience your singing and dancing skills again at dinner?" I teased.

"My what?"


"Oh. Nope. Too predictable. I've already done that."


"Where's Michael?"

"Filming in LA until tomorrow night."

"So I'm not the only one who's having a hard time, huh?" Nick teased.


"You feel like we're putting on a show?" Nick asked and looked at the other three, who were watching us talk.

"You're the most famous goof-ball they've met so far," I shrugged.

"Sorry," Scott said and picked up his menu as the waiter came up to us.

"Now's a good time to tell that story, Scott," I said after we'd placed our order.


"Yea. Why not?"

"Because I'm here. Is it a funny story?" Nick said.

"Hilarious," I said.

"Embarrassing," Scott countered.

"Okay. Then I'll tell you an embarrassing story about me, and then you can tell me yours. Okay?" Nick said.

"It better be really embarrassing," Scott said.

"It is. Okay. So a little over a year ago I was feeling kinda depressed. The guys decided they were gonna take me out for a night on the town. I really didn't feel like going, but they didn't give me much of a choice. So, anyway, we went to a couple clubs and were drinking and stuff. We ended up in this one club that didn't really have any tables, so I couldn't just sit and drink. Well, I was out on the dance floor when this beautiful woman starts rubbing up against me. I mean, she was hot and she was hot for me. Understand, I was pretty trashed at this point. Anyway, we're dancing for a couple songs and she's all over me right there on the dance floor. So I'm having a great time and all, and then Josh breaks in says he needs to talk to me. At first I'm, like, go away, man. Can't you see I'm busy? But he's pretty insistent, so we step out into the hall and he's, like, 'Uh, Nick. That girl is a guy in drag.'"

I about fell off my chair I started laughing so hard. Scott and Brian were about the same. Jack just looked shocked.

"What did you do?" Jack asked, wide eyed.

"I verified it, and then went home. Here's a tip. Always check for an Adam's apple," Nick smiled. This caused those of us laughing to crack up again.

"I would have beat it up," Jack said.

"Why?" Nick asked.

"Because it was getting faggy with me."

"I liked your other kid better. He wasn't such a redneck," Nick said to me.

"I'm not..." Jack started.

"Just shut-up, Jack. Anymore 'fag' comments and you're not coming to the city again," Scott said.

Jack folded his arms and pouted.

"Your turn," Nick smiled at Scott.

"Jonah can tell it. I'll just hide until it's over," Scott said and laid his head on the table.

"Jack's gonna hear all the details," I warned.

"Go ahead."

"Okay. So we went up to Toronto to hang out with Randy and be in a few crowd scenes for 'Queer as Folk' for Showtime..."

"I love that show," Nick said. "You know the guy who plays Justin?"

"Yea. Anyway, so..."

"How'd you meet him?" Nick interrupted again.

"Charlie and I ran into him on the street. Now can I continue with the story?"

"Oh, sorry. Go ahead."

"Thanks. Anyway, so we're going up to be in a few crowd scenes. Scott was kinda hesitant about it after seeing the UK version, but went along. We stayed with Randy. As soon as I walk out of the bathroom after taking a shower, Scott is all, like, 'Why didn't you tell me we had to dance around in g-strings!?' I was thinking he was cracked until Randy smiled and winked. I played along and just brushed it off like I'd forgotten to mention it. He was totally pissed and anxious about it."

"Don't forget Randy's comments about how I could be sued for backing out of a verbal contract," Scott interjected.

"Yea. So he's really tense about it. We get to the studio and have brunch with the rest of the cast before shooting. Peter asks Scott if he's feeling okay because he's all quiet and sullen. Randy tells them that he's just nervous about having to dance around in a g-string. Instantly, all of them are in on it and trying to backhand comfort him. Peter says, 'Don't worry. Those are easy.' And then Hal says something about, 'Yea, but I hate being all oiled up.' Now Scott's eyes are getting larger with each comment. Gale comments that they oil the bodies up so it looked better when they're packed all tight together. You can see the sweat dripping down Scott's brow. Sharon..."

"You know she was on 'Cagney and Lacey'?" Nick said.

"Yea, I know. Anyway. So Sharon -- who you totally wouldn't expect because she's this old lady and all motherly looking -- tells Scott that they're just trying to make him nervous and that they all love the scene as soon as they bring out the dildos. Everyone is just about at the breaking point by now. Hal looks at Scott with a straight face and asks, 'Are you getting the twelve-inch or the eighteen-inch dildo?'"

Nick and Brian roared. Jack looked at his brother with a confused look. Scott still had his head down, but was shaking like he was laughing.

"Exactly. Everyone lost it. Scott had the same confused look that Jack has right now. I whispered to him that it was a joke and, after screaming at Randy, he did basically what he's doing now."

"Yea. He got me good," Scott groaned as he sat up with tears of laughter running down his blushed red face.

"And later we find out why he was so nervous," I continue.

Scott buried his face again.

"We went to wardrobe to get clothes more appropriate for the club scenes. The costume mistress gave everyone some clothes to change into. Scott complains that the jeans she gave him are too tight. She dismisses that and says they're supposed to be that way and tells him to turn around so she can see. We all think he looks fine. Then he complains that they're tight in the crotch. So what does everyone do? We look at his crotch, of course. They were tight jeans and there was no question how it was hanging and how much was there to hang."

"Yea. He's hung like a horse," Brian laughed.

"I understand your pain, man. I wouldn't have wanted to wear a g-string, either," Nick said to Scott.

"I guess you left it at home the night you were grinding against me, huh?" I teased Nick. He gave me a one-finger-salute.

"You know, I love how my endowment brings joy to everyone except me," Scott groaned.

"All the guys in my family are hung," Jack said.

"That's nice, Jack. So how often to do practice auto-fellatio?" Nick said. He was trying to be a bit nasty with the way he said it.

"I don't want to know," Scott interrupted.

"Practice what?" Jack asked.

"Auto-fellatio. It means giving yourself a blow-job," Brian laughed.

Jack shot Nick a nasty look. Fortunately, our food arrived.

"So what now? You interested in hitting a club or something?" Nick asked me after dinner.

"Not really. I was up late last night studying for a test and had a busy day. I just want to go home and read until I fall asleep," I said.

"Okay. So I'm on my own."

"If you want you can come on over have coffee or something. Shoot the shit for a few hours," I offered.

"Sure. That'll work."

We headed home and I put on some coffee. Nick, Scott, Brian and I sat in the kitchen talking while Jack was exiled to watch TV in the living room. Nick left around midnight. I made myself a cup of tea and went to my room to read. An hour or so later I went to get another cup of tea. Scott and Brian were still up talking in the living room, but Jack had gone to bed.

"I'm really sorry about Jack, Jonah," Scott said.

"Don't worry about it. Kick him in the head a few times and he'll get over it."

"I'd like to, sometimes. You know, I just noticed that no one here has ever asked me what my orientation is," Scott said.

"You mean I asked you if anyone asked," Brian corrected.

"Same dif."

"Does it matter?" I asked.

"I guess not."

"Then that's why we haven't asked. If you feel you want to tell us, then tell us. Otherwise I don't care if you're gay, straight or somewhere in-between."

"That's a cool attitude," Brian said.

I just shrugged. "Sure, I'm curious, but we're not going to have sex, so it doesn't really matter."

"So if he is gay this would be a good environment for him to come out," Brian stated and gave Scott a look.

"Anyone ever tell you you're about as subtle as a train wreck?" I asked Brian.

"Tons of times," Scott said.

"I'm not saying he is. I'm just saying..."

"He's always thought I was gay and keeps trying to get me to come out," Scott interrupted.

"But he won't tell me either way."

"It's more fun to keep you guessing," Scott smiled.

"People come out when they're ready. Is it really important for you to know, Brian? Something you need to tell us?" I teased.

"No, I'm straight. I'm just trying to be a good friend."

"Yea, and Becky would castrate him if he was gay," Scott laughed.

"My girlfriend," Brian explained.

"If it means anything to you, Brian, he slept with Randy and nothing happened," I said.

"You slept with him?" Brian asked

"We just slept in the same bed. It was the only place available and it was a big bed. Nothing happened."

"You've come so far. Just a few months ago you were a bum in Turtle Town, USA. Now you're sleeping with movie stars," Brian teased.

"Turtle Town?" I asked.

"That's 'Busco's tag line. Don't ask me," Brian shrugged.

"So how is it you know all these famous people? Is it all through Michael?" Scott asked, changing the subject.

"None, actually. Just meeting people the way you always meet people. Being in the right place at the right time."

"How'd you meet Nick? He seems pretty cool," Brian said.

"Yea, he's okay. A bit goofy sometimes, but a nice guy as far as I've seen. How we met... I guess it was last spring break. I had to go back to Chicago to do some things and my last roommate came with me. His boyfriend -- though he wasn't at the time -- was recording at that studio in Cincinnati with all the kids. Nick was there and went out clubbing with us. I guess the next time I saw him was this summer. I had a little brother, of sorts, who was staying with me. He and a friend went to see Backstreet at MTV and I picked them up afterwards. I ran into them in the hallway and ended up with Nick tagging along the rest of the night. We've only hung out a few times."

"Is he that desperate for friends?"

"Gee, thanks," I said sarcastically.

"Sorry. That's not what I meant. I meant I figured he would hang out with other celebrities or something."

"Probably does. I don't know. Maybe he just hangs around me because I don't kiss his ass or want anything from him. I think that's the case with a couple people I know."

"But they have to, at least, enjoy your company," Scott said.

"I'm not staying that's the only reason, but it probably is one of them. I wouldn't want anything to do with them if I thought they were assholes."

"Have you met any that are?"

"Tons. Hollywood parties are the worst."

"You go to those?" Scott asked.

"I've been to one. It was the weekend that you moved in. I wasn't impressed."

"Why'd you go?"

"Michael had to be there, so he brought me."

"Why was it so bad?"

"Everyone was speaking in monologues, and half of them were drugged up on one thing or another."

The lock on the door clicked and startled the shit out of me. Everyone who should have a key was already here. Before I could react, the door flew open and Michael stumbled in.

"Holy shit! You're home early!" I yelled and attacked him in a hug and kiss.

"Surprise," he mumbled in our kiss.

We parted a minute later and I grabbed his other bag from the hallway. "Man, you should have called me to pick you up."

"Took a cab. I wanted to sneak into bed and surprise you. I should have known you'd still be up. Hey, Scott," Michael said.

"Hey, Michael. This is Brian, my best friend from home."

Brian got up to shake Michael's hand. "Hey, man."

"Hey. I don't suppose anyone is hungry?" Michael said.

"Want me to make you something?" I asked.

"Please. I need to unpack and do laundry."

"Just leave it 'till morning."

"Can't. We're leaving in the morning."

"We are?"

"Yea. We're going to Chicago in time to see Jonny's show. I mean, it's his first. We should be there."

"You're such a sap, and I love you for it," I smiled and gave him a big kiss. "Now do laundry and I'll make you something to eat."

"So what did you do tonight?" Michael asked me as he started a load of laundry.

"Just had dinner at Hard Rock with Scott and his crew. Ran into Nick Carter, who joined us and then came back here for a couple hours. Nothing exciting. Well, Scott's brother is a little homophobe and has made some comments, but that's it."

"Comments like what?"

"Just how he doesn't want his brother living with fags. Harmless. Just annoying."

"How old is he?"

"16. Nick said, 'I liked your other kid better. He wasn't such a redneck.'"

Michael laughed. "That bad, huh?"

"Just a dumb kid repeating what he's heard. I'm sure I'm the first openly gay guy he's ever met."

"Talking about Jack?" Scott asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"How'd you guess?"

"He'll get over it, eventually. Even if I have to beat it out of him. I'm really sorry about that."

"Stop apologizing for him. He'll get over it or he won't."

"You're always right when you cover all the bases," Michael smirked.

"Hey. Stop giving away my secrets," I teased and dropped into the seat behind Michael so I could hold him while he ate.

"So how was the filming?" Scott asked as Brian joined us in the kitchen.

"It was filming," Michael shrugged.

"Is it going to be good?" Brian asked.

"Who knows? You can never tell until after it's edited. Usually the final product is as much of a surprise for the actors as it is for the audience."

"Who else was in it?" Brian asked.

"Sandra Bullock. Ryan Gosling. Chris Penn. Ben Chaplin. Me."

"A Sandra Bullock movie?!" Brian laughed. "All her movie's suck."

"True, but this doesn't have her in her typical dumb role. It'll probably be okay. I think the script could have used more work...but we'll see."

"What time are you guys leaving tomorrow?"

Michael looked to me.

"The show starts at 8PM, so we'd better leave by 8AM, at the latest. What time are you guys leaving?"

"Whenever we wake up. No later than noon," Scott answered. "When are you coming back?"

"Probably Friday."

"I'll probably be back Saturday."

"Looking forward to going home?" Michael asked Scott.

"Yea. It'll be good to get home and see everyone."

"You'll probably be amazed at how small the town seems," I smiled.

"Well, yea. After New York, everything will seem small," Scott laughed.

"And 'Busco isn't that big to begin with," Brian added.

"The 'enter' and 'leaving' sign on the same post?" Michael smiled.

"No. Not that small. It has multiple stop lights. Multiple stores. Multiple gas stations. It's at least a couple miles from end to end," Brian explained.

"It's still small. If you want to see a movie you have to go towards Ft. Wayne."

"I can't imagine living in a place that small," Michael said.

"Neither can I," I agreed.

"It's probably a good place to grow up, I guess. Just not much to do," Scott shrugged.

"Cruising is the big thing to do on the weekends," Brian said.


"Yea. You know, get in your car and slowly drive up and down the main drag," Brian explained.

"You're serious?" I asked.

"What else are you gonna do? Everyone is out cruising."

"Don't they have under 18 clubs or anything in Ft. Wayne?"

"I don't know. Probably, but it's a long drive."

"Longer than driving up and down the same strip for hours?"

"Don't bring logic into it," Scott warned teasingly. "I only went because someone dragged me into it."

"You went willingly. I never dragged you anywhere. You just wanted to show off your truck," Brian protested.

"No. You wanted to show off my truck, hoping some big-hair would give you some in the back," Scott laughed.

"Did it work?" Michael asked.

"A couple times," Brian smiled.

"For him," Scott added.

"It would have worked for you, too, if you'd get over your shyness. They were interested. You were just too tongue tied to be anything other than a dork."

"And strangely enough, I lost my virginity before you did," Scott smirked.

"Yea, and then she wouldn't let you touch her after that because you were too big."

"It isn't that big, from what I've seen," Michael said.

"It's not that big. I'm just thin so it looks bigger than it is, and I'm a shower instead of grower," Scott protested.

"So what is it?" I asked.

"I'm not..." Scott started.

"8.5 inches," Brian interrupted. Scott punched him in the arm.

"Unless it's like a coke can thickness, that's not freakish," I reasoned.

"Fine. Now that everyone knows my endowment, it's your turn to share," Scott huffed.

"Six-and-a-half," Brian shrugged.

"Seven," Michael said.

"Seven-and-a-half," I said.

"What is this? Counting?" Brian laughed.

"Why is it that I'm the only one who has any modesty?" Scott groaned.

"It's just your body. Why be uncomfortable with it? You've lived with it your entire life," Michael said.

"You like everything about your body?" Scott asked.

"No, but I'm not ashamed or embarrassed about it."

"Okay. What I want to know is how you two are friends? You're day and night as far as personalities," I asked.

"We grew up together," Scott said.

"He lives in the next house down the road. The one beyond that is a mile further. Between our houses is about an acre of woods," Brian said.

"We'd always build forts and tree-houses," Scott added.

"So one of you went for architecture and the other for scenic design," I concluded.

"Yep. I get to do stuff right away, and he has to wait for years," Scott teased.

"And my stuff will be there for years, while your stuff will be in a landfill," Brian countered.

"Yea, but if my set sucks, it's gone when the show closes. Your mistakes will visible for generations to despise."

"You know what Frank Lloyd Wright said about mistakes, don't you?" I asked.

"What?" Brian asked.

"'A doctor can bury his mistakes. An architect can only suggest planting ivy.'"

Scott busted up laughing.

"You'll notice he didn't even mention scenic designers," Brian said.

"That's 'cause he probably tried it and sucked at it. I mean, look at his furniture. It's horrible. It's not even usable," Scott countered.

"He was a genius. Sure, his furniture was unusable, but it was beautiful to look at and fit the whole design of the house," Brian defended.

"Then it was a failure. A house is meant to be used, not just looked at. Just like a set."

"Picasso sucked at set design," I said.

"I didn't know he did set designs," Scott said.

"I didn't either until we saw an exhibit on it at the MusŽe Picasso in Paris. Horrible. Like it was done by a five year old..."

"What was the show?" Scott interrupted.

"I think it was 'Medea'. Maybe 'Oedipus'. I don't remember. Some Greek tragedy."

"The whole museum sucked. It was like a greatest hits of his crappiest work," Michael added.

"Still, you got to see it in person. I'd love to go to Paris," Brian said.

"Yea. Me, too," Scott agreed.

"Go for spring break," I suggested.

"Is that what you guys did?"

"No. We went at the beginning of the summer. Spent three weeks in Europe."

"That's what I'd really like to do. Backpack around Europe for a month," Scott said.

"You'd never get your dad to pay for it. Especially not now," Brian said.

"I know. Maybe as a graduation present or something."

"That's kinda why I suggested just Paris for spring break. Quick. Cheap. Tons of things to do and enough time to see the major things. The two of you could do the whole trip for probably $1000 -- which is less than most people spend on spring break on some tropical island."

"Paris is cheap?" Brian asked.

"I think it's cheaper than New York," Michael said.

"It could be expensive, but it's easy to keep it cheap not miss anything. Get a Metro pass and a museum pass. The hotel we stayed in was in the 5th, just off St. Michel and a short walk from the RER station. It was $65 a night for a double. You can't do that good in New York," I said.

"And we really liked Paris," Michael added.

"You'll have to help us plan it when we decide to go," Scott said.


"You know what I just remembered? We haven't taken that trip to Iceland, yet," I said to Michael.

"Shit. I forgot all about that, too. We're not going until spring, at least."

"Or summer, even. I have no desire to freeze my ass off."

"Why are you going to Iceland?" Scott asked.

"A friend gave us free tickets," Michael answered.

"Nice friend," Brian said.

"Yea, he is. I think he was kinda intending them to be payment for living here a month," I said.

"Justin?" Scott asked.

"No. Lance."

"Oh. Okay. They stayed here a whole month?"

"Just Lance and Justin."

"Am I ever going to get to meet any of them?" Scott asked.

"Who?" Brian asked.

"'NSYNC," Scott answered.

"If they're in town you'll probably meet someone. If you really want to see them you should come up to Chicago Monday night. We're taking some kids to their show," I said.

"Oh, that's right. I must have repressed that," Michael smirked.

"Jonny wouldn't let you forget once we got there," I said.

"Probably not."

"I don't know. That's a long drive just for a show," Scott thought aloud.

"It's only about four hours. Come on, man. When will you get a chance like this again?" Brian prodded. "You'll have VIP treatment, won't you?"

"Front row seats and backstage, but no limos or anything," I answered.

"What time does it start?" Scott asked.

"It starts at seven, but we need to be there by five to pick up our passes before it gets too hectic."

"We'd have to leave by noon."

"I could bring my girlfriend, right?" Brian asked.

"I don't see why not."

"What about after? That's a long drive home," Scott asked Brian.

"I'd offer you a place to crash, but it's not my house, so I can't really have three or four people staying the night. You could just get a hotel room for the night," I said.

"Two rooms. Becky will want to thank me after the show," Brian smiled.

"You're going because of my roommates. Maybe she'll want to thank me," Scott countered.

"Well, she's certainly not going to thank either of us," Michael laughed.

"So are you coming?" I asked.

"Yea, unless there's some reason I can't. You'll have to give me directions."

I squeezed out from behind Michael and went to get paper and pen for the directions. I wrote out directions for him to meet us at Uncle Joe and Aunt Mary's house. They could follow us to the stadium from there. After that was settled, Michael and I went to bed. It was late and we'd only get a few hours sleep before we had to get up and leave. I snuggled my man in my arms for the first time in a month. I was asleep in minutes.

Comments welcomed and encouraged. jm_stories@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 19

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