Just Together


Published on Jul 17, 2001


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It makes no claims to the true personality and sexuality of anyone involved. You already know if you shouldn't be reading this.

------------------ Just Together by jm_stories@yahoo.com ------------------

Chapter XII Original post 16 Jul 2001 Revised 7 Feb 2002

*** [ Thursday, July 20, 2001 ]

"Hmmmm. I just want to sleep forever," Michael mumbled as he dropped on the bed.

"One more day and then you can sleep 'till noon," I said as I started undressing him.

"I wish. I've got an interview and photo shoot on Saturday, and then a read-through of 'Yellow Bird' on Sunday."

"Okay," I said, a bit disappointed that we wouldn't even have the weekend together.

"Come here," Michael said and pulled me down on him. "I'm sorry if I'm not around much right now," he said softly and gave me a kiss.

"You shouldn't apologize for your career going well. You survived me being in classes and productions during the year. I can survive this," I said seriously.

"But you're not happy about it."

"Would you want me to be happy about not seeing you?"

"No. I guess not," he smiled. "I'm free Monday night."

"What about homework?"

"No papers due until the final, and I've read ahead on all the assignments so I'd have more time with my man," he said and gave me another kiss.

"I've got a run-through I have to be at Monday night. So are you too tired tonight?" I smiled and ground against him.

"Jonah," Michael sighed. "I want to make love to you, but not when I'm so exhausted."

"Okay," I sighed and rolled off him.


"I'm fine. Now go to sleep," I said and gave him a quick kiss. I pulled on a pair of shorts and went out to the living room.

"What are you doing out here?" Danny asked me as he walked in from the kitchen.

"It's my apartment. I think I'm allowed in my own living room," I said a bit harshly.

"Hey, don't bite my head off because you had a fight."

"We didn't have a fight."

"Sure. Okay," Danny said and answered his cell phone as he walked into his room and shut the door.

"What did you guys fight about?" Jonny asked.

"We didn't have a fight. Alright? He's tired. I'm not. Nothing more," I said and knocked on Charlie's door.

"Yea?" Charlie yelled.

I opened the door, walked in and shut it behind me. Charlie was lying in bed reading.

"You got a minute?" I asked.

"What's up?" Charlie asked and sat up, covering himself with the sheet.

"I don't know," I sighed and sat on the edge of his bed. "It's just... Michael is always busy and too tired when we are together to do anything except sleep."

"So basically, you're horny," Charlie smirked.

"It's more than that, but yea, that too. We haven't done anything in a week."

"Oh, please. A week?"

"What? When you're used to at least every other night, a week is a long time."

"That's what your hand is for. It's been longer for me. I was used to doing it a few times a night."

"One day longer. You using your hand is your choice. You could easily have anyone. You're single, and face it, Charlie: you're hot."

"Yea, I am, aren't I," he chuckled.

"And conceited," I added.

"Sometimes. I'm just a face in the crowd. I could only get any guy if I played up the 'Queer as Folk' angle, and girls don't give me a second look unless I'm naked and waving a neon sign. I hope you know me well enough to know I'm not interested in a shag, anyway."

"I know. I'm not either. It was just a point."

"I couldn't have you."

"Like you'd want me," I smirked.

"You're not so bad. I could do worse, and have."

"Thanks. Such glowing praise," I said sarcastically.

"I'm serious. If you weren't with Michael, I'd do you," Charlie said with grin and patted my leg.

"And if I'd never met Michael I'd do you, too," I smiled and pinched his nipple.

"Hey!" Charlie squirmed and slapped my hand away. "Don't start something you're not gonna finish," he grinned.

"Then let me finish," I grinned and tried to pinch his other nipple. He slapped my hand away and reached to pinch my nipple. We were soon wrestling, trying to pinch each other. His sheet had fallen away and he pushed me down on the bed, sat on my belly and held my hands above my head. We were both laughing and breathing hard. I noticed that he was naked and his erection was against my belly probably about the same time he noticed I was erect and pressed against his butt through my shorts. We both blushed and separated, covering ourselves.

"See? I told you," Charlie joked after he covered himself.

"That almost became uncomfortable," I said.

"Yea. Almost," Charlie agreed. "You're much bigger than J, so it would have been really uncomfortable without lots of lube," he joked a few seconds later.

I rolled my eyes. "Something you're not going to find out. So... Have you ever been in a relationship while you were really busy working?"

"Not really. When I've gotten really busy in the past, the relationship has fallen apart."

"Great," I sighed sarcastically.

"That doesn't mean it has to happen that way with you and Michael. You two are much closer than I've ever been with anyone. Just remember that you love each other when you can't be together, and everything will be fine."

"Thanks," I said honestly.

"You're welcome."

"You know, I think it's more difficult to be busy when you're together than when you're apart."

"I don't understand."

"Well, when you're together, but really busy, it feels like you're drifting apart. When you're far apart and busy, you can hold the hope and talk to each other every night because you make that effort."

"You don't make that effort when you're together?"

"We haven't."

"Then you need to."

"I'd better get back to my man," I said and stood up.

"What? I'm not your man?" Charlie goofed.

"Night. Thanks, Charlie," I said and walked out.


Jonny and Gareth were snuggled up together and asleep. I turned off the TV, went to my room, dropped my shorts and got in bed. I laid on my back and thought about Michael and tried to see things from his point of view. It wasn't the lack of sex that concerned me as much as the lack of communication. He has all these things going on and I only know about them after they've happened, or when they affect my time with him. I guess I kinda do the same thing when I'm really busy. I think I'm just noticing it more now because I'm not really busy and he is.

"Stop thinking and go to sleep," Michael said sleepily as he rolled over to face me.

"Who knows me too well?" I joked softly.

"I do, and I always will. Now roll over so I can hold you, and go to sleep," he said softly and pulled me the way he wanted me. "I do love you, Jonah. Don't ever doubt that," he whispered into my neck.

"I know. I love you, too," I said and held him around me.

*** [ Friday ]

"You guys up for going to a party tonight?" Danny asked as we were eating lunch.

"Where?" Charlie asked.

"Anton, one of the producers, is opening a new club on 10th Avenue tomorrow. Tonight is MTV family and friends only."

"Sure," Charlie said noncommittally.

"Jonah?" Danny asked.

"What about?" I said and pointed to Jonny and Gareth.

"Bring 'em."

"Are they going to be able to get in?"

"I don't know why not. The bouncer will only be checking for MTV ID badges, not age."

"Pleeeaasseee," Jonny pleaded with puppy dog eyes.

"Oh man. You're good," Danny laughed.

I put my hand over Jonny's face. "I was going to say 'okay,' but now..."

"Pleeeaasseee," Jonny repeated as he pulled my hand away.

"Okay. You do realize you're not going to be drinking, right?"

"Of course."

After lunch I took Jonny and Gareth to MoMA, and then swimming. We had dinner in town and then went to see a movie before picking up Michael and Charlie.

"Hey. How'd the show go?" I asked Michael as we walked into the dressing room.

"Hey," he said sleepily and gave me a quick kiss. "It went well. You going to the club with Charlie and Danny?"

"Yea. You up to it?"


"I didn't think so."

"Are you upset?"

"No. I know you've got to be up early tomorrow, and I'll have the kids with me so we wouldn't be able to 'disappear' together, anyway," I grinned.

We walked with Michael to the train station and then walked to the club. We were supposed to meet Danny in front. It didn't take very long to get there and we stood off to the side, watching the MTV employees, and a few musicians, walk in. Danny arrived a few minutes later.

"Hey guys. Ready to party?" Danny smiled.

"Party is a noun, not a verb," Jonny said.

"So is that a yes or a no?" Danny deadpanned.

"Yea," Jonny smiled.

"Okay. Let's go."

As Danny said, the bouncer was only checking MTV IDs and we got in right away. The place was pretty much packed with people. From what I could see, the decor was the typical industrial club look. Lots of steel. We found a table on the balcony level and claimed it as home base. The sound system was loud and playing house music.

"Hold the table. What do you guys want to drink?" I yelled to Jonny and Gareth.

"Beer," Jonny tried with a grin.

"Nope. Try again."

"Just a pop or something, then. Surprise me."


"Whatever is fine."

"Okay," I said and pushed Charlie on towards the balcony level bar. Danny was talking with someone and yelled for us to get him a margarita. We both flipped him off with a smile and continued to the bar. Charlie got a black & tan, I got a rum & coke and I got Jonny and Gareth some ginger beer that had jalape–o in it. We did get Danny his drink and handed it to him on the way back. The drinks were really cheap. They must be charging half-price tonight.

"Ginger beer close enough?" I said as I gave Jonny and Gareth their bottles.

"I guess. What's it like?" Jonny yelled.

"Like strong ginger ale. Plus, this stuff has hot pepper in it."

He made a face.

"Try it. It's good," I urged.

They both took a cautious sip.

"Not bad," Jonny said.

"It's hot," Gareth added.

"That's the jalape–o," I smiled and looked down over the crowd as I drank my rum and coke.

A few minutes later Jonny motioned to me that he and Gareth were going down to dance and left. Charlie got us some more drinks. We were about four drinks in -- and fairly quickly because they were cheap and it was hot in the club -- when Charlie stood up and slapped me on the arm.

"Let's go dance," he yelled.

"Sure," I said and followed him.

I had a blast. We danced with each other, other people, and alone. The drinks kept flowing and everyone was sloshed as the night wore on. We were ready to leave by 3AM.

"You guys are so drunk," Jonny giggled as we stumbled down the street.

"We are so," Danny protested, and then started laughing.

"No. Danny's drunk. I'm inebriated, and Charlie's pissed. I don't think I can walk home inebriated. I want a piggy-back ride," I said and jumped on Jonny's back.

"Me, too," Charlie yelled and jumped on my back, almost dumping us to the ground.

"Get off me, freaks," Jonny groaned under the weight.

"I always knew you guys were into group sex," Danny laughed at our position. Jonny was bent over with me on his back, and Charlie on mine. Gareth started laughing as well.

Jonny leaned to one side and Charlie and I fell off, landing with a thud on the sidewalk.

"Oh shit. I'm gonna feel that in the morning," I laughed as I lay sprawled out on the sidewalk, half on top of Charlie.

"Not as much as I will since you landed on me, cock sucker," Charlie groaned.

"Is that an invitation, Mr. Hunnam?" I teased as I stood up.

"Sure. You can blow me whenever you want," Charlie countered as I helped him up.

I leaned in to him. "I'll be there in your wet dreams," I whispered loudly into his ear.

"Take what you can get," Charlie shrugged with a grin.

Danny was looking at us with a raised eye brow.

"What are you all Spock looking for?" I laughed.

"Nothing," Danny shrugged and started off.

"Can you kids behave so we can go home?" Jonny asked with a smirk.

"Yes, Dad," Charlie and I droned.

"You guys are stupid when you're drunk," Gareth said.

"And sometimes when they're sober," Jonny added and put his arm around my waist. "Let's go home. Can you get Charlie, Gareth?"

"Yea," Gareth said with a grin and put his arm around Charlie's waist to guide him.

"Just 'cause I'm pissed doesn't mean you can take advantage of me," Charlie smiled at Gareth.

"That's okay. You never say no in my wet dreams," Gareth countered.

Charlie was stunned for a moment. Jonny and I burst out laughing.

"Oh, the pressures of being a sex symbol," Charlie sighed dramatically.

"You love it," I said.

"Yea, but still... It's difficult to make all these appearances in wet dreams across the world. Really tires you out."

"So three times a night is your limit?" Jonny asked with a grin.

"You shouldn't have been listening that close," Charlie shot back.

"How could I not?! I was on the same block," Jonny laughed.

"Piss off, kid."

"You're so eloquent," Jonny said.

"Hey, Danny! Wait up, man," I called out. He was about twenty feet ahead of us.

"Huh? Oh, sorry," Danny said, a bit confused. "Drunk walking."

"Drunk walking?" Gareth asked.

"When you're totally pissed it takes a lot of concentration to walk, so you don't pay attention to anything else," Charlie explained. "My. That was awfully lucid of me," he laughed as he finished, and then tripped over a crack in the sidewalk -- saved from the ground by Gareth.

Somehow, we made it to the train and then home. By this time Jonny was supporting Danny as well.

"I've got the shower first," I said as we stumbled in. I was hot, sweaty and drunk. I'm sure Michael wouldn't appreciate me climbing into bed the way I was.

"I worked all day. I should get the shower first," Danny said.

Charlie ignored us both and pulled off his clothes as he walked towards the bathroom and climbed in the shower.

"That bastard," Danny said and headed towards the bathroom.

"Fuck that," I said and followed.

"Hey, asshole," Danny yelled at Charlie.

"Piss off, or join me."

Danny looked confused and was pushed aside as I got in the shower. Charlie pulled out of the water and opened his eyes, a bit startled by seeing me instead of Danny. That was solved, however, when Danny got in a few seconds later.

"Don't gawk. Let me get wet," I said to Charlie.

"You guys are in the shower together? What are Michael and Lance gonna think?" Jonny said from the bathroom.

"Don't be a twat. Just get in if you want. There's still some space," Charlie called out as he moved to let me under the water.

"You were saying something about my asshole?" Charlie said to Danny with a grin.

"I'm gonna be a good boy. Just wash," Danny said, almost to himself.

"That's right," Charlie smirked and started washing.

I pulled out of the water and gave Danny the space.

"Can you hand me another bar of soap, Jonny," I called out, figuring he was probably still in here.

"Here," he said and handed me a bar of soap as he climbed in the shower, naked. Startled the hell out of me. I didn't think he had it in him.

"Uh, thanks," I said and reached over Danny to wet the soap.

"Gareth coming in, too?" Charlie asked, as surprised as I was to see Jonny.

"I doubt it," Jonny smiled. "Want me to wash your back?"

Charlie looked at me and burst out laughing.

"Okay, kid. Just watch where your hands, and only your hands, go," Charlie said and handed over the soap and turned around.

Jonny washed Charlie's back and let his hands rub his butt a few times.

"Nope. That's already washed. No free feels for you," Charlie said and turned around.

"You mean you charge?" Jonny countered.

"Of course. I'm an actor," Charlie said and pushed Danny out from under the shower head to rinse off.

"Your turn," Jonny said to Danny.

"Just don't poke me with that thing," Danny laughed at Jonny's erection.

"Hey. I can't help it. I'm 15," Jonny countered and pushed Danny against the wall.

"I don't think it's quite 15," Danny chuckled.

"We'd be as erect as you right now if we weren't pissed," Charlie confided. "Though some of us wouldn't even hit 15cm," he added and nodded to Danny.

"Fuck you," Danny droned.

"You wouldn't be showering all together if you weren't drunk," Jonny said.

"Probably not. I'm done," Charlie said and got out.

I squeezed past Jonny to rinse off. He didn't make it easy and made sure I had to touch him to get by.

"I haven't washed you, yet," Jonny protested.

"I washed myself. I'm a big boy," I smirked.

"Hey, man," Danny said and pulled away from Jonny.

"What? Oh, sorry," Jonny said and realized he'd started washing a bit more than Danny's back as he watched me rinse.

"Someone on your mind?" Danny teased.

"Not you," Jonny countered.


I finished in the water and got out. Gareth was sitting on the counter, fully clothed. I grabbed my towel and started drying off.

"You may as well get in, Gareth. Danny will be out in a minute and Jonny needs someone to wash his back."

"Yea, okay," Gareth said and sat there.

I hung the towel up and brushed my teeth. Gareth was trying desperately not to look at me, or at least for me not to notice he was looking at me. Danny got out of the shower as I was finishing up. I went to the kitchen for a banana, orange juice and water -- good hangover prevention -- and then went to my room. Michael was sound asleep and hugging my pillow. I climbed in bed and put myself where the pillow was.

"Hey," Michael whispered sleepily.

"Hey. Sorry I woke you."

"S'okay. Have fun?"

"Yea. It was a good time."

"Okay. Love you."

"I love you," I said and kissed his hand. He hugged me tight and I was asleep in minutes.

+++ Jonny +++

"Are you gonna get in or not?" I asked Gareth as he sat on vanity watching Danny brush his teeth.

"In a minute."

"Still modest, huh?" Danny chuckled. "Okay. I'll leave you guys alone."

Gareth climbed in a minute later.

"You should have just gotten in when everyone else was in," I said.

"I'm not that comfortable with them, and I was boned up," Gareth said.

"So? So was I. Well, so AM I," I smiled. "And you still are."

"That's why I didn't get in. They're all so sexy. I would have shot just touching one of them," Gareth whispered.

"Wanna wank?" I smiled.

"Desperately," Gareth smiled and we wrapped our erections together and did that dual masturbation thing.

"Tonight was fun," I said breathlessly as we wanked.

"Yea. It doesn't seem real."

"What do you mean?"

"Just that we were at a club, for one thing, and we were at a club with everyone from MTV."

"It's real. Don't you think Carson is kinda fat?"

Gareth giggled. "Not fat, but kinda pudgy. I think it was more weird seeing Kurt Loder dancing. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it."

"Me neither. Did you see how Jonah and Charlie were dancing?"

"Like they were gonna have sex at any minute?"

"Yea. That's what I thought, too."

"You don't think they actually would, do you? I mean, do you think Jonah would cheat on Michael?"

"I hope not, but Charlie is really sexy. I'll ask Jonah about it."

"You'd just come out and ask him if he's having an affair?"

"Sure. He won't lie to me."

"Yea, but having an affair...? He's not gonna tell you if he was."

"Maybe, but I'll know from how he answers. He doesn't lie very well."

"We're not gonna get much sleep since we have to meeeee..." Gareth started and trailed off as his hand moved faster and he started cumming. I came right after he started.

"Wanking together is so much better than alone," Gareth smiled.

"Without a doubt. Want me to wash you first?"

"Yea," he said and moved out of the water. I grabbed the soap and started washing him.

"So what were you starting to say?"

"When? Oh, yea. We're not going to get much sleep 'cause we're supposed to meet my dad at the hotel at nine."


"Yea. I told you that last night."

"I must've blocked it out. Jonah is gonna be bitchy if I get him up that early."

"We will be, too. At least he can come back and go back to bed. We have to run around with Dad all day."

"We could just tell him to make it later."

"Maybe. Dad's been looking forward to this, so I don't want to disappoint him."

We talked about the evening and nothing much as we finished up and then went bed. Well, we went to sleep. Bed was the living room floor, but as long as we got to sleep with each other it was fine with me.


*** [ Saturday ]

"Jonah. Get up. You have to take us to meet Gareth's dad," Jonny said and nudged me.

"Go away," I groaned and pulled the pillow over my head. I could feel that Michael was already gone.

"You've got a hang-over, don't you?"

"Very perceptive, Sherlock," I mumbled.

"Don't be bitchy. We've gotta be at the hotel in an hour. After that you can sleep the rest of the day."

"Fine," I sighed and sat up. My head wasn't throbbing, but I did feel sick to my stomach. I need to learn to stay away from mixed drinks -- I think it's all the sugar. I squinted over at the clock. "Fuck. It's only eight."

"I know. So are you and Charlie doing anything together?"


"Are you having sex?"

"What the hell? Of course we aren't. What makes you ask that?" I said a bit irritated.

"Just 'cause you guys were hanging on each other a bit last night and making some comments, and then showered together."

"We aren't having sex and we never will. You were in the shower as well, if I remember correctly. I'm never going to have sex with you, either."

"Whatever. You like him, though?"

"Charlie's become a good friend. Nothing more. Yes, I find him attractive, but I love Michael. We're not going to have sex."

"Okay. I believe you. Geesh," Jonny said and walked out.

When I got back Danny was sitting on the sofa watching TV. I dropped down on the other side and put my feet up.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey. Drop the kids off?"

"Yea. Charlie still in bed?"

"As far as I know. What's up between you two?"

"Why does everyone keep asking me that? Did something happen last night I'm not remembering?"

"I don't know. Do you remember telling him you'd be in his wet dreams and then climbing into the shower with him?"

"The wet dream comment was a joke, and you were in the shower as well."

"So nothing's going on?"

"No, Danny. Charlie and I are not having sex. I've done more with you and Lance than I'll ever do with Charlie."

"Okay. You two just seem to have a bit of sexual tension going on. I should have realized you'd never cheat on Michael."

"Yea, you should have." I wanted to add, 'Cheating is your department,' but I was good and didn't.

"It's totally unfair, though."


"That Charlie should be attracted to you and not me."


"'Cause I'm cuter," Danny smiled. "Kidding. I don't know. It's just that I was the one who was really attracted to him from the start. You couldn't have cared less."

"And that hasn't changed. I'm going back to bed," I said and did just that.

I got up again around one. The phone rang just as I finished lunch.

"Hangover hotel."

"Um, may I speak with Jonah Mars?" The confused guy asked.

"This is Jonah."

"Oh. Hey, Jonah. This is Rob Schmitt."

"Hey, Rob. What's up?" I asked, wondering why he was calling me. Rob is another lighting designer from the department.

"How busy are you the next week?"

"A few rehearsals for a show I'm designing to attend, but that's it. Why?"

"I'm working QBT this summer. We've got a show that opens in two weeks. The current lighting system is a deathtrap."

"And you're looking to kill me?" I joked.

"Gotta get rid of the competition somehow," Rob joked back. "Anyway, it's a deathtrap. They finally found the funds to get a new system. Unfortunately, I have to install it, and they want it installed by the end of the week."

"Redoing all the wiring as well?" I asked.

"Yep. Well, the patch cables are all good, but drop boxes back to the panel all need to be redone. Plus rip out the old dimmers and replace all that. Run control cables. Pretty much everything. All the fixtures and patch cables need to be switched over from Edison to Twist Lock."

"I take it you're looking for help, then?" I laughed.

"Desperately. It's a non-union house, but wages are about the same. I need someone I can trust 'cause I don't have much time."

"How many circuits?"

"96 on stage. 24 more around the house."

"And you're supposed to get all that rewired in a week? The AD is a psycho."

"You're preachin' to the choir, man. So?"

"Okay. I'll help."

"Thank you," Rob sighed.

"Who else have you got?"

"You're it so far. No one else is in town, or is busy."

"When do you want to start?"

"How soon can you get here?"

"I'll have to make some phone calls, but I can be there by...3:30."

"Great. Thanks a lot, Jonah."

"No prob. I'll need my own tools?"

"Yea. You don't want to even see the tools they have here. You know where it's at?"

"I think I've been there once before. It's just north of Queensboro Bridge?"

"Yea. On Vernon. There's parking if you want to drive instead of dealing with the train whenever we get out of here."

"Okay. See you around 3:30. Later, Rob."

"See ya."

I hung up the phone and turned to Charlie, who was lounged in front of the TV.

"You've always wanted to be an electrician, haven't you?" I asked Charlie with a grin.


"Never once? Experience the thrill of wire? Electricity? Plugs? Sockets? Tall ladders?"

"Just spit it out. What are you trying to rope me in to?"

"Rope? No. Cable, maybe, but not rope."

"Get on with it."

"A friend from the department has to rewire a theater in a week. Basically, he's screwed and just called begging for help."

"I'm not an electrician. I wouldn't know what I was doing. I've also got a performance tonight."

"It's going to be going on all week. Besides, I wouldn't have you doing anything that involved thought. If you can carry things, climb ladders and hold things, it'd be a great help."

"Maybe tomorrow or later this week. I'm barely up to a performance tonight right now."

"Okay. No pressure. It's paid help, just so you know."

"Maybe tomorrow."

"Alright," I said and picked the phone back up to call Michael. His voicemail picked up and I explained what was up and where I'd be. Roger was going to drop the kids back here around six, so I called him and asked him to drop them off at the theater instead. It wasn't a problem. I changed, grabbed my tool belt and headed out the door. I stopped to get some caffeine sugar water -- Mountain Dew -- and got to the theater around 3:15.

I grabbed my stuff and headed inside. Rob was on the phone, pacing the house. He waved and smiled as he saw me. He was obviously trying to find someone else. While he was talking I took a walk around to see what we were up against. I think he was being kind before when he said it was a deathtrap. The dimmer room was a eight foot square room just behind the proscenium and ten feet up, with a few small windows to see the stage and house. It was one of the old monsters with levers and switches that took a couple acrobats to run. I only realized the room was there from the ladder that went up to it and the rat's nest of wires pouring out. Seems that everything was run with patch cables that went out to the fixtures. I'm surprise the place hasn't burned down yet. Then I looked at the fly system. Hemp and sandbag. This was going to be fun -- and I mean that with as much sarcasm as I can muster.

"Hey, Jonah. Thanks, man. You're a lifesaver," Rob said as he walked up.

"Hey. You weren't kidding about it being a deathtrap. I'll never accuse you of hyperbole."

"No one has died, yet."

"Any luck with anyone else?"

"Nope. What do you think?"

"I think it's going to be a long week. If we get everything stripped tonight, we should be okay. I've got some kids coming around six who will be able to help."


"16 year olds. One is staying with me over the summer. They can carry stuff."

"Okay. Great."

"They should have spent the money on a new fly system as well."

"In five years, supposedly. The grid is steel, so it's not that bad. Most of the rope is fairly new, as well," Rob said.

"Yea, okay. Where do you want to start?"

"Um, I'll start pulling in the nest," he said and pointed to the dimmer room. "If you can drop the electrics and start stripping everything, we should be able to pull the old dimmer by tonight."

"No prob.," I said and climbed up to the pin rail to drop the first electric -- fortunately, the electrics were on hand-winches. Rob flipped on a radio and climbed up to the nest.

"Where do you want the fixtures so they're out of the way?" I yelled up to Rob.

"What?" He asked as he stuck his head out of the room.

"Where do you want the fixtures so they're out of the way?"

"Oh. There're a couple carts against the back wall. I'll give you a hand raising the cyc," he said and started down the ladder.

We raised the cyc and went back to our projects. I had the first electric stripped and was working on the second when Jonny and Gareth arrived, bearing Subway. Roger asked a few questions about what I would have them do, and then left for his evening out.

"This is a mess. What are we doing?" Jonny asked and handed me my sandwich.

"Thanks. Cleaning up the mess," I smiled. "For right now you're going to be coiling cables." I showed them both how to coil the cables correctly and went back to my work after wolfing down my sandwich.

I had the electrics completely stripped by ten and climbed up to see how Rob was doing.

"Hey. How's it going?"

"Everything is disconnected and apart. Now we just need to figure a way to get this piece of shit out of here," Rob said.

"I don't suppose you have a forklift hidden around here?" I joked.

"If we do it's hidden really well. Don't have a Genie, either. We'll probably have to lower it piece by piece."

"What about the cabinet?"

"Throw it out?"

"Yea, but that'll destroy it. It's a great cabinet you could probably use elsewhere."

"Probably. It'd also probably tear up of floor. How're your rigging skills?"

"Not bad. Rope it out from the grid?"

"Think it'll work? We've got the rope and pulleys."

"Worst that can happen is we drop it. The only thing I'm concerned about is the swing to get it out of the room. Do you have a block and tackle, or just pulleys?"

"I'll have to check. We've got four people and some sandbags, though."

"Worth a shot. What about the pieces?"

"I'll spread some plywood over the stage and just toss them out. Can you rig while I'm doing that?"

"If you can get me the supplies," I said and climbed down.

"Are we done now?" Jonny asked.

"Nope. Not even close."

"Okay. Are we done for tonight?"


"We're tired and want to go home. We were up late last night and early this morning," Jonny whined.

"When we're done. I'm gonna need your help in about a half-hour. Just take a nap if you're tired."

"We've already coiled all the cables."

"Yep. Thanks."

"What else can we help with?"

"We'll need your weight and muscle to get the old dimmer panel down."

"Is it heavy?"

"Probably pretty close to a ton."

"We can't lift a ton."

"It's about 2500lbs., with the cabinet," Rob said as he walked back in and handed me a couple heavy-duty pulleys, a heavy block and tackle and some chain.

"Besides, we're not lifting the whole thing at once. It'll be less than that when we lift it."

"We could just do it all at once," Rob suggested.

"Why kill ourselves? Besides, I don't think the rope or the pulleys are rated for 2500lbs."

"Okay. You're the rigger. Rope is on the pin rail," he said and went to get some plywood.

"Where are you going to hang that from?" Jonny asked.

"The grid."

"The what?"

"The grid. The big steel grid at the top," I said and pointed up.

"You can get up there? Cool. I wanna do it," Jonny said and jumped up on stage.

"Are you sure?"

"Yea. Definitely. It'll be cool. I love heights."

"Okay," I said knowingly. I've seen a couple people who were anxious to go up on a grid, and then froze once they had to walk across it. There's no chance of falling through, but it is a bit intimidating. "Let's go up to the pin rail."

"Do you need me to come, too?" Gareth asked.

"Not yet."

I set down the block and tackle and started up the ladder to the pin rail. Jonny was right behind me. The pin rail was only about a third of the way to the grid. I found a rope that was long enough and set it aside to take down, and then found another rope to pull it up since the block and tackle wouldn't fit through the grid. I wrapped it over my shoulder and started up to the grid.

"That's really high," Jonny said as he hesitated and watched me climb.

"Come on, boy. Don't chicken out now," I smiled and continued the climb.

"I'm sure glad there's a guard around the ladder," he said as he finally started up.

"That just there for you to get tangled up in when you fall," I teased.

"Not funny."

"It's true. It's not like it could actually keep you from falling. It's too far out for us skinny boys."

I finally got to the loading rail and turned on the work lights. It was just a short ladder up to the grid. Not as bad as I feared, but it was a mess and coated with a thick blanket of dust with clean trails through it. Jonny got to the top and carefully stepped off the ladder to the safety of the loading rail.

"Higher than you thought?"

"Yea," Jonny said softly and looked down over the edge.

"Still up for it?"

"Yea, I'm fine," he said, but was shaking a little.

"Okay. Come on. Up to the grid," I said and pointed him to the next ladder.

"They could've put an elevator in," Jonny mumbled.

"Where's the fun in that?" I smiled and followed behind him.

"Wow. This is incredible," Jonny said as he looked over the grid with its mass of pulleys and ropes.

"Yep. Here. Take the rope," I said and handed it to him.

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Walk over to right above the room. Tie one end of this rope on a grid rail and lower the end to me on stage. I'll tie the block and tackle to it. Then you pull it back up."

"Okay. Where do I go?"

"Start out over there and look down. I'll let you know more exactly after I get down," I said and pointed to the direction he should go.

"How do I get through this stuff?"

"The easiest way is to walk down near the end and then cross down to the row you need. Don't hang on any of the ropes and watch where you're walking."

"Okay," he said and started slowly walking to the far side.

"You okay?"

"Yea. Just a little nervous."

"Okay. I'm heading back down," I said and did just that, picking up the rope for the block and tackle on the way down.

I threaded the block and tackle and waited for Jonny to get in place. He was going very slowly.

"How is it?" Gareth yelled as he tried to look up through the lines to see Jonny.

"Scary, but cool," Jonny yelled back.

"You close yet?" I yelled.

"I think so. How about here?"

"I can't see you. If you're directly over me, you're there."

"Okay. I can see you. Now what?"

"Sit down and tie one end of the rope around the rail. After you've got that, lower enough so I can reach it, but keep enough in your hand so you can easily pull it back up."

"Okay," came the reply, and then a small snowing of dust and a sneezing fit. "It's dusty up here."


"Here it comes," he said and I saw the rope slowly coming down.

I tied the block to it once it got within reach.

"Okay. You can pull it back up. I'm on my way up. Stay out from under it, Gareth, in case he drops it."

"Okay. Can I come up?"

"Come on," I ushered. "Just go straight to the top."

Gareth climbed up ahead of me and didn't look down until we reached the top.

"Oh man. This is nerve wracking," Gareth said and looked down the hole of the ladder we'd just climbed.

"You get used to it. You going up on the grid, or staying here?"

"Um, I think I'll just stay here."

"Okay," I said and went the rest of the way up and walked over to where Jonny was sitting with a pile of rope in his lap.

"Do you do this a lot?"

"Remove light boards?"

"No. Come up on grids like this."

"Not very often. Usually you can do everything from the ground or one of the rails. Kinda exhilarating, isn't it?"

"Yea. What do we do now?"

"You just hold the rope where you're at. I'm gonna chain it to the grid and then we'll head down," I said and laid down on the grid, reaching through to grab the chain. After I'd chained it up and was satisfied, I untied the pull rope and we headed down. I grabbed another rope and gloves on the way. It took some gentle coaxing to get Gareth to reach over the hole to grab the ladder to climb down. He was shaking when we got to the bottom.

"Why'd you go up if you're so afraid of heights?" I asked Gareth.

"I'm not afraid of heights. I'm afraid of falling."

"Then don't fall," I teased.

"Oh. Why didn't I think of that?" He mocked sarcastically.

"We about ready?" Rob asked from the nest.

"Yep. You?"

"Ready to go. I think we'll lower most things. I don't want to put a hole in the stage by throwing them out."

"Good idea. Can you tie things on, or do you need me to do that?"

"I can do most of it. I'll let you do the cabinets," Rob smiled.

"Thanks," I said sarcastically.

"You're very welcome. Now hand me the rope."

I passed the rope up and lowered the tackle. We spend the next couple hours lowering crap. We quit for the night around 2AM. The only things remaining to be stripped out were the back of house electrics. Rob said he'd get those tomorrow and that we couldn't start until after nine on Sunday night because of rehearsals.

We were all exhausted when we got home. I claimed the shower first and then went to bed, snuggling up against Michael.

*** [ Sunday ]

"Jonah. Get up. You have to take us to meet Gareth's dad," Jonny said and nudged me.

"Go away. You said that yesterday morning," I mumbled and held Michael tighter, happy that he was still in bed with me.

"Come on. Take us and then you can go back to sleep."

I rolled over and looked at him. "Do you know which train to take and how to get there?"


"Then go. You don't need me holding your hand."



"Okay. Thanks. We'll be back tonight sometime," Jonny said and left.

I rolled back around Michael and went back to sleep. Sometime later I felt Michael give me a kiss and say goodbye. I lay there for a few minutes before getting up. I cleaned up, made some coffee, and sat down on the sofa to read the Sunday Times. Charlie came out of his room about 15 minutes later and went to get some coffee.

"Mornin'," Charlie mumbled and sat down of the sofa next to me, set down his coffee and grabbed a section of the Times.

"Mornin'," I said and continued reading.

"Danny thinks we're having an affair," Charlie said after a few minutes.

"Yea, I know. He's jealous it's not with him."

"Not if he was the last person on earth," Charlie huffed.

"Really?" I asked with a smile and turned to look at him.

"Yes, really. It's not that he's gross or anything. I don't know. I think it's because he's a fan. Fans just make me feel...uneasy."

"If he makes you feel ill at ease, why did you stay here and why do you go out clubbing with him?"

"Because he's with Lance. Besides, you and Michael are great. Haven't had to deal with Danny very often while we're alone, so no worries."

"Okay. I never would have got that. You hide it well."

"Don't think about it most of the time. You know what we could do..." Charlie hinted with a grin.


"He already thinks we're having an affair..."

"We aren't going to, either. Maybe some fun stuff if you join Michael and me for a night, even though Justin's not here anymore," I smiled.

"As appealing as the idea of wanking while watching you two make love is, I think I'll pass," Charlie confided.

"Okay. Your loss," I shrugged.

"I know, and I'll probably be begging in another month, but not yet."

"So anyway..." I hinted to get him back on his topic.

"Oh yea. Since he already thinks we're having an affair, we should play it up. Get him all hot and bothered and really jealous," Charlie said with a evil grin.

"Okay. I'm in, but we have to continually deny it and be really blatant."

"Of course. He still in bed."

"I think so."

"Be ready when you hear him about to come out."

"What are we going to do?"

"I don't know yet. It'll be improv."

"Okay," I said and went back to reading the Sunday Times.

About an hour later we heard Danny go straight to the bathroom.

"Ready?" Charlie asked.

"Um, sure."

The toilet flushed and I suddenly found Charlie's lips on mine as he pushed me back and laid on top of me. Danny came out of bathroom, walking towards the kitchen. Charlie pulled back quickly when we heard Danny open the bathroom door. Danny had to have seen Charlie jump back.

"Morning, Danny," Charlie said with an overly happy voice.

"Morning," Danny said suspiciously. "What's up?"

"Nothing. Just reading the paper," I said and quickly picked the paper back up.

Danny looked at each of us for a minute, and then went on to the kitchen. Once he was out of the room, Charlie turned to me.

"I think that worked well," he whispered.

"A little too well," I said and motioned to the erection in his shorts.

"And you're telling me you aren't?" He challenged.

"I didn't say that," I said and lay a section of paper across my lap.

Danny walked back into the living room with a cup of coffee. Charlie and I quickly turned back to our papers. Charlie casually covered his erection with a section of the paper.

Danny flipped on the TV and sat down. He kept glancing at us.

"Jonah?" Michael said hesitantly.

"Hey. How was the read-through?" I smiled, looking up from my book.

"It went okay. Um, bad news, though."


"I screwed up the dates for filming. It's actually the last three weeks of August, not two weeks," Michael said carefully.

"Okay," I shrugged.

"You're not upset?" Michael questioned with a surprised look.

"I'm disappointed, but I'm not upset."

"Good. I was worried," he sighed and sat down on the bed to remove his shoes.

"Don't be," I said and moved down the bed to rub his shoulders. "You're all tense."

"I know," he groaned in appreciation.

"Promise me something," I said after a few minutes.


"That we'll try to talk more. I've been thinking about it..."

"I know," Michael snorted.

I poked him in the ribs and continued. "Anyway. I've been thinking that what bothers me about you being so busy is that we don't talk as much. I don't know what is going on in your life unless it affects me or after it happens. I hate that."

"I'm sorry. I'll try to let you know more."

"Don't be sorry. I know that I do it too when I'm busy. It's something we both need to work on or we'll drift apart."

"I know. It seems like Charlie knows you better these days than I do."

"Have you been talking to Danny?"

"No. Why?"

"He thinks Charlie and I are having an affair."

"So he's jealous?"

"Yea... We're not, by the way."

"I know. You've been too horny to have been having an affair," Michael grinned.

"But what about you? You've been resisting my advances all week," I whispered and licked the edge of his ear.

"You know...it's only five, and I don't have any homework," Michael hinted. "Where are the kids?"

"With Roger until nine or so."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Michael said and quickly turned around, pushing me back and jumping on me.

"Go, tiger," I growled between kisses.

Michael leaned back and made a loud roar, and then went to kissing my belly as he pushed my shirt up and I pulled it off.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

"Go away!" Michael and I yelled at the same time to whoever was at our door. Fortunately for the health of that roommate, he got the hint.

Our lovemaking the next two hours was fevered, frantic, animalistic, and multiple. It was great. We finally exhausted ourselves and went to take a shower. Jonny was back when we got out.

"Hey, kid. You're back early. How was the day sight seeing?" I said happily as we walked through the living room to get something for a late dinner.

Jonny gave me a weird look. "Thank you, Michael," he smiled after a second.

"For what?" Michael asked.

"For having sex with him so he'd be in a better mood," Jonny teased.

"Did wonders for my mood, too," Michael smiled and patted him on the head as we continued to the kitchen. Charlie followed us.

"You two suck," Charlie grinned.

"Pretty well, too," Michael smiled.

"I actually had to break down and wank," Charlie continued.

"Was it good?" I asked.

"Not bad. So'd you tell Michael about our torrid love affair."

"Not yet. We're having a torrid love affair, Michael. You're hearing it from us before Danny tells you," I said casually and kissed him.

"If it makes you like you were tonight, I'm okay with it," Michael grinned and kissed me back.

"We're actually just messing with Danny's head," Charlie said.

"He already thought we were, so we've been playing it up," I added.

"He's probably crying at night that it should be him," Michael chuckled.

"Just so you know, we're really not doing anything," Charlie said seriously.

"I trust both of you. I also know that Jonah couldn't have an affair," Michael smiled.

"Why couldn't I?"

"One: you'd feel too guilty and I'd know right away. Two: you talk in your sleep."

"I don't talk in my sleep."

"How would you know? I'm the one who wakes up and hears you carrying on conversations with whoever it is you're dreaming about," Michael smiled.

"Anything interesting?" Charlie asked.

"It's usually just mumbles," Michael said.

"I'll try to enunciate better," I said.

"Are you guys making dinner?" Jonny asked as he walked in.

"Yea. You haven't eaten yet?" Michael asked.

"Yea, but I'm hungry again."

"If you're hungry you could just cook for yourself. You don't have to wait for one of us to make dinner," I said.

"Trust me, you don't want me cooking. Mom says I could burn water."

"Oh come on. No one is that bad. All you have to do is pay attention and follow directions," Michael said.

"And there're plenty of things to eat that don't require cooking."

"If I can do it," Charlie started.

"You never cook. You always order out when it's your turn to cook," Jonny interrupted.

"Not always," Charlie defended.

"Since I've been here."

"That's only because no one likes what I make."

"Beans on toast is not what anyone wants to see for breakfast," Michael said.

"And what the hell was up with that blood pie thing?" I added.

"See?" Charlie pronounced.

"Yea, okay. So you can cook but you only cook nasty stuff," Jonny said and made a face at him.

"Those are all fine traditional English meals," Charlie defended.

"He wouldn't even eat the blood pie. We ended up ordering Chinese," I confided to Jonny.

Charlie feigned offense.

"Get off it. We all realize you did it so you could get out of cooking," Michael said.

"Danny doesn't," Charlie laughed.

"That's just 'cause he wants to eat your sausage," Michael laughed.

"Ewww. Don't even joke about that," Charlie cringed.

"I thought Danny and Lance were in love," Jonny questioned.

"Just because you're in love with one person doesn't mean that you're not attracted to anyone else," Charlie explained.

"And Danny has expressed a few times how much Charlie gets his blood flowing -- at least to certain places," I smiled.

"To which I've made it perfectly clear that I'm not interested," Charlie stated.

"So is that why he's so concerned you may be having an affair?" Jonny asked.

"Jealous it's not with him," Charlie answered.

"That's weird."

"That's Danny."

"Oh, I've got something for you, Jonny," Michael said and ran out of the room. He returned a minute later and handed Jonny a handbill.

"Bright Eyes is playing here? Cool. Can we go?" Jonny said excitedly.

"Probably. Let me see," I said and took the handbill from him. The performance was at a rent party at a loft in SOHO. "If they were handing these out on the street there's probably going to be hundreds of people there."

"Lisa gave it to me. It's her place," Michael explained. "She wasn't just giving them to anyone."

"I think I got one of those, too," Charlie said.

"Who's Lisa?" Jonny asked.

"Stage Manager," Michael, Charlie and I answered at the same time.

"Jinx," Jonny smiled. "So we can go, right?"

"Sure. Gareth will probably want to come as well, right?"

"Without a doubt. When is it?"

"Friday night."

"I'll tell him tomorrow."

"So why are you here instead of with Gareth?" Michael asked.

"They're in a hotel and would have to pay extra if I stayed there."

"Then why doesn't Gareth stay here?"

"His dad wants some 'quality time' alone with him," Jonny said as he rolled his eyes. "I mean, it's not like he LIVES with him or anything."

"So what did you end up doing today?" I asked.

"We saw 'The Producers.'"

"How was it? I wanna see it sometime before it closes," Michael said.

"It was really funny. Do you know they sing a song about Hitler?"

"Of course. 'Springtime for Hitler and Germany,'" Michael sang.

"I thought you said you haven't seen it."

"I've seen the movie."

"It was a movie?"

"Duh. Yea. It was a movie first."

"That's backwards. Whatever. It was good."

"Are you gonna help again tonight?" I asked Jonny.

"Doing the light stuff?"


"Not tonight. I'm too tired."

"Okay. Charlie?"

"Maybe tomorrow."


"How did it go last night?" Michael asked me.

"Pretty good. We got a lot done. Most of the old crap stripped, anyway. Now we just have to rewire everything."

I headed to the theater after dinner and worked until 2AM again.

+++ Jonny +++

"Hey," I said to Charlie as he walked into the bedroom. I was in the top bunk reading.

"Hey," Charlie yawned and pulled off his shirt. He sniffed it, made a face and threw it in the corner. "It's burning up in here," he said and turned the fan in the window on high. "Aren't you hot?"

"Of course I am," I smiled.

"And I get teased about being conceited," Charlie mumbled and dropped his pants.

"You can sleep with me if you want," I hinted.

"Let me think about it. Nope. It's too hot and you're too young."

"I was only talking about sleep," I tried.

"Nevertheless, it's still too hot," Charlie said and got in the bottom bunk.

"Do you miss Justin?"

"Yea. Why?"

"Just wondering. You're still friends with him, right?"


"Do you think you'd still be friends if you didn't have sex?"

"Different, but yea."

"How different?"

"I don't know. Like I said before, sex changes things in weird ways," Charlie sighed.

"Like what?" I asked and leaned over the edge to look at him. He pulled the sheet over his crotch.

"Um, it makes it more difficult. More confusing. We're not a couple, but we kinda were. When you're a couple there are certain things you do that you don't even think about. When you're friends who have sex you think about all those things and wonder if they're even appropriate."

"Okay. Like what?" I asked and climbed down to sit on his bed because all the blood was rushing to my head from hanging over the edge.

"I don't know. Lots of things. Like kissing when you're happy about something. Touches and caresses that are just random displays of affection. I'm not sure about it yet."

"So why'd you start having sex with Justin if you don't love...I mean, if you aren't in love with him?"

"Sometimes things just happen without you having to think about them. I mean, sure, he's sexy, but I don't just sleep with someone because of that. He's a really affectionate guy -- especially when he's not in public. He was lonely and interested. I was lonely and interested. We tried and it turns out we're better friends than lovers. I can't think of a better way to explain it."

"Does that mean you think he's not very good in bed?" I teased.

Charlie kicked me playfully. "He's just fine in bed and that's all I'm going to tell you about that."

"I didn't want a blow by blow description," I smiled.

Charlie groaned.

"He's different than I imagined he would be," I said.


"Yea. I guess I thought he was more confident about everything, or at least knew what he was doing."

"No one knows what they're doing."

"You really think so?"

"Totally. Everyone is just drifting."

"That's not true. There're a lot of people who know what they want and work towards it."

"But things don't always work out the way they planned. If fact, they rarely do. Anyone who says they know what the hell they're doing is a fool or a liar. You can plan all you want, but everyone else has plans as well. How those plans interact is what makes life life. It's what makes it unpredictable. It's why everyone is living in the moment -- even if they don't want to. You can't predict the outcome of chaos."

"Yea you can. Gareth was telling me about quantum physics and chaos once..."

"Telling you about quantum physics?" Charlie questioned with a weird face.

"Yea, he's a total geek. Anyway. There're no absolutes, but there's something like probabilities something will do something. You can plan on probabilities. They don't always happen, but pretty close."

"Only with really basic things and with people you've known for a long time."

"No. You can be reasonably certain that when you meet a stranger that he's not going to pull out a spear and impale you," I smiled.

"You got me there," Charlie chuckled.

"So you don't think you know what you're doing?"

"Nope. Things change. I change. I haven't experienced everything, so I don't know the best way to deal with everything. It would be pretty boring if I did know everything."

"How have you changed?"

"I've grown up. Somewhat. Still doing that."

"Like what? What is different about you now compared to when you were my age?"

"Um...well... I'm more confident about some things, and not as much about others. I'm more concerned about having a long career instead of just making some money. I think more about the future instead of the immediate. I think I'm more tolerant of people now than I was when I was 15."

"Tolerant isn't a good way to be."

"Why not? It's better than being intolerant."

"Yea, but tolerant has the connotation that you're superior and allowing something to be out of the goodness of your heart."

"You think too much."

"I know. Words are how you communicate, though, so you should use the right word."

"What's the difference in normal conversation if people understand you even though you used a word that wasn't quite exact? Most people don't know about or understand the subtleties of language. It's also a lot of work to always watch what you say so carefully."

"Yea, I guess. It doesn't bother me or anything. It's just something I notice and I wonder if the person actually meant exactly what he said."

"Well, here's something I actually mean: go to sleep," Charlie smiled.

"Yea, okay. I'll let you go to sleep. I know how old people need their rest," I teased and jumped up before he could kick me.

"Keep that up, kid, and you might not live to see 16, much less 21," Charlie growled.

"I only say that 'cause you're so cute when you're upset," I teased and stuck my tongue out at him.

"I'm cute all the time," Charlie mocked.

"Just 'cause your mommy told you that doesn't mean it's true," I teased back and sat on his bed again.

"Actually, it was YOUR mum who said it," Charlie smiled.

"My mom is blind, so she was just being polite," I countered.

"Your mum is blind?" Charlie asked seriously.

"She must be if she said you were cute all the time," I smiled.

"Wanker. You got me on that one."

"It was easy," I laughed. "Don't you have any brothers or sisters?"

"I have three brothers. One a little older and two much younger."

"Really? You've never talked about them."

"What would I say?"

"I don't know. You've just never mentioned them."

"I haven't mentioned a lot of people. That doesn't mean they don't exist, just that I had no reason to talk about them."

"What are they like?"

"They're tired and want to go to sleep."

"It's only eleven, and you haven't done anything all day."

"Yes I did."

"What did you do besides sit around the apartment?"

Charlie sighed. "What will it take for you to go to bed, or at least let me go to sleep?"

"Um. How about a massage?" I smiled.

"I'm too tired to give a massage."

"Then I'll just give you one."

"I'm sure you'd enjoy that. Nevertheless, I'm too tired and I'd have to wash the oil off afterwards."

"Just a back massage. No oil."

"And then you'll let me go to sleep?"


"Fine. Go to it," Charlie said and rolled over on his stomach.

Wow. I didn't think he'd do it. Maybe he's too tired to argue -- not that I'm gonna complain. I straddled his cute butt and started massaging his shoulders. I had to stop after a minute to adjust my bone so it wouldn't touch him when I leaned over, and then continued. His eyes were closed and he groaned softly. He was asleep after only a few minutes. I could have easily taken advantage of him. I'd never do that, but I'd be lying if I said it never entered my mind. I went back to my bed after he fell asleep. I had to wank before I could fall asleep.


*** [ Monday ]

Michael and Jonny were gone when I woke up. I walked into the living room to find Charlie on the phone and doing a happy dance.

"Yea. Gotcha. Later," Charlie said and hung up. He bounced over to me and gave me a quick dramatic kiss. "Got it!" He smiled and did another happy dance.

"Got what?"

"The part. The show. The sitcom. I got the part."

"Congrats," I said and gave him a hug.

"Thanks," he smiled. "Guess I'm moving to LA."


"First rehearsal is September 7th."

"That's not much time to find a place to live."

"Rupert is going to check out some places and email me a list to check out online -- as soon as I get an email account and a computer, of course."

"You don't have an email account?"

"Nope. Never needed one. Do now, so I'll get one."

"You must be one of the last few people on the planet not to have an email address," I joked.

"Hmm. Now that you put it that way, I'm sure if I want to give up my special status. Oh well, I'll just have to bite the bullet on this one."

"This is the first time I've seen you so goofy happy. It's cute," I smiled.

"Yea, whatever. I'm gonna need your help picking out a computer and setting everything up."

"Have you used one before?"

"Yea, of course. I'm not a technophobe, I've just never needed one or wanted one. When can we go?"

"Not today. I'm supposed to be at the theater at noon. Probably tomorrow, if we get enough done today," I hinted.

"Fine. I'll play the electrician today."

"Thanks. It's not that bad. You might even enjoy it."

We had brunch, got dressed and headed for the theater. Charlie didn't enjoy it, but he didn't hate it. "About as exciting as sorting sand," was how he described it. We were actually doing pretty good. All that remained was to switch all the connectors, run control cables and finish wiring the dimmers. Charlie and I left at six. He went home and I went to another theater to watch a run-through.

I got home around ten. Michael and Charlie were lying on the sofa watching a movie and Jonny and Gareth were on the floor. I gave Michael a quick kiss and went to take a shower.

"How's it going?" Michael asked as he followed me.

"Pretty well. We should be finished by Thursday, at the latest. How was your day?"

"Relaxing. Finals are next week. We missed the opening of 'Hedwig.'"

"It just opened? I though you were done with that before we even got together, and it won something at some film festival a while ago."

"True and true, but it wasn't out at theaters until Friday. We should go see it sometime."

"I'd love to, but I thought you didn't like watching yourself on screen," I said and stepped into the shower.

"Mostly, but 'Hedwig' was really fun. I could probably sit through it once," Michael said and got in behind me.

"Hi, stranger," I smiled.

"Hi," he said and pulled me against him, wiggling his hips and grinning.

We made out for a few minutes before we started washing.

"Charlie tell you he got the part for the sitcom?" Michael asked as he washed me.

"Yea," I chuckled. "I caught him just as he found out. He was bouncing around the room."

"I would have loved to see that," Michael giggled.

"It was cute."

"I told him he's gonna have to give us a place to stay when we're in LA."

"Absolutely. Anything planned?"

"Yea. We're going towards the end of September."

"We are?"

"Yep. Premier of 'Bully.' I'm supposed to be there. The studio is paying for everything."

"Star treatment, huh? About time someone notices," I smiled and started kissing him again.

"I don't know. I'm pretty happy with my fan base right now," he mumbled just out of the kiss and squeezed my butt.

"Feels like it," I smiled and squeezed his erection.

"Gently. After last night..."

"Me too. We'll have time tomorrow night."


We finished washing as the water got cool and went out to the living room after putting on some clothes. Charlie sat up so Michael and I could sit on the sofa.

"Convinced your dad to let you sleep here, huh?" I asked Gareth.

"Yea. He saw the error of his ways."

"You excited about seeing Bright Eyes?"

"No. I can't go. We'll be gone already," Gareth whined.

"I thought you weren't leaving until Saturday?"

"So did I. We'll be back on Saturday, but we're leaving Friday afternoon."

"We tried to get him to change the tickets," Jonny said.

"He was, like, 'You've already met a bunch of people. We're not paying the money to change our tickets to stay an extra day just so you can meet someone else,'" Gareth mocked.

"It is a lot of money to see a band," I said.

"So? It's not like Dad can't afford it. We're not rich, but he makes good money," Gareth countered.

"You'll just have to write them and try to get them to come to Bristol on tour," Michael said.

"No one comes to Bristol," Gareth huffed. "It's boring as hell."

"What time can we go computer shopping tomorrow?" Charlie asked me.

"I need to be at the theater by noon, so before that. Nine?"

"That'll work. Do you know where we can get one?"

"We'll go to the University store. If you give me the money I can buy it with the student discount."

"What kind of computer are you going to get?" Jonny asked.

"I don't know. That's why Jonah is going with me," Charlie answered.

"You probably want a notebook, right?"

"Yea. I need something that I can move easily without it being a pain."

"Probably an iBook, then."

"Like Michael has? It's ugly," Charlie said.

"Hey! It was free," Michael defended his orange iBook.

"It's still ugly. I'd rather have something more masculine."

"The new iBooks aren't as ugly. Basic white and a completely different design," I said.

"I'll have to see it in person. What about the black one that you have?"

"They don't make it anymore. The new one is titanium, but I think that's overkill for what you're gonna use it for."

"Besides, the plastic will be easier to clean up when you're surfing those porn sites," Michael teased.

"Good point," Charlie smiled. "How do you get it out from between the keys?"

"With my tongue," Michael smirked.

"You're gross," Jonny and Gareth said as Charlie and I laughed and cringed.

"That was pretty gross," I said and nudged him.

"You weren't complaining last night," he countered.

"Cause I got it from the source, not cleaning the keys of a computer."

"Okay. That's enough of that. Watch the movie or go to your room," Charlie announced.

"We're not making you uncomfortable, are we?" Michael teased Charlie and licked his lips seductively.

"You just wait 'till Wednesday night. We'll see who's uncomfortable," Charlie smiled.

"No pranks on stage," I warned.

"Of course not," Charlie smiled and turned up the movie.

"You guys should just go to your bedroom and get it out of your system," Jonny teased.

"We're still recovering from last night," Michael smiled.

"I meant all of you," Jonny clarified and pointed to Charlie, Michael and me. Gareth giggled and buried his face in Jonny's shoulder.

Charlie looked at his watch. "Not enough time. Danny will be home in a half-hour."

"So? He can join or watch with us," Jonny smiled.

"Not a chance. Sorry, you'll just have to dream about it," Charlie stated.

"Aww. Poor baby. You will, too," Jonny cooed.

Jonny was holding his own in this banter -- and very well, I might add. I was laughing behind Michael's shoulder and waiting for the next volley.

"The bunk wasn't banging against the wall because of me last night," Charlie smiled.

"Only 'cause you pulled your pud earlier," Jonny smiled back.

"Anyway, we're missing the movie," I said loudly and turned it up more.

Jonny and Gareth were whispering back and forth and giggling throughout the movie. We all went to bed after it was over.

*** [ Tuesday ]

"Jonah. Get your ass up," Charlie said softly and shook my shoulder. I unwrapped myself from around Michael and rolled over.

"What the hell ever happened to 'good morning' or 'time to get up?'" I groaned.

"Good morning. Time to get up," Charlie smirked.

"This hasn't happened very often," Michael said as he rolled over.

"Charlie waking us?"

"You up before me -- at least not since classes started."

"Role reversal from the regular school year. You want to go shopping with us?" I asked.

"I'll go into town with you. I don't think I'll have enough time to browse."

"Okay. Both of you get up. I'll have coffee made," Charlie said and walked out.

Charlie and I walked into the University computer store and I led us straight to the section with the iBook.

"This is the new one. It's probably fine for everything you're gonna use it for," I said to Charlie.

"It's a damn sight better than Michael's. I can deal with it. Let's get it."

"Decisions first. Do you want a DVD, CDRW or combo?"

"Why would I want any of them?"

"Well, you need a CD-ROM and can't get it without one. With a DVD you can watch movies on it. With a CDRW you can burn your own CDs for back-ups or music. The combo drive does both."

"What would you get?"

"I think the screen is too small to watch movies, so I'd just get the CDRW."

"Why not just get a bigger screen?"

"'Cause they don't have a bigger screen. You have to go to the regular PowerBook for that."

"Where are those?"

"On the other side of the display," I said and went over to them.

"Oh yea. This is more like it. These are so posh," Charlie smiled and ran his hand across the titanium case.

"And more expensive. If you're only going to be doing email and occasional web, it's overkill."

"Yea, but it's so much cooler than the white plastic one. I want this one. Does it play DVDs too?"

"It only plays DVDs. It doesn't have a CDRW option."

"It comes with an external CDRW as a promo 'till the end of the month," a salesman said as he walked up to us.

"See? There you go. It comes with one," Charlie smiled.

"Any questions I can answer?" The salesman asked.

Charlie looked to me.

"Not right now, thanks," I said.

"Okay. I'll be around if you need any help. We have those in stock," the salesman said and walked off to help someone else.

"So what else do I need?" Charlie asked.

"Um, you'll probably want to put more RAM in it and an AirPort card. You'll need some software as well."


"Wireless networking. That's how we can use the internet in the apartment without having a wire."

"Okay. Yea, I want that. Will it work in LA?"

"If you have a base station or there is one nearby. A lot of places are putting in wireless networks, so it's pretty easy to find."

"It won't reach yours?"

"No. It's range is somewhere around 150 feet, not 3000 miles," I teased.

"Hey. I figured it was like a cell phone."

"Kinda, but not really. You'll have to get an internet account when you get out there."

"Just having the wireless doesn't do that?"

"Nope. The base station is on the internet, and then your computer's wireless card communicates with the base station."

"Ah. Okay. Let's go get the software I need."

By the time we left, an hour later, Charlie had everything he could possibly use. He got the PowerBook, extra RAM, CD-R blanks, external speakers, external mouse, carrying case, basic software and a couple games. I helped him haul it back to the apartment and then went to the theater while Charlie played with his new toys.

I got home around 11PM. Charlie was sitting on the sofa between Jonny and Gareth. They were teaching him how to use everything. I took a quick shower and found Michael asleep with a book on his chest. I cuddled up and went right to sleep.

We got the theater rewire done Thursday afternoon. Now that I had time, I worked on finishing my light plot in preparation for hanging next week.

"What time does Gareth's plane leave tomorrow?" I asked Jonny as he sat in front of the TV and aimlessly flipped channels.


"You want see him off at the airport, right?"

"Yea, I guess," he shrugged.

"You guys have a fight?"

"No. Why?"

"Because you don't seem very interested in seeing him off."

"I just don't wanna say goodbye. Okay?"

"He has to go whether you say goodbye or not."


"Okay. I'm going to pick up Michael and Charlie. You want to come with me or stay here?"

"There's nothing but crap on. I guess I'll go with you."

"As long as you're happy to go."

"What do you want? My best friend is leaving tomorrow. How happy would you be?"

"I understand. Really, I do. Just don't take it out on me."

"Sorry, but I'm gonna be grumpy for a while."

"Alright. Let's go."

*** [ Friday, July 27, 2001 ]

Jonny and I met Roger and Gareth for brunch. Both the kids were being quiet and hardly ate. We took another ride on the Staten Island Ferry to waste some time, and then went to the airport. Jonny and Gareth went off together after they'd checked in.

+++ Jonny +++

We told Gareth's dad and Jonah that we were gonna walk around while we waited. They let us go, but I think Gareth's dad thought we were gonna run off. It crossed my mind.

"I wish I could stay here the rest of the summer with you," Gareth said.

"So do I. It's only two more weeks here, and then I have to go back to Chicago."

"You think it's going to be better?"

"I don't know. I hope so," I said softly.

"If it's not, do you think you could live with Jonah and Michael?"

"I don't know. Probably not unless it got really bad. Dr. Mars would probably commit me before that," I tried to joke.

"And then I could visit you in the funny farm," Gareth laughed.

"Yea. And you could sneak me in a PlayGirl and a Freshman."

"And some lube, of course."

"Of course."

We both laughed, and then got quiet.

"You'll let me know before it gets that bad, right?" Gareth said, seriously, after a minute.

"Don't I always?"

"Not when you disappear. You've got Jonah, Michael, Charlie, and probably Lance and Justin to talk to now who could actually help."

"I don't have Lance or Justin's number."

"You know what I mean," Gareth said and bumped into me.

"Yea. I know."

We walked a while in silence. I held Gareth's hand as we walked and I don't care who sees us or cares. I dare anyone to say anything. I've never had to say good-bye to anyone like this and I don't like it one bit. We'd walked the length of the airport and back twice when they called that Gareth's plane was boarding. My chest got tight and I tried really hard not to cry. We walked over to where his dad and Jonah were sitting.

"It's time to board," Gareth's dad said. "Say your good-byes."

He may as well have said I'm about to go to the electric chair or something. I hugged Gareth so tight.

"I love you," I whispered in his ear.

"I love you, too. I'll email you when I get home," Gareth whispered back and I could tell he was trying not to cry as well.

They announced final boarding before we parted. A short kiss, and then he was gone. I turned to Jonah and hugged him, crying into his shoulder.


"Let's go home," I said and gently pushed Jonny back.

"Yea, okay," he mumbled.

We rode home in silence.

"I'm gonna take a nap," Jonny said as we got home and went to his room.

I dropped down on the sofa next to Charlie. He was still learning his new computer.

"He'll get over it," Charlie said.

"Yea. I know. How's it going?"

"I think I've got most things figured out. I got an email at Yahoo and Rupert sent some links. Wanna see some of the places?"


"You still want to go see Bright Eyes?" I asked Jonny as he lay on the sofa watching TV.

"Yea," he answered like it was only slightly better than sitting around, or a root canal.

"Okay. Then get cleaned up so we can go."

"Yea, okay."

Forty-five minutes later we walked into Lisa's loft. It was freakin' huge. No wonder she was having a rent party. There were about thirty people there already, mostly just standing around and talking.

"This is gonna be boring," Jonny pouted.

"You came to hear the music. Right?"

"Yea, but that doesn't mean it's not going to be boring 'till he plays."

"Let's get something to drink," I said and walked over to the drink table. Given the choice of Bud in the keg or a mixed drink, I chose the mixed drink. Well, actually it was tequila with a splash of ginger ale, so not mixed too much.

I recognized some people I knew and went over to talk with them. I introduced Jonny and then he wandered away. Some time later I looked around and found him sitting on the sofa looking grumpy. Oh well, if he wants to be grumpy...

Michael, Charlie, Lisa and most of the cast got there around 11:30.

"Hey, man," Michael said as he put his hand on the small of my back.

"Hey," I said and gave him a quick kiss. "You just get here?"

"Yea. Whatcha drinking?" He asked as he took my glass and took a sip.

"Tequila and ginger ale."

"Minus the ginger ale," Michael smiled and finished the rest of the glass.

"Whoa, boy. You keep that up and I'll have to carry you home," I teased, "and I'm not capable of that right now."

"Gotta catch up. Where's Jonny?"

"Last I saw he was pouting on the sofa," I said and looked around. He was still on the sofa, but was now talking to some guy and laughing. "Though it seems he's passed that."

"Are you going to introduce us?" Karen, one of the people I was talking to, prodded.

"I'm gettin' there. This is Michael, my man," I said and then pointed out all the people in the group.

"I hold this as further proof. All the cute ones are gay," Rachel laughed to Karen.

"Keep your hands off my man, Rachel," I mock threatened.

"I was talking about you," she shot back.

"Same goes for me," Michael smiled.

"Feisty. I like that," Rachel smiled and stuck out her tongue.

"Ew. Yucky," Michael laughed. "I need a drink."

"Here," Charlie said as he walked up to us and handed Michael a drink. "Jack and soda."

"Please tell me this one isn't gay," Rachel pleaded.

"No, but I've played one on tele. Does that count?" Charlie flirted.

"Ooo. Cute and with an accent. Where have you been all night?"

"Don't make me hose you down," Karen threatened Rachel.

"That could be fun," Charlie smiled. "Where's the hose?"

"I sure hope you brought your own," Rachel smiled and looked Charlie over.

Charlie just burst out laughing.

"Slut," Karen said and slapped Rachel on the arm.

"Straight mating rituals are so weird," I teased. "We're gonna walk around."

"Charlie is gonna get laid tonight," Michael whispered in my ear as we walked away.

"If Rachel has anything to say about it," I laughed.

"Is she always so...forward?"

"I don't know. Just met her tonight. She hit on me first thing, so I think so."

By this point the place was packed and quite loud. We slowly made our way over to check on Jonny, stopping to talk with people along the way. It was at least a half-hour before we got to him.

"Hey, kid," Michael said to Jonny.

"Hey. This is Conor, guys. He's in Bright Eyes. Conor, this is Jonah and Michael," Jonny said happily -- a bit too happily.

We shook hands and made some small talk. I grabbed Jonny's half-empty glass and tasted it. Rum and Coke.

"No more alcohol," I whispered in Jonny's ear.

Busted. He gave me a guilty look, but was saved by Mel, one of Lisa's roommates.

"Come on, Conor. Time to play," she said as she walked up to us.

Conor excused himself to go perform and Mel wandered off. Jonny pointed to someone behind me. I turned to look and there was Nick Carter.

"Are you stalking me?" Nick smiled.

"You wish. What are you doing here?" I said.

"My girlfriend lives here."

"You have a girlfriend?" I teased with a shocked expression.

"Yea, I know. Hard to believe," Nick laughed.

"Hey, Nick," Michael said.

"Hey. So what are you guys doing here?"

I just looked around at the party going on and looked back at Nick.

"Okay. Stupid question. Who do you know?"

"Lots of people, but Lisa invited us. Who's your girlfriend?"


"Small world. You just start dating?"

"No. We've been dating a couple months. She was living in Cincinnati, but moved here in June."

"Okay. Then why did you hang out with us last week when you were here?"

"She was working all night. Hey kid. Where's your friend?" Nick said to Jonny.

"He had to go back."

"Okay. Not to ditch you guys, but I just got here and I need to find my girlfriend," Nick smiled and walked off as Bright Eyes was starting to play.

Bright Eyes was playing solo -- just Conor and his guitar. He was pretty good. About three songs in, Jonny pushed past me and ran for the bathroom. Michael gave me a look and I whispered that I was going to check on Jonny.

The bathroom door was cracked open and I could hear Jonny vomiting. I waited until he was done and then walked in.

"You okay?" I asked, both concerned and upset.

"Yea. Are you pissed at me?" Jonny asked me as he hugged the toilet.

"That you're drunk? Yea, pretty much," I said coolly.

"I'm sorry..."

"That you got caught."

"That, too. Also that I drank so much. It didn't taste that strong."

There was a knock on the door and Michael walked in.

"You okay?" He asked Jonny.

"Yea, I feel a little better."

"Get yourself cleaned up so we can go home," I said and walked out, taking Michael with me.

"Jonah..." Jonny started.

"Not now. I'm not very happy with you right now," I said and closed the door.

"He just screwed up. It's not the end of the world," Michael said to me once we were in the hallway alone.

"I know. It just bothers me that he sneaked it. It also bothers me that he was drinking like he was. How much would he have drank if I hadn't caught him? Would we have found him passed out in a corner?"

"You're being melodramatic."

"Michael. We've been here for two hours and he's already puking his guts out. He was drinking hard liquor mixed with Coke and even said he didn't think it tasted very strong. I know he's a kid and has to make those mistakes, but I don't want it to be his last one. Can't you understand that?"

"Yea, I do understand. The point is that you did catch him, he is puking now, and he'll probably have a hangover tomorrow that he won't quickly forget. He was upset that Gareth left and was trying to fit in here. If you haven't noticed, everyone here is drinking -- including us."

"So what am I supposed to do? Laugh it off?"

"No, but don't push him away and ignore him. Tell him why you're upset and then let it go."

"I'm ready to go now," Jonny said as he walked out of the bathroom. He looked like shit.

"Alright. Come on," I said, more softly now, and guided him towards the door.

"I'm gonna let Charlie know we're going," Michael said and disappeared into the crowd.

He returned a minute later and we left. We had to stop a few times for Jonny to dry heave along the way.

"Thanks for talking to Jonah, Michael, and calming him down." I heard Jonny say as I came back from the bathroom.

"Don't thank me. I'm pissed, too. I just know that yelling at you is useless. The hangover you're gonna have is going to be punishment enough."

"I'm not upset that you had some alcohol. I'm upset that you helped yourself to it, and drank way too much," I said.

"Sorry. I'm gonna go to bed," Jonny mumbled and started for his room.

"No. You're sleeping on the sofa. You're not going to be able to get out of the top bunk quickly enough without hurting yourself when you get sick again," I said and went to get a bucket from the kitchen. I brought it back and set it beside the sofa. Michael went to get some towels.

Jonny stripped to his boxers and lay down on the sofa. Michael and I both knew what was coming next so we turned on the TV and sat down together in a chair. A few minutes later Jonny moaned and rolled over to dry heave into the bucket.

"The room won't stop spinning," Jonny complained and heaved again.

"It'll eventually stop," Michael snickered, though tried to be serious.

He finally got to sleep about an hour later.

"He's gonna feel like shit in the morning. Should we have given him some water and aspirin?" Michael asked.

"No. I want him to feel the full hangover. Why don't you go to bed and get some sleep. You've got a performance tonight and I'm probably going to watch over him all night."

"Okay. Try to get some sleep and don't worry too much. Love you," Michael said and gave me a quick kiss.

"Love you. Night."

Michael went to bed. I fell asleep in the chair as the sun was coming up.

"Jonah. Come on to bed," I heard Michael say as he tried to lift me from the chair. I opened my eyes enough to see it was morning and sleepily stumbled to bed. Michael stripped me and then lay down with me and held me. I was out again instantly.

Comments welcome and encouraged. jm_stories@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 13

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