Just Neighbors

By Justin Balancier

Published on Jul 29, 2012


"Just Neighbors"

By Justin Balancier --


Just Neighbors is the story about two male neighbors, living side by side, who quite by accident become sexually involved with one another. Unknown to their wives and family they carry on a loveless sexual clandestine affair strictly for the hunger of each other's bodies.

They eventually branch out to meet other people and are knocked back to reality when they hook up with two college hustlers. Who happen to be very gorgeous and very professional call boys.

Just Neighbors -- Part 1

Susan and I was just a couple of kids when we got married. Susan was seventeen, I was eighteen and Adam was almost a year old.

I had been married for many years when we finally purchased a home of our own. My oldest son Adam was now 20 years old and away at college. Craig, who was 17 and graduating from High School would be going off to college come fall.

Susan was a terrific mom and worked as a legal secretary at a downtown law firm. I made a pretty good living in the construction business and at age thirty seven I was at the top of my game.

My name is Mark Alison and this is my story.

It was an unexpected but spotless way that brought Steve and I together. Our family moved into a newly constructed colonial house, almost at the end of Font Clair Terrace, in Glenview a north suburb of Chicago.

The house next to ours belonged to the Genero's. The folks there seemed like nice neighbors. They had two children - a boy and a girl. Danny was about to enter the National Guard and his sister Connie was already in medical school; studying to become a doctor.

Steve Genero was about my age maybe a year or two older and we got along like brothers. We helped each other with yard work and hung out together shooting baskets and playing ball. Not bad for a couple of aging dudes.

Steve's wife Marge was a classy lady with a great personality, who worked in Real estate and a terrific cook. Our two families got along beautifully.

Steve worked as an advertising executive and went off to the office every day looking very well dressed. He was a handsome guy with sandy brown hair, dark eyes and a rock hard body due to all the hours he spent at the gym.

I worked as an onsite construction manager and would come home with concrete dust and sweat on my clothes quite often. We both had excellent incomes but occupation wise; Steve and I were different as day and night. Body wise we were built pretty much the same. My body I thought was huskier with more impressive pecs than Steve, because of my work routine.

I was also Scottish good looking according to my last mirror check and the ladies liked me too. I was never really interested in other women but I did like looking at Steve. We connected so well and I enjoyed being around him.

One day Steve was mowing the lawn shirtless wearing only shorts and I quickly changed my mind about his body. The guy was hot looking with solid pecs and a hard looking chest. I took notice and wanted to see more. Don't ask me why -- I just did.

The more I saw of Steve, the more I became fond of him and wanted to be near him as much as possible. I didn't know it at the time but Steve was developing the same feelings towards me. I earnestly think we didn't realize it. Neither of us ever let on.

That day when Steve was moving his lawn, I was wearing shorts with a tank top. I removed the shirt and went shirtless next door to talk to Steve.

"Hey, buddy -- want some help" -- I asked Steve.

"Naw, I'm almost finished but thanks any way" -- he replied.

"Hot day -- want a beer" -- Steve asked.


Steve stopped mowing and I followed him through the garage and into the kitchen. We sat at the kitchen counter and I could feel Steve's eyes looking at my chest and body. My cock started to swell and I was getting turned on by his interest in me.

"Bet I can beat you in arm wrestling" -- Steve said to me.

"Bet you can't" -- I replied.

"You're on dude."

Steve took my hand and touching him became electrifying. His hand was stronger than I imagined it would be and we held tight and clasped our fingers together. He was strong but I was luckier and pushed his hand down to the table and won.

"Fuck -- You're good Mark" - he said to me.

"You would be surprised how good" -- I answered.

Steve's gaze fixed on my face and we stared into each other's eyes. He was still holding my hand and leaned into me.

Like a magnet I was drawn to his handsome face and without thinking he kissed me -- or maybe I kissed him. I don't remember exactly. It was nothing passionate -- just a buddy kiss, but it felt nice.

We went downstairs into the game room and began to wrestle like a couple of teen agers. Our shirts were off and our bodies were moist and pressing against each other.

My cock was hard now and there was no hiding it. I put my hand through Steve's thighs in a wrestling hold and his cock was also straining to break through his shorts.

Steve touched my ass and began massaging it.

"Damn that's nice Mark" -- he said to me. - "I want that" -- Steve said as he rubbed my ass.

"Oh you do --do you? - He never answered. He just growled in a laughing manner. I thought he was joking. --

I ran my hand over the swelling in his shorts and cupped the bulge in his crotch.

"Oh yeah, well I want that" -- I said to him still holding his crotch.

"Oh you do -- do you? -- well nobody's stopping you" -- he replied.

I realized that Steve was not joking just by the tone of his voice and the look on his face.

Steve pulled off his shorts and his cock came popping out underneath his boxers. I grabbed his cock and went down on him like a hungry slut. I just did it instinctively and didn't think about it -- I had never been a cock sucker before but this action came so easy and natural for me -- It must have looked like I knew what I was doing.

His cock was hefty, smooth and hot. It tasted so good to me that I gulped and inhaled his meat trying to take it all. Being a guy myself, I knew how men like to get their cock sucked.

Steve moaned, moved very slowly with his eyes closed and touched the back of my head trying to get his meat completely down my throat.

"Hold on -- hold on "buddy he said to me -- I'm getting awfully close and you are going to make me nut right down your throat if you're not careful"

"Go ahead - it's okay" -- I managed to mumble still licking his handsome cock which I finally let go of.

Steve pulled my shorts off me and I was naked. He took hold of my swollen dick and stared between my legs. --

"Hey neighbor, you're quite the package" -- He said to me and sucked my big dick into his mouth. It felt wonderful and all the time he was blowing me he was fingering my ass hole.

I had never been fucked before but I liked the feeling of something up my ass as long as it wasn't too big. As I teen ager, I would shove a banana up there and fantasize about getting fucked. But it was something I never told my friends about.

I knew what he wanted to do, so I said to him - "You want to fuck me -- don't you Steve? " "Certainly do and badly Mark. - I watch you walking around your yard showing off that fine-looking butt of yours and I have been thinking of how I could get a piece of that." He said to me.

"Holy shit -- "I never suspected that you would want to do that - but I'm glad you do."


"Yup, really? -- I answered.

"Since we are talking about truth and lust, - I have the same fantasy about fucking you and sucking your dick -- I have been thinking about it for some time now." -- I said to him.

"That's fuckin weird dude" - he said to me.

"Yeah -- fuckin weird" -- I replied.

"You game" - Steve asked

"Yup"- How about you?"


"Tell you what" -- Steve said. "We are both tops but if you will bottom for me -- I will do the same for you tomorrow. -- What do you think?"

I didn't especially care to have that pole Steve was sporting shoved up my ass, but to get Steve inside me -- I said `deal' immediately without thinking whether I could take that wood or not.

I stretched out on the floor completely naked and Steve stared down at me with a hungry look. "Yeah, - you're something all right" -- he said to me. But you won't be so hot looking when I get finished with you.

"Careful dude -- don't mess me up -- I have to go back home looking good" -- I said to him.

"Don't worry buddy -- I will stop anytime you want" -- replied Steve. He ran his hands up and down my body, squeezing my nipples and tugging on my pubic hairs. He squeezed my thighs and rubbed my legs clear to my ankles.

"Roll over bitch" -- he said to me and flipped me on my stomach. That kind of surprised me for a moment but I liked hearing it.

"Hum -- `bitch' he said -- The name calling between friends made our fooling around feel erotic. It was something I could not do at home with Susan and I kind of liked it.

Steve bent down and began kissing the cheeks of my ass and licking my crack with his tongue. It was so hot that a voice deep inside me was yelling out... "Yes -- yes -- fuck me and hurt me `till it feels good. I don't give a shit -- just do it.

Steve lubed my ass and begun finger fucking me. First one finger -- then two and eventually three fingers went inside me.

I thought to myself -- "gees, what the hell have I started with all those fingers going into my ass."

"How are we doing, Mark" -- Steve asked, - "are you okay?."

"Yeah" - What do you mean "We"- was all I had time to say.

Steve in a matter of seconds rubbed his big hog through my wet crack and was pushing his dick inside me.

"Easy - easy -- dude let me get used to it -- your cock is so hard - this hurts like hell" - I said to him.

My thoughts went back to the firm banana I pushed in there when I was a kid -- but this certainly was no banana.

Steve stopped but left his cock partially inside my lubricated hole. He began rubbing my back with his hands and told me to relax --

"You're too tense, Mark. Relax, I won't hurt you -- never --never would I do that to my buddy" -- he said to me.

So that is exactly what I did -- I relaxed completely and let Steve have his way with me.

He worked his cock the rest of the way inside me and he didn't move. He laid face down on my back with his cock filling me like a corked bottle. I was getting used to it by now and the pain was leaving. It felt good inside me and I knew that Steve would make it feel even better.

He pounded away at my ass hole, hung on to my hips, bit into the back of my neck and his breathing increased like a marathon runner. I knew enough about fucking to `fuck back' so I rose to meet every thrust and gave my neighbor the ride of a lifetime.

It felt `good as hell'

"Oh God -- oh my God -- you hot little mother fucker" -- Steve screamed at me as he unloaded a burst of cum that filled my ass to capacity. His cock kept pulsating emptying a cum load from his balls deep inside me.

He pulled out slowly and plopped down beside me. He cradled my hips between his thighs and rubbed his face across affectionally across my naked back.

Steve reached around and took hold of my cock and began to stroke it --

"I will get you off bud" he said to me. I started to say -- "that's okay -- I can do it myself" -- but his hand was so forceful and his stroking made me feel so wanted; that I just rested and let him go to town on my raging dick.

It didn't take long before I was spurting gobs of cum on to my arm and chest. My juice trickled down into my pubic hair.

"Phew -- look what you made me do" -- I said to him

"Feel better?" -- Steve asked as he looked at me. -- "You shot a nice load there neighbor." -- Real nice he said never taking his eyes off my body...

I had never noticed before the little twinkle in Steve's striking dark eyes. I'm sure it was always there but I never noticed it. His eyes sparkled staring at my face.

As I rested there next to Steve, I thought I never would have been able to live out my fantasy of having him naked and doing these things with me.

But now we were beginning to think about each other differently -- not romantically -- just differently. - I found myself in uncharted waters and it was electrifying to say the least.

"Yeah, I feel all right" - I finally answered.

I reached for a tissue to wipe the `sticky' off my chest and Steve caught my hand in mid-air.

"Here Mark, let me do that for you" -- Steve said and started to lick up the spent cum sticking to my chest and pubic hair. I liked watching him do that to me. It was like a scene from a gay porn flick that I once saw years ago. Straight guys may not think so -- but oh yeah, it was hot.

I had forgotten for a moment that some dudes like to lick and eat cum. I thought that only gay guys would do that -- Maybe not. I knew that my turn would come with Steve. I just had to be patient a bit longer.

"Nice -- nice, fuckin nice -- Steve mumbled and kissed my stomach and licked the head of my cock which was beginning to soften and pushed out the last drop of cum. It all disappeared inside Steve's working mouth.

Steve's cum was beginning to leak from my butt and I didn't want to get it on the carpet, so I wiped my crack with a tissue and got up rather wobbly to my feet.

"I have to get out of here and go next door and hit the shower" -- I said to Steve.

`Me too" -- he answered.

"Yeah -- good idea"

I headed back towards the kitchen pulling my shorts up around my waist, when Steve took my shoulder and turned me around. He stared directly at me and for a split second and I felt uneasy.

"Seriously, buddy, I have to know that everything between us is still -- okay." -- He said to me. "You know -- after doing all this shit to one another."

"It's perfect -- seriously it is perfect --absolutely everything between us is okay." I told him.

The kitchen door closed quietly behind me and I walked over the freshly mowed grass feeling confused and dirty. I just wanted to go home.

After the orientation of finding each other in the most solicitous way, Steve and Mark became the best of friends. Anonymous to their wives and family, they shared a clandestine connection that was unknown to the people around them.

They relied on one another for many things in their everyday lives including their private sexual release. They became turned on by touching each other's masculine bodies and believed that they had the luck of two worlds.

They went to the gym together, went camping, rode bicycles, took showers together and even had sex with college guys that Steve connected with on occasion.

Steve and Mark began to share the guys they met. Everyone eventually got fucked and protection was always used with hook-ups and strangers.

It was all strictly physical and sex was the name of the game. There was no romantic connection between them. They did love each other like brothers and shared some touching and sibling kissing.

They were both Alpha males and had strong sexual drives which kept them together for compromises. They had clean and dirty sex whenever they wanted it. They would bottom for each other -- but for everyone else --They were strictly tops.

Love? -- are you are wondering about jealousy and love? -

Love eventually did develop between them. However, it was not genuine love. It was man to man' lust with a masculine connection needed to nourish their enormous sexual appetite. Never did any girlie' talk or actions take place between these two men.

Jealousy was non-existent in their friendship. -- It was not allowed and they never talked about it. In fact, jealousy never occurred to either of them. That is an arduous thing to believe but it was planned that way from the beginning. And in this case, for them it worked to a certain point.

Steve and Mark were similar but vastly different in many ways. When it came to sex or using each other's bodies, they came together as one. Mark had crawled into Steve's soul and Steve stuck to Mark like a honey bee on a flower.

They grew stronger by having each other to depend on - and conquered sexual hook-ups like the professionals they had become. Their unspoken activity of suck-fucking dudes and gay sex was closely guarded by both of them; their family persona and home life never changed for either of them.

Steve and Mark never missed a holiday, birthday or a single family event. Together, in private, they had become sex a-holics-- but to everyone else -- they were just friendly neighbors.

To continue.........

Steve sends Mark a text late in the pm. He badly requires something from his neighbor. Mark responds by...

Part 2 - Please read on. Comments welcomed and feedback is answered --

Justin Balancier Jbalancier9@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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