Just Joe

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jul 17, 2019


7 Just Joe 7

"Dad, come see what Cales makes."

"Okay, buddy, and Heath, hold that thought." He kissed me again and took three frames, then put the box back in the closet. On his way he put one next to Caleb's bed, then two in the lounge room. He did look at them, so I knew it was a start. The funniest thing happened after we made a fuss over Caleb's painting: he went to watch his TV shows before his bath and we heard yelling. Joe ran into the lounge room thinking something had happened. Caleb had the wedding photo on the coffee table. He was yelling at it.

"Mummy. Daddy, Mummy back. Where did you go, naughty girl? Cales miss you. Daddy, my mummy's come back to her Cales. Heat, Heat, dis my mummy." He started laughing and kissing the photo.

"Well, I guess that solved one mystery." I smiled at Joe.

"I never thought it had impacted on him. Maybe I should put the rest out, Heath."

"Maybe, Joe, but I want some of us, too."

"So do I." He sighed.

"You might consider buying a photo album and put all her photos in it so Caleb can look at them anytime."

"Good idea, Heath, I'll do that on the weekend. Maybe he can help me."

"Maybe he would really like that." I kissed his perfect nose.

"What are we going to do, Heath?"

"Like what?"

"Mandy's parents. Do I let them take Cales for an hour or so, or do I just drop it?" He was still worried about them.

"I would drop it; you don't want negative people around him, Joe, and if you're scared, you won't get him back. That's a bloody good reason not to pursue them."

"For Cales' sake, I think, morally, they should be in his life somehow, but Heath, I'm so scared of them; they did try to push me around a lot."

He was scared shitless of them--another mystery solved. I smiled at him and took his hands in mine.

"Joe, you are Caleb's father; nothing in this world will ever change that. He loves you and relies on your judgment to always protect him. Anything you decide with the grandparents, I will go along with, but I will say I would feel much better if they weren't in his life," That was a pretty bold statement, but it's the way I felt.

"I only saw them for a minute and that was enough, you don't need them in your life, either, if they can't behave themselves Be your own man, Joe." I again kissed him.

"Thank you, Heath, and it makes sense that Mandy would tell them about me; she was a bit reliant on them. I don't know, Heath, I have been so scared for so long. Don't leave me again, Heath; please, I really do need you. Shit, I sound like I'm fucking needy now." His eyes dropped.

I looked at this confident man from work who is just a scared boy at home and wondered when it all had gone pear-shaped for him. He needs my strength so much, and I loved him for showing me the real him.

"Joe, there's no way I would leave you. Not now; not when you have taken my heart and put it with yours. We will get through this together. I will help you, and if people are not happy with us being a family, then we will just lose them. I don't want you stressing over everything, so if you have a problem, please discuss it with me first. Don't keep it inside; show me, Joe, show me the real you. Do you promise me?" I smiled as I leaned over the table and kissed his sweet lips.

"I'm sorry, Heath, I can buy and sell with the best of them, but I can't handle the small things in life. I guess that's why I fell for you. You are so confident and strong-willed. I idolized you right from the start, and I knew it was the wrong thing for me to do, but I did. You were and are so gorgeous, and, yes, I promise you." He dropped his head.

"Thank you, Joe, thank you for bringing me back into your life, and you're the gorgeous one in this family--and Caleb." I laughed, then added.

"One last thing, Joe." I leered at him.

"What, Heath?"


His face popped up.

"I'm terrified of dogs, Heath; please don't buy one."

"Well, who would have thought a little puppy would scare you, a big butch man?" I laughed, but I know he was genuine. Some people are like that; with me, it's spiders. I can't stand the creepy buggers.

"Sorry, Heath, I've tried over the years, but it doesn't work for me. Look here next to my lip and under the ear--the small scars. When I was a kid, Dad had a bull terrier. I loved that dog, but it attacked me one day for no reason in the backyard. My father said I deserved it because I was so weak and should have kicked it in the balls. I was six years old, Heath--six. I can't come at them now, and I still have a fear of them. I know we should get Caleb one, and I am working on it, but I keep seeing that dog in my head and I'm so scared he will get hurt." He was getting upset. I think his father is an asshole, and Joe was just protecting Caleb.

"I completely understand. No biggie. We won't mention it again, but maybe when he's a little older... We don't need a big aggressive dog, just a little fluffy one. Every little kid needs a dog." I grinned.

"Thank you, Heath."

"What about kittens? Do you like them?" I changed the subject. Then he started roaring with laughter.

He knuckled my head. I ran. He chased me into the lounge room. Caleb thought we were playing and ran after us. We all ended up on the couch, and before I knew it, Joe was kissing me. I didn't think about it at the time, but Caleb was watching us and smiling.

He had a little bit of our fried rice; Then it was bath time before bed. There was no protesting because he had his mummy in his room to look after him. Joe looked like he was going to cry. He had done the wrong thing, but I didn't want him beating himself up over it.

I turned the TV over to the news channel then opened the blanket, getting it ready for some relaxation time. Joe had disappeared somewhere. I went to look. He was telling Cales a story. He patted the bed, and I climbed on it next to Caleb, who was listening intensely, but his eyes were so heavy. Eventually, we decided we both were too tired; no late-night TV tonight. He locked up, and when he came into the bedroom I was already naked.

"Stay there; don't move. Heath, please just stay there. Please." He held his hands up, then stripped so fast I thought he might just fly out the window. He crept up the bed fully horned up and started on my neck, my lips, my chest, my abs; then he gave me one hell of an orgasm. I didn't make love to Joe because I wanted him to relax and do whatever he wanted to do to me, and yes he turned me onto my front and rimmed me. The pleasure I felt was out of the world. He was getting so fucking good at this.

We slept tightly in each other's arms. I did wake up occasionally just to make sure he was still with me. I felt light kisses on my lips, too, and his cock at one stage was firmly planted in my ass crack, so I guess we will deal with that problem later.

Cales had moved into our bed sometime in the early morning. He was doing little-kid snoring when I looked to see if it was Joe. He looked so angelic I had to lean over and kiss his lips again--Joe, not Cales; he just got one on his forehead. Because we were nude, I gently felt around for my underwear. All I got was last night's cum towel, so I crept out of bed and placed that in front of me, Joe and Cales were still asleep as I went to have a leak, or I thought they were.

A hand snaked around my waist and rubbed my pubes; unfortunately, that made me hard, and I had to force what piss was left out before it got jammed up.

When I turned around, a smiling Joe was waiting, I suppose, for his good-morning kiss, which he got. He then moved me aside and did his own morning pee. I thought about holding it for him, but by this time I heard Cales stirring, so I went and picked him up and dumped him in Joe's arms. He would want a morning pee, too. Then I moved to the kitchen to start breakfast. I looked through the fridge and thought I had better do some shopping; it looked a little empty. Bread, cheese, vegemite, maybe some fried sandwiches this morning. I didn't know what Cales would eat, but I did see some packets of cereal in the cupboard.

He ran out and ran straight into me, his arms going around my legs.

He said, "Good mornings."

"Well good morning to you, too, little man."

"Heat, I sleeps with you and daddy last nights." He giggled.

"You sure did it was good to see you there first thing this morning."

"It was fun, Heat." I picked him up and stood him on the table.

"What would you like for breakfast, baby?"

"Not a baby, Cales big, and I donts know what for breakfast."

"Well I have a small menu. You can have Coco pops, Wheaties or a toasted sandwich."

"What's a toastead sammich?"

"Cheese and Vegemite on toast."

"Oh, I member that; yes, please."

When Joe came in, he took Cales from the table and sent him running into the living room to watch TV. Joe's arms were around me, and he was trying to hump me; it felt good because he only had his shorts on.

"What's for breakfast?"

"Toasted sandwiches, baby.

He held me tighter.

"I like them." He moaned as he held my balls in his hand.

"I know you do." I grinned.

I had just finished updating some accounts when I heard Jimmy arrive, he had two big bunches of flowers and promptly popped one on my desk, winked, then went and gave Joe a bunch, Shane flew into my office and hugged me quietly; he was thanking me for sticking to getting Joe back. I put my flowers into a jar; I had better get mum onto buying some real vases, I think. I had decided that they cheered the office up and wanted Mum to order a bunch for reception on a fortnightly basis, and a monthly one for Joe. I headed for Joe's office. He and Shane were hugging, and of course there were a few light tears; I joined in. Jimmy was smiling at morning tea, and he couldn't stop looking at Joe and me. That's my little brother, the silent type--not very subtle at all.

Shane came to see me later on and handed the business three new accounts he had picked up yesterday when he went to the stock exchange.

"These are small ones at the moment, but they are long-standing friends of mine." He walked back and shut the door, then continued, "The word from the horse's mouth is they have just landed a handshake contract with a drug company and they want us to set up these accounts for them. Wink, wink."

"What's this about Shane?"

He leaned over.

"This is big, Heath, really big--a new cancer-related medication that works with certain cancers; the trials are nearly finished. We have to get on board with this, but we have to be very discreet about it. This is going to make us quite rich, I think. Is Mark handling your shares?"

"Yes, but there's not much to handle."

"Can I see it?"

"Shane its ten inches and thick, and no you can't see it." I laughed.

He put a sorrowful face on, then said, "Your account, stupid."

I logged in and nearly died when I saw the balance. I showed him and was still in shock when he said.

"You've got enough just leave it to Mark." Again, he winked.

"And hold onto your hat, mate, when this explodes; we won't have time to even turn a computer on to sell shares. Cash is good; we have to be at the ready when it hits the stock market."

"Insider trading? Isn't that illegal?" I whispered.

"Not the way we do it, it's not. Just have a little faith in us, will you?" He smirked.

"Sure you won't show me?" he added, then smiled.

I laughed as he opened the door and saw himself out. Six months ago I would have shown him; he's got some serious ass on him, but Joe's is better.

I thought about going to see him about my accounts. I can see what he's done; he's sold all my shares and turned them all into cash. It looks better that way instead of me trying to figure it out. I will leave it to him. But I wanted to see him anyway, so I headed over to his office.

I closed the door. He was sitting on his desk waiting with the biggest smile on his face. I took him in my arms and kissed him deeply and lost all track of time as he groaned into my mouth. By the time I had gotten to his neck my hand was on his zipper; he was hard.

"When you two have finished hugging and kissing there's a call for you, Heath, on line two, I think it's that Randy guy." A cackling laugh echoed through all the offices.

"I'll talk to her, and that's my dad on the phone." I laughed.

Joe was in stitches, but he managed to kiss me before I went to talk to Randy.

"Did Shane talk to you?"


"Well keep your lips sealed."


"I love you." He hung up. Fucking hell. There's a conspiracy going on behind my back, and I'm fucked if I know if I'll do jail time or not.

Later that day I had to sign three documents for Harry. He winked, but he wouldn't let me read them...I'm stuffed.

"What would you like for dinner tonight, Joe?"

I had rung Joe internally; I missed him.

"Don't know, Heath, you decide."

"Do you know what I really want to do tonight?"

"Yes, but let's get dinner out of the way first." He chuckled.

"I want to take my family out; it's Friday night. We should go out and have fish and chips or something."


"He has to come, too, Joe. We can go to that Italian restaurant down from my place. We can make it early; hey, like we can get Mum to pick him up and come here so we can head to the restaurant after work."

"You're on, family night, eh?"

"Yep, just us."

He went silent. I knew he was smiling; I did an over the phone I-love-you kiss, then hung up.

I had no idea what was going on with this medical project. Dad apparently is handling some of it. Shane is friendly with the boys that discovered the blocker. Maybe one day they will tell me, but for the moment I have a date with my sort-of husband and son.

Mum had some of the afternoon off; she had to do some shopping for the picnic and buy some vases, then she will pick Cales up and bring him to the office.

He bounded into the office laughing.

"Heat, Heat, guess what?"

"What, buddy?"

"I did a picture for you look, Heat."

Joe came out and stood at the door while I unfolded the painting. It was all over the place, but I did see a TV couch (I think) And sitting on it were Joe, Caleb and me, I think. I asked him, and he did say it was me, but it didn't look like me. I chuckled. Joe looked at it and then pinned it to my whiteboard with the other one.

"Thank you so much, buddy, it's awesome." He grinned from ear to ear, then Jimmy appeared.

"Hey, have I met you?"

"Yeah, I'se your brother Cales." He screamed.

"Happy to see you again, little brother."

"Hello, Jims, Heat's and mine brother?"

He ran to Jimmy and hugged his legs.

"My brother, yayyyy." He screamed then ran off.

"Mummy, Mummy, I has a brother; his name Jims."

I sidled over to Jimmy and said, "His birthday is in three months; don't buy a puppy, and we are working on a cat." Joe slapped me again.

Cales dumped me and decided Jimmy's office was the comfiest place to be. I could hear them laughing down the passageway. Cales sure gets his family mixed up, I don't think he has discovered uncles yet, but I know Jimmy would love a younger brother. We can go with that for now.

I was telling Mum about our date tonight. She asked where we were going, then invited herself... then she invited the whole office. It will be a good night--just the family. I dreaded telling Joe. but he amazed me by going and telling everybody they were uninvited because they will all see each other tomorrow at the park. Of course, Mum was miffed. He winked as he walked by my office. There's a lot of winking going on at work lately. I hope they don't put me in a cell with an oversexed crim.

Caleb played in Jim's office. He wanted to do everybody a drawing; by this time he had plenty of colored pencils and paper to work with, and he worked his butt off doing them.

At knock-off time, we headed for the restaurant. Although it was early, we had skipped lunch and were hungry, and we ordered up big; what we don't eat we will take home.

"Joe, what's your family like? Any brothers and sisters?"

"I'm an only child, Heath, Mum's sort of okay, I guess, but Dad's a pain in the ass. We don't see eye to eye much. I haven't seen them since the funeral. Their parting words were, `Give us a ring, son, and come over.' That's their standard saying, so I won't be calling them or going over. I have an address, too, Heath. They have only been in our house once, and that was after Caleb was born." He wiped Cales' face with a Wet One. I decided there was more to that story.

"Oh, so they aren't very interested, then?'

"Got it in one, mate. It's dad's way or no way; he's another bully."

"Well, that's sad they are missing out on the best years of Caleb's life."

"It is what it is, Heath, and I really don't want them around Cales, anyway." Joe looked distant. I wasn't going to push it. From the bits and pieces, I had picked up, his father sounded like a real bloody joy to be around.

Our family meal was great. I can't wait to get Joe on his own one night--just the two of us--but for now, we had one sleepy boy who has eaten too many carbs. I paid the bill, and we collected the leftovers; then I drove us home. Caleb was asleep before we hit the highway.

Once again, we put him to bed and decided we would have another early night. I wanted to look into Joe's eyes and maybe make love to him if he would let me.

It wasn't so much of a rush in the morning, but Cales was almost dressed and waiting at the door for us.

"Cales, you've got to have breakfast before you go; you won't be eating until lunchtime."

"Oh, I'se forgets." He dashed to the table, and I loaded him up with toast and scrambled eggs.

Joe came out in those sexy running shorts, and I swear to god after last night's marathon I wanted to go again; he looked so frigging delicious.

I kissed him, then asked him what he wanted for breakfast. He blushed. I knew what he was thinking.

"Is that all; then come into the bathroom?" I laughed.

"Heath, just toast like my buddy here, please."

I leaned over and licked his neck; he was making coffee and nearly yelped. Then I whispered into his ear that he smelt so sexy.

"When we get to the park, we can use the toilet. I will give you a head job through the glory hole." His eyes lit up in anticipation. I cracked a fat, and I already knew he had one because my hand was on it.

"Tomorrow, Joe, let's take Cales to the z-o-o. I spelled it out so Cales wouldn't get too excited.

"The z-o-o?" Joe sort of looked a bit worried.

"Yes, the z-o-o. It will be a nice day out for him. I was thinking Myuna Park; that's not far. It's a farm-animal park. We can go to the real one maybe next week if he likes this one."

"Do we have to?" I looked at Joe and thought, you just don't know what fun is like, do you? The farm's great; there's train rides and pony rides. Cales will love it.

"Is there a problem, Joe?"

"No, just thinking it might be a little dangerous, Heath, that's all." I smiled inside; he's protecting Caleb from the big bad cows.

"Okay, you can stay home then, maybe do some stock-market stuff if you like. I'll take him, just us two on our own." I grinned.

"No, you're not leaving me home alone. I'll come."

"Good, then the next Saturday we can go to Luna Park just for fun." I laughed again. He didn't.


"Joe, haven't you ever been to Luna Park?"

"Yes, of course, once when I was younger; I didn't like it."

"Let me guess: you spent the whole day on the carousel." He shoved toast in his mouth; he wasn't going to answer me.

I bundled my boys into the car, and we took off to Mum's park. On the way I put a Wiggles CD in, and we three sang along; Joe was the loudest He had a good voice. Mum had it all set up and was buttering rolls when we arrived. Caleb almost ran flat out to get to her side.

"Mummy, cans you push me?"

"Sure, Cales, just a minute." She kissed us both and set about pushing Cales on the swing. He was yelling and laughing; it is good to hear. I winked at Joe and nodded to the tin shed with the hole in the wall; he, of course, punched me.

"Your figures look awesome this month, son, thanks to our boy here." Dad smiled.

"And Shane. He had a lot to do with it too. Don't forget to thank him," Joe said.

"Oh, I won't. What's his partner's name, Joe?"

"Tom, he's a really nice guy. He's about to become a doctor. They are great guys, both of them. I met them through Mandy at University, then worked with Shane at the stock exchange. I think Tom is very friendly with that rock star, Rick Conners, from what I hear."

"Wow, there's some serious money there, I think." Dad smiled.

"Well, here they come now; you can ask them, and, yes, there's loads of money in that family, but I don't think we will see any of it." Joe smiled.

Shane and Tom came wandering over to the table. We introduced ourselves to Tom. He was an absolute spunk, and being a doctor made him all that more attractive, but still not as beautiful as my Joe.

Harry arrived not long after, and Jimmy wasn't far behind him; they both were alone but had [`brought'?]beers.

I could see Joe was a little more relaxed and happier as he talked to Shane and Tom about dinner last night. After Dad got in their ears, I walked over to Joe, took his arm, then led him to the toilet block where I placed the now-grinning man into the second-last cubical. I made myself comfortable in the end one and put my fingers through the large hole. I heard the door opening and knocking on my door.

"Heath, what do I do?" I laughed at him, but, okay, it's his first time; I must remember that.

"When I put my fingers through, that means I'm ready; you put your cock through, and you get a nice surprise." I grinned, wiggling my eyebrows. He went back, and I made him wait, but I was getting too excited, so put my fingers through; his cock slowly inched through the hole, and I placed my mouth on it.

My god, I don't know if anyone else heard him, but to me it sounded like there was a herd of cattle in his cubical. His knees were banging on the wall and his hands hanging off the top of it; he pushed hard and grunted with every push, but he came quickly and loudly. He withdrew, then he put his fingers through I let him try it, and it was fucking wonderful, but I wasn't as noisy as he was.

Upon our return, Mum was talking to Caleb. He was on her knee. I handed Joe a beer, and we sat at the end of the table.

"Can we do that again sometime, Heath?" He whispered.

"Sure we can, Joe." I smiled at him; I knew he would like it.

"Maybe we can bore a hole in the toilets at work." He giggled.

"No it's more exciting in the park, but we don't want to get caught, baby. Maybe you should tone it down a little next time."

He went bright red.

"But I really liked it, Heath. I have heard of it but never experienced it first-hand; it was awesome." He was happy and I suspect ready to go again.

Joe took his phone out and took some pictures of everybody. His new family were all jokes and laughter, something he hasn't seen for a while. He took a heap more photos of our picnic and, of course, heaps of me. I posed myself everywhere, even lying on the next picnic table. It was when I got Joe to take his tank top off that Dad called a stop to my photography. Tom and Shane just laughed.

Jimmy, Shane and Harry were huddled, whispering about something, and Tom had taken a walk down to the lake with Joe. Dad, of course, was asleep, but he was smiling.

I walked to Jim's table and leaned over.

"Are you all planning my time in jail, boys?"

They looked at me shocked and nodded yes. Buggers, they know how to get me going.

Mum dumped Cales next to Jimmy, who proceeded to talk to him, brother to brother.

"Come on, Heath, take your mummy for a swing."

I laughed as she pulled me over to the bigger swings, then sat on one. I pushed her slowly, then bent over and whispered in her ear.

"Do you like it slow or fast, Mum?"

"Oww slow, son, the slower the better." She moaned.

"MUM!" so I pushed her hard; she laughed uncontrollably.

Then it was Cales turn, and by the time we finished everyone was ready for some food.

Joe was still sitting by the lake. Tom had returned to the table and was holding Shane's hand, so I went to fetch my boy. I sat down and put my arm across his shoulders.

"What's the matter, babe?" He looked down.

"Nothing, Heath, just happy moments, that's all." I didn't believe him.

"Well, come on; let's get something to eat and then go home. It's been a big day." I smiled. He got up, and I stroked his cheek, looking deeply into his eyes. When we arrived back, Mum was in a deep conversation with Dad, who had woken up and was already onto another beer. I made our sausages in a roll with onions and cheese, then sat with Joe and the boys. Caleb was by now being fed by four adults and was loving the attention he was getting from them.

"So Tom, when do we get to meet Rick Conners and start handling his millions?" Harry asked.

Tom laughed his head off, then said.

"Billions, Harry, billions."

"What the f...?" He didn't finish it.

"He's very wealthy, Harry; he got most of it from his Aunty. What he makes on stage is peanuts compared to what he's really worth. His uncles, who live next door, have the same kind of money. Have you ever heard of Ricon Industries? They sold off their drug labs and patients to Bayer. Remember that company?"

"Holy shit, they sold that for billions." Harry slapped his head.

"And you know what, Harry, only one of the uncles handles the lot with a small team of bookkeepers." Shane smiled.

"When do I meet him?"

"You won't." Tom grinned.

"Rick put me and Shane through University and has offered to buy us an apartment, but we want to do it on our own; he and his friend Brent got me sorted out years ago. They are our sort of adopted uncles." He smiled.

"Sure he's not pulling my chain, Shane?" Poor Harry.

"Not at all, mate; of course, that doesn't include the office blocks and apartment buildings and about a zillion dollars worth of diamonds in his safe." He laughed.

It was too much for poor Harry, Tom mentioning figures that none of us have come across.

"And there's Go-ship."


"Go-ship they own that too, but I don't think its worth much." He grinned; he knew quite well Go-ship was blue-chip stock.

"So only one guy looks after all that?"

"Yes, and his minions, but the personal accounts only Ray does; he's a very intelligent man, Harry."

"I know something about him, yes. I know his friend Brenten Walsh was involved in a kidnapping a few years ago; he was abused badly. Is he okay now?" I said.

"Yes, Heath, he's fine now, but he was a mess for a long time. It wasn't only the thorough torture he went through; he had a lot of issues to deal with after it happened, but Rick pulled him through most of it; he is okay now." Tom smiled, then looked at Joe, who by now looked fucking scared of his own shadow. I will ask him again when we get home because I know there is definitely something wrong.

Caleb was almost asleep, so I threw our paper plates into a bin and told everyone I had to get him home; we'd had a late night last night. We were the first to leave, and after helping Mum, I grabbed Cales after he had said goodbye to his new family and walked my Joe over to the car. He was really off, and I meant to find out why.

"There's nothing wrong, Heath; I just felt really blessed and so fucking tired all of a sudden."

We had put Caleb to bed and were having showers before we hit the sack.

"Well I meant what I said, Joe; any little thing that upsets you, you tell me. Don't keep it in, and don't think for one minute I didn't see that scared look on your face, either." He looked at me sharply and said, "Leave it alone, Heath, let's just go to bed."

I left it, but I didn't like it. I will get to the bottom of it if it kills me, I said to myself as I stripped my dressing gown off and crawled in beside him. I pulled him into my shoulder and stroked his arm and back. I thought we wouldn't make love tonight. but I did do a little goodnight kissing.

(For anyone wanting to know more about Rick Conners, Tom and Shane please read Ask Me.)

Next: Chapter 8

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