Just Joe

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jun 27, 2019


4 Just Joe


The next day he was pleasant but still distant. I had a meeting with the spare parts company I had worked for so putting Joe's attitude aside I collected my stats and headed for there. I wanted to get there early to say hi to my old workmates. Les was the first to greet me he looked me up and down he has never seen me in a suit and tie so I said.

"Don't even ask mate, I have to wear it for work so don't start laughing, how have you been its been ages since I've seen you."

"Great Heath, the bar misses you and that Jock keeps looking out for you but there's a bit of a group there that keeps him busy. The bouncer had to kick him out last week because he was pulling a train in the toilets it was so funny poor guy must love it a lot." He chuckled.

"A train?"

"Yeah he had four guys lined up and they were taking it in turns to do him, the bar had complaints I think from the older crowd bloody wowsers spoilt his fun, and you look hot in a suit Heath, very sexy." He smiled.

I laughed and we talked a bit until the other guys came over and spoilt our girly catch up. I promised him I would call in one night but I was really busy at the moment still settling in. I didn't tell him I found my Joe I didn't want him to be involved in it, something I thought long and hard about. Joe only needed me he didn't want the gay crowd and when I thought about it, it made sense he is looking for his own kind of family, not a gay scene.

I felt so blessed he walked into that bar that night and he sat next to me. Looking back it was destiny that had happened, a wonderful blessed moment.

I had to go and meet with the owners the Fergusons who

I knew by their first name, a great family and I was made to feel welcome almost as soon as I walked into the boardroom. We went through a few things they were a bit hesitant to show me figures maybe because I worked there once, but I soon relaxed them and I guess they were impressed with my professional approach.

The older brother took a gamble that I wouldn't announce their personal business to the warehouse and showed me their last Taxation statement it was a doozie. I blinked at the total they had to pay. The accounts firm they had used for years wasn't as thorough as it had been, and they were saying that its time to hand it all over to another younger business, they also knew about my dad's company, they actually knew a lot.

"If you can get this year's payment down to a reasonable sum Heath you have all our accounts, from what I hear that kid you have on your team is a wonder boy where the stock market is concerned. We will need to talk about that after this is fixed and yes we know the Sutherland family very well, they are most impressed. Do you think you can help?"

"Give my company access to your Tax files and I will do a projection for you I can have it on your desk in a couple of days if not sooner. You have a few months to enter your return so there's no rush, but I need to know right now from the onset if there is any funny business going on." I put the trusting ball back into their court.

"We are a family business we provide good jobs for our workers our father built this company on honesty and trust and there's no way us kids would dishonor his name. Heath that would be a no to your question." He smiled.

"Good but I have to say that's why you are probably paying this much Tax, it's obscene."

"It is isn't it, can you help us?"

"Yes I promise you, and it will be all legal and above board." I flashed my pearly whites at them. I got the nod and the access codes they told me that they wanted us to look after their father's company as if it was my own. I understood where they were coming from and promised I would do my best for them. They replied that if all goes well we could do their personal accounts too and one smart member said.

"They aren't small change either." Everyone laughed I never imagined that this company had old money this I am going to like doing because I liked them.

Pat the payroll lady who is a daughter of one of the brothers asked me before I left could I show her that equation in Excel again she had lost it.

"Pat I will write it down for you and stick it on your wall." I smiled as she laughed. I passed her my business card and winked.

"Anytime you want some help just email me."

I did think about going to say goodbye to the guys but thought I would see them next week I wanted to go home and eat something. I didn't even think about it at the time but I also needed a beer, I felt a bit lonely.

Turning up at the bar seemed like it was a new experience for me I was only there for a beer or two and to see what I had been missing out on over the past months. Nothing had changed my shoes stuck to the beer-soaked carpet and the walls were still the same dark wood paneling I detested.

A few familiar faces said hello to me as I took up my position at the end of the bar. The barman welcomed me back and pulled me a beer...at least the glasses were clean. I sat and played with my drink for a while I got cruised by a nice looking bloke then I thought about Joe.

That ruined my night I had one more beer then left. I walked home alone and took my time it was a nice night and as I passed the many cafes in the main street I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have my own family to take out to dinner occasionally... my heart skipped a beat.

At work the next day I handed the Fergusson codes to Harry and said.

"Work your magic Harry your future depends on this account."

"I need Jimmy Heath when is he graduating?"

"Soon I will get onto it today is Joe in?"

"Yes, he's in his office." He didn't ask me who Joe was he just assumes I'm talking about Mark. I stuck my head in he was hard at work.

"Good morning Joe sleep well."

"I think so Heath can I help you?" Sure you can help me you can love me again I said under my breath.

"Joe, can I ask you something before you get bogged down with work?" I felt like I was intruding.

"Yes, Heath."

"Can we go out for dinner sometime I mean with Caleb and my parents they want to meet you and are insisting we do it sooner rather than later." He stared at me.


"I don't know why, do I have to have a reason?" This cat and mouse game really annoyed me.

"Yes, you do." He was cold still.

"You're a workmate and dad wants to meet you, he is funding this operation, and more importantly I'm sure Caleb wants to meet my mum." He stared at me intently I was getting ready for a blast but it didn't arrive.

"Okay you set it up and we will be there, are you inviting Harry?"

"No Joe just family." I saw his eyes go distant maybe he's softening. He got up and took some paperwork off his desk I watched his ass as he walked out into Harry's office.

The day was hard and I so wanted to go and apologize to Joe I shouldn't interfere with his personal stuff.

Harry finally emerged I hadn't seen him for most of the day, he had a big grin on his face when he said he had finally finished the initial Fergusson tax return and by the looks of it they won't have to pay tax this year, he said that they were forgetting to put in something or other so he had a ten year backlog to add which made it a considerable refund. My mind was still on Joe but I was pleased Harry got it sorted out I will look at it later.

"The Fergusson family will be happy they always paid too much tax and quite a bit, I think next year they will get another major credit." He knew I wasn't listening and stopped talking then closed my door and sat down.

"So why don't you want me to come to dinner with you all Heathie boy?" he brought me back to reality I blushed.

"Harry you can come if you like, there are no rules I just wanted mum to meet Caleb you know how she loves little kids."

"Right, and you don't want her to meet Mark slash Joe?"

"Of course I do she's going to love him."

"And you don't?"

I was frozen to the spot my face heated up and I knew I had blushed.

"Heath you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out you and Mark have some sort of history. That part I haven't worked out yet but why the business like friendship if you kind of like him why aren't you two dating?"

"Sorry Harry, I thought I was being discreet and I should have been upfront with you from the start."

"No problem Heath, so what's the deal with Mark slash Joe?"

So I told Harry what had happened between us I didn't think I was divulging any great secrets at the time but maybe I was.

"So he needed a job I need to somehow make him feel good again, sex or not I want him and Caleb in my life I do know that much."

"Okay mate, I won't come to dinner, and mate?"


"You are so in love with Mark I think its time you finally admitted it fully to yourself then please do something about it. The past is in the past he obviously liked you a lot there's no way I would roll over for just anybody he's someone special Heath don't lose him in that pub crowd you call friends." He smiled then added.

"And Joe, slash Mark, is so into you, you have to repair that first before you tackle his grief and desperate cries for help." He winked. I was taken aback by his comment but it made sense.

"Night night boss I have entered this projection into their database you can call them and give them the good news I have a hot date to pick up. I will see you tomorrow go home and stay out of those bars, just a heads up mate." He grinned then went back to his desk.

I was going to tell him I haven't been to a bar for ages except for the other night and I won't be going back either. I rang Neil Fergusson he was nearly crying on the phone and I told him to get his accounts manager to open the interim Tax return Harry had done for them. He said he would see me next week, with Harry.

On my way out I ran into the agent who rented us our space, he said that the next floor had become vacant and he was going to look at it now, then he asked me if I wanted to tag along. It was so much bigger than our space and the offices were huge compared to the ones we had they were also north facing there was a view of the city, we talked money and I said I would get back to him in the morning. He even offered a month rent-free and to get us a release from our contract because small office space is easier to rent out.

My car was waiting with the baby seat in the back and I looked at it for a long time. I could still smell my family's scents, my family I mused and then I sort of melted inside. Who am I kidding I have loved Joe from the minute I met him if I was really being honest with myself. I have been looking for him for such a long time and now he's put up walls and won't let me in again. I shook my head and started the car I had a date tonight with a half dozen beers I had in my fridge.

I opened my first beer when I got in the door and then I set about ordering a Pizza. I was daydreaming of a time when I tapped Joe's ass and how tight he was. But something else came to mind too, he smelt clean, he was clean, he is clean, he was the perfect man, he is perfect. I remembered what brought Joe to the bar in the first place he was so out of his comfort zone. I had chatted him up because he was new and he had taken the seat beside me, he was fucking hot and he seemed to like me.

It wasn't until the third time we had fooled around that when I went home with him I broke him in. He let me, he wanted it but he was also in pain. As I said earlier he got used to it but I didn't know if he loved it or not, some guys do some don't. But I never asked him and he never said. I should have asked. I should have asked a lot of things but I didn't.

I suddenly realized a boner had arrived so I went to the toilet, standing in a bathroom I let fly with a stream of piss, which deflated me a bit. I shook the drips off and remembered Joe's gagging when he tried to give me head I hadn't realized he was a novice at all this, I should have known.

The doorbell went and I retrieved my wallet off the table, pulling the door open I came face to face with Joe with Caleb in hand.

"Heat we come to see you at your house me miss you."

"Hello little buddy please come in I miss you too what can I get you what about some milk?"

"No Heat thank you I had sum before."

"Okay, Joe would you like a beer?"

"Just one Heath." I let him in and turned the TV over to the cartoon channel Caleb immediately claimed the sofa so we sat at the table. The doorbell went again it was the Pizza guy this time. I quickly paid him then placed it in the oven.

"Do you want to eat with me Joe there's plenty, has Cale's eaten?"

"He's eaten I might have a piece though thank you."

I found two plates and placed the box between us he grabbed a wedge and started chewing on it.

"My favorite, chicken and pineapple yummy."

"What are you doing here Joe, not that I'm unhappy about it but I thought after yesterday and today you might like to give me a wide berth for a while."

Caleb came over and eyed the Pizza off I found a plastic picnic plate and cut a small piece off for him he took it back to the sofa.

Joe watched intently as he started eating it.

"See every kid loves pizza go get it in ya tummy kid." I laughed.

"Heath I can't talk about his mum with him it's too distressing. I don't want to upset him any more than I have to."

I looked at him he's a desperate guy trying to do his best but I can see it's not working.

"Joe she is his mum you shouldn't let him forget her she loved him just as much as you did. And I bet Caleb loved her very much, you are going to have to let your guard down sometime and have a conversation with him about her. I don't think he's the one that's hurting Joe. I think you're the one that's bottling it all up you're the one that doesn't want to have that conversation with him because you're the one that's hurting the most." Fuck I've really torn it now.

"You would know that how?" He arched up again.

"Joe please don't shut me down again please I beg you. I'm only trying to help. I know you put away all the photos of Mandy I didn't see one photo when I was at your place. If it hurts, then you just have to deal with it the best you can, your the adult. But you can't let him forget his mum. She's his mum for God's sake Joe think about it will you?" he looked at me for a long time and said.

"Can I have another piece?"

"Sure Joe, sure you can." I also got two more beers out of the fridge and we just sat there he was playing with the pizza box and I was looking at his beautiful face. Nothing else was said while he ate his second piece, then he said.

"I have to go I just wanted to clear that up with you that's all." He was running again.

"Joe I have to say this and I don't care if it upsets you. But you need to know I'm also hurting just as bad as you are. You fell for me I treated you badly now you hate me so much, and I am so in love with you. Ironic isn't it how the tables turn so quickly. I want to fix it I want to fix us because if that's done everything else in your life and mine would be fixed."

"You love me?" Joe whispered.

"I adore you, you are my world, like you with Caleb I would just die if you disappeared from my life again."

He didn't say anything just a tear, just one I detected falling down his nose.

"I have to go, Heath, thank you for the pizza and beer. Cale's let's go." He stood up to put his plate on the sink and the unopened beer back into the fridge. I stood behind him he turned I saw love in his eyes he blinked, I knew he wanted to say something but he moved to where Caleb was standing to wait for him.

"See you Heat buddy see you soon thanks for pizza I like it."

"See you buddy you have to come to meet my mummy soon she loves long haired little boys." He laughed and Joe took his hand I showed him out nothing was said nothing was resolved but if he really thinks about it I am right. Before he entered the elevator he turned and said.

"I don't hate you, Heath, to be honest, I don't think I ever could."

I spent the rest of the night kicking myself but I also knew Joe came here for a purpose he came here to get my advice on something. I was the one that took it too far. I hope he meant what he said about not hating me I think Joe hates his life so much at the moment all the shit is clouding his brain I have to make him see that.

My phone rang Friday night it was mum, oh how unusual another picnic at the park tomorrow. I asked if I could bring a few friends she said the more the merrier, then I rang Joe.

"He will love it, Joe, I will get the rolls and drinks its always a fun day there come on come meet my parents I've invited Harry no ulterior motive I promise you."

"Okay, Heath only because I'm going stir crazy sitting here listening to a three-year-old babbling on about his birthday presents." He chuckled.

"It's his birthday Joe why didn't you tell me?"

"It's a few months away but he's starting to put his orders in the kids at daycare must have been talking about birthdays today." He chuckled it was so good to hear.

"I'll meet you there or pick you up, either way, I'm cool."

"I'll meet you at the park Heath, what time?"

"Around ten the third or fourth table on the left, and Joe?"

"Yes, Heath?"

"Thank you."

I was looking forward to tomorrow and I had rung Harry he said he would pop in for a few minutes he had something to do later on. I potted around the flat trying to make the time go faster then I jumped into bed early watched a little TV then I had a long imaginary session with Joe, then wiped up the mess. Waking up to more morning sunshine I didn't mind it this morning I was happy and had slept very soundly through the night.

I went to shower and dress, I didn't want to overdo it for our date but I didn't want to look scruffy either.

Who am I kidding old shorts and t-shirt and its not a date Heath it's a family get together that's all.

On the way to the park I got the bread rolls and some juices and while I was at the shopping center I managed to grab some coloring books and pencils for Caleb. I was both excited to see them and sad because they are really not in my life full time. Maybe my mum can soften him up a bit maybe she won't do anything, no I don't want her to do anything she's so out there and over the top.

"Hello son good to see you how have you been?" She hugged me as I set my bags on the bench.

"Good mum where's Jimmy?"

"University son, he's got final exams have you got his office ready yet?" Dad smiled.

"Yes dad there's something I need to talk to you about later after Joe and Harry get here."

"Joe?" Mum said.

"Sorry Mark, you know the stockbroker from work."

`Oh is he coming here?"

"Yes dad with his son Caleb, and mum don't spoil him with endless kisses either." I lightly punched her shoulder.

"It's about bloody time we get to meet him," Dad said.

Harry turned up on time, he started talking to my dad about work and then I heard.

"Heat, Heat here Heat over here."

"That would be Caleb mum don't spoil him." I smiled.

A familiar little kids voice was calling me, he was on the swings and this beautiful-looking guy was pushing him he looked awesome in his jogging shorts and tank top I nearly boned up he was so gorgeous, I slowly walked over even getting a slight look at his right nipple.

"How long have you been here?"

"Not long Cale's wanted a swing so we made a beeline to the playpen." He smiled at me, and yes it was good to see him too.

Mum tapped me on the shoulder.

"Who's this little man Heath?"

"Mum this is Caleb, he's been wanting to meet you, Caleb this is my mummy."

"Hello, mummy."

"Hello, Caleb please to meet you can I push you for a while?"

"Yes please, daddy this is Heats mummy."

"Hello there Mrs. Stone I'm Mark we meet at long last." He held his hand out.

Mum did what she always does and pulled him in and hugged him.

"Pleased to meet you at long last Mark, and call me Sally or Sal." She giggled I think Joe was a little shocked...well she is a little forward, but he quickly recovered.

"Why don't you boys go see dad I've got this one covered, now Caleb how high do you like to swing?" She hunched down closer to his face.

"Not high but not low I gets scared if I go high Heats mummy can I ask you a question mummy?"

"Yes my darling anything."

"Do you like Heat?"

"Of course I love Heat he's my son why honey?"

"Just thinking mummy do all mummies like their little boys?"

"Of course darling your mummy loves you."

"I don't think so." His head dropped he was deep in thought.

"I like Heat he's so cool mummy." Thank god he changed the subject.

"My daddy like him too but he cuts his hair, mummy do you have a dog?" He giggled.

Joe joined in and started shaking his hands mouthing no dogs please no dogs. Mum got the drift and replied.

"No sorry Cale's no dogs at my place, maybe in a couple of years time." She smiled then started pushing him, then shooed us away. I know Joe heard his boy's comment because he stood there looking at him intensely and I think he just lost his son to my mummy, and I also think he was listening to his son's words more closely.

"What's with the long hair, Joe?"

He blushed and stopped walking.

"He overheard a phone conversation I had with Mandy, when he was staying the weekend with me, that's all I was telling her you had long untidy hair she wanted to know all about you, but I didn't have any more details, Heath, sorry but you never told me much and Caleb hears everything."

"You loved my hair longer?" He blushed again.


"I'm sorry Joe if I had of known I would have said more. I should have been more of a friend Joe."

"Well, it's all in the past now let's go meet your father." He was fighting inside again.

He fobbed it off just like he fobs everything off, how can he do that I'm stuffed if I know. And yes somewhere between the wank I had when he left the other night and the other one I had at three am I knew for sure I had fallen deeply in love with my Joe.

Mum was doing a good job with Caleb we could hear his giggling from where we sat. Joe smiled and looked his way.

"So Mark are you on top of things at long last?"

"Yes Mr. Stone, I reunited with my old contacts from the market and even some more very cashed up clients who want me to handle their accounts, its grown some and I'm sorry but I am going to have to put someone else on to help me soon it's starting to get me bogged down."

"Anything you want, just ask Heath and yes you need someone to help you son it's not a one-man operation." Dad smiled at him.

"Dad I want to ask you something, can I start expanding the business now, I think I've got a handle on everything. I looked at the floor above us the other day and am thinking we might rent the whole floor, there won't be much setting up the previous tenants left most of their stuff there so we really only need the desks, computers and file cabinets shifted."

"Why the whole floor son?"

"Joe, I mean Mark needs more room and Harry needs a corporate Tax consultant badly we all need a secretary slash reception girl to handle the calls and appointments, I'm thinking a data entry girl also so much of our time is taken up just entering new accounts, in short, we need more room." I smiled proudly and I was proud. I was proud of Harry Mark and a little for myself for doing such a good job with just the three of us.

"There's no need to ask son, just the three of you put your heads together and hire who you need and yes move to the bigger space as soon as possible. By the looks of your figures this month at the moment you have money to burn, don't forget Jimmy he will be starting in a week or two as soon as he gets his certificate so he can help Harry out there he's majored in corporate issues as you know." He grinned.

"Dad as soon as he's available he's hired. Mark do you have anyone in mind for the job your offering?"

"Yes Heath his names Shane I worked with him at the Stock exchange, we have a lot in common and work well together he won't be cheap but he's well worth it, if only for his accounts."

"Okay go for it bring him in for an interview, secretary?"

"Your mother needs work she's in my hair all the time son, and she's bloody good at it, even if it's temporary until you get someone more permanent." He laughed.

"Does she know?" I sort of inquired.

"No." He chuckled into his beer then nudged Harry.

Mum and Caleb came running over his arms went up for Joe to pick him up which he did in one swoop.

"Did you have fun Cale's?"

"Yes daddy Heats mummy is cool she pushes Cale's really good dad."

"Well, I'm pleased I hope she's good on the phone too." He grinned at my mum.

"You tell her dad." I nudged him as mum gave us a wary look.

"No that's your job son you're the boss." He nudged me back."Mark she likes you, you do it," I begged.

"Oh no, you don't." He switched Cale's onto his other hip then sat down again.

"What? tell me what?" Mum nearly screamed.

"Mum, I need your help in the office at reception and some secretarial work can you start on Monday?"

"Of course son, it will be good to get out of the house that Ogre that lives there is getting a lot worse."

I noticed Caleb quickly bury his head into Joe's shoulder.

"No dogs and no Ogres, Shrek scared the shite out of him." Joe leaned over and whispered.

"Okay." I looked at him strangely I loved Shrek.

"Well, Sal your now back in the workforce look after the boys won't you." My dad puffed up.

"I will Sam just have a hot dinner ready for me when I walk in the door won't you, and I'll drop my washing all over the floor for you to do, payback is a bitch sometimes honey chops, oh and you will hand wash my smalls won't you?" She patted my dad's cheek he blushed bright red then groaned.

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