Just Jeremy the Neighbour

By Duncan Jules

Published on Apr 19, 2023


So this is an authoritarian story about a neighbour should you have any questions or theories or things you would like to see then get in touch teacher8714@yahoo.com. If you can please remember to donate to Nifty.org to keep this amazing site up.

Just Jeremy The Neighbour 4 -- Sir James

James was amazing he was everything I could possible need in someone who was in control. He did sometimes not think things through but that was some of his charms. The arrogance of youth and money. The morning after Jeremy's Dad saw James fucking me we passed each other in the streets he smiled at me and then it broke into a smirk. As he placed his key into the door of his car he piped up. "Good show."

I must have gone a bright shade of red as I scampered away and into the flat. A few hours later James came round for what would usually be the first fuck of the day but instead he just stood there his hands in his pockets and leaning against the wall. "We are going out. Get dressed!"

I didn't know what to do this was new and I was taken aback. I started to walk towards my bedroom when he whistled and threw a bag at me. "Got you some presents wear them."

I opened the bag and was shocked when there was an obviously expensive pair of jeans, socks, trainers and a really clean white shirt. Which was obviously new but had been ironed so there was no creases. A smile that was growing on my face as I dressed slipping on the jeans first then the socks. James walked into the room. Smiled his dimples firmly on display my cock twitched inside its metal cage. "Your almost presentable." He joked before turning from the door while I pulled on the shirt. After I was fully dressed he held the door open and I walked out. He turned round to lock the door before he asked, "You got your phone?"

"Yeah!" I replied feeling it in the new jeans pocket.

"Pass me it." He held his hand out and as I passed it to him he just slid it into his pocket.

"Okay." I said looking at him confused.

When we got outside the downstairs neighbour was staring out of the window at a black BMW. James ran to the car and opened the door and allowed me to get in. He closed the door behind me and walked around getting in the other side.

The driver just started to drive. We didn't speak for the journey it took just short of an hour and my caged cock was in agony even been this close to the lad was turning me on. When we got out we was at a shopping centre. "Wait here." James got out the vehicle and disappeared for what felt like an eternity but he came out with two bags. He threw one of the bags at me when he got in the car. I felt inside of it and it was a brand new phone with a sim card. "Don't speak but that's for you. You will need it. Look through these." He passed me the other bag. It was just a jumble of stationary. "You will need them to."

I looked at him he had a sly glint in his eye. He cracked a smile as the driver started to dive again. It was about two hours later when we pulled up at the next area which was a museum. "We have to stop here for a bit. We got out and James took the lead and opened the door for me. The look of fear that crossed my face when I noticed a metal detector in front of me. "I didn't know."

I looked at him, "You go ahead, I will wait here."

"Is it?" He started to ask.

"I don't honestly know." He smirked slightly.

"Wanna bet if it goes off." His dimples took all my fears away.

"It will you know that right." I stepped towards the metal detector and James stepped away.

As I stepped up the alarm went off and the guard pulled me to the side he moved the metal wand over my crotch as it went off. "It's a piercing." I said as I was going a brighter shade of red.

James went through the metal detector emptying his pockets into a tray next to the detector and smiled at me as the guard showed some mercy and let me through. He smiled at me and bit his lip as he looked at me, "Was kinda hot tho." I couldn't help but agree. He then walked over to one of the guitars that was on the wall looked at the plate next to it, took a selfie and just said with a smile, "We can go now."

I was utterly confused as I followed him out setting off the metal detector on the way out yet again. "Not again..." I muttered to myself.

James stopped dead in his tracks, "Wait! Where's the toilet's."

The guard pointed at a pair of doors on the far side of the room.

"Thanks." James said glancing across and winking at me.

As he walked over to the toilet's I waited looking at the guard and then at the metal detector, then back at the guard. "I best go myself, it's a long drive."

I turned and walked down through the exhibits and into the toilet where James was sat on the sink. "Catch!" As he threw the keys at me for the cage. "Sorry, should have took it off earlier." I scuttled off into the cubical and turned to look at him I go to close it but he just smiles, "Leave it open."

"Ok, sir!" I said just smiling at him the butterflies that went through me was like something I have never had before.

I left the door open and put the key into the lock and tried to turn it. The key would not turn as I looked up at him.

He patted down his pockets, "Try these keys." He threw another key at me which I caught as I heard the door open and James jump off the counter and spin looking in the mirror. I closed the door and put the key in and turned it. This time very thankful that it turned. I slipped the front of the cage off and my dick painfully sprung free.

"You ok?" The guard said sturnly.

"Yeah." James replied as the water started to run in the tap. I desperately pushed the first ball through the ring that kept the cage attached and was thankful as it was much easier taking the second ball out.

"So your OK?" The guard asked again.

"Yes." James said his tone moving to a slightly more aggressive manner.

"I'll leave you to it." I heard the door close.

James turned pushed on the door open and stepped in, "He's annoying but I am horny how about it?"

"It's... It's... I..." I stuttered my cock tenting.

"Good job I am in charge my boy." He smiled at me.

I turned around my bottoms still down since I took all the toys off. I heard his zipper go down and then I felt his cock pressing against my ass. I breathed in as he slipped in without very much resistance.

"Nice bum." He whispered into my ear as he thrust deep in me. I bit my lip as he pulled out before he thrust back in moaning softly by my ear.

I whimpered with every thrust my cock having not cum in a while. "Pleaaagghh." I bit down gritting my teeth as he moved in and out. Knowing the guard had been in asking questions moments before.

"Boy, moan for me." He whispered seductively.

I let out the softest and quietest moan I could.

"That's not a moan, my boy I said moan." He started to nibble on my neck.

"Oh, fuck me..." I said slightly louder as he slipped out all but his head as I opened up my mouth I started saying, "Fu...." I screamed loud as he trust all the way in his balls slapped my ass. "CK!!!!!!"

"Knew, I could make you scream." I felt him breathing on my neck. His hand slipped around my front and started to stroke my cock in the same speed he slipped in and out; our breathes started to synchronise.

"Keep going..." I moaned softly.

He continued to push in and out of me, my cock began to pulse as I shot against the cubical wall he bit down on my neck. "Your my boy." I could feel his cock unleash a torrent of cum deep in my ass as he held me there.

"You know that guard will be in asking soon." I hold myself against the cubical wall.

Pulling out of me he grabs me and kisses me, "That was hot we best get going. Leave that mess for him."

I quickly got myself presentable as James was looking at himself in the mirror sorting out his hair. As I stepped out he winked at me and then he confidently walked out the toilet as I followed sheepishly looking down not wanting to go through the metal detector with the metal cage still in my pocket. "God this is going to be bad..." I whisper to myself.

"Don't worry." He softly states. Before speaking up, "I think the toilet needs cleaning up there was something on the cubical wall." The guard looked at us both and a stern look crossed his face as James just said cockily, "It wasn't us brah!" As the guard walked towards the toilet we slowly approached the metal detector. James looked behind himself at me and then at the guard before quietly saying, "Three, Two, One..." He paused as the guard stepped in the toilet. "Run."

As he ran towards the car I followed setting off the metal detector. I heard the guard shouting as I reached the door. "Those dirty fucks."

With that I chased James to the car as we got there the driver looked at us. James put on a posh British accent, "Onwards Jeeves."

As the car began to pull away it was the first time I could really take the feeling of cum trickling down my leg and the devilish smile on James face. All I could do was smile gleefully back.

Next: Chapter 5

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