Just the Beginning

By Ace

Published on Dec 3, 1998


Well here is chapter 2. Sorry that it took so long to get out. School has kept me busy and it has been hard to find time to write for pleasure. I hope that you like it, and I hope that I didn't get too long winded, I decided to write some truth in this part, unfortunately is it just about my ankle, and I will let you read about it. Well I hope that you enjoy it, and comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Aaron Taylor


We woke up the next morning wrapped up in each other's arms. He was pulled up against my back, snuggled up close. I could feel his perfect cock pressed up against the small of my back. I reached behind me wanting to touch that creamy smooth behind of his. "You're awake then." The most wonderful words coming into my ear. I rolled over to meet my new lover's supple lips and quickly kissed him. "I don't know how to express what I am feeling right now, but if there is anything comparable, it would be the most beautiful spring dawn waking up next to you." I said with all the sincerity that I could. "Well I guess from the spring dawns that I have experienced in my life, I would assume that this is a good thing?" "Way better than good!" "Then I would have to say that I feel the same way." With those words I kissed Matt never like I have before, not just with lust and passion, but with love and admiration. "I suppose that I should get going if I intend on getting to class on time today." Matt disappointing stated. "Are we going to be able to see each other tonight then?" "Of course, last night deserves a repeat performance, and a little more variety!" "Alright, how about I make you one of my favorite dinners tonight then." "Ok I guess, what is it?" "New Orleans style orange bourbon chicken, with wild rice, baked potatoes, french cut green beans, and to top it off, fresh baked bread." "Hmmm sounds nummy, but I don't want you to go though all that trouble." "After last night, not only is it no trouble, but I know that you will make up for it tonight!" "Alright, it will be all my pleasure, is 7:00 ok?" "Perfect, it will give me time to get some things and clean up after I give my racquetball lessons over at the Y today." "Ok, then see you at 7:00." With that we said our good byes, which mainly consisted of many gropes and kisses and feels. I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower to let the water warm up, and came to realize that it was the first time that I had ever let the water warm up for a long time. Man Matt is really starting to have an effect on me. I went though my day pretty much as usual. Took care of homework, watched a movie, did some reading, stretched out, etc. . . . It was starting to roll around 3:30 and I started getting my things together for my racquetball class that I teach at the YMCA down the street, well you know, my racquet, balls, shorts, T-shirt, stuff like that. I decided that I should go and pick up the stuff that I was going to get for tonight before my class at 5:00. I went down to a bath and body shop first to pick up some scented rubbing oils, and some soap, shampoo, and conditioner, but that you don't need to know about. It was getting close to 4:30 now and I like to show up at the Y around a half hour before the class starts to change and stretch some so that I am ready for my students. I got to the Y, parked my car in its usual place and walked into the building and started my usual routine. My students started showing up and after they all had finally arrived it was time to start the lesson. Now racquetball is a fairly easy game to teach, just give them the basics, teach them some new tactics, and go from there. But there is this one student that I have, I think he decided to take it just for the hell of it, or just to beat the pants off of the instructor, me, this kid was good. I taught the lesson and turned them free to play against themselves. I paired off with my prodigy student and started getting my usual beating of my life. When it finally came down to the third game, in complete and total stupidity, I stepped back onto my right foot and I twisted it, severely spraining my ankle, or at least that is what I thought. When the pain finally subsided enough for me to stand up again, and as soon as I put my right foot down to put my weight on to it, I found my self back on the floor, finally realizing that it was more than just a sprain. I told my student to tell everybody else that class was over and that they could keep playing each other as long as they wanted. I decided that I had better start figuring out what I was going to do. I called Claire, told her that I needed her help and that she would have to come down to the Y and pick me up. When she finally arrived and my student brought her to me, she looked down at me, took one look and said: "What the hell did you do to yourself this time?" "I think that I may have broken my ankle." "What the hell were you thinking?! You know that you should not play so aggressive!" "You sound like my mother!" "Just wait until she gets a hold of you." "Well right now there are more important things on my mind than what my mother will think." "Yeah right, lets get you to the hospital and have that thing checked out." Well the more important thing that I had on my mind was what I was going to do with Matt tonight. I hobbled out to my car with Claire under one arm and my faithful student under the other. I said my good byes to my student and told him that I will not be able to play next week as Claire drove my car off to the hospital. Now that we were in the confines of my car, I started telling Claire of my experience last night and of my new found dilemma, being what I was going to do with Matt. "Well I may have a suggestion, but you have to promise not to shoot it down right away." Claire stated. "Right now I am willing to entertain anything." "Well I was thinking that I would be a good idea for me to meet this Matt now that he seems to be a rather large part of your life, so I was thinking that I could help you out with dinner and all that kind of stuff." It took me about a half a second to figure out that if I was going make dinner for Matt tonight I was going to need help and so far this was the best idea to accomplish just that. "Ok. I think that is a good idea, if you have the time to spare, I don't want to put you out." I hopefully replied. "No problem at all, I really want to meet this Matt that I have heard so much about, by the way would you mind at all if I brought Mike with and make it like a double date?" I should have realized where this was going, she had been pushing me to come out to Mike for the last couple of months, and I really had absolutely no intention of letting him know my sexual desires. "And how do you suppose I explain why Matt is there and not some young chic?" I inquired. "Well, that is something that I have been meaning to tell you--" "Oh great, what now?" "Let me finish please, what I have been wanting to tell you is that Mike knows that you are gay." "Why did you tell him for, you know very well that nobody but you knows that, well besides Matt, but that is obvious." "Well he was getting jealous of our relationship and was afraid that you would take me away from him, so I told him with out thinking." "And how many others know that I am gay?" "Just him." "Can I hold you to that?" "Yeessss!" "So this is why you have been pushing me to come out to him. So you wouldn't get caught." "Yeah, I guess you could say that, you're not mad at me are you?" "Well what is done, is done. Besides you know me, I hardly ever get upset." "Well you are right about that, but that is what bothers me." "It is ok, but what do I say to Matt, I am not sure how he is going to take this. It is not something that we have discussed yet. I am not sure if he has come out yet and if he wants anybody to know." "You can call him from the hospital, just tell him that there are a couple of people that you want him to meet and don't give any specifics, then later, give him the details and find out what he wants." "Ok, geez are you just full of ideas today." With that said, Claire was just beaming, a smile from ear to ear. We pulled up to the hospital. Claire helped me out of the car, and a nurse came out the door with a wheelchair. She was the biggest nurse that I have ever seen in my life, I swear that she could even beat Arnold Swartzenegger to a bloody pulp. "Baby you had better get in this wheelchair right now, and I am not going to take no for an answer!" the nurse started off. With her head moving from side to side like an Egyptian, you know, like a woman with an attitude. "Some how I have a feeling that I should not argue with you." I replied with my sweetest voice and flashing a smile. She broke out in a little chuckle, saying, "I guess then you already know what is good for you, I like you already. What seems to be the problem darlin'? That leg seems to be bothering you. Lets get you inside and get you all fixed up." "It's my ankle, I twisted it playing racquetball, but I think that it is a bit more than a sprain." "Well ok then, I get a doctor to see you right away, get that taken care of as soon as possible. By the way what is your name? Mines Ruby." "Aaron ma'am, it is a pleasure to meet you, just wish that it were under better circumstances." "That is ok, now you just sit back and relax and let ol' Ruby here take care of ya." "Thanks ma'am, I really appreciate it." "Ma'am nothin. Call me Ruby sweetheart." That is pretty much how the conversation went, me calling her Ruby, and she calling me baby, sweetheart, and darlin' a whole lot more. She got me ready for the doctor, and kept me company until he arrived. Ruby really knew how to motivate people, she really could make them move, and in a polite way too. Thinking about this we could really use her in the marketing department back at school. I called Matt and pretty much told him that we would be having company over for dinner, and asked him if that would be alright, he didn't even think about it, as a matter of fact he though that it was a good idea. As usual the doctor was cold and uncaring as can be, but of course Ruby made up for that. There was not a whole lot that I could say about the doc, he was older and frankly speaking, rather homely looking. He did his examination of my ankle with out a word, excluding the phrase "Does this hurt?". I was starting to get pissed thinking that obviously there has to be a better way of doing this than driving me up the wall with pain. "I think that just to be safe we should have some films taken of your ankle to make sure that it is not broken." Well I'll be damned he can speak! First thought that ran through my mind, I swear. Anyway to make a long story short, he ordered the x-rays and came back and said a few more words. "Well, have you ever had a cast before?" "Never broken a bone before." "Well then congratulations, you are going to have your first cast!" I just gave him this look, like the `you complete moron' look, like this is good news, like I want a cast! "Alright, what do I have to do?" I replied. "You, nothing, I am going to give you a local painkiller, then set your break, and then a PA is going to come in and give you your cast." "Alright lets do it then and get it over with." He did as he said, with out a care in the world, causing me pain and not a whole lot of fun. After he set my ankle, he left and a few moments later the PA came in. "Says here that your name is Aaron Taylor, my name is Travis." Just then he looked up at me and I sank into his eyes, it was almost like we had a connection. "Man, you are just as good looking as Matt said that you were." Then again, I guess we did have a connection. "What?" I replied. "Maybe I should introduce myself a little more, I am a friend of Matt. I have taken a lot of classes with him and we have gotten to know each other pretty well, when he told me that there was this guy in his english class that was pretty good looking. Then the following day he told me that he had gotten brave and followed you into the bathroom, and what happened after that." "Oh I see, just what else did he say?" "Nothing much, just that he thought that you were the greatest guy on the face of the earth." "You call that nothing much? I would like to see what you call something substantial. Can I ask you a question about Matt?" "Sure, but I don't know if I will be able to answer it." "Is Matt pretty open about his . . ." "The fact that he is gay, well there are a select few that know, but I think that he pretty much trusts you and that you won't be telling `The Enquirer'." "Ok, I was just wondering. I guess you could say that besides you only one person knows that I am gay." "Well then I think that you and Matt should be a good couple. I would have to say that I am a little jealous that you were the lucky one to get Matt. But he is discrete and I think that you two complement each other like cookies and milk." I had to laugh a little about his analogy, I thought that it was a little weird. From then on it was like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. I had a feeling that Matt would not really care that if we had dinner guests and that they would know that we were gay. It took another half-hour for the cast to set and Claire and I left the hospital for my place around 6:45. Fifteen minutes before Matt would show up and the fireworks to begin. We got to my place about five minutes before Mike arrived. We had the table set, and it is a good thing that this meal is a quick one to make. Don't get me wrong, it tastes wonderful, and it is a lot of fun to make. Claire and I made the dinner and worked in the kitchen, all the while I was wondering what had happened to Matt. I continued to finish up the meal while Claire went out to set the table. By the way my kitchen is off of my bedroom, and it is divided off from the rest of the studio. I guess the reason that I have always liked my apartment is because it has 30 feet high ceilings. I had just finished making the orange glaze, with the rest of the meal finished, Claire walked back into the kitchen carrying a bottle of wine. "Where did you get that?" I inquired. "Matt has been here for the past half hour, he arrived shortly after Mike got here and they have been talking." "Well that little--" "Little what?" Matt asked as he walked into the kitchen. "Um . . . Yeah." Was all that I could reply. "Jeez, what the hell did you do to yourself?" Matt exclaimed. "Oh this ol' thing?" I smirked. "No, I mean the thing on your leg!" What I didn't realize is that I had an old apron that I had put on to avoid making a mess of myself from the orange sauce, it tends to splatter. "Long story, I broke it playing racquetball earlier today, that call I gave you . . .well it was from the hospital." "And you didn't bother telling me then." "I didn't want you to worry and make a fuss, and put off tonight, after all I do have something planned." "This I do not need to hear about!" Claire interjected. Dinner went as any dinner can go the feeding of mouths, well one in particular mouth I was paying more attention too. After dinner we watched Armageddon, that Matt had rented earlier for us to watch. I do have to admit that I am a movie and music freak. So I basically have this awesome entertainment system, which I am very proud of, but I digress and you are not reading this to hear about my entertainment system, well ok, maybe about my entertainment, or fantasies of entertainment for that matter. I would also have to admit that I am an emotional sap. I was ready to fight Bruce Willis for Ben Affleck so he could get the girl at the beginning, and at the end I was crying, well fighting off tears because Mr. Willis was doing the noble thing. (If you haven't seen the movie yet, sorry! And go see it at the first chance you get) The movie came to an end, and it came time for Claire and Mike to leave, or I was going to force them out if I had too. After I closed the door, I felt this looming presence behind me, and just then the most awesome pair of hands so softly, carefully, and gently, lifted me off of my feet. Matt picked me up kissed me deeply, and carried me off to my bed. He laid me down and with out saying a word, went to work undressing me. He kissed me all up and down my bare skin driving me into complete pleasure. He moved down my body slowly working at my nipples then down further to my tummy, lingering at my navel. Suddenly he stood up. He started to undress. First his shirt, pulling it off, up and over his head, revealing his tight muscular tummy and chest. I just lay there gazing into his sweet blue eyes, enveloping me deep into his soul. His hands moved over and down his taught body coming down to his pants, slowly unbuttoning, then the zipper gradually down. His pants fall at his sides catching at his muscular thighs. He bends down to lower them further, down to his ankles, stepping out of them towards me. Now he stands before me, between my legs, his silk boxers, the only thing that remains between him and the air that we breath. Slowly he bends down over my body, further and further until he rests upon me. He kisses me gently, sweet little kisses, almost like he is not even there. Gradually adding more energy, more emotion, he kisses me deeper and stronger. Probing my mouth with his tongue. My hands roaming his back, his head, then eventually his tender smooth globes. Totally enveloped in the kiss, in each other, nothing mattered, nothing was going to interrupt us, until . . . *Bang, Bang, Bang* came from the door. "Ah, Shit!" I exclaimed. Devastated from the destruction of the moment that we were having. Matt kissed me one more time. "Stay" was all he said. "You had better put these on." I stated. Tossing his pants at his waist. "Or else I may not be the only one seeing you nude." For his sweetly molded, perfectly cut cock was pointing straight up at the sky, outside of his silk boxers. "I am glad to see that I can still invoke some reaction from you." I snickered. "Well it doesn't look like you are all that shy yourself!" He shot back obviously referring to my granite hard pole. Truthfully speaking, I was so aroused and so in the moment and so in love with my sweet dear Matt, that at the slightest touch, or if we would have gone a second longer, I definitely would have blown my wad. My rod was so hard -- it hurt. I could hear off in the distance that it was Claire and Mike, and that Mike had forgotten his keys. I could tell by the sounds of their voices that they were embarrassed for the fact that they had figured out that they had interrupted something. Good thing that they had no idea how much of something that they were interrupting, until . . . Claire decided that she had to say good bye to me one last time and to make sure that I was going to be ok, after all I was an invalid to her now with this huge cast. I could hear her in the background, "... ok I will be there in a second, I am going to say good bye to Aaron and tell him if he needs anything that he can call me." "Ummm, I don't think that you want to go in there." Matt tried to warn her. Just then the doorknob turned, and there I was in all of my glory. Lucky enough that I had somewhat of a warning and was able to grab the comforter and cover some of my body, but it was rather obvious that I was as naked as the day that I was born. All I could do was wave hi. Oblivious to the obvious, she still said, "If you need anything, you can call me." I cleared my throat and beckoned her over to me, I whispered, "Right now, I need you to leave." I moved my eyes down, she got the message, looked down and figured out what was going on, turned beet red, smiled, turned, and left with out uttering another sound. I heard them say good bye to Matt and the door shut and locked. And my love shortly returned to me. The second that he stepped into the room that I call a bedroom, we both broke out in hysterics. We just could not stop laughing. Matt was lying at my side, neither of us looking at each other. Finally we caught each others gaze and were instantly in love with each other, silence became us and before we knew it we were kissing once again. We kissed for what seemed like an eternity. Finally Matt broke off the kiss, stood up and removed his pants, this time much quicker, and those wonderful silk boxer were quick to leave too. "Man doesn't that thing of yours ever go down?" I had to ask. "Not when you are around!" Matt quickly replied "Well then come here handsome and lets do something with it." There was no telling him twice, he was back on top of me kissing me deeply as ever before. Grinding our pelvises together, we could have ground granite between us. I broke the kiss away, Matt groaned. "We can do some more of that later, right now I want to suck you inside out." Matt got the idea and flipped around and I had the most beautiful specimen of man sitting right above me. All I could do next was raise my head and make it my own personal lollypop. I worked his cock the best that I could, bobbing, sucking, licking, and swallowing him down to the hilt. I loved every minute of it. I was concentrating so hard on giving my love the blow of his life, and not even realizing that I was getting even closer to the brink of orgasmic explosion. It was at the last minute that I realized how close I was when I pulled off and practically had to yell, "Stop!" "What . . . what's the matter?" Matt was now worried. "Nothing, everything is perfect, come here." I replied. He once again turned around and I kissed him deeply. I broke off the kiss before I had forgotten what it was that I wanted to do. I pulled the sheets back and told him to lie on his stomach. I pulled open my nightstand drawer and pulled out some scented messaging oils that I had picked up earlier. Little did my new found love know that my favorite job, and only job, in high school was as a masseuse in a day salon. Only difference here was that my customer was totally naked, and I was completely in love with him. I crawled over the top of him and straddled his muscular tight butt, and sat myself down on top of him. I began my basic routine. I pulled both of his arms over the top of his head, stretching his rotator cuffs and all of his upper chest and back. I lay down on top of my love and stretched his back, kissing the back of his neck gingerly. I applied some of the oil to my hands and started working on his lower back. Pushing down on his spine and pushing to his sides and up. I worked my way up his back repeating my motions until I reached his sculptured shoulder blades. I pushed them apart, stretching his muscles and moving his smooth, soft skin. I slid my body further down on top of his well defined legs, and laid myself down on top of him and softly ran my hands down his tender sides and kissed my way down his back. "That tickles!" Matt chuckled. "Sorry." "That is ok, I just wasn't expecting it, please continue, it feels great." I continued down his luscious body, savoring every square inch, my hands kneading his sweet mounds of flesh. I moved my hands further down as I began working his upper legs, realizing for the first time that his legs were basically as smooth as silk all the way down to the tips of his toes. At first it struck me as different, but a few moments later, ooohh baby! I began retracing my way up his body, kissing, licking and rubbing all the way. The moans that I elicited from him telling me that I was making all the right moves. Probably the best compliment ever in my life. As I reached his neck I caressed it with my cheek and laid my body down on top of him. I kissed him tenderly and rubbed my hands up and down his sides. I raised myself over the top of him and allowed him to turn over. I kissed him deeply, his powerful tongue entering my mouth, searching for something that it is not there. I breathed in deeply, sucking on his supple mouth, and yet another groan escapes his lips. I kiss him tenderly and work my way down his neck, my hands reach for his and squeeze tightly. My tongue finds his right nipple. I circle around it, gently sucking on it, his strong body arches slightly at the sensations. Going one step further, short little nibbles, and a couple of tugs, I find him searching for higher altitude with his supple abdomen. Farther down I go, to his navel, with a quick once around with my tongue, he is in my complete control. Not much further I find the object of my desires, I purse my lips together and kiss his sensitive head, opening my lips slightly, I suck hard, his hips bucking forward, urging me to take him in. I slowly envelope his hard shaft into my scorching mouth, taking him all the way in. I give him a couple of bobs, and sense that he just about ready to explode. I move up his smooth skin and over the top I slide my tongue down his penis, down to his soft sac, I lick his sensitive orbs into my mouth rolling them around with my tongue. I release his body from my mouth and lick the ever so sensitive spot just behind. His hips rose slightly, and now I was presented with uncharted territory. I had heard, and read about people "rimming". I never thought that I could bring myself to do it, but my curiosity got the better of me, after all it is what killed the cat, and before I knew it, I was penetrating him with my tongue. It was an indescribable sensation. I felt his hands wrap around my head, he pulled me up and kissed me deeply. He broke off the kiss and whispered in my ear, "I want to feel you in me." "Are you sure?" I replied. "Never been so sure of something in my entire life." As Matt said this to me, I was looking into his eyes, and I saw something that I had never seen before in my life. It was his sincerity, love, admiration, care, appreciation, basically, everything that was contained in his dear soul. It was so awesome, I almost cried, I kissed him deeply to hide the fact that I was so happy, and that I almost started tearing up. I grabbed the bottle of messaging oil and squirted some in my hand. I kissed him some more and rubbed my index finger against his awaiting hole. I felt him give some and relax, without even pushing, my finger just slipped in. I just felt like the right thing to do. I nuzzled his neck, kissing him and working him over. He was giving something to me that I considered ever so sacred, I wanted to make sure that he was happy and getting all the pleasure that I could give him in return. I felt him relaxing some more and I gently slipped another finger in his tight rose bud. I felt him wince a little in pain, so I quit pushing and just waited and let him adjust to this new intrusion upon his body. I moved my other hand up and started playing with his left nipple, yet eliciting another groan, and he pushed his hips further down onto my hand penetrating him deeper. "Oh Aaron, you feel so good, I think I am ready, I want you in me." With that said I moved in between his legs, he lifted him self off of the bed and rested his ankles on my shoulders and I moved in, placing my now aching cock, up against his puckered hole. I pushed gently and my head slipped smoothly in. He was so incredibly hot and tight, I almost blew my wad right then and there. I waited for a few moments for him to adjust, and I slid further in, with each little movement, a groan escaped my sweet lovers' lips. Before long I found myself buried to my pubes inside his sweet body. I leaned down and gently kissed him on the lips, opening his eyes for just a second, then quickly closing them and tipping his head back in the intense feelings that I must have been evoking. I pulled out and slid back in about three times before I was about to explode. "Oh Matt, Oh Matt, you feel soooo incredible! I'm gonna CUM!" And with that said, I lunged deep inside of my beloved desire, and sprayed my seed deep inside him. Just as my body started convulsing in total orgasmic bliss, his cock came to life and shot his load between us, reaching the bottom of my chin and down my chest. We collapsed into each other. Out of breath we finally regained consciousness I kissed him deeply. "That was fucking incredible!" Matt exclaimed. "You can say that again." I humbly replied. With that Matt said it over and over again, he repeated it numerous times, and each time differently. We were so exhausted that both of us fell asleep naked, in each other's arms and in dire need of a shower. I was half way there, still yet to have my sweet love in me, little did I know that was to be fulfilled in a couple of hours, after a long needed rest!

Next: Chapter 3

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