Just the Beginning

By Ace

Published on Sep 15, 1998


This is my first attempt at writing anything that is not forced upon me by some professor so please forgive me. I do have more written so if the replies are substantial enough I may post more. Tell me what you think and we shall see where this goes together. All of my appreciation goes to whomever reads this and likes it. We shall see what happens.

I would expecially like to thank a close friend of mine, he helped me, and pushed me, to write this story, he edited it, encouraged me and supported me through my writing. My thanks to you, the author of the Cody stories, and to all of you that have written me as well, my deepest appreciation to all of you.

Aaron Taylor Innocencelost@unforgettable.com

Just The Beginning


He was the closest thing to a greek adonis that I could ever imagine. He stood about 6'2", had a lean, built body that was well maintained and just could not be ignored, I was totally entranced. I had to shake it off before I was found out but he held me or at least my eyes anyway, in an embrace that could not be broken. Was I dreaming or was it actually happening?

By the way my name is Aaron. I stand a shade under 6'4", in excellent physical condition, with straight blond hair, dark blue eyes, and a clean complexion. I just recently turned 22 years old, and attending college in hopes that a degree in marketing will make some difference, but aviation is my first true love, but that is all about to change.

Enough about me time to get back to the more pressing situation, besides the one currently in my pants, my greek adonis. The last thing that I needed right now was to be found out, especially on this campus, here we are talking redneck city.

"Why don't you take a picture, after all it would last longer."

Hearing this startled me, I immediately took a defense and said the first thing that came to my mind. "What?"

"I said `why don't you take a picture, after all it would last longer', but knowing you it would probably take about five minutes before you would have the emulsion smeared."

A wave of relief hit me as soon as I found out whom it was that was talking to me. It was my closest friend Claire. She is one of the very few who know my "big" secret.

"I must not be dreaming." I murmured underneath my breath, after all my heart was racing and I certainly would not have Claire in a dream like this.

"Oh Shit!" I exclaimed. "I am going to be late for class."

"Don't want to be late for the first day, first impressions are important." Claire replied.

I started walking, actually more like running. This must be my lucky day, the professor had not arrived yet and the only free seat in the class happened to be towards the back right next to my wonderful greek adonis.

"Hi, my name is Matt." Said my greek adonis as he introduced himself.

"My, my nnnaamme is A-ar--onn." stumbled my reply. Shit! There is no way that he has not figured out that I am gay and that I want him bad. Now when I say bad, I mean in the worst way.

Just then the professor walked, or should I say practically fell into the class room, had the whole class in an uproar, and the class went as any other first day at class would have occurred. The professor took role, went over the syllabus and started the first lesson of the semester.

As the day continued and I traveled the way across the campus from class to class, I couldn't help but to keep an eye out for Matt, after all I knew what I was going to be dreaming about for the next couple of nights.

I found myself wanting it to be Wednesday morning real soon.

Good Night and Sleep Tight Matt!


My alarm woke me up this morning at 8:30, but it didn't do much good. No classes and nothing to worry about until Wednesday morning, I just smacked it off of the table and crawled back in to the warmth that I love so dear about my bed. The only problem is that it is really empty when only one person fills a king size water bed.

I was just about to fall asleep again and what else could you expect but "BOOM!" BOOM!" "BOOM! beckoning from the door.

"Come in!" I exclaimed in my most irritated voice.

"But it is locked." Came the muffled reply through the door.

Just then a thought ran through my mind like "the take the hint", but diplomacy over took me and I got up and walked to the door and unlocked it.

"You were already up and at the door you could have at least opened it too." Complained Claire.

"Sorry, but you're going to have to meet me half way, by the way what time is it?" was my reply.

"It is 8:45, don't you remember that we are eating breakfast with Mike at 9:00?"

"Noooooo." I sarcastically retorted, but in all actuality I completely forgot.

Mike was more or less the flavor of the month, but I would have to say that I am pretty surprised, they have been seeing each other for little less than a year.

"I thought that I would come a little earlier to make sure that everything was in order, if you know what I mean." A concerned look on her face tells me that she is actually serious.

"I appreciate the thought, but you know what my sex life is like, non-existent."

I grabbed my shower kit and headed for the door, I figured that I was pretty safe, after all it is not like I am advertising to Claire any way.

I walked the short distance to the shower, pulled the curtain behind me and turned on the water. As the blast of the cold water hit me, you would think that I would learn to let the water warm up. The cold water condemned the morning fog in my head and eradicated it.

As the water began to warm and comfort my body from the chilly blast that had just occurred, my muscles began to awaken and relax, a warm feeling overcame my body and a thought occurred. Damn, don't have the time for that, Mike will be here shortly. So I quickly finished up my shower, slipped into fresh boxers and walked back to my room.

I opened the door, and of course Mike was already there. Good thing I didn't have my solo party after all.

I quickly got dressed and we walked down the street to Key's, a great breakfast restaurant that serves omelets, and I would not be the luckiest guy on earth if it wasn't Matt there to greet us as our waiter, how pleasant. Claire just gave me the `you are finally going to get laid look'. With that smirk all I could do is grunt my reply and hope that the whole world didn't notice.

After my adonis took our orders and started walking away, I could not help myself from staring at his butt. The first thought that occurred was `I bet you could bounce quarters off of that thing.' A couple of seconds later I found myself rocking my head back and forth to the swaying of his firm globes and humming to myself.

"What are you thinking about?" Mike asked.

"Just reminiscing a dream that I had last night." Dam I am good, with a reply like that they are sure not to ask.

"What was it about?" Claire prodded.

Doh! The only person, who knows better than to ask, of course asks.

"This one is too good, it is going down in the history books." I cockily replied.

Our food then arrived and we ate in silence. One good thing about Keys' is that you don't have to worry about food poisoning, the fat and cholesterol in the food will kill you even before you would get sick. I excused my self to the bathroom to wash the oil from my hands.

I arrived at the bathroom, went inside, started to wash my hands and somebody else entered. Then the sound of a dead bolt and now I was getting a little nervous.

"Are you gay? Because if you are that doesn't bother me, I just saw you checking out my butt in the mirror across from the tables as I was walking away."

I must have had this dumbfounded look on my face, because he next grabbed me and gave me the most passionate kiss that I could ever have imagined.

I was completely stunned. All that I could say is "uh-mm-uh". The only thing that could bring me out of this state was the scared look on his face that he just made the biggest mistake of his life, kissing a straight man.

I did the first thing that came to mind that would calm his quiet hysteria, I pulled him up against my body, grabbed his firm buttocks and played the most mind boggling game of tonsil hockey that I could summon. As our tongues entwined all fear and doubt in his mind must have dissipated because as he relaxed and found that it was true to heart, it even got better with time.

We broke from our embrace of sorts and I decided that I needed to get back to the table before my friends started wondering if I had been killed or something. With out even thinking of how I was to get a hold of him again, so we could reacquaint ourselves more intimately, I bounded out the door to return to my friends.

I returned to the table, trying my hardest not to look too over joyous, after all my dreams of my life had not only kissed me, but I was able to fondle his very nice butt.

"Jeez, what the hell happened to you?" Claire inquisitively asked.

"Nothing much, just a little problem with the sink." I replied with a wink, so that I could give her details later.

We paid for our breakfasts and left our tips, needless to say I already gave mine, but I gave one anyway, a big one.

The day continued as usual, eat, sleep, study, by the way did I mention sleep? After all you need that sleep when you are a growing boy, then again I am 22 years old, what could be growing, or should I say dreaming. When I wasn't dreaming in my sleep, I was making up for it by daydreaming.

I found myself getting more and more anxious throughout the day, just waiting for tomorrow to roll around. I just could not wait until I could see Matt again. Wednesday morning seemed like it would never come, just like it was taunting me, I am just outside of your reach, but have faith I will come.

I finally fell asleep for the night, and when I woke up, I was very excited.


I didn't sleep that well. In the anxious, excited state that I was in, even if I had jacked off a billion times it still would not have helped. The pressure and excitement continually built. I didn't even need to set my alarm this morning, after all I was awake every 15 minutes, or what felt like it anyway, anticipating Wednesday's emerging sunrise. As dawn finally appeared, I had this awakening thought that everything that mattered to me now has a new place in my life and something to compare it too, Matt. Things in my life took on a whole new meaning, simplicity. Watching the sun rise from its slumber, a calm reassuring feeling took to my mind and body. I felt totally relaxed and one with nature, if that doesn't sound cheesy enough.

As my life came crashing back to me, I realized that if I wanted to impress Matt, I had better look good. I began by rifling through my closet, finally deciding upon a new Woodridge shirt, standard white cotton button up, and my Polo khakis I was satisfied that would be sufficient, casual, yet mysteriously concealing. Now it was time for the famous cold water blast, and the warm pick-me-up, today was different though. I didn't have to meet anybody and I had plenty of time to reel in the pleasures of self-gratification, if you know what I mean, yank, yank. But I wanted to save it that way I could have more experiences later if it were to come around to that, besides I figured I could always release the frustration later that night if it was needed.

I returned from my room, even more excited than ever because of the warm water and my mind actively thinking of new things that I could do with another person, namely Matt.

I dressed a little bit more picky than that I would usually do, you know, making sure all of the lines are straight and making sure that the boxers were not hanging out. The things that you begin to worry about when you want to impress a person. After all it was already 8:00 a.m. and I had to be ready to see Matt in English at 2:00 p.m., when I look back at this now, I feel like a woman and I can't help to laugh.

I was sitting in my chem lab and drumming my pencil on the edge of the table when all of a sudden, Claire walked by.

"Aaron, are you feeling ok?" Claire inquisitively asked.

"Just fine." I popped out just a little too quickly.

"You seem a little tense."

"Just a little excited I guess."

"Has this excitement have anything to do with yesterday's events at the restaurant? After all you seemed a little distracted after having gone to the bathroom to wash your hands, not to mention the fact that you were beaming."

"Yep!" was all that I could reply through my tight smile that was radiantly stretched from ear to ear.

"WELL THEN TELL ME!" She nearly screamed in anticipation.

"I will tell you after chem lab, right now I need to titrate the copper out of solution and the same with this silver." At that moment I knew that she was about ready to kill me for the delaying of the information that she do direly needed from me. After all both she and I knew that it would take me at least 45 minutes to do each experiment and another 20 minutes to do the follow up.

I finally finished and walked out of the chem lab and of course as expected she was waiting across the hall sitting on the floor waiting for me to finish.

I replayed the events that occurred on that wonderful Tuesday morning, I know that she was really paying attention too, after all I was rattling off everything at warp 10 and she still understood it all. I still don't understand it myself. I finally finished and all she could do is smile, I was hoping for a little more. I departed her company once she was satisfied that I had given her all of the juicy details, and started off for my next class, English!

When I arrived to class unlucky as I am all of the seats around my newfound interest were taken. He just looked up at me and gave me a cocky look that just said, "You should have gotten here earlier, and you even could have sat in my lap." Friday I will have to make a point of arriving to class even earlier. I sat down in the closest desk that was available to me just as the professor walked in. I was a little upset at this occurrence, due to the fact that I was unable to talk to my new leading role in my nightly dreams.

Class went on, as any English class would have, boring. The clock just ticked away as if there were no other pressing things to do, I swear I even saw the second hand move backwards for over a minute. Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, beeeeeeeeeeeeee, I am sorry but I am afraid that the clock is dead doctor. Ok maybe a little overemphasis, ok a lot. Still I had over an hour to suffer with this old geezer that still didn't know that computers existed and preached about the use of white out, what is that stuff anyway, cum remover or something? Ok bad joke, I know.

Finally the clock struck and the end of this torture was over, now for a whole different type, called nervousness. As I got up to head towards the door, I felt this hand grip my right shoulder, half a second later there was another hand reaching into my left hand and placing a piece of paper inside of it. I turned to look so I could identify the person, although I had already a good idea as to who it was, but there was nobody to be found.

I walked out of the classroom and eventually out of the building and into the courtyard in the middle of campus where there were large amounts of people loitering about talking about nothing in particular, just wasting time before it was absolutely necessary to go to class. I figured that I was as safe as I could be versus anywhere else so I unfolded the paper that was handed to me so mysteriously. I examined it quickly and began to read:

"If you would like to learn more about me and have some fun doing it, meet me at the place where you first saw me in five minutes."

It took me for a loop for a second, the first thing that came to my mind was the incident in the bathroom. After that I realized that he was referring to out in the courtyard where I was admiring him from a distance, before I was so rudely interrupted by Claire.

I started for my destination right away. I had to use every ounce of self control that I had to keep myself from running, although there wasn't much, self control that was. I was almost skipping along, the worst thing is I don't skip, it was one of those run, then realize you look like a fool and change to a brisk walk, then only to find out that you were running again.

I finally reached my place of "worship" and Matt was nowhere to be seen. I began waiting as inconspicuously as I could, however I quickly became inpatient and irritated, I began to think that I was being played with. The last thing that I like is to be played with. I was about to give up and walk away when he came up behind me and slipped his arms around my waist and gave me a hug. I was stunned at first but quickly became more comfortable. Nothing was said at first, until he broke the silence and whispered in my ear.

"Why don't we go somewhere more private, like my room."

All I could do was nod my head. My tongue was in serous need of being rolled up and put back into my mouth, if that didn't help much, my mouth responded with all the feeling of just returning from the dentist, all full of novocaine.

As we were walking back to his dorm, my stomach finally regained control and reminded me of some pressing situations that I needed to take care of, sustenance.

We finally arrived at his dorm and privacy became another matter, his roommate was there and he had no intentions of leaving.

"I need to get something to eat. How about you Matt?"

"Sure sounds good to me, what did you have in mind?"

Before I knew it I had a smile going from ear to ear, and a stirring in my pants.

"Something quick." After all if we didn't get a move on I was going to explode.

We started walking to the coffee and sandwich shop that was just on the other side of the dorms to grab some lunch.

The first few moments were those wonderful, awkward silent types, neither of us sure of what to say, just in case we were making a mistake.

"Is your roommate going to leave or do you want to go to my place?" I asked.

"I don't think so. Do you have a roommate?"

"Nope, just myself in a studio apartment."

"Can we go to your place then? If it would offer more privacy."

At this moment my mind was reeling. I didn't know what to think let alone what was going to happen once we got there, even though it was pretty obvious.

When I finally replied, which seemed like ages, all I could muster was, "Ok."

We walked the rest of the way to the coffee shop in silence. Neither of us daring to say another word for fear of what the other would think.

We ordered our sandwiches and found a secluded booth in the back corner. We started chit chatting about insignificant things like the weather and sports in general, until . . .

. . . until he kicked me underneath the table, it really was not a kick, more of a brush. He quickly apologized for the mishap, as if it were an accident, I am still not entirely sure that it was.

"That is ok, actually I would have liked it more if it had lasted longer." I submitted.

I know that it sounds cheesy but we started playing footzie under the table. Of course once we realized how silly that it in fact was, we started laughing, which soon became uncontrollable, before I knew it I was laying down on my side on the bench trying to restore order to myself. Once I did, I would sit up, Matt would make a funny face and I ended up on the bench once again. This cycle went on for a good couple of minutes. I felt as if I was back in junior high trying to impress a girl. Finally when we regained control of ourselves, we suddenly became conscious of the fact that we were not the only ones in the restaurant, there were many pairs of eyes plastered to us. We ran out of the restaurant and once outside, we collapsed on the ground rolling around laughing our heads off. We just accomplished making complete and total fools out of ourselves, if only the people in the place knew what it was all about.

I only lived a couple of blocks away, so we started off on a trek that was about to change my life forever.

"I can't believe that we just did that. I feel so energized, yet I hope that I don't run into anybody that was in that place for the rest of my life." I admitted.

"Me too. I am excited, the adrenaline is just pumping through my body, we have to make a point of doing that again."

"Just make sure that we are operating on the same wavelength, I don't want to be the one sitting there when all of a sudden you take off running."

"Don't worry, I wouldn't leave you hanging all by yourself. I have wanted to spend every waking moment with you since the "Melrose Place" episode in the bathroom, then again, even the sleeping moments too!"

After hearing that I could not even utter a reply. I turned close to four shades of red and was smiling from ear to ear. We finally arrived at my place and I unlocked and opened the door. I let him in first and turned around to shut the door. As I closed the door he stepped up behind me, reached his arm around my side and locked the door. I felt so good with him behind me I could not even move. As if it was not difficult enough as it was, he started to kiss the back of my neck. It was so erotic, a viagra user would not even need it. I turned around and pulled him into me and gently returned his kisses and began to slide my hands from his stomach to his defined pectorals. They were hard and defined, almost chiseled, not too much or too little, just the right amount. From there I slid my hands from his chest to his shoulder blades. One went to the back of his neck and the other down to the middle of his back, lingering there for a moment of time, then the rest of the way to my prize, his nice, tight, round, firm ass. Like putty in my hands.

All the while this is occurring, Matt is practically mirroring my moves. As this romanticizing continues I began to feel more comfortable with my self. I began to feel more and more at ease. A strong bond was manifesting itself between us. It was the best feeling in the world. Almost like the first time that I had flown a plane. My adrenaline was flowing madly. I was nervous, excited, scared, elated, and awe struck. That first flight with the controls in my hands was the best moment in my flying career, this by far was going to be the best moment in my life. It is incomparable. The feelings alone incredible, indescribable. And we are not even in the bedroom yet.

As I began to learn to let things go and not worry about what people are going to think, what Matt is going to think about me, what it is going to be like seeing him tomorrow and live in the moment, I realized that it didn't matter. First there is nobody around to think. Matt is with me now so it is obvious that he cares and he will think the same as I, after all I am here too. And when tomorrow comes, as a matter of fact right now, I hope that tomorrow never comes, and this moment, will last forever.

As I finally summoned up the strength and will power to retreat from his warm, and loving embrace, I pulled him by the lapels of his jacket into the bedroom.

"I have to be honest with you, I really don't have much experience with this, as a matter of fact, this is my first time." I surrendered.

"Don't worry neither do I."

"Really, I wouldn't have guessed, especially the way you attacked me in the bathroom."

"I wouldn't say attacked, more like enveloped."

"I was just kidding, after all if all attacks were like that, I would love to be a victim. So then what are we going to do?"

"Did anyone ever tell you that you talk too much?"


"Then shut up. Don't worry, let happen what happens, let the moment lead us."

After saying that he kissed me more passionately than ever before and from that point on, I didn't say another word. Actually I did speak, but they were just incoherent phrases.

He laid me back on the bed and slowly started stripping the clothing off of my body as if it were the most delicate pieces of material on this earth. Feeling his hands run across my body, it was enticing, I completely submitted to his desires. I would do anything that he wanted just to make him happy. Suddenly I felt that, that was it. My whole life had meaning, and if it were to make Matt happy, then I would do my damnedest to make him ecstatic.

He left me devoid of all clothes except my boxers. He then began giving me the best striptease that I had ever gotten. After all it was my first, I had nothing to compare it to, so it had to be the best. He slowly removed the shirt that he was wearing. Little by little revealing the tan, hard body that awaited my tender touch. I sat up and reached out to feel his stomach, I so desperately wanted to touch him, and he must have known it to, because he pulled away.

"A striptease is just that, a tease, no touch or feel, just a tease." He torturously replied.

With all of the breath in my lungs I let out a frustrated grunt and slammed myself back to the bed. All he could do is smile, because he knew he had me exactly where he wanted me, and had me there.

When he finally finished, he leaned over the top of me and began seducing me. I was in heaven; there was nothing that I could do to keep my eyes from rolling back into my head. As he moved up my body something completely and totally primal took over. There was no thinking involved, my body and emotions took over, I just wanted him, and I was going to get him any way that I could.

I kissed him deeply, with all of the passion that enfolded the two of us, it was like a dream, but it was coming true. Both of our hands wandered over each other's body, exploring and taking it all in. He then pinned my body and started moving down my chest to my nipples. First my left and then my right, sucking then nibbling, and the occasional tongue twirl. It was pure ecstasy. I didn't want it to ever stop, and just then, he stopped. He continued down my body until he reached my prize. Still waiting underneath my boxers, he ripped them off with his teeth with one fell swoop. He looked up at me and I completely lost my self in his eyes, they were great blue labyrinths. He began teasing me once again by licking the insides of my left thigh, that in itself was just about enough to make me pop. Slowly he moved closer to my cock, I wanted him to envelop my rod into his warm, sweet, wet mouth, but he wouldn't yet. As he moved in closer for the kill, he stuck out his tongue and sucked in one of my balls. Putting me closer to the brink of explosion, he enjoyed every moment of this torturous pleasure. I was beginning to think that there was going to be no end to this until finally with one swift movement he took in every inch of my cock. With all of the previous stimulation and teasing it took me all of a nanosecond to rupture. I don't think that I had ever released so much cum in all of my life cumulatively. It was mind blowing, or should I say cock blowing. Never had I experienced this before, but it took me all but a microsecond to figure out that I wanted it all the time.

"Holy Shit!" Was all that I could mutter. Actually it was more like a scream.

"Glad that you liked it."

"How did you know how to do that?"

"I just imagined what I would wanted done to me, so that is what I did to you."

"Wow." I uttered breathlessly as my eyes returned to the back of my head once again. Which I think became their natural resting-place.

Part 2

After giving me the pleasure of my life it was finally my turn to get my "sweet" revenge. I wanted him for all of my desires. He was absolutely beautiful. I reached up to him and kissed him for all that I was worth, trying to translate what I felt for him emotionally all in one kiss.

I moved down from his scrumptious lips and began kissing his tender neck. My right hand moved to the back of his head and ran through corn silk hair. I pulled him close to me and wrapped my legs around his torso, squeezing him tightly to me, any onlooker would have thought that we were Siamese twins. Holding him tightly against my body I moved my hands up and down his back, messaging it slowly. I moved back to his lips and deeply kissed him as if it were my last kiss on earth.

I slowly pushed him back to lay him down on the bed. As I did so I kissed him finally landing at his beautiful, smooth, thick, bronze chest. Perfect nipples, a quarter in size, and a shade darker than the rest of his body. I began kissing, sucking, and nibbling, with a groan of pleasure he responded, motivating me further to reach my goal.

I slid my legs out from underneath him allowing me to slide further down his glorious body. I kept my body just above his, sliding down his sweat glistened skin. As I reached his washboard stomach I was left breathless. He was completely smooth from his chest to his stomach. He tasted so fine, the perfect mix of his natural flavor and his salty sweat, when I finally reached his navel I pushed my tongue all the way in, sucking all that I could, yet producing another groan from my sweet love

After getting my fill of his sweet tummy, I brought my self further down to the object of my desire, his perfectly shaped cock. A whole seven inches of beauty, perfectly smooth and uniform, with a sack tightly carrying two of the most precious jewels on this earth. I sucked one of his balls into my mouth, tossing it from cheek to cheek driving him wild. I had him where I wanted him, in complete and total ecstasy. After sucking down his balls into my wet mouth, I licked just behind his smooth sack, ever so sensitive, with him wiggling and writhing in pleasure, I was in complete bliss, his beautiful body lying there just for me. I traced my way around his love pole, starting from the left side, lingering at the top, then down the right. Finally I licked up his hard shaft, tonguing his slit. My newfound lover releasing a primal cry from his lips, I took his piece of perfection between my lips and took him to the back of my throat. His soft pubes tickling my nose, I deep throated him as long as I could stand, slowly swallowing, knowing full well that his cock was getting the treatment that it so deserves. I brought my head up, sucking on his cock, all the way, but keeping his plum cut head in my mouth, running my tongue all across around the tip. I could feel his muscles tense up, that imminent feeling of sweet orgasmic delight. Before I knew it my mouth was being attacked by the sweet onslaught of my man's loins. One, two, three, ... man I lost count, I was rivaling is his complete beauty. Shot after shot of his hot cum in my mouth, seeping down my throat. It was the luscious nectar of the gods.

As the orgasmic afterglow overtook our bodies, we just laid in each other's arms, kissing each other tenderly, knowing full well that there would always be a future for ourselves. We fell asleep like that, finding ourselves in each other's arms in the morning with the harsh assault of my alarm waking us from our sweet slumber.

Next: Chapter 2

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