Just Together


Published on Feb 2, 2001


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It makes no claims to the true personality and sexuality of anyone involved. You already know if you shouldn't be reading this.

------------------ Just Together by jm_stories@yahoo.com ------------------

Chapter X Original post 2 Feb 2001 Revised 7 Feb 2002

"Oh shit," I said and reached for the phone.

"Who are you calling?" Michael asked.

"Michelle. She was going to come see the show this weekend."

"She's gonna kick your ass," Michael teased and went to the kitchen.

I dialed Michelle's number -- expecting, and hoping, to get the answering machine. I was surprised when a man answered the phone.

"Michelle's shack," the guy said.

"Uh, is Michelle there?"

"She's in class right now. Can I take a message?"

"Yea. Could you ask her to call Jonah as soon as she gets in?"

"Oh, hey Jonah. This is Kerr."

"Oh, hey. Sorry. I didn't recognize your voice."

"That's alright. So what's the emergency?"

"Not really an emergency, but a change of plans. I totally forgot that the show isn't running this weekend. The show it's running in rep with opens this weekend."

"Oh... We may be up anyway -- just to get away."

"So she roped you into driving, huh?"

"It was an easy rope. Spend the weekend in Wilmington, or New York City? Is there anything going on this weekend?"

"We're having a going away party for some friends on Saturday, but that's about it. Michael has a paper due, so he's not going to be going out."

"Is it a private party?"

"Yea, but you two are invited if you're gonna be here."

"Okay. I'll let Michelle know and we'll get back to you."

"Alright. Talk to you later."


I hung up the phone and went to find Michael.

"What'd she say?" Michael asked as I walked into the kitchen. He was chopping garlic.

"Kerr answered. He said he'd talk with her, but they'd probably be up anyway."


"Yep. What are you making for dinner?"

"Aglio e olio."

"Yum. Don't wimp out on the red pepper."

"Don't worry. It'll bite back," Michael smiled.


"Let's take a walk tonight."

"Anywhere in particular, or just a walk?"

"Just a walk. I actually have the time and energy to do it tonight."

"Okay. Good day in class?"

"It was class. Nothing exciting. What'd you do?"

"Went swimming with Charlie and Jonny this morning. We walked back."

"From the Village?"

"Yea. It wasn't too bad and Jonny wanted to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge for some reason."

"It's a tourist attraction."

"Yea. It's still just a bridge. Anyway, Charlie went to his Shakespeare workshop and I talked with Gareth's father for a few minutes."

"How'd that go?"

"Alright. I don't think there will be any problems. He, of course, wants to meet us first."

"Of course."

"Jonny's upset 'cause he didn't say 'yes' right away."

"He'll get over it. You think they're gonna be trying to sneak away for a little private time?"

"I don't know. I told Jonny they wouldn't be, and he said they weren't going to."

"Definitely, then," Michael laughed.

"Probably. I'm feeling all parental, though. Should we have the bees and bees talk with him?"

"Bees and bees?"

"Gay sex. If birds and bees are het-sex, then why not bees and bees?" I smiled.

"You need to start writing down some of these sayings of yours."

"Sure. Then in ten years I can release a book: 'Queer Quotes For All Occasions.'"

"See? There's another one," Michael teased.

"Stop it. So should we?"

"What do you mean 'we?' You're the parent here."

"Well, as my partner, you're like the wicked step-mother."

"What if I don't want to be the wicked step-mother?"

"Then what do you want to be?"

"How about...the sexy lover of the big brother?" Michael smiled.

"Okay. The big brother sex talk should be easier than the parent sex talk."

"I think you should try to get everyone in on it."

"Good idea, except we'd have to have it after midnight when everyone is ready to go to bed."

"Then it can be a demonstration as well."

"I don't think so," I said and wrapped my arms around him from behind, putting my hands just under the waist band of his shorts.

"I'm trying to cook here."

"So am I," I said softly and kissed the back of his neck, allowing my hands to tease down a little.

"I like the way you cook, but not while I'm cooking. I don't want Little Michael to get burned," Michael smiled and gave me a quick kiss as he pulled my hands out of his pants.

"Hot oil. Ouch," I said with a cringe.

"I agree. When's Charlie get back?"

I looked at the clock. "He should be back any time now. Why?"

"If he doesn't head to the theater first," Michael smiled. "Anyway, he can talk to Jonny with us."

Dinner was soon ready and we started eating. Charlie didn't show up until we were almost done.

"You twat! Why didn't you tell me we didn't have a show tonight?" Charlie yelled at Michael as he walked into the kitchen.

"It's on the schedule," Michael shrugged with a smile.

Charlie turned on me.

"I totally forgot about the other show. I didn't remember it until Michael told me when he got home," I said.

"At least dinner is ready," Charlie sighed and dropped down in the chair next to Jonny.

"So are you getting excited about Gareth coming?" Michael asked Jonny.


"Are you gonna sneak away during the party and have hot monkey sex?" Michael teased.

"No," Jonny blushed and looked away.

I poked Michael in the ribs.

"Why not?" Charlie asked.

"'Cause we're not. I don't know," Jonny said uncomfortably.

"Ah, so you just don't want to tell us about it," Charlie smiled and nodded as he ate.

"I don't kiss and tell, and anyway, we haven't even met each other in person yet."

"Do you know what to do? Not that you'd be doing anything," Michael asked.

"Yea. I know how it works. You can stop trying to embarrass me."

"We've already talked a little about this, and I'm not going to be Tommy about it. I just want you to know what you're getting yourself into if you do decide to do something, and to make sure you're safe," I said.

"You're gonna let us have sex?"

"I didn't say that. I'm not going to follow you around and watch you two like a hawk, either. It's your life and you can make the decision."

"We just want to make sure you're safe, and realize that you can only lose your virginity once. Is Gareth the person you want to lose your virginity to?" Michael said.

"Why are you guys acting like we're gonna jump each other's bones as soon as we see each other?"

"Think of it as a hypothetical situation, then," Charlie said, understanding what we were doing.

"Fine. IF I was going to have sex, Gareth is who I would want to do it with. I think. I mean, as far as I know him now, I do, but we haven't met each other in person yet, so I don't know for sure," Jonny said.

"Are you in love with him?" Michael asked.

"I love him. I don't know about in love. Maybe."

"Then don't do it," Charlie said.

"I said we're not going to. This is just hypothetical. Remember? Anyway, you and Justin do it and you're not IN love," Jonny countered.

"Exactly why I said not to do it -- hypothetically. J's the first person I've done that with and I don't intend to do it again," Charlie explained.


Charlie thought for a minute. "It's too hard on the heart. I don't know of another way to put it."

"You don't like Justin?"

"That's not what I said," Charlie sighed. "It's more complicated than that."

"Explain it to me."

"I'll let you know after I figure it out."

Jonny gave him a confused look. "Okay. Anyway, I know all about safe sex. We had it in health class, and I've already looked at some web sites on it as far as gay stuff."

"If you need condoms and lube, just ask. Don't go without 'cause you're embarrassed or afraid to ask. Okay?" Michael said.

Jonny blushed. "Okay."

"Do you mind if I make a suggestion?" Charlie asked.

"Like it would stop you," Jonny quipped.

"Seriously. If you really want to do something with Gareth, just wank together. Don't be in a rush to grow up or have sex. It just makes your life more complicated. It'll also make your friendship more complicated," Charlie said.

Jonny blushed. "Yea. Okay. Are we done now?"

"I guess, unless you have any questions," I said.

"Sure," Jonny said with a mischievous grin. "Is Justin a top or a bottom?"

"None of your business," Charlie laughed and gave him a shove.

"We're gonna take a walk," Michael announced.

"Where are you going?" Jonny asked.

"Doesn't matter. You have dishes to do," I said.

"I hate doing dishes," Jonny groaned.

"You're not the only one," Michael smiled and pushed away from the table.

"You need a dishwasher."

"We've got one. His name is Jonny," I teased and followed Michael.

"I'll let you know when you're funny, but don't count on hearing from me anytime soon," Jonny quipped.

"And I'll do the same for you," I shot back.

"Wanna walk down to the park and back?" Michael asked as we got outside.

"Sure. You have homework tonight?"

"Of course. When don't I have homework?"

"Not any time during summer session, apparently."

"Apparently. So what do you think? Is Justin a top or a bottom?" Michael smiled.

"You've heard them. They're both versatile."

"Yea, I know, but which do you think he prefers?"

"Probably top. I think Charlie prefers top as well."

"So do I. I know we do both, but do you prefer top or bottom?"

"Top, but I prefer when you're on top," I smiled.

"So is that you prefer to top when I'm actually on top, or top like I'm inside you?"

"When I'm inside you and you're on top."

"That's what I thought. You never cum when I do you, but I almost always cum when you do me."

"I guess I'm just not as sensitive down there as you are. I kinda wish I was 'cause you seem to be having fun," I smiled.

"You don't like it?"

"I like that it gives you pleasure."

"But do you like it? Does it give you pleasure?"

"Not like it does you, but yea, it's not bad."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"What's there to tell? I don't hate it. I just don't get as much pleasure out of it as you do. Maybe it's biological."


"I'm very happy with our love making. Don't think otherwise."

"Okay. You could have told me, though."

"Fine. Next time you're blissfully pumping your cock up my ass I'll tell you that I'm not really getting much out of it, so enjoy it and let me know when you're done," I said sarcastically.

"Why are you getting bitchy?"

"Because I don't know what the problem is. When we make love I try to make you feel as good as I can. What's wrong with that? It doesn't have to be equal at every moment. There're some things I like more, and some things you like more. No big deal."

"It's not a big deal, and I do enjoy it when we make love. It's just a communication thing."

"I don't hate it."

"I know, but you don't love it."

"I love you, and that's what matters," I said.

"And I love you. This is a stupid argument. What do you think is up with Charlie and Justin?"

"I have no idea and it makes my head spin to even think about it."

"I think one of them is actually IN love with the other, but I'm not sure which one."

"Charlie's said a couple times that they aren't in love."

"'Methinks the lady doth protest too much.'"

"True. Justin hasn't mentioned anything about love. Maybe Charlie's really in love with Justin."

"Or Justin is really in love with Charlie and it makes him uncomfortable so he keeps saying they aren't," Michael offered.

"I guess we'll discover when Justin leaves."

"Who pines for who?"

"Yep. Maybe it's both or neither."

"I think we've covered all possible bases," Michael laughed.

"See what I mean about being confusing? We should take Jonny and disappear for a couple hours tomorrow night."


"It'll be the last night Danny & Lance and Charlie & Justin will have together without a bunch of people around."

"That would be really nice of us. Does Danny get off work earlier than usual?"

"Yea. He'll be home by six. I was thinking we could give them until midnight."

"What if Michelle and Kerr come?"

"That's between them," I smiled.

"Sick, and that's my line," Michael laughed.

"Hopefully they'll be here earlier, or later, or we tell them to stay away 'till midnight."

"Let's check who's playing at CBGB's."

"Jonny will be with us. He can't get in."

"We can sneak him in and get him drunk," Michael smiled.

"If someone good is playing -- maybe."

"Remind me to check my email when we get back."

"Okay. When's the last time you checked it?"

"Last week."

"You really should check it more often."

"If it's important they'll call. Carolyn knows not to use email if it's important," Michael said and his mobile started ringing. "Hi, Carolyn. Just talking about you," Michael said as he answered it. "Nope. Just taking a walk with Jonah...Yep, we're doing good...Really? That's so cool. When?...Uh, huh... Remember that I have classes...After five is good...Okay, just email the details...Yes, I'll get it. I'm not that bad...Okay, but I'll get it...Alright...Thanks. Talk to you later...Bye."

"What's up?"

"A couple mags have been calling to interview me," Michael smiled.

"Great. Which ones?"

"'Detail,' 'Teen People,' and some zine called 'Star.'"

"Teeny bopper rags," I teased.

"Are just as important as any other rag. I get to do photo shoots and everything."

"Can we make it a nude photo shoot?" I said, hopefully.

"Uh, no. You'll have to wait until PlayGirl wants an interview for that."

"'Detail' could get away with it."

"I said no. God, I already spend too much time out of my clothes in public," Michael laughed.

"And not enough in private."

"Then I'll fix that when we get back."

"While you're doing homework?"

"Afterwards. I'll take off all my clothes. Take off all your clothes. Push you down on the bed. Press our naked bodies together," Michael whispered seductively in my ear. "And then sleep all night," he smiled and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Tease," I pouted.

"You'll just have to try to convince me to do more," Michael challenged.

"We'll see," I smiled.

"Seriously, though. I don't want to do anything too sexy for the photo shoots."

"Is that possible?" I said and wagged my eye brows at him.

"I'm serious. Maybe a little belly shot, but I've gotta be careful with the image. I don't want to have the same problem Ryan Phillippe has."

"What's that? Being lusted after by half the population?"

"Yea. I read an interview with him once and he talked about how he's tired of being a pretty boy and having an ass shot in every film. He let himself get stereotyped into it, and now he has to work harder to get out of it."

"You're a better actor and take jobs that he couldn't touch. I don't think you'll have the same problem."

"Thanks," Michael said and gave me a quick kiss. "You mean you couldn't see him on stage making out with Charlie?" He smiled.

"Nope. Maybe in bed with me..." I teased.

"Really? And where would I be?"

"Right next to me, of course."

"Sure. We can organize an orgy of younger male actors," Michael laughed.

"We already have Charlie and Justin ready to go."

"That's never gonna happen."

"Probably not. Who else would we have there? Charlie. Justin. Ryan Phillippe."

"Leonardo DiCaprio."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yea, but he'd be tied up on the wall and have to watch, but not participate," Michael smiled.

"You're mean."

"Probably. We could also put him in a sling and have everyone fuck him," Michael laughed.

"You really hate him, don't you?"

"No, I just get tired of being compared to him. He should be compared to me."

"You're cuter, but he was first."

"I'm not cute. I'm sexy," Michael protested with a smile.

"True, but you're cute, too. Sorry. You can't escape that fact."

"Oh, the pressures of being me," Michael sighed dramatically and then laughed.

We walked the rest of the way in a comfortable silence and got home around forty-five minutes later. Justin and Lance were home.

"Hey. You guys are back early," Michael said.

"It was just vocal work today," Lance answered.

"Are you doing anything tonight?" Justin asked.

"I've got homework," Michael answered.

"I meant Jonah," Justin clarified.

"Nothing in particular. Why?"

"Can we hit some bookstores now?"

"Why? Can't you afford to buy the books?" I smiled.


"I'm from Chicago. Hitting a store means something completely different."

"He's right," Jonny agreed with a smile.

"I'm fighting the urge to laugh," Justin deadpanned.

"Liar. Anyway, yea, I can help you get some books," I said.

"Thanks. Can we go now before they close?"


"Can I go with you?" Jonny asked.

"Sorry," Justin said.

I shot him a confused look.

"Why not?" Jonny asked.

"Because I want to be able to talk to Jonah alone."

"Fine," Jonny pouted.

"Don't pout. You can come with me," Lance said.


"To a coffeehouse to hear a singer."


"No. It's called Second Ave. Shakes."

"What are you going to do, Charlie?" Jonny asked.

"Work on Shakespeare stuff."

"Okay. I'll go with you," Jonny told Lance.

"Nice to see that I'm your last option," Lance laughed.

"It's not that at all. Really. I just..." Jonny started.

"It doesn't matter. I understand," Lance interrupted.


"Finish your homework while I'm gone. We're gonna do something else when I get back," I said softly in Michael's ear, and then gave him a long kiss. "Oh, and remember to check your email."

"How am I supposed to concentrate now?" He chuckled as he walked off to our room.

"Okay. Let's go," Justin prodded.

"So what did you want to talk with me about?" I asked Justin as we were walking to the train station.

"Tomorrow is our last day here with any privacy."

"Yea. I know."

"We never got to do the group thing."


"Don't you still want to?"

"Sure, but I'm not going to force it. You guys are just leaving the city, not the planet. You'll be back to see Charlie sometime."

"I guess."

"You're not planning on seeing Charlie again?"

"No, I want to see him again. I just don't know if we'll still be...you know...after I'm gone."

"Do you want to be?"

"Yes and no. I don't know yet. It's a different world once we're out on tour and doing promotions and every day life. This has been like a vacation here and not quite real. I'm mostly comfortable with it around you guys and while I'm here, but I don't know if that'll be the case around other people," Justin said softly.

"Do you love him?"

"Yes, I do love him. What's not to love? He's sexy as hell, smart, funny, talented, incredible in bed, doesn't let me get away with shit, a good friend..."

"Are you in love with him?"

"I don't think so. It's so weird."


"The sex thing. If we'd just become good friends and nothing more there wouldn't be any issues. As it is now, we're good friends, but we have sex. It's just... I don't know. It's weird."

"It sounds similar to your relationship with Brittany."

"I guess. That was different, though. We went into it knowing that it was just sex and nothing more. I don't think Charlie or I quite knew what we were getting into. It was just living in the moment and not thinking about anything else because I didn't have to."

"Do you think you'd be as good of friends as you are, as quickly as it has happened, if you weren't having sex?"

Justin laughed. "No. No way. Sex made it intimate right away, and we've talked about stuff that I'd never talk to Josh or Lance or anyone else about -- and I've known them for years and am closer to them than anyone."

"You're talking to me about it."

"Yea, but I trust you and you know both sides. I also don't have to work and live with you every day."

"You have anything special planned for tomorrow?"

"Well, I was hoping..." Justin smiled. "But no, I haven't planned anything. I probably should, huh?"

"What a difference two weeks make," I laughed.


"The last time you thought you were going to leave you were well on your way to having sex until you both collapsed from dehydration. Now you're wondering if you should do anything. What happened?"

"I don't know. Maybe I'm more comfortable now. Like when we first started having sex it was the greatest thing and we couldn't get enough of it. Maybe we're getting burned out."

"God, I would hope so. You guys do it at least two times a night."

"It's still pretty damn good. Can you really hear it through the wall that well?"

"No, but the video camera... Just kidding. Yea, we can hear you guys. You're not very quiet about it. If the closets weren't between the other bedroom, I'm sure Danny and Lance could hear you as well."

"Well. Thanks for not bustin' in and telling us to keep it down," Justin blushed.

"When it gets that loud we usually do something to distract ourselves," I smiled.

Justin smiled. "Who'd 'a' thought?"

"Thought what?"

"Any of this. Charlie and me. You telling me that you and Michael have sex when you hear Charlie and me. This whole vacation has been fun and bizarre as hell, but mostly fun. I'm glad I came and we became friends."

"Good. I'm glad you came, too. You've been good comic relief," I smiled and gave him a quick sideways hug as we walked down the sidewalk.

"You're still not funny."

"Michael's not here, so I have to pick up his lines."

"He's not funny either."

"Not everyone can be as funny as you. Why sometimes I just look at you and have to laugh," I laughed.

Justin groaned. "You need a new writer. So what do you think I should do for Charlie tomorrow night?"

"I don't know. He's your boyfriend, or whatever friend. Michael and I are going to take Jonny and disappear until midnight, so you and Lance can have the apartment to yourselves."

"Ew. I don't want to do anything with Lance."


"So I'm told. I should take him somewhere and leave the apartment for Lance and Danny," Justin thought aloud.

"I know where you can take him," I smiled.




"'Cause that was where you went the first time you guys had sex."

"We had kinda-sex afterwards. Not there. I don't know. Maybe. What's another idea?"

"Well, do you want it to be romantic or fun?"

"Isn't it fun to be romantic?"

"Yea, but it's different. You could have a romantic candlelight dinner and then take a carriage ride through Central Park, or a fun night at Coney Island or out clubbing."



"We'll go out for pizza, and then go to Coney Island," Justin smiled.

"Yea, okay," I said and looked at him strangely.

"You don't think that's a good idea?"

"I don't know. It's different," I shrugged.

"He likes pizza, and Coney Island should be a good time. I think the sex stuff is going to stop once I'm gone, but I still want to keep his friendship. It'll be good for us to just do something as friends."


We walked into Barnes & Noble and I started filling Justin's arms with books. I also grabbed a few Tom Waits CDs that I'd been meaning to try and decided my new author would be John Berryman.

We got back just as Lance was heading out to pick up Danny. Justin said 'hey' and continued up the stairs.

"You already go to the coffeehouse?"

"Yea. I just wanted to hear that one performer," Lance answered.


"Not really what I was expecting. Her recordings sound much better."

"Okay. I wanted to let you know that we're gonna take Jonny and disappear tomorrow night until midnight so you and Danny will have the place to yourselves," I said.

"Thanks, but we've already got plans."

"Okay. Knowing you, it's totally romantic and extravagant. What are you doing?"

"I'm not extravagant."

"Um, I think flying to Iceland for a week qualifies as extravagant."

"It wasn't that expensive. If I'd chartered our own private Lear jet to do it, and bought out the whole hotel floor, then that would have been extravagant," Lance smiled.

"Definitely. So tell me."

"No. Now it's going to sound extravagant."


"Fine. I chartered a SMALL private yacht to take us down the Hudson along Manhattan and serve dinner," Lance smiled.

"See? Romantic. Extravagant. Very nice."


"What time will you be back?"

"We dock at midnight. We may go out after that. I don't know yet."

"You know you make it harder on us regular schmoes?"

"Too bad. You get more time together."

"Well I do expect to see your ass here at least once a month."

"If I can, I will. Are you guys going to be in town for Thanksgiving?"

"I think we're going to Chicago. Why?"

"I'm just thinking about vacation times we can all get together. Maybe Christmas or New Year's."

"That's months away, though if you came here for Christmas and stayed through New Year's when you perform at MTV..."

"If we perform there this year."

"Why wouldn't you? NYC is the place to be on NYE."

"Universal wants us to perform in their New Year's festivities. Disney wants us to perform in theirs. I'd prefer to do MTV. Everything is still being negotiated."

"Okay. I'm sure Danny will let me know as soon as he knows. We should be here for Christmas."

"Speaking of Danny: I need to get going. Later," Lance said and headed out.

Jonny was lying on the sofa reading when I walked in.

"How was the coffee house?" I asked.

"Beowulf is better. This place was too yuppie, and the singer sucked," Jonny answered.

"Was she really that bad?"

"Her voice was alright, but she kept talking between songs, and would start the song, and then stop and talk some more. Her guitar was out of tune as well. Lance was cringing and we didn't even stay the whole time."

"That's too bad. Think about what you want to do tomorrow night. We're probably going to be going out."


"Within reason. We'll vote on it."

"Who's we?"

"You, me and Michael."

"What about everyone else?"

"They're going out on their own."

"Like a romantic last night together?"

"Yep. Oh, Michelle and Kerr may be coming up, so they may be with us."

"Who are they?"

"They're on DC. Jen and Jack," I explained.

"Really? You're friends with them?"

"Michael and I are friends with Michelle. I don't know Kerr that well, but he's always been cool to me."

"Are they dating? Is that why they're coming together?"

"I highly doubt it. No. Kerr is just staying with Michelle until shooting starts. She actually lives in Wilmington and has a house there."

"Is Kerr gay in real life, or are you not going to tell me?"

"As far as I know, he's straight. Why? You have a crush on him?"

"No way. He's not my type. I just wanted to know."

"Okay. Charlie and Justin in bed?"

"Of course. They're always in bed when they get home at night. If it weren't for the moaning, I'd think they were always tired," Jonny snickered.

"That's why they're always tired," I smiled. "Good night."


I brushed my teeth and went to my room. Michael was asleep -- his book lying open on his chest. I set the book aside and carefully stripped him. He somewhat woke up enough to help.

I turned off the light and was about to snuggle up to Michael when the phone rang. I heard Jonny answer it and he knocked on the door a few seconds later.

"Are you still awake, Jonah?" He asked as he opened the door and poked his head in.

"Yea. Who is it?"


"Okay," I said and got out of bed. I took the phone from him and followed him to the living room so I wouldn't wake Michael. "Hey, Girl. What's up?" I said and dropped down onto the sofa.

"What's this I hear about the show not running this weekend," Michelle said.

"Yea. Sorry about that. I totally forgot. It's running in rep and the second show opens this weekend. After this weekend, though, it runs Wednesday through Saturday."

"That totally sucks. I might not be able to see it now."

"Sorry. I know it's not the same, but I'll have a video of it you can watch if you can't get up here."

"We'll see. How have the reviews been?"

"Mixed. The regular press says I have 'potential' as a director, and the actors do well with a 'contrived' script. The gay press loves it, as expected. All you have to do is flash a cock and the gay press will love it," I sighed.

"A good review is not a bad review."

"All tautologies are true," I smirked.

"Whatever. What's the party you're having?"

"The 'NSYNC guys are coming over for a going away party for Lance and Justin. Jonny is also going to have a friend in town," I said and gave a smiled towards Jonny. I noticed he was staring at me and a bit flushed. I looked down and realized I hadn't put anything on when I left the bedroom. I quickly pulled a pillow over my lap. "Sorry," I said to Jonny.

"What are you sorry for?" Michelle asked.

"Nothing. I was talking to Jonny. So are you still coming up?"

"Yea. It's already planned and gotta be better than hanging around here."

"Glad to know I'm at the bottom of your list," I teased.

"You're not at the bottom. Close, but not the bottom," Michelle teased back.

"Yea, okay. Whatever. What time will you two be in? I assume Kerr is still coming with you?"

"Yea, he is. We'll leave here around noon, so we should be there by ten."

"I'll have beds and booze ready for your arrival."

"Thanks. Alright. I'll let you get back to bed. See you tomorrow."

"Later," I said and hung up.

"Is that what the reviews of the play really said?" Jonny asked.

"Pretty much."

"Why don't you like the gay press reviews?"

"I don't hate them, they just don't have much perspective. The gay community is so starved for gay themed entertainment that they'll accept anything. It's like the standards are lower, so it doesn't mean as much when they love it."

"Okay. I guess that makes sense. What's 'all tautologies are true' mean?"

"Do you know what a tautology is?"

"If I did I wouldn't have asked."

"A tautology is a needless repetition of the same thing in different words."

"So because you're saying the same thing, it's always true?"

"As far as logic is concerned. Yep. You're pretty smart," I teased.

"Of course. You already know that Tommy didn't get any of the brains," Jonny smiled.

"Very true. You haven't talked to him since he left, have you?"


"Not sad about it at all?"

"Why would I be sad about it? He's finally leaving me alone. It's funny that when I wanted to be around him he didn't want me around. Now that I want him to leave me alone I can't get rid of him."

"Things change. I know he's a jerk, but he's still your brother and still cares about you -- even if he does have a pathetic way of showing it."

"Yea, I know. I still love him and all, but that doesn't mean I have to like him."

"Fair enough. Night. Again," I said and threw my lap pillow in his face to distract him and went back to bed. I snuggled up to Michael and was asleep in minutes.

+++ Jonny's Journal +++

7/12/2001 11:30 PM

Gareth gets here in exactly 36.5 hours. 36.5 long hours.

Jonah, Michael and Charlie tried to have a sex talk with me today. I think that if Gareth and I did have sex, Jonah and Michael would let us. Michael even said to ask him for condoms and lube. I'm not sure about that yet. Maybe we can just give each other a massage like Jonah and Michael give each other. That way we could touch and see each other before we'd actually do anything like sex. I haven't even really kissed a guy yet. I don't want to go from nothing to everything. We've got two weeks -- if his dad lets us hang out without supervision.

Charlie says I shouldn't have sex with Gareth unless I'm IN love with him. I still don't understand what Charlie and Justin are doing together. I've never seen them kiss, and they barely hug, but it's easy to hear them having sex at night. That's just crazy. I never, ever, thought I'd hear Justin having sex. Hearing them makes me really horny. I've had to wank every night after they finally go to sleep.

I don't think Charlie knows why he's with Justin. Justin doesn't really talk to me about stuff like that, so I don't know what he's thinking. I think Charlie wants to be in love with Justin, but isn't. I don't know. Maybe. If he doesn't know, how am I supposed to figure it out.

I get to meet two more TV stars this weekend. Michelle and Kerr from "Dawson's Creek" are coming tomorrow.

Tautology: a needless repetition of the same thing in different words.

All tautologies are true.

We walked back from the Village today and across the Brooklyn Bridge. It wasn't a big deal, but I just wanted to do it. The bridge is kinda cool. My swimming is getting a little better and I learned the back stroke today.

I went with Lance to a crappy coffeehouse to hear a crappy singer. All was crappy -- except Lance. Lance is pretty cool and so different from Justin. I'm pretty sure that Lance is much smarter than Justin, but he's always so nice to everyone and doesn't tease Justin too much. Well, not much more than everyone else does. It's like a game here to tease Justin. He and Michael are always going at it. Michael usually wins.

Man. A lot of stuff happened today.

I saw a lot of Jonah naked a few minutes ago. He was talking on the phone and didn't even notice he was naked until he looked at me and caught me looking at him. He's so beautiful. Different from Charlie, but still beautiful. They were asking me if I wanted Gareth to be my first and I told them yes, but really I'd want Jonah to be my first. I know it's never gonna happen, but that's how I feel. I used to think about him all the time, and then not much at all. Now I think about him a lot. I'm really excited about Gareth coming and would probably have sex with him, but I wonder if I'll think of Jonah while I'm doing it.

I wonder if Jonah thinks of someone else when he's having sex with Michael. Probably not. They only think about each other. Charlie and Justin probably think about someone else. I'm sure that Danny and Lance only think about each other.

35.5 hours until Gareth gets here.


Michael woke me as he was heading to class the next morning. I thought about Lance's statement last night about having time together. We did, but we didn't. As soon as Michael's classes are over I need to take him away for a few days. Something romantic. Just the two of us. Maybe we could go camping for a few days. I don't think we've been alone since we got back from Europe.

I took a quick shower and was standing in front of the mirror about to shave when Jonny walked in. I had a towel around my waist.

"Um, sorry. Can I use the toilet?" Jonny said.

"Go ahead," I said and continued spreading the shaving gel.

"I can't go if someone's watching," Jonny said impatiently.

"I'm not watching," I smiled and looked at him. "Oh, alright," I sighed and stepped out so he could piss in peace.

A minute later the toilet flushed and the door opened.

"Thanks," he said.

"No prob.," I said and walked back in. Jonny stood beside me and looked in the mirror.

"Do you think I should shave?"

"Shave what?" I teased.

"I'm starting to get a mustache. It's just hard to see 'cause it's blonde," he said and ran his finger across his upper lip.

"Why shave it, then?"

"'Cause Gareth's gonna be here tomorrow. I wanna look good."

"It just looks like peach fuzz now."

"And I've got some whiskers," Jonny continued while looking at his chin in the mirror.

"Then shave if you think you need it."

"Can I borrow your razor?"

"No. You can use a clean blade and the handle, though."

Jonny reached for the shaving cream.

"Wash your face first," I said.

"Why? I'm gonna shower after."

"Because the water makes your whiskers softer. This your first time shaving?"

"No. I shaved once before, a couple months ago."

"Bleed much?" I smiled.

"A little on my chin. I did okay for my first time. I didn't have a roll of toilet paper plastered to my face," Jonny said as he grabbed a washcloth and pushed me aside so he could wet it in the sink.

"Hey! I was trying to shave," I teased.

Jonny quickly washed his face and then stepped aside. I half-filled the sink with water and Jonny squirted a huge glob of shaving gel into his hand.

"Are you going to shave your entire body?"

"It's not that much. I used this much before, but it wasn't the gel stuff."

"A tiny bit of the gel goes a long way. You've got enough there to shave ten people."

"Whatever," Jonny mumbled and started spreading the shaving gel on his face.

I started shaving, and snickered at Jonny when he had his face covered with a very thick layer of gel, and a huge glob still in his hand.

"Here, you can have the rest," he said with a grin and wiped his hand across my belly.

"Think you're cute, don't you," I said casually and continued shaving.

He gave a huge grin into the mirror. "Yep."

"You'll get yours," I smiled and grabbed the wash cloth to wipe the remaining gel off my face and belly.

"Ooo, I'm so scared," Jonny teased.

"You should be. Ask Justin what happened when he flushed the toilet while Michael and I were in the shower. Or ask Josh Jackson what happened when he decided to wake Michael and I up with an air horn," I smiled.

"Is Josh Jackson coming too?"

"Not that I know of."

"Then how am I supposed to ask him? What did you do?"

"Let's just say it scared him so much he wet the bed."

"You made him wet the bed?"

"Yep. It was hilarious."

"So what happened?"

"Ask Michael to tell you the whole story," I said and rinsed out the sink. I changed out the blade and handed the razor to Jonny. "Have fun."

I casually grabbed the shaving gel as Jonny stepped up to the sink. Stepping behind him, I gently put my hand on his hip -- looking him in the eye through the mirror the whole time.

"Um, what are you doing?" Jonny stuttered.

"What?" I said softly and held his gaze. I ran my finger under the waistband of his boxers and slid my hand back so I was holding them out in back. He didn't look away from my face and was starting to breath heavy. When I had perfect access I squirted the shaving gel into the back of his boxers and gave him a pat to push it in. His face was nervous and expectant before he knew what was happening, and priceless once he felt the gel in the crack of his butt.

He dropped the razor and tried to get away, but the damage had already been done. I started laughing.

"You suck," he screamed and pulled the back of his boxers away from his butt.

"Yep. I do, actually," I smiled.

Jonny rolled his eyes. "I'll get you back."

"That was getting you back. If you want me to open a can a wup ass..." I hinted. I also notice that he was fully erect and tenting his boxers. He noticed as soon as I noticed and quickly turned around.

"Um, I..." Jonny stuttered.

"Don't worry about it. I'm flattered," I smiled and stepped past him out of the bathroom.

"Yea, well, I'm 15 and even a train ride makes it go up, so don't feel too flattered," Jonny shot back and shut the door.

"You teasing the kid?" Charlie mumbled as he stumbled towards the door.

"Yea. Squirted some shaving gel down the back of his pants after he wiped a glob of it across my belly. It got him a little excited," I smiled.

Charlie smiled. "Then this should really get him excited," he said and opened the door.

Jonny was at the sink, wiping the shaving gel out of his butt and had his boxers around his ankles.

"I gotta piss," Charlie said without stopping and hung his morning wood over the toilet.

Jonny pulled his shirt down to cover himself and froze as Charlie pissed. I just chuckled and went to get dressed. After I was dressed I put on a pot of coffee and ate a banana while it brewed. Charlie came in a few minutes later.

"It's probably mean of us to get him excited like that, but it's kinda fun," Charlie smiled and poured himself some coffee.

"Yea, it's both. Good thing he's already in the bathroom," I laughed.

"What did you and J talk about last night?"

"You. He didn't tell you?"

"No. I was asleep when he got back."

"So that explains the lack of noise last night."

"Yep. So?"

"Same as you: questioning what is going to happen. I just listened. He also made plans for tonight."

"Yea, he said we were going to do something. What is it?"

"If he didn't tell you he probably wants it to be a surprise."

"Fine. I've got an audition today so I won't be going swimming with you guys."

"I don't think we're going swimming today, anyway. What's the audition for?"

"A film. Actually get to be straight in this one."

"Think you can pull it off?" I teased.

"I'm sure I'll manage it."

"Who's it with?"

"No one you've heard of. Good script, though. I'll let you read it, if you want."


"When do you start your design work?"

"The first production meeting is this Wednesday. It's not going to take much time. I'm just designing and installing. I don't have to run the show."

"That's good. It's gotta be really boring for the techs to watch the same show over and over."

"And it doesn't get boring for the actors?"

"Yea, but you have to find something fresh each night, and every audience is different, so the performance ends up being a little different. I'm sure I'll be totally burned out with it by the time we close, though."

"The fun thing about being a tech during the run of a show is the banter that goes on over the headsets. There's a whole show going on on headset while the show is running."

"You should make a play where there are two plays. One with the actual play, and one where people just listen to the tech banter."

"I've thought about it. Sometimes it gets pretty raunchy, though. In my experience, the more Disney the show, the more porny the banter."

"I hope you two think you're funny," Jonny said as he walked into the kitchen.

"Someone has to," Charlie smiled.

"I'll get you back. You don't realize how frustrating it is to be the only one here who doesn't have a boyfriend, and then see everyone walking around naked."

"Who was walking around naked?" I asked.

"You were last night," he shot back.

"I was talking on the phone."

"Working for that 900 number company again?" Charlie teased.

"Yea. 1-900-U-BLOW-ME."


"Thanks. Yes, Jonny, we do realize you're 15 and horny all the time. Believe it or not, we were 15, too -- and not that long ago," I said.

"Just go wank when you're horny. It always worked for me -- for about fifteen minutes," Charlie smiled.

"What's the most you've masturbated in one day?" I asked Charlie.

"Um...Eight. I was so sore the next day I could only do it once. You?"

"Five. Using lube helps."

"God, I can't believe you guys are talking about how much you jack-off," Jonny said.

"Why not? Every guy does it," I said.

"Yep. What's the saying? 90% of all men masturbate and the other 10% lie about it," Charlie smiled.

"Something like that," I agreed.

"I don't know why you're acting so innocent. We're all guys here. We all like guys to some extent. I'm sure your fantasies are much better than seeing our sorry arses taking a piss or talking on the phone. At least I'd hope so," Charlie said to Jonny.

"I can honestly say that you've never burst into the bathroom to pee in any of my fantasies," Jonny said.

"See? We just do it to embarrass you because you're so damn cute when you blush," Charlie teased.

"I'm cute all the time," Jonny shot back smugly.

"Then don't be embarrassed. Got it. Flaunt it," Charlie said.

"Or not," I quickly added.

"I'll think of a way to embarrass both of you."

"Good luck. Charlie has no modesty whatsoever," I said.

"I do too...or I did. Too many performances where I've had to get my kit off in front of an audience."

"That'll do it."

"You don't feel weird when you're naked on stage, or making out with Michael? How do you not get hard?" Jonny asked.

"If you think about the audience you feel a bit odd. I try not to think about them. As for getting an erection -- I have."

"Weren't you embarrassed? How'd you hide it?"

"Hell yea, I was embarrassed. Not because of my body, but because it was inappropriate at the moment. As for hiding it, I just do. There are plenty of things on stage to cover myself with for a minute or so until it goes back down. If you think about it you'll never go down. You just have to not think about it."

"I could never do that. I get an erection just walking around naked by myself," Jonny said.

"I used to, too. Once you get more comfortable with your body it doesn't happen as often," I said.

"I think that's a pretty common American problem. You're so uptight here about nudity and sex. That's why we kicked you out," Charlie said.

"I'm Italian. You didn't kick me out of anywhere," I countered.

"I'm sure you have some English in you. We do tend to get around a bit," Charlie smiled and left to take his shower.

"Are we going swimming today?" Jonny asked.

"No. I was thinking we could go to the Guggenheim and maybe another gallery."

"Art gallery?"


"Good stuff, or hundreds of paintings of stuffy people and historical scenes from hundreds of years ago?"

"Hopefully good stuff. It changes every couple months."

"Okay," Jonny sighed.

"You'll like the Guggenheim. Even if the art isn't very good, the building is really cool."

+++ Jonny's Journal +++


Today has been a good day. It started out weird, though. I shaved this morning with Jonah. I rubbed shaving gel on his stomach and he squirted some in my butt. I should have seen it coming. He put his hand on my hip and his touch felt really good. It was different. It was sexy. I almost thought we were gonna do something when he slid his finger under my boxers and pulled them out. Yea, right. He was just being seductive so I wouldn't notice him squirting the gel in my butt. I was full bone and he just laughed it off. He doesn't realize how it affects me, or maybe he does and he just likes to tease me. Charlie does the same thing and I saw him with his morning hard-on as he pissed. He just burst in while I was wiping the gel out of my butt. They both had a good laugh at embarrassing me. I need to think of some way to embarrass them. They were kinda telling me that I shouldn't be embarrassed, but that doesn't help. I still am. I want to be all comfortable and cool, but I'm not yet. Maybe they're trying to force me into being comfortable.

Jonah and I went to the Guggenheim and then through Central Park. The Guggenheim is a pretty cool building. It really sticks out and is a big round ramp inside. Most of the art and sculpture was okay, but there was one really cool sculpture on the top floor. I don't remember the artist's name, but the sculpture was called "Rhinoceros Kiss." It was a big circle that had been cut in half and hinged with a motor on one end. It was at least 15 feet in diameter -- maybe more. At the top of the circle were two steel rhinoceros horns. Every 15 minutes the circle would slowly close. When the horns got close to each other there was lightening that would spark between them and they would get a little closer, and then pull back a little, and do this a couple times before they totally touched, and then pulled back all the way. It was really cool. I need to remember to take Gareth there to see it.

Jonah is making dinner right now.

This time tomorrow I'll be with Gareth. I wish he'd just hurry up and get here.

We were going to go out tonight, but Michelle and Kerr are getting here at ten, so we have to be here. Lance is getting ready to take Danny out for a romantic dinner on a yacht as soon as he gets home. Lance is like the perfect boyfriend. Justin and Charlie already left for their romantic night out. I don't think it's going to be very romantic, though. Before I met him I would have thought that Justin would be really romantic, but not now. He acts more like a friend than a boyfriend. Maybe that's what Charlie is talking about. That's not bad or anything, and I think he's probably a good friend to have. It's obvious that he'd walk through fire for Lance. I don't know if he would for Charlie. He probably would, but I think he'd hesitate. I don't know why I think that. I just get that feeling from them.

I don't have any of my CDs here. Jonah and Michael have some good CDs, but no 'NSYNC or Bush or Bright Eyes or anything like that. They've both told me that they don't like 'NSYNC. That just doesn't make any sense. How can you be friends with them, but not like their music? They might like Bright Eyes. I'll have to ask Jonah if he's heard him.

Michael's calling me, so dinner must be ready.


"Can we get some movies or something tonight?" Jonny asked as he climbed in the window.

"Sure," I said.

"Anything in particular?" Michael asked.

"No. Just something to watch. Have you guys ever heard Bright Eyes?"

"A movie?" Michael asked.

"It's a band. Well, kinda. It's only one person, but it's the name of his band."

"Haven't heard of him. Any good?" I said.

"I wouldn't have brought him up if I thought he sucked," Jonny smirked.

"Not necessarily. You've brought up Justin, and he sucks," Michael smiled.

"And swallows, too," I added and sat down to eat.

"I didn't need to know that," Jonny said. "I was just thinking about music and how you guys don't have much here that I listen to. How can you be friends with Lance and Justin and not like 'NSYNC?"

"Why would we have to be fans of 'NSYNC to be friends with some of the members?" I asked.

"Would you be friends with someone who thought you were a horrible director and designer?" Jonny asked me. "Or who thought you were a horrible actor?" He asked Michael.

"Not quite the same," I said. "I have respect for Lance and Justin as performers. I just don't like the show they're performing in. Namely: 'NSYNC. I could be friends with someone who didn't like the show I directed."

"It's not something we've hidden. I told Lance I hated 'NSYNC's music the first time we met. We're friends with Lance and Justin, not 'NSYNC. Does that make any sense to you?" Michael said.

"Some. Anyway, I think you guys would actually like Bright Eyes."

"What type of music?" I asked.

"Mostly guitar and him singing. Kinda like Violent Femmes crossed with Sparklehorse. I'll get on Napster tonight and see if I can find any mp3s of his stuff."

"So he's not Top 40 at all?" Michael asked.

"No way. He's way too weird for that. I've never even heard him on the radio."

"How'd you find out about him," I asked.

"Gareth heard one of his songs on an internet radio station and had to get his CD right away. He sent me an mp3 of one of the songs. The words are really cool."

"What's the song?"

"It's called 'A Perfect Sonnet.' The first chorus goes: 'I believe that lovers should be tied together, thrown into the ocean in the worst of weather, left there to drown, left there to drown in their innocence.' It changes each time into something else, but with the same idea. It's like a bitter love song and he's a really emotional singer," Jonny said.

"Sounds cool," Michael said.

"I think so. I think he's Gareth's favorite right now."

"Who's yours?" I asked.

"'NSYNC," Michael teased.

"No. They're great, but I don't know if I have a favorite band or song. I like a lot of different bands. When I get a new CD I usually listen to it all the time, and then make mp3s of it and it falls into the mix."

"Falls into the mix?"

"Yea. I've got tons of mp3s on my computer. I just set iTunes to shuffle. That way I don't hear the same things in the same order all the time like you do on the radio."

"Have you heard Michael play yet?" I asked.

Michael rolled his eyes.

"Just on that one episode of 'Dawson's Creek.' Was that really you?" Jonny said.

"Yea, it was me. Jonah plays, too. Have you heard him?"

"Yea, I've heard him. We had the same piano teacher."

"I meant guitar and singing. Who was the piano teacher?"

"My Gma," I said.

"I haven't heard you play guitar and sing. Are you any good?"

"No," I said at the same time Michael said, "Yes."

Jonny smiled. "So which is it?"

"I don't practice enough," I said.

"He sounds great. He's just afraid to perform in front of an audience," Michael said.

"Just guitar, and acting."

"When have you performed in front of an audience?" Michael asked.

"I've had to give piano recitals, and I was in concert choir and the show choir all through high school."

Michael smiled. "Show choir?"

"Yep. Lame show tunes and sequins. Then we got a new music teacher and it shifted to vocal jazz stuff and pop songs. Still had the damn sequin vests, though," I smiled.

"I'd love to see a picture of you in your sequin vest singing your heart out on stage," Michael teased.

"I'm sure you would. It may even be as funny as that picture of you in that evening gown, wig and makeup."

"It was a joke for a party," Michael said and rolled his eyes. "I haven't done drag since."

"Then those aren't your lace panties in the laundry?" Jonny smiled.

"The black ones, or the red ones?" Michael shot back.

"The red ones."

"No. The red ones are Justin's," Michael laughed.

"What are we going to do tomorrow night?" Jonny asked.

"Does it matter? Gareth will be here," I said.

"Yea, but I don't want it to be boring. Since all of 'NSYNC will be here, maybe we can make them perform," Jonny said.

"Maybe not," I said.

"Then we can have a sing-a-long with everyone," Jonny countered.

"Can you sing?" Michael asked.

"Yea. I'm in concert choir."

"What part?"

"Second tenor."

"What about show choir?" I asked.

"No. They have more shows that interfere with soccer and track."

"Hey. We're heading out now," Lance said as he poked his head in the door.

"Have fun," Michael said.

"We intend to," Lance smiled and left.

"Don't wait up," we heard Danny yell and the door close a few seconds later.

"Lance is so different from Justin," Jonny said.

"Why wouldn't he be?" I asked.

"I don't know. It just like Lance is the perfect boyfriend and he and Danny really love each other. Justin is more like friends with Charlie."

"Do you see that, or is it just because Charlie told you that?"

"I can see it. I bet they aren't even having a romantic night like Lance and Danny are."

"Pizza and then Coney Island," I said.

"Seriously?" Michael said.


"Well, I guess Charlie does like pizza," Michael though aloud. "But Coney Island?"

I shrugged.

"See? Like they're friends," Jonny said.

"We're never going to figure those two out," I announced. "We'll go get the movies as soon as you're done with dishes."

"Yea, okay. Can you remind me to call my mom tonight?" Jonny said.

"Will do," I said and went to the living room, followed by Michael.

I flopped down on the sofa and Michael sat between my legs and leaned back against me. I wrapped my arms around him and held him close as I kissed his neck.

"We need a romantic night out," Michael said.

"I know. I was thinking that we could take a couple days and disappear once your classes are over."

"What about the show?"

"You don't have performances every night."

"What about Jonny?"

"If he's still here he can take care of himself for a few days. Danny and Charlie will still be here and he's 15."

"Then I can't wait," Michael smiled and leaned back to give me a kiss.

"Maybe Jonny can sleep in the top bunk tonight," I said.

"Charlie and Justin won't let it happen. Why?"

"So Michelle won't be sleeping with us."

"We'll just have Jonny sleep in our bed. He'll just watch if we do anything. Michelle would stop us and comment on it," Michael chuckled.

"I don't know which is worse. Maybe we'll have them flip for it."

"Winner or loser gets to sleep with us?"

"Depends on your point of view."

"I'm done," Jonny said as he walked into the living room.

"Do you want to call your mom now, or after we get back?" I asked.

"Um, I should probably do it now," Jonny said and grabbed the phone. He sat down on the chair and dialed.

Michael picked up the remote and turned on the TV so we wouldn't have to listen to Jonny's conversation. He flipped around and finally settled on "Space Balls" on Comedy Central before laying back. I wrapped my arms around him again and rested my chin on his shoulder.

"What should we do about Gareth?" I asked a few minutes later.

"What do you mean?"

"Where does he sleep?"

"Next to Jonny, of course."

"Of course, but he's probably going to be asleep before everyone is gone, and I'm not going to put both of them in the top bunk."

"Let's just put them on the floor of our room for that night. If he stays over after that they can just use the floor in the living room."

"That'll work."

About a half-hour later Jonny handed me the phone. I talked with his mom for a few minutes. She thanked me, again, for taking care of Jonny and blah, blah, blah. I just reassured her it was okay and he was fine. I really didn't have anything else to say. I finally got her off the phone and we went to get the movies.

"Can I get anything I want?" Jonny asked as we walked in the store.

"As long as it doesn't suck," Michael said.

Jonny walked straight over to the gay movie section. "I'm not allowed to see these at home and I want to see some of them," he explained.

"Why not allowed?" I asked.

Jonny shrugged. "Which ones are good?"

"You haven't seen any of them?" Michael asked.

"No. There was one Gareth told me about, but I don't remember the name. It was about these two teenage guys who get together," Jonny said as he looked over the selection.

"That certainly narrows it down," I laughed.

"It was British."

"Still doesn't help."

"'Beautiful Thing?'" Michael offered and held up the case.

"Yea, that's it. Have you seen it?"

"Yea. It was pretty good. 'Get Real' is better," Michael said and grabbed it as well.

"Okay. Should we get another one?"

"How about 'Go,'" I said from a few shelves away.

"Katie is in that, right?" Michael said.

I flipped the case over and checked. "Yea."

"Sure," Michael said.

"Alright. Let's go," I said and took the cases to the front counter. A few minutes later we were walking home.

"Where am I going to sleep tonight?" Jonny asked as we were climbing the stairs.

"Probably with us. It'll depend on Michelle," Michael said.

"Why will it depend on her?"

"'Cause she usually sleeps with us when there's no more room," I answered.

"You guys sleep with a girl? That's sick," Jonny smiled.

"At least she keeps her hands to herself," Michael laughed.

Jonny looked confused, but let it go.

I got everyone something to drink and we sat down to watch "Beautiful Thing." Jonny loved it. We put "Get Real" in next.

"Ew. Why would he want that guy? He's ugly," Jonny said as Steven was lusting over John.

"Matter of taste," Michael said.

"Lack of taste. Do you think John is sexy?" Jonny asked me.

"Not really."

"What about Steven?"

"Um, not really sexy. He's cute, but I don't think he's sexy."

"I think he's really cute. Much too cute for John," Jonny said and went back to watching the move.

Half-way through the movie, Michelle and Kerr arrived. Jonny was too into the movie to do more than say 'hey.' I got everyone a beer -- except Jonny -- and we sat down to watch the rest of "Get Real" and then "Go." In between movies, Jonny actually talked a little with Michelle and Kerr -- mainly telling them about Gareth getting here tomorrow.

Jonny lost the coin flip and had to sleep with me and Michael. I don't think he was too upset about it. We went to our room and shut the door.

"So do I get to watch you guys having sex?" Jonny teased.

"If we get to watch you jack-off in the shower," Michael shot back. Jonny didn't have a come back.

"That shut him up," I laughed and gave Michael a kiss.

"You can relax. We're not going to do anything with anyone else in the bed," Michael said.

"I wasn't worried about it. I didn't think you would," Jonny said casually as he took off his shirt.

"But you were hoping," Michael teased and dropped his pants.

"Sure. It'd be like watching a live porno," Jonny shot back.

"God, I hope we're better than a porno," I said.

"I think so," Michael said.

Jonny climbed into bed and moved to the middle with a smug grin.

"Move your ass over, boy. If you think you're sleeping in the middle you're cracked," I said and pushed him over to the side.

"It was worth a shot," he shrugged. "Don't you guys normally sleep naked?"

"Not with a horny 15 year old in the bed with us," I said and moved over so Michael could get in.

"You're the one who said I shouldn't be embarrassed."

"I'm not embarrassed. Are you embarrassed?" I asked Michael.

"Nope. What about you, Jonny? Would you be embarrassed to sleep naked with us?" Michael said with a grin.

"No," Jonny said a little defensively.

"Okay, then," Michael smiled and pulled his boxers off under the sheet and threw them on the floor.

I gave him a 'what the hell are you doing' look.

"You too," he said and started pushing my boxers down. I didn't put up much of a fight or we would have been out from under the sheet. Once he triumphantly threw my boxers on the floor he looked at Jonny.

"You wish," Jonny quipped.

"Dream on," Michael laughed.

"Fine," Jonny sighed, wiggled out of his boxers, threw them on the floor and put his hands behind his head as he lay on his back on the far side of the bed. "You happy now?"

"Doesn't that feel better?" Michael smiled and turned out the light.

"You know what would really feel better?" Jonny hinted.

"Stop it and go to sleep. You've got a big day tomorrow," I said.

"I know," Jonny sighed.

"Just let it happen, Jonny," Michael said softly and wrapped himself around me.

"I know. Night," Jonny said.

"Night. Love you," Michael said and kissed the back of my neck.

"Love you. Night," I said back and held his hand in mine around my chest.

"I love you guys, too," Jonny snickered.

A few minutes later Jonny rolled on his side and slowly snuggled back against me. I put my arm around him and he held my hand in his with my palm against his chest. I could feel his heart beating a mile a minute. I was just about asleep when I felt him reach down to scratch himself, which is only notable because he was still holding my hand when he did it. He scratched his balls and gave his erection a tug, and then froze and quickly moved our hands back to his chest. His heart was beating fast again.

"Sorry," Jonny whispered.

"Don't worry about it. My balls itch sometimes too," I chuckled sleepily and soon fell asleep.

I opened my eyes to see Jonny propped up on his elbow watching me. I was on my back and Michael was draped across my side with his arm around me and his leg over my morning piss hard-on. The sheets were in a bunch at the end of the bed. He was looking further down my body and didn't notice that I was awake. I looked down at him and noticed he was still naked and in the same state I was.

"Getting a bit more comfortable?" I asked softly.

Jonny jumped and looked up at my face. I managed a morning smile to let him know I wasn't upset he was looking at me.

"Um, yea, I think so. Um, thanks for last night and not making a big deal out of it," he said softly.

"Just remember to let go of my hand next time," I smiled.

He rolled his eyes and rolled over on his belly, laying his head down on his arm and looking at me. I scooted up a little and propped my head up to look at the clock. 8:30.

"Why are you up so early?" I asked.

"I can't sleep."

"Did you sleep at all?"

"Yea. I slept pretty good. I just woke up early, and then started thinking that Gareth is going to be here soon," he said softly.

"That's a good thing. Right?"

"Yea," he sighed. "I just hate waiting. Waiting sucks."

"What are you going to do when he gets here?"

"Just let it happen," Jonny smiled. "Really, I don't know. This is so frustrating," he said and buried is face in the pillow.


"Gareth. You guys. Everything."

"Explain. Why us?"

"'Cause you're in love and have each other. You don't have to deal with other people controlling your life and can be together. I know you said I'm still young and all that, but it's like seeing someone with a glass of water when you're really thirsty, and they'll let you look at the water and touch the glass, but you have to walk another hundred miles before you can have your own glass of water."

"Okay. What about Gareth?"

"Promise you won't tease me about it?"

"No," I smiled.

Jonny propped himself back up on his hand and played with the hair on my arm.

"I do love him. I don't want to say I'm in love with him 'cause we haven't really met yet and it seems kinda stupid to say you are in love with someone you've never met," he said, almost to himself.

"You haven't met in person. That doesn't mean you don't know him. I don't think it's stupid at all."

"Um, I also don't want to be in love with him."


"Because he's so far away. How are we supposed to be together when we're in different countries?"

"That still doesn't mean you can't be in love with each other."

"No, it just means he'll find someone else close to him and forget about me," Jonny said sarcastically.

"Maybe. Maybe you'll find someone close to you as well."

"Maybe. I hope things are better when I get back."

"They can't be much worse, can they?"

"I don't want to think about it being worse. Mom says she misses me, and Dad hasn't said anything. She got Tommy to go see Dr. Mars about harassing me."

"Dr. Mars?" I chuckled.

"Yea. He said to call him Uncle Joe, but I don't feel comfortable with that yet."

"You've practically known him since you were born."

"I know, but Mom and Dad always call him Dr. Mars, and Tommy always calls him Joey's dad. I remember I used to think they were two different people. One named Dr. Mars and the other named Joey's Dad," Jonny smiled.

"You realize he's gonna be analyzing you, don't you? It's not going be obvious. He'll just start talking to you, and suddenly you're spilling your guts," I smiled.

"Now I know where you get it from," Michael mumbled.

"Morning, Michael," Jonny said. "Sorry if I woke you."

"I need to get up and get working anyway," Michael groaned as he rolled on his back and stretched. He rolled on his side to cover himself behind my hip and propped himself up on his hand. I didn't have that luxury, but my piss hard-on had gone away. I noticed that Jonny's was gone as well.

"I see you're more comfortable now," Michael said once he noticed Jonny was naked and uncovered.

"A little," Jonny blushed and turned his hips a little so he was showing less.

"Good. You're a good looking guy and have nothing to be bashful about. Between that and the fact that you're a really nice guy, you're gonna make some guy very happy someday," Michael said.

Jonny turned bright red and burred his face in the pillow. Michael and I chuckled.

Michael reached over me and pushed Jonny back to see his face again. "I mean it. Never be ashamed of who you are," he said seriously.

"I know. I'm not ashamed, but it's hard sometimes, you know," Jonny said.

"Never said it wasn't."


"You're welcome."

"I mean it. Both of you. For everything. Letting me stay here. Talking to me like a real person. Everything," Jonny said as the tears welled up and then hugged us both. "I love you," he said as he held us tight, sobbing.

Michael was the only one with a free arm and he rubbed Jonny's back as he cried.

"Do we smell so bad we bring tears to your eyes? Just tell us. We'll take a shower," Michael said after a few minutes.

Jonny started shaking with laughter and pulled away.

"You were being so nice I didn't want to say anything," he laughed through his tears.

"Feeling better now?" I asked.

"Yea, but I have to go to the bathroom," he smiled and wiped his eyes.

"I agree," I said and sat up, pushing Michael off me.

"I'm first," Jonny said and rolled off the bed. He pulled on his boxers and t-shirt and ran out of the room.

Michael and I took our time and were about a minute behind him. We found him leaning against the wall outside the bathroom door.

"It's locked," he sighed.

I looked out in the living room.

"What the hell are you doing up? It's Saturday and not even ten." I said to Justin, who was dressed and putting on his shoes.

"Morning to you, too," Justin smirked.

"Morning," I corrected. "So what's up?"

"We're playing football," Charlie answered as he walked out of their bedroom.

"We're gonna play against Josh and Chris," Justin added.

"We're gonna kick their arse," Charlie smiled.

"Without a doubt," Justin agreed.

"What about Joey?"

"He's hanging out with his family all day."

"If you guys waited until this afternoon, Gareth and I could play with you," Jonny said.

"There will be more people at the park in the afternoon. Too risky. Ready?" Justin said.

"Let's go. We'll be back this afternoon," Charlie said and they were out the door.

"If I'd known I wouldn't have promised Michelle I'd go shopping with her," Kerr said.

"Too late now. You're stuck. She in the bathroom?" I asked.


"How long has she been in there?"

"Twenty minutes or so," Kerr answered.

I went back the bathroom door and beat on it. "Hurry up, girl. You've got a line of guys about to piss their pants."

"All you had to do was knock," Michelle said and opened the door, wrapped in a robe and drying her hair with a towel.

"I did," Jonny said as he rushed in, pushed her out, and closed the door behind him.

Michelle shrugged with a smile and went to dig through her suitcase. A minute later the toilet flushed and the door opened.

"Thanks. Next," Jonny said as he walked out.

Michael and I used the toilet and then went to the kitchen. Lance was sitting at the table drinking coffee and working on his laptop, as usual.

"Morning, Lance," I said.


"Good night?" Michael asked.

"Yea, it was nice," Lance said with a soft sappy smile.

"So what do we want to make for dinner tonight?" I asked as I poured a cup of coffee and handed it to Michael before pouring one for myself.

"I don't know. How about something light? Maybe more buffet like instead of a sit down meal. It's hot and we're gonna be up all night, so I don't want to make anything too heavy."

"Why up all night?" Michael asked.

"Sorry, I thought I told you. Our plane leaves at 4AM. A limo will be here to pick us up at 3:00AM, so we'll all be here until then. No sense going to bed to get up in an hour or two."

"Four AM flight? That sucks. Staying up all night is the only way I could catch a flight at that time."

"Us too. We'll be able to sleep in all day Sunday when we get back, so no big deal."

"Okay. So let's decide what to make for dinner. We need to go grocery shopping."

We planned out the menu. Lance said he'd go to the grocery with Danny in a little while so I could be here to go get Gareth when the call came. Michael and I took a shower after breakfast.

"You were wonderful this morning," I said to Michael and gave him a long kiss after we stepped into the shower.

"You were, too. You know he's in love with you, don't you?"

"No he's not. It's just a crush, if anything. He also has a crush on Charlie. I've know him since he was in diapers."

Michael chuckled.

"What?" I asked.

"You really are dense sometimes," Michael laughed.

"Probably. Why do you think he's in love with me?"

"Just the way he looks at you. The way he talks to you. It's a lot of little things."

"Why did you make us sleep naked last night?"

"I didn't make you. He was teasing and I wanted to see how far he would take it. We've been teasing him about being so modest, so I guess it was a good way to force that along as well. I think he enjoyed it once he got over the naked equals sex thing."

"An altruistic act on your part?"

"Sounds good, but no. Really it's just more comfortable and I wanted to feel you against me."

"Like this," I smiled and pressed my quickly growing erection against his.

"Will you just sit down and relax," I said, exasperated at Jonny's running back and forth to the bathroom to check his hair or whatever and then back to stare at the phone and generally being hyper and nervous.

"I can't," Jonny whined.

"They're not going to call any sooner and you're just going to make yourself sick."

"Their plane already landed, right?"

"Yes. You know it did. We checked it on the web site."

"They've had plenty of time to check into the hotel. Why haven't they called?"

"It's a long flight. Maybe they wanted to take a nap or a shower."

"I don't think Gareth could sleep. Maybe they got lost, or lost the number."

I just gave Jonny an annoyed look and went to my bedroom. Michael was sitting on the bed working on his paper. I flopped down beside him.

"He about to explode?" Michael smiled.

"Yep. I'm taking shelter," I said and pulled a pillow over my head.

Michael laughed and rubbed my belly a few times before going back to his typing. The phone rang a few minutes later and Jonny answered it in the middle of the first ring. He burst into the bedroom a minute later.

"They're ready! Let's go get 'em!" Jonny said excitedly.

"Where are they staying?" I asked.

"Um...I forgot to ask."

Michael snickered and I poked him in the ribs as I stood up. I *69'd the phone and it called back to the hotel. They were staying at the Embassy Suites on North End Avenue.

"So where are they staying?" Jonny asked anxiously.

"In a hotel," I smirked.

"Yea. Okay. Whatever. Let's go," Jonny said impatiently and bit irritated.

"Okay," I smiled.

"Do I look okay? God, I'm sweating like a fat man climbing stairs."

I had to laugh. "Nice expression. It's hot out, so I think you can pull it off," I said and pushed him out the door.

We walked, quickly, to the station and caught a train right away. Jonny was pacing the car, and I think making some of the other riders nervous. I pulled him down into a seat as he walked by and told him to relax -- for all the good it did. We got to our stop and headed for the hotel.

"Which hotel is it?"

"You'll see when we get there."

"Is it far?"



We walked a few more blocks.

"This is it," I said and walked in. I went right to the front desk and asked which room they were in. The receptionist said she couldn't give out that information, but would call and let them know they had visitors.

"I'm sorry, sir. They aren't answering their phone," the receptionist said after trying to call.

"But we just talked to them," Jonny protested. "They're expecting us."

"Thank you," I said to the receptionist and pulled Jonny away. "If they aren't in their room they probably came down to meet us," I explained.

"Oh," Jonny said and looked around the lobby. There were a few people sitting around, but no man with a teenage boy.

"Let's just sit down and wait. Maybe they're on their way down."

"Yea, okay."

We sat down on a sofa and I grabbed a newspaper that was on the table.

"I'm gonna look around," Jonny said after a few seconds, and soon disappeared down a hallway.

"Dad, I don't see them yet. How far away is Brooklyn?" I heard a kid say in a British accent and walk up to a middle aged man who was sitting a couple seats away. I smiled and got up.

"You wouldn't happen to be Roger and Gareth, by any chance?" I smiled as I walked up to them.

Gareth gave me a odd 'how do you know my name?' look. Roger just smiled and stood up.

"Yes we are. And you must be Jonah. Nice to meet you," he said as we shook hands.

"Where's Jonny?" Gareth asked.

"Doing the same thing you were doing: looking for you," I smiled.

"When did you get here? I was outside and I didn't see you walk in?"

"Just a few minutes ago. He'll be back."

"Which way did he go?"

"Just stay here and wait. Otherwise you'll both be chasing each other's tail all night," Roger said.

I stifled a laugh. "How was your flight?"

"Not bad once we got away from London," Roger answered.

"Long," Gareth answered and continued to look around.

"That it is," I laughed.

"Have you been to the UK?" Roger asked.

"Yea. My boyfriend and I spent three weeks in Europe this spring. We stayed a couple days with a friend in London."

"You're queer, then?" Roger asked with no malice.

"Yep. So's my boyfriend," I smiled.

"Quite convenient, that," Roger laughed.

"I think so." I noticed Gareth's eyes brighten and turned to see Jonny walking up to us. I could see his steps getting slower and his chest heaving as he got closer. I turned back to look at Gareth and his chest was doing the same. They both looked nervous as hell. Roger motioned for us to step back and let them meet without the scrutiny. I was impressed and we walked away, still keeping an eye on them.

Jonny got to within two feet of Gareth, and stopped. They looked at each other a few seconds, smiled, said something I couldn't hear, and then practically jumped in each other's arms in a giddy and bouncy hug. It was really cute and I couldn't help but smile.

Satisfied it was going well, I turned to Roger. "So what are you planning to do in New York?"

"Work this coming week. The next week will be spent being tourists. What relation are you to Jonny?"

"None. He's going to be living with my aunt and uncle when he goes back to Chicago, and I used to be friends with his brother -- before I came out."

"Friend of the family, then?"

"Something like that. I can't say I have any respect for his brother or father, but Jonny's a good kid and his mom has always been nice to me."

"What do you do for a living? Student?"

I knew I was being questioned, but I already expected it. "Yea. I'm a student at NYU for lighting design, but that may be changing. I've recently caught the directing bug."

"Directing films? There's good money to be made there."

"Maybe. Theatre is what I'm interested in right now. I have a show that's running while you're here. I know Jonny wants to go see it with Gareth. It has nudity and some pretty mature subject matter, so that will be your call."

"What's it about?"

"A famous boy-band member trying to deal with being gay, the pressures of fame, and falling in love with a street hustler," I said to give him an idea without giving away the whole plot.

"Positive or negative in tone?"

"Neither, really, but it is dark. Maybe negative with a glimmer of positive, or positive heavily tarnished with negative."

"Very cryptic of you," Roger smiled.

"I don't want to give away the plot. It's very sexy and sensual in places, and violent in some places. No blood or gore, though."

"It'll probably be alright."

"Good. So now the tables are turned. Tell me about you," I said.

"I'm a computer consultant with Andersen, which is why I'm here. I'm a single father and have tried to raise my son the best I can. As far as him being queer, I'm only concerned for his safety and happiness, not which sex he gets that from."

"Good attitude. Maybe you can talk to Tony."


"Jonny's father."

"You can't change the mind of a bigot. Having a stranger tell him he's an arse would be counter-productive."

Jonny and Gareth finally walked over to us -- each one with his arm around the other's shoulder.

"So is everything happy in the world?" Roger smiled.

"Yep," they both said together.


"Have you already had lunch?" I asked.

"Yes, we ate before we called, thank you," Roger said.

"Okay. Well, I guess we can head home and show you the place. There should be a few people there by now," I said and lead the way.

"Jonah's got a great apartment in Brooklyn. You'll like it," Jonny said.

"It's not for sale," I said and Roger laughed.

Roger and I talked casually while Jonny and Gareth babbled about what they would do while here as we made our way to the trains, and back to the apartment.

When we walked in, Michelle was cleaning the packaging from her new clothes and Kerr was drooped in a chair, watching TV.

"We're back," I announced.

"Master of the obvious," Michelle smirked.

"Someone has to point things out for the blondes," I shot back.

"They're always like this," Jonny said to Gareth. Gareth, on the other hand, got really quiet all of a sudden.

"Okay. Introductions. This is Gareth, who I'm sure you remember Jonny mentioning once or twice last night," I teased. "And this is his father, Roger. This is Michelle, and Kerr."

"Hello," Michelle said from her spot with a smile and continued unpackaging her clothes.

Kerr was a gentleman and stood up to shake Roger's hand. "Nice to meet you, Sir."

"Nice to meet you," Roger said.

Kerr turned to Gareth and held out his hand. Gareth looked at it a second and then hesitantly shook it.

"Hi," Kerr said with a amused smile.

"H-H-Hi. I...um...really like your show... I mean, your character on the show," Gareth stuttered.

"Oh, you're an actor. Which show?" Roger asked.

"'Dawson's Creek.'"

"Oh yes, now I recognize you. The queer American football player."

"Yea, that's me, or rather, the character I play."

"Anyone else home yet?" I asked.

"Danny and Lance are taking a nap. We haven't seen anyone else," Kerr answered and moved back to his chair.

I went into my room to see if Michael was still there. He was sound asleep, with the iBook still on his lap. I closed it and put it on the night stand before waking him.

"Michael. Wake up," I said and rubbed his chest.

"I'm up," he mumbled without opening his eyes or moving.

"You're gonna have to be a bit more up. Gareth and Roger are here. Come on out to say hi and then you can resume your nap."

"I'm up," he mumbled again, but didn't move.

Oh well. I went back out to the living room. Jonny and Gareth were gone and Roger was sitting in the other chair.

"Michael's taking a nap. Where'd the kids go?" I said.

"Fire escape," everyone answered.

"Okay. Well, Roger, since you've been ditched, I can show you around."

Roger stood up and followed me towards the hallway.

"Just a basic apartment. Bathroom," I said and pointed it out. "This is the room I share with Michael, my boyfriend," I said and opened the door to let him see Michael sleeping on the bed. "The other two bedrooms are about the same." I lead him towards the kitchen. "The kitchen, and the fire escape," I said and looked out to see Jonny and Gareth sitting side by side and talking away.

Roger looked out after I pulled back in.

"I'm going to have to drag my son back to Bristol," Roger smiled.

"Or fight off Jonny coming with you," I added. "I think it's good they have each other as friends."

"I think it may be a bit more than friends," Roger countered.

"Maybe. There's the distance problem, though. In a couple years when they're on their own, if they're still friends and want to be a couple, they'll have a great base of friendship to base it on," I said.

"Yes, I've considered that. That's one of the reasons I brought him along."

"What's another?"

"I didn't want him alone at home for a week."

"Didn't require that much begging on his part, huh?" I said.

"I wouldn't say that. Had to make a good show of it. I've known about this trip and planned to bring him long before Jonny was going to be here," Roger said in a hushed voice.

"Ah. Now it's 'my cool dad who took me to the States so I could spend time with Jonny' instead of 'my dad who dragged me along on his business trip and made me stay in the hotel,'" I smiled.

"Brilliant, don't you think?"

"Sure. Never underestimate the deviousness of a parent. I take it you don't have any problem with them spending time together?"

"I expected it and am thankful for it. Now I don't need to find something to keep him occupied this week."

"Hello," Charlie said as he walked into the kitchen and went to get a glass of water. He was dirty and sweaty.

"Hey, Charlie. This is Roger, Gareth's father," I said.

Charlie held up one hand and continued to gulp down his water.

"Sorry. Really needed a drink. Hello, Roger. I'm Charlie," Charlie said and shook Roger's hand.

"That's alright. You're English?"

"Yep. From Newcastle, originally."

"Charlie is one of the leads in the play I told you about earlier, and a good friend," I added.

"Where're Gareth and Jonny?" Charlie asked.

I pointed to the fire escape. Charlie started towards it.

"Wait. We don't want him falling off the fire escape when he meets you," I smiled.

"Where's the fun in that?" Charlie smiled.

"Should I recognize you?" Roger asked.

"Not necessarily. Most likely you would have seen me in 'Queer as Folk' on Channel Four. I played Nathan."

"Oh yes. That certainly was a talked about show, now, wasn't it?"

"Yes, and still is. I'm going to get cleaned up, then. Nice to meet you, Roger," Charlie said and made his exit.

"So is everyone here queer, then?" Roger asked.

"Huh? Oh, no. Just Michael and I, Danny and Lance, and of course, Jonny and Gareth. Don't confuse the characters actors play with the real person."

"Sorry. I guess I shouldn't assume."

"Don't worry about it. I can understand the confusion. Anyway, what time do you want Gareth back at the hotel?"

"We'll see. I'll just have him call when he wakes up."

"I take it you're comfortable with him staying here, then?"

"Oh yes. I just wanted to make sure everything was what it was supposed to be. I can see that it is, so no problems there. Gareth is old enough to know to leave or call if he feels uncomfortable."

"Alright. You have plans tonight for yourself?" I asked, hoping to push him along.

"Of course I do," Roger smiled before calling Gareth back inside.

"So can I stay?" Gareth asked as he climbed in the window.

"Everything seems to be in order. Are you sure you don't want to go back to the hotel with me?" Roger tested with a grin.

"And spoil your evening out? Never. You might even get lucky, Dad," Gareth teased.

"And I'm the only one. Got it?" Roger said to Gareth, obviously meaning he didn't want Gareth and Jonny to have sex.

"Dad. We've already talked about this," Gareth pleaded through clenched teeth.

"Just a reminder. You have the number at the hotel and my mobile, yes?"

"Yea. I've got them."

"Okay then; have a laugh with your mate and call me after you wake tomorrow. Okay?"

"Thanks, Dad," Gareth said and gave Roger a hug.

"You're welcome. Now be good. I'll see you tomorrow," Roger said and headed for the door. "Could you help me with directions?" Roger asked me as we got to the door.

"Yea, sure," I said and followed him out into the hallway. "Just go back..."

"I know where I'm at. That was meant for prying ears," Roger whispered.


"I'll be direct and to the point. I don't want Gareth and Jonny to be having sex. However, I also am not naive enough to believe that nothing is going to happen -- regardless of what anyone says."

"Okay. I've already told Jonny that they weren't going to be having sex, but I realize that they'll do what they want when they get the chance."

"Right. Anyway. What I'm saying is that if they do...when they do...hopefully, if they do... Anyway. If it happens, that it will happen in a safe place and in a safe way. Am I making any sense?" Roger said nervously.

"I think so. You're saying not to encourage them, but don't make it so uncomfortable that they're out on the street."

"Right. Exactly. You can be the cool adult who lets them do things, without really encouraging them. I can't play that role and probably shouldn't. Just make sure they have condoms, and a safe place. I don't want to know any more than that."

I smiled. "It reminds me of my grandfather after I came out when I was sixteen. He gave me a box of condoms and said, 'This isn't an invitation, but I remember being sixteen and, well, be safe.'"

"Sounds like a good bloke. What about your father?"

"Dead. I was raised by my grandparents."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

I waved it away. I don't understand why people apologize when someone dies. It's just one of those cultural language things that doesn't make any sense.

"I'm sure your grandparents have some good advice on raising a queer son," Roger continued.

"They may have, but they're gone now. I don't think it was any different than raising a straight son. You just ask if he's found a cute guy at school instead of a cute girl," I smiled.

"It's much more than that. You have to worry about him being queer bashed, and AIDS, and pedophiles, and what to do concerning sex."

"The only problem you've named that is unique to being gay is being queer bashed. Everything else would be the same if he was gay or straight."

"Yes, I suppose so."

"Do you have a PFLAG in Bristol?"

"A what?"

"'Parents, Family & Friends of Lesbians and Gays.' It's a support group for parents who have gay kids."

"I don't think so. Perhaps in London. I'll have to check on it," Roger thought aloud.

"If not, maybe you can start one yourself."


"Is there anything else we're not talking about that they can do?" I smiled.

"That's it. If Gareth wants a beer he can have one; only one. Tell him to sod off when he tries to ask for another one."


"Well, I don't think there's anything else. I'll call if I don't hear from him by noon. Nice to meet you," Roger said as he shook my hand goodbye.

"Are you going to be able find your way back alright?"

"Not a problem. I've been in New York City many times. Cheers," Roger said and walked off towards the train station.

Finally. I sighed and went back upstairs. I went straight to my room, flopped down on the bed, and snuggled Michael in my arms. He woke just enough to wrap his arms around me and snuggle against my chest. It was only three, and the party wasn't starting until eight, so we had plenty of time for a nap. Then there was a knock at the door.

"What?" I said, just barely awake.

Jonny opened the door and walked in with Gareth.

"Is it okay if we go for a walk? Like maybe down to the park or something?" Jonny asked.

"Yea. That's fine. It's gonna be a late night, so you should take a nap sometime. I know you're still on UK time, Gareth, so you'll be exhausted by the time everyone gets here if you don't take a nap," I said, surprisingly coherent for being half-awake.

"I probably should," Gareth said, though he was looking at Michael.

"Yes, this is Michael. He's more interesting when he's awake," I smiled.

"Um, sorry," Gareth blushed.

"Don't worry about it. Have fun on your walk. Oh, Charlie and Justin are back," I said and closed my eyes.

"Cool," Jonny said and I heard the door close a few seconds later.

I woke about an hour-and-a-half later to the sound of Michael typing. I stretched and sat up beside him.

"How's it going?" I asked and rubbed his back.

"Okay, I think. Can you proof it when I'm done?"

"Yea," I said and gave him a quick kiss. "You want something to drink?" I asked as I got off the bed.

"Yea. Some water, please."

"Okay. I'll be back." As I walked through the living room I saw that Jonny and Gareth were sitting on the sofa, sound asleep, with the TV on. They were leaning on each other, but not lying in each other's arms. I continued to the kitchen to find Michelle, Danny and Lance. Lance was cooking.

"Hey, guys," I said as I walked in.

"Hey. Can you start that pasta thing?" Lance asked.

"Sure," I said and got Michael a glass of water. "Did you two meet Gareth yet?"

"Yep. We scared him already," Danny laughed.

"He wasn't that bad. Just a bit nervous," Lance said.

"He's practically ignored me," Michelle pouted.

"Grow a penis and he'll be excited to meet you, too," I teased and went to give Michael his water. I almost ran into Justin, who was walking out of his room, on the way back.

"Hey," Justin said sleepily.

"Hey. Who won the game?"

"We did, of course," he smiled.

"Of course. Did you meet Gareth yet?"

"Nope. I cleaned up and went straight to take a nap," Justin said and looked over to the sofa. "Cute kid."

I raised my eyebrow.

"What? I'm just making an observation. They look cute together," Justin defended.

"Okay. Perv." I teased.

"Probably, but not like that," Justin said and then smiled. "I'm gonna have a little fun," he said and walked over to the sofa.

"What are you doing?"

"Shhh," Justin whispered and lay down on the sofa with his legs over Jonny and Gareth's laps.

"You're evil. If you give him a heart attack, you have to explain it to his father."

"He's young. He'll survive," Justin said with a grin, got comfortable, and closed his eyes.

He was wearing loose shorts and if Gareth moved his hand it would be on Justin's crotch. Jonny could easily see up the leg of the shorts from where he was sitting.

"Drama queen," I said and went to the kitchen.

"Who's a drama queen?" Danny asked.


"What did he do now?" Lance asked.

"He's lying on the sofa with his legs across Jonny and Gareth."

Danny choked on his drink and Lance snickered. Michelle just smiled.

"I told him he'd have to explain it to Roger if Gareth had a heart attack."

"He has to be the center of attention, doesn't he?" Michelle said.

"Yep," Danny, Lance and I answered.

I started the pasta salad I was making. Lance chopped up fruit and vegetables. Danny and Michelle talked and stole pieces of food.

I still hadn't heard anything from the living room after I finished, so I went to check it out. Charlie was walking out of his room as I was walking into the living room. He froze when he saw Justin.

"What the hell does J think he's doing?" Charlie asked.

"Being a twat," I smiled.

"That's not too difficult for him."

Justin hadn't moved or said anything back, so I assumed he fell asleep. Charlie looked at me, then Justin, then at me again with a huge grin.

"What?" I said suspiciously.

"You awake, J?" Charlie called.


Charlie smiled, came over behind the sofa, held his hand over Jonny's mouth and woke him up.

"Shh. Don't move. J thought he'd scare Gareth. Do you think you can wake Gareth up and not have him move or wake J?" Charlie whispered in Jonny's ear.

Jonny nodded and Charlie removed his hand.

"What are we going to do?" Jonny whispered.

"I want you both to snuggle against him," Charlie smiled.

Jonny looked and then turned back to Charlie. "But if we don't move I'll practically be laying on his..." he whispered and pointed to Justin's crotch.

Charlie just smiled.

"I'm not gonna put my face there," Jonny protested.

"You're not going to blow him. Just lay against Gareth and wrap your arm around his waist," Charlie said.

Jonny nodded and gently took Gareth's face in his hand, keeping him from looking at Justin. He leaned forward and whispered in his ear until he woke up.

"What?" Gareth groaned.

"Shhh. Don't move and be really quiet," Jonny whispered.

"Why?" Gareth whispered. "And who's lying on me?"

"You gotta be really cool. Okay? Really cool."


"Don't freak. Just be really cool."

"I said okay."

"He thought he'd be funny by making you freak, but we're gonna make him freak. Okay?"

"Who?" Gareth said and tried to turn his head, but Jonny wouldn't let him.


Gareth's eyes got huge and Jonny put his other hand over his mouth.

"Remember. Cool," Jonny said again and waited a few seconds until Gareth nodded before removing his hand.

"I can't believe Justin Timberlake is lying on me," Gareth whispered.

"Okay. Here's what we're gonna do. Just lay down and wrap your arms around him like you're still asleep, and I'll do the same."

"I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"It's Justin Timberlake."

"So? He's cool, and it'll be fun to turn the tables on him. Don't get star struck over Justin," Jonny whispered.

"Like you?" Gareth challenged.

"Yea, okay, but you gotta do this," Jonny pleaded.

"He better not hate me or kill us or something."

"Charlie will protect us," Jonny said and Gareth looked past him to see Charlie standing there.

Charlie smiled and gave a little wave. Gareth smiled and then looked back at Jonny.

"I'm gonna have to go someplace and scream like a girl after this is all over," Gareth whispered.

"Fine. Now let's do it before he wakes up," Jonny prodded.

Gareth took a deep breath and turned to look at Justin's face for the first time. I could hear him suppress a squeal. Jonny nudged him and they lay down. Gareth hesitantly put his arm around Justin's belly and lay his head on Justin's chest. Jonny lay his head on Gareth's side and hung his arm across Justin's hips. In typical Justin fashion of clutching onto anyone sleeping next to him, he put his arm around Gareth and held him. I could see Gareth breathing so hard he was going to hyperventilate.

"Calm down," Jonny whispered.

"I'm trying," Gareth whispered, and then closed his eyes.

He squeezed Justin tighter and Justin responded by squeezing him tighter. A few seconds later, Jonny pulled his arm off Justin and turned to look at Charlie. There was a growing bulge in Justin shorts. Charlie stifled a laugh and motioned for Jonny to put his arm back. Jonny sighed, but did it. Charlie walked over and knelt down behind Justin, and motioned for me to step out of his line of sight. I stood behind him and watched as he ran his finger's along Justin's lips. Justin hugged Gareth tighter, thrust his hips a little and kissed at Charlie's fingers. Charlie pulled his finger back across Justin's nose and forehead. I saw Justin's eyes open and stepped back a little further.

"Fuck," Justin whispered.

Charlie popped his head over the side and looked at Justin upside down.

"Having fun, J?" Charlie smiled.

There was a flash and a click. We all looked up to see Danny standing there with his camera and Lance behind him with his face buried in his shoulder. Danny smiled and they ran off to his room.

"Okay. Fun's over," Justin said and tried to sit up.

"But you're still excited," Jonny teased as he sat up and pulled Gareth with him.

Justin quickly got in a less prone sitting position. "You're getting pretty cocky, kid. Hello, Gareth."

"Hi. Um... Hi," Gareth stuttered.

"Oh, I see how it is. You get me in bed and then don't even remember my name once you've had your fun," Justin teased.

"Um, I know you're Nick Carter," Gareth said very believably, and then smiled.

"Oh no. It's another Brit who thinks he's funny," Justin smirked.

Lance walked back into the room with a print of the photo.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. This doesn't look good, Justin. You sleeping with not one, but two, underage boys. Not good at all," Lance with a smirk on his face.

"Give me that," Justin said and jumped up to grab it. Justin looked at it a minute. "You can't even tell it's me with Charlie leaning over me."

"That was the idea," Danny said and handed a print to Gareth and another to Jonny.

"The National Enquirer will never buy it now," Jonny smiled. "But that's okay. I'm a very descriptive writer."

Justin shot him a look.

"Just kidding. God, do you think I'd actually do something like that?"

"No. If you did I'd hunt you down," Justin smiled.

"And do what?" I challenged.

"Make him write a retraction. I don't know," Justin shrugged.

"You're such a yappy dog," Danny laughed.

Lance made some yappy dog barks and growls, and then laughed.

"Is this Pick on Justin Day? Did I miss the memo?" Justin whined.

"Every day is Pick on Justin Day," I said.

"Yea. G-DumbYa announced it this morning in a press conference," Danny said.

"You can't ignore the president," Lance shrugged.

"I guess it's just 'cause I'm so special," Justin smiled.

"As in 'short bus' special." Jonny teased.

"Getting pretty confident around your boyfriend, aren't you?" Justin teased.

"What's 'short bus' mean?" Gareth asked.

Charlie wagged his little finger in front of his crotch. Danny, Lance and I burst out laughing. He stopped before Justin, Gareth or Jonny saw it. Justin turned and glared at him, but Charlie gave his best innocent look and shrugged his shoulders.

"The retarded kids ride the short bus here," Jonny explained as he looked for someone to explain the outburst of laughter. No one did.

"Oh how I miss the days of the scared little kid shaking and stuttering at the sight of me," Justin teased again with a sigh.

"Yea, well now I know you and know there's no reason to be intimidated," Jonny shot back.

"The magic is gone. You're losing your touch, Justin," Lance laughed.

"Oh well," Justin shrugged and went to the bathroom.

"Do you have to have a penis to get any attention around here?" Michelle said with a smile from the doorway to the kitchen.

"No, but it sure helps," I said and gave her a hug. "That better?"

"It helps," she smiled.

"You really need to get over this penis envy thing you've got going," I teased.

"I'm not envious. You're a big enough dick for all of us," she countered.


"You're quite welcome."

"See? I told you they're always like that," Jonny said to Gareth.

"It's all out of love. Right?" I said to Michelle.

"Right," she said and we gave each other a quick kiss.

"Ew, you kissed a girl," Jonny laughed.

"Some men don't consider that a bad thing," Michelle smirked.

"I like kissing girls," Charlie said hopefully with a grin.

"Sorry, Charlie. I don't know you well enough," Michelle said.

Charlie sighed dramatically.

"So what are we doing tonight?" Justin asked as he came out of the bathroom.

"Can we have, like, a sing-a-long?" Jonny asked.

"You gonna pay me?" Justin countered, and got slapped in the back of the head by Lance. He slapped him back.

"I didn't mean you guys have to perform for us. Everyone would sing," Jonny continued.

"We'll see once everyone gets here," Lance said.

The rest of the 'NSYNC guys arrived. Jonny's hope of a sing-a-long was overruled and we sat around drinking, eating and talking. I thought it was fine, but I could see he was bored.

"I think it's time for gifts now," Charlie said.

"We were supposed to get gifts?" Michael asked.

"No, but I saw something and had to get it for J," Charlie smiled.

"I've also got some things," Lance said.

"You got me a gift? Where is it?" Justin said excitedly.

Charlie went to his room and Lance went to his. They both returned a minute later with their packages.

"Me first," Lance said handed Michael an envelope.

Michael ripped it open. Inside were two vouchers for plane and hotel for a week in Reykjavik.

"Thanks. This is too much," Michael said.

Lance waved it off. "No it's not. Don't argue with me about it."

"Thanks, Lance," I said and we both gave him a hug.

"I hope you guys enjoy it as much as we did," Danny said.

"Next," Lance said and handed Jonny and Gareth each a wrapped CD.

Gareth was shocked that he would get anything, but ripped it open with a grin. The both got autographed copies of 'NSYNC's CD that would be coming out next week.

"That hasn't been released yet, so you don't actually have it," Justin smiled.

"Thank you very much," Gareth said.

"Thanks, guys. This is great," Jonny said and gave each of them a hug.

"That's all I've got. Charlie?" Lance said.

Charlie set his first package down in front of Justin. Justin shot a grin to everyone and ripped into it.

"What the fuck?!" Justin said incredulously and held up a Fleshlight Personal Masturbator.

Everyone just about died laughing.

"That's not all," Charlie said and handed Justin another wrapped package.

Justin opened this one more slowly. His eyes got wide and he closed the wrapping back up.

"You suck," he said with a smile to Charlie that said, 'I'm gonna get you for this.'

"Come on. What is it?" Chris said and tried to get the package from Justin. Justin fought valiantly, but lost when Joey joined in. Joey got the box and pulled back the wrapping. He howled in laughter and tossed the box to Josh. Josh ripped the rest of the wrapping off and proudly displayed a Realistic 6" Cock and Balls dildo. I was laughing so hard it hurt.

"Don't want you to be lonely on the road," Charlie laughed. "You'll need this to go with it," he added and set the final package in front of Justin.

"You do realize I'll get you for this?" Justin said with a forced smile.

"You can try," Charlie smiled back.

Justin tossed the box to Jonny. "You can open it."

Jonny ripped open the package and displayed it proudly. It was an economy size bottle of lube.

"Of course," Justin smirked.

"Why did you do this to us, Charlie? Now we'll never get him out of his bunk on the bus," Joey cried through his laughter.

"That's what the lube is for," Chris howled.

"Can we trade bunks, Lance?" Josh asked. "Please?"

"No way. I'm not gonna sleep under him," Lance laughed.

Michael had pulled the dildo out of its box. "Too bad this isn't a strap on. It's bigger than you are," he said with a laugh and threw the dildo at Justin.

Justin caught it and started beating Charlie with it.

"Help! I'm being cock whipped!" Charlie laughed and tried to protect himself. He got the dildo away from Justin and threw it to Lance.

Lance threw it to Joey. Joey threw it to Michelle. Michelle threw it to Josh. Josh threw it to Kerr. Kerr threw it to me and I threw it to Chris.

"Hey, it even has a suction cup. What do you want to bet we'll find it stuck to the side of the bus in his bunk?" Chris said.

"I'm not gonna take that bet," Joey said.

"Give me my cock back," Justin demanded. Chris tossed it to him and he slapped Charlie with it a couple more times before putting it back in the box.

Everyone eventually calmed down and talked as the night wore on. I noticed that Gareth was fighting to stay awake as his head bobbed up and drooped every few minutes.

"Why don't you go to bed, Gareth?" I said.

"Huh? No, I'm okay," he said with a yawn.

"Sure you are. Why don't you take him to bed, Jonny?" Michael said.

"Yea, okay," Jonny sighed and pulled Gareth up.

"Nice to meet everyone. Thanks for the CD," Gareth said.

"You're welcome," Lance said and got up to give him a hug. It startled Gareth, but he accepted it. The rest of the 'NSYNC guys shook his hand.

"I'll see you again sometime, kid," Lance said as he hugged Jonny.

"I hope so. Thanks for everything. Good luck on tour," Jonny said, and then turned to accept Justin's hug.

"Come see us when we're in Chicago. We'll have tickets waiting for you," Justin said.

"Thanks," Jonny said and shook hands with Josh, Chris and Joey.

We all said 'good night' and they went to the bathroom to brush their teeth before going into the bedroom. We talked the rest of the night until the limo arrived to pick them up.

"Time to go," Josh said sleepily and stood up.

Everyone gathered their things and helped Justin and Lance carry their bags down to the limo.

"I've enjoyed having you here. Remember that you're always welcome. No need to ask first," I said to Lance as I hugged him good-bye.

"Thanks. For everything. I'm gonna miss everyone here," he said and squeezed me tighter.

After we parted I hugged Justin. "Remember to use plenty of lube with those toys," I said.

"You're still not funny."

"It's something I've learned to live with. Seriously, though, I'm gonna miss you."

"You just want another blow job," Justin chuckled as he held me. "But I'm gonna miss you, too."

We parted and I gave the rest of the guys a quick hug goodbye. Danny and Lance were holding each other tight until the last possible minute. Justin looked around and then gave Charlie a long kiss.

"I will get you back," he said as he pulled out of the kiss and then hugged him quickly before getting in the limo. "Come on, Scoop. Gotta go."

Lance and Danny slowly parted and kissed a few times before parting completely and Lance got in the limo. The driver shut the door and they drove off into the night.

"I'm going to bed," Danny mumbled and started up the steps.

"Good-bye's blow," Charlie grumbled and turned to follow him.

Michael and I shared a kiss, and then went upstairs. We put away the food that was still out and went to bed.

"Aww," Michael said as we saw Jonny and Gareth curled up together.

"Think he likes it better than sleeping with us?" I smiled.

"I'd bet on it." Michael dropped his clothes and climbed in bed.

I dropped mine and crawled up the bed and over Michael. Once I was over him, I lay down on him and kissed him.

"What about the kids?" Michael whispered as the kiss parted.

"They've got each other," I said and kissed him again.

"You're a sick man."

"You brought it up. They're asleep. We'll just have to be quiet," I whispered and wiggled my hips.

"Okay. You've convinced me," Michael grinned and pulled me into another kiss.

We got to sleep about an hour later. We were very quiet.

*** [Sunday]

I woke up at 11:30 with the sun in my eyes. I stretched and sat up. Michael was sleeping on his stomach and I was greeted to the sight of his cute bare butt. Once again, the sheets were at the foot of the bed. The past week has been really warm at night. Jonny and Gareth were gone. I rubbed Michael's back until he woke.

"What time is it?" He groaned and stretched before sitting up.

"Twenty 'till noon."

"Morning," he said with a quick kiss.

"Morning," I said and climbed out of bed, pulling him with me.

We put on some clothes, went to the bathroom, and then the kitchen. The apartment was a mess. Jonny and Gareth were talking on the fire escape. Michelle and Kerr were sitting at the table drinking coffee.

"Morning," Kerr said.

"I was wondering if you guys would be up before we left," Michelle said.

"Morning. When are you leaving?" I said while Michael got us some coffee.

"Noon. I have class tomorrow," Michelle said.

"Did you have fun, even though you didn't get to see my ass on stage?" Michael asked.

"Yea. It was fun."


"Beats the hell outta Wilmington any day," he smiled.

"It's going to be pretty quiet here now that the boy-band is gone," Michelle teased.

"Hopefully. I think we need a quiet period," I said.

"Jonny's still here, so it won't be that quiet," Michael said.

The phone rang and I grabbed it. It was Roger. I talked with him a few minutes and assured him that Gareth wasn't any trouble before calling Gareth inside to talk to him.

"Can you take me back to the hotel?" Gareth asked me after talking a few minutes.

"Yea, sure. Now?"


"Are you gonna be able to come back?" Jonny asked.

"I think so," Gareth said and relayed that I could take him back to his dad. He talked another minute or so and then hung up.

"So?" Jonny asked.

"I don't know yet."

"Is it okay if Gareth stays here if his dad says it's okay?" Jonny asked me.

I pretended to think it over, and then said it was okay.

"Thanks," they both said.

"You're welcome. Let me get dressed and we'll go," I said. "Are you coming?" I asked Michael.


We said good bye to Michelle and Kerr and took Gareth back to the hotel after they drove off. We talked a few minutes with Roger before they asked him the most important question in the world. He checked with me and Michael, and then said 'yes.' All was happy in the world of Jonny and Gareth. Roger said he'd bring Gareth back tonight and we left.

Danny and Charlie were cleaning up when we got back. We all pitched in and everything was done in a couple hours.

Michael printed out his paper for me to proof. I sat on the sofa with a red pen and started going through it. Michael sat beside me, reading. Jonny was watching TV with Charlie and Danny went back to bed.

"How do you give a massage? Like the real ones you give each other," Jonny asked.

"For you and Gareth?" Michael asked.


"It usually leads to sex," Charlie said.

"So? We're not gonna have sex yet. I just think it would be cool to give each other a massage and I want to do it right."

"Full body massage?" I asked.

"Yea," Jonny smiled.

"You have to take off all your clothes first," Michael said.

"Yea, I figured," Jonny smirked.

"You won't be too embarrassed to do it?" Charlie teased.

"No, 'cause he would be naked, too."

"Alright. Lay down on your stomach," Charlie said.

"In my clothes?"

"Yes. I'm not going to give you that kind of massage. I'm just going to show you the places to get and what to do," Charlie said.

"Okay," Jonny said and laid down on his stomach.

Charlie started at his shoulders and explained what he was doing as he worked down. He didn't do each area very long -- just long enough that Jonny would understand what to do. Jonny had an obvious erection when he rolled over.

"That will happen as well," Charlie commented on it and then ignored it and started at Jonny's feet. He finished it a few minutes later. "Think you got it?"


"You forgot something," I said.

"I'm not going to massage that," Charlie smirked and pointed at Jonny's crotch.

"His other head, you freak," I shot back.

"Don't know how you'd do that."

I got up and sat above Jonny's head. I reached under his head and massaged the upper part of his neck.

"I got his neck when I did his shoulders," Charlie said.

"Yea, but it's different this way. The neck is more relaxed in this position and you get a deeper muscle. You also do this," I said and gently grabbed his head and pulled out.

"Oh, I see. You try to pull his head off," Charlie smirked.

"Gently. Just to straighten the spine." I eased up and then turned his head to each side, massaged his neck again, and then pulled again. Once that was done I massaged his face. Jonny was almost purring.

"Your turn to make me feel good," Jonny said to Michael.

"How about I let you try what you learned on me?"

"That's not what I was thinking, but okay," Jonny said.

"I know, but it's better for me," Michael said and got down on the floor.

Jonny did a pretty decent job. Charlie and I gave him pointers and Michael commented on what felt good and the amount of pressure to use. Jonny was pretty happy once it was all over.

"If we do it, can we use your bedroom so we aren't naked out here?" Jonny asked.

"Just keep in mind that we could walk in at any minute," I smiled.

"Yea, okay."

"Did you guys do anything after you went to bed last night? You looked pretty happy curled up together," Michael smiled.

"We kissed."

"And?" Charlie coaxed.

Jonny smiled broadly. "It was great. It was everything."

"You liked sleeping with him better than with us, didn't you?" I pouted teasingly.

"Without a doubt. We did see you guys this morning, though," Jonny teased.

"See us?" Michael asked.

"Yea. You didn't have the sheets on you," Jonny said. "And you had a bone," he said to Michael.

"Get you excited?" Michael teased.

"It was okay," Jonny said casually. "Gareth's eyes bugged out, though."

"Well, as long as he didn't touch, squeal or take pictures," Michael said.

"We did take pictures. Gareth stood beside it and held it up like a trophy and I took a picture. He took one with me holding it up, too," Jonny smiled.

"Just remember that if it makes it to the web, so will the videos of you jacking off in the shower," Michael said.

"You don't have any videos of me jacking off in the shower."

"Okay. If you want to believe that," Michael shrugged.

Jonny looked at him for a second, and then changed the subject. "Well, I'm gonna go write. Let me know when Gareth calls," he said and got his journal out of his bag before going to the fire escape.

"What did you guys do Friday night?" Charlie asked us.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"With Jonny. He seems a lot more comfortable with his body. He never would have rolled over with an erection last week. Now he's making jokes and more relaxed," Charlie explained.

"We slept naked," Michael said.

"And then had a good talk in the morning," I added.

"You let the kid sleep naked with you? And you weren't wet in the morning?"

"No, thank god," I said.

"It worked to relax him. He didn't do anything inappropriate," Michael said.

"I think Gareth being here and them sleeping together last night had more to do with it than anything," I said.

"That could be. They are pretty head over heels," Charlie commented.

"It's cute, don't you think?" Michael said.

"Yea. Now I expect to hear him teasing me about him having a boyfriend and I don't," Charlie smiled.

"Do you think Justin will use the toys you got him?" I asked.

"Without a doubt," Charlie laughed.

+++ Jonny's Journal +++

I feel like I've grown up a lot the past couple days. So much has happened. I'll start with Friday night.

Michelle and Kerr came up to visit so there weren't enough places to sleep and one person would have to sleep with Jonah and Michael. Michelle and I flipped a coin for who would get the sofa. She got the sofa. I was so happy about that, but tried to make it seem otherwise. When we went to bed I was teasing them about having sex in front of me and why they didn't sleep naked like they normally do. Michael fixed that and we were soon all naked. Fortunately we were under the sheets and the light was turned off after I took my boxers off 'cause I was at full bone.

When I thought that they might be asleep or really close, I rolled over and snuggled back against Jonah. Oh my god, it felt so nice. He put his arm around me and I held his hand. It was the most incredible feeling. His whole body was touching my whole body. Well, except his penis. I wasn't pressed that close to him. I had to scratch my balls and forgot I was holding his hand. Yes, I know it sounds stupid that I could forget something like that, but I was just about asleep and it was really comfortable. So I scratched myself and moved my bone and his hand was touching me there. I freaked and pulled our hands back up to my chest, but he laughed it off and later told me to just let go of his hand next time. I know it meant nothing to him.

After I was sure he was asleep, I snuggled back tighter so all of him was touching me. I could feel his penis against my butt. He wasn't boned up or anything, but it still felt great. I moved our hands down between my legs so he would be casually touching me and then fell asleep. It wasn't like sex or anything, but it was touching that felt so good and comfortable just being there. I felt good and safe and loved and everything. I don't know if I'll feel that way with any guy, or if it was because I love Jonah. I think it was the love because I felt it when I slept with Gareth -- but I'll get to that.

So anyway, I slept pretty good, but I woke up a few times during the night. One time when I woke up I was wrapped around Jonah and my erection was pressing between his thighs. I swear I almost shot. I would have been embarrassed as hell if I had, so I repositioned myself away from him and fell back asleep. Another time when I woke up he was lying on his back and Michael had his leg around one of Jonah's legs while I was basically in the same position on the other side of him. My arm was wrapped around Jonah's hip, so my hand was pressed between Michael's penis and Jonah's hip. His hand was on Jonah's penis and my bone was pressed against Jonah's thigh and his hand. I hugged him tighter and fell asleep again.

Now that I'm awake it seems like it was really bad for me to do that, but when I was half-asleep and doing it it just felt good. That's weird. Maybe morals are a higher level thought process. Like you don't have them unless you are really awake. It really wasn't doing anything, but it kinda was. I don't know. If I hadn't woke up I wouldn't even remember it. Would it be as bad then? Jonah and Michael didn't say anything about it in the morning, so either they didn't think anything of it, or they didn't wake up and notice.

I woke up before everyone. After having slept that way with them, and the touching we did, even if we didn't mean to, I felt more comfortable being naked with them. It felt good. I was lying there naked and next to two beautiful naked guys and I was boned up and I wasn't embarrassed. I pulled away from Jonah and just looked at him and Michael. It was so beautiful to see them wrapped together, naked and sleeping. Stupid as it is, it made me depressed because I want that so bad. I started thinking about Gareth and how I feel about him. I was thinking about him when Jonah woke and said something. I jumped and I think he thought I was looking at his penis. I wasn't really because it was hidden under Michael's leg. I could see Michael's, though. I could see Jonah's once he scooted up to talk, but he could see mine as well, so it was only fair. Maybe he did it to be fair 'cause he could see me. So anyway, I was feeling weird 'cause I was thinking about Gareth and wanting a boyfriend and someone to hold and love me. Jonah and I had a great talk, and then Michael woke up and said he though I was good looking and a great guy and I'd make some guy really happy someday. It hit me weird and I thanked them and started crying for no reason and hugged them and told them I love them. I do. I wasn't just saying it. I love Michael different than I love Jonah and haven't known him as long, but I still love him. It felt good and I felt happier than I can remember feeling in a long time. I'm not sure why yet, but I did.

Gareth's plane got in at noon and the closer it got to noon the more nervous I got. I couldn't help it at all and I felt like I was going to get sick. I don't think I've ever been so nervous in my life. We checked that his plane landed and it took forever before he called from the hotel. He said his dad made him take a shower and eat lunch before he could call me. We missed each other in the lobby and when we finally met it was like... I don't know. It was like everything. My heart was beating fast and I could hear it so loud that I didn't even hear any of the noise in the hotel lobby. We walked up to each other and I could see that he was as nervous as I was. I was glad for that. I said, "Hey, aren't you my best friend?" Then he said, "Without a doubt. Aren't you mine?" I said, "Without a doubt," and then we smiled and hugged. It was like everything, finally getting to hug Gareth. It almost didn't even seem real. Like for the two years we've known each other we thought we wouldn't meet in person until after we were 18 and moved out, but here we were, together. He was just like I'd imagined and like his pictures, but even better. He was real and in front of me and hugging me.

We went back to Jonah's apartment and he met Michelle and Kerr. He was nervous about meeting Kerr. Much more so than I was. If I hadn't already met Michael, Justin, Lance and the rest of 'NSYNC I might have been more nervous to meet Michelle and Kerr. I think I'm just getting used to meeting famous people. We went out on the fire escape to talk and let Jonah talk Gareth's dad into letting him stay. Jonah didn't know he was supposed to do it, but it worked anyway. He said he could stay and to call him when he woke up and left. Almost everyone was taking a nap 'cause it was going to be a late night, but we weren't tired yet so we took a walk. Originally I wanted to walk down to the park and try to get in on the soccer game, but Charlie and Justin were already back and their door was locked. There wasn't any moaning coming from it, so they were probably sleeping. After our walk we sat on the sofa and watched TV until we fell asleep. I wanted to hold him as we slept, but I was asleep before I could do anything about it. I think being so nervous earlier made both of us really tired.

Charlie woke me up and we pulled a prank on Justin 'cause he was trying to freak Gareth out by laying on us. Gareth was really nervous about it 'cause he hadn't met Justin yet, but I think he did better than I would have done. We lay down on him and acted like we were sleeping. Justin started getting a bone and my arm was pressed against it! That was just weird. I didn't feel weird when I saw or felt Jonah or Michael, but I did when I felt Justin. I was wrong about how big he is, though. I thought he was the same size as me, but I think I'm bigger now that I've kinda felt and seen him boned up. I just remembered that Jonah said seeing Justin naked was "no big deal." That's true. LOL. It's not funny, but it is. Anyway, Charlie woke Justin up after we were laying on him and Justin got embarrassed and Danny took a picture and gave us each a copy. Charlie was leaning over Justin so you couldn't see his face and know it was him, but we still know it is. Gareth was kinda cool with Justin after that and everyone was teasing Justin, as usual. I even did it and it was just like I was one of the guys.

We watched "Get Real" again and Gareth agrees that John is ugly. It was fun. We were like "No! Don't do it! He's a closet case!" and stuff like that.

The rest of 'NSYNC got there and Gareth got nervous again, but they were cool. The party was kinda boring. They all just sat around talking and drinking beer and eating. They didn't feel like singing and said it was bad to sing while drinking. I don't think that's true. It got fun once Lance and Charlie gave out gifts. Lance gave me and Gareth a signed copy of their new CD. It hasn't even been released yet and we have a copy! I haven't listened to it yet 'cause there hasn't been time. Maybe we'll listen to it tonight if Jonah and Michael don't complain and let us. Charlie got Justin a masturbator toy and dildo and lube. Everyone was laughing so hard -- even Gareth. My face hurt and my stomach hurt from laughing so hard. Justin acted like he was mad and started hitting Charlie with the dildo. I think he thought it was funny, though. After that it got boring again.

Gareth was really tired by 11PM 'cause he hadn't adjusted to New York time and it was like 5AM for him. Michael suggested I take him to bed. We said good night and good bye. We both got a hug from Lance and I got one from Justin as well. We shook hands with Joey, Chris and Josh. We brushed our teeth and went to the bed Michael made up on their bedroom floor. We both stripped to our boxers and lay down facing each other. We talked a little bit and then I kissed him right on the lips. It was beautiful. I just leaned in and kissed him when he finished talking. He paused a second and then kissed me back. Then we started kissing again and using tongue and everything. He tasted so good and like toothpaste. We kissed for a couple minutes and then he yawned. We laughed and he asked me if I like it and I said yes and asked him the same thing. He said yes. Then I asked him if he was boned up and he said very much so. I said I was too. I told him I understood he was really tired asked him if it was okay to hold him close while he slept. He said he'd really like it and gave me a quick kiss. He pushed me on my back and lay his head on my chest. I was thinking different, but this was just as good. I wrapped my arms around him and we held each other. His leg was between mine and our bones were pressed against each other's leg. I squeezed him tight and it felt a thousand times better than that morning with Jonah and Michael. I know I fell asleep with a stupid grin on my face. Every time I woke up during the night, we were still holding on to each other in some position. I can't wait 'till tonight.

When I woke up in the morning Gareth was behind me and holding me tight as he rubbed my belly. I pushed his hand down a little and giggled when he froze as his hand touched my morning bone. He tickled me and I rolled over. He gave me a quick kiss and we both giggled at our morning breath. When we got up we saw that Jonah and Michael were naked and the sheet wasn't on them, so we could see everything. Michael was on his back and Jonah was on his side holding him. Michael had a bone. We stared a little and then went to the bathroom. We went separately, though. We ate breakfast afterwards. I even made coffee. It wasn't bad. We sat out on the fire escape drinking coffee, talking, kissing and watching the city until everyone else got up around 11:30.

Gareth had to go back to his hotel to get his clothes and have dinner with his dad, but he'll be back soon. I think his dad is going to let him stay here all week 'cause he'll be working all day and he knows we want to be together anyway.

His dad is really cool about me and about us, so far. My dad would never, ever, never, do anything like his dad is doing. He'd never let me stay with a guy he knew I liked, not to mention staying with other gay guys. Mom must have really laid down the law to get him to let me stay here.

I feel like a different person now. Maybe not a different person, but an improved me. I feel more mature. More confident. Move loved.

Gareth is walking up the street. More later...


Comments welcome and encouraged. jm_stories@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 11

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