Just Meant to Be

By Demian

Published on Nov 23, 2000


Disclaimer: What you are about to read is purely fiction, but who knows, maybe somewhere out there in the real world, all these events are actually taking place. You, as the reader, have made it this far, so you better be of legal age. I did not intend to write all of this for minors breaking the law, so if you are not supposed to be here, you should really exit, and come back when you're old enough. These following accounts of events contain mature graphic matter of consenting sex between men. The sex is unprotected, but who ever wears a rubber in their fantasies??? So be smart when you're "out" there, the last thing you want to do is to catch something. Well enough of all this fun stuff, I hope you enjoy, and if you do, I'd really appreciate your feedback, and I'll try my best to email you back...

This story is dedicated to my baby-love. You know who you are...,

Part I

There I was sitting in a crowded lecture hall, listening to this over paid fart lecture on his views of man and his existence, you know, that I think, therefore I am stuff. Quite stimulating stuff, but coming from this guy, it really means nothing to me. I thought to myself that if this professor was twenty years younger, he must be a real looker. But then reality sets in and all I see is a fifty year old balding man...almost makes me want to go straight. No never, I have had sex with girls before and knew that I was a receiver more than a giver. My ass urged to have a dick ram into it. A nice curved, uncut dick. Entering my ass hole ever so slowly, so I could feel every inch by inch entering my love canal. Then begin to pump my ass getting faster and faster, with my moans filling the room, going faster and faster, making the bed move...Holy Shit!!! I had a full hardon! What the hell was I doing to myself, class was finally over, and everyone started packing up their bags with books and heading out. I just sat there, waiting, waiting, waiting...damn, there was no end in sight to this boner. I mustered up the courage to stand up, still at full attention, and there it was, pointing straight out making the bulge in my pants so evident.

This had to be taken care of, and I mean immediately, I grabbed one of my books out of my back pack, and held it in front of my crotch, to hide it while walking through the hallways of my school. I tried my hardest not to make any eye contact with anyone, just headed straight for the closest washroom, where, this problem would be taken care. As I started to pick up the pace, my jeans started to rub against my rock hard dick and I just felt the precum oozing out, soon enough, there would be a wet spot on my crotch, and hiding that would not be easy at all.

Finally in the washroom, gave a quick look around, it seemed pretty empty. Bent down to check for feet in the stalls, and saw one pair in the first stall. I chose the corner one for some kind of privacy, locked it up, unbuttoned my jeans and out came flying this boner, throbbing so much. The jockeys came down next, I took a seat and started working up and down my shaft. It wasn't going to take too long, I had to stop myself from moaning, it felt so good, thinking of that huge curved dick, uncut, all that skin entering my ass, coming out, back in again, all that skin, rubbing against my ass hole, all the friction making my ass all hot, ohh, it felt so good, just a couple more strokes I told myself, gripped harder, went faster. My head tilted back and then BOOM!!! Shots of cum went flying all over the place, it hit the stall door, and again, oh man did it ever feel good to let it all out. And finally, the last drop of cum out of my now sore dick. I looked at my fingers full of cum, and brought it closer to my face, gave it a quick wiff, it smelled so good, so I decided to stick out my tongue, lick one finger clean. YUMMMM, I have never done that before, it tasted so sweet, then the next finger, and the next, when I found myself wiping off all the cum from my dick and licking all off my fingers....oh man, what a relief, let out such a great load and ate almost half of it....Now that was a first!!! *******

Off I went from class to class, just more Philosophy crap, I never knew understood why I chose it as my major, really, where could I ever go with four years of learning how other people think, hey, well at least learning that, I was able to master my own thoughts...I think??? Walking down the hallways of my school, I noticed every guy that walked by and just imagined how that one would look naked, how big his dick was limp, and hard. A guy walked by me wearing track pants, I could almost see the shape of his cock, it was making me all horny all over again. I knew that I could not go to my last class, my mind was elsewhere, so I decided to hit the pub that was connected to my dorm, grab a drink or two, meet up with some buddies, and just drink some more, then hopefully then, all these raging hormones would subside. You gotta know all my friends are straight, so I have to pretend that I too, love "hot chicks" and great pairs of "knockers", I was really getting sick of it all, and just really needed a dick up my ass.

What I really want out of life is someone that understands me, because I have been told that I have a pretty messed up mind, this guy, I did not care how he looked like, just had to be someone to listen to me, and I would listen to him. An important thing about my dream guy, is that he better be great in bed, you know the type, hardcore sex drives, up for some erotic and kinky adventures in bed. Now if I really wanted to use Aristotle's notion of: I think, therefore I am, now since I am thinking of this guy, this dream boat of mine, to take me to places I have never been before, then therefore he IS. But not tonight. It was just me and "the boys" hitting the pints of great cold beer, talking about the hockey match last night, the boxing fight with Dela Hoya (what a hottie!). When I have a little too much to drink, you should now that I get a little talkative, and whatever the conversation, I have much more than two cents to put in, more like five bucks!!! With so much beer in me at that time, I had to head to men's room to take one of the biggest leak I had ever had to take.

Got up, maybe a little too fast, I was pretty drunk. You never really realize it until you do stand up. I had to hold onto the back of chairs just to make it to the washroom. I know, not really an attractive sight, but you gotta remember, when in college, all there is to do, is drink, drink and drink some more.

Finally in the washroom, the one stall was being used and both urinals, I had to really go! My first thought was to head to the girls washroom and piss over there, when I heard the best FLUSH of my life. One of the guys on the urinals finished his business, and opened one up for me, perfect! I was so close to wetting myself, for the second time today, when I unzipped, pulled my rod out and just released all the piss, it felt so good to let it all out, it was rushing out like a waterfall, like that one up in Niagara?! I heard myself ooo-ing and aaa-ing the release of such a build up. When I finally forgot that there was somebody beside me using the next urinal. I looked over, and said, "Sorry, dude, I'm drunk."

He replied, "Nice to meet you drunk, I'm Andrew, I'd shake your hand, but, it's kinda pre-occupied right now."

Wow, a urinal conversation, never had one of those before, what should I say next? All I knew was that I had to keep my eyes glued to his eyes and not to look, you know where. But I could not help it, it was just a force of nature, I looked down and saw such a beautiful uncut cock! My favorite! Damn, it looked so hot! I stopped pissing and started to get another hardon, I had to get my eyes of his dick. Then the first thing that did come out of my mouth was, "No worries, man, my name's Mike, I won't shake your hand, but I have to shake this all off!" and started to do that ritual shake after the last drop of piss came out.

He flushed, looked over to me, and nodded to me, and said, "You have yourself a good night, and don't drink too much, or you'll regret it tomorrow!" I heard him flush then turn on the faucet, washed his hands then the water turned off. Fuck! I must of sounded like a complete idiot, 'I had to shake this off', what the hell was I thinking? Who cares, I was drunk. But still, I wish I could have made a better impression, but as some say, "shit happens!" I still found myself a little tipsy walking back to my table where my buddies had ordered another pitcher, thank the heavens for great friends, they've really gotten all those sex thoughts out of my mind, I felt a little better, but still could not walk straight. Then before I knew it, I bumped into someone and heard a loud crash, Shit! I had dropped this guys drink! Oh man, I really did not want to start anything with anyone, as my buddies are famous for bar room brawling, I apologized immediately, bent over to pick up the plastic cup, started my way up and said, "Buddy, look, that's my mistake, let me buy...." Then my eyes finally reached his face, and it was the urinal guy, fuck, I'm no good with names, I tried to remember, but...he opened his mouth and let out, "hey, it's drunk! Fancy bumping into you here." Jumping at the chance, I replied, "Man, I am so sorry, look, lemme buy you another." "You don't have to Mike," (Holy shit, he remembered my name, I really needed to think and figure out his, "it was only an accident, shit happens!" Wait a minute, I just said that in the washroom, didn't I? This was getting wierder all the time, so I insisted, "Listen buddy, let me replace that drink for you, it's the least I could do, for my clumsiness." Finally, he nodded, and waved to the bartender and I heard him say, "Can I have two more rum and cokes, please?" Two? What the hell was this guy ordering two drinks for, is he trying to rip me off or something? Well the bartender handed him the cups, he paid and passed one over to me, and raised his cup and hit mine, I felt a little awkward taking a drink from this guy. I pulled out some money from my pocket and gave him enough to cover both drinks. He accepted the cash, and we leaned up against the bar and then a moment of silence hit us. There was really nothing to say to one another. He finally broke the ice and said, "Mike, I bet you already forgot my name, didn't you?" I put my head down, and said, "listen, I'm never good with names, and I'm really drunk right now." "Hey no worries, Mike, I'm the same way sometimes, My name's Andrew, but my friends call me Drew." I put my hand out, to shake his hand, and said, "Drew, Drew, I like that, it's nice to meet you Drew, and again, sorry about the drink thing, I'm a clutz when I'm drunk." The only thing I noticed was his green eyes, staring into mine, his hands were, the skin felt so soft, and grip was nice and firm, I did not want to let go, he felt so strong, and there was this instantaneous connection between the two of us. Could he be the one for me? It sure did feel like it at that time, I could even smell his cologne, and it was just making my entire heart race. It seemed like all the music had stopped, the voices were muted, people around the two of us were no longer existent, they were just empty shells, their mouths were moving, but no sound came out. All I knew was that I was holding a great looking guy's hand, and I never wanted to let go.... Then the shaking stopped and everything went back to normal, my heart was pounding, and I was in a bit of a shock, I had never had such an intense feeling for another guy before like that. But maybe it was the alcohol thinking, and those raging hormones, fuck, well doesn't everybody looks hot when you're a little over the edge? We still had not said a word to each other, and I saw that his drink was just about done, so I sipped a little bit more of my own. I turned around so that my back was against the bar, and looked over to see my buddies still pounding away the beers, probably not even noticing I was gone. What friends, eh? Well I heard Drew order another drink and then heard him rustling with change, and suddenly I felt something. Who the hell was that, there was a hand on my ass, and squeezing it! Not to be cocky or vain, but with these tight dark blue jeans on, my ass did look pretty good. There was no one around me but Drew, I looked over, and it sure was! This guy was sqeezing my ass! I flexed it for him, as a sign that I liked it. I turned to look at him and he had a huge smile on his face. He looked back at me and said, "That's a great butt you have, ever been tongue fucked?" HOT DAMN!!! Drew was gay! I was drunk! I am horny! I am a virgin! I need to get fucked! TONIGHT!!! That' s all I thought, all these thoughts rushing in my head, "Well?" Drew asked. I had totally forgot about the question, but answered, "I'm a virgin up there, but would love to try it sometime," "How about tonight?" Drew asked. Gathering my composure, I blurted, "My room is upstairs, number 216." "Let's not make it too obvious, you leave, and I'll be up there as soon as I finish this drink." There were no words left, just go, just go I thought to myself. I walked away from the bar, headed for my buddies' table and just told them I wasn't feeling well, and exited the pub. Everything seemed totally opposite from when we were shaking hands, this time it was all going in fast forward, my heart pounding, this 6 foot, brown hair, green eyed, great looking stud, was about to meet me in my room, shit, I just remembered the mess, my room was in. I ran up the stairs, unlocked the door, grabbed some gum, loaded it my mouth, picked up a handful of clothes lying on the floor, and just threw them into the closet, all the books lying all over the place, I just kicked underneath the bed. Then KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK................. *********************************** Well boys, that is it for now, I hope you enjoyed, I sure did enjoy writing it. Tell me what you guys think, hey and if you have any input on what should happen after that door is opened, drop me a line, at: demien22@hotmail.com, I'd love to hear from you guys :)

Next: Chapter 2

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