Just Neighbors

By Justin Balancier

Published on Jul 30, 2012


Just Neighbors -- Part 2

It was late on a Tuesday night when Mark received a text from Steve -- He was about to go to bed but not till he read the message from him.

The text read...


I woke up from a light sleep because I was thinking of you and that hot bod of yours. My cock was hard and I pressed it between my thighs trying to get the feeling of you being inside me. Some precum was already oozing from the head of my dick. I am so hot wanting you.

I need to send this to you. Sorry it is so late. Here I am, pacing out behind your garage, waiting for you to respond to my text. I need to have you right now, my real man. I need to feel your body against mine, to smell your wonderful smell, to feel your cock in my hand and into my mouth as I get on my knees and take it in as a gift from the gods.

I know I am dragging you from your sleep, but I know you will come out. You desire it as much as I need it right now. After I suck your cock, I will stand back and turn around, bending at the waist. I am giving you my ass so that you can fill it with your wonderful cock. Give me a ferocious pounding that I crave. Please Mark, I text, hurry, I need you. You won't say `no' -- you can't.

When I got Steve's text about being outside behind the garage my heart almost jumped out of my chest and wild horses couldn't keep me inside.

I pulled on only shorts (no under ware) and a tank top. - Almost ran through the house to the back door. The wife was sleeping so everything was okay. I felt safe.

All I could think about was getting my paws on Steve's body and tapping that beautiful ass.

When I came around behind the garage, guided by only the street light, he was resting against a giant elm tree that separated our two properties. I pinned my body against his body. I could feel his energy draining into me or maybe it was my energy draining into him. Regardless -we seemed to melt into each other's chest and it felt right.

I need to be fucked Mark -- he whispered to me - Oh man do I need it right now. My mind is going ballistic because I have done nothing for the last 48 hours but think of you and how we could get together. He began touching me all over and my cock started to swell just being near him.

Steve put his hand under my shorts and grabbed hold of my cock and dropped quickly to his knees. My cock went into his mouth and he moaned like a hungry baby wanting his bottle and waiting to be fed. It was so terrific that I could feel the cum in me bubbling up faster than usual.

"Hold on their Steve" -- I moaned - "It feels so damn good and I know if you keep doing that I will shoot right down your throat --

BUT tonight you need me to tap that ass of yours and I could think of nothing else ever since you sent me the text. - I need to fuck you man -- I want to fuck."

Steve turned around and leaned into the tree. He had already put lube in his hole because he knew his neighbor would come and fuck his best buddy.- all he had to do was text me - and I was hooked.

He bent over some piled up fire wood that was stacked for winter burning and I slid my cock into his slippery hole. Steve moaned and wiggled like a virgin getting fucked for the first time. Man was he enjoying this fuck. I held on to his hips and worshipped him like the god he was to me.

Steve rocked with such rhythm moving his ass from side to side that I could barely control myself. Lord. How I loved being inside his hot tight hole. I started fucking him hard pounding his ass like a savage rapist.

Steve never objected -- He fucked back almost knocking me over. I had built up so much passion for this fuck that I thought I was going to pass out. The sweat was running down my chest and my crotch was getting wet from the juices leaking from Steve's talented hole.

Suddenly my legs tightened -- his asshole tightened around my dick and I exploded into him a healthy load of hot sticky cum. I hung on to his waist and rubbed my face across his sweaty back, licking everything in its path.

I stayed inside him for a couple of minutes just feeling the warmth of his body and thanking God for this evening with my perfect fuck buddy.

Steve was content now and didn't care about getting himself off. Often we would go through periods where one would service the other in need of a good blow job or a great fuck. Sometimes only one of us would cum.

We both returned quickly to reality and separated each going our own way to shower and act like nothing had taken place -- We were good at doing this because we were friends - Very special friends who completely trusted each other.

When I got back inside the house - I washed only my hands, brushed my teeth, and went to bed. I stretched out naked under the sheet still thinking about Steve and the fantastic fuck we shared together behind the garage.

I used my hand to hold my dick and cupped my balls. I rubbed my cock still moist and fragrant with Steve's smell. I massaged my cock and nuts trying to get as much odor on it as possible from Steve's beautiful ass hole.

My thoughts floated above the room as I inhaled my fingers and rested my face on my hand that smelled like Steve's crotch. I fell asleep that way.

When I awoke the next morning my hand was still holding my balls. I was sticky dry with Steve's ass juice. I stretched, looked at the ceiling and said to myself --"yes God damn it -- yes."

After that ideal night spent with Steve, fate put a sparkle back into my soul. I jumped up and headed for the shower -- The hot soapy water ran down my stomach, between my legs and cleaned away the cocky odor that I held on to all last evening. It was a new day.

We both found ourselves unfortunately busy with work and family. It wasn't planned that way but Steve was putting in time at work and I had a long, strenuous job at a new housing complex fairly far away so I stayed overnight.

Finally, when I returned, we were only to wave to each other as Steve jumped into a cab for the airport. He would leave the car at home for the family and head out by taxi. I had a homesick feeling watching the cab drive away but I let on to no one.

Steve was gone 4 days but the vision of my grimy, sweaty body strolling out of my pick-up truck kept him warm every night. Steve would lie in bed looking at the ceiling and picturing me naked in his mind.

That was strange as hell because I was doing the same thing every night. We liked being with each other. In fact we missed the connection we had together when one of us were away. I guess there was no denying that.

There was no internet where neither of us worked nor where Steve traveled. This time we had gone unspoken for the longest time that either of us could remember.

I was uncomfortable not having him to hold and missed feeling his big cock inside my mouth or any place he wanted to put it...

I had been an alpha male since I was about twenty years old, but I preferred to have Steve be the boss and he got what he wanted from me every time. When I wasn't making demands on him -- he was bossing me around and taking charge. It was spot-on excitement.

Alpha males are commando type of guys. Not mean or dangerous but rather protective of physical beauty and get off being in charge of their sexual partners and friends.

With Steve feeling the way he did about our sexuality we often shared role playing and simply worshipped one another.

Finally Steve returned home and sent me a text to meet him for some drinks at the local bar within walking distance in the neighborhood.

Gratefully I accepted and our eyes lit up when we saw each other, like old schoolmates who hadn't seen each other in years. He never knew how much I had missed him. -- Yeah -- I take that back --I'm sure he knew.

The hunger in my soul was exciting and I longed to have him feed me a big load of Steve cum. But that would have to wait. I knew we had a crazy game to play for onlookers.

I put my arms around him. Our hug probably lasted longer than appropriate but not long enough for either of us. I wanted to hold him longer to breathe in his manly scent that was so familiar to me. I missed that scent and I was bursting to absorb him once again.

What I really wanted at that moment was the load of man milk that he was making in his balls. I had a sudden hunger come over me to drink, slurp and eat from Steve's crotch. I got shivers and chills just thinking about it.

The beers flowed coolly and quickly down our throats. I ran my blow job' tongue around the bottle top and Steve gave me one of those behave yourself' looks.

I didn't want anyone to notice so I cut out the silly stuff and just soaked in the exterior of his manliness. An occasional hand on the knee or the shoulder was normal for two guys catching up, and enjoying the game on the television. The only thing about that was my thoughts were far from normal.

Steve abruptly gulped down his half- filled beer and stood up. My eyes were saddened, and I wondered if I had done something embarrassing and perhaps Steve was disturbed with me.

That wasn't the case --and he almost felt bad for pulling the surprise on me. But he set down the hotel keycard on the bar quickly so I could see it and said 224.

I looked at him, and then I looked down at the card. It only took a second for me to figure it out. I was horny for sure - but I wasn't stupid.

I knew Steve wanted me at room 224. I figured it out very quickly. He was leaving to go to room 224 at the hotel down the street and I was to follow shortly.

This actually excited me -- the mystery of it all. I felt like s working whore from a bar and this hot man was going to fuck me.

My heart raced and my cock begun to swell just at the erotic thoughts going through my mind...

Steve threw money down on the bar to cover the bill and walked out.

I pretended to barely notice him leaving and casually finished my beer, talking to the bartender, smooth as always. Yeah, `smooth' is something I handle very well.

Steve practically ran back to the room. He wanted a nice sweaty built up. He knew this would please me to no end and I would take care of him like a lover's servant.

We would shower after our hot romp; but the first one should be sweaty, manly and physically rough. Steve understood what turned me on and he was doing this for us but especially for me.

He got down into his tight boxer briefs and did push-ups and sit-ups waiting for me. Sometimes we would do the pushups together at the gym and sweat together. Then we would shower together trying to keep our eyes off each other's cock.

Steve said to me while showering together and trying to be silly -- "Did you drop that piece of soap"

"Oh yes I did -- I would say and bend over to pick it up so Steve could look at my ass dripping wet with water. Then I would get a quick little touch on my butt.

However, today we were far removed from the gym still Steve wanted to be fully flexed and sweating, like he remembered me the last time he saw me after I got out of my truck.

When I entered the room, he tackled me. I fought back but not to win. I wanted to wrestle with him and have him sit on me with his bulging cock inches from my lips. It was just manly fun but we are both determined guys and would not give in immediately. Testing our strength was part of who we were.

He tore my clothes from me and I heard a couple of shirt buttons go flying. I couldn't get the duds off fast enough. I stripped for him like a street whore until we were both standing there in sweaty bulging jocks...

Our cocks were throbbing and we were grinding against each other. We were so hot together that precum began to ooze from both our cocks.

Steve pulled me to the floor and was on top grinding against my crotch, stomach and chest when he pinned my shoulders with his knees. I loved that physical roughness. It kept us manly and not girlie acting -- At least, that's what we thought.

I would look up at him and see the lust in his eyes. He would buck me off and I would do the same to him, or sometimes we would get the other face down and grind hard against the underwear covered ass of each other. I loved touching Steve and he couldn't keep his hands off my pecs and my hard chest. He was constantly touching me.

Steve turned the heat on in the room even though it was a warm summer day. The workout we were having with the heat caused sweat to pour off of us.

I wiped some sweat off my chest and put my fingers into Steve's mouth. He licked them clean and raised his arm.

"Your turn" was all he said.

I bent down and ran my tongue under his arm pit and licked the sweat free from the black hair that was growing there.

We were both slick. Our boxer briefs were beginning to stick to our bodies as they became soaked. Steve kept grinding his hard cock into my sweaty boxers. You could see the outline of his beautiful dick right through the fabric. It was awesome. I was so turned on by his sweaty body that I struggled to bury my face below his stomach trying to smell his crotch.

Steve couldn't take anymore and pinned me face down again, He ripped off his boxers. He intentionally ripped the under ware from my body and I knew what was coming next. This is where I would get willingly raped and probably called every name in the book. I knew it was another chapter in our rough playing and I looked forward to it.

Steve's sweaty dick was inside me instantly. I bucked, but not to remove him, but to help get his dick deeper inside me. Steve fucked me hard as his sweat dripped from his hairy chest onto my back. He was getting close, so he pulled out and jumped on the bed on his back.

"Come over here Mark and ride my fucking cock like you have never ridden it before. I want you gasping for air as you strain to take more of it over and over. Pour your sweat over me and shoot your cum on me while my cock pleasures your hole." I order you. -- Steve said to me.

OMG there is nothing hotter than a strong male taking charge. I willingly bent to every command -- anything Steve ordered -- he would get from me. We both knew it.

He had a power over me that nourished the very essence of my soul. I was his guy and he saw it in his control over me. Our job was to please each other and he knew that too.

There were times I would take control -- but today was not one of those times.

"Get over here, I said" -- Steve commanded. C'mon -- move - you cocksucker!!

I got up. I was invigorated with his command.

I pounced quickly on to his stiffen cock and rode him insatiably. He watched my muscles flex and strain to keep up the pace while my face showed the results of the electricity that was flowing through my ass as he pleased me from the inside. He never took his eyes from me. He stayed `fixed' looking at my moving body.

My cocked bounced as I was flying up and down on his dick. My precum was spraying everywhere. Steve stuck out his tongue to catch some of the gooey juices that were spewing out. But catching flying cum is almost impossible to do.

Even though I was exhausted, both physically and sexually spent, he saw in my eyes that I would win this time. I wasn't going to finish until I heard his familiar groan of climax and felt his cock pulse inside me and my hole filled with his precious juice.

The movement of my body riding Steve's cock was becoming too much excitement even for a pro fucker like my buddy who was deep inside me.

"Oh good God -- oh shit Mark -- I am screwing the hell out of you -- but you are killing me dude. Your body is like a fuckin `jerk-off' machine. -- Jesus, you're fuckin wild- love it -- love it -- love it." -- He cried out.

"Aghhhhhh -- you got it man -- you're getting it -- NOW" -- Steve screamed "Oh fuckkkkk." - As his body tightened and his thighs begun to quiver ever so slightly.

Steve closed his eyes then shrieked as cum exploded from his balls through his slit and into my hole. It took all my endurance but I bounced faster and harder, drawing every last drop of liquid from him into me. When I felt the splash of his baby juice inside me; I moaned completely satisfied feeling full of Steve's sticky milk.

"Jesus" -- I thought quietly to myself -- "How the hell do these porn guys do this on camera all day?" -- I was exhausted.

I collapse onto him. Our hard breathing, soaked bodies were now one, being glued together by Steve's pasty juice dripping from my ass and on to his crotch.

We both relaxed and stared at each other like a necessary part of our routine...

"Yes Mark - you are the man, you win" -- said Steve

"We both win -- you are a fuckin robot" -- I said to him.

"Yeah, I guess that's right -- I have been called that before but nothing like what we just had" -- Steve said to me.

I nuzzled in next to him and whispered -- "That was an awesome fuck -- I needed that." Sounding like a perverted sex addict trying to impress somebody.

"You always need something stuck into you -- mother fucker" -- he mumbled to me getting sleepy.

As Steve began to doze off, I licked the sweat off his chest and biceps.

He raised his arm and I licked the sweat from under his hairy pits once more and sucked on the hair under his arm.

"Keep going Mark"... - Steve mumbled.

I knew he liked that -- so I did it.

His last quiet words to me were "You big whore" smiled and dozed off to sleep.

I gently kissed his cheek and cuddled next to him. I could feel his heart beating and I was happy. We slept peacefully lying next to each other basking in the closet of being together again.

Part 3 - Continues where Mark and Steve encounter male hustlers Please read on...

Justin Balancier Jbalancier9@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 3

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