Just Jc

By AJ Smith

Published on Dec 27, 1999


*** This story contains homosexual related material. If you're not supposed to read this because of laws or whatever, then leave... otherwise, enjoy :)***

Well everyone it's been nearly two whole months. I have received several e-mails demanding the next chapter, so here it is. I didn't mean to take this long to send it out, I have just had A LOT of shit on my mind and things to get done. I also have had several serious life decisions to consider too. Hope you like it.

Please send any and all comments to: [smit8255@fredonia.edu] (Please specify this story in your message thank you). So Far I have received many positive comments, and I thank all of you.

Well, on with the story...

Part 7:

JC and Justin were both sleeping peacefully and quietly. Neither of them even stirred at the sound of the knocking at the door. Jonathan opened it and let himself in.

"Justin?" he called out quietly.

He walked over to Justin who was wrapped in JC's arms.

"Justin?" he asked again as he started to shake his brother.

Jonathan climbed on top of his brother and started bouncing on top of him.

"Wake up."

Both Justin and JC started to stir. Justin managed to bring his brother into focus.

"Jonathan, what are you doing?" he asked groggily.

"Will you play Nintendo with me?" he asked so innocently.

"Nintendo? You woke me up for Nintendo?" Justin whined as he started to stretch.

"He can't help it, he loves you," JC smiled.

Justin looked over with a look of worry on his face.

"I didn't realize you were still here, sorry," Justin stated.

"Come on," Jonathan asked anxiously.

"Gimme a little bit," Justin smiled.

Jonathan nodded, and ran to his room to get everything set up.

"Do you think he'll say anything?" Justin asked nervously.

"He's five Justin. I doubt anything of the sort ran through his mind. It's not like we were doing anything but sleeping here," JC told him.

"You're right. Ok, come on. If I'm getting up so are you, so let's go pla y," Justin said as he sat up.

He reached down and started picking his clothes up from the pile where JC had left them only a few hours earlier. Once dressed they both headed over to Jonathan's room.

"Ok, let's see here. What do you wanna play Jonny?" Justin asked.

He gave him a smile, and popped Mario Kart 64 in to the system. He gave JC and Justin a controller, and started the game. They joked and played for close to an hour before Lynn walked in.

"I thought you guys were sleeping?" she asked.

"We were until a certain little rugrat jumped on top of me, begging me to play Nintendo." Justin laughed.

"Jonathan, what did I tell you about waking your brother up. He doesn't sleep as it is," Lynn scolded.

"Mom, it's all right. I don't care. I don't get to see him all that much either," Justin defended.

Lynn smiled, "All right, well I came up to put Jonny here to bed. It's going on nine o'clock."

"Ahhh, mom. Can I stay up a little longer, please...," he begged.

"You have to be up early so I can get you and Steve to day care," she informed him.

"Come on Jonny, let's get you to bed," JC told him as he extended his arms out to him.

He reluctantly walked over to JC, who lifted him up.

"I'll get him to bed Lynn, meanwhile, Justin clean up this mess," JC said with a smile.

"Hey!" Justin complained.

JC just laughed and walked out of the room to Jonathan's room with Jonathan hugging him. Justin quickly picked up their mess, and shut the game down. Lynn left to go check on Steven. Justin stood and stretched. He heard Steven start to cry from the other room. Justin walked in to see what was wrong. He saw his mom rocking him back and forth in her arms trying to calm him down.

"Hey Stevey," Justin said in a pleasant whisper as he smiled down at his brother.

"He looks like Jonathan did," Lynn gleamed.

Justin nodded in agreement. Lynn handed Steven over to Justin, and left the room to check up on JC and Jonathan. Justin sat down and rocked him to sleep. He hummed "God Must Have Spent..." to him to sooth him.

"Come on Jonathan, time for bed. I know you hate it, but you do have to get up early," JC explained.

"I know," he replied sadly.

"All right, tell you what. You want to hear a story tonight?" JC asked with a smile.

Jonathan perked right up, and had a huge smile on his face as he nodded eagerly.

"All right, calm down. Which one?"

He ran over and grabbed a book full of short stories. Jonathan found the story he wanted, and crawled in JC's lap. JC started the story. Lynn watched from the hallway as JC did this.

"He's so sweet," she whispered to herself.

She then walked down the stairs to check on everyone else.

Lance and Joey were lying on the couches watching television quietly. She knew Chris had gone up to his room already, and was probably asleep. She walked into the kitchen and saw Paul sitting at the table starring at his cup of coffee.

"If you drink that, you'll never get to sleep," she told him.

"I already had two cups," he sighed.

"Lynn, can I ask you something?" Paul said.

"Of course," she replied as she sat next to him and held his hand.

"Does Justin hate me?"

"That's absurd. Of course he doesn't."

"I mean, does he think I treat him like my own, like I treat Jonathan and Steven?"

"Paul, I talked with him earlier. He was just as upset, and he regrets everything he said."

"Now come on, put that down and let's go to bed," she coaxed as she pulled the cup from his hand.

They went upstairs and Paul went into their room. Lynn was gonna do one last check on her children. She peered into Jonathan's room, where she saw her son sleeping peacefully in his bed. She then headed to check on Steven. When she entered the room she saw JC standing there starring at the sleeping Justin holding Steven against his body in the chair. Lynn smiled.

"Aren't they so cute?" Lynn laughed.

"He sure is," JC said lightly.

Lynn walked over to them and lifted Steven out of Justin's arms and placed him softly in his crib.

"I'll get Justin," JC told her as he walked over to him.

He managed to lift Justin into his arms. He started to stir a little bit.

"Shhh, go to sleep," JC told him softly.

Justin snuggled closer to JC and continued to sleep. JC finally managed his way to Justin's room. As he did earlier, he began undressing the teen. He pulled the covers over top of his body and he sighed in pleasure as he laid in complete comfort. JC leaned down and placed a kiss on his lips, as he headed over to close the curtains. He then started undressing himself and slowly crawled into the bed beside Justin.

'I know I shouldn't be sleeping here tonight, but I hate to be apart from him,' JC contemplated in his mind.

Justin curled up into a ball as JC wrapped himself around him. Justin slept peacefully while JC slowly ran his fingers through his hair. JC then slowly leaned in and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

"I love you," he sighed and nuzzled himself next to him.

He felt the soft movement of his body with each and every breath Justin took. JC drifted off.

JC awoke to the smiling Justin, who was lightly licking his ear, and running his fingers across his chest.

"Hi sweetie," Justin gleamed.

"Hey Curly, how are you this morning?"

"I awoke next to you again, how do you think I feel," Justin joked.

JC smiled and looked over at the clock which read quarter to nine. He stretched and began to sit up.

"We have to get going, we have to be to the studio by ten," JC informed.

"I know, I know. I just want to lay here beside you though," Justin complained.

JC pulled Justin into a hug, and they sat there rocking slowly back and forth.

"I do too, but we do have to get going Just," JC sighed.

Justin just held onto JC's arms that were pulled around him. He rested his head against JC and just enjoyed the warmth of JC's body against his own. The rocking slowly soothed Justin, for he was now falling asleep. JC tried to fight the urge to let him sleep there, but couldn't stand the thought of disturbing him. He looked so peaceful and happy that JC wanted nothing more but to keep him that way.

"JC!" Chris screamed from the other side of the door a few minutes later.

JC sighed, disappointed the moment didn't last longer.


"What?" Justin asked softly as he slowly crawled out of JC's arms.

"We've got to get going, come on," Chris instructed as he walked away.

"We're coming!" Justin yelled, upset he had to get out of bed with JC.

The two of them started to get ready.

"Took you two long enough! We're gonna be late," Lance barked as they piled back into Justin's car.

They spent the day in the studio recording, writing, and exploring. They were all making lead way in many interesting directions, and John was very pleased with the guy's work.

"Well, you have got tomorrow off, so enjoy," John informed them as they left.

They all returned to Justin's house. Joey and Lance were gonna head on back to their own places for awhile. Chris went up to his room, as JC and Justin sat on the couch.

"It's six thirty, you wanna go get something to eat?" Justin asked.

JC smiled, "I'd love to."

Justin stood up offered his hand to JC, he gladly accepted. They walked hand in hand out to Justin's car and drove off again.

"Chinese?" Justin asked.

"Of course."

Justin smiled as he drove to one of the nicer Chinese restaurants. JC spun himself in the seat and laid his head down in Justin's lap and smiled up at him. Justin returned the smile and slowly ran his fingers across his hair and down the side of his face. JC closed his eyes and lost himself with Justin's touch.

"Here we are," Justin claimed as he pulled in to the lot.

"All ready?"

"It took us a half an hour," Justin informed.

"I know, but I was comfortable."

"Come on, let's go eat."

"All right."

They got a distant seat from everyone else and ordered.

"I think things are going extremely well in the studio, don't you?" JC asked.

Justin just starred back without a slight acknowledgement that JC said a word.

"Justin, is something wrong?"

"Justin?" JC asked again as he waved his hand in front of Justin's face.

Justin snapped out of his gaze and smirked a little.

"Sorry, I was just thinking."

"Thinking about what?"

"How much I love you, and how much I want to just run away with you and disappear with you for awhile," Justin said softly as he looked away.

JC smiled with the compliment.

"I love you too Just. But you know we can't do that, not with all the studio work we have got to get done."

"I know, but that was what I was thinking," Justin said with a slight laugh.

The waiter appeared with their food. They talked lightly over dinner. They ordered desert, ate, and were off.

"Where are we going?" JC asked.

"You'll see, come on," Justin said as he pulled JC to the car.

Justin got in, and sped off to their next destination. They arrived to a parking lot near the coastline. It was fairly empty because it was going on 10:30 at night.

"The beach?" JC asked.

"Yup, wanna go for a walk?"

JC leaned over and kissed Justin on the lips and hopped out of the car. Justin followed and they ran down to the shore. Their was a full moon which caused the ocean to sparkle and glisten with each little movement of the water. Their was a soft breeze which filled the air with a slight scent of sea water. Justin slowly drew JC's hand in to his own, which JC gladly allowed. Both of them were very happy at that moment and walked in silence knowing that everything seemed right. They both felt that they were meant to be together. They continued walking until they finally reached a secluded area. JC held Justin as they laid upon the sand.

"Josh?" Justin asked.

"Shhh, just close your eyes for awhile. Let's let this moment live for as long as we can. The moon's perfect, the water, everything is here for us," JC replied softly.

JC then squeezed Justin a little closer towards him, and gave him a soft kiss on his cheek. JC then laid his own head down on the sand and starred up at the stars. They both lost track of everything around them and time. Soon enough they were both sound asleep together, cuddled up against each other. JC awoke at some point in the middle of the night with a slight chill. He looked over at Justin who had curled himself into a ball and clung as close to JC as humanly possible trying desperately to keep warm. JC draped part of his body over top of his to help him keep warm. He leaned over and kissed him on the neck and nuzzled up next to him. Eventually JC managed to fall asleep again.

Sunrise finally came and a beam of light slowly shown upon Justin's face. Justin slowly stirred, and crawled out of the human blanket JC made for him. Justin sat up and looked down upon the frigid JC who was shaded from the sunlight by Justin's body. Justin loved him more than words could describe. He leaned down and slowly kissed JC on the lips. JC stirred and let Justin's tongue enter his mouth. Justin then sat up with a smile as JC opened his eyes.

"Hey gorgeous," JC spoke.

Justin smiled and leaned in for another kiss.

"Morning," he laughed as he sat back up.

"What time is it?" JC asked.

"I haven't a clue, and I don't care either."

JC sat up and his entire body was numb. He shivered but hid it from Justin for fear of making him feel bad.

"Come on, we need to go shower and hope that we're not late for the studio."

"Come on, can't we stay just a bit longer?" Justin begged.

JC looked down at him, and just couldn't say no to him.

"All right a little longer," JC smiled.

Justin grabbed his hand and pulled him down to the ground with him.

"You're freezing!" Justin screamed in a panic.

"Don't worry about it, I'm fine," JC smiled.

Justin pulled JC into a hug, and wrapped his body around his. The sun show down upon them slowly warming them. Justin held JC's hands in his own, as he tried to warm them up by rubbing them together.

"We had better go, so you can take a nice hot shower," Justin demanded as he pulled JC up with him.

"Justin, I'll be fine, don't worry about it."

"Come on, we're going," Justin ordered as if he didn't hear a single word JC had just said.

Justin pulled JC back to the car as quickly as they could. They got in, and Justin pulled out. Justin had the heat turned all the way up and the vents blasting at JC. They finally reached Justin's house. Justin dragged JC behind him up to his room. No one else was home. Justin began stripping JC down, and JC gave up trying to object. Justin had the shower going and slowly stripped himself. He walked over to JC who was still sitting on the bed.

"Come on shower time," Justin replied with a wink.

JC smiled in return, and held his hand out to Justin.

"Lead the way gorgeous."

*** Well, there it is...If you like it, send comments to [smit8255@fredonia.edu] please include the title "Just-JC" in the subject or message/comment.

If not, tell me why (using' the same address as above).



-AJ ***

Next: Chapter 8

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