Just Jc

By AJ Smith

Published on Dec 27, 1999


*** This story contains homosexual related material. If you're not supposed to read this because of laws or whatever, then leave... otherwise, enjoy :)***

Please send any and all comments to: [smit8255@fredonia.edu] (Please specify this story in your message thank you).

Part 1:

Justin was sound asleep when JC slowly entered his room. He walked over to the sleeping 18 y/o and kneeled down.

"Hey sleepy, wake up," he said as he shook Justin awake.

"mmm..., what?" Justin asked as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Hey, we're headin' out. We have to be to New York City by tomorrow, so we're leaving now. We'll be back in two days, and you better be healthy when we get back, all right?" he smiled down at him.

Justin was so transfixed on JC's eyes that half of what he had said was blocked out.

"Earth to Justin? Did you hear me?" JC asked as he waved his hand in front of Justin's face.

Justin shook his head, "What?" he asked.

"We'll be back in two days, ok? We'll catch you later, and we'll probably call you tomorrow," JC said as he stood up.

"All right JC, I'll see you then," Justin said smiling up at him.

"You get better, you hear," JC laughed as he waved goodbye.

Justin waved back and slowly fell asleep. JC and the guys were piling into the cab with their stuff, and heading off towards the airport.

"How's he doin' JC?" Chris asked.

"He looks a lot better from yesterday, he should be ready to go when we get back," he replied.

"Cool," Joey stated.

"So we go for this damned interview, and then we come home pick up Justin, and start working, some, on the album, right?" Lance asked.

"Yup," Chris replied.

"Cool," Lance nodded.

The guys were escorted to their flight's gate, and settled on to the plane. The flight was rather uneventful, most of them slept. JC just laid there wishing Justin was with them. It always seemed awkward goin' someplace with one of them missing. He was also worried about his well being, wishing he hadn't come down with the flu in the first place.

The plane began it's decent into JFK airport, and the guys were awoken by the pilots voice over the intercom. Once the plane landed, they were escorted off the plane and to the awaiting limo. Their bags, were brought to the limo, and they were off to the hotel they would be staying at for the next 2 nights.

Once there, they all settled in, and got ready to go out for the night to some of the city clubs. It was about 10:30 at night so he thought twice about waking Justin up on the phone. They went out, grabbed a bite to eat, and found a dance club they could all agree on.

They danced and had a good time, though JC seemed to be extra caught up on this whole Justin thing, for some odd reason. He felt like he should be there consoling him, or something; not out having a good time. JC sat at his table just swirling the drink in his glass as he thought this.

"Yo, JC what's up man? You don't seem to be your usual self?" Lance asked as he sat down at their table.

"Ohh, it's nothing. I'm just tired that's all," JC told him.

"You sure?" he continued.

"Yeah, I'm fine," JC replied with a forced smile.

"OK, well you commin' out to the floor," Lance questioned as he got up to return out there.

"Yeah, I guess I'll join you," JC replied as Lance pulled him to his feet.

"Ok, come on," Lance dragged JC out to the floor.

They all had a good time, and danced until they were beat. They then hailed a cab to take them back to their hotel, where they all crashed for the night.

Justin tossed and turned all night long in his bed. Finally at about 3 in the morning, he woke up. He couldn't sleep with JC and the guys bein' in New York and he was stuck here in bed. He was feelin' better, but it didn't matter now.

He started to dwell on JC's face from earlier, how striking his eyes were, and how much he missed bein' with him. Justin let out a light sigh, and tried to fall back asleep. Soon enough, he was out.

The phone rang loudly beside JC's head. He reached over and picked up the phone.

"It is now 8:30 this is the wake up call that was requested. Have a nice day Mr. Chasez," a female voice spoke.

There was then a 'click' as she hung the phone up. JC slowly crawled out of bed. The interview was at 1pm, and he was in no particular rush. He just wanted an early start, so he could go for a swim in the hotel's pool this morning. He got his suit, grabbed a towel, through on shorts and a tee-shirt and went over to the elevator.

He swam for about an hour and a half. He headed back to his room, to take a shower and get ready for the day. When he stepped out of the bathroom, he saw the message light on the phone was blinking. He picked up the receiver, and pressed the button.

"Hi, JC, it's Justin. Just callin' to tell you good luck with the interview. Also thought you'd like to know, I'm feeling much better now, so I met all your requirements. Well, I miss you and the guys. Tell them I said 'Hey', and see ya when you get back, later,"

JC smiled at the message, and it put his mind at ease about Justin, for the most part. He got ready quickly, and started to wake the other guys. They all told him they'd be out momentarily, and to have breakfast ready. JC called downstairs about breakfast, and the hotel had set up a secluded room in the dining area, for the guys. It would be ready in a few minutes. Soon enough the guys came out one by one, and they piled into the elevator.

They all towered their plated full of food, and sat at the table and began to eat.

"Hey guys. I got a message from Justin, he's doin' better, and wished us all luck for today," JC told them.

They all smiled.

"Cool," Joey said.

"Yeah, I hate being sick," Lance replied.

"Everybody does, stupid," Chris laughed.

The guys continued to eat, and made light conversation. They discussed the whole interview and what they were gonna do tonight. Just then one of the hotel assistants came in to the room.

"Excuse me? Uhhh, Mr. Chasez, you have a phone call at the front desk," the guy said nervously.

"Me? Who could that be?" JC said aloud.

He wiped his mouth and headed out with the assistant. JC was handed the phone, and who ever it was taken' off of hold.

"Hello?" JC asked.

"Hi JC, it's Rob," Rob said through the phone happily.

"Hey Rob, what's up?" he asked.

"Not much. I heard about Justin, how's he doin'?" Rob asked.

"He's fine, He said he was feelin' much better now, so he's fine," JC replied happily.

"Good. Now about today, there has been a change in plans," Rob said hesitantly.

"Good or bad?" JC asked slowly.

"Well, after the interview, you're going to go to the Rockefeller Center, and sign autographs and meet fans for about two hours. Take some pictures, you know the whole ordeal. Then do whatever you guys want tonight, and then your flight leaves for Orlando at 10:05 tomorrow morning," Rob said.

"OK, I'll let the guys know. Anything else?" JC asked.

"Nope, that's everything," Rob finished.

"OK, thanks, well talk with you later," JC said.

"Later," Rob said as he hung up the phone.

JC returned to where the guys were, and told them the plans management had laid out for them. They really didn't mind. JC finished eating while the guys headed back upstairs to finish getting ready for the day.

Justin sat around the house with Jonathan, wrestlin' and playin. Enjoying the time he had with him, because he knew soon their time would be cut short, again. His mom had left for work, and it was gettin' close to noon. Justin decided to take Jonathan out for lunch and to the mall. They left the house and had a great time. Thankfully Justin didn't have too much trouble with people swamping him, just the occasional autograph here and there.

After four hours, Justin returned home with Jonathan, and it was getting close to 4:30. Jonathan went to his room to go play some Playstation while Justin went to his room. Justin sat on his bed and looked up at a photo of the 5 of them. He starred at JC steadily, and started to REALLY miss him. He didn't know what it was, or why he always got so emotional over JC. All he knew was he always had very strong feelings for JC, and wished he could be around him ALL the time.

He never could tell anybody this, especially JC. He couldn't risk ruining the group relations, but more specifically he didn't want to scare JC away. Justin slowly began to well up with tears. He clenched his eyes clothes tightly, trying to stop them, but it was too late.

He went over to his cd player, and popped in their European album, and put on "Together Again" on an impulse. He stood there looking at JC in the picture.

"What is happening to me? Why is JC doing this to me?" Justin screamed aloud.

He then sat on his bed trying to stop from crying. All he could do was sing with the music and let his tears flow down his cheeks.

--------------------------------------------------- TOGETHER AGAIN: --------------------------------------------------- How Can I say, That I love you. When you're so, Far away.

So tell me why, You had to go. Was it me, I need to know

What can I do, To make you see. That I'm here, Here for you.

I really hope that you'll come home, So we can be, Together again.

What can I do, To make you see. That I'm here, Here for you.

I really hope that you'll come home, So we can be, Together again.

-'Nsync ---------------------------------------------------

It was then that Justin fully understood his real self.

"I love you JC, but that remains my secret, and my desire," Justin said under his breath as he looked at JC's face.

There was than a startling knock at the door. Justin quickly wiped his eyes dry, and shook his head. Hoping who ever it was wouldn't notice he had been crying. The knocking continued, and Justin finally opened the door.

"Hey Jonny, what's up?" he asked in a perky voice.

"Will you play Tekken with me?" Jon asked in such an innocent voice.

"Sure I will, come on let's go," Justin replied with a smile as he scooped his brother up in his arms.

Justin managed to keep his mind off of JC while playing video games, and soon enough his mom came home. They chatted about things, and had dinner. Jonathan was sent off to bed, and Justin's mom stated that Justin better do the same just to make sure he was definitely over the flu.

Justin took a dose of some medication, which would make him sleepy, and soon was sound asleep.

JC and the guys came back to the hotel exhausted.

"I love the fans, but they are exhausting," Chris laughed.

"Yeah, I know what you mean," Joey agreed.

"Well, what are you guys doing tonight?" Lance asked everyone.

"Don't know yet. You wanna head out to another club?" Lance asked eagerly.

"Don't have to ask me twice," Chris replied excitedly.

"Me neither," Joey emphasized.

"JC?" Lance asked as the elevator doors opened.

"Yeah, let me just get cleaned up and check on Justin real quick," he smiled at the others.

"When you call tell him, we all wish he was here. Now that he's 18, we could have shown him some really cool places around here," Chris said with a grin.

"Yeah he would have had a blast," Joey said as he unlocked his door.

"Catch you all in an hour, all right?" JC called out.

"One hour, be in the hall then, else we're commin' in and dragging you out kicking and screaming," Lance laughed as he closed his door.

Everyone made their ways into their rooms. JC showered and changed. He walked to the phone, and called Justin's house.

"Hello?" Justin's mom answered.

"Hi, is Justin there?" JC asked.

"No he went to sleep a little while ago. I wanted to make sure he is fully over this flu," she replied.

"OK, well tell him I called. We'll be leaving tomorrow morning and hopefully be back home around 3:30," JC told her.

"No problem JC, see you then," she replied happily.

"Bye," JC replied as he hung up the phone.

There was a knocking at JC's door, and he walked over and opened it up. They guys were there waiting for him so they could go out.

"Ready?" Lance asked.

"Yup, let's get going. But not too late, our flight leaves at 10 tomorrow morning," JC stated as they headed to the elevator.

The guys went out to a different club, and JC danced more than he did last night. They were noticed and danced in front of everyone as 'I Want You Back' poured over the speakers followed by 'Tearin' Up My Heart'. The guys had fun, but soon enough they were dragging themselves back to their beds. Lance had wake up calls set for all 4 of them and they went to bed.

The wake up calls came way to early, because none of them were too motivated the next morning. JC managed to get the others out of the hotel in time, and just barely made it in time to catch their flight. As before they all slept during the flight home. JC was very happy to think he could see Justin soon, he really had missed him these past few days.

JC woke an hour before landing, and starred out the window as Justin ran through his mind. Remembering all the good times they have had since they've known each other. He also noticed that a lot of his thoughts wondered even more than just spending time with Justin.

He began concentrating more so on Justin physically. He could picture his face and body in his mind, and he studied them in his thoughts. He realized he had an uncontrollable urge to want to hold him, and felt a slight feeling of love for him. More so then he felt for the other group members or his other friends. He felt close to Justin, in a way different than anybody else.

He knew he had feelings towards guys more so than he led to believe, in fact he played the straight role quite well, but Justin made it SO much harder to do. His mind was continuing these thoughts when Lance elbowed him in the side.

"Wake up dude! Snap out of it," Lance yelled in his ear.

"What? What do you want, Lance?" JC asked startled.

"Well, we're landing and you haven't put your seatbelt on yet. I've been trying to get your attention for the past 5 minutes and you've ignored everything I've said, and ever since we've left, you've been acting really distant," Lance explained.

"So you gonna tell me what's up with you?" he continued to question.

"It's nothing, I've just been out of it recently. Once we're home, I'll be fine," JC smiled as he placed his seatbelt on.

Lance nodded unsatisfied with the answer.

"We're the best of friends, and you won't even let us in on what you're thinking about. I had hoped you would have learned that we're here for you no matter what," Lance continued in a slightly upset tone.

"I know you guys are there for me, but nothings up, I've just been out of it," JC emphasized to Lance.

"Well, if you need to talk, I'm here and willing to listen, I want you to know that," Lance smiled.

"And so are we," Joey added as Chris nodded.

"Thanks, I know you guys are," JC smiled as the plane touched the ground.

Justin finally woke up around 1 in the afternoon, when Jonathan had jumped on top of him.

"Wake Up!" he laughed.

Justin screamed in terror as Jonathan landed on him. Justin grabbed him and pinned him down.

"Jump on me will ya?" he laughed as he started tickling his brother.

Jonathan laughed uncontrollably as he begged for mercy. Justin let him go and he ran out of the room. Justin got up and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. Once he was done, he went to the kitchen and made a sandwich as he read the note his mom had left.

***************** Justin.

JC called last night, they should be home around 3:30. Take care of Jonny, and I'll see you tonight, Love, Ma *****************

Justin looked at the clock, which read 2:30 PM.

"Cool, an hour," he said as he started eating.

Once 3:00 rolled around, he grabbed Jonathan and hopped in his car and took off for the airport to pick the guys up. He called the airport, to have them escorted to his car, rather than call a cab. They informed him that the flight had arrived early and was descending now.

"That's all right, cause I'm pulling in now," Justin told the woman.

"Ok, Mr. Timberlake, wait at the front entrance. Security is on it's way now," she replied.

"Cool, thanks," he said as he hung up his cell phone.

Jonathan waited happily for the guys to arrive. Justin had pulled up and security was surrounding his car holding back the people who were trying to rush in on Justin. A few minutes later the guys came running out of the airport and hopped in Justin's car.

"Hey sickly," Chris said as he ruffled Justin's hair from the backseat.

"Hey Chris, Guys, what's up?" he asked as he pulled away.

"Nada, you missed all the clubbin' over the past few nights," Joey told him.

"Dammit," Justin replied.

"Don't worry there's always next time," JC replied as he held Jonathan on his lap in the front seat.

"How'd the interview go yesterday?" Justin asked.

"Pretty good. They'll probably have you on your death bed though," Lance laughed.

"I'm sure," Justin nodded with sarcasm.

Justin dropped everyone off at their houses, JC and Chris being last.

"Home, sweet home," Chris said as he jumped out of the car and ran inside.

"He's happy to be back," Justin replied as he stepped out with Jonathan.

"Hey, Just?" JC said as he got out of the car.

"Yeah, JC?" he replied.

"If you wanna hang on a sec, I'll drop my stuff in the house, and we can go do something," JC smiled.

"Yeah, that'd be great," Justin said with excitement as he got a huge smile on his face.

"Yeh!" Jonathan yelled as he hopped up and down in the seat.

"Well, looks Jonny is commin too," Justin laughed as he messed up Jonathan's hair with his hand.

"Ok, I'll be right back," JC said as he went inside.

JC soon reappeared a couple of minutes later and hopped back in and put Jonathan back on his lap.

"Jeez, that was quick," Justin said sarcastically.

JC laughed, "Well did you want me to make you wait forever?" he asked.

"Nah, ok so where we goin'?" Justin asked.

"I don't know. Just drive, we'll figure something out, I'm sure," JC told him.

Justin agreed and off they went.

*** Well, there it is... If you like it, send comments to [smit8255@fredonia.edu]

please include the title "Just-JC" in the subject or message/comment. Otherwise: To Be Continued

-AJ ***

Next: Chapter 2

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