Just Joe

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Aug 11, 2019


11 Just Joe. Maxieplus.

Joe told dad everything he could remember and I told him about his abuse today and on the quiet about the diaries, which he wanted to see, I told him I would send them home with mum. He thought there was enough evidence of abuse today and many witnesses and wanted Joe would go and sign a complaint to the cops. He said even if he just talked to the desk clerk and had it documented. Then he talked Joe into getting a restraining order, dad would organize that for him, thank god he agreed.

We left the police station around six, mum was able to stay with Caleb until we arrived home but before we did we called into a chemist to get a tube of ointment to help with Joes bruising which now looked angry.

The officer in charge took more photos of his shoulder and said he would talk to his superior when he came in. Joe didn't want to take it any further at the moment but the guy was eager to get everything down just in case. He suggested the restraining order but I told him my dad was a lawyer and he would handle it.

Back at home mum sat with us for some time while Joe got it all out, everything even the abuse at University, he said he felt a little better just relating the story. I walked her to the car and retrieved the diaries out of my boot to give to dad.

"These might explain what really happened mum, in particular, the second one."

"Are you both going to be all right Heath, or do you think you should all move back home for a while?"

"No mum we should be okay, I don't want to disrupt Caleb's life it wouldn't be fair to him, he wouldn't understand."

"Okay son, if you need anything just ring." She kissed my cheek and left. I know she was thinking about our safety but I don't think Joe's father will come here.

After we got Cale's tucked up in bed I took Joe for a nice hot shower. I will get him into bed early after rubbing his shoulder with the numbing lotion. Poor Joe had the world on his shoulders tonight he really didn't know what to do about his father, all he longed for was for them to leave him alone and I sympathized with him because this shouldn't be happening.

The real world can be a cold lonely place and when your running from shadows it makes it scary as hell. I know where Joe was coming from although I never had that problem. Oh, of course, there were the typical bullies at school but I soon made short work of them, they never bothered me again or my mates and one by one they were stopped at every turn until they succumbed and gave up when we caught them trying to bully the little kids.

Joe's father was like those boys, but he never grew out of it or was never pulled into line at school so he kept on abusing. How the hell he holds onto his business is beyond me it's a face-to-face kind of office he must have some powerful willpower.

I didn't make love to Joe we held each other and I wallowed in his breath blowing on my chest, stuffed if I know what to do, this is all so screwed up. I have to put a stop to it but how is the question. I could protect Joe and Cales but the problem is still going to be there forever for Joe he will always be scared of him.

I did have one thought just before I went to sleep and will run it by dad in the morning. I was wondering why his father would be bullying him and then a light bulb moment went off. What if he wasn't Joe's father and he resented Joe coming into his life... a birth certificate would settle that.

Because we went to sleep early we were awake early, I spent the quiet morning time playing with Joe's ass and manly bits, he looked a little better putting the day before dramas to sleep and started rubbing up against me I could feel his steel wool pubes giving my dick a wonderful feeling. I slipped a finger in then my cock and with Joe's leg draped over mine I gave him a long slow root. He was all smiles again after his shower then I gave him scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast, Cales was back in front of the TV, no amount of coaxing would get him to eat with us at the table today, I have to admit it was my favorite spot in the morning when I was a kid.

Joe has that appointment with the estate agent this morning and he was excited that the decision had been made to move. I thought long and hard about his situation and decided that although he and Shane could work from home there was safety in numbers, all I have to do is make sure someone was with Joe always. Cale's was a different kettle of fish. I will have to have a really good talk to the crèche supervisor about strangers trying to pick him up and alert them to what's going on; that I will do when I drop him off this morning.

"Joe I'll drop Cales off this morning you go straight to the agents."

"No, its okay Heath I got time to drop him off."

"I will drop him, Joe, I need to please let me."

"Okay Heath, what's going on?"

I told him, he said that their security was faultless that's why Caleb is at that one, but he understood my need to make sure, so he didn't argue.

I kissed our little boy goodbye, he ran off to play with his mates then I spoke to the lady that looks after the place, she was very nice and assured me that there were security cameras all over the centre. She will keep Caleb close by and the front door locked, no one gets in without ringing the doorbell first.

I felt a little more secure after our chat and by the time I got into work, Joe had just arrived. What he had to do didn't take long he grabbed my hand and led me into his office, then deeply kissed me. He winced when I put my hands on his shoulders but said it was feeling a little better.

We looked through the paperwork he had been given and they had agreed on a price a little bit higher than the valuation. We wouldn't go to auction that's too public so from this morning the house has to be kept tidy and clean so the agent can show prospective buyers through.

Everything was in place and all we had to do now was look for another house, the agent said Joe's house would sell quickly it was a sought after property by developers and in a great suburb.

Harry and I had a talk about security at the office and we agreed that we should at least replace the main door with a security one that can only be opened by key-pad and a button installed at mum's reception desk. He would get onto that today I thanked him for his help and he slapped my back, he's not the hugging type.

The bookings were flowing in, and over the tax period we all would be working late some would be easy some involved, my biggest concern was Caleb I had to put some sort of plan in place so he's safe while we weren't around. Because it's tax time Joe's father would be busy too that gives us a month or two to get ourselves organized. In the meantime, I had received an email from dad telling me Joe's birth certificate said father unknown on it, I didn't tell him what I suspected but I did wonder how I would find out who Joe's real father is. Talking to his mother wasn't an option she seemed just as bad.

This Saturday night we had our dinner date with the Sutherlands, we were going to ask if we could bring Caleb but mum put a stop to that.

"Heath I will come over and stay with him, you and Mark go and enjoy yourselves he will be safe with me, I might even drag dad along so he can keep us company."

"Okay mum I'll run it by Joe, but it's a yes from me." I smiled. That made me feel a little more relaxed there's no way I would get a babysitter in to look after him. I told Joe and he was good to go with that then he went out and thanked mum, they had a bit of a conversation, then he was hard at it screen watching. The office was a buzz, something was up as Shane popped his head in the door and said.

"Heath look at the Kennedy mining shares, something's up."

I turned my screen to Stock market it looked to me like there was a run on them, now what are they up to. I went to Shane's office.

"What's happening boys?"

"We don't know Heath but it looks like maybe they have found ore on that patch of dirt, Marks onto a mate at the exchange if this is right we have to get onto it as soon as possible but I'm tempted to push the buy button now."

He was all dimples and grins when he came back.

"Buy or sell?"

"Buy Shane, you may have that pleasure." Joe was giggling to himself.

"Old man Kennedy can't keep a secret to save his life, he rings his stockbroker and announces his team has just found a massive deposit of Iron ore on one of his properties, of course now you see the results." Joe laughed as Shane started buying.

"I hope you're buying some for yourselves boys." I offered.

Shane just winked at me.

At lunchtime, the boys were all talk and it was good to see them smiling, they were pumped.

Joe left early today to go pick up Caleb I will miss him, but I used that time to investigate houses on the internet. I did find a beautiful place two suburbs away, fully renovated and well maintained that one I want to look at. The price was more than we wanted to pay but I could see us living there the high brick fence all around would give Joe some more security it was ideal. I made an appointment to look at it after work then rang Joe to see if he could meet me.

After work, I headed to the house Joe and Cale's were sitting out the front, and I felt my heart skip. The agent hadn't turned up as yet so I sat in Joe's car and listened to Cale's stories about his day.

"It's a bit more than we want to pay Joe but it looks amazing inside, there's plenty of room."

"Well after today I'm sure we can afford it and I like the fence too." He smiled.

The agent arrived and showed us through; Cale's already had his room picked out, at the back and it had its own bathroom, only four bedrooms which are big, the massive kitchen family room was top quality it screamed money. Our bedroom had a full-size bathroom attached and a mirrored walk-in wardrobe that was nearly as big as Joe's current bedroom.

Out the back was all manicured lawns the garage was big and had a granny flat attached to the back of it, I did think that would do Cale's when he grew up he would love it out there. Joe was in and we told the agent we would make an offer within a couple of days, she said she already had offers... I didn't believe her.

"Can we afford it, Joe?"

"Yes, Heath it is worth the money and really it won't be a big deal that big Kennedy mouth today gave us plenty to play with."

"Nah I only have the medical shares Joe, but its okay I still have the other to use."

"Heath, now don't tell me, you're not looking at your portfolio are you?"

"No Joe I left it all up to you."

"Go and look." He huffed.

I turned the laptop on and looked my account has grown I could almost not touch Gran's money fucking hell I am going to jail now.

"You have enough Heath, and so do I."

"Okay, what do I do because I really don't want to sell these shares I will end up with nothing."

"Heath in the morning Shane and I are going to sell off the Kennedy ones, old man Kennedy has a big mouth we can't be certain that what he's saying is true, so we are going to sell for a very nice profit overnight, that will make up my shortfall on the house, you have more than enough in your other investment account to cover your part." Joe was teasing me he had changed into some pretty fine micro shorts and I could see his balls trying to give me a show.

"Did you ask dad about it, Joe?"

"No Heath he handed it to me at the park I look after yours and Jimmy's accounts now."

"Oh that's good baby, come and stand here for a little bit."

He did and I gave him a great feel as he bent over and typed something in the laptop.

"That's your account as it stands now, Jimmy's is the same." He grinned.

I slid my hand up onto his pouch and almost squeezed too hard the figures were a bloody lot more than I ever expected.

"Fuck me, Joe, I didn't realize there was that much in there."

"You've seen it before Heath you know there's a lot in that pouch." He laughed. I did squeeze a little tighter it was very nice.

"The shares do that Heath but when I sell off the Kennedy ones your cash balance will triple"

"I love you, Joe."

"I love you too Heath." He bent down and kissed me then I heard.

"What you doing Heat?"

My hand immediately slipped out of Joe's shorts and scratched my head.

"Nothing buddy dad and I are just talking." I don't think he believed me.

"Cale's can you do something for us tonight?"

"Yeth Heat."

"We miss you at dinner can you sit at the table with us again tonight and have some dinner with us?"

"Okays." He looked disappointed but when I sat him in a chair with a cushion on it he was happy because he could at least see the TV from where he was.

It looks like Joe has my finances in hand so I will leave it up to him there's no way I could do a better job, and I couldn't wait to get a closer look at that pouch of his tonight.

He went to shower after we put Caleb to bed. I started washing up and thought I would just let the dishes dry on the sink overnight I wanted to see my Joe. I walked into the bedroom and he was almost naked except for a mini pair of see-through briefs.

"Do that thing to me, Heath." He was almost begging, I didn't need to even think about it as I dived for that G spot of Joe's, licking through the fine net to his gasps and utter delight. I took my time and did think about tearing his briefs a little to get a better shot at it but I wanted to have this scene again and again, so I inched them up so I could get a good go.

"Heath do you like it too?"

"Yes, Joe."

He jumped up and turned around and we both did it to each other. It was nice but I wouldn't call it mind-blowing as Joe does. I rubbed it with my finger and took his dick in my mouth, it didn't take him long to fill me up; who's da champ.

We slept well and I don't think I even woke up through the night, but in the morning I was woken by light kisses and they weren't Joe's, Cale's was moving from Joe to me giving us baby kisses I think he might want us to wake up and I also know when we woke he would go back to sleep, little trickster.

I was so happy with my life at that very moment, I tried to relive last night's lovemaking it was awesome. I felt a hand on my hard and heard a slight giggle.

"What you thinking about?"

"Last night."

"Was good wasn't it?"

"So awesome." I let my breath out.

Now, this is another scene I could play again and again but there was one small problem, and he was asleep in between us.

I moaned and took Joe's hand off my dick and pulled the blanket off. Then I quietly walked around the bed and lifted Joe's off his too, he got up and followed me to the bathroom where we were all over each other in an instant, of course, I made love to him over the bathroom sink, he was watching me in the mirror and I was in complete ecstasy, that was until we heard.

"Daddy." I almost went limp and thought did we lock the door, turning around to look, thank god it looked locked.

"I better go I don't like him thinking he's alone." The prick smiled. He lifted off then threw a towel around himself and left me with cum-draining back into my balls.

"What's up, baby?"

"Daddy toilet." I heard and quickly turned the shower on to cold. I heard them both come in and Joe sat him on the dunny, while I shivered under the frozen water, at least my dick had shrunk. I will get Joe back for this he shouldn't have put his hand on my dick.

I rewarded my family with eggs tomato and bacon, Cales sat at the table and I turned the TV down, anyway he was too interested in what was in his plastic bowl. I eyeballed Joe when I sat down, he was chewing on some crispy bacon looking like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth so I started with my big toe. It caressed his balls and speculum as he slowly slouched down into the chair. His light gasps were noticed as I had a better shot at it. If I was a circus performer I would have pushed his sweats down and gave it my best Joe loving.

I waited until he was finished and Cales had finally escaped to the TV room then said.

"I have to get in early today will you be okay to wash up?" The fucking look on his face was priceless, he didn't know what to answer as I got up and put my dish in the sink then went to get ready for work.

I could almost see tears running down his face as I kissed him he hadn't moved from the table and I said I would see him at work. Then I took my massive hard on kissed Cales and left. Okay, I'm a shithead.

He came in looking a million dollars in my mind but I resisted.

"Everything okay Joe?"

He grunted then headed for the tearoom where Jimmy and Harry were laughing about their night out last night.

"What the hell have you done to Mark, Heath?"

It was Shane.

"Not much mate, but don't touch his dick anytime today." I grinned.

"Oh, that bad."

"Yep." I took the time to have a slight giggle to myself then I thought I might just go and put him out of his misery.

"Joe, did you sell the Kennedy shares?"

I leaned on his door frame and unfortunately I had pulled my zipper down so he could see some of my pubes.

"Yes." He grunted then did a double take, I walked in and closed the door behind me, then I stood real close to his chair so he could get an even closer look I could see he was nearly throwing up he was shaking so much.

There wasn't any time for me to react, he suddenly jumped up and pushed me down to my knees, his pants were down in two seconds and his dick was in my mouth within four. I knew it was wrong but I have never seen Joe so horned up as he was now. So I sucked him hard until he nearly choked me with his white stuff.

He pumped a little more then pulled out, his trousers were quickly buckled up and he sat back at his desk. I was left there hanging just tasting my Joe in my mouth. I stood and pulled my zipper down further he turned and pulled it up again.

"See you at morning tea Heath do have a fun day." He went back to what he was doing so I quietly as a good puppy went back to my office. I thought about having a wank but that wouldn't be right, I will get him back and he will regret the day he screwed with me. I laughed to myself dreaming up all sorts of revenge, then an email came through from Joe.

'That was so bloody hot, can we do it again tomorrow?'

My heart melted and I wrote back.

'Why wait until tomorrow meet me at the park after work, get mum to pick Cales up.'

'Can't got to do some shopping.'

'Be there or by hell, I will let the first guy that comes into that stall suck me off.'

'Okay.' Was his answer.

The day was highlighted by our morning sex romp and Joe and I danced around each other. Poor Shane didn't know what to do so he stayed out of our way. I did see Joe a few times and each time I rubbed my balls through the thin fabric. At knockoff time I don't even remember whether mum had gone to pick up Cales but I do remember a very wet mouth on my cock in a tin shed that they called a public toilet. Joe didn't bang on the walls this time but he moaned very loudly as he shot through that hole.

We met again at the front door Joe was smiling from ear to ear, I think tonight's going to be awesome; and it was.

I went to change and then started to clean the house, we had to get it ship-shape for the agent to show. Joe began with the windows but after the third one they still looked streaky. I had a light bulb moment and suggested to him that we get a cleaning company in, he agreed because he knew he was fighting a losing battle. We spent the rest of the night just packing things neatly in the wardrobes and cupboards. I took six boxes out to the garage and Cales helped by looking after the TV remote.

The Sutherlands lived in Toorak a lovely leafy suburb full of Melbourne's wealthy people and some big serious properties. Their house or should I say mansion was nestled behind a very tall brick fence and backed onto the Yarra River, it had a boat ramp complete with cruiser which was seen from the spacious living room. Neville and Marion were the perfect hosts. I introduced Joe to them and they handed out the drinks, Tom and Shane were already there and Shaun their son who I kind of knew but not well. The boys talked to Neville about their share portfolio and again thanked them for trusting us with it.

"Where's the boy we thought you would bring him, no let me rephrase that, we hoped you would bring him." Marion laughed.

"He's with mum and dad tonight, we did think about it but thought maybe it would be too much and we wanted it to be just us tonight, you know a bit of a break from kiddy conversations." I grinned.

"I get it Heath but next time please bring him along we don't mind entertaining the littlies." she smiled.

Shaun didn't say much he looked like he didn't want to be there, but he was pleasant, but he did seem to be staring at Joe a lot. He was pretty good looking and had a sort of air about him only spoilt brats get.

When we sat at the table he was on Joe's other side and they seem to be hitting it off Shane who was seated opposite me gave me a funny look but I didn't understand his meaning and continued my conversation with Neville, who wanted to talk about our business. Then I felt a hand urgently tapping my leg, it was Joe's and he didn't look too pleased when I looked at him. His face was bright red and he had a pleading look on it.

I figured Shaun was up to no good so I offered to clean up the table that would be Joe's cue to help me, every one by this time had long finished. I moved my chair back and spied Shaun's hand on Joe's crotch to which Joe politely took it and placed it back on his knee.

"Give me a hand Mark." I almost blew it by laughing at poor Joes face. He jumped at the chance.

We really did have a good night though, they are really down to earth people. Poor Shaun had to go out after dinner I could hear his convertible Porsche squeal out of the driveway. His dad said he was heading for a swift kick up the bum and very soon.

"Try cutting his credit cards up." I laughed.

"Did that, he just runs to his brother for money, I guess it's our fault we gave him everything."

"He needs a strong willed boyfriend that won't take his nonsense." Joe offered.

Neville looked at me.

"And not mine either." Joe laughed. Shane grabbed Tom's hand and kissed it. We talked more about his business then it was time to go see our boy it was getting late.

Mum and dad were full of questions when we got there, Joe had gone to see if Cale's was all right then I made us a drink. I told them about Shaun's snaky hand mum said he's always was a bit snobby she didn't know why because his parents certainly weren't. Anyway, I know my snake hand won't be pushed away tonight.

"He turned me on, Heath." Poor Joe.


"Well he didn't get a feel in but it was sort of erotic." He kissed me again.

"I must remember that when we go out for dinner then." I smiled as I went down on him again.

Monday morning at work we were flat out. I hardly saw Joe at all and it will be late nights for us for the next two or three weeks. The tax season has started and because Harry did the big accounts I was trying to take up the slack from Martin and Jimmy. We quickly plowed through the easier accounts. Its the busiest time of the year and we had to get as much money into the coffers as we could. Joe and Shane had sold the Kennedy shares, apparently it was all above board and legal. My account was very healthy and Joe was so happy when the agent rang to say they had three offers for his house. Mum had to work up to six o clock, she was busy training Chris our new temp so Joe left early to pick up Caleb. By the time I got home I was mentally stuffed, my head was full of numbers but so grateful that Joe had cooked.

He looked after me that first two weeks even giving me a message just about every night. We talked about the offers that were coming in and he accepted the one which was a lot more than the price he wanted. It will be up to him to organize the sale and to up our offer on the other one. I wanted him to get an early settlement then we can move in at our leisure, I can pay for it and he can pay me back when his settles.

We had just finished tidying up the garage, Caleb had worn himself out early and headed for the sofa and of course the cartoon channel. Joe and I had a passionate kiss and a grope. We were both pooped and thought after a shower we might have a lay down for an hour or two. When we arrived in the kitchen we could hear Caleb talking and I popped my head in to see what was going on. He was trying to turn upside down to watch the television but not having too much luck. I moved over and grabbed his ankles then held him up for a minute or two, he giggled.

I spied Joe chuckling to himself this time while he put the kettle on, then I put the kid down on the couch he hung his head over the side and continued his game. My arms held Joe as he sipped his drink nuzzling into his ear, I whispered.

"What do you want to do today?"

"Watch TV with our boy."


"When he's asleep Heath." He turned around and smiled.

"I'll do the glory hole then." I grinned; he went weak at the knees.

"We could go to the park."

"No babysitter."


For the next four weeks we were flat out at work and many times Cale's came straight from his crèche to there. Joe made time to sit with him in the tearoom so he would eat and miraculously a TV set appeared one day after mum went shopping. Our new girl Chris was up to speed and she adored Caleb, he often sat with her and watched her hands flash across the keyboard. Mum liked her a lot and they got on very well. I didn't think anything apart from a good friendship would happen between them. She's all talk but with a heart of gold my mum. Anyway, Caleb thought it was so cool having a big sister and she was so good with him.

We had even hired dad to do some returns. Joe and Shane couldn't help much they were too busy looking after the stock market stuff. We had another family day and of course, Joe was hanging out to use the hole in the wall, and we actually used it twice.

During the day we talked about the new house and mum and dad were wanting to see it. I thought I wouldn't have a dinner party just a barbeque or something after we moved in, I might just invite some clients too.

The new house was settled and didn't cost us as much as we thought because unbeknown to us the owners had to sell they had brought another house and were desperate for an early settlement, which we offered them. We can move at our leisure once the titles were signed over.

We didn't hear from Joe's father at all after he had been served with the restraining order, that was until it must have got to him. A very distressing time for all was lurking on the horizon.

Next: Chapter 12

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