Just Jeremy the Neighbour

By Duncan Jules

Published on Mar 31, 2023


Just Jeremy the Neighbour 3

So this is an authoritarian story about a neighbour should you have any questions or theories or things you would like to see then get in touch teacher8714@yahoo.com.

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It had been months since we went on the trip. It was a weird all he ever did while we was on the bus up and back he only got me to take my boxers off and stick a butt plug in my ass. A week later he came out and told me he had a boyfriend who he has been with ever since. During November I didn't see him touch himself or fuck his fella. Most of December he didn't give me a show but that was until Christmas Day when he fucked his fella directly in front of the windows. As he had James bent over I swear that James was staring at me as he was getting fucked. But that unnerved me to the point that I stopped watching even tho I was definatly extremely hard to the point that the scene was all I wanked over for the next few months. We very rarely spoke that was until his Dad asked me round for drinks with them all after I stopped someone sculking around his back garden.

That brings me to last Friday when his Dad's invite was I just threw on a pair of boxers that had emotes on them and a pair of white shorts, white trainer socks and a t-shirt. When I was knocking on the door James walked up behind me and smiled at me I hadn't spoke to him before he had an American accent and a cute dimples when he smiled. "Whats up." I stepped back as he was opening the door he had a really cute arse in his jeans. He had dark whispey hair that was brushed from left to right. He turned and looked at me I felt my cock begin to twitch he glanced down at my shorts before he stepped into the doorway. Stepping in tot he house after him my now semi hard cock.

In front of me was Jeremy his arms crossed and he slyly, "Enjoying the view." I just heard James snigger as Jeremy continued, "He knows your gay don't worry. Even wanted to give the perv next door a show for Christmas."

These very words owned me and tented my shorts massively as his Dad walked down the steps he looked at my obvious hard on. "Thanks for keeping up..." I blushed as he continued, "neighbourhood watch."

I followed them all through to the living room and Jeremy sat next to me, we hardly spoke to each other as I willed my cock down even tho I knew it wasn't going to help. The beer was flowing and I was getting tipsy when I snook off to the toilet I walked past all three of them as I saw Jeremy whispering to James. Jeremy stood and followed me up the steps and as I turned to the toilet Jeremy lent back against the wall, "Remember that bus journey?"

"Yeah." I replied stepping into the toilet.

"Well how about you give me your boxers now and we continue the games. You do everything your told by anyone in the house and I will make you smile. I promise!" He followed me into the toilet. The buzz of the alcohol helped as I pulled my cock out to wee he continued, "You can fuck James but you cannot turn down anything anyone says." He stepped closer behind me I could feel his breathe on the back of my neck. "I might even blow you." Hid hand slid up the inside of the bottom of my shorts as he started to play with my balls. Constantly concentrating on pissing into the toilet I was glad when the stream stopped and it was that moment Jeremy started tugging on my cock.

"Please, oh please...." I was panting so close to going beyond the point of no return he knew and stopped.

"Imagine that load in my 16 year old boyfriend." He placed his hand in the back of my shorts and tugged them down I stepped out of them and my boxers as he split them and walked out the door holding both of them.

"Shorts back!" I demanded as he turned with his phone and took a picture of me stood there.

"At the bottom of the stairs you dirty man!" He said putting his phone back into his pocket.

I closely followed him I didn't even make a grab for my shorts but to his word as I dashed down the last few stairs and past the open door to the living room he handed me the shorts and put the boxers in his right pocket. "Stay sat down don't move even if you want to."

Losing the boxers had made the erection painfully obvious. As we both sat down his Dad could not keep his eyes off the mast in my shorts. James leg as he sat next to me rubbed mine and a patch of pre-cum was forming and I was more and more uncomfortably squirming. James lent over and whispered as Jeremys dad watched the tele. "Looks like you have an amazing cock in there want me to make a reason to help you..."

He moved his hand to my leg as I felt the cock explode the cum coated the front of the shorts and my breathing was heavy. No one looked round they just kept watching the tele. I felt myself going bright red. "I... I... I..."

Mortified I stood looked at each and everyone there and run out of the house and to my house. When I got to my door I put my hand into the pockets and noticed my keys had gone. I was stook should I wake my downstairs neighbours with this mess or go back and get my keys.

I sat on the doorstep my head in my hands as I felt ashamed. Jeremy and James had made me cum in front of his own father and he hadn't blinked I had run out and he didn't move. The night was getting cold and it was then as the cum started to dry and crust on my leg that Jeremy and James walked out the house and smile as they was watching some footage on a video camera. James had my house keys in his hands and was throwing them and catching them.

Jeremy looked up at me, "You know that ass, I think we own it!"

"Why! You..." I tried to reply.

"I also wanted an arse to fuck and Jeremy was not going to let me." James said then looking at Jeremy.

"I am not either." I called out.

"We will see." Jeremy says before snogging James. My cock went hard yet again.

"Your options report your keys lost and wait to be let in by the downstairs. Wait in the corridor till someone comes to change the locks." They snogged again my cock was hard and I could not help it.

James continued after they stopped kissing, "Or we go back to Jeremys and I fuck you."

"Please neither sound right." I continually begged.

"But your hard on says your interested. Why not try it?" James smiled that smile could melt any resistance and it was mine very quickly.

Jeremy smirked, "We could just show this footage to people of you coming when a 16 year old touched your leg."

James walked upto me and placed his hand on my arse. Moving on tip toes he whispered in my ear, "You know this is your real desire. A red hot three way." I felt my cock about to cum again just by this kids words and touch. These two had me tied around there little fingers so deep in lust. I really had no where to go and now every part of my body craved it.

My head spun as his hand slipped up the back of my shorts and his finger was at the entrance to my ass. He slipped a finger in as I groaned and my cock jumped, "Only real question is your place or his."

James slipped round me so he was behind me I was froze my hard cock desperate to come again. I couldn't speak to say no as he pulled the back of my shorts down and put in two fingers my cock jumped as Jeremy began to record it. I heard his zip still stuck in place as he fished out his cock, I heard him softly say, "You want this baby."

Since that night all that time ago in October I had thought about bottoming and right now I had two or three fingers in my ass and a 16 year old cock about to fuck me if I didn't move as I felt him remove his fingers, "Please..." I said my head in a dase. I felt his bulbeous head of his cock at the entrance to my ass.

"What was that?" James asked moving his head up and down the entrance teasing it.

"Plea...." I was stopped with the agony of his cock ripping up into what felt like my stomach. My knees began to buckle I was not last long till I cum and I was not in a good place. Exposed a camera on me and a sixteen year old boy taking my alpha status like I was a cheap girl.

His breathing was heavy and frantic he bit down on my t-shirt and back. He thrust in like a wild animal deep and hard. He didn't care we was in public if anything it turned him on more. "Moan for me bitch."

This sweet boy was so different so manipulative and now so rude but, "Please fuck the cum out of me..." I moaned softly so only he could hear me.

"Louder." He grunted as he thrust deep in me.

"Please..." Then I felt him hit something special inside of my my legs turned to jelly and I screamed, "Fuck me."

"Who WAS an alpha." He really showed was off to another level when he trust back hitting the perfect spot.

As I felt his cum flood my ass, "I was." I sobbed as the cum also poured out my cock. He let me drop to the floor and I hadn't noticed by my shorts was now down to my ankles. He placed me to the floor and lay me on my stomach. Jeremy stepped forward run his hand through my load I just had fucked out of me and he placed his fingers in my mouth. I could feel cum pouring out my ass and Jeremy had just fed me my own cum. Next I felt James slip his fingers in my ass and fish out some deeply inserted cum and then he to placed his fingers in my mouth.

As they stood and both stepped away James dropped my keys on the floor as they both high fived, James saying barely audible, "You said you couldn't tame him now he's ours." He turned raised his voice. "Who owns your ass."

"You guys do." I sobbed, my ass sore yet it had the distinctly empty feeling.

James was much more manipulative then anyone I had ever met or would meet. His boyish charms could tear down your walls and he could just take his prey.

As I stood and picked up the keys I looked at the flats and there was my downstairs neighbour a 20 stone plus sixty year old man, his cock out wanking away. My shorts still down my ankles I bent over to pick up my keys and that's when I noticed the cum now coating the window as I ashamed, used and utterly confused about my role in life pulled the shorts up and walked into the flats.

I cannot lie that night I didn't sleep a wink my ass was missing something it's like he had flipped a switch in my head and all I could think about was how good it felt. Could one fuck really do that, did I really like it. I didn't know but I for sure wanted to try again so on the Saturday morning when I saw them sitting on my wall I looked at them through the window and they got up and walked over to door and I let them in. I just looked down at the floor and when we reached my door they walked in before me as I was holding the door. James smiled his dimples stood out and my legs felt like jelly all over again. "Strip."

I looked at Jeremy who just smirked as I toed off my trainers why the door was still open. James and Jeremy shared a passionate kiss as I kicked them off and stepped forward. James blocked my way as I open my mouth to speak I stopped myself and pulled off my shirt and shorts. Jeremy looked down at my legs where there was still a streak of dried cum. "You didn't shower?"

I looked down and didn't know what to say or do other then stand in the corridor naked. "You just need conditioning. You know to know your role." James said cheekily even adding a giggle at the end that my cock jumped to.

Jeremy piped up putting his hand on James shoulder, "Like you do sometimes my beta. You did need your own pet tho."

James looked me up and down, "You think the rest of the lads will like him."

Jeremy just turned and walked away into my living room. James let me in before he grabbed me and slipped his cock into me slowly at first and then picking up the speed. He seemed to be taking his time this time he reached around me and rubbed my belly before tweaking my nipples my cock now super erect and lodged against the wall. "Please I am....."

With that my arse muscles must have tightened and his nipple play and my cock rubbing against the wall made my cock erupt and cum cover the walls. This in turn made me feel his cum release deep into me and this time he stayed in me for a while till he pulled out with a plop. With that him and Jeremy left my flat shared a kiss and walked off.

In the evening the same thing happened and then the day after and then he on the Wednesday he fucked me three times. By the Friday he was up to four times. On his last visit on the Friday night he came round with a six pack of beers and on his own.

As soon as he entered he ordered me to strip then instead of fucking me he pulled out a 6 inch dildo and put it on my computer chair. Somehow without saying it I went over to it and facing away from the tele just sat on it and moved up and down on it groaning as I did. He looked across at me after finishing his first beer he looked over at me and smiled, "I didn't tell you to fuck yourself did I."

"I just thought!" I couldn't believe it why had I done it. Did I really think that's what he had wanted me to do. Was I that conditioned by his fuck and go's that I believe that is what he wanted. I looked at the floor before his smile brought me back from feeling utterly humiliated.

"It's ok, it was hot to see how much you want to please me now let's start talking ground rules. You cannot sleep with anyone else unless I permit it. You are to never come without asking for permission. You are naked in your flat at all times, you break these rules it's a week in chastity. In return you get my cock on a daily basis." He smiled I swear those dimples was my weakness.

"Yes Sir." I smiled back at him as he finished his second drink.

"No cuming, but I want you to ride the dildo and wank for ten minutes. If you fail..." He pulled out the metal chastity cage out of his pocket. And put it on the sofa.

I sat on the cock and squatted on it and got off of it then I would pull at my cock slowly. I looked at the floor and thought of my downstairs neighbour.

"Two minutes, wank faster." I went on for two more minutes before he stated, "Four minutes, bounce on that cock like it's mine." I kept looking at the floor at six minutes he bit his lip and then looked at me, "Don't take your eyes off sir." He kept biting his lip occasionally he would lick his lips instead. "8 Minutes, let's try this you bad boi." He stood up and walked towards me he took off his top and touched my nipples with his left hand and started to wank my cock. Pushing my hand and all my control away. The sweat was pouring off my face as he placed his hand from my nipples and pulled at my cock and pushed me firmly onto the dildo in one fluid motion adding his dimples and the wink that he offered. That was it my cum spurt out covering the floor. I slumped on the plastic dick wedged in my ass as he stood and went to the sofa picking up the chastity cage. He attached it onto my now deflated cock and attached a lock. "You bad boi. You do know me and Jeremy never actually dated. We just had fun, he helped train me to be more dominant." he said winking at me.

He went back to sitting on the sofa and then beconed me over as he opened the last beer. "No on the floor bad boi."

Without questioning I did as this topless sixteen year old asked. I rest my head against his leg and smiled to myself as he patted down on my head.

"Come with me." he said getting up and walking into kitchen. He reached up and took down the curtain before he pointed onto the side near the sink where I had watched him get fucked. "Bend over the counter and look out the window." I did exactly as I was told before he stepped behind me and he shoved his cock all the way in. His balls slapping my ass and my cock painfully restrained in the cage. He pulled my arms so they was behind me and joined on my back to where he placed his can that I held.

As he went in and out of my ass he would pick up his drink, slurped on his drink and then he replaced it. I looked up out the window and Jeremy was sat at his window just looking over at me as I groaned in utter pleasure even tho the pain was something very horrific just feeling his skin against mine was the best experience I had ever had. As I felt his cock unload into me my cock erupted even tho I was in the cage.

I felt him rub his fingers through my hair and he then pulled on my hair. Pulling my hair back I stared out of the window at not only Jeremy but his father as he breathe heavily on my neck his cock still in me till he finished his drink. "Stay bent over here till I get over there." He left me putting on his top and as I heard the door I didn't want to move I wanted to please him. I knew my cage was covered in cum as well as the cupboards and the back of my legs but this was bliss. About ten minutes later he appeared at the window and smiled those sweet dimples even now making me twitch.

That night I thought back to Jeremy's own father knowing I was taking his son's friends cock but I didn't care now. After been conditioned to ride James cock it was perfect.

Next: Chapter 4

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