Just Meant to Be

By Demian

Published on Nov 26, 2000


Disclaimer: What you are about to read is purely fiction, but who knows, maybe somewhere out there in the real world, all these events are actually taking place. You, as the reader, have made it this far, so you better be of legal age. I did not intend to write all of this for minors breaking the law, so if you are not supposed to be here, you should really exit, and come back when you're old enough. These following accounts of events contain mature graphic matter of consenting sex between men. The sex is unprotected, but who ever wears a rubber in their fantasies??? So be smart when you're "out" there, the last thing you want to do is to catch something. Well enough of all this fun stuff, I hope you enjoy, and if you do, I'd really appreciate your feedback, and I'll try my best to email you back...

This story is dedicated to my life partner. He is the greatest thing to have happened in my life, and I just want everyone to know it..., I love you baby-boy.

Part II Knock! Knock! Knock!

My heart was pounding, and I could already feel my cock starting to grow in my tight jeans as I reached the door to open it. I managed to find the door knob, unlock it, then begin to turn it, slowly, and there stood Drew. The smile on my face enlarged exponentially at the sight of this beautiful man. My mouth went dry, my tongue refused to work, and all I could see was his beautiful green eyes looking at me. I have no idea how long I just stood there (it seemed like an eternity), when finally somewhere I heard this voice, "May I come in?" he asked.

I managed to say, "Yes, of course,"

Drew walked into my room, and shut and locked the door behind him. I watched as he turned around, his ass looked great in the Dockers he was wearing, I could see his muscles as he stretched to lock the door. My boner was making the bulge in my pants even get bigger. There was no hiding it whatsoever. Drew then turned to me and looked me up and down. His eyes stopped at my crotch, though. They stayed there for a while, until he said, "It's really unhealthy to have erections in such tight jeans. Maybe you should take them off." Oh man, my blood was racing through my entire body, this would be it, finally to get fucked up my ass. I was gonna get fucked! So I unbuckled my belt, then the jeans, put the zipper down, and let the pants drop to my ankles. Drew than began to smile, then started to laugh. What? What? I thought? I know it wasn't the size my of my dick, it's a good 7 inches, and that's nothing to laugh at. So what the hell was this guy laughing at? So I asked, "What's so funny?"

He replied, "You should really take off your boots first, it might be a little hard to take jeans like those off with boots on."

I felt soooooooo stupid, I could not believe how stupid I must have looked to Drew, so I started laughing at myself, we then found ourselves in a tandem burst of laughter. I love laughing, and especially when it becomes so strong that you find it hard to breathe, well these were one of those moments, my pants down to my ankles, a 7 inch boner, and this beautiful guy sharing such a great moment with me. Well you gotta remember, I did have a lot to drink earlier.

Our fit lasted a good couple minutes, and really felt great. After, we were both grasping for air. But I still felt really stupid. Out of nowhere, Drew said, "Get on the bed, I'll help you get those boots and pants off."

I hopped towards my bed, as walking was now out of the question, finally made it and jumped onto the bed with my head hitting my pillow. I lifted my legs onto the bed, and I watched Drew, take off his own shoes. Those shoes were huge! They must have been at least a size 12! I have a great foot fetish, and always heard that saying that with big feet, comes you know what! Well I had a size 9 with a 7 incher, now a size 12....how big was his....? Drew sat on the end of my bed and started to undo the shoe laces of my right shoe, then slowly took off the shoe, with so much ease, I always had a hard time taking them off. Then he took off the left shoe. I wiggled my toes, as it felt great to finally get out of those things. He then said, "let's get rid of these pants,"

He yanked on them, pulled them over my feet and dropped them to the floor. My heart began to palpitate so fast now, that the first thing that came out of my mouth was, "Drew, take me, fuck me, please..., NOW!"

He gave me this great look right into my eyes, and said, "You're too drunk right now to be FUCKED, I want you to sober up a bit so you will remember everything, and enjoy every single second of it."

"Well what do you want to do in the meantime?" I confusedly asked.

"You just lie back and relax, turn on some music, and enjoy." Drew said.

Enjoy what? Not getting fucked? Lying here with a huge hardon. He then grabbed my foot and started rubbing it, massaging it like I have never experienced before, it felt so great. He was using both hands gripping on the one foot. Before I knew he had taken off my sock, then yanked off the other sock. Exposing my bare naked feet. Out of his mouth came, "You have great looking feet."

I replied, "Thanks,"

Drew grabbed my left foot and started to massage it. His hands were so strong, and big. His hold on me was so great. My dick throbbed so much, I have never been this hard before in my life. I started to move my hands down to grab my cock, when I heard, "You do not touch that, I repeat, do not lay a finger on that."

Taken back by his urgency, I apologetically said, "Sorry. Sorry, Drew."

"I will get to that soon enough."

I watched as Drew lowered his head, and kissed my big toe. What a rush it was, to have my toe kissed. While kissing it, he stuck out his tongue and started to lick it, making it all wet. It felt great! I found my toe in his mouth where he worked his tongue all over it. Sucking on it, kissing it, licking it. Damn, this guy was great! At the same time, he was still massaging it, and I mean hard, pushing his thumbs into the ball of my foot, gripping the heel of my foot too. If a foot could ever cum, I would have shot a load by now. He kept working on that foot, while I heard myself moaning and repeating his name over and over again, "Oh Drew, Drew, don't stop, that's great," and "oh more, please more, right there, I'm so hard so hard!"

He took my toes out of his mouth and said, "Hang in there tiger, you still have another foot."

At that time the sweat was pouring down my face that I had to take off the t-shirt I was wearing. Pulled it over my head, and all that was left were those jockeys with a great big wet spot where my piss slit rested.

Drew then grabbed my other foot and raised it, to his mouth and stuck out his tongue, and licked the bottom of it from my toes to the heel. I immediately raised my crotch in the air, as it felt so damn good. He kept at it, licking and kissing, making my entire foot wet with his saliva. He proceeded to suck my toes as he did before, with me moaning and moaning in such an abundance of sexual arousal. He finally stopped, noticed that I was gasping for air and said, "That was just an appetizer, the main course, is yet to come."

"I need more, please fuck me, Drew."

"You said you were a virgin though, didn't you?" he asked.

"Yes I am, but I want your dick in me, I need it in me." I told him.

"Well, let's see what we've got here," Drew moved up on the bed and put his finger along the elastic of my jockeys, and pulled them down below my balls, to my thighs, to my knees, then ankles, and over my feet. I was naked. My boner pointing to the stars, with my cock head all sticky with the precum residue. He grabbed my jockeys, raised it to his face and smelled it, stuck out his tongue and licked the entire wet spot I had left.

I heard him while he was licking, "Ummmmmmmm," and, "sooooooo good."

"You're so hot, Drew, please fuck me." I asked.

He answered, "Dude, you're not ready,"

I interrupted, "What do you mean, I'm not ready, I've waited all my life to get a dick up my ass and you say I am not ready!"

In a very calming voice, Drew said, "Sorry, Mike, you're ready, but your ass is not. I have a pretty big rod, and it won't feel so great if I put it in you now."

I never thought of that, maybe he was right, when I finger fucked myself, I could only manage to put one finger in, I was a virgin. Finally understanding him, I said, "So what's next?"

"Well I have to loosen you up before anything else." Just the thought of that made my dick throb even more, so badly he noticed it too. He looked down at my throbbing dick, and said, "Don't worry about that for now, Mike, I want to build up that load of yours, so when you do finally shoot, it will be the best load you have ever let go, hard enough to hit the ceiling."

Shit, this guy was great to me. He really knew his stuff. I decided not to question him any longer, and just to go with his flow. At that point I felt a little awkward being the only one naked, while Drew had only taken off his shoes. So I asked, "What about your clothes, don't you have to strip for anything to happen?"

"I thought you'd never ask." He replied. He then stood up on the bed, putting one foot over me. I looked up at him, and watched as he gave me a strip show, my own personal show. First came off his sweat shirt, revealing a great toned chest, a little hair protruding from the ribbed sleeveless undershirt which came off next. There was a brown treasure trail that started from his naval and into his pants. He unbuckled his belt, then his Dockers, they came down to his ankles. Holy fuck, Drew was wearing a g-string! Sporting a huge package of his own. It hung really low. He stepped out of his pants. I helped him take off his socks, and there he stood, the best looking guy in the world, standing over me.

The first thing to come out of my mouth was, "Kiss me, Drew, please kiss me."

He then lowered his body onto mine, flattening my boner with his huge dick, boy was it ever big. I grabbed onto his ass, and rubbed it, it was so smooth. His face met mine, our lips met, then our tongues, he lowered himself more onto me, I was then feeling his entire body weight on mine, all the muscles, and that huge package. His low hanging balls, and a long penis! My god, I could not wait to get a glimpse at this thing. But at that moment, I was concentrating on this wonderful kisser, who I found my self tongue wrestling with. He tasted so great, the kiss was so hot and passionate.

Now was my chance, I had to make a move. Very quickly, I grabbed onto his shoulders, and being on the wrestling team at school, I used a move on him to flip him onto his back, he never knew what hit him. Now I had the upper hand, still stuck in the kiss, I took my hands off his shoulders, and moved them very briskly to his crotch. I made quick history of that black thong, and in my hands were a huge semi hard dick, and two walnut sized balls. This cock was practically the size of mine, and I knew it wasn't fully hard. I took my tongue out of his mouth and blurted out, "Holy shit Drew, how big do you get?"

He answered, "On a good day, it'll get up to 9 inchers."

"Nine inches!!!" I shouted out loud. "Fuck you are so hot, Drew."

"Thanks Mike, well now, it's time to get you ready, because tonight is one of those good days, and you're gonna get all my 9 inches up your ass. But before we do anything else, lemme ask you, do you have any lube?"

All I had to do was reach over to my night stand and open a drawer and passed him a tube of lube that I use to finger myself. "Here you go, Drew, work your magic."

He gave me another kiss, but this one was much quicker, and before I knew it, he had spread my legs wide open, and opened up my ass cheeks. For some reason, my legs were able to spread very widely and I even liked sleeping with them spread apart like I had them now. I noticed that he had put some lubrication on his fingers, and said, "Open wide!"

I stretched out my legs as far as I could, and felt the cold lube, hitting my ass hole. He rubbed it onto my hole, without entering and stopped. He reached for the tube again, squeezed more out and went for my ass hole again, this time he took one finger and pushed it up against my hole, with a little pressure, I moaned, "Yesssss, Drew, put it in me,"

He entered my ass, and I let out a loud cry, as he went deeper and deeper into my ass. He was so gentle in me, so smooth, and I loved every minute of it. He got his entire middle finger in my ass, then slowly released it, and more quickly this time, he entered me, again as deep as he could go. He then hit my love button, my g-spot, and my hips again buckled and raised up off the bed. He knew it, and stayed there, massaging it, playing with it, making my moans louder and more intense. Oh fuck it felt so great! Having another man's finger in, me, but I spoke to soon as he exited my ass, to my disappointment. I loved it, but why did he stop? "Keep going, Drew," I insisted.

"Mike, relax," he said, "I know what I am doing, here, you need more lube to get you ready for my cock."

I did relax, and remembered that this guy was a professional, he knew what he was doing, and he did it well. His middle finger again entered me, then came out again, and when he proceeded the next time, a second finger rammed into my ass hole, I could never get my own second finger in, but I guess the secret was more lube! Hot damn did it ever feel good! My ass hole had never opened this wide in my life, and it just made my dick now at it's full 7 inches throb like never before. It almost felt like it was going to fall off. Drew started to pump my ass with his two fingers, widening me up, exploring my ass, massaging my button. The pace had gotten a lot faster, and harder, it honestly felt as if a dick was up my ass, he became very ferocious in fingering my ass, it felt so good, and did not even hurt, he then slowed down the pace, just massaging and rubbing that oh so very special spot, and asked, "are you ready for a third finger?"

"Please yes, please." I replied with such an urgency.

To my amazement a third finger, with more lube entered my ass, the feeling was unbelievable. I had never imagined this to happen, never in my wildest dreams. When it hit me, the thought and his hard dick, that this was so good, and was going to get better. I looked down at his crotch, and saw a vein-filled penis, the biggest I had ever seen in my entire life. A low hanging sac with two huge balls lying low, the left lower than the right. A nice trimmed patch of brown pubic hair, greatly shaped, and even with a hardon, he still had foreking coming over his penis, damn, this was so dreamlike. So unreal, but I knew, I was awake, so awake.

He kept working my ass, so fast that I felt like I was going to cum, right then and there. The moans filled my room, I said to Drew, "Keep working it baby, I love it, I want more!"

At that point he stopped, released the trio of fingers out of my ass, and said, "You are now ready." ***************************** That'll do for now boys. Hope you enjoyed reading, because after writing something like that I even need to jerk off, hey, I'm only human....Again thanks guys for responding from the first installment, the more you guys write to me, the longer this epic gets, so I'd love to hear any comments you guys have at, demien22@hotmail.com

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