Just Joe

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Aug 16, 2019


Just Joe 12

Joe had left for work early one morning, he was eager to upload a new account and wanted complete silence while he concentrated on it. I dropped Cales off to his mates and then got stuck in the school drop off traffic, it was horrendous.

I was a bit late arriving at work, I almost ran to the lift and was in need of a strong coffee.

"Heath where have you been I have been trying to ring you?" I was greeted by Harry, who seemed quite agitated.

"Traffic, why what's up?"

"Mark got a phone call when I got here it was to tell him that Caleb's disappeared from the crèche. Don't panic it's okay we rang them and he's still there, Sally's popped out to pick him up. Mark, on the other hand, rushed off before we could talk. I don't know where he is or where he's gone." The realization hit me full force, only one person I know would make that awful call to Joe; his father.

"Fuck me, Harry, his father is screwing with him again, I need to get to Joe's father's house. Ring dad and tell him to meet me there, he knows the address."

I ran out of the office and it took ages for me to get to my car, it felt like hours, driving to Frankston is usually a fifteen-minute drive at the best of times, but this traffic will slow me down. Hopefully, it has slowed Joe down too. I tried my Joes number several times on the way, but no answer.

I screeched to a halt, Joe's car was out front. I heard screaming coming from the house the neighbours were in the front yard, I yelled at them to please call the police. I don't know if they did maybe they were just enjoying the show.

I jumped up the stairs to the front porch I landed at the door. No time for niceties so I barged in. I felt pain on the back of my head and I heard Joe scream my name.

I came too and started struggling but my hands and feet were tied up. I could see Joe lying on the floor ten feet away he wasn't moving, his father was standing over him he looked like he had blood running down his face onto his white shirt. He raised a pistol and pointed it at Joe's head.

I froze and nearly vomited at the realization I won't ever see my Joe again. A woman came into the room screaming her head off. She plunged the knife into Joes father's chest and screamed. "Don't touch my son again you bastard." The gun went off and they both fell to the floor. He had missed joe but got his mother instead. She slumped as she landed flat on her face followed by her husband, who had landed half on top of her. It was so surreal, I silently screamed inside my guts was hurting and my breaths were short with panic.

I lay there in shock, there wasn't anything I could do, then I saw movement coming from Joe, thank god, oh thank you god, I whispered to myself. My head ached like crazy but I had to get him to untie me, somehow I had to get his attention.

"Joe, Joe its Heath are you okay?" His head immediately turned towards me the blood was smeared everywhere on his face.

"Heath, Heath you came."

"Yes Joe I came, can you crawl over here and untie me?"

"I have to go and get Caleb he will be scared."

"He's with Sally Joe, he's safe just try and come over here will you." I think he was concussed because he was looking at me but not seeing me.

"You did love me didn't you Heath?"

"Yes Joe forever and a day I will love you always, and I did from the second I saw you."

"That's good, I was thinking you didn't love me anymore and you took Cales away from me." he's definitely concussed he's not making any sense.

"Joe please can you try and move over here." I watched as he looked around then his legs started pushing his body towards me.

"That's it, Joe, just another couple of feet."

"I don't think I can make it Heath, did Cales have his dinner?"

"Yes Joe he's still with Sally she's feeding him, come here to me baby." Thank god I heard sirens at last.

I coaxed him for a minute or two but I could see he wasn't going to win the battle. My only hope is that the cops or dad to arrive as soon as possible, hopefully, they aren't far away.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw movement again, his father was trying to right himself, he wasn't dead. He struggled but managed to get into a kneeling position and he again had that gun in his hand, the knife sticking out of his chest was ignored.

He lifted it and pointed it towards Joe I squeezed my eyes shut because I didn't want to watch my Joe die and there was nothing I could do, nothing I could say I started screaming.

"Don't do it, don't kill my Joe. I beg you please don't kill him."

I heard a single gunshot, my body went cold and felt like it was draining all my blood from its core, my only hope of any saneness in my life is his father would shoot me too. Then I could be with my Joe, just Joe and me alone together forever. There was dead silence when I heard.

"Are you okay buddy?" Someone was untying my hands.


"No Sargent Niles we got here just in time by the looks of it." I opened my eyes there was a policeman looking directly at me.

I looked over at Joe he was being attended to by two ambos, the living room was coming alive with official looking people.

"Is he still alive?" I had to know.

"Yes, but he came so near to being murdered, I got here just in time. Take deep breaths and pull yourself together mate then we can talk."

"Heath, Heath are you all right." I heard my dad say.

"Yes, dad." I started crawling over to Joe on my hands and knees but was held back by the police officer.

"He's okay Heath, they won't move him to the Ambulance until they finish his assessment." I relaxed a little then started crying. My dad knelt down and held me in his arms and I was grateful I could hide my face in his shoulder.

"His mother and father are dead Heath. Joe seems to be okay. Sargent Niles shot him before he could shoot you both, thank god." I shook out of fear, relief, and love for my Joe.

Dad got me off the floor and I still hung onto him but I had to see my Joe, so I patted dads shoulder and thanked him then slowly walked over to where he was being loaded onto a gurney.

Before he was carted off I heard him call my name.

"Heath are you okay, is Caleb here?"

"Yes Joe I'm okay, and mum has Caleb safe and sound at home."

"I fought him, Heath, I fought for my life, but he was too strong."

"You fought back Joe, you bought extra time so the cops could get here. I'm so proud of you, you finally fought him back."

"Hug Cales for me."

"I can do better than that Joe, you can hug him yourself in a few hours." Then they wheeled him away, our hands held until they were parted.

I felt like I had been in that stinking room for hours but finally, the coroner was bagging up Joe's parents, they were both dead, and I felt some relief when Dads lawyer arrived and talked to the detective who had plastered me with stupid questions.

He then talked to me and we both talked to the police. I told them everything again and they deemed me telling the truth and said it was an open and shut case. Joe and I were very lucky to have survived the ordeal. I wanted so desperately to go and see him at the hospital. As he helped me out to the car the news trucks were just pulling up. Dad took off his suit coat and put it over my head then he drove me towards the hospital. We will pick up the cars, later on, there was no urgency, but there was some in my case to get to Joes side.

I rang Mum and filled her in then she passed me to Harry who said he would grab the boys and go get the cars then meet us at the hospital. When we got there it was pandemonium, today everyone in town was sick and sitting in the emergency area. The desk nurse asked me to fill out some forms for Joe, dad had told them he was his lawyer and I had power of attorney to make any decisions with his treatment. My hands shook so much all I could do was tell dad what to write, then I signed it.

"He's got a gash on his head a bad case of concussion, a few scrapes, and a black eye but he will be all right Mr. Stone. Just find a seat and I will call you when he can have a visitor then the doctor will come and talk to you." She smiled.

The lawyer went over my statement again while we waited, it was two hours before I was allowed to go to the wards and by this time Harry Jimmy and mum with Cales had arrived. I hugged and kissed him for ages, smelling his little smells and my tears were on show to all and sundry. I had fallen apart again, it's not in my nature to do this, but I was so scared for Joe, now I know what he went through being so scared of your own shadow.

"You can go up now, the doctor will meet you there." The nice nurse said as she handed me a small packet of tissues. So we all crowded into the lift and went up to the ward. I was still holding Caleb he was upset because he really didn't know what had happened to his daddy, so I tried to calm him down by not allowing myself to get upset anymore.

We sat in a small waiting room, mum had hold of Caleb now and was playing with him as the doctor went through some things with us.

"He's concussed and bruised, there are some minor cuts, but he will be okay. I need to keep him here overnight just to monitor him, but he will come good, I'm confident about that." He smiled.

"Thank you, doctor, thank you so bloody much," I said.

"My pleasure my boy. Now you can go see him but keep it brief I want him to rest. One at a time please." He looked at everyone and smiled. I stood with Cales and the nurse showed us to Joe's room. He looked like he was sleeping his eyes were shut and he had the beginnings of a big black eye. His beautiful dark hair had been shaved on the side of his head and I saw some stitches.

"I can smell your aftershave." He moaned.

"But Cales doesn't wear any Joe."

"Yours stupid, come here I need a hug, big fella."

"Daddy," Cales yelled.

I placed him on the bed next to Joe and they cuddled, then my arms went over the both of them and I managed to kiss my Joes sweet lips.

"Mm, my two favourite boys." He moaned.

Cales started giving Joe some kiddy kisses.

"How are you feeling?"

"Lightheaded, are they really gone?"

"Yes Joe, I'm sorry."

"I'm not." Was all he said.

"You fought him, Joe, you fought back."

"I did Heath all I could think of was I wouldn't see you or Cales again. I didn't know what I was doing but I did fight back, that was too much for him to deal with, so he went and got his handgun." He shivered.

We spent twenty minutes with him, then he drifted off to sleep.

The others weren't too worried they didn't get to see him they will catch up with him tomorrow. Mum and dad followed us home and made sure we were okay before leaving us to it. Then Cales and I had some food and played camping out on the lounge room floor. He was out like a light before nine and so was I, sleeping beside him.

I woke around eight and had a panic moment, no Cales. He had crawled into our bed during the night, I suppose he was thinking his daddy was there.

I answered my phone between getting him ready to go see his dad and trying to make us some breakfast. The calls were well-wishers and some concerned clients who had heard it all on the news. Brenton Walsh was the most concerned and we talked for fifteen minutes until he calmed me down and actually made a lot of sense. I wondered if he was feeling a bit low because he had been attacked viciously a few years ago.

I eventually had to turn my phone off then we drove to the hospital. Mum was already there visiting Joe they were laughing when we appeared then she had to go, someone has to run the office. She expected loads of calls waiting for her when she arrived.

Joes face was lit up and he wouldn't let my lips move from his for a long time then he got out of bed and started dressing.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting ready to go home why?"

"Don't you think you need permission from a doctor to do that?"

"Yes I saw him earlier, Heath lets get out of here before I get more visitors; like the press."

I made sure he looked beautiful and everything was in place, he carried a now sleepy Cales to reception I carried his paper bag then he signed some papers and we were headed home.

"How are you really feeling?" I finally asked as we parked outside the house because all we did on the way home was hold hands and occasionally look at one another and smile.

"Great Heath, everything's okay as long as you watch me, so the doctor said."

"That I will do forever Joe." I kissed him.

"Me too Heath." Again a deep kiss.

I made him coffee and then got him into bed, just the way I liked him, bare butt naked.

I leaned in and kissed him then my arm went under his neck and we both slept deeply for another two hours, while Cales kid snored in his room.

We had been turning and tossing and our dicks were definitely involved in our slumber, now's not the time for sex but god I needed it so badly by the time we woke fully.

"Good morning again baby." I kissed him. His hand had a hold of my dick and he was moaning something about wanting it inside him.

"You want sex now?" I whispered.

"I would much rather go to the park Heath." He blushed and looked down.

I know what he wants and I wanted it too but rest is his friend at the moment, and Brenton's words were firmly stuck in my head.

"Let him come to you don't force anything he may not be in the right head space for a few days." I sort of knew what he was saying, the concussion would magnify everything at the moment and I don't want to make any mistakes with Joes recovery.

The phone rang again it was the Crèche asking about Caleb and Joe. I filled them in and said he will be there tomorrow. The director said it was all over the news this morning and we should lock the front door in case any reporters came knocking. I thanked her then Cales had to have a few words, so he prattled on about his dad wanting his hugs today and to tell Billy he would see him tomorrow. Billy's his best friend in the whole wide world apparently.

I made coffee and toast for us both and a bowl of corn flakes for Cales, he and Joe sat at the kitchen table. Caleb was looking at Joes bruises and cuts, kissing each one as he found them.

"I want you to rest today Joe, no doing anything."

"I guess I will have to organize a funeral for them both Heath. I really don't care what sort, and I don't know what their wishes were they never confided in me."

"I will get the ball rolling Joe you sleep, I work." I grinned.

"I have some work for you too." He grinned back.

"I have Cales to babysit for the day," I smirked.

"Call mum." He laughed.

I didn't have to call her she was on our doorstep soon after lunch with dad, and once again; his lawyer. Mum had closed the shop up there were too many people walking off the street and reporters wanting to know the awful nitty gritty of what happened.

"Everything's being wrapped up Joe, no charges are being laid it's an open and shut case. The police do want you to go in and make a formal statement and here's my card I will go in with you when your ready, there's plenty of time. I will leave this paperwork with you, you can read it at your leisure and sign it," He smiled I shook his hand and he left us to it.

"Now possum what do you want to do today?" Mum was talking to Caleb.

"Farm mummy farm."

"He means Myuna park Sally, he loves it there." It was Joe that offered his wisdom this time.

"Okay how about we have a bath then put on some warm clothes and go see some spotted cows."

Cales was jumping up and down to get there, he wanted his daddy to come too but I told him his dad needed rest. He really didn't know what was going on only his dad had been a little sick.

I helped my dad with some paperwork while I heard laughing coming from the bathroom. Joe was all wet when he came out he made more coffee and we talked about the funeral while I made notes. When they left we hit the showers, Joes face and body was pretty bruised, but all his other parts were working perfectly. I held him in bed while I slipped into him from behind. It took me ages to get off because I so wanted to stay in that position forever. I didn't go with the what if's or buts, I thought it would be a waste of time going over bad memories. I just wanted my Joe to feel better, and he did when he helped himself to a bit of Heath's bum. He was very horned up and I helped him by riding his manhood hard; I guess I don't take advice very well, sorry Brenton.

I was about to go for round two on his ass when the phone rang. It was Harry trying to find out how everything is going. He said they were inundated with phone calls about tax; I suppose Stone Investments had been mentioned in the paper. These people were just tire kickers looking to maybe get a glimpse of Joe and me when they came by. He said that they were all working from home today but will be in tomorrow. He suggested we take a few days off. I said we would be in tomorrow also and worded him up on Joe's progress.

"In other words, you screwed him." Harry finally guessed.

"Yes." I giggled.

"Okay Heathy I will pass the news on and enjoy yourself mate, see you maybe tomorrow."

We talked a little about what had happened, Joe wasn't in the mood but I thought it better if he got it all out. There were no tears no anger just relief I think on Joe's part, so I left it at that. We will go to the house and look through his father's papers, and try and find out what kind of funeral they wanted.

"We will have to wait for the police to finish their investigation Joe, maybe give them a ring in the morning."

"Good idea Heath, I really don't want to do anything just have them cremated and the ashes scattered down at the park and even that's too good for him. But mum did save us I guess I owe it to her"

As it turned out his father wanted a full funeral, there had been a plot of land brought for them both at Springvale cemetery ages ago. The service will be held in a small chapel there. We didn't expect a lot of people only his co-workers and staff maybe.

In the days to come, he had gone to make his statement at the police station, then locked his dad's house up tight. We can take our time deciding what to do with it. I honestly think Joe will chuck everything and sell it, but that's his decision to make.

His father had left everything to Joe, even the business, which was a puzzle. The first thing Joe did was talk to the staff and tell them its business as usual. He didn't know them all, but he knew enough of them to be satisfied the business will go on as it was for the moment. The investment side of it would be merged with our company, and Harry would spend two days there to do tax returns and whatever Joe's father had done. I noticed a lot of flowers in the office from concerned customers and what we thought would be a small funeral turned out to be a rather large one, it seems that his dad did know a lot of people.

"Cales you have to wear a suit baby, come on put these on."

Joe was trying to coax Caleb into wearing a suit to the funeral but he wanted to wear his jeans and a top. He moaned a bit but finally he came out with a jacket and tie on he looked beautiful and mum and I made a big fuss about it. He was blushing and doing that shy smile he always does around strangers.

"Well, my grandson you look beautiful what do you think Heath?"

"You look like a real detective Cales, wow your hot."

He started dancing I think to see if he could do his moves in a suit, then it wasn't an issue he stopped moaning and started smiling. Joe, on the other hand, wore his wedding suit and when I saw him in it there was no stopping me. He said no, I said yes, I licked that suit all over, especially in the hard on area. The pants slipped below his bum and that was my go-ahead to do what I liked the best. He didn't have to have it dry cleaned because I was very careful he locked all of the juice away. He doesn't dribble.

We sat in the first row with mum and dad, Cales was with us but I don't think he realized what it was all about, he was just showing off his new threads for the ladies. Two coffins were in front of us covered in wildflowers and roses. Cales had also brought his farm animals to play with and was making mooing sounds.

I looked over at him and noticed an elderly lady approaching.

"May I sit here with you all handsome young man?"

She smiled at Cales who went into his shy mode, but he did smile. Joe slipped him over to his knee and nodded at the lady. The chaplain started the service which was loving and godly. I heard Joe chuckle under his breath a few times. Some of his dad's staff read heartfelt speeches and when they were all said and done the priest looked at Joe who shook his head no. He didn't want to make any comments about his parents and he didn't want to be seen as heartbroken.

The old lady passed a biscuit to Cales who looked at Joe for his consent. Joe looked at her then he did a double take looking at the biscuit then the lady.

"Grandma?" Joes tears arrived.

"Yes, Mark it's me." She smiled as Caleb took the biscuit, it disappeared into his mouth. Joe threw his arms around her and started crying.

"I thought you were dead, they told me you died a long time ago."

"Well I'm not yet, and you have obviously worked out what a prick your father was."

"Oh, that's for sure. I missed you so much, I wanted to say goodbye to you but all they said was you and grandad were dead."

"Well, unfortunately, your grandad passed away last year but I'm still here Mark. How have you been I have missed my grandson so much, and look at this cherub, he's so beautiful." She had tears too.

"Yes he's Caleb and this is my partner Heath, Heath my grandma."

"Pleased to meet you, grandma," I smiled.

"We have to talk Mark, the sooner the better. I have a story to tell you and it's okay to hate your father, I was his mother and even I did." Joe looked at her, I guess he didn't believe what he was hearing.

The chapel was emptying out to go to the grave site.

"Do you want to watch the burial or get out of here and go get some coffee?"

Joe kind of laughed.

"Coffee it is; did you bring a car?"

"No I got a taxi, can I get a lift." She smiled back.

We left the chapel after introducing her to mum and dad. He didn't want to go onto the gravesite he had had enough and I don't blame him. I don't think Joe was too unhappy about that and I know his Gran wasn't because she kept kissing and playing with Caleb in the back seat.

I drove us closer to our house to a coffee lounge we liked. After ordering a small cake for Caleb we sat in a quiet corner she took Joe's hand.

"It's so good to be able to talk to you again Mark, I have missed you so much. Your grandfather and I watched you from afar though, we knew about Caleb and Mandy and we did come to the hospital to look at Caleb in his crib just after he was born. I have his photo on my piano."

"What happened with you and dad?"

"He's not your father Mark, but I suspect you already know that anyway."

"I did know, Heath's father found that one out for me, my birth certificate just read father unknown, so I don't really have any remorse for the way I've acted over his and poor mum's deaths."

"Good boy he was a bully in the worst possible way, don't even give him a second thought. He was a bloody little shit at school and in his adult life, the fact your real father wasn't mentioned on your birth certificate shows you what a bully he really was. Many times your grandfather and I were called to the school to try and sort him out. I don't know where he got it from it wasn't us. We did our best with him but failed miserably."

"I know he's done some terrible things to Mark over the years," Mum said.

"Well Sally that's only half of the story, we wouldn't hand over Marks inheritance for him to control, that's why he told you we were dead. He probably figured he could get his hands on it later on when we both died, but that would never have been the case. The trust was structured in a way that everything would have gone directly to you my angel. He was pissed off big time so he disowned us. He knew we both adored you so he did something worse to us and took you away."

"We did watch you from afar, we didn't want him to know because he might have made it harder for you, so we prayed everything would be okay in the end. Which I might add, is now."

"So you know who my real father is?"

"Yes Mark, a man called Steven Savage but unfortunately he was killed in a motor accident years ago, just before you were born. He had left his estate to you which was handled by his mum, before she died she made your grandfather and me executers. Your adopted father was furious because he had married your mum so he could get his hands on it, when you were born he made her put father unknown on the certificate. He actually bullied her into it. Your other Gran was ropeable with her and him and never spoke to either of them again, that's why you never met them"

Caleb by now had finished his cake and had crawled onto my lap and was having a small nap. Mum and Dad just sat with their mouths open listening to this unbelievable story.

"Your mother had been dating Steven all throughout University, his family had money, plenty of it. He was a beautiful soul and you look a lot like him, in fact, you could have been twins. He was so proud of you long before you were born. I have some of his papers and photos at home you can pick them up when you visit."

"So what was mums story, why didn't she just stay with my father's family?"

"She was weak, and my son bullied her into thinking he would look after her and you for the rest of your lives. I might go so far as calling your mum a simpleton Mark, she wasn't very bright but Steven had loved her. All three of them had been friends at University"

"God what a mess."

"Yes, but let's leave it for now, I have to get home and Caleb and I both need an afternoon nap. Heath would you be so kind as to drive me home it's not far."

"Of course I can, Joe do you want me to drop you off first?"

"No Heath I need to know where gran lives I have forgotten the address over the years."

"Good, then we can catch up when you come for lunch when you're ready there's no rush." She hugged my mum and dad goodbye and we bundled everyone into the car.

We drove her to a very nice house in Brighton, the gardens alone would drive me crazy there was so much of it. The old deco house had a long drive with perfectly manicured lawns I wondered how much land this huge house was on. Joe walked her to the front door where he hugged her for a few minutes then came back to us.

"That was a head spin Heath, I really thought she was dead,"

"Well you now have another family member to talk to Joe, this is awesome." I smiled at him then leaned over and kissed his puffy lips.

Over the next three days, Joe's demeanor at work changed from being huddled in his office to being out and about around the place. On day two he came to my office and closed the door, then he locked it. He had my trousers down within seconds and was blowing me. When I finished I wanted to do him too, but I was in shock at his impromptu play. He patted my shoulder then left. It was the small things I had noticed a change, he was less stressed about Caleb and he talked back to mum, having a lend of her many times. I could see a sneaky smile on her face every time he walked past.

That same day, later on, I couldn't take it any longer and marched into Joe's office and did the same to him.

"What took you so long?"

"I had to clean up." I grinned then left him to it.

Next: Chapter 13

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