Just Together


Published on Apr 21, 2001


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It makes no claims to the true personality and sexuality of anyone involved. You already know if you shouldn't be reading this.

------------------ Just Together by jm_stories@yahoo.com ------------------

Chapter XI Original post 20 Apr 2001 Revised 7 Feb 2002

+++ Jonny +++

"My dad wanted to know what we did last night," Gareth said as we were sitting out on the fire escape.

"What'd you tell him?"

"Just that we slept next to each other, and kissed a little."

"Why'd you tell him that?"

"'Cause that's what he was asking. He wouldn't believe me if I said we didn't do anything like that. I think he thinks we're shagging each other all night, but he didn't say it."

"I want to, but not yet."

"You want to shag all night?" Gareth smiled.

"Well, yea. Someday. Not now."

"I hope I'm there when you do. I want you to be the first person I have sex with."

"I hope you're there too. I already have sex with myself," I teased.

"Dorkus," Gareth laughed and gave me a shove.

"I know something we can do," I hinted.


"I'm not sure if I should tell you yet. How much do you love me?" I teased and looked at him for his answer.

"Depends on how much you're gonna tease me."

I leaned forward and gave him a kiss.

"Now. How much do you love me?" I asked again.

"I don't know. What's the scale? I did come across the ocean for you."

"Good enough. I love you, too."

"I didn't say that," Gareth teased.

"Then I take it back."

"You can't take it back."

"Why not?"

"'Cause you can't. If you say 'I love you' to someone, you have to mean it. You can't take it back."

"What if I didn't mean it?"

"Did you?"

"Yea, but what if I didn't?"

"Doesn't matter. You already said you did," Gareth said and gave me a kiss. "I love you everything and more. Now what is it we can do?"

"Give each other a massage," I smiled.

"Oh. That's it?" Gareth said, a bit disappointed.

"What did you think I was gonna say?"

"I don't know, but anyone can give you a massage."

"Not like how I'm talking about."


"Like Jonah and Michael give each other."

"Are you going to tell me, or do I have to kiss it out of you?"

I smiled. "I was going to tell you, but I think I like your way better."

"You asked for it," Gareth smiled and gave me a long kiss. It was a great kiss.

"So?" Gareth smiled after he pulled back.

"I'm not saying anything yet. Try again," I said and waited for the next kiss.

"Hmm. Then I'm gonna work the opposite. I'm not going to kiss you until you tell me," Gareth said smugly.

"That's not fair. You can't change the rules."

"I just did. Tell me."

"I think I need a kiss to loosen my lips," I tried.

"Nope. Not until you tell me."

"Fine. They are naked and use massage oil. It's a full body massage. They showed me how to do it today," I said and waited for my kiss.

"You got naked with them?"

"No. They showed me with my clothes on and no oil. Just so I'd know how to do it. I'm waiting for my kiss."

Gareth leaned forward and gave me a quick peck. I pulled him back for a real kiss.

"That's better," I smiled.

"They'll let us do that?" Gareth asked.

"Yea. We can even use their room so we aren't naked out in the living room. They warned me not to even think about having sex, though, 'cause they could walk in at any minute."

"They would just walk in and see us naked? Not even knock or anything?"

"That would give us warning. We've seen them naked."

"Yea, but..."

"But what?"

"I don't know. I'd just feel really weird if they walked in."

"Get used to it," I said and rolled my eyes. "Everyone is really relaxed here. I told you about Friday, right?"

"The museum?"

"No. I guess I haven't. Okay. The general rule is if you have to go to the bathroom and someone is in the shower, just knock and do your business. I had to go and I didn't know Jonah was still in there, so I just walked in."

"You saw him naked?"

"Yea, but not then. He was about to shave. I made him leave until after I went to the bathroom. When I let him back in he started shaving and I decided to shave."

"When did you start shaving? You didn't tell me you were shaving already."

"The last time was, like, five months ago. It'll probably be another five months before I shave again. Anyway, Jonah has shaving gel instead of shaving cream, and the gel foams up a lot. It's like you put a tiny little bit in your hand and you can cover your whole face. I hadn't used it before so I put way too much in my hand and had a bunch left over. Jonah teased me about it so I rubbed the rest of the gel across his stomach."

"What'd he do?"

"At first he didn't do anything. He just wiped it off and acted like nothing happened."

"And then..."

"And then he let me use the sink to shave. He put his hand on my hip and tried to be really seductive and slid his finger under my boxers."

"I bet you boned up," Gareth teased.

"Oh yea. Full bone. So I was thinking he was doing something different than he was."

"You thought he was gonna have sex with you?" Gareth teased with a grin.

"Yea. I guess. I mean, I know he wouldn't and doesn't think of me like that, but he was really seductive. So I was boned up and breathing heavy, and then he squirted a glob of the shaving gel in my butt and pushed it in."

Gareth burst out laughing. "He got you so good!"

"Yea. I was a dorkus," I laughed. "He saw me boned up and just laughed it off. It's not any big deal to him. Anyway, I was pretty mad at him at the time and felt really stupid. I pushed him out and closed the door. No sooner do I get my boxers down and start trying to wipe the shaving gel out of my butt, than Charlie bursts in saying he has to piss. He was still a little boned and just pissed in front of me."

"I'd die of embarrassment."

"I almost did. They just laughed it off and told me I shouldn't be so modest."

"So they're all nudists here?"

"No. Unfortunately," I smiled.

"You'd be boned up all the time," Gareth teased.

"Like I'm not already?" I shot back.

"True. True."

"Hey! How would you know?"

"'Cause you've told me, and I'm the same."

"Oh yea. Well, it gets even better."

"Even better than seeing Charlie naked?"

"Who is seeing me naked?" Charlie said with his head stuck out the window.

"Everyone. In the play," I covered.

"Alright," he said and pulled back inside.

"So it gets better. I slept in Jonah and Michael's bed with them Friday night 'cause there weren't any more beds. We slept naked," I said, trying to be quiet so only Gareth could hear me.

"You slept with them? Naked?"


"Did you..."

"Just sleep. Like I said, they'd never do anything sexual with me. I did snuggle, though. It was really nice."

"I bet."

"Snuggling with you was better, though," I smiled.

Gareth smiled. "Thanks. I liked it too."

"Maybe tonight we can do it without our boxers?"

"Maybe. We'll be in the living room, won't we?"

"Yea. I don't think it would matter to anyone as long as we weren't having sex."

"Like we'd have sex in the living room with everyone home," Gareth snorted.

"I think that's the point. Charlie said we should wank together if we get really horny, but not have sex."

"He actually told you that?"

"Yea. When they tried to talk to me about sex. They thought we'd jump each other the minute we saw each other."

"We did. Kinda," Gareth smiled.

"Yea, but not like they were thinking. What do you think about wanking together?"

"Um, maybe. We can't do it in the living room."

"God, no. I don't know. Maybe we'll figure out where when we do it."

"How about in the shower?"


"We have to wash the massage oil off, don't we?"

"You're brilliant," I smiled.

"Thanks," Gareth said and gave me a kiss.

"Do you want to do the massage now?"

"Yea," Gareth grinned and climbed inside. I was right behind him.

"Can we use your bedroom and the massage oil?" I asked Jonah as we walked into the living room. He was working on his PowerBook and Michael was beside him working on his iBook. They had their legs crossed together.

"I guess. Remember what we told you," Jonah said.

"Yea, I know. You could walk in at any moment," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Right. The oil is on the dresser."

"Thanks," I smiled and we went to their bedroom.

"Who does who first?" Gareth asked.

"I'll do you first 'cause I know how. Then you can do me."

"Okay," Gareth said and stood there.

"Um, we should probably get undressed," I said. I was suddenly really nervous.

"Yea. We should. Where are we going to do it?"

"On the floor," I said and pulled off my shirt.

"I'm nervous," Gareth smiled.

"So am I," I admitted.

Gareth took off his shirt and we stood there staring at each other, but neither of us going any further.

"This isn't working very well," Gareth chuckled.

"No. This is stupid. We've already seen each other in our boxers," I said.

"How about on the count of three, we both take off our shorts?"

"Boxers and all?"


"Okay. Ready?"


"One... Two... Three..." We counted together and then dropped our pants. We were both at full bone.

"I'm glad you're as excited to see me as I am to see you," Gareth teased.

"Yep. You're really beautiful," I said softly. He was, in a way that was purely Gareth. His skin was fairly pale, but not pasty looking. A little developed in his chest and stomach. His penis was just a little smaller than mine, but not much. It was sexy, too. I wanted so bad to reach out and touch it, but I didn't.

"So are you. Really beautiful," Gareth said just as softly and chewed on his bottom lip.

I smiled. "It's cute when you do that."


"Chew on your bottom lip."

He let it out. "I don't do that."

"You just were."

"Hey guys. You forgot towels," Michael said loudly as he walked in.

Gareth quickly sat down on the bed and covered himself.

"Thanks," I said and took the towels from him.

"You're welcome. Put them on the floor so you don't get oil on it," he grinned and left, closing the door behind him.

"God, I'm so embarrassed. He just saw me boned up," Gareth sighed.

"You saw him this morning."

"So? I guess it's only fair, but... I guess you're just more used to it."

"A little. I'm getting better at not being embarrassed," I said as I spread out the towels.

Gareth got up and went to get the oil off the dresser.

"Is there enough here? It's not really a big bottle," Gareth said as he sat down on the towels.

"They use it, so a little must go a long way."

"How do we start?"

"You lay on your stomach," I said and opened the massage oil. It smelled like almonds.

Gareth laid down and I stared at his sexy butt a few seconds before straddling him.

"I think I like this massage already," Gareth chuckled.

"Just wait," I said and wiggled my butt a little against his. I stopped and poured a little oil in my hands and rubbed them together. I would have to focus on giving the massage or I'd shoot just from touching him that way. I was boned so hard it almost hurt. I put my hands on his soft skin and rubbed up to his shoulders. He moaned softly. Man, what a feeling. Everything. He's loving it. That turns me on even more. I'm doing this to him. For him. I'm the one who is making him feel this good. I'm not sure who is getting more pleasure out of it.

"That feels really good," Gareth said softly.

I smiled and continued down his body. Massaging his butt was heaven.

"Having fun?" Gareth teased 'cause I was paying too much attention to his butt.

"Yep. You have a cute butt," I said and gave him a light slap.

"Thanks," he giggled and flexed his butt a few times.

I moved down his legs and could see his balls between his legs. I rubbed all the way up to just beside them, and then back down. When I finished I told him to roll over. He rolled over and shot me a grin. He was as hard as rock. His bone wasn't even touching his stomach -- he was that hard. I'd kinda gone down a little 'cause I was concentrating on making him feel good, but seeing him like that made me go right back up.

"Feels good, huh?" I smiled.

"Yea," Gareth sighed happily and lay his head back down.

I did his feet and then moved up the front of his legs. When I got to his hips I couldn't help but brush really close to his bone. Every time I did it would bounce a little. That's so cool. He would giggle and squirm a little each time I passed his hips. By a miracle of will power, I didn't grab him, and continued up his chest. I did let our bones touch and rub against each other a little, but not too much or we'd both shoot. I tried really hard not to think about it.

"This is torture," Gareth smiled.

"Yea, but the good kind," I smiled and tweaked his nipple.

"Hey!" He laughed and squirmed a little.

"Hold still. I'm not done yet," I teased. I got up and went around to do the face massage Jonah had taught me. I studied his face as my fingers traced its shapes. When I finished I leaned over and gave him an upside down kiss. "You're done."

Gareth laid there with a smile on his face.

"I feel so good. That was incredible," Gareth said softly and opened his eyes.

"You do feel good," I said.

"My turn to see how good you feel," Gareth said as he sat up.

I laid down in the warm spot where he was. I closed my eyes and waited for my massage. Gareth straddled me and I swear I came a little. I swear. It felt so good and he was still oily and slid right on top of me. No wonder Jonah and Michael like this so much. Gareth laid down on me and started rubbing himself on me and his bone was against my butt.

"What are you doing?" I said breathlessly. I think it came out a little panicky.

"Recycling massage oil," Gareth said just as breathlessly.

"Um...Just use some more."

"Don't you like this?"

"I like it too much. Please...stop..." I squeaked.

"Um...okay...sorry," Gareth said and sat up.

"It's okay. I just don't want to do anything like that yet."

"I know. Me too. I just got carried away," Gareth said and started massaging my shoulders roughly.

I would have told him to ease up a little, but I know he was trying to not think about what we almost did, and it made me relax a little as well. For a little while I even went down until he got to my butt.

"How's it going, guys?" Jonah said loudly and walked in.

Gareth stopped massaging my butt and covered himself.

"It's going good. We're still not having sex, so you can go back to the living room," I said.

"Alright. I just came in to get my power supply," Jonah said, like I would really believe him, and grabbed it before walking out.

"Yea right," I snorted after he left.

"I keep expecting them to yell at us when they walk in," Gareth said.

"I told you they're cool with the massage. He probably would have yelled if he would have walked in a few minutes ago."

"Thank god for small favors. It did do one good thing, though," Gareth snickered.

"What's that?"

"I'm totally soft now," Gareth smiled.

"I'm not," I said and rolled over.

"I wasn't done yet."

"Just with my legs. You can do them from the front as well."

"Okay. I like this view as well," Gareth smiled and moved down to my feet. "Even your feet are beautiful."

"No they're not."

"Yea they are."

"No they're not. I hate my feet. My toes aren't very straight cause I've broken them so many times."

"I think it adds character."

"Do you have a foot fetish?" I teased.

"I don't think so. Fine. If you say your feet are ugly, then I agree with you," he smirked.

"I do. Your feet are much more beautiful."

"Okay, now I know you're cracked," Gareth laughed.

"Probably," I smiled and closed my eyes again. I tried to think of totally unsexy things as Gareth's hands moved up my legs and around my crotch. Dead puppies. Mom and Dad having sex. Tommy taking a shit. Anything to not think about how close Gareth was to me.

"Was it that bad?" Gareth asked. He was sitting above my head and looked down at me.

"You're done?" I said, confused.

"Yea. You must have really been concentrating," Gareth snickered.

"I was, but now we can take our shower," I smiled.

"Do you think they'll let us?"

"I don't know. Worst they can say is 'no.'"

We got up and wrapped a towel around ourselves. I had to use my shirt to open the door 'cause I couldn't turn the handle with the oil on my hands. Gareth kinda hung back and I went out to the living room.

"Is it okay if we take a shower together to wash off the oil?" I asked.

"Together?" Jonah asked and raised his eyebrow.

"Yea. Together."

"And what are you going to do?"

"Wash the oil off."

"And wank," Michael added.

I shot him a dirty look. Yea, we were gonna do that, but I didn't want to tell them that.

"Don't give me that look. If you can give each other a massage like that and not have to wank afterwards then you have much more will power than I have," Michael laughed.

"You did say it was okay for us to do that," I said to Jonah.

"When did I say that?"

"Um, maybe it was Charlie," I said, hoping he'd still say it was okay. He looked at me for a minute, and then Gareth.

"If you want to wank together, I'm not going to stop you. I'm trusting you that it won't go any further," Jonah said slowly.

Great. Pull the "trust" card.

"That's all we're gonna do."

"Then go have fun wank...I mean, WASHing," he smiled.

I can't believe it. He's actually going to let us. I know I'm putting him on the spot and I could just kiss him for saying it was okay.

"Thanks," I said with a grin and went to the bathroom -- pushing Gareth in front of me.

"I thought for sure he was gonna say no," Gareth said after we closed the door.

"I told you he's cool. He did play the 'trust' card, though," I sighed.

"Yea. My dad does that as well. Sucks," Gareth sighed as well.

"Well... Since we can wank now," I smiled and dropped my towel. Gareth dropped his as well. We just looked at each other for a minute.

"Can I touch you?" Gareth asked.

"If I can touch you..."

"Please," Gareth said softly and chewed his bottom lip as he reached out and wrapped his hand around my bone.

I felt a surge or a shock or something and it felt incredible. I reached out and gently grabbed his bone. He has foreskin and it's really cool.

"What does it feel like to still have foreskin?" I asked softly as I played with it.

"I don't know. What does it feel like to not have it?" Gareth giggled.

"I don't know," I snickered.

"We'd better get in the shower," Gareth said and let go of me.

"Yea. Gareth?"

"Huh?" He said and turned back around.

I gave him a quick kiss and said, "I love you."

He blushed and smiled, so I kissed him again, but just a quick kiss.

"I love you, too," Gareth said and climbed into the shower. He turned on the water and I got in.

When the water was warm we turned on the shower part and took turns standing under it. Gareth wet his hair and when he pulled his head out from under the water I kissed him. He put his hands on my hips and pulled us together as we kissed again and again. We were rubbing against each other. It felt like the greatest thing in the world. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him even closer. The water didn't really wash the oil away so we were still really slick. I think the water made us even more slick.

Gareth pulled back from our kissing. "I'm gonna shoot really soon," he whispered, breathlessly.

"Me too," I said and we started kissing again and rubbing ourselves against each other more. I was so close and breathing really heavy and I couldn't even think straight. I stopped kissing and put my head on his shoulder and squeezed him as tight as I could as I started shooting. I could feel him shooting as well and it was so cool I didn't think I'd ever stop shooting. This is the best feeling in the world. I loosened my grip on him, but didn't let go. We just held each other.

"I love you," I said softly and kissed his ear. It made him giggle.

"I love you, too. That was the best," Gareth said as softly as I had.

"We didn't even have to use our hands," I snickered.

"Didn't bother me in the least," he giggled back.

We didn't separate and just held each other. We were both boned up again after a minute and giggled as we felt each other.

"Wanna do it again?" Gareth said and wiggled his hips.

"Yea, but I want to touch you this time. It'll be faster and we're probably almost out of hot water," I said and pulled back. I reached down and gently grabbed his bone. It was slick with our cum. Mine was right there and I rubbed our bones together.

Gareth reached down and moved my hand away. I looked up at him to see what was wrong. He just smiled and looked back down. He held our bones together with his on top of mine, and then wrapped both his hands around them and started wanking us. It was the coolest thing. I moved his left hand away and replaced it with my right hand. Our fingers were entwined and we were wanking each other at the same time.

"I think this is the way wanking was meant to be," Gareth giggled.

"Definitely," I smiled and kissed him.

It wasn't too much later that I was getting close, and I think he was, too, because he was getting even harder. We moved our hands faster and I started shooting. He started shooting right after me. This time was more fun, but not as sexy. I mean, it was sexy, but not like the first time. I was also a little sore -- but a good sore.

"We're both gonna be bloody stumps by the time I go back to Bristol," Gareth snickered.

"I hope so," I laughed.

"Um, we better wash."

"Yea. They're gonna tease us when we get out, you know."

"That's okay. They let us do it, so I can take a little teasing," Gareth smiled.


"Have fun?" Michael smiled as Jonny and Gareth came out of the bathroom.

"It was okay," Jonny smiled and blushed as he turned away and started digging through his suitcase.

"Just 'okay?'" I teased. "Was it just 'okay' with you, Gareth?"

"The massage was really nice. Thanks for being cool," Gareth said.

Jonny shot him a "suck up" look. Gareth shrugged and went back to the bedroom to get dressed. Jonny watched him go, and then pulled on a pair of boxers and shorts under his towel.

"Come here, kid," I said and moved over so he could sit down between me and Michael.

Jonny walked over to us and gave us an annoyed look. "What?"

"Sit down," I said.

He sighed and dropped down between us. "We didn't have sex. We just jacked-off," he sighed.

"Good, but that's not what I was going to say. I just want us to get some things clear," I said.

"Didn't we already have this talk?"

"Mostly. Gareth wasn't here, though. Now that I see you two together..."

"You think we're gonna jump each other," Jonny completed.

"I was going to say that I see you love each other. Stop being a twat," I said and gave him a slap on the back of the head.

"Oh. Sorry," Jonny sighed and slouched back.

"Just tell him straight out," Michael prompted.

I took a breath. "You're 15. That's too young to be having sex. I can understand and appreciate that you and Gareth love each other, and I'm okay with you guys making out and jacking-off together, but I don't want it to go further. I want your word that it won't."

"I already said that we weren't going to. Not yet, anyway. Why are you so concerned about it?" Jonny said.

"Because you're too young..."

"I'll be 16 in a couple weeks," Jonny interrupted. "When was your first time having sex?"

"January 1, this year," I said.

"Really?" Jonny said like I'd told him I had a one inch penis.

"Yes, really. Michael was the first."

"And last," Michael added with a grin.

"And last," I repeated.

"So you were 20 before you had sex?"


"You didn't do anything with your other boyfriends?"

"Didn't have sex. We made out and jacked-off, but that was it."

"And you think I should wait until I'm 20 before I have sex?"

"No. I think you should wait until you're 18, though. I still mean what I said before. I don't want you having sex, but it's ultimately your decision and your life. Just because neither of you can get pregnant doesn't mean there are no repercussions."

Jonny snickered and Michael shot me a grin.

"I'm sure you've had other people tell you that you are going through changes and you really don't know what you're doing, and blah, blah, blah," Michael started.

"Uh, huh," Jonny said and rolled his eyes.

"The thing about it is, it's true. You can't see it now, but you're going to mature a lot in the next few years. A lot of things are going to change."

"And you'll start getting pubic hair and having wet dreams..." Jonny mocked.

Michael grabbed him in a head lock and gave him a noogie.

"I'm not talking about your body. I'm talking about this thing," Michael said and gave him another noogie.

"Yea. Yea, okay. I got it," Jonny huffed as he was released and straightened his hair.

"It happens to all of us. I think back to when I was 16 and cringe at what I thought about love and sex and the world in general," Michael continued. "Hell, even last year."

"We're just looking out for our little brother. Okay?" I said and put my arm around Jonny's shoulder. Michael did the same.

"Yea, I know," Jonny sighed.

"I think we've been pretty cool big brothers so far," Michael smiled.

"I think so, too. Would Tommy have let you even sleep in the same apartment as Gareth?"

"No. Tommy wouldn't have even let me meet him."

"Okay. Then relax a little. Don't worry about sex. Just enjoy Gareth being here and everything will be fine," Michael said.

"And so you know..." I started.


"You don't have to ask me every time you want to do something. If you go out I want to know, but you don't have to ask to take a shower, or jack-off, or go to bed. In fact, I'd prefer not to know when you're jacking-off," I continued.

"Sorry. Just used to having to ask for everything."

"That's okay. I'm just letting you know," I said as Gareth hesitantly walked back into the room.

Michael looked up at him and grinned. "So how many times did you wank in the shower? It had to be at least twice."

Gareth looked shocked for a second, and then recovered. "Jonny said you guys would tease us."

"Yep. He's a smart one," I said and mussed Jonny's hair.

"It's only 'cause they care. Even if they do have a weird way of showing it sometimes," Jonny said and slapped Michael and me hard on our knees as he stood up.

"So what are we doing tonight?" Jonny asked as he grabbed a shirt and pulled it on.

"Relaxing," Michael said.

"What about tomorrow?"

"What do you want to do?" I asked.

"I don't know. What do you want to do?" Jonny asked Gareth.

"Whatever," Gareth shrugged and sat on the other end of the sofa.

"Move over," Jonny told me so he could sit next to Gareth, and then sat down. "We can't see the play yet, and that's at night, anyway. Do you want to do tourist stuff?"

"No. My dad is going to do all the tourist stuff with us next week."

"Did you bring a swimming suit?" I asked.

"Oh yea. We can go swimming in the morning," Jonny said.

"I didn't bring my suit," Gareth said.

"Then we'll just have to get you one," I said.


"I know what you guys can do," Michael said with a grin.

"What?" I asked.

Michael flipped the page in Variety he was reading and pointed out an announcement for extras needed in uptown Manhattan for the next couple days.

"Acting?" I questioned.

"Hardly. You just try to act normal or whatever the scene calls for while everything else goes on around you. Very little acting required."

"What are you talking about?" Jonny asked and leaned over to try to read the ad.

"What is it?" Gareth asked.

"They need extras for a movie," Jonny said excitedly. "It even pays $50 a day."

"If you're picked. You have to be there at 5AM, though," Michael said.

"Yea, but it says they only need extras 'till ten. That's $50 for standing around for five hours," Jonny said.

"Let's do it," Gareth said.

"If I get up at 4AM and we go to this thing, I don't want to hear any bitching about how early it is -- except from me," I said.

"We won't," they both said.

"And since it was your brilliant idea, and you don't have a performance tomorrow night, you can join us," I said to Michael.

"Yea, right. I have a hard enough time getting up for early calls when I'm in the production. I'm not getting up that early to be an extra," Michael smirked.

"Uh, huh. You'll be up, even if you don't come with us," I smirked back.

"Good luck."

"Good luck sleeping when I throw you over my shoulder and dump you in a bathtub of cold water."

"You can barely lift yourself that early."

"Then I'll just have to bring the bathtub to you," I smiled.

"Just remember that we have to sleep in that bed. It won't be dry by night if you do that."

"There are ways around it."

"Where's Charlie?" Jonny asked.

"Probably over Pennsylvania," I answered.


"He had to fly to LA for an audition. He'll be back late tomorrow night."

"Why didn't he tell me, or even say good bye?"

"It's just an audition. He'll be back," Michael said.

"Besides, you were...occupied," I teased.

"Okay," Jonny shrugged. "Oh yea. What did you guys do to Josh Jackson, Michael? Jonah said I should ask you."

Michael started laughing. "We made him piss the bed."

"Yea, I know. How? You put his hand in warm water?"

"Nope. We broke in to his apartment and fixed his alarm clock," I said.

"I thought I was supposed to be telling the story," Michael said and put his hand over my mouth. "And anyway, we didn't break in. We had a key."

"What'd you do to his alarm clock?"

"The resident electrician here wired his alarm clock to a couple car horns that we mounted to his headboard."

"And disabled the snooze bar," I added, pulling Michael's hand away.

Jonny and Gareth laughed.

"So he pissed the bed 'cause it scared him?" Jonny asked.


"Dad has threatened to do that to me," Gareth said.

"Wire car horns to your alarm clock?" Jonny asked.

"Yea. I usually sleep through my alarm. He thinks I'm just being lazy, but I really don't hear it," Gareth explained.

"I still do that sometimes," I said. "I have to tell myself I have to be up when it goes off or I'll sleep through it."

"I've pushed your ass out of bed enough to know that you usually do sleep through both of our alarms," Michael smirked.

"Only when you've kept me up all night," I countered.

"I plead guilty," Michael smiled.

Jonny and Gareth giggled at the implication.

"We do need to take the movies back tonight. If we're gonna be up by four we better go to bed soon," I said.

"Can we get some more movies?" Jonny asked.

"Not tonight. You won't be able to watch them."

We took back the movies and went to bed as soon as we got home. Michael stayed up reading.

My alarm went off at 4AM. I shut the damn thing off and went back to sleep. Five minutes later I had a 150lb. 15 year old sitting on my chest.

"Come on. Get up, Jonah," Jonny prodded.

"I can't. There's an asshole sitting on me," I groaned.

"Love you, too, dorkus," Jonny said and gave me a quick kiss on my forehead as he got off me.

I slowly sat up and tried to become conscious.

"Why are you getting me up this early again?" I mumbled.

"'Cause we're gonna be in a movie. Stop acting like you're old."

"I'm not a morning person," I grumbled.

"So? We're gonna be in a movie. AND get paid," Jonny said happily and walked out.

"This is your fault," I said to Michael, who was happily sleeping -- like I should be. I didn't have the energy to try to wake him, so I just stumbled off to the shower. Gareth was drying off when I walked in. He quickly stood up and wrapped his towel around himself.

"I'm still in here," Gareth said.

I grunted and walked straight to the shower, pulled the curtain closed and turned on the water. I stood under the water until Jonny started yelling for me to hurry up. I dried off, pissed and brushed my teeth before getting dressed.

"Want this?" Jonny smiled and handed me a cup of coffee as I walked out of my room.

"Thanks," I said and took the cup from him. It was really strong. Just what I needed. Gareth and Jonny were babbling back and forth.

"How is it you have so much energy this early in the morning?" I asked them.

Jonny shrugged. "We're excited about being in a movie."

"And we've already had two cups of Jonny's jolt coffee," Gareth added.

"It's not too strong, is it?" Jonny asked.

"No. It still pours," I smirked and took another sip of the syrup.

"Drink it quickly. We're gonna be late."

"Yea, okay," I sighed. I downed the rest of the cup and grabbed my keys and wallet. "Come on. Let's go to the cattle call."

We caught the train uptown and joined the thirty or so other extras there. A short while later a woman came through and picked the people for the day. We got in and were sent to the wardrobe trailer. Wardrobe decided we were fine and sent us off to the waiting area. After some more waiting, an assistant of some sort explained the scene, what we were expected to do, took down everyone's information and had everyone sign release forms. The scene this morning was in a cafŽ. All we had to do was sit and eat. Hold normal conversations when required and be quiet when required. Once all that was done, we were ushered to the set.

I had never heard of the director, but that doesn't mean much; I don't know many directors by name. We sat at a table and listened to the director explain the scene again. A few rehearsals. Check lighting. Check cameras. God, this was so boring. I'd see it all before on DC. Devon Sawa was the only actor I recognized. He really didn't do anything for me, so even he was boring. It was all new to Jonny and Gareth, so they were having a ball. At least the food was edible.

"Do you think we can meet Devon?" Jonny asked once we were released.


"'Cause he's a movie star. I've gotta meet as many as I can," he smiled.

"You can try. He left the set pretty quickly, so he probably doesn't want to talk to anyone. It's also kinda rude to..."

"He had to go to the loo. I heard him tell someone," Gareth interrupted.

"Let's go," Jonny said and started towards the bathroom.

"Stop. Let him piss in peace. Okay?" I said.

"I was gonna wait until he was done," Jonny huffed.

"Just wait until he comes back."

"Fine. Can we at least wait in the hall?" Jonny sighed.

"Whatever. Just don't bitch to me if he's pissy to you because you accosted him. I'll be outside," I said and walked out.

"Jonah!" Someone called.

I looked around the crowd.

"Hey, Jonah," CeeCee said as she caught up to me through the crowd.

"Hey, girl. Workin' this?"

"Yep. I see you didn't go back to DC either. Whatcha been doin'?"

"I directed a play, believe it or not," I smiled.

"No shittin'?"

"I'd never shit you. You'd kick my ass," I laughed.

"Damn straight," she laughed. "So what's the show?"

"It's called 'Jack Shine.' It's still running. You should come see it if you have a night off. It runs Wednesday through Saturday until the end of August."

"What's it about?"

"You'll just have to come see it," I smiled.


"At a theater called Heorot over on Wooster in SOHO."

"Comp. an old workmate in?"

"If you bring at least two paying people, sure."

"Oh man, you're harsh," she teased.

"I can't comp. everyone in. On Fridays and Saturdays I can't comp. anyone in."

"We're filming most weekend nights. I might come see it on Wednesday."

"Good. I'll be there this Wednesday."

"So why are you here? I mean, why playin' an extra?"

"Not my idea. I have a kid staying with me over the summer. He wanted to do it. Make some money. I would have preferred to sleep in."

"I'm with ya there. These early morning calls are hell on everyone. Only time we could get the set, from what I hear. So where's your kid."

"My kid? No. More like a little brother. Not my kid. Anyway, he's trying to talk to Devon."

"Good luck to him," CeeCee smirked.

"Why? Is he a prick?"

She shrugged. "Depends. On set he's a bit of a priss to people. He's okay after work and after a few beers. He knows better than to fuck with the techs, though," she smiled.

"Lesson number one for actors: make friends with the techs and they'll make you look good," I started.

"Fuck with them, and they'll fuck you up," CeeCee continued with a laugh.

"Yep. Hey. Any luck?" I said Jonny and Gareth as they walked up.

"He didn't want to talk to us," Gareth said.

"He was rude," Jonny huffed.

"You were rude to fawn over him while he's working, and accosting him as he's walking out of the bathroom," I said.

"So? He's a movie star. That's his job."

"Whatever. CeeCee, this is my little brother, Jonny, and his friend, Gareth. Guys, this is CeeCee. We worked together on DC," I said.

"I don't remember seeing you on it," Jonny said.

"I was in almost every scene," CeeCee smirked.

"Yep. Just out of camera range," I added.

"Thank god!" CeeCee laughed.

"I agree," I smirked, and then got punched in the arm.


"Ow. Quit it."

"Can we go now?" Jonny asked.

"Yea. So should I expect you on Wednesday?" I said to CeeCee.

"If I can find two other people to drag along."

"Alright. If I'm not in the theater when you get there, I'll probably be in the coffee house across the street. See you then."

"Later, man."

We picked up our pay and headed home.

"Let's do it again tomorrow," Jonny said as we were riding the train back. "Maybe we can try to talk to Devon again."

"You can't," I said.

"Why not?" Gareth asked.

"Weren't you paying attention? They want different people there tomorrow. Not the same group. It would look weird."

"Oh. Maybe we can find another one," Jonny said.

"Yea. There were a whole bunch in that paper," Gareth added.

"Pick one that doesn't have an early call, or I'm not doing it," I said.

"Okay. You introduced me as your little brother to that girl."

"Yea. Is that okay? It was just easier than explaining everything."

"Yea. It's fine. I just noticed it. That's all," Jonny smiled.

We got to the station and got out to change trains.

"We should get Gareth a swimming suit while we're out," Jonny said.

"Yea, okay," I sighed and started for the exit.

"We're gonna get you a really skimpy Speedo," Jonny teased Gareth.

"Not hardly," Gareth huffed. "Unless you get one the same," he added a second later with a sly grin.

"Yea, okay. Skimpy Speedos are out," Jonny sighed.

Gareth laughed. "I knew that'd work."

"Just for that..." Jonny smiled and held Gareth's hand as we walked up the steps out of the subway.

"Damn faggots," some middle-aged guy in a suit mumbled as he pushed past Jonny and Gareth.

"Damn right! And proud of it!" Jonny turned and yelled back at him.

The guy stopped and turned around. "You're gonna burn in hell."

I grabbed Jonny and pushed him and Gareth up the steps before he could say anything. "Leave the bitter old bigot alone, guys," I said loud enough that the guy could easily hear me.

The guy stood there screaming obscenities at us as we emerged onto the street.

"That was fun," Jonny smiled.

"What a wanker," Gareth laughed.

"Yea, he was, but you need to be careful. He could have been a wanker with a gun," I said.

"There were lots of people around. He wouldn't dare," Jonny said.

"Don't be so sure. I don't want to be in that situation."

"So are you saying we should just ignore people like that?" Gareth asked.

"If you can. It's more important to pick your battles carefully. If there's a chance of being attacked, it's best to remove yourself from the situation. Remember that bigots like that don't even consider gays to be human. If given the chance, I'm sure he'd kill us all with as little concern as if he were stepping on a roach."

"But then he'd go to jail," Gareth said.

"And probably be out in six months, and you'd still be dead," I said seriously.

"So you think it's better to live in fear than to stand up for yourself?" Jonny challenged.

"I don't live in fear. I'm just pragmatic about it. You could have talked to that guy all year and the only thing you'd accomplish is making him angrier. If you ignore him, he'll grumble and forget about you. Just another faggot he saw in the subway. Beyond that, that guy means nothing to me. As soon as I allow what he says to bother me, he has power over me. I won't give him the satisfaction."

"Yea, but how can you just ignore him?" Gareth asked.

I shrugged. "Just do. Learned, I guess. What those people say means as little to me as some five year old calling me a poopy-head," I smiled.

Jonny and Gareth laughed.

"Now forget about the bigot and let's get Gareth a Speedo," I said.

"I'm not going to wear a Speedo," Gareth protested.

"You can't skinny-dip in this pool," I countered.

"Let's go in J.Crew. They're having a sale," Jonny said and pulled Gareth towards the door.

"Where does that boat go to?" Jonny asked as we were looking out over the bay. "It went right past the Statue of Liberty."

"I think that's the Staten Island Ferry," I answered.

"Can anyone ride it?"

"Anyone who pays."

"Is it expensive?"

"I don't think so. It's been a few years since I've been on it."

"Why'd you ride it? Is there anything cool on Staten Island?"

"Not that I know of. Just took it there and back for the view."

"Let's go do it," Gareth said.

"Definitely. Where is the station or dock or whatever?" Jonny said.

"If we do, we go home afterwards. Deal?" I said.

"Can we get some movies on the way back?"


"Okay. Deal."

"Good. Let's go."

Of course, we didn't go home right after the ferry ride. We were near shops, so we HAD to go in them and check things out. They'd wander into a store and I'd turn to see them walking in.

It was six before we finally got home. I was dead. I walked into my room and dropped onto the bed. Michael was doing homework.

"Tired?" Michael teased.

I wrapped my arm around his waist and snuggled up tight.

"I hate early mornings," I grumbled.

"Yep. Thanks for not waking me this morning."

"I thought about it. It wasn't worth the effort. I wouldn't have got up if Jonny hadn't jumped on me."

"Was his coffee strong enough?" Michael chuckled.

"Very. Why?"

"'Cause when I went to make some when I got up, the filter basket was almost filled to the top."

"Tasted like it."

"So how was the shoot? I assume you got in," Michael asked as he rubbed my back.

"Boring. Sat in a cafŽ all morning."

"Who's in it?"

"The only person I recognized was Devon Sawa. Oh, CeeCee is working it."

"The other gaffer from DC?"

"Yea. She's probably going to come see the show on Wednesday. I told her she had to bring two paying people if she wanted a comp."

"That should placate Alex."

"Yea. I'm gonna take a nap. Wake me in an hour?"


I almost immediately fell asleep, cuddled around Michael's legs with him gently rubbing my back. I dreamed I was being dragged around by a two-headed dog while movie cameras hovered above to film it.

"Jonah. Wake up," Michael called as he rubbed my back.

"Sleep," I groaned.

"Nope. Come on. You need to get up or you'll wake up too early. Did you guys eat while you were out?"

"No. Not since this morning."

"Wanna just order a pizza?"

"Yea, okay." I stretched and sat up.

"So what'd you the rest of the day?"

"We took a ride on the Staten Island Ferry, and then the kids dragged me in and out of stores."

Michael chuckled. "So they both have the gay shopping gene, huh?"

"In abundance. Michelle would have a ball with them. Anything in particular you want for the pizza?"

"Whatever is fine."

"Okay. I'm gonna go order it," I said and rolled out of bed. When I got to the living room, Jonny was holding Gareth in his arms on the sofa, sound asleep, with one of the movies we'd gotten playing. I straddled them and sat down on Gareth's belly, before shaking Jonny's shoulders.

"What?" Jonny groaned without opening his eyes.

"Go 'way," Gareth grumbled and tried to roll over.

"Wake up. Wake up. Wake up," I repeated.

"Why?" Jonny mumbled and opened his eyes.

"Revenge. I'm gonna order some pizza. Nap time is over."

"You're squishing me," Jonny said.

"Get off me," Gareth groaned and pushed at me.

I reached down and tickled Jonny's sides. He jerked, throwing me off and onto the floor on my back. Gareth followed and landed on me, his head just missing mine and landing on my chest. Before we could move, Jonny dropped down and sat on Gareth's back.

"What are you gonna do now? Huh?" Jonny said as he leaned over Gareth and grinned in my face.

"Think you have me, huh? All I have to do is raise my legs and Gareth will be singing soprano."

Gareth quickly pulled his legs tight together against mine so I couldn't. When he did, I noticed his erection against my thigh.

"Nice try, but I know you wouldn't do anything like that," Jonny smirked and bounced back on Gareth's butt, pushing him against my crotch.

"Let me up," Gareth protested.

"No. Then he'll get away," Jonny said and bounced again.

"I said, let me up," Gareth repeated.

"I'd do as he says," I suggested.

"Why? This getting you excited?" Jonny teased and bounced again.

"No, but it's getting Gareth excited."

"Damn it. Let me up," Gareth yelled and jerked hard, throwing Jonny off. He immediately got off me and stood up. "Asshole," he said to Jonny and stomped off to the bathroom.

"What? I was just playing." Jonny said, confused, to me.

"Yea, but think how Gareth feels. He hardly knows me and you kept bouncing his erection into my thigh. He's probably embarrassed as hell."

"I didn't mean anything by it. It was just playing. I didn't know he was boned up."

"You'd better go apologize," I said and sat up.

+++ Jonny +++

"You'd better go apologize," Jonah said.

I didn't mean to make Gareth feel weird. I didn't even know he was boned up. I mean, after he said he got soft when Jonah walked in on us yesterday, I didn't think he was attracted to him. Fuck.

"Go on," Jonah prodded.

"Yea, I'm going," I said and went to the bathroom. I knocked softly. "Gareth?"

"What?" Gareth snapped.

"Can I come in?"


"Can I come in?" I repeated.

"It's open," Gareth said after a moment.

I stepped in and closed the door behind me. "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you. I guess I wasn't thinking," I said.

"Yea, I guess you weren't," Gareth said sarcastically. "I'm not embarrassed, I'm fucking mortified. Maybe it's nothing for you to be forced to hump the leg of some guy you hardly know, but it is for me. I told you to let me up and you just kept bouncing."

"God. I said I'm sorry. What more do you want? How was I supposed to know you were all boned up?"

"I want to go back to the hotel."


"I said I want to go back to the hotel."

"But... Why?"

"Because I'm fuckin' mortified! How the hell can I even face Jonah again?!"

"Fine. I'll have Jonah call you a cab to take your pussy ass back to the hotel," I said and stormed out.

"That's not the reaction I was hoping for," Jonah said as I dropped down on the sofa.

I was pissed, and hurt, and confused. What's the big deal?

"He's still pissed at me and wants to go back to the hotel. Says he can't even face you again," I huffed.


Jonny flopped down on the sofa next to me and crossed his arms, obviously pissed off.

"He's still pissed at me and wants to go back to the hotel. Says he can't even face you again," Jonny huffed.

"Is that what you want?"

"Right now? Yes. What's the big deal? So he had a bone and you felt it."

"You're not being very understanding."

"Who cares? He wants to go now. I'm gonna go sit on the fire escape. Let me know when he's gone," Jonny said and stormed off to the kitchen.

I sighed and went to the bathroom.

"Gareth?" I called and knocked on the door.

"Is the cab here?" Gareth asked as he opened the door, looking at his feet.

"No. I haven't called it yet. Can we talk?"

"Um, okay."

"Come on out in the living room and have a seat," I said and went to take a seat.

Gareth cautiously sat in a chair and looked at the ground. "Yea?"

"I'm not offended or anything that you had an erection. I understand you're embarrassed about it, but try not to let it bother you 'cause it doesn't bother me."

"Yea, okay. Can you call a cab now?"

"I'm also sorry that I mentioned it and embarrassed you more. You're an only child, aren't you?"

"Yea. Why?"

"'Cause you don't take teasing well."

"I can handle being teased," Gareth protested.

"Then get over it and take it for what it was: play that became a little uncomfortable. If you want to go back to the hotel, I'll take you back."


"But, I think you should reconsider. You're only in town for a short time. You two are wasting time by fighting over stupid shit."

"I know, but he didn't even listen to me when I told him to get off me."

"Yea. And? Is that a reason to go back to the hotel? Especially when you know that you'll just fume over it. At least here you can fight face to face, if that's really what you want to do."

Gareth was quietly in thought. "Now I see why Jonny loves you," he said after a few minutes.

"Why's that?"

"'Cause you're understanding and care about him."

"Hey, mates," Charlie said wearily as he walked in.

"So?" I asked.

"It went okay. They haven't made any decisions, yet."

"What was your audition for?" Gareth asked.

"A sitcom."

"So you're gonna be on tele every week?"

"If I get the job."

"What's the show about? Is it a new one? Who do you play?"

"It's new. I'll tell you the rest if I get the role. Night," Charlie said and went straight to his room.

"So do you still want to go back to the hotel?" I asked.

"Um, not yet. I guess I should talk with Jonny. Where'd he go?"

"Fire escape."

"Um, okay," Gareth said and started for the kitchen.

"Don't throw each other off," I only partially joked.

The pizza arrived about a half-hour later. I let Michael know and went to get drinks and let the kids know the pizza was here. They were kissing.

"Pizza's here, guys."

Jonny waved his hand for me to go away, without breaking the kiss. I got the drinks and joined Michael in the living room.

"They coming in?"

"Eventually. They're making up right now."

"Why? Were they fighting?"

"Yea. I'm surprised you didn't hear the door slams and yelling."

"I heard them. Just didn't pay any attention. What were they fighting about?"

"Stupid shit."

"Of course."

We were done eating and Michael had gone back to working on his paper by the time Jonny and Gareth came in.

"Still want to go back?" I asked Gareth.

"No. We're done fighting."

"You two fight with your tongues, huh?" I laughed.

"That was the making up," Jonny countered with a smug grin.

They finished off the pizza and were watching movies when I went to bed.

"Guess who's going to be on TRL tomorrow, Jonny?" Danny asked with a grin and poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Are you gonna get us in?" Jonny countered.

"If you ask nicely."

"Okay. Who?"


"Oh. That's it?" Jonny said a little disappointed.

"Huh? You're a huge fan of 'NSYNC. How can you not be a fan of BSB?" Danny questioned.

"They're okay, but they're really old. The cute one is Nick, but he was fat in the last few videos I've seen him in."

"He's really not that fat. Just a big boy," Danny chuckled.

"Okay. You wanna go see Backstreet Boys on TRL tomorrow?" Jonny asked Gareth, who was playing Snood on Michael's iBook.

"What?" Gareth asked and looked up from the screen.

"You wanna go see Backstreet Boys on TRL tomorrow?"

"Yea. Should be fun," Gareth smiled and went back to his game.

"Can you get us in? Please?" Jonny said to Danny.

"Yea, though you're not very excited," Danny teased.

"I've hung out with 'NSYNC. Why would I get excited about just seeing BSB?" Jonny countered with a smirk.

"You got me there," Danny laughed. "Be at my office by two if you want to get in."

"Jonah?" Jonny asked.

"No, I don't want to see Backstreet."

"I guessed. Will you take us there?"

"Yea. I've got a meeting so I have to be up there, anyway."

"As long as it's not an inconvenience," Jonny smirked.

"I'll survive. It's not like I'm being dragged out of bed at 4AM."

"I didn't drag you out of bed. I smashed you into it," Jonny countered. "Anyway, let's go swimming today. It's already hot out."

Charlie stumbled in and went straight for the coffee. "Mornin'."

"How'd the audition go?" Danny asked.

"I think it went well. Who knows? I'm not gonna get my heart set on it."

"Positive attitude," I teased.

"If you were an actor you'd realize that directors, casting directors and producers sometimes like to jerk you around for a while before they give you an idea," Charlie shot back.

"Voice of experience?" Danny asked.

"Yea. I've had my time wasted by the best," Charlie smirked.

"You going swimming with us today?" I asked Charlie.


"You about done with homework?" I asked Michael as I straddled his legs.

"Yea. I'm about dead, anyway. I got another film today. Well, a short film."

"I didn't know you had an audition."

"Sorry. Just forgot to tell you.

"That's okay. So you got another film. That's great. Who and when?"

"Faye Dunaway is directing. It's an adaptation of Tennessee Williams' 'Yellow Bird.'"

"I didn't know she directed."

"First time. She's gonna shoot it on digital. Short film. Quick production."


"Last two weeks of August."

"She knows you're still doing 'Jack Shine,' right?"

"Yea. I'm gonna be busier than I am now," Michael smiled and groaned.

"There goes our free time," I said and tried to make it sound humorous, though I was a bit disappointed.

"It's Faye Dunaway. I couldn't pass it up. We'll still have time. Finals are in two weeks and then I'm done with classes. We'll have two weeks."

"I know. I'm not upset. Just a little disappointed. I got spoiled with having you all to myself."

"I know. We'll have time. I don't know when, but I can't work all the time, and you can't either."

"Since you're done early, we do have time to do something," I smiled and leaned over to kiss him.

"Not tonight. I'm dead," Michael said after we broke the kiss.

"Then just relax and let me do everything," I tried.

"Jonah. Please."

"Fine," I said a bit pissed and got off him.

"Jonah. I'm just really tired."

"I understand."

"Yea, I know. But you're still not happy."


"We can still snuggle," Michael said and gave me his puppy dog look.

"Yea. I know. I'm just being a twat," I sighed.

"No you're not. You're being my horny boyfriend. You know how exhausting auditions are. If I wasn't so tired, I'd jump you right now. Get you're clothes off and come here," Michael said and started pulling off his clothes.

I got undressed and got in bed. Michael pushed me over on my back and straddled me, lying with his head on my chest and his arms holding me tight.

"I love you, Jonah," Michael said softly and kissed my nipple.

"I love you, too," I said and wrapped my arms around him as I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

"Have fun, guys. I'll pick you up after the show," I said.

"Sure you don't wanna come see BSB?" Jonny teased.

"Unfortunately I have that damn meeting," I sighed dramatically. "But tell everyone I said 'hi.'"

"You don't know them as well, do you?" Gareth asked.

"Not really. Just dinner with Kevin, Josh and Nick, and then out clubbing with Nick. I haven't met the rest of them. Well, Brian to the point of saying hi, but that's about it. And yes, Brian and Kevin are gay," I smirked.

"Duh. Like the whole world doesn't know that already," Jonny said and rolled his eyes.

"So go watch your boys. I'll meet you at Danny's office afterwards. I've gotta go. Later," I said and left for my meeting.

I waved past security and headed up to Danny's office. He was having a meeting so I stayed out and leaned against the wall. TRL was just about over. I was thinking about how to get the look the director wanted when I heard someone call my name.


I looked up to see BSB coming down the hall. Nick was calling my name and waving. Too late to disappear now.

"Hey guys," I smiled as they got to me. "Nice to see you again."

"How are you doin', Jonah?" Kevin asked.

"Pretty good. How about you?"

"Same as ever and getting better. I don't think you've met the rest of the guys. This is AJ, and Howie."

We shook hands and made polite conversation. I mentioned the play. They all left after a few minutes. Except Nick, of course. I could feel that he was gonna suggest going out.

"So is that show you directed any good?" Nick asked.

"Isn't that a stupid question to ask the director?" I smirked.

"Before it opens, but not after. Are you happy with it?"

"Yea, I'm happy with it. There're always things that could have been handled better, hindsight being what it is."

"Hey," Jonny said as he and Gareth walked up to us.

"Hey. Nick, this Jonny and Gareth. Jonny is staying with me over the summer," I said.

"Hi guys," Nick said and flashed his performing smile as he reached out to shake their hands. "So what are you up to tonight?" Nick asked as he turned back to me.

"Taking Jonny and Gareth to see the play."

"It's really cool. You should come see it with us," Jonny said.

I shot him a dirty look.

"Cool. Where's it playing?" Nick asked me.

Danny's door opened and I took my opening. "Damn it, Nick. I told you I'm not going to sleep with you. Just accept it and move on," I said loudly as Brian McFayden walked out.

"You have something you want to tell me, Nick?" Brian smirked.

"Fuck both of you. And for the record, I wouldn't fuck you with Brian's dick," Nick smirked at me.

"Ah, so that's where my dick went," Brian laughed.

"You really shouldn't be leaving it out when Nick's around," I added.

"I know. I know," Brian laughed, shaking his head as he walked away.

"What was that all..." Nick started.

"Oh shit! It's Nick Carter. Quick. Shut the door," Danny yelled.

"I'm getting from everyone today," Nick sighed.

"You get left behind?" Danny asked Nick as he came out into the hall.

"Yea. I told them to go ahead. I was hoping to find something to do tonight. Hint. Hint," Nick said.

"Good luck," I smiled and started to walk away.

"Aw come on, Jonah. I took you out clubbing when you were in Cincinnati," Nick whined.

"Lance did."

"Well I was there, and I showed him where the club was."

"We're going to see the play. What more do you want?"

"That's good for a start. You coming, Danny?" Nick smiled.

"I've already seen it, and I have to work."

"Truly, or are you still freaked out 'cause I babbled on about 'Real World' the last time we met?"


"Okay. Sorry if I freaked you out then. I tend to ramble on sometimes."

"You don't say?" I teased.

"I think I'd like it better if you at least pretended to be intimidated by being in the presence of my greatness," Nick grinned at me.

"Sorry. I'm not an actor," I shot back.

"Besides. We've been hanging out with 'NSYNC, so, you know...after them, you're kinda...I don't know...average," Jonny teased.

"What horrible ideas have you been filling these kids' heads with?" Nick said in shock and looked between Danny and me before laughing.

"They're smart kids. I haven't said anything," I said.

"Yea, okay. I've had my daily dose of ego deflating banter. What's up now? When's the show start?"

"Show starts at eight. We were just going to have dinner and bum around until then," I said.

"Sounds good. Where we going for dinner?"

"Does anyone remember inviting Nick to dinner?" I said.

"I'm paying."

"In that case, let's go," I smiled. "Later, Danny."

"Have fun," Danny laughed and went back into his office.

"So where does everyone want to eat?" Nick asked as we walked down the hall.

I looked to Jonny and Gareth.

"Hard Rock?" Gareth said.

"He speaks!" Nick screamed. "With an English accent, no less."

"You're the one with the accent," Gareth countered.

"You would be correct if we were in England. We are in the US, however, so you have the accent," Nick smirked. "So Hard Rock good with everyone?"

"If you're paying, I think we should go someplace like Tavern on the Green," I teased.

"What's that like?" Jonny asked.

"An expensive, snooty place with snooty food," Nick said.

"Is it?" Jonny asked me for verification.

"I've never been there, but it has a reputation for being exactly what Nick said."

"I vote Hard Rock, then," Jonny said.

"Sorry. You're outnumbered," Nick smirked at me. "Hard Rock it is."

"Okay. Give me a sec to call Michael," I said and pulled out my phone.

"Your man?" Nick questioned.

I nodded as I waited for Michael to answer.

"Hey, babe," Michael said.

"Hey. We're gonna eat at Hard Rock. Want us to wait for you here, or just meet you there?"

"We'll meet you there. Charlie's workshop is just about over and we'll head up after that."

"Okay. Love you. Bye."

"Love you," Michael said and hung up.

"You're still with Michael?" Nick asked.

"Yea, of course."

"Hmm. I was hoping to get you for myself. I'm not sure if I feel like going anymore," Nick grinned.

"Humping my leg at the club was a close as you're ever gonna get, so get over it and move on," I laughed.

"Give me some time," Nick said with a fake sob. After a few seconds he said, "Okay. I'm over you. Let's go eat."

"I'm glad to see you're still a dork, Nick," I laughed.

"Don't knock the dorkiness, it's part of my charm," Nick smiled.

We walked uptown to Hard Rock and got a table.

"Damn it, Jonah. How many times have you been warned not to talk to boy-bands? Look what happened the last time," Michael teased as he walked up to us a few minutes after we arrived.

"I tried to ditch him, but he's faster than he looks," I said.

"Hey, Nick. I'm Michael," Michael said and shook Nick's hand.

"Nice meetin' ya, man. Whatever Jonah told you about me is a lie," Nick said.

"Oh. He said you were a really nice guy who is hung like a horse," Michael said seriously and sat down before shooting Nick a grin.

"He got you," Gareth laughed at Nick.

"I gotta stop setting myself up," Nick laughed after a few seconds of shock.

"Where's Charlie?" Jonny asked.

"Right here. Had to use the bathroom," Charlie said and sat down.

"Charlie, this is Nick. He followed us and offered to pay," I said.

"Hey, mate," Charlie said and shook Nick's hand.

"Hey. Weren't you in 'Queer as Folk?'"

"Yea, and no, I'm not going to shag you."

"Get that a lot, huh? I was hoping to bear your children," Nick smirked.

"Really? Have you given serious thought to how children are born? You're gonna be hurtin'," Charlie countered with a grin.

"Thank you for the wonderful image of my penis being ripped apart," Nick cringed, as did the rest of us.

"Stop. Both of you," I said.

"Absolutely. No more talk about favorite body parts being ripped apart," Michael added.

Fortunately, our waiter picked that moment to show up before either of them could continue the banter.

"So where do you fit into all this? Which one of the boys are you dating?" Nick asked Charlie.

"I'm not dating any of them. Which one are you hoping to date?" Charlie shot back.

"Well, Jonah's already told me no," Nick laughed. "But, sadly for you, I'm straight."

"Now why do you assume I'm queer?"

"I think the reasons are obvious."

"That doesn't appear to be working out very well for you. You may want to reconsider."


"Thinking," Charlie grinned. "And, though it's none of your business, I'm not queer."

Jonny gave him a confused look, but said nothing.

"Also, if those obvious reasons of yours include having queer friends, then I think you've implicated yourself," Charlie continued.

"I haven't done a gay sex scene," Nick smiled.

"Okay. So I have and that makes me gay. Right?"


"Okay. You sing love songs to little girls, so by your reasoning -- as feeble as it is -- that makes you a pedophile," Charlie grinned.

"Okay. I surrender. You're as straight as I am," Nick laughed.

Michael, Charlie and I laughed at Nick's unwitting outing.

"But I'm not a pedophile," Charlie continued.

"I'm as much a pedophile as you are gay," Nick countered.

We laughed again.

"You may as well give up now, Nick. You're just digging yourself deeper," I said.

"As usual. Our food's here, anyway," Nick shrugged.

The banter over dinner steered clear of sexual orientations and preferences. I almost left Nick there, though, when he jumped up to dance to "YMCA" with the waiters. Even Jonny and Gareth sunk lower in their seats and tried to disappear.

"I've always wanted to do that," Nick smiled as he sat back down and started eating again.

We all looked at him a burst out laughing.

"What?" Nick questioned.

"That was, without a doubt, the queeniest I've ever seen a sober straight man," I said with a forced straight face.

"The waiters were doing it," Nick shrugged.

"They're getting paid," Michael stated.

"Then I guess I'm just a big queen at heart," Nick grinned.

We finished dinner and headed for the theater.

"Hey, Alex. We're gonna see the show tonight," I said as I walked into the box office.

"That should be fine. Two?"

"Three," I said and pointed to Jonny and Gareth. "And possibly one more."

"You know we can't make any money if you keep comp'ing people in."

"Yea, but I also know it's a Wednesday and all the seats won't be filled. We both know that paying seats take precedence over comps. Anyway, the possible third one is conditional. I told her I'd comp. her in if she brought at least two paying."

"Much better," Alex smiled.

"Oh, and I brought one other paying," I said and pointed to Nick.

"You'd actually make me pay?" Nick said.

"What? You can afford $20. Besides, you heard how touchy Alex is getting about comps."

"Fine. You're buying my first couple drinks tonight," Nick said and handed Alex the money.

"I'm the poor university student. You're the wealthy pop star. How fair is that?" I smirked.

"Oh, I see. Using me for my money," Nick shot back.

"You begged me for something to do tonight, and you volunteered to pay for dinner. I haven't asked you for a single cent," I countered.

"He got you again," Gareth smiled.

"I really gotta stop setting myself up," Nick groaned and took his ticket.

"What's the name for the other comp.?" Alex asked.

"CeeCee... I don't remember her last name. She's about 5'-6", brown hair with streaks of purple and has a rose tattoo on her breast. You can't miss her. Just remember that she's supposed to bring two paying or she has to pay."

"Just how do you know she has a rose tattoo on her breast?" Nick questioned with a raised eye brow.

"If she shows up, you'll see. She's very well endowed," I smiled, "and usually wears halter tops."

"Can we go over to Beowulf now?" Jonny said.

"Yea. Let's go."

We went across the street and got a table. I bought Nick and myself an Irish coffee. Jonny and Gareth both had double-cappuccinos. Gareth also called his dad. Around 7:15 I noticed CeeCee walk in with a group of people. I waved her over.

"Hey. I see you made it," I said.

"And I think I brought more than two people, as well," she smiled.

"Great. How many did you bring? Did you get your tickets already?"

"We got 'em. I suckered ten people to come. It better be good."

"It is," Jonny said.

"Well, don't make everyone stand over in the entrance. Come on over and get a table. Oh, this is Nick," I said as Nick turned around.

"Hi, CeeCee," Nick smiled and extended his hand.

CeeCee suppressed a squeal and froze. I burst out laughing.

"Oh my god! Tell me it ain't so, CeeCee," I laughed.

She shot me a nasty look. "Shut up, you. Very nice to meet you, Nick," she said a shook Nick's hand.

I waved for everyone else to come over. CeeCee went to take a seat and Nick shot me a look and rolled his eyes. I just laughed. I never would have figured CeeCee for a boy-band fan. The rest of the people came over. I was surprised to see that Devon was one of them. CeeCee made introductions and the waitress took their orders. Devon, apparently, didn't even remember Jonny and Gareth from Monday. He was polite and friendly now. We made small talk until ten 'till curtain, and then went over to the theater.

The show went well, but I could tell they'd been off for five days. I don't think anyone in the audience noticed. Afterwards, Nick suggested everyone go out -- eventually deciding on going to a diner. CeeCee and her group headed off while we waited for Michael and Charlie to change.

"Good show, guys," Nick said as they walked up to us.

"Thanks," Michael said sleepily.

"I can tell Justin did the choreography," Nick continued.

"You up to going out to a diner for a while?" I asked Michael.

"No. I'm dead and I still have to study for a test tomorrow."

"Okay. Let's go home."

"You can go. I'm just going to be studying."


"Yea, of course. Go."

"Okay. Love you," I said and gave him a kiss.

"Love you, too."

"I love you, man," Nick said ‡ la the beer commercial.

"Love me from a distance, man," Michael smirked.

"You coming with us, Charlie?" I asked.

"Yea, for a little while."

We walked Michael to the train station and then headed over to the diner. We had a large booth and two tables pushed together. It was great fun. Between Charlie, Nick and Devon -- all who were used to being the center of attention -- the banter never stopped. Everyone started to leave around 3AM.

"You'd better call a cab, Nick," I said. "You'll never be able to flag one down at this time."

"Why? We've got a limo on call," he smiled and pulled out his cell.

"Alright. We'll catch you later, then," I said and stood up.

"Don't take the train. I'll just give you guys a ride," Nick said.

"Yea," Jonny and Gareth said excitedly.

"Okay. You talked me into it," I said and dropped back down into the seat.

"Where are we at?" Nick asked.

I took the phone and gave directions to the limo driver. Ten minutes later it pulled up. We got in and I gave the driver directions to my apartment. Jonny and Gareth checked everything out in the limo before opening the sun roof and standing up.

"I did the same thing the first time I was in a limo," Nick chuckled.

"I got laid the first time I was in a limo," Charlie said casually.

"Of course," I said.

"I was only ten the first time I was in a limo," Nick justified.

"I was fifteen. First time. I shot almost instantly," Charlie laughed.

"I hope you've gained better control since then," Nick teased.

"Why? I'm still not going to shag you," Charlie smirked.

"I was thinking of the happiness of your partner, not my own," Nick countered.

"From what I've heard, I don't think that's been a problem," I laughed.

"What have you heard?" Nick asked.

"Oh, Oh, Uh," I groaned and moaned.

Charlie started laughing and kicked at me to stop. Nick was rolling.

"What are you guys doing down here?" Jonny asked as he stuck his head back in.

"Never you mind. Go back upstairs," Charlie said.

Jonny stuck his tongue out at him and stood back up.

"We were never that bad," Charlie said, continuing on my mocking.

"Wanna bet? Shall we ask Jonny?"


"Thought so," I laughed.

"It can't be any worse than Brian and David. Everyone knows when they're doin' it. I'm surprised you haven't heard it before," Nick laughed.

"The sound was probably masked by someone else," I hinted.

"Piss off," Charlie laughed.

"We're home," Jonny said as he pulled back in.

"Alright. Thanks for the ride, Nick," I said.

"Yea, thanks. It was great," Jonny said.

"Yea, it was fun," Gareth added.

The driver opened the door and Charlie got out first.

"Nice to meet you, Nick. See you later, maybe," Charlie said.

"You, too. Later. Thanks for saving me from a boring night in the hotel," Nick said to me as I was about to step out.

"No prob. Look me up next time you're in the city."


"Sure. Just don't tell anyone you know me," I smirked.

"Yea. I'll tell everyone I know that you are my biggest fan," Nick laughed.

"And anyone who knows me will know that I'd rather jab forks in my ears than listen to boy-band pop. They'll know you're lying."

"No one takes me seriously, anyway," Nick shrugged.

"Probably 'cause you're never serious."

"That could be it," Nick smiled.

"You can visit me in Chicago when you're there," Jonny said to Nick.

"Or me if you're ever in Bristol," Gareth said.

"Maybe, guys," Nick chuckled. "Now get out so I can go get some sleep."

They got out and started up the steps.

"See you later, Nick," I said and followed them up.

"Do you think he would actually hang out with me in Chicago?" Jonny asked me as we got into the apartment.



"The last time I saw him he had tons of kids around him all the time. I think he gets desperate for company his own age."

"But he hung out with us tonight," Gareth countered.

"Whatever. I'm tired, guys. Night." I cleaned up and went to bed. Michael, as usual, was sleeping with his book on his chest. I put it away, helped him get undressed and snuggled him as I fell asleep.

Michael was gone when I woke up at 10:30. I'll be glad when his classes are over so we can spend some time together before I start classes again and he starts production. I was lying in bed thinking when Jonny knocked on the door and poked his head in.

"You awake?" He asked.

"Yea. What's up?"

"Can we talk?"

"Sure," I said and patted the bed for him to come sit down next to me.

Jonny came in, closed the door, and then sat down on the bed. He looked away for a few seconds and then looked directly at me. "Are you mad at me for something?"

"No. Why?"

"Are you sick of having me around?"

"Not at all. What brings this up?" I said and sat up.

"Just 'cause you've been kinda short with me the past couple days. Like I'm annoying you or something."

I tried to think of what I may have said that upset him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be. What did I say?"

"It's not any one thing. You've just been kinda...bitchy..."

"Sorry. I'll try to watch the bitchiness."

"You don't have to censor yourself. I just wanted to know if I've done anything to piss you off."

"I don't think so... It's weird having you here, you know."

"Why weird?"

"Well...before you were like a little brother. You know, the little brother of one of my best friends. Especially after the accident. But after I came out all that was cut off. Now you reappear in my life as a little brother again. I do enjoy having you around. I don't know. Maybe I'm just not used to having to be responsible for someone else."

"You're not responsible for everything I do. I am my own person. I'm almost 16. In two more years I'll be out on my own," Jonny said.

"That's another thing that makes it weird. I missed a whole section of your life. I wouldn't have even thought about it if you hadn't come back into my life, but you did. Now I notice this huge hole. I am responsible for you, though. Your mom trusted me to take care of you. I don't know if you can understand that, but it's really big -- to trust someone else to take care of your child."

"I think I understand. You feel like you're under a lot of pressure to be perfect and protect me."

"Yea, I guess."

"You don't have to be perfect. I love you anyway. You and Joey are like the big brothers I wanted to have, instead of the one I did have. You, even more, 'cause you're gay and know what it feels like. Like sometimes it feels like the entire world is against you."

"Yea. Sometimes I think it is."

We got quiet for a minute.

"So do you really not like Nick?" Jonny asked with a grin.

I shrugged. "He's okay. I don't hate him. I barely know him other than the two times we've met. I think he's just too much in your face, so I keep pushing him back. If I had to be around him all the time, I think I'd get sick of him. I don't know."

"Okay. It's funny that you can have someone famous want to be your friend and you could care less."

I started to speak, but was interrupted.

"Yes, I know that just 'cause they're famous doesn't mean they're a good person," Jonny said and rolled his eyes.

"Okay. I think Nick's a good person. I just don't know him very well. And as for the banter... I don't know. Nick started that from the minute I met him."

"So he likes to be made fun of?"

"With good humor, I think. Probably not maliciously. Where's Gareth?"

"Talking with his dad."

"Everything happy there?"

"Between us?"

I nodded.

"Yea. It's really good. It's gonna so totally suck when he has to go home."

"Yea. I don't envy you that at all."

"Why would you envy me anything?"


"Why would you envy anything about me? You've got a perfect life," Jonny repeated.

"I don't have a perfect life."

"Very close. You've got Michael and..."

"And hardly get any time alone with him," I interrupted.

"That's probably why you've been bitchy. You miss your man," Jonny smiled.

"You're probably right."

"Besides that you have a perfect life."

"Not hardly. I've got my soul mate and good friends. That part is pretty perfect right now. Everything else is up in the air."

"Like what?"

"Like where or if I go to graduate school. Where I'm gonna work. What I'm even gonna work in. I still haven't decided between design and directing."

"Just do both."

"I plan to as much as I can, but at some point I have to focus. Also, how long a career will Michael have and will our work have us always apart. We both have jobs that are temporary and never in the same place. How will we handle that over the years?"

"I think you're just worrying to worry."

"Maybe, but you've got nothing to worry about as well."

"Yea, right," Jonny huffed.

"What? You've already accepted your sexuality. You know you want to be a writer and write all the time. You're good looking and usually a nice and honest person. You're intelligent. Make friends easily. What more do you want?"

"How about my soul mate and a dad and brother who aren't homophobes."

"Can't have everything. You're soul mate will come. You're still..."

"Young. Yes, you keep telling me that," Jonny interrupted with an annoyed look.

"And you have more going for you than I did when I was 15. I came out and lost my two best friends, my boyfriend... I'd already lost my parents years before. I didn't know what I wanted to do the next week, much less for the rest of my life. It took a long time before I was willing to trust someone again."

"You lost your boyfriend? You had a boyfriend?"

"Yea. When I came out he freaked. He was, and probably still is, deep in the closet. He was pissed as hell at me for coming out. He broke it off and took to making snide comments to people about me in a effort to distance himself."

"That was shitty."

"Yea, I know. It's over and done with, though. Now I don't have any regrets, other than having dated him in the first place."

"Oh yea. Why did Charlie tell Nick he was straight?"

"He didn't. He just told him he wasn't gay."

"That's the same thing," Jonny smirked.

"Ever heard of bi?"

"Yea, but that's the same thing as gay."

"Not really. Anyway, it's Charlie's decision, not yours."

"I guess."

"Anything else?"

"Nope. Not right now. I'm sure I'll think of something later."

"I'm sure you will. What do you guys want to do today, besides swimming?"

"I don't know. What is there to do?"

"That's a touristy thing without doing touristy things that Roger is going to do with you guys next week? I don't know."

"What would you do if I weren't here?"

"Read. Go to a museum. See a play or a movie. Probably be working. Just the normal stuff you'd do at home. Maybe go listen to some bands at night."

"Then why don't we just do that?"

"We can do the museums. You guys can't get into the clubs to hear bands."

"Can we go to the Guggenheim?"

"We were just there last week."

"But Gareth hasn't seen it."

"Then you guys can go next week when you're with his dad."

"Yea, okay. Where else has cool stuff?"

"The Guggenheim doesn't always have cool stuff. It's pretty hit and miss."

"Whatever. Where else?"

"Let's go swimming, and then we can go to the New Museum. MoMA is free of Fridays, so we'll go there tomorrow."


"Museum of Modern Art. It's bigger, so it'll take longer."

"What about tonight?"

"You guys can watch movies and I can read."

"You're acting old again."

"Keep that up and you're gonna see me bitchy again. I like reading."

"I like reading, too, but it's summer."

"Then think of something to do, yourself."

"You're supposed to keep me entertained," Jonny smiled.

"I don't think so. I'm just supposed to give you a place to live and keep you safe. It would be much easier for me if that place was the hall closet," I smirked.

"No thanks. I'm already out of the closet. Now get up so we can go swimming."

"Fine. Go make some coffee."

"It's already made," Jonny smiled and sat there.

"Ah, so you're looking for a show?"

"Ew. No way. You're like my big brother. Ick," he smiled but didn't move.

"Yea, right. Get your ass out."

"Why? You're not embarrassed, are you?"

"No. I just didn't want to get you excited," I shot back.

"Please," Jonny huffed and rolled his eyes. "You're WAY too old for..."

He was interrupted when I grabbed him in a headlock and rolled him around so I was lying on top of him with the sheet still between us. We wrestled a bit before I got his arms pinned above his head and was sitting on his belly.

"You were saying, Smartass? I think it was something about being old..."

"Do you do this a lot? Get young boys in your bed?" Jonny smirked.

"Ah, so that's how you want to play it, huh?"

"You're the one with no clothes on and straddling me," he countered with a huge grin.

"Okay. Yes, I get them in my bed," I said and leaned over so my face was directly over his. "And after they leave it they look like this," I said and slowly let some spit dribble out of my mouth.

"Ahh! Gross! Gareth! Help!" Jonny yelled and tried to break free.

Gareth burst in and started laughing.

"Don't laugh. Help me!" Jonny yelled.

"Hmm. I don't know. It doesn't look like you need any help. He's already naked," Gareth teased.

"Get him off me, dorkus!"

"Don't do it, Gareth," I warned and let another drop of spit fall on Jonny.

Jonny bucked again and screamed. I bounced back down hard on his stomach and quickly got off him. He immediately grabbed the sheet and wiped the spit off his face and shot me a dirty look. I pulled on a pair of shorts and laughed.

"Oh yea. Ha. Ha. Ha," Jonny said sarcastically.

"Isn't that what you were looking for?" I teased.

"Oh yea. I wanted to be spit on," he huffed and got out of bed.

"Looks like it," Gareth laughed and pointed to Jonny's tented shorts.

I tried not to laugh, but it was no use. The picture was just too funny. Jonny trying to look pissed off when the front of his shorts were quite tented.

"Yea, like YOU can talk," Jonny countered to Gareth and adjusted himself as he quickly left the room. Gareth stopped laughing and followed him.

"Hey. It was way different when..." I heard Gareth say as they disappeared into the kitchen.

"What's the noise?" Charlie said as he appeared in the doorway in his boxers with a cup of coffee.

"I think we've created a monster," I smiled and went to the bathroom.

Comments welcome and encouraged. jm_stories@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 12

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