Just Friends

By moc.oohay@rtrwemittsrf

Published on Aug 13, 2009



I've been coming to this site for years, and I actually decided to give writing a try. The characters in this story are fictional although some of the events are loosely based on my life. I hope you guys like it.

"We're just friends" that is what Caillen kept telling everyone who asked about her relationship with her best friend Rachel. It was true that they were close but people just never understood the relationship that they have. As it was now, Caillen was yet again explaining her relationship to someone she met in class.

'Why am I even bothering to do this? Its not like she knows me, we're just doing a project together' thought Caillen.

"Ok I understand but then why are you guys always together?" asked Lisa. When the professor announced the groups, Lisa was more than happy to be paired with Caillen. She secretly had a crush on her since their freshmen year. They had seen each other around and even shared some classes together as both majored in anthropology. Lisa always wanted any excuse to be near Caillen and this project was perfect.

"We grew up together in a small town, so its good to be around someone who reminds you of home ya know?" Caillen answered Lisa's questions with practiced ease.

"I get it" said Lisa and dropped the subject as she could tell that the girl, who often entered her dreams, was now starting to get irritated with her questions. "So how do you wanna do this project?"

"Um we can exchange info and get together later this week?" Caillen suggested.

"That's cool" said Lisa. So the two exchanged numbers and email and went there separate ways as Caillen was late for her lunch with Rachel.

Truth be told even though her and Rachel were just friends, Caillen was deeply in love with her and had been since childhood. 'never happen' is what she would tell herself. Caillen got to the caf‚ a little early; she ordered herself a cappuccino and Rachel a low-fat latte knowing that it was her favorite. As she waited Caillen's mind wondered off into what her life would be like if she and Rachel were together. She always wondered why it couldn't work, but then the there would be a flash of Rachel with some random guy and it would come back. 'oh yeah, she's straight' It felt like a curse. Not only was it bad to be in love with your best friend but on top of that, she's straight. Fortunately, that didn't keep her from day dreaming about their future together...

As Rachel walked into the caf‚ she caught sight of her friend with that goofy look she got whenever she was day dreaming. She always wondered what she dreaming about but whenever she would ask, Caillen would shake her head and say it was nothing important. She walked over to the table nudged Caillen.

"What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing important" replied Caillen.

"If it's never 'important' why won't you ever tell me?" Rachel asked, pleading with her eyes.

'I really hate when she does that' thought Caillen. It was very hard for Caillen to resist giving Rachel what she wanted but even harder when she would give her those puppy dog eyes. Rachel has beautiful eyes. They are a sparkling blue and when you looked into them it was like looking up at a cloudless summer sky. Rachel's eyes weren't the only thing that was attractive, she was about 5'5 with light brown hair that was semi curly and went down to her shoulders. She was large b, small c in breast size and had great ass; just the right size for cupping. Rachel knew she looked good and knew how to use it to get what she wanted. She never understood why Caillen wouldn't do the same. It's true she was very boyish but that added to her sexiness. Caillen was about an inch taller than Rachel with brilliant green eyes that had golden specks through out. She had dark brown hair that was cut short in the back and kind of long on top so that she could spike it. She had tan olive skin that seemed to emanate its own light. For some reason Caillen never saw herself as being sexy and it aggravated Rachel to no end when all these girls would fall over her.

So what's new friend?" Rachel asked.

"Nothing much" replied Caillen and she began to tell Rachel about her day and about having to do a project in her Anthro and History class.

"that girl likes you" said Rachel.

"who?" Caillen asked confused.

"Your group..." Before she could finish a waitress from the caf‚ came by to see if they wanted a refill.

"No thank you" Said Caillen along with one of her dazzling smiles that showed off her perfectly white, perfectly straight teeth. The waitress looked stunned and began to blush as she turned to ask Rachel. "no" she said and then turned her attention back to Caillen.

"its not fair you know"

"What are you talking about?" asked caillen.

"your smile. You throw that thing around like it is nothing and you don't even realize the effect it has on people, especially on women"

"I don't know what you are talking about....its not like it works on you" she mumbled that last part

"Of course you don't, you never do... but anyways, like I was saying, that girl Lisa has a crush on you. You should see the way that she looks at you."

"No she doesn't, we are just classmates, I don't even know her that well" Caillen found it kind of funny that she was having this conversation with Rachel about Lisa when earlier she was having a similar one with Lisa about Rachel. The pair finished their coffee and made plans to get together later that week.

A few days later Caillen was sitting at the kitchen table having lunch with her roommate when her phone went off.


"hey its Lisa, I was wondering if you wanted to get together tonight and work on our project?" Lisa asked, wondering if she sounded a little too desperate.

"yea, no problem. can we meet at my place if that is ok?"

'that's more thank ok' she thought but replied "its fine"

" ok cool we can order pizza or something" " That sounds great!" 'oh no too much' thought Lisa.

"alright see you around seven" Caillen said and chuckled at what Rachel said the other day about Lisa having a crush. At 6:50 Lisa arrived with a hot pizza in one hand and some books in the other.

"Ready?" she asked.

"yea come in"

As Lisa walked in she noticed how big Caillen's apartment was. She had walked past this building many times and never gave any though to what was inside. But now that she looked around she took stock in her surroundings. The room was very bright, there were paintings on every wall and little knick knacks on shelves and empty table tops. It showed culture and life. "Who's the artist? I don't recognize the paintings." "Oh that would be Sean, my roommate, she's an art major" At that moment Sean came around the corner and said hi. "Wow you're good." Lisa said "I love the contrasting colors that you used. I used to really be into art before I decided on a major."

"Oh ok, well thank you. He Cae I'm going down to Paulies for a little bit. Do you need anything while I'm out? Sean asked. "No im ok" replied Caillen.

"So we have the place to ourselves...?" asked Lisa trying to hold back a smile.

"yep it looks that way"

The two began working on the project and eating pizza, after about 30 minutes they heard the key in the door.

"That was quick" said Lisa

"yea too quick..." and as she looked around the corner she saw that it wasn't Sean but Rachel. She had her work-out clothes on and was covered in sweat.

"Hey what are you doing here?

" I have a date with that guy John from my class. We're going to Paulies. I wanted to take a shower but my place is too far"

"Oh, ok. Well Rachel, this is Lisa, Lisa, Rachel."

The girls exchanged pleasantries and then Rachel headed off for the shower. Caillen then returned to kitchen table and back to work.

"She has a key?" Lisa wondered

"Yea, that way she can just come over whenever she wants. She is always on this side of town, so its easier."

"That's cool"

Lisa did a poor job of hiding her disappointment about the situation. After 45 minutes, Rachel came from Caillen's room in a stunning outfit.

'whitsle' " well don't you look fancy?" Caillen said jokingly

"yea, you know I like to look nice"

"you never look like that for me"

"you never take me out"

It wasn't hard to see how the pair clicked as they continued their playful banter. The way they finished each others sentences and jokes was almost sickeningly cheesy.

As Rachel was leaving, Sean came back. 'so much for having time alone' thought Lisa.

Later that night as Lisa lay in her bed, all she could think of was Caillen. Tonight made her realize just how much she wanted the girl with the sparkling green eyes.

'The way she looked at Rachel. There is something else there. How am I ever going to get her to look at me like that? Well I have a semester to figure it out...I hope.

To Be continued...

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