Just Joe

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jun 5, 2019


Just Joe. 1.


I flopped over onto my back, Joe sighed then handed me a towel, he kissed me on the lips then waited for me to clean myself up. I dropped the green towel onto his stomach where he proceeded to do himself. I watched as he wiped his bum then his mess off his tight abs, his muscles glistened in the bright moonlight that was streaming through his bedroom window.

Running my hands through my hair I lifted my legs and dropped them flat to the floor, then fishing around for my undies and T-shirt I found them and half dressed then headed for the bathroom where I threw the full condom into the toilet and flushed it. I splashed my face as Joe came in to take a slash.

"Are you going home?" He always asked that question as I moved back to the bedroom and finished dressing.

"Yes Joe work tomorrow I have to get home. I'll see you tonight maybe." I kissed his full pink lips and ran my hands over his awesome body then thanked him and moved to the front door to his apartment where I let myself out.

I had been sort of seeing Joe off and on for about five or six weeks, he was an awesome looking guy with heaps of plusses. I always got the feeling that he never wanted me to stay the night, to be honest, he never really asked me to; so I respected his privacy. Usually, Joe and I just get into it then I go home he doesn't seem to mind, but sometimes I wish he were with me in the mornings when I wake up in my empty bed.

I really didn't know that much about him only he worked on the floor at the stock exchange, he is twenty-four two years younger than me and his parents live in the Frankston area where he was raised. I think he's buying his Apartment but don't know that for sure. He doesn't have much in the way of furniture but maybe he likes it that way. I usually catch up with him at the local bar one or two nights a week and we always end up back at his place in bed. The nights he's not there I sometimes pick up or get off with a random in the washroom, if I'm lucky. But more often than not I go home alone, things have shifted in my life since I met Joe and I just can't quite put my finger on it. He's actually everything I have ever dreamed of, but he's so distant sometimes like he's in a world of his own, maybe it's his job maybe his family I don't know. I do know he's not very open with his personal life but I get that maybe he's new to the local scene and quite protective.

I never have a problem picking up guys at the bar my six-foot-three frame and good looks are a big bonus, but it has become a bit boring over the last few months. There are plenty of regular guys there, none of whom I am really interested in. Joe was a breath of fresh air when he walked in off the street one night. He doesn't talk much so I don't ask too many questions. I think maybe he's a private kind of guy or maybe he's just naturally very shy.

I go to the bar three nights out of seven for a few beers and the company. I think his job has a lot to do with him not going there every night, but I wasn't sure. One day I will get around to asking him. One day I will get around to asking him many questions. But for now, I'm happy to see him when I can - very happy.

One of the selfish reasons I liked him is he was a virgin when I met him. I broke him in he didn't like it but we persisted and now he's more comfortable doing it. He's just not a screw he's the whole box and dice so awesome to make love to, he's also different from the other guys I pick up. He doesn't push me for dates or dinners he lets me go at my own pace. Another big bonus is he's so gorgeous face and body wise, he definitely out shapes me, he is about two inches shorter but his chest and arms are so pumped and sexy, add a shirt and tie and I am butter - melting in his hands.

Joe also smelt good like a clean kind of smell he just looks like he showered three times a day and he is clean-shaven all the time even though I sometimes can detect a dark shadow, yes so sexy. I often wonder to myself if Joe is the one, but he never says anything about relationships or commitments he doesn't say much at all really but then I don't ask either. When I'm with him it's hard to get my mind off that one thing; sex.

I walked up the corner of his street and hailed a cab it wasn't that far to go but tonight I was really tired it was a big day at work, and now another late night.

The disgruntled Taxi driver dropped me outside my apartment he brightened up when I gave him a generous tip. I then caught the lift up three floors to finally be allowed to sleep.

Opening my front door, I was hit with an awful odor of the wet washing that I had forgotten to hang out. I decided to throw it all back into the machine and give it another rinse overnight, then I sprayed the flat with deodorant, being careful not to do the bedroom all those things in the air wouldn't help me sleep, I opened the balcony door a bit then pulled the bedroom door closed behind me.

After stripping down I lifted the quilt and slid in naked no need for underwear, pulling the bedcover up I then moved to my left side. Joe was a bit distant tonight I hope he's okay, I can still feel his tight ass on my dick as I moved my hips back and forth a few times to relive the moment, then tiredness took over and I drifted off to sleep.

I yawned stretched and scratched then moved from my warm bed to go take a piss, the daylight was shining through the bedroom windows. Must get some sort of blackout curtains to cover them, the sheet I put up isn't doing its job, the sun still shines through and these early morning wakeups are going to be the death of me. I can hear the shower next door hissing in the wall, the young couple that lives in there start work early so they have become my alarm clock.

I have another two hours before I begin my shift at the spare parts warehouse I work in. It's a good job but can get a little regimented and boring. All I do all day is walk around, fill my trolley with the items on the order and pack and label them for shipping. I work with five other guys one of them is gay. I usually run into him at the bar some nights, we didn't go there sex wise because we are both confirmed tops. But some days I look at his ass and think what it would be like to be inside him in the toilets at work. He was good looking I think he had a little Arab in him but I could be wrong could be Italian or Greek, but he had a mighty fine ass, we have become drinking buddies and sometimes have a lot of fun at the other patron's expense.

I made coffee then emptied the washing machine, finding the peg bag and hanging it out on the makeshift balcony clothesline. I was still thinking of Joe he always puts a smile on my face. I had lost some things from the roof clothesline not long after I moved in so I made up one on my balcony. I tried to wash every other day so I didn't have a lot to hang out each time. Thank god I'm not like my mum and hand wash my smalls that's just plain anal. But women are a little fussier and probably a lot cleaner than men.

I made my coffee and toast then sat at the small table my mind drifted back to last night. Joe definitely wasn't himself like he was sort of distant. I loved kissing him he has the sweetest lips, and his big green eyes are framed by his dark long lashes, but as I said he seemed a little distant, maybe it's time we had that talk.

When we had met at the local bar he looked lost and really out of place in his suit and tie. I bought him a beer and we hit it off immediately, one thing lead to another and we ended up at his place in bed. I remember Joe was really nervous but he seemed into me, I don't think he had much experience but he did everything I did. Sometimes I couldn't lift my head off the pillow he had exhausted me so much. I really should try to get to know him a lot better. No, I'll rephrase that I really want to know him a lot better.

I never see him with any other guys and he's always willing to take me home, not that it bothers me I kind of like it that way, no pressure no commitment. One night I will ask him to maybe come to dinner with me just to show him I don't always think of him as a friend with benefits. But do I want to take it to the next level?

Tonight I will go to the bar again, and see what's around I don't expect him to be there but if he is no biggie. I can go home with him again he smells so clean and good. I finished my shower then dressed for work, nothing flash just my jeans and a t-shirt, my hi-viz vest and steel capped boots. I found my car keys then headed for the parking area, I will start a little earlier than usual then I can knock off early, my days are flexible just as long as my works done everything's sweet.

The traffic wasn't that bad this morning as I headed down the freeway to Springvale where I pulled into the large auto spare parts factory car park. After clocking on for my shift I made a coffee said good morning to the guys then took a handful of orders from the office to place on my workstation. Grabbing a shopping trolley type thing, I then started with the first customer order. It was so boring and hopefully, soon I can chuck it in to do what I really want to do, and that's opening my very own investment company.

I had graduated with honors from University but was so overloaded with figures and books I had decided to take a complete break for a year. I kept my brain active by doing the guys Tax returns and handed out free investment advice to them when asked. My dad is a Company Lawyer he had his own investment business for years until he had a mild heart attack and had to settle down. At forty-nine he was too young to retire but he had to; well my mum made him. I think he's okay now but as he had told me he was ready to sell the business on anyway, he had built it up to be one of the best in Melbourne and when he sold it to a very well known bank he got a shit load of money. Some of that money will set me up in business.

My mum was happy he did sell, she had worked hard over the years with my dad's company. Anyway, dads going to finance me in my own Investment venture he will be a silent partner and will put up the start-up money and I already have two members of staff lined up.

Harry's one of the guys I went to University with he's doing the same as me at the moment just bumming around until I pull my finger out and open this business. Then there's my younger brother Jimmy who is in his last year doing Corporate Tax and bookkeeping. I will have to find someone else to do the Stock Market side of things that's where the real money will come from. I did think of Joe and it would be awesome to be working with him every day. I am still thinking about it but I'm quite sure I will ask him very soon. no strike that. I am positive I will ask him.

Joe said one night he worked at the stock exchange on the floor he was an independent stockbroker, I didn't think much of it but now I'm thinking I should have been more interested in what he did instead of playing with his ass.

"Did you have a good night last night Heath?"

Les was behind me. (He's the gay one)

"Yes mate not bad I went home with Joe."

"What's with him Heath, he doesn't seem to play around much. I tried to chat him up a few weeks ago but he wasn't interested. He went home alone from what I saw. Mind you mate after the fourth guy cruised him he looked a little pissed off that's when he left." He chuckled.

I started arcing up at his comment, bugger me Les could have anyone in that place why did he have to pick on Joe?

"Well, he's like that Les. I guess he didn't fancy anyone at the bar bad luck mate, he's a good catch." Meaning he's a great guy but I wasn't going to tell Les that. Stuff it, how would I know he's a great guy we hardly talk when we get naked my focus is on his awesome body.

My ultimate dream at twenty-six was to get as many guys under my belt as possible. My fantasy is to have a different one every night, and if possible a few giving me head under the desk at work. But I think that's every gay man's fantasy. I'm not alone in thinking that am I? I laughed to myself, who am I kidding my sex life is okay there's only Joe that I go home with, the others are usually back alley strangers or a quick rub in the toilets sometimes.

"Will you be there tonight Les?"

"Yes, Heath I got to get laid it's been a dry week." He grinned.

"Well I thought you wouldn't have any problems scoring a buddy for the night, you're not exactly ugly mate."

"Yeah I get quite a few offers but I am a bit sick of the same old crowd at the bar, maybe we should expand our watering holes one day, you know new faces." He laughed.

After a completely boring day, I headed for home I will leave my car at home and walk to the bar, and if Joe's there he will drive us to his place. I ate a sandwich and did some weights, my body was shaped well and in the grand scheme of things I looked pretty good naked. My best asset is my fat nine inches and I think my chest and legs. I am working on that six pack it's nearly there, Joes got an awesome six-pack.

My hairs a complete mess. I can't seem to decide on a style so I leave it a bit long and scruffy it goes with the current work atmosphere. I know when I open my company I will need to have a short back and sides style like Joe's. His dark brown hair is amazing, but for now, mine is a shaggy dirty reddish blonde. I leaned back and put some drops into my blue eyes they were soothing the grit from the factory that wafts into the warehouse and makes my eyes sore; I am continually rubbing them. I should wear safety glasses at work but they annoy me just as much as the dust. Just a nice pair of Levis and a white t-shirt tonight I don't do the campy styles I'm not comfortable in bright colors. Grabbing my keys, I started out to get myself a cold beer and hopefully some pleasant company.

After I ordered my drink I then took my usual stool at the end of the bar so I could watch the trade arrive, this was my usual spot the few guys that were already there were regulars. I spoke to a couple of them not really wanting to get deep and meaningful. I wasn't there for more than a half hour when Joe suddenly turned up, he still had his work suit on he looked awesome and I could smell his aftershave almost from when he walked in the door. He smiled at me and I ordered him a beer.

"Did you have a good day?" He asked me.

"Yes mate a bit boring but I did what I had to, and you?"

"Yes, Heath full on there was a drop in the market so I was kept busy selling off my clients stock all day, thank god that's over with." He half skulled the beer and his green silk tie made his eyes sparkle in this light. I looked at him thinking how tight he is and how bloody gorgeous in bed he was.

"I heard Les made a play for you the other night." I grinned he dropped his head.

"Yeah he did, but I am not very interested Heath and anyway he works with you so it might make it a bit uncomfortable." Then he grinned back.

"True he's a spunk but apart from that I don't know much about him, from what I see he's a popular boy must be packing some mighty fine meat, I know I wouldn't mind tapping his ass, but that isn't going to happen anytime soon." I laughed.

Joe skulled the rest of his beer and placed it on the bar.

"Another one mate?" I asked.

"No I have to get home I got business to attend to. I just wanted to see you that's all." He looked down at his hands then I saw them, his green eyes were glassed over you couldn't miss it.

"What's the matter Joe you're not yourself is something wrong please tell me?" I asked.

"Nothing Heath I just wanted to see you that's all." He seemed to be searching my face and eyes for a moment, then he added.

"Well, I have to go, have fun tonight and maybe we can catch up again sometime in the future." He started to stand and then took my hand and shook it.

"Goodbye Heath see you around thanks for the beer." He said rather quickly but before I could answer he walked away then out the door. I wanted to go after him to find out what was up, but I thought what the hell I will see him in a few days time, how fucking conceited and stupid am I.

Looking around the room I contemplated going on home but ordered another beer instead, by this time it was filling up so I started to pick out the guys I wanted to get to know better. Joe was depressed about something maybe I should have insisted he tell me what was up. I kind of missed him and felt quite alone when he walked out. There's something good about sitting with the most gorgeous guy in the room. I have to make more of an effort to talk to him about stuff. I really don't know that much about him at all, it's becoming annoying now. I want to know more about him I like him a lot. I nearly got up and followed him to his place to ask questions but the tap on my shoulder waylaid me.

"Hi there Les want a beer?"

"Yes mate, boy do I need one after today they had me locked in that bloody small room sorting bloody nuts and bolts all day."

"Well a nice cold one will do you good, you just missed Joe."

"I saw him out front in his car he looked like he was bawling his eyes out, what did you say to him. He looked a bit, upset mate?"

"What, what did you say Les I wasn't listening?"

"Joe, I just saw him bawling his eyes out in his car. I was going to go over and see if everything was all right but he started up and turned into the traffic. Did you have an argument?"

"No, Les he was only here for five minutes then said he had to go do some business or something, he did look a little down though."

"Well, Heath he looked a lot down when I saw him. He's actually kind of cute when he's upset I wanted to hug him but he left I don't think he saw me." He mused.

I wasn't going to get into a conversation about Joe with Les, but that little bit of information confirms he's upset about something. I wish I had of made him stay, bloody hell Heath, get it right one day.

We sat there for an hour or so just men watching. Les had his eye on a cute blond with the nicest bubble butt I have ever seen. I wanted to bury my dick in it - but I wanted to bury it in Joe's more. A good looking jock cruised me. I had been with him before and if my memory is right I took him on in the toilet, I was getting hard as he walked into the men's.

"Be back in a second." I smiled at Les.

"Just a second?" He smirked.

Heading for the loo I found my jock in the last stall his jeans pulled down to his ankles, his muscle butt was on display to anyone. I snaked my arm around him and took hold of his manhood, which was semi hard.

"Do me." He leaned back and whispered passing a condom to me.

So what could a man do, there was no need to slick up someone else had been in there recently so I went for broke. He was quite a lot looser than Joe but had a fantastic body he must play a lot of sports. He was gasping for air by the time I pulled out and he slumped over the cistern. I wiped up as he was pulling his jeans up he leaned in and kissed me. I could feel his rough whiskers, he smelled of jock sweat.

"Does your mate want some?" He said.

`I'll ask him, probably yes." I smiled, this young guy was going for broke tonight.

"I'll wait here." He grinned back at me.

I went back to the bar and sat down.

"He wants to know if you want to do him too."

"Really, he's not bad looking, you don't mind?"

"Not at all he's hot for it tonight and he was all right too." I smiled as Les got up.

"Last cubical mate." He gave me the thumbs up and headed for the toilet.

I was looking around the room. I couldn't go again for a while but I was already lining up my next victim, well I was in my mind. I also felt really guilty but didn't know why. It didn't happen for me again so I said my goodnights to Les and the barman then went home alone.

I think Les had a good time. Well, he did have a smile on his face when he came back, and so did the jock when he eventually emerged from the men's.

Another day another dollar, thank God it's Friday and I can leave work early. I was working in the office today collating the weeks work it doesn't take me long to do this but I took my time anyway, then I talked to my supervisor about his superannuation. He was a bit worried he wouldn't have much money behind him when he retired. I worked out he was only making an extra twenty-dollar contribution to his fund a week. We agreed it wasn't nearly enough. He was paid plenty so I went to the pay office and got a form for him to fill out then helped him to do it. I bumped his contributions up to a hundred dollars a week.

It was lunchtime by the time we finished and I sat with the boys and ate my apple and sandwich. I started thinking of Joe again. I really need to get started on this business of ours and I was positive I wanted Joe to handle the Stock market side of things. I trusted him. He will be there tonight and I was looking forward to seeing him. I also cracked a major fat thinking about him.

We knock off early today and before I clocked out I took the supervisors forms back to the Pay-office and talked to Pat for a while, she needed me to show her a formula for her excel spreadsheet. I have done this several times for her but she always seems to stuff it up along the way. After that, I said goodbye to my workmates and clocked out.

Tonight I definitely will see Joe he always comes to the bar Friday nights and we always get it on after a few beers. I potted around the flat changed the bed and did another load of washing. I thought I might wash the car but decided to leave it for another week. My thoughts were of the guy I did the other night, and Les. He seemed very pleased with himself when he came out he was probably that jocks tenth pick up for the night. I laughed to myself he had nothing on Joe, now he could make me cum within three minutes. I really had to work on that guy. I felt really guilty when Joe's face popped into my head. I didn't feel like I was cheating but for some reason, I did feel guilty as hell. I have to settle down, but shit I feel so randy all the time guess that's another male thing.

Well it's getting late and I must be away, tonight I find out what was wrong with him, I am going to try to talk to him and not get sidetracked by his eyes and body it's going to be hard but I think I can accomplish it. Maybe I can talk him into not staying at the pub and go for a coffee instead.

No Joe and no Les tonight my Jock was doing the rounds and I noticed him disappearing into the men's several times, he wasn't picky either a few of the guys were quite ordinary looking, very ordinary. He winked at me when he was at the bar I raised my glass and winked back. I won't go there again I am waiting for my Joe.

I felt out of place after a few beers, like I don't belong here anymore. Something was nagging away at me and I'm stuffed if I could put my finger on it. When I open the business I definitely won't be here as much, I hopefully will be too busy. I had one more drink and left a little disappointed telling the barman if Joe comes in to tell him to call me. I don't think he will, because although we had exchanged numbers, we have never used them.

After showering I climbed into bed resting my arms behind my head I was alone for the first time in a couple of months on a Friday night I didn't even feel like sex. I looked over and saw the answering machine blinking, so I leaned over and pushed play.

"Hey, son make sure you don't forget lunch tomorrow we will meet you at the park around twelve, love you." My mum, she loves picnics in the park one Saturday a month, I must admit I like them too, I rolled over and went to sleep.

The morning sun woke me up. I must get onto getting a blind or something, as I said that sheet doesn't cut it.

I showered and dressed then after putting the washing away I headed for the local bakery to get some fresh bread rolls. I somehow found myself in Joe's street driving past his apartment and wondered if I should just pop in and maybe invite him to the picnic.

I pulled over into an empty car park and sat just watching Joe's windows. Maybe he will see me sitting there but the blinds were pulled right down, maybe he's having a sleep in. Maybe he's got someone there with him. My heart sank at the thought, I did feel a pang of jealousy, maybe I had better not go up there, it could be awkward for both of us.

I started my car and just as I was about to pull out a man walked out the front door, he had a baseball cap on and was carrying a small boy no more than two or three years old maybe, it was Joe. He didn't notice me as he was busy juggling a backpack and the boy, maybe his nephew or something, he was walking around to his garage he looked good and to be honest. I really fucking missed him. I watched as he drove up to the corner and turned left heading south when he was out of sight I then reluctantly drove to the park.

Next: Chapter 2

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