Just Life

By Stacey Kay

Published on Jun 29, 2005


This story is intended for open-minded, adult audiences only and deals with adult, highly sexual, and magically fictional concepts. If your age, opinions, location, and/or general attitude prevent you from legally enjoying such stories, do not read on!!

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Thank you, and on with the story! I hope you enjoy!

Just Life

By stacey kay

Chapter 4 -- Getting dressed

I slowly came to staring at the ceiling. Slowly I began to realize I was in our bedroom. Looking down I gasped in shock, nearly loosing it again. There before my eyes were two very pronounced, well formed mounds on my chest draped by the bed sheets. I slowly moved my hand down my body feeling my smooth skin not wanting to find what I knew must not be down there, but I just had to confirm. As my hand moved across my skin, my nails lightly grazed my skin extending out further than I expected sending shivers throughout my body. I tried to push the observation out of my mind they all the sensations seem to focus towards the destination of my hand; I had to know.

Slowly, I reached where my pole should have been, only to find soft smooth skin. I whimpered a bit at my loss but soldered on. Suddenly, my hand reached an all too familiar yet foreign slit. Probing slightly inside the rather moist folds, I gasped as my finger reached a very sensitive nub. The sensation it sent through my body caused my back to arch and my head to throw back. I was not expecting that.

Knowing I really shouldn't, I felt the need to explore more. As my fingers moved down my slit, each gently grazed the sensitive nub causing several moans to escape my lips. As I continued to explore, I began to loose myself. However, all too quickly I heard a throat cleared at our bedroom door.

My eyes flew open to see a figure that was not unlike how I was, but still slightly different. I quickly sat up bolt right in bed when I realized what it must look like I was doing (which in actuality was probably rather accurate). I noticed as I settled in this person's gaze was on my reverberating chest that was now exposed outside the sheets. I blushed profusely at the realization of my exposure. However, the warmth I was experiencing from the apparent realization seemed to prevent the compulsion in the back of my mind to cover up. Instead, I seemed to nervously wiggle a bit as I bowed my head a bit trying to ignore the conflicting emotions.

"Sorry I missed you waking up, hun. I guess this is all quite a shock." I could only nod, not really trusting myself as tried to play back all the writing in my head.

"I assume by your reaction, it is Geoff in there."


"Well, it's me, Stacey. I guess those papers really did work." She slowly brought the glass of water that she was holding in her hand. It seemed like she was afraid if she moved too much she'd startle me. I think the situation had me rather startled all on its own.

I took the offered cup and quickly gulped it down. As I drank, she sat on the bed next to me and wrapped her arm around me. I instinctively wiggled in a bit closer to her as I put the glass down.

"For what its worth, hun, I have to admit that was a really great way to wake up this morning. I can see why you wanted it so often. You really seemed to like it." This caused me to blush deeply again.

She then reached over and put her hand beneath my chin. She then turned me to face directly at her. As her now very strong eyes looked directly into mine, I felt suddenly captivated. "Thank you, hun."

Before I could even realize I was about to form words, I responded, "Thank you, Master." This brought me fully awake as my head shifted forward noticeably cringing.

"'Master' is it? I guess that was part of your paper." I nodded my head. "Maybe you'll have to tell me what else you wrote," at this I went noticeably pal. I could NOT let her know all the entries. I just hope she didn't read them already. "But I think I'll just leave it as a mystery. Besides, the parchment pieces seemed to have disappeared I can't find them anywhere." To this I noticeably exhaled.

"Well, we probably ought to find where that crazy old man is you mentioned and see if he can fix this. You know, you really should ask for clarity of directions more often, hun. I can't think how often I've had to tell you that. Do you remember where the store was?"

I simply nodded my response.

"Well, why don't we go ahead and get dressed. Where is the store at?"

I tried to think of a way to keep from answering but was distracted by the thought of the fact she mentioned "we...getting dressed". "Downtown; near my work, Master."

She chuckled as she saw me cringed. "You're not going to call me `Master' all the time are you?"

"No, Master, only in private. In public I should use respectful, but socially acceptable terms such as Sir' or Mr. Johansen'." I can't believe how easily I answered that.

At that she chuckled and grabbed some shorts, a T-Shirt, and some simple shoes. I was amazed at how comfortable and confident she moved. That must have been something she put down. Come to think of it, she did often criticize my lack of assertiveness.

"Go ahead and get dressed, hun." I was dreading hearing that. I noticed she started to get dressed on the bed. I wanted to stay under the protection of the covers, but I was compelled to get up out of bed now.

Looking in the closet obviously more than just my body had changed. The only pants I could identify would only fit her now; not that it would have made much difference to me now based on some of the other entries I put down. Everything else was skirts and dresses, & no longer in the modest style she had. No, I had to specify more revealing and accessible styles. Idiot!

I grabbed the longest skirt I could find and slid into it. It went all the way down to 2 inches above my knees. It was a nice, solid black pleated skirt so at least it didn't cling to my skin and show off my features. Next I had to find a top. I found a decent (I use that term rather loosely) blue baby doll t-shirt that stopped just above my belly button.

Looking down I saw the next set of apparel I was dreading: shoes. Too many of the heels looked like something I would break my ankle or neck on with towering thin spikes. Finally I spotted a pair that had a bit of a wider heal to them, although the sole did look a bit thicker than most of the others. Oh well, I then proceeded to bend over to grab them. As I reached all the way over, I heard a whistle from the room behind me. I immediately grabbed the shoes and shot straight back up. Feeling blood rush to my face in embarrassment from the showing I just gave, but also a bit of flow to between my legs. Why did I have to try to change her arousal triggers?!?

"Nice view, hun! Very bold choice. You might want to choose something a bit more conservative for this outing, but something tells me you can't."

No shit, Sherlock! I was definitely going to have to be conscious of how I moved in this skirt. Otherwise, I was going to be giving a way a lot of free shows.

I turned back to the other room and sat on the bed to put on the shoes.

"Wow! Those are adventurous, hun."

Placing each shoe on my feet, they fit like a glove. I don't think I've ever felt a shoe fit so well. At least I did stipulate that! Maybe get some comfort out of them. Then I realized I need to stand up at some point, so might as well.

This was definitely a new perspective for me.

"Wow! I'm impressed you're able to stand in 5" heels even if there is a 1" platform on those. You better watch your head going through doors." Oh god, she was right. I had actually had an inch to her already tall frame. These heels would put me at 6' 6"! No wonder my perspective was so different.

She noticed the shock realization on my face. "You're not going to put any panties or a bra on?"

The question snapped me back to my current prison reality. I looked at her pleading as I shook my head no.

"Well, didn't you at least give me the option of wearing panties?"

I shook my head yes.

"Then why don't you wear some?"

"Because you have to allow me to, Master."

This brought out peels of laughter. "Oh god that is just too rich! You really did do a number on yourself."

I just looked at her pouting, hoping to get some solace from my plight.

"Wow, you do that pout very well. Hrmm... rather odd affect on me. Well, tell you what, maybe I will let you were some panties." At that she saw me perk up just a little bit. Then I saw a wicked grin come across my old face, "beg me to let you wear panties, little one." This was the term we often used for her during our light D/s sessions before. I felt a rush of blood between my thighs as I could feel my lips swelling. "If you are convincing, I might just let you."

Suddenly, I found myself at her feet begging, "Please, Master, please let your little slut wear panties. I will be a good little girl and do what is asked of me. Please, Master! Please!" That was almost word for word how I used to have her beg. The worst part of it was I think I actually meant it. Why did I have to put so much submission onto the paper?

This brought out even more laughter from it. It actually hurt to feel like I was the butt of some joke for her. Didn't she understand this was not right? This needed to be fixed, now! Chuckling she managed to squeeze out, "yes... go get some panties."

I went over to the dresser and opened up her lingerie drawer. Oh, if only it had always had these contents! We wouldn't even be in this mess. sigh Now, I'm the victim of my own male hormones, or previously soon to be corrected male hormones. I suddenly realized that these panties were not going to offer much help, but I grabbed the most conservative pair I could find. Finding the top of the black thong panties, I slid my huge shoes through them and stood up.

Still chuckling Stacey continued, "Oh this is just too rich. My over imaginative husband writes down some silly ass wish list for me, only to screw up the instructions and wind up getting it himself. And here he stands before me in something akin to slut attire about to go out in public. Plus, given the opportunity to actually wear panties after begging for it, he chooses a pair of thong panties." More laughter. "Oh this is just great. Go do something with your hair."

I couldn't believe how embarrassing this all is. Having the altered body of my WIFE, dressing in the most provocative clothes she could ever have worn, getting ready to go out in public, begging to wear panties and her in there laughing at me in my own body! Worst of all, it was making me horny! All this because I wrote some stupid words on a piece of parchment.

Looking in the mirror, I realized I did at least one thing right for her. Picking up the brush on the counter and quickly moving it through my hair, it was instantly styled. I always did hate waiting for her to do her hair and makeup.

Now that the task was done, the image in the mirror finally hit me. That blue-eyed, blonde bombshell with the 40DD rack, the simple 32" waste, round 38" hips, and long shapely legs that was almost too tall to see herself in the mirror that was me now. Not the idealized version of my wife.

I almost wanted to cry, but I couldn't have a pity party; we had to go get this fixed. Upon walking back into the bedroom I was conscious now of every step. I could feel my breasts bounce with every step, my hips swayed as my feet moved in a straight line, my body slinked as I moved along. I even made her walk sexy. "Can we leave now, Master?" silently followed by If for no other reason than to stop having to constantly call you Master'.'

"In that outfit, you really need some makeup. Go put some on." In steps the compulsion, and out I go. As I reach the makeup, my hands begin to put on makeup as if they had always done it. Stacey didn't even do lipstick unless we were going out to dinner or dancing. Here I was putting on lipstick, blush, and mascara like a pro. What have I done?

I return back to the bedroom feeling the heat build between my thighs as I waltz back in. "Am i ready, Master?" Did I really just ask that?

"Let's go, little one." She's saying that a bit too easily.

Chapter 5 -- Looking for help

When we reached the car, this was not going to be a fun trick. Luckily not many people were around. Stacey was gracious enough to open the door for me as I slid in bottom first as she instructed to get down from my 6-and-a-half foot frame down to her Mustang. I swear it was never this low. And why didn't I just tell her to take my Trailblazer? That would have been a lot easier. Too late now, might as well buckle in.

It was weird to manually position the chest strap of the seat-belt between my breasts. Suddenly, their extreme size was accented even more as the belt sliced between them.

"You know, you really should have worn a bra. It could have really mitigated that some," as she reached over and grasped a breast for emphasis. This elicited a gasp as a wave of pleasure emanated from the touch. She let go and just grinned evilly as she looked in the distance.

Following her eye sight, I saw two of the guys from a building next to ours smiling broadly. They had obviously seen the exchange. I wonder if they saw me get in. Oh no, there's the humiliation kicking in as my arousal is bumped up a couple more notches.

The drive downtown was rather uneventful. Although, I do think Stacey slowed down next to each trucker just to try to embarrass me even more; it was working. Worst of all, I don't think these panties were working.

Once we got downtown, I instructed Maste... er Stacey how to get to the shop; then she just drove by it. She then pulled into a parking lot 2 blocks away even though there was parking directly in front of the store.

"Master, why did you park so far away?"

"Because if this is your last walk in that outfit, I want it to last." With that she came around and opened up my door.

Looking around, I didn't see anyone in site, so I twisted my legs around and used her offered hand to stand up. Being she was at my previous standard height of 5'11", I stood a full head taller than her. I felt like I was a beacon for attention.

She stood next to me and placed her hand in the small of my back and directed me forward, "let's go." To which I began my undulating walk. It felt like a thousand eyes were on me and my heart started pounding.

I begin concentrating on my steps allowing me to block out some of the outside world. I think she noticed this, because she took another step to push me a bit more; her hand slid down to ass cheek as I could feel it through the skirt. I began to blush and flush at this, but I could not get up the will to reach back and move her had.

"Enjoying yourself, hun?"

"Not really, Sir." Damn instructions.

"Well, then why don't you move my hand?"

"Because unless you're causing me unwanted or undo harm, I can't keep you from touching me without your permission, Sir."

"Man, you really were gonna make me go through with all this? You really are a pig!"

"No, Sir! I honestly thought it was just a therapy exercise!! I never would believe this would ever work if it didn't actually happen to us, Sir!"

"Some how, I don't think you would mind taking advantage of it if you were given the opportunity." I was afraid she was right, but I tried to tell myself she was wrong. "So I'll just do it instead."

As we started to cross the next intersection to go to the store, she turned and said, "reach down and take my hand, then put it up under your skirt on your ass cheek and let go." Oh no!! Glancing around, I see cars waiting next to us already staring at me with more moving up & down the street. The steps seemed to come in slow motion as I reach down and take her hand. Normally I would have moved it up; however, because of her instructions, I moved her hand down like some tart and slide it up my leg as the skirt moved out of the way, placing her hand squarely on my exposed ass.

As she squeezed my cheek, I felt a rush of emotions as we were still only half way through the intersection. All this unwanted attention was causing my face and neck to turn beat red, yet at the same time my eyes closed and I gasped in. I could feel the pleasure begin moving around my body. There had to have been at least 30 people seeing this public display of lewdness and I could feel my juices seeping out of my panties and begin running down my thigh.

By the time we reached the curb, I was finally a bit more aware of the world around me but I was still as red and horny as ever. She squeezed my cheek again and pulled me to a stop.

"You really can't stop me, can you?"

"No, Sir"

"It embarrasses you doesn't it?"

"Yes, Sir"

"You're horny though aren't you?"

"Yes, Sir"

She then guided me around to face her, reaching her other hand around to grab the other cheek. I then shifted my weight back and forth rubbing my thighs together, not out of avoidance, but to try to increase the pleasure. This brought on the humiliation even further.

"Kiss me"

She didn't have to ask me twice as I leaned down in order to reach her and shoved my tongue down her throat.

When I finally broke I was panting heavily. "Let's go, we're almost there."

Thankfully, as we walked she didn't put her hand up under the skirt. She just placed her hand over the skirt on my ass. My arousal didn't stop and I was breathing heavily. My nipples were protruding very prominently.

As we were almost to the shop, she turned me to the alley next door to it.

"Sir, it's right there." I panted nearly out of breath.

"No, little one, we have something else to do," as she slowly backed me up against the wall.

"You need release, don't you?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Kiss me again." To which I deep throated her exploring every contour of her mouth.

As we broke the kiss, she whispered something I could not believe. "Play with your clit and tits, but don't cum until I say so." I've done that to her before in the bedroom, but never, ever in public!!! What is she thinking?

During this internal debate, I noticed she took a step back as my right hand slid up under my skirt and into my panties. When my left hand reached my tit, she backed up to the far wall of the alley.

She left me in such a position that if someone were to come from one side of the alley, they'd just see me masturbating against a wall and wouldn't even see the voyeur across the alley.

I threw my head back as I begin rubbing hard against my clit sending waves of pleasure throughout my body as I felt the glow begin deep inside me. Massaging my tits was bringing me ever closer. I don't know how many people came by, but I knew there must have been at least one and that was causing me humiliation and even more arousal.

Finally, as I reached my pinnacle, I realized that he was not going to offer up release. "Please, Sir, can I cum?"

"Oh you can do better than that."

"Please, Sir, please let your slut cum."


"Please, please... Sir... please your undeserving little love slut needs to cum, Sir." I never made her go that far.

"When I finally let you cum, I want you to shout out that you're `slut stacey' and keep repeating while you're cumming until I tell you to stop."

"Please, Sir...."


"I AM SLUT STACEY!!!!!! I am slut stacey! I am slut stacey... I'm slut stacey!"

She then came over and kissed me hard. When she stopped I continued the mantra. Finally, she told me to remove my hand from my panties and remove my left hand from my tits.

"Provocatively lick your right-hand clean and pretend like you enjoy it."

I slowly licked up and down my hand, thoroughly sucking on one finger staring deep in her eyes. Oh why couldn't the earth just swallow me up!!!! Luckily I didn't see anyone around, so it wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been. "Alright, they're clean. Let's go inside."

What a relief. Then I heard a clapping coming from down the alley. Looking down I could see a homeless man down the way putting his hands up in appreciation of my show. I was mortified!! Someone like that was watching me?!?

Finally we made it to the shop and went inside; I heard the door jingle behind us. However, looking around things were totally different. Gone was the cluttered sporadic placement of items, but instead were neatly arranged glass display counters. Nothing looked the same except for a few of the exotic pieces I remember seeing.

Looking behind the counter, a young lady in her early twenties of oriental decent stood there smiling. Stacey began to walk over to her as I followed closely behind.

"Excuse me, miss. My hus... er I was in here yesterday and bought two parchment pieces from an old man. Is he around?"

"I'm sorry, Sir, but you must be mistaken. Only my husband and I run the shop when my mother is not around, and he is hardly old."

"Oh sorry, is your mother around then."

"Yes, let me get her."

My heart was beating with anticipation; I did not like where this was going.

The woman that returned from the back was definitely not the person I had talked to yesterday. This woman was much more rotund and had no male resemblance at all. Still, Stacey trudged on.

"Yes, ma'am, I was in here yesterday and I bought a couple of pieces of parchment, and I was wondering if I could get a bit more history on them."

The woman looked at him quizzically. "What was on the parchment?" Her accent was MUCH easier to understand than the previous day's occupant.

"Um, nothing actually. They were blank."

"I'm sorry. We do not sell blank parchment, sir. I am sure of that."

At this point, I lost my composure, "No!! You don't understand the little old man that was in here when this place was a wreck yesterday! He's the one that sold me parchment! He's the one that did this to me! You have to help us find him! He has to fix it!!!"

"Look, miss, I don't know who you are or what you are talking about, but there hasn't been a man over 30 working here in over 15 years when my husband died. And I certainly don't sell any parchment any more! I can't help you because you must be mistaken. Now go!"

I continued to plead to both of the ladies dismay, "please, you have to help me! I have to fix this! I'm not supposed to be like this!! I'm suppo-"

My sentence was interrupted by Stacey grabbing a fist full of my hair. It was a technique I frequently used on her during our play time to reassert control and without harming her. She used the hair to stand me back up and back away from the counter.

"I am terribly sorry for the trouble she has caused you. I'm afraid she can get a bit high strung at times. We must have been in a different shop, I apologize. Tell the nice ladies you're sorry and apologize."

"Madam and Miss, i'm terribly sorry that i have caused you so much trouble."

"Good. We were just leaving, weren't we?"

"Yes, Sir."

With that he turned me around and ushered me out the door as I walked in a daze the world shoving in around me. As we approached the alley, the mental image of what I was doing earlier hit me and I broke down. Stacey moved me into the alley as I had a mental break down.

Chapter 6 -- Possible explanation

During my sob session a young man exited the back door unseen to me, but Stacey saw him. She approached him and they began talking, but I couldn't hear them over my pity party.

Suddenly, my sobs were broken when Stacey called out to me, "stop crying, take a deep breath, feel better, and come here, hun." And it actually worked. The sobbing stopped I was able to get aA full breath, and I did feel a bit better, though nowhere near `good'. I then walked in my all too familiar slink over to Stacey and the young man.

"I was just talking to Ben here and he might have an explanation to what happen and how to fix it. Ben is Lisa's husband, the young lady in the store. He says our story sounds like a very old Chinese folklore that has to deal with what is essentially an imp. And from what he says similar to the European myth of Puck."

I looked at them in awe my mouth a little agape. I don't know why I would be so surprised by it. I was just magically transformed into my wife. Why would it be so hard to believe it was a mythical trickster that did it?

"In any event, he thinks he can find us a solution but it might take some time."

I bounced up and down like a giddy little school girl "Oh that'd be great, Sir!!" I suddenly paused when I realized Ben was staring at my bouncing breasts just at or above his diminutive eye level. Not too mention the look he probably got from my skirt flaring. I felt flushed, humiliated, and horny again. This was really not good. I need to get this fixed fast! (Especially before Stacey finds out any more details about my list)

"So what do we need to do to start, Sir?"

"Well, that's where I need to talk to you about. From the sounds of it, this will not be easy. It could even get expensive."

I nodded, it makes since.

"Ben needs incentive to do a thorough job, but I don't have any cash to pay him right now and he can't exactly go back inside to use a credit card to pay for this after the stunt you just pulled." That caused me to look down in shame.

"Therefore, being your savoir yet again, I have an idea to give him a good incentive while working to your reward. How does that sound?"

"Sounds good, Sir, but what does he need?"

He looked at me and gave a knowing glance towards Ben's crotch.


"Now, this needs to be of your own free will. You have to want to pay the price to get this, but it could mean everything gets put back the way it was. So I need you to think about it, do you want to do it or not?"

I stood there and thought about it. The list of things that Stacey still hasn't discovered flashed through my head, the things she has, the alley just before, could I even begin to deal with this?

At that point, I strutted over to Ben and got down on my knees and proceeded to undo his trousers. I reached in and gently removed out his cock. Luckily, it was nowhere near the size of Stacey was this morning and it was very easy to manipulate. I was able to take the full amount in my mouth and quickly suck him to full erection. I then proceeded to use my tongue on the length of the shaft feeling him shutter under this touch. I bet that prissy bitch inside would never do this for him. I began bobbing my head up and down on his cock, the friction causing my lips to send invigorating sensations throughout my body, my pussy began to get wet yet again as I could feel the pleasure building inside him. I looked up through my long eyelashes and locked my baby blues on him. This definitely had the desired affect as he quickly began thrusting in and out of me. Suddenly he exploded deep in my mouth before pulling out once and hitting the side of my face. I then clamped back down on the head licking the tip to get ever last drop out. Finally when he was done, I reached up to the side of my cheek and scooped up the drop of cum with my fingernail. I then proceeded to suck on it while focusing on him, when it hit me that while this didn't taste nearly as good as Stacey's did this morning, it was still very delicious.

"Damn, girl, I expected to at least go back to the car if not home considering your reaction to being in public before. What a really eager slut to do that so openly in public!" I realized Stacey was right; before I even gave them a chance to hear my answer or even hear the full details, I threw myself at Ben. I blushed profusely yet again, feeling my wet knickers beneath me (will they ever dry out?).

"Since the agreement has apparently been entered into, I better give you the details of what you just agreed to. Now that Ben has been given proper incentive, he will research the story and work on finding a solution. Once he has found a solution he will call us and prepare it. At that point, as a reward for finding your resolution, you will allow him to fuck you. After the problem is resolved, we will pay him $10,000 and I will fuck him as his final reward."

Normally, I couldn't even consider fucking this man, but if it got me out of this predicament, then I'd just go through the motions and get it done.

"Sir, how long will this take?"

I was surprised to hear Ben's voice for the first time (other than moaning), "I may have something for you next week, but considering the age & how little myths are past down to current generations, it could take months. I'm sorry, but I don't have a lot of details right now."

Months?!? I could be stuck as slut stacey for months?!? I hope he gets this done in a week!

"Very well then, Ben, sounds like we have a deal. Here's our number and call us next week to let us know how it's going. Hun, thank the man for letting you suck his cock and finding a fix to your problem."

"Thank you, Ben, for letting me suck your delicious cock and helping silly me out of my predicament".

He chuckled, "you are very welcome. I look forwarded to pounding your cunt." I couldn't stop the moan before it reached my lips.

Ben went back inside chuckling at my response.

"Come on, little one. Let's get you home."

As her final humiliating instruction on this trip she made this one the worst of all, I think.

"Walk on ahead of me to the car and don't look back to see where I am. When you get to the car, I want to spread your feet to be the same width as the break lights then bend over and rub your nipples on the spoiler."

I blinked and started to walk. I couldn't believe she was really going to do this to me. I had quickened my gate to shorten my trip's length, but she seemed to have caught on to that.

I heard her shout from behind me, "strut like a hooker advertising." Oh no!!! I think I just about gushed as the humiliation of exaggerating my already exaggerated walk to look like that of a street whore. It must have taken me 20 minutes to get back to the car. By then nothing but the wetness running down my leg was grabbing my attention from my pussy.

When I reached the trunk, I spread my legs as instructed and leaned over the spoiler. My body shook as I felt the sensation ripple from my chest, through my body before focusing in my crotch. I also got the mental image of my thong enhanced ass being displayed during this lewd act. I don't know how long I remained there rubbing my chest, but it had to have been at least 6 months.

From out of no where I felt a body standing directly behind me. I leaned back in relief hoping to satisfy this hunger that was building in me. I could feel a cock enclosed in the trousers, so I rubbed my ass up and down both sides of the cock hoping it was Stacey and she would relieve this itch.

"Horny little slut aren't you?"

"Yyeesss, Sssir."

I heard the door unlock remotely followed by her command, "Get in; lets go home."

I couldn't believe it but I actually whimpered.

I heard her get in and the car start before I actually got off the trunk and scampered over to my door. She didn't open it. I also saw her put the car in gear so I had to dispense with the proper decorum and just risk someone seeing my panties.

Once in the car, I suddenly realized that I actually wanted to get fucked right then, even if it was in public. This was just not good!

To be continued....

This is my first story, and I'm planning on continuing this for a while; still more things to cum! Let me know what you think so far. Hope you enjoy!

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