Just the Beginning

By Ace

Published on Feb 11, 2000


Nope I am not dead, but even I was wondering for a while. Here is Chapter 4... As usual tell me what you think. innocencelost@unforgettable.com

We finally returned back to my apartment from our long talk. I could tell that a great weight had finally been removed from my loves shoulders. Each and every time that I looked at him he seemed happier than ever before. His face just glowed happiness and contentment. It was as if a great shadow had been covering his face, now lifted, now being able to find, for lack of a better word, enlightenment. The first thing I did of course is raid the fridge, not being surprised, there was quite a bit of food there, I usually keep the fridge pretty packed with food, after all who knows when you might be in need of a midnight snack. I started running over in my mind what I wanted to make for dinner; only thing was I could not keep my mind off of Matt, and the way that he looked. I still to this day cannot describe what I see in him. I think that in the best way that I can state is that feeling of knowing that no matter what horrid things may come, that I, or in my case, Matt, would be there for each other forever. It was one of those things that could go without mention; we could just see the love and devotion in each other's eyes. It was just like falling in love with him all over again. Matt, being the horny bastard that he is. Not that I mind of course! As I was bending over looking in the fridge, he slipped behind me, and started to gyrate his hips into me. I being hungry as ever, and having the most crucial decision to make in my life, sex or food. Of course my body having the incredible timing that it does, my stomach grumbled loud enough for Matt to hear. "Hmmm... I guess that will have to happen later, you are going to need some food for energy, after all you are going to need it." Matt implied. I don't thing that any other phrase could ever sexually frustrate me more. Little did I know that he was referring to playing racquetball later that evening. We ate a marvelous dinner, from my talented culinary arts. Got all hot and sweaty from playing racquetball. Truthfully speaking, Matt sucks at racquetball, but I enjoy playing with him every chance I get. He gets all sweaty and hot; he takes off his shirt, just wearing a pair of umbros. His tanned chiseled chest, sweat dripping down, and his hair slightly damp. I tell ya, I was just like Homer Simpson drooling over doughnuts. I wanted to lick him all over like a lollipop. His sweet taste, flying me all the way to cloud number ten, skip number nine! But unfortunately that was going to have to wait. Matt had gained a few points. I maybe in love with him, but there is no way that I am going to let him win. We finished up in the courts, just shy of me tackling him to the floor and ravaging his lithe body to no extent. It was hard, but I was able to obtain some will power from somewhere, I don't know where, but it was there. The next day was somewhat odd. I was not quite sure how to react to Matt and what he had told me. He was somewhat withdrawn, but still seemed relieved. I had more thoughts about what Matt had gone though, and what he was thinking now. I was afraid for his safety, but I knew that if I had shown that fear, Matt would not have the confidence that he has now. We walked to school together, constantly on my guard, looking at everybody, wondering if that is the asshole that hurt my love. Then I realize that this guy has to be some punk that is just threatening Matt to try and make him miserable, so he can feel better. That and the fact that he is just a pinhead. I then grasped the idea that it just was not worth my time to worry about it. "Hey Aaron!" a voice exclaimed from behind us. I turned around to see who it was that had beckoned me. "Oh hi, Adam. How are you?" I replied. "Not to bad, how is that project coming along for you in class?" And at that moment, as Matt turned around, my life became extremely complicated. "Adam, I would like you to meet a really good friend of mine, Matt." "We already know each other." Matt scowled. "Yeah, why are you hanging around with this scum of the Earth. You do know that he is gay don't you?" Adam glared. Nonchalantly I reply "so." Adam looks at me, leans in a little and with hushed words, he scoffs at me "Just look at him, he's gay." "Yeah, so?" the frustration beginning to build in my voice. Adam just did not have a clue. I had known him on and off for a couple of years now from various classes. I always thought that he was pretty much a dauntless asshole, and never really gave him any thought. Adam most of the time looked for my approval for things considering that I am an upperclassman, and I know what I am doing when it comes to classes, apparently it transferred here as well, as he suddenly changed his tune. "Well if you are ok with it, then I am ok with it." Adam snapped around. "Well we have to get going so we are not late for our class, I will see you later Adam." With disgust I replied. "People can be such morons." I stated as I turned to Matt. "Sometimes unfortunately that can be the least of it." Matt snickered. "Well he is just a little prick that will go along with what anybody says. I can't stand a person that can't think for themselves." "Well if you are ok with it, then I am ok with it." Matt snickered. All I could do is shake my head and laugh. Class was pretty much the same as the usual. Lots of laughing and cajoling. Never get any work done in there anyway. It is as if it is a club rather than a class. But I do have to admit that I definitely learn a lot more in that class than any other that I have had. Man, will I miss it when I graduate, college is definitely the best learning experience that I have ever had. It has opened my eyes, and let my mind explore more things that I could ever have imagined. If you are not in college now, find one, and definitely do what you have to do to enroll. Education is something never wasted, and besides who knows who you may meet. Ok enough get off of the soapbox already, I know. But what I didn't know was that during class Adam was on his own little soapbox. After class I was stuck out at the airport for my usual lesson, which ended up being a lot longer than what had been planned. It was nothing that was completely out of the ordinary to happen for a couple of pilots. Ok so we bs'ed for a lot longer that what we had planned on. SHOOT ME! When I finally got home, I was a dead duck. Absent minded as I can be sometimes, and believe it can happen a lot. I had forgotten about the date that I had set up with Matt so we could spend some "quality" time together, and I am not referring to sex, which in itself has taken on a whole new dimension, but we can get to that in a moment. Granted that we were practically living together in my apartment, I really missed Matt. Between my flight training, and both of us in school, we hardly are able to spend any time together, and tonight was the only night that Matt had free for the week, and I wanted to do something special for him. Man how I screwed this one up. After I opened the door only to find Matt already sleeping in the bed, I saw a note that Matt had written lying on the table next to the door. "I missed you tonight, I tried staying up, but got too tired, and ended up crashing in your bed. I understand what had happened, and we can try for another night soon. Love, Matt." Damn. Why does he have to be so understanding and forgiving sometimes? I swear sometimes I don't quite feel that I totally deserve someone of his incredibleness, for lack of a better word. But that is what Matt is, there is not one word in this world that could ever come close to describe him. Which of course makes me realize that when I feel that way, it just goes to prove how much that I have fallen in love with him, and how special that he is to me. I crack open the door to the bedroom, just letting enough light shine in so that I can see Matt lying in my bed. Not wanting to disturb his sleep, quiet as I can, I just stare and watch. His back rising and falling so slowly as he breathes. His smooth flawless skin shimmering in the light from the other room. He is lying on his stomach, arms underneath the pillow. The comforter is pulled down at an angle starting at his kidney, down across the small of his back. Oh what is this? Do mine eyes deceive me? Or is Matt lying naked just under those sheets? Just to step forward to see underneath to take the rest of his chiseled frame in. Would he wake? Could my heart, and eyes handle such a stimulus? With a slight stir, Matt slowly awakens "Aaron is that you?" he groggily inquires. "Go back to sleep dear heart, you need your rest, I know how you have been so tired lately, I want you to sleep." I softly reply. "Ok. Then are you going to climb in here with me?" "Just give me a second, and I will be with you." I state. Trying to hide my embarrassment of being caught watching him. "What were you doing standing there anyway?" Matt inquired. So much for hiding. "I was just watching you sleep. It just makes me realize how much that I really do care and love you." "Ok, you need to stop that now, otherwise one of two things are going to happen, I am going to start whimpering like a baby, or you are going to make me horny, and then you know neither of us are going to get any sleep." It is strange sometimes how just a couple words from him that could turn my world upside down. One word out of his mouth, or even a short glance from his eyes and I have never felt so special in my life. He is truly a wonder to me. I go though the apartment, making sure that it is closed up for the night. Stepping into the bedroom cautiously as I can as not to step on anything or to wake my sleeping beauty. And of course as all else fails, there is something hidden in the dark that I step on which shoots pain in my tender foot. Jumping back on the bed and howling in pain, only to find out that it was a belt buckle that was left on the floor from the night before. Startling Matt, not knowing what was going on. He jumped out of bed, stark naked. Concerned for the well being of my poor little foot. "If all I had to do was to step on a belt buckle to see you naked, I would have done that a long time ago." I jokingly stated. With that I have never seen Matt blush so much before. After that I finished undressing and crawled into bed. Matt following behind. It is so comforting knowing that he is there. The warmth of his body against mine. I don't know what I would do if there comes a time that I would not be able to feel that again. The next morning I woke up with a kind of comfort that was very welcomed. Knowing that Matt, keeping me warm though the night. Being able to hold him close to me is like any gift that could be like no other. If I could just stay like this life would be perfect. But of course nature has its way, and class calls. I start my morning ritual, groggily as ever. Breakfast, usually just a glass of juice, and then off to the shower. I usually have a grudge, if that is what you can call it, against Matt. Seeing him lying peacefully in my bed, all warm and snuggled up, allowed to sleep in because his classes don't start until later in the day. As any self-respecting night owl would say, I am not a morning person, and just as I was about to dose off in the shower a little, the curtain was pulled back a little. Slowly a leg appears. A very good-looking leg I might add, but there is something that is a little odd. Thinking that Matt was sneaking in for a little pre-class nookie as he would like to call it, the leg just didn't quite match. Something was very odd about it. Then it finally dawned on me. That leg was completely smooth. And that was when Claire's head came around the edge of the shower curtain, effectively shocking the shit out of me. Flat out embarrassed, I turned redder t! han Rudolph's nose. "I take it that you didn't remember that class is cancelled today." Clare smirked. "Do you think that I would be taking a shower otherwise?' I sarcastically replied. "Hurry up and get cleaned up, Mike, Matt and I are taking you to breakfast. Oh and now I know why Matt likes to keep you for himself." Now I was thoroughly confused. Why were they taking me to breakfast, let alone Matt keeping me to himself? Is there something that I have been missing? What am I thinking, stupid mornings, brain slow, not thinking clearly, I am making more out of this than what it truly is. Or am I? I finished in the shower, receiving the usual banter about taking so long let alone the steam pouring out after I opened the door. One thing though is for certain, the only catcall that I got was from Matt, and I am quite appreciative of that. I don't need any more of Claire's crap. She likes to play with my mind enough as it is. I went into the bedroom so that I could at least put on some decent attire. Granted my sweats are pretty comfortable, but I think that if I am going to a restaurant I should at least put a shirt on. Just as I had taken off my sweats, standing there as naked as the day I was born, the door snaps open with a thud. Scaring me half out of my skin, Matt saunters in to the room. "What you show your body off to Claire, and now you suddenly become modest?" Matt snickered. "Wiseass!" best comeback that I could think of. I already told you, I am not at my best in the morning. With that comment, Matt gave me is most effective pouty look, and slowly walked over to me. "I am sorry sweetheart." As I wrapped my arms around him. "Claire seeing me in the shower just put me in a bad mood. That is something that I just wanted to share with you. I didn't mean it." Matt cracked a grin, "Like hell you didn't mean it. It was funny!" Wrapping his arms around me, kissing me lightly on the lips. Slowly he brought his hands down onto my bare ass. Not to mention that they were freezing, waking me quite effectively, and thus causing me to open my mouth some and sucking in a breath of air. Matt ceased the opportunity guiding his tongue into my mouth. More relaxed now, a slight moan coming from my lips, sucking his sweet tongue into my mouth, I was in heaven. "By the way, happy birthday." Matt stated, as he disappointedly broke the tender kiss. "Thanks." As I stole another quick kiss. So that is what this is all about. I had totally forgotten. No wonder they wanted to take me out to breakfast. Man I tell you, I could never remember my own birthday, let alone someone else's. I quickly found some acceptable clothes, and got dressed. Matt watching the whole time. Seemed kind of weird, getting dressed in front of him, being so used to undressing, let alone being undressed by Matt. I can't remember when I took my clothes off myself. We jumped into the car, and I had no idea where we were headed. Hindsight being 20/20 I wish I had grabbed a quick bite to eat. We were headed for the cities. When we finally arrived, first off we ate breakfast, which actually became a late lunch at Old Chicago. Great pizza place, not to mention they have a huge selection of draft beer. Pizza and beer, a college students diet. After stuffing ourselves with food, where they took me next was the greatest surprise that I have ever had. They had made reservations for a sweet at the downtown Hilton. It was totally cool. It had a common area where you entered, then two separate rooms off of that, then each one of the separate rooms had a gigantic bathroom, and the bedrooms. "This is totally awesome! This is great. Today could not get any better. Only one thing is, I didn't bring a change of clothes." I exclaimed. "Who says you are going to even need clothes later?" Matt hinted. "But I did pack you a little bag." "Thanks sweetheart." I beamed. While giving Matt a little kiss. "That is going to have to wait until later. After all you have another surprise coming for you." Clare teased. "Another surprise?" I sneered. With that they blindfolded me, and led me out of the hotel. All I know is that the car ride became more and more uncomfortable along the way. They made all these stops and the increased giggling of more people in the car, I knew that they were about to play a huge trick on me. After another 45 minutes, and having Matt now on my lap (one of those things you can tell once you know someone that well). The car finally came to a rest. I know that there were a lot of people falling out; there were laughs and hysterics as people were released from the tight confines. I was led from the car into what sounded like a large room. I really had no clue where we were. To a pilot, that sucks. There were voices, some I recognized and some I didn't, all around me. I could hear them echoing across the room. Suddenly all that existed was a deafening loud crack, and then music started playing. My blindfold was quickly removed. "Happy Birthday, and early graduation!" was all that could be heard from all around. There were hundreds of people standing around, waiting for me. I really couldn't believe it. I really had no clue as to what was going on. It was all quite breath taking. I really didn't know what to expect. The next thing I know was that my parents were standing in front of me. "Happy Birthday!" They cheezily exclaimed at the same time. They both stepped a little closer each taking an ear of mine and whispering. "We will talk to you after a while." My dad stated with my mom finishing with, "It is ok dear, we love you." Meanwhile I am all freaked out, one: having a feeling that they now know that I am gay, two: yet knowing my parents, and that it could be they are trying to freak me out on purpose. They tend to like to torture me like that from time to time. But I do the same to them. It is a good relationship The party began and went off with out a hitch. There were friends from college, high school, and even elementary school. Relatives that I have not seen since I was in diapers, like I remember that, but apparently they do. All in all it was a great party, unlike any party or "social function" I have ever been to. Always boring and drawn out. YUCK! After about an hour and a half into the party, my parents cornered me, and asked me to come with them for a moment. They led me out of the hall and into a quiet room, where Matt was waiting. There was a chair sitting in the middle of the room and Matt was standing behind it, and a table across from it against the wall. I was led to the chair, which I reluctantly sat in. I had a real bad feeling about this, not really sure as what to expect. My parents basically took their places up against the table, and Matt standing behind me, resting his hands on my shoulders. This one really set me off, I felt like a rabbit cornered by two wolves. "First off we would like to thank Matt for throwing this party for you Aaron, especially in such a short time. You did an incredible job." I will have to remember to ask Matt how he planned a party for me with out me finding out. And believe me, I tend to find out about those sort of things. "Now as for you young man" My dad stated quite matter of factly. Now I was just starting to visibly tremble. ......... tbc

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