Just Joe

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jul 24, 2019


8 Just Joe 8

Joe was up when I woke he was feeding Cale's some toast so I moved out to the kitchen and kissed him on the neck if Cale's noticed again I didn't care he will deal with it perfectly.

"Do you want toast, Heath?"

"Coffee thanks Joe, I'll get it."

He was still fucking down I could sense it.

"Joe I want to go and pick up some more stuff this morning and I need to do a drop at the dry cleaners, have you got any cleaning I can do yours at the same time."

"Cale's and I are going to do some washing anyway, I can drop my dry cleaning off before work tomorrow, just get what you have to get from your flat." He was putting up a wall between us again.

I sat and stared at him for a long time he didn't move. I sighed then I washed my cup. I walked into the bedroom and slowly started putting my things onto the bed. I went to the hallway cupboard and took an overnight bag out then looked at Joe he was still sitting there at the table head lowered. I won't walk out that door. I couldn't, but Joe will tell me if I have to make him feel worse than he already does.

"Well I'll see you around some time then Joe, it was nice to be in love for a short time. I'm happy you can turn it off so quickly." I turned not kissing his sweet lips and headed for Caleb, I kissed his head and said.

"See you later buddy."

Joe raced into the lounge room and grabbed me he started shaking into my chest I moved him back to the kitchen.

"Joe, listen to me...Joe look at me?"

"Yes Heath, I'm sorry I am so sorry I didn't mean it my brain is all over the place at the moment." He wept and grabbed me harder.

"Joe I'm going home, no one hurts me there, no one lies to me, and no one stabs me in the heart there."

"I'm so sorry Heath please stay I beg you please stay with me."

"No Joe, you forgot what I told you and it seems you don't care for me anymore."

"What Heath what?"

"If you have a problem tell me, and I will try to fix it. But you haven't said much to me since yesterday afternoon and I did ask three times, but you ignored me. I am now thinking about going back home, because you know what Joe, for your information I do love you deeply and want you to be happy. But if you feel you can't include me into your secret life then I have to go." I kissed him then started to turn for the door again hoping in my heart he gets it out.

"I was abused badly at Uni Heath." I heard Joe say.

This explains everything; this is what makes him so fucking scared. Joe rubbed my back and kept saying he was sorry, he was sorry he didn't tell me, and he was sorry he said what he said. It wasn't what he said it was what he didn't say. I couldn't fathom what had happened to him and I really didn't want to know, but I relaxed my face and turned and took him in my arms again whispering it was okay.

"Its all okay Joe, Heaths here he will hold you and keep you safe, he is sad because he still thinks you're the most beautiful person in the world and he's a little angry it happened to you."

Joe started crying again so instead of giving Cale's a show I steered him to the bedroom and sat him on the bed. I then got on with him pulled him back to me and held him tightly in my arms while he got all the sadness out.

"In university, I had a roommate who I liked a lot, but he drank quite a bit. I think we all did that at some stage, but not as much as him."

"I was sort of obsessed with him and thought he was gay I got vibes off him. Heath, I didn't love him as much as I do you. It was just a fantasy love, not a real love like you love me, and I do love you."

"I know you do, go on," I whispered.

"He got drunk one night, I was in the shower he barged into the bathroom and said he needed a fuck, he said any fuck will do even me. I pushed him away and he pulled me out of the stall I slipped and hit my head it knocked me out."

Joe let out a cry into my shoulder, I hung onto him.

"While I was out cold he kicked me relentlessly, sorry Heath if I don't get this out I will never get over it." I brushed the tears away.

"Tell me."

"When I came to, Mandy and her friend were there I was covered in blood and he was gone, they had called Tom who was in Shane's room down the hallway. I spent a week in the hospital, I was sore all over I couldn't even feed myself the first four days and when I was discharged I came home with a new illness. I was scared of my own shadow, and I still am. I get really bad anxiety attacks, as you can see I don't let too many people into my life only the ones I trust."

I couldn't fathom how he was feeling walking around all day being scared of every shadow.

"Mandy and I talked about the attack and me being gay for weeks we were best friends before this happened it was then we decided we would get engaged, she would keep me safe. She was a strong-willed person and very protective of me, in her way she loved me but it suited her for a time she was sick of the guys trying to hit on her and she knew she was safe with me. I was talking to Tom about telling you at the picnic. I thought you would think I'm weak and when you mentioned Brent's kidnapping I started to panic again, and was sad because when I told my parents my dad laughed and said I asked for it." He sobbed and squeezed his body up tight in a ball, his pain was on full show.

"What happened to the guy?"

"Keith Marshall, he was never seen again he moved to another Uni in another state, this happened four years ago so every day I see him in dark alleys around corners and in shadows. Mandy got me to the stage where I found enough courage to go into your bar. I was sick to death of fucking my pillow every night, and I was so happy I met you, my gentle giant Heath you made me feel safe too. You broke me in so gently and I wanted to give my all to you, then I made the mistake of falling in love with you."

"And I fell for you Joe, in a big way but I didn't know that at the time, I'm so sorry."

"I did the gym for a long time but I lacked the courage to pick up guys and more importantly to fight back. Mandy's parents used to bully me, my dad was the same and my mum stood back doing nothing. Caleb is a gift from God, we wanted to have a kid it was hard for me, but we got it done that was the first and last time I touched Mandy intimately, she didn't mind because unbeknown to me she already had signs of being sick, they didn't pick it up until well after Cale's was born, he was nearly two years old by this time it was too late for her. I am sorry Heath please don't hate me."

"I couldn't hate you if I tried my hardest to, there's nothing to hate Joe but there's plenty to love and there's plenty to hold in my arms. I love you Joe, more than you will ever know and thank you for telling me your secret, don't beat yourself up about Mandy she loved you and you did do your best for her, so don't feel you didn't."

I let him cry a little then went and poured both of us a brandy.

He drank his and seemed to calm down a bit to the point he was now exhausted and droopy-eyed. I held him until Caleb started calling out so I left him there and went to see what was happening.

"What's up buddy?"

"Heat I was just looking for you that's all, where did you go?"

"Just in dad's bedroom Cale's, he's having more sleep I think he's very tired."

"Oh okay."

I put the washing on, then I looked in on Joe he was still fast asleep so I gently closed the door in case we disturbed him.

I took Cale's little jacket and jeans then dressed him warmly, I will take him across to Myuna park for a couple of hours, I needed to clear my head anyway and maybe get something nice to bring back for lunch. I wrote a loving note to Joe and bundled Cale's into the car. It's a twenty-minute drive across to the park and when we eventually got there Cale's was all eyes. I don't think he had seen farm animals before, so I held his hand firmly as he walked around the stalls and looked at the sheep Cows goats and ponies. I even got him a pony ride which he delighted in, I knew this because he laughed all through it. I took photos to show Joe with my phone and on the Thomas train ride, he didn't know where to look first, like the other excited kids he shouted at everything.

I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder and when I turned I was looking into one very handsome guy's face, he had showered and changed.

"Daddy comes on look at goats comes daddy." Cale's was excited and wanted to show Joe the lot. Joe was wary but he did it and by the smile on his face, he kind of liked it too. It was the pony ride he objected to, there is no way he was going to jump up onto that horse, so we did another train ride. I laughed at him and he smiled and blushed a lot.

At least he came that's a big plus and Caleb was taking much delight in showing off his new farm friends. We sat for a while having coffee and some fries in the Café, Joe was talking about the time his father made him jump up on a donkey on the beach it had also scared him shitless.

"Joe, did you ever go anywhere where you felt safe when you were young?"

"Not really Heath, I spent most of my earlier life in my room my father pushed me relentlessly to do grown-up things, but I did love going to my Grandparents house they were so different than mum and dad, nan would slip me a biscuit every now and then and Granddad would play in the back yard with me I hated going home." He was reflective.

"They not living now?"

"No Heath I think they died years ago I never found out how, just that they died."

"Surely you were taken to their funerals?"

"No, I don't even think my parents even went at least I don't remember them saying anything about it they just said they were dead."

"Maybe they stopped talking or had a fight or something, by the sounds of it your father's a charming piece of work."

"I don't know Heath, but they were always good to me I think they loved me." I saw him falter then he took a deep breath.

Soon after we left the farm Cale's did need a nap it's been another big day for him, all those new animals for him to meet it had both excited and exhausted him.

I pulled his door almost closed after kissing him, and Joe took my hand and led me to our bedroom, he started by thanking me for what I did today and he also said he was feeling a little better then I suggested we take a nap too.

He gave me a slow strip tease I was instantly hard as he backed up on the bed and spread his beautifully shaped legs apart, the fine hair on them turned me on to no end as I gently caressed the curves of his calves and knees. I crept up to my goal then with my arms underneath gently lifting his thighs I began with his bottom. I made it all wet and slippery, then I introduced Joe to his perineum, I licked sucked and nipped it his hips were going spastic with rapture. Poor Joe he was wide-eyed and breathing heavily by the time I got to his ball sac, his legs had ended up over my shoulders I could feel his heels rubbing on my lower back.

"Fuck Heath fuck, that's so fucking hot, do it again please that bit beneath my balls, so I did. I think that's his G spot because when I placed my hand on his pubes they were drenched in pre-cum so I messed with it and wiped it on his cock nine or ten rubs and he came loudly and was pushing hard onto my sucking mouth. He panted as he pulled my head up to kiss me deeply, his hand went between his legs and he was rubbing that spot I suppose he was trying to get that feeling back again I was more than willing to do it for him, so I moved back, it sounded like he was crying but he wasn't, he was just gently moaning.

"God Heath I felt like I was going to cum when you did that it was awesome I never knew it was that sensitive bugger me that was so damn sexy."

"Well, I love doing that to you, anytime you want it just ask me I will be onto it within seconds...unless I'm in the middle of mowing the lawns that is a health and safety issue they won't allow it." I laughed Joe wrestled me onto my back, he did exactly what I had done and I have to tell you it was fantastic he really got into it then he asked that all important question.

"Have you ever been screwed, Heath?"

I nodded yes because at that time I was more than ready for it, it's been a while but I did dabble in it once or twice, okay four times I didn't mind I could take it or leave it.

He greased me up gently and entered slowly I wanted him in me so badly but I didn't want to sound too wanting.

He was beautiful and his big knob was doing all sorts of things to my nerve endings.

"Heath your so tight I love your ass." He licked my neck then ear lobes he didn't hold off as he stepped up his thrusts and spat a load into my bum. I tried to cum at the same time but was really concentrating on Joe's happiness, so shortly after he slumped I unloaded onto my stomach.

He rubbed back and forth for a while until it was time to vacate me.

He flopped onto his back and rubbed his face with his hands I hope he doesn't hold it against me that I wasn't a virgin but I had no worries because he never asked me; well he did, but it was just to find out what kind of guys I had been with. I have to keep reminding myself that I am Joes first guy, and his first lay, I hoped that it wasn't going to be an issue. I thought about it and felt that if Joe wanted to try another guy he could, I loved him that much and he loved me and not some random from a bar. We talked about it and he was upset because he didn't want anyone else so I left it alone and pulled him into me to have a nap. I could tell he wasn't asleep so I asked him what was up.

"Heath I don't want anyone else and I would prefer that you didn't go there also, I don't want to have to worry that you might get sick just for a bit of bum, I couldn't cope with it."

"No arguments from this corner baby, I guess I will have to make do with you for the rest of my life." I grinned.

"You're having me on again aren't you?" He slapped my chest.

"Yup, only you baby, just Joe that's all I want." I sort of giggled.

More time passed and I heard.

"Heath is there any law about putting a glory hole in a shed wall?"

"I'm onto it baby one will appear tomorrow maybe." I smiled.

He went to sleep then but I was now wide-awake. My brain was working overtime thinking about that hole and me setting Joe up in a chair in the shed and getting a half dozen guys around for him to suck off, I got hard again. It's just the thought of it I know that it won't happen it just turned me on a bit. I placed my dick between his legs then I heard.

"Don't even think about it, Heath."


"I know what your thinking and seeing you bending over a barrel being tagged is my fantasy so beware of what you wish for." He laughed, Caleb woke up just as I was thinking Joe was psycic.

I went and turned the TV on then looked in the freezer, I pulled out some frozen fries and chicken wings I might make a soy sauce glazing and roast them in the oven for dinner. Joe was behind me and he was walking around the kitchen holding my ample chest in his hands, his middle fingers were tweaking my nipples, I got hard again.

I did the dinner and we sat in front of the TV, Cale's was watching a Disney movie I had no idea if he was taking it all in, sometimes I think kids just look at the colors they really don't listen.

"What do you want to do with this house, Joe?"

"I would like to sell it and get rid of the mortgage, we brought it just before the prices shot up, there are too many bad memories here Heath, and good ones too, when I get time I would like for us to go look at a few houses may be in the next suburb where they are a little cheaper."

"Sure and so you know we will be going halves so you can look after my half when I'm in prison I should only get nine or so years," I smirked.

"Heath its all above board, these guys have given us a tip and we invest in their company its legit and it will make us a lot of money, maybe we could sell this house and buy another one in both names then when the shares hit the market we can sell some and you can pay me back."

"Maybe I will just go you halves Joe I can get the money."

"You don't have enough yet and I don't want you to stress over it by getting loans the whole idea is to make us debt free."

"I can get the money baby, all I have to do is ask dad."

"You are already using his money don't ask for more please Heath."

"I'm a trust baby Joe it's not a problem."


"My grandparents had money put in a trust for me and Jimmy, dad looks after it. I could have got it when I turned twenty-one but didn't need it, what you are looking after is my own personal money." He sat up and looked at me like he was seeing me for the first time.

"You're rich?"

"Yes, well no, not really I just have more money than you think I have but as I said dad looks after it I don't really know how much is in it may be a million or two." I smiled he hit me.

Cale's by now had crawled back against the couch and I was rubbing his head and shoulders he looked like he could do with ten hours more sleep. He started talking about the animals he had seen today and was making all their sounds, but my massaging was making him really sleepy so Joe went and ran his bath and I washed up and readied the kitchen for the morning. It would be nice to have a bigger house maybe we can start looking next weekend I must get online and have a look.

After Cale's splashed around in the bath making Duck sounds I wiped down the bathroom while Joe read him a story, then I locked up and kissed him. Joe was nowhere to be found but when I did I was on to him in a second. He had propped himself up on the bed I rolled him onto his stomach and grabbed a couple of work ties out of the cupboard then tied his hands to the bedpost he was offering his assets to me, so what could I do I dined on him for an hour until he almost screamed in ecstasy then I drove him wild with my nine inches.

There was no escape and no relief for Joe, he was trying to hump the pillow but I stopped his every move he didn't know what to do as I finished my last thrust deep inside him.

"Heath please I have to cum please."

I untied his hands and he rubbed his wrists then I lifted his ass and placed his dick under the pillow.

"Show me how you stuff a pillow, Joe, show me." I looked him in the eyes he started moving his hips. I rubbed his bum then gently did his balls and perineum as he humped that pillow hard his muscles tightened he was beautiful, then he slowed to nearly a stop just gentle rocking and all I was hearing was gasping as he cum, then he slumped again and was out like a light within a minute or two his gentle breathing made me smile. Poor Joe I'm going to be the death of him I think.

We arrived at work a little late but just in time to witness Jimmy having an all-out argument with mum, I made us coffee and half listened in.

"I have too much work to do today Jimmy you will have to do it."

"No mum, I need this by lunchtime and it's your job to help, dad said."

"Jimmy go to your office and don't come out until you can speak to your mother with some respect."


"Just GO!" She ordered and as Jimmy made a beeline for the tea room, I was chuckling into my coffee cup and had to say.

"Favorite son eh?"

He knuckled my head.

"Jimmy don't hit your brother now go to your office Now!"

At least it got Joe laughing and we pissed ourselves because Jimmy did go to his office and slammed the door.

The general announcement beep went.

"And don't slam the door," Mum yelled.

"We might be just a little late today mum Joe and I might have something to do on the way home." I was thinking about that glory hole.

"Okay son, I might take Cale's to KFC for dinner then."

Joe nearly fainted he almost went white; he tries to get him to eat the healthy stuff but I don't think he's going to win this time.

"Mark he has nuggets at home all the time, I know because I looked in your freezer, he will be having small chips and nuggets when we are there nothing worse than he gets off you." She smirked at him. Joe waited a minute then answered.

"That would be nice Sal he hasn't been there yet." He looked sideways at me grinning.

"Well it's time to vary his diet all in moderation and I will see you when you get home boys." She smiled and pushed the general announcement on her phone.

"James Mathew Stone are you ready to apologize to your mother yet?"

In between the giggles, I heard a groan coming from Jim's office and a rude word, mum let that one go. Harry came out of his office and pointed at me I followed him in.

"She has to go Heath do something." He said at the top of his voice.

Then he closed the door and started laughing.

When I finally went back to my office I noticed Joe was hard at it with Shane they were a little excited maybe they are playing a game on the computer, maybe they are picking my prison cell out.

I put it aside and wanted to talk with Joe at morning teatime in the meantime I rung a temp agency for a data entry girl or guy to come on board. I think the business can afford it, then I rang Randy.

"Dad do I have enough to buy a house because Joe wants to move and we will go halves with a new house."

"Son you will have more than enough why don't you wait until the shares are released it won't take long for them to triple."

"Well that's true but I want to start looking next weekend, if, and I say if we find one we like we would like to be able to buy it then sell Joe's house."

"Okay, whatever you decide to do son its okay with me, now what's the other problem?"

"Yeah, how much jail time will I get?"

He laughed and hung up.

I walked into Harry's office and told him about the temp and he looked relieved then requested another Tax accountant to be hired, I said I would ask Jimmy maybe he knows someone reliable from school if not I will ask Shane.

He agreed and smiled as I walked out to go see my Joe.

"How about I lay back on the desk and you can screw me," I whispered as he nuzzled my neck.

"Don't Heath please, I'm so horned up today I might forget where I am." He kissed my ear then licked down my neck.

I asked for that I was trying to tease him now he's got me all hot and horny. I thought about the bathroom but figured it was too close to the offices.

"Stop Joe you have to stop I can't take anymore." I gasped out.

"Did you do that glory hole this morning?"

"No, but I'm on to it."

"Maybe we can do it when we get home." He grinned.

"Maybe, or maybe I have something else to do"


"Just something," I smirked.

All lovemaking talk stopped at that moment he sat down in his chair and held my hands, I was so randy I did think about slipping under the desk.

Joe followed me home and after we parked I led him into the house while he went to change I stripped spread my legs and bent over the kitchen table. He gasped when he came out, it didn't take him long to climb on board, poor Joe. I didn't want him to think he was always going to be the bottom in our relationship. It fucking hurts but for him I would do anything if it makes him happy I'm there.

"Dad dad we home." I heard Caleb call. We scrambled for shorts and T-shirts just as he ran into the bedroom.

"What ya doing dad?"

"Just changing after work son, did you have a good time?" My quick thinking partner in crime replied.

That started him on a blow for blow account of what they did and what they ate and he got a special kids box with a toy and some nuggets they were better than his dads, and they are going there again soon. All this was said in broken kids talk I understood what he was trying to say, sometimes he would get full sentences out then he would revert to baby talk but he was happy judging by the smile on his dial. Mum was holding up my jocks when we came out.

"Making the bed son?"

"Yes, mum," I smirked back at her as I snatched my little black jocks off her.

"Here I bought you some chicken for tea saves you cooking. I have my dinner waiting Jimmy has done spaghetti tonight I hope he hasn't poisoned it." She laughed all the way out the door then said.

"Don't forget to wash your hands before you eat, both of you."

"We have to do something about her Heath," Joe whispered.

"What and spoil Jimmy's fun no way." I laughed as I held my boy in my arms thinking, just thinking mind you, he might be up for another root later on.

"That was awesome Joe, you are getting very good at it."

"Heath I've been wanting to do that to you ever since I met you but didn't have the guts to ask."

"Well you did well and anytime you want it, it's yours. But next time can you sort of pump a little harder?" I chuckled.

"Just kidding." I quickly held my hands up, he had been a bit over enthusiastic on that table.

Next: Chapter 9

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