Just Joe

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Aug 5, 2019


Just Joe 10.

"Good morning." Joe was smiling at me propped up with one arm.

"Good morning awesome boyfriend." I kissed his lip's, his hand was on my stiffy I think he had been playing with it.

"Did you get it done?"

"Yes but we had to recheck it three times, Heath its huge."

"I know but don't stop playing with it, feels nice." I grinned.

"Be serious Heath, this account is massive he has mining stocks he paid a pittance for its worth millions now, you have to have a look at it this morning, we started to move some of the newer shares to what we think will be blue chip in a couple of years but it was almost perfect as it was."

"Was it, well why don't you have a closer look at it maybe it's not so perfect in its present state, you had better check it." Joe giggled and moved down the bed. He checked me out as I dug my fingers into the mattress.

"Good morning Cale's did you sleep well?" I shoved toast with an egg on it under his nose.

"Good Heat I like camping out."

I thought for a second and remembered we had played camping out when he whined about going to bed.

"It was fun wasn't it buddy?"

"Yes, Heat."

I kissed Joe and handed him a plate of bacon and eggs on toast, he stiffened up but almost rushed to the table to eat it. Of course, he cleaned his plate up.

"It looks like you have never eaten bacon and eggs before Joe."

"No not really, it wasn't on the menu at home, but when I started working I had it once or twice at a café, mum only served up healthy food they are vegans Heath, I never got treats like this." He rubbed his tummy.

"Oh that explains it I suppose, well I love it but not every day Joe everything in moderation." I smiled.


"Well, almost everything." I ran my tongue across his bare shoulder.

Cale's was telling Joe in his own way about camping out, he really liked it, and Joe was telling me I had better start taking a wage that there was plenty of money in the bank for that now. I protested and said I would wait, he said he set it up last night. Grinning he took his plate over to the sink then when Cale's ended up on the sofa he took my hand and we did a little kissing in the bedroom.

The only reason I haven't done that was I didn't know how much I would pay myself, but if Joe does it then that's okay with me. When I had got to work I looked, it was the same as his and Shane's; cool.

Yesterday was a big day for us this account is a lot bigger than the Sutherland's, I had wondered how Brent had got it to this level because the account wasn't that old maybe eight years, but I didn't want to pry.

Shane was all smiles when he arrived and so was Harry he had been handed the tax side of it. One day Joe and I will get to the stage we won't have to work but that's years off yet I had better start looking for a house for us, although Joe would have a better idea of what we need. I wanted a big back yard for Caleb to run around in, the one he has at the moment is almost a concrete jungle even though there was plenty of room. I was quite busy in the morning but had caught up by lunchtime which I spent in the tea room with the gang, mum always took our orders for lunch and had it delivered, today was a roast beef sandwich Joe was having a salad roll.

"What kind of house do you want Joe?"

"I really don't have a clue Heath but something that's a little bigger than the one we are in, you Heath?"

"I want a proper backyard so Caleb's got somewhere outside to play, maybe four bedrooms a family room a couple of bathrooms, we can turn one of the bedrooms into a home office, that sort of thing."

He smiled at me and nodded his approval.

"How about you look and just let me know which one we should buy."

"Okay if your good with that I can start this afternoon." His hand squeezed mine under the table. It was good that Joe wasn't fazed with letting me organize the house. I won't go overboard maybe one in the same area as his, most of them have been renovated over the years there were a few like Joe's that nothings been done to them since they were built.

I started as soon as I got back to my office, there were a few I liked but way out of Joe's price range, so I looked in the next suburb which was a little cheaper. The suburb had been housing commission but over the years had become quite the yuppie suburb with big blocks of land that had been turned into some very modern townhouses. Shit, they weren't that much cheaper than Joe's place. I rang a real estate agent in the area we discussed prices and he advised me to stay put, with some renovations we would end up with a pretty pricy investment. That sounded okay to me but I think Joe just wants to get out of there, maybe too many memories, maybe he was running away again.

That night I was sitting on the couch with my family watching the evening news when Joe asked about the house.

"Joe the next suburb is really expensive and this area is certainly out of our price range."

"I really don't know what this house is worth Heath, I do know the mortgage isn't as big as most people, we brought it just before the price hike when everything doubled, it's just a house to me."

"Well, what do you think about calling in an architect and just renovating this one, maybe a second story and all that concrete dug up we can do a nice lawn out the back for Cales."

Joe went quiet he looked like he was thinking it over but he also looked a bit over it.

"What's up?"

"Nothing Heath."

"Joe." I gave him my stern voice.

"Sorry Heath, I really don't want to live here anymore, my parents know this address and so do Mandy's idiot folks, it has sad memories for me but good ones too, Cale's was made here and I always thought of it as our family home forever. I just don't know what to do, can I just leave it up to you Heath?"

"Sure baby, your parents won't even get through the front door if they visit and as for the others I will shoot them before they step on our property." I grinned.

He gave me a wide-eyed look I don't know whether he believed me or not.

Decision made we move, even if we have to pay a little more.

"Joe how about I get an agent in next week to put a value on your place, that will be our first step, then we will know for sure what you have to play with, then we will go and buy a better one for our family, I can live anywhere as long as you and Cales are with me." I kissed his sweet lips, and they were, he had just nibbled on one of the biscuits I had bought. Joe was very passionate when we got to bed, he was relentless in his pursuit to get me off. I didn't really care where we lived I was only thinking about Joe's money, but if the hype at the office is true he will have more money coming with those shares.

Saturday I swept out the garage then drove to my apartment and waited for the movers to arrive, it didn't take them long I had already packed my clothes and stuff into cartons, the old kitchen set I put on the pavement and by the time the guys had loaded up the truck it had disappeared probably taken by some grateful neighbor's. It all went into the garage perfectly and I noticed a couple of packing box's had already made it too. Joe had started packing up stuff he didn't need he wanted to unclutter the house and get it ready for sale, not that there was much clutter in the first place.

Early that night I bundled them both into the car for a fun night. I drove to Luna Park Joe looked terrified. After I had secured the car I sat them both on a park bench in the little gardens next to the park. I put Cale's on my lap and I pulled Joe in, to any passerby we obviously looked like a small family enjoying the warm night.

"Joe look at me."

His head was hanging so low I thought he just might hit the pavement with it, but he did look up.

"Joe we are here to have a hot dog, eat fairy floss have a ride on the merry go round maybe take Caleb on the dodgem cars, there won't be any roller coasters or scary rides, because we can't take a baby on them. I want you to enjoy it, Joe, just us and our boy, you don't think I would force you to go on anything too scary, I wouldn't do that to you. I want to replace a bad memory with a good one that's all."

He gave me a slight smile.

"Sorry, Heath but they do give me the creeps thank you."

"That's okay Joe lets just enjoy this night, just the music and the lights will get Cale's excited. And next time we can leave him with mum and dad and we can both come here alone to do the bigger rides." His eyes got really really wide then.

"Only kidding Joe, just kidding." I laughed.

Caleb's face lit up when he saw the big clown head with all its multi-colored lights he had no idea what was install for him inside the big fence. I got us some tickets and a bag of candy floss then waited for the carousel to finish yet another ride. I placed Cale's on a horse and Joe and I held him, he screamed along with the other kids, he loved it and wanted more so we did three rides on it before we headed for the other kiddy rides. First was the teacup Joe looked at the ride like it was poison, so I made him wait while I took Cale's on it, we whizzed around in a circle and I don't know who had more fun, Caleb or me.

Next was a Thomas the tank train ride, once or twice around the park then we sat in the brightly lit café and had hot dogs, Joe's smile was beautiful to see he had told me he had come here once with a friend from school and his family but he just did the carousel, he was too scared to go on the other rides. His friends egged him on but he wouldn't have any part of it.

I understood and it was no big deal, I could strangle his parents for making him so scared of basic childhood stuff.

I had taken Cale's on the big wheel, Joe stood there with a terrified look on his face. I didn't want the kid to be scared of anything and I explained this to Joe as we drove home. He got my point but was still worried something would happen to him.

"Do you honestly think I would put him in danger, Joe?"

I had to say it because it was true.

"No of course not Heath, it's just that I have looked after him for so long I am still finding it hard to let him go."

"Trust me, Joe, just trust that I will do the right thing for him and you." I smiled as he moved over a little closer and kissed my cheek.

We put the now sleeping boy into bed and kissed him goodnight then I slowly stripped my man and had my wicked way with him. I pulled him in and he sighed heavily.

"Thank you for coming into our lives Heath, I don't know what we would have done without you."

"It's my pleasure, Joe, I wouldn't put either of you in danger Joe, just trust me, and when we get this house thing sorted out we can start a brand new future somewhere else. This thing with your parents has to be solved though, you can't go through your life thinking your dads just around the next corner, and there's that other thing too." I stroked his back.

"I know Heath I just feel its easier not to deal with stuff like that. I wish everybody would just go away and leave us be on our own." He was sucking on my nipple. I couldn't take much of that so I rolled him on his side and listened while his breathing became labored as I pumped another load into him.

Something different this morning pan fried vegemite and cheese sandwiches for breakfast, Joe's tummy must be so full after eating three of them but he did grin all the way through the delight. Caleb just gave me a blank stare then after his first tentative bite he then ate the lot. I had better not spoil them they will get used to it just toast tomorrow, I can do the treats once a month maybe.

We took both cars today and the first thing I did was call the agent to get him around, I would pick Cale's up and meet him at Joe's place which meant I would leave early. Joe was in with Shane most of the morning they were stock market watching.

While I was waiting at the house for the agent to turn up I had to go to my car I had left my briefcase in the boot and as I opened it I started repacking the small box that had fallen over and emptied itself. The first two items I retrieved were Mandy's diaries. Do I dare read them, I thought to myself, well it might give me a better insight to their relationship, I don't mind poking around in other people's secrets, I do that with my job. I put them aside then repacked the carton and placed it on one of the garage shelves. I took them and my case inside checked that Cale's was okay, he had turned the TV on as soon as we got in, all was good with him as he stared at the screen while eating a biscuit, so I sat at the kitchen table and started reading Mandy's personal thoughts.

The first one was all about her teenage years nothing very interesting but she was happy by the looks of it, only one-liners like what she wore who she hung with, what was her school was like that day, what makeup she bought just girls stuff.

The second one was darker I didn't know it at the time I started reading but sinister things were forming in my head.

I read all about her Uni days, and what fun she was having. Mark was mentioned many times and her friend Cathy was all over it, she must have been some kind of comedian by the way Mandy wrote about her. I got to a page that was full of writing and water stains, it told of Mark's attack, the doorbell went and I put the book aside then greeted the agent.

Joe will be so happy when I hand him the valuation when he gets home, the agent told me the house was very much in demand and would fetch a top price, even in its present state. I let him out saying we would be in touch. Then I went back to reading the diary.

'Mark was attacked by Kevin Marshall today Cathy and I had gone to pick him up to go for dinner, we tried to stem the blood and while she was trying to make him comfortable I ran to my room to call the ambulance. As I came out Mr. Stanton who said he had just dropped in to see Mark met me. I took him back to the room where he seemed not that concerned.'

It went on about what the Ambos did and mentioned Tom helping, that they went to the hospital he was in a coma his dad told them to go home, which they did.

'Today I ran into Kevin he had been clearing out his clothes, I was so fucking mad with him, he asked how Mark was and said he had been drinking, he had grabbed Mark and roughed him up a bit but he slipped and banged his head on the washbasin knocking himself out, I didn't believe him. He denied kicking him he almost looked shocked, I told him never to go near him again.'

`Today Mark's father said something that really bloody annoyed me and Cathy, he said Mark must have asked for it. I hate that man with a vengeance and I know he had something to do with Marks attack I just know it, why else would he have been there, we never visited him any other time.'

I sat back and thought long and hard about it, tears had started running down my face, although the diary wasn't detailed I wanted to kill someone for what happened to my Joe.

I read on and it was all about Mark getting better and their engagement, Caleb's birth and so forth.

`Today Caleb came home very upset and he has a bruised leg Mark told me what happened and tomorrow I will go to speak with that old prick.'

`He laughed at me after I gave him a piece of my mind, I also said I couldn't prove it but I knew he had something to do with Marks attack, he laughed and said he had kicked the little fucker before we got there, but I decided if I told Mark it would make his life a living nightmare, so I think its better to just keep my mouth shut.'

I started crying again, she knew Joe would be upset his father did this to him that's why she forbade him from going there ever again she was protecting him.

I put the diary aside I had some answers at least it was getting me all worked up and Joe would be home soon, what to do about his father would be the next thing on my list.

"Did you get that hole done today?"

"Oops forgot."

He dragged me into the bathroom and had my pants down within second's, I guess that thought turned him on a little.

I passed the quote over to Joe he nearly fainted then threw his arms around my neck and kissed me.

"We can move Heath did you tell him to set it up?"

"No Joe you can ring him in the morning, after all, it's your house, I think you will have to sign something he said he could come to the office if you decide to go ahead with it."

"Cool, so we won't have any money worries when we find the perfect house then?"

"None what so ever Joe." I smiled lovingly at him.

He held me tighter.

I decided not to tell Joe what I had discovered in Mandy's diaries, I would leave that for when we moved and had settled, maybe I would never tell him. The police should be involved this man should be in jail. I just can't comprehend a father hating his son so much to do this to him it's beyond me. And if what Mandy had written was true, maybe Joe already knows that would explain why he wants to keep away from him.

For now, we have to make plans and the agent had dropped a catalog of houses for sale in the area, we can go through it later on. I had put the diaries back in my car so Joe wouldn't see them and then I started making macaroni for dinner. Joe was in the lounge room playing with Caleb by the time I finished so I called them both to come to the table. Cales whined a bit but I thought it was about time we sat down to dinner as a family. We tried to have a conversation with him but he wasn't interested. Joe, on the other hand, had two helpings, my other treat will come much later tonight.

After washing up we sat the kid in front of the TV and went through the catalog, there were some mighty fine houses in it one, in particular, I kind of liked but Joe didn't because it had a swimming pool. Must remember that no swimming pool no dog and we are working on the cat.

It was the following Tuesday when the crap hit the fan at work of all places. An angry looking red-faced man appeared at the reception desk demanding he sees Mark Stanton. Mum called him to reception and from where I sat Joe looked like he was going to literally piss himself. It was his father, a red-faced big gutted tall bloke that towered over him, he started by telling him off for not turning up Sunday. Joe said he had something important to do, I heard his father say.

"Explain yourself, shithead." That pissed me off right from the start.

His father wanted to go somewhere more private; I admired Joe when he said that the reception area was as good a place as any. I moved from my office and went to show mum some figures, I wasn't really I just wanted to be closer just in case, she squeezed my hand and pointed to the security buzzer.

We could all hear the conversation and I also heard Joe's loud cry as his dad squeezed his shoulder with a lot of force. Joe had shaken him off, so I stood up straight and went to sit with them.

`Everything okay here Mark?"

"Yes, Heath dad was just leaving." His eyes were begging me to stay with him.

"We will expect you next Sunday with Caleb." I couldn't help myself and had to say something.

"Over my dead body mate, after this little display there's no way my family is getting within cooee of you anymore, so you can sit on your porch and wait all day, but they won't be turning up." I was angry he had put his hands on Joe, his face got redder and I noticed his fists were at the ready, so were mine.

"And who the fucking hell are you asshole?"

I heard a rather loud voice coming from the reception desk mum said ever so calmly.

"Mark's family and I suggest you skedaddle before security gets up here otherwise you might just find it a bit hard to explain the bruising on his shoulder to the cops."

Mum was onto it.

"Who the hell are you people?" he was baffled.

"Mark's family we have already told you that, so don't ever come into his workplace or home and try your shit on him, next time the police will be called. You can bet your life on that one buddy now clear off." I answered.

By this time Harry Jimmy Shane and Martin had come out to see what the ruckus was all about, he looked around and must have thought he had better make himself scarce he was outnumbered.

"Sunday Mark at noon." He pointed his fat finger in Joe's face there was evil hatred in his eyes. To Joe's credit he stood up to him and said.

"I have important family things to do I won't be coming over anymore. If you think I would want you anywhere near Caleb again, you had better think twice, now please leave I have work to do."

"How fucking dare you talk to me like that you little c..." He blurted out.

"And how dare you come to my work and try your pathetic shit on me, I will have you charged next time and I will tell the cops everything and you know what I mean by that too. Now stay out of my life and get out of here and don't come back." Joe was almost shouting at him, the guy was so confused he didn't know what to say.

Joe walked over into his office and closed the door. The man left muttering expletives to himself just as security arrived. I don't know whether they escorted him from the building but they did go down in the lift with him. I rushed to go see how Joe was. I found him with his head on the desk in shock. Mum came in and I asked her to get us some coffee I hadn't told mum about his father, and she had a very confused look on her face, how the hell did he even find out where Joe was working. Maybe words got around about the two young guns in my office.

I knelt on the floor and he moved into my arms, I was kissing his tear-streaked face while he cried, I wanted him to get it all out then I wanted him to lay down on the couch in my office for an hour or so. Mum came back with the drinks and put them on his desk, she bent over and kissed his head telling him everything was going to be okay.

"You hate that I'm so weak don't you Heath?"

"No Joe not at all, I think your father has too much influence over you that's all. He won't come back baby Heath will see to that. And way to go high five, you spoke back to him." I let him slap my hand he managed a slight smile then answered.

"I wouldn't have done it if you weren't there Heath."

"Let's get your shirt off and have a look at the damage." I got him standing and undid his tie and buttons, there was an angry red mark on his shoulder, it must have hurt heaps. I put my head out of the office door and said.

"Mum, can you come and look at this please?"

She came back and put her hand to her mouth and gasped at the shoulder, I took a lot of photos with my phone I wanted to capture some proof of the abuse.

After getting Joe settled on my sofa I got on the floor beside him I wanted to talk to him about something.

"Joe we have to go to the cops."

"No Heath that would make him worse, he might do something to Caleb."

"He won't Joe because we can put him in jail."

"He will get out of it Heath I know he would, he knows too many people."

He started crying again and in between sobs he kept saying.

"What did I ever do to deserve this Heath. I never spoke back to him I did everything he asked I just don't understand why he does these things."

"He's got a screw loose Joe, and as for people in high places I know people in higher places, will you leave it to me?"

"Oh Heath, please don't get involved any more than you have." He pleaded.

"No Joe, I won't have you living your life looking over your shoulder, that's no way to live baby."

"I'm sorry Heath really sorry."

"That's okay Joe that's what I'm here for, that's my job, well that and the other too." I got a smile out of him.

"Joe I have a confession to make to you and I'm sorry I did it but I had too."

"What now Heath?"

"I read Mandy's diaries I know it was your father that abused you at Uni."

His face dropped as he replied.

"I didn't want anyone to know how weak I am but I remembered it was him a week after it happened. I never said anything to anyone I just thought I would stay out of his way."

"Well Mandy confronted him after the Caleb incident and he admitted it was him, that's why she didn't want anything to do with him anymore. Joe, we can have him charged."

"No Heath it will only make him worse." His eyes pleaded with me.

"Okay but any more incidents like this I will charge him, nothing to do with you, now try and get a little bit of sleep. I will be close by." I kissed him again.

He started to fall asleep his adrenalin was leaving his body so I placed the blanket over him and went to fill mum in, she immediately left to pick Caleb up. I went and talked to Shane and the boys and told them to never leave Joe alone with anyone. I think Shane already knew some of the stories but I filled them in on most of it anyway.

Harry Martin and Jimmy wanted his address so they could go and have a good talk to him but I told them to leave it for now. I just didn't want any more trouble; we would use the law not force. I spoke with Harry for a while then I spied Joe going back to his office. I made him another coffee and took it in he was staring at his screen, then I told him Cale's was with mum.

"Oh, Heath we can't live like this all the time I can't give up work to look after Caleb full time it's not fair on you or him. I'm so scared he will be back Heath he never gives up and I guarantee he will cause trouble again, he will Heath."

"Well Joe, just let him try it around me, baby, we have to make plans just in case he does get us with our guards down which is never going to happen." I smiled at him.

We devised a plan of attack, if Joe's father ever came to the door Joe was immediately to take himself and Cale's to a safe place, we would have CCTV installed in the new house and if I had my way a twenty-four-hour security guard, but Joe thought that would be overkill.

We just had to be vigilant that's all. I wanted to call into dads on the way home maybe he can help with the situation. I also had a word with the buildings security guards on the way out, they said he left peacefully but they have him on camera.

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