Just for a Few Days

Published on Jan 20, 2022




"JUST FOR A FEW DAYS" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


by Andrej Koymasky © 2021
finished writing 12 July 2006
translated into English by the author
text kindly reviewed by Tal


When Daneel woke, he was at first amazed at how quiet the house was. Then he remembered, his mother and stepfather had left for Portugal. He had not heard them get up and leave.

He looked at his watch: he had plenty of time to take a shower, have breakfast, then go to work. When he was under the roar of water, he had an erection, but he managed to avoid playing with himself between his legs and simply washed. With the passing of the years, he had calmed down a little, but just a little. He went to get breakfast wearing only his briefs, before getting dressed for work.

He worked in the archives of Le Quotidien de Namur, a local newspaper. He had found this job three years earlier and now he was settled well into his work. In the beginning he didn't feel very capable and often had to ask for help from his colleagues. They were obliging, and took no account of his inexperience, when explaining. One time after making an error he couldn't stop apologising to his boss for the mistake.

"We all have to start somewhere," his boss had tried to reassure him. "These things happen. It's part of the learning process."

He would never have believed that the newspaper had such vast archives; they filled a large hall some twenty by thirty meters. There were two rows of pillars in the centre of the hall and the light came from large skylights. Below, was a maze of metal filing cabinets, part devoted to photographs, another section to old editions, and one more with various other documentation.

A team of eight worked together, cataloguing and filing new material. Requests were received from the journalists and editorial staff, and Daneel with some other staff retrieved the material. They worked in two shifts and never had a minutes rest.

There were five women and three men, including the boss. Neither of the other two men held any interest for him. Physically, his boss was small and almost bald, he was though a kind and intelligent person. The other man was also friendly, physically hirsute, and with a habit of telling annoying jokes. The women he got along with fine, they ranged in age from the youngest, a year older them himself, to the oldest, the forty-five year old deputy to the boss.

Well, he had thought, at least at work he would not have been tempted. If he had not been gay, maybe one or two of the women who worked there were not bad and one would have been game. She had made him understand her intentions, even if he had pretended not to.

In those days Daneel had the first shift, from 8AM to 3PM. In fact he never finished before three-thirty. The second shift ended at 10PM or soon after and then only the typography worked, to get the edition out early the next day. So it was no longer necessary for the archive to be open.

Daneel preferred the early shift because it left him most of the afternoon and the evening free. Lunch or dinner, according to the shift you worked, we're taken in the company self-service canteen, but with only half an hour, three quarters at the most, to eat. They went two at a time to eat and the food was not bad, his mother did not cook much better.

Once, in the toilet at work, he saw and admired a young messenger and his beautiful manhood. A very handsome boy who had reminded him of his second sexual experience. He looked remarkably like his neighbour, so much so, that he could have been his brother, but he had another surname.

His neighbour was a boy a year older than him, named Robert. He lived next door, in a bigger house. A tall and slender guy, he was a roller-skate champion. Always wore designer clothes, but his family weren't any better off than they were. Between both families there were friendly relations, but any conversation was limited to good morning and good evening, little more.

He liked Robert. When they met they always exchanged a smile and a greeting. Daneel would have liked to make friends, but he was too shy to take the first step and Robert had his own group of friends, high school mates or skaters like him. They attended different schools.

Yes, he liked Robert, he found him sexy. So much so, that sometimes he even masturbated thinking about him. A few months ago he had seen him shirtless, pruning the hedge in front of his house. Needless to say, that vision immediately gave him an erection. His smooth chest, with perfect pink nipples, his well-defined muscles and flat belly, made him very, very sexy!

The two properties were divided by a high wooden fence with hedges each side. Only by climbing on the roof, or climbing one of the two trees in the garden, would one have been able to see inside the neighbours' garden, since both houses were single storey. He knew that the neighbours also had a pool, because in the summer one could hear the noise of splashing water. It could not be very big, because it needed to fit between the three trees whose foliage he could see.

One day Daneel came home from school and had forgotten his keys, probably left them in the pocket of his other trousers when he'd changed. So he sat on the step by the front door waiting for his mother to get back from work. It started to drizzle, then the wind picked up and the rain got heavier. It was blowing into him and he was getting soaked, when Robert appeared holding a large umbrella.

"What are you doing out here in the rain? You locked out?" he asked.


"What time does your mother get back?"

"Probably not for another three hours..."

"You can't stay there! Come and wait for her at my place."

"It doesn't matter, I'm already wet."

"No, no, come on!" Robert insisted.

He brought him into the house and since his clothes were dripping wet, had him wait in the hallway. He fetched a red cotton terry robe and a plastic basin and told him: "Take off everything and put your clothes in the basin. Then I'll hang them up to dry."

"But not..."

"Come on! You risk getting a fever if you keep those wet clothes on. Look at the lake you're making! "

"I'm sorry..."

Robert smiled: "Its okay, I'll get a rag later and wipe the floor dry. Come on, take off everything, and put this on. Then dry your hair in the bathroom with the hair dryer. "

Daneel got undressed but was self-conscious with Robert standing there watching. So under the pretext of dropping his clothes in the basin, he turned his back to him. Once he was completely naked, Robert wrapped the bathrobe around him, but turned him around to tie it at the front.

He then handed him a pair of black flip-flops and a towel: "Start drying and come to the bathroom, I'll hang up your clothes."

"Thanks... I'm sorry."

"Come on! When you've finished drying your hair with the hair dryer, go and sit in the living room. I'll be there in a minute. If you want to, turn on the TV."

Daneel went to the bathroom, dried his hair and combed it. He thought that his almost black hair contrasted nicely with Robert's light brown. He wondered if Robert had continued watching him undress when he turned away. If he had he would have seen his neat little ass.

He went into the living room and sat down on the sofa in front of the television, but didn't turn it on. He looked around: the furniture was good quality, not very different from that in his house. Only the TV was bigger. He heard Robert walking along the hall. He wondered if he had seen him from a window or coming home. Robert's clothes were dry.

After awhile Robert joined him in the living room and Daneel noticed he had taken his shoes and socks off and had flip-flops on his feet, red ones.

"Would you like a hot drink?"

He was about to tell him not to bother, but instead thanked him and said yes. Robert asked if he would like a mug of coffee with honey and some liqueur. He nodded. Then watched him disappear into the kitchen and heard him moving around. About ten minutes later he returned with two steaming mugs and handed one to him.

Daneel sipped the drink: it was very good! A little strong because of the liquor, but really very good.

"Are you cold?" Robert asked him. "Maybe just a little?"

"Not really... just..."

"Wait up," he said, getting up and leaving the living room again.

Daneel finished his drink. Robert had left his mug unfinished, so he took it and emptied that too. He felt his head pleasantly light. Robert came back with a plaid, sat down on the sofa next to Daneel and covered them both.

"Better?" he asked, looking at him, with a little smile.

"Mh mh!" assented Daneel.

Robert put his arm around his shoulders: "So we are more comfortable... and warmer..." he said, looking at him.

Daneel leaned his head on the other's boy's arm. It felt good... too good... He could feel Robert pressed against him. And he felt an erection rise slowly between his legs. A very pleasant, throbbing erection. He turned his head a little to look at Robert, who smiled at him. He returned the smile. He thought Robert was beautiful, really beautiful.

"Have you ever kissed?" Daneel asked in an excited whisper, amazed at having had the courage to voice that question. In reality, he wanted to say: kiss me, but he didn't have that much nerve. But he wanted it and felt himself tremble.

Robert tightened his arm around his shoulders, pulling him even closer. Slowly he lowered his head until their faces touched. Daneel closed his eyes and opened his lips, waiting. Robert leant across him in an embrace.

Daneel was terribly excited. He reached out and rested his hand on Robert's crotch, confirming he too was aroused. Their bodies moved against each other, at first lightly, then more insistently. Daneel pressed into him and as they kissed, their tongues danced together.

The pleasure increased rapidly and Daneel slipped a hand under Robert's sweatshirt, making it slide lightly on the beautiful smooth hairless chest. Then he descended into the hollow of his tense belly, and his fingers lingered over his navel, teasing him lightly, staying for a long time. Their tongues continued to chase each other, from the mouth of the one into the other's. Daneel felt like he was in heaven.

He pushed his fingers under Robert's belt, who understanding sucked in his belly, leaving some space through which Daneel slipped his hand. His fingers moved blindly over the unknown terrain. Feeling Robert's firm, hard, penis, waiting to be touched, he seized it and it throbbed in his grip.

Robert was not idle. His hands were under Daneel's robe, slipping off his shoulders, down the smooth skin of his back, and reaching his hips. His hands glided behind, grasping hold of Daneel's small firm buttocks and kneading them lightly. As Daneel gently squeezed his penis with his hand, Robert gripped his ass more forcefully, pulling him harder against him.

Their excitement was increasing dramatically, and Daneel wondered where it was leading them, what it was leading them to. Under the plaid, he completely unbuttoned Robert's trousers and with a little help slid them down on his thighs. Daneel's robe was open and as they pressed into each other, for the first time, their quivering hot tools touched sending shockwaves through his body. Robert pushed him back onto the sofa, the robe fell onto the floor.

He thrust towards Daneel his pulsing rod rubbing against him. Raising his head he looked him in the eyes and smiled. Daneel returned the smile, and his hands cupped the taut buttocks, pulling Robert hard against him.

"Everything good?" Robert asked in a whisper.

"Yes... Everything, so good," Daneel murmured, blushing with pleasure.

Daneel watched intently as Robert paused, stood up, and undressed in front of him. Standing naked he gently pushed Daneel back onto the sofa and knelt down between his legs. His lips kissed the boy's straining erection, engulfing it and sucking him with passion. He slowly took the whole length into his mouth and his hands were at the same time playing with Daneel's balls.

Daneel then manoeuvred them both so as to lie side by side, head to toe. He stared excitedly at the strong, hard penis, which was just a little bigger than his own. He took hold of the hard rod, which jumped in his hand, and he slid the foreskin down to reveal the velvety purple head. Leaning in, he touched the glans with his lips and tongue. Closing his lips over the crown, Robert pushed forward, sliding his penis into the boy's mouth, before drawing back. Then he began sliding back and forth through those perfect soft lips in measured strokes.

Daneel was subsumed by pleasure, the musky odour was an aphrodisiac that enraged his lust, and desire to please. As Robert's thrusts into his mouth became more and more rapid, Daneel licked his tongue around the bulbous head. The tip of his tongue flicked across the slit of Robert's swollen cock, which opened to send a flood of convulsive spurts down his throat.

Robert tensed and groaned in a low and choked voice: "I enjoy... I enjoy... eeenjoooy..."

Then he took Daneel's penis back into his mouth and led him swiftly to a climax of his own.

Daneel felt the taste of the other boy's seed, and after a brief hesitation, he swallowed everything, it was a peculiar but pleasant taste.

Robert sunk his face into Daneel, his nose pressed against his testicles, he also drank everything, sucking hard, his hands caressing the small firm buttocks. Daneel moaned with pleasure.

Finally they relaxed, moving away a little, gasping slightly, still shivering from time to time. Robert put down his legs, stood up and sat on the edge of the sofa, caressing Daneel's chest and stomach.

"For months I've wanted to do that with you," he said smiling.

"With me?" Daneel asked, pleased.

"Of course, with you. But I had no idea how to. We needed this rain! "

"Is that why you told me to come in here?"

"No. I was sorry for you, crouched there on the step, wet like a duckling. But when you undressed and I saw your nice little ass, my desire has awakened. So I decided to try. "

"The alcohol. The blanket." Daneel said.

"Yes. It was a good plan, wasn't it?"

"Yes it was."

"We'll do it again, right?"

"I'd love to"

But later, although his clothes were only a little damp, when he was dressed again, and after they said goodbye, he realised he had done something he shouldn't have. He returned home, because the rain had stopped and his mother would soon be back. He waited on the step, feeling guilty and shameful, he promised himself it would never happen again, even if it had been a beautiful moment, never again.

Why did he always fall into these situations? He could have stopped it, it wasn't because of the alcohol. It wasn't like the time on the train when he had been taken by surprise. No, when he put his arm around his shoulders he knew what his neighbour was doing, even if he had no idea how it would turn out.

His mother came back... and scolded him for forgetting his keys. She told him to take a hot shower and put some dry clothes on. When he was dressed, he went into the kitchen, where his mother was preparing dinner. He sat at the table and watched her busy with the cutting board and the pots. He realised he was hungry, perhaps the aroma that flowed from the stove had awakened his hunger.

"Did you hear about that guy who was found dead in the Louise Marie Park, along the Sambre, toward the university?"

"No... do they know who he was?" Daneel asked, holding his breath, fearing that it was his father's body.

"Yes, a shopkeeper from the rue Emile Cuveller. You know, the street in front of the theatre. A fifty-year-old man, a wretch who went there at night to find a boy to fuck! He got what he deserved."

"Mom, nobody deserves to be killed!" Daneel said upset.

"Those perverts, yes. They need treatment, to be castrated, if necessary, so as to stop. And he was married. Just think of the shame for the family! Apparently they tied him up and stuffed him with a tennis racket handle from behind, then three straight stabs to the heart. What he deserved."

Daneel shuddered. Not only from imagining the death of the unknown, but from the poison he felt in the words, in the tone his mother used. What if such a horrible thing had happened to him. He didn't go to the park at night, but... Did he need to be treated? How, by whom... without letting his mother know?

"Think of the poor wife and children. They will have to sell the shop, leave Namur. What a shame! The pig was married and had three sons! How disgusting! He ruined the life of his whole family."

Daneel thought he could never get married if he could not get well. He was still too young for his mother to tell him it was time to think about it. And when it was time, maybe, he could be healed, who knows?

A few days later, with the excuse of having hurt himself during the gym class, he went to see the family doctor. First of all, he asked if, although he was a minor, he would keep the secret from his mother. After a solemn promise, stammering and ashamed to death, he revealed his problem to him. The doctor told him that it was not a disease, neither physical nor psychological, and that therefore there was nothing to cure.

"But I do not want to be a fag, a homosexual!" the boy protested. "And then it's a mortal sin and my mother hates homosexuals, and..." he said, on the verge of tears.

"I do not interfere with what the church says. I look after the body, not the soul, and your body is healthy. I don't, myself, think it's a sin, but as I told you I'm not a believer. As for your mother, try not to let her find out, what else can I tell you?"

Daneel looked at his watch, in a little under an hour the second shift would take over. He opened the envelopes with the new photographs to be filed. He stopped and looked with wide eyes at a large black-and-white photo of the actor Brad Pitt, completely naked. His member soft but protruding was clearly visible and beautiful! He got instantly aroused and looked around nervously. No one was looking at him, no one was nearby. He passed his fingers lightly over the photo in a kind of caress.

He would have liked to have a copy but... there was only one and anyway, he could not steal it and bring it home, if his mother discovered it, he would have been in big trouble. He looked around once more then looked at the photo again. Unconsciously he rubbed a hand over his cock, then he looked between his legs. Fortunately it was not possible to notice his condition! Brad Pitt was really a handsome man. He looked at the other photos - nothing as interesting.

He forced himself to get to work and catalogue the photographs, then sort them into the various drawers of the metal binders. When he put the one back in Brad Pitt's drawer, the drawer for the actors, in the drawer P-T, he contemplated it for a few moments. Then with a certain resolve he to put it in the right place and closed the drawer. He realised his heart was beating faster than normal.

Finally, the second shift arrived to take over. Daneel stamped his card and left. The weather was mild. As he was about to take the bus home, he changed his mind. Knowing his mother would not be at home, would not suffocate him with questions about where he had been, he decided to take advantage. He would visit the cinema where he had heard he might encounter people like himself.

It was a colleague, a couple of months before, while they ate in the company's self-service canteen that, laughing, had advised people not to go to this cinema. They risked being importuned by someone trying it on. It had happened to him and he had to leave without finishing watching the movie. He had protested to the cashier, but she had said she couldn't do anything.

He walked in front of the cinema, it was showing an old film by Tavernier, « La vie et rien d'autre ». He had already seen it, with his mother, but he didn't care. He wasn't going to watch a movie, after all. He bought a ticket and went into the hall already feeling aroused. He had no idea what to expect, but it seemed like a normal cinema. At most there were about forty spectators scattered here and there in the hall.

He went to sit in an almost empty row, moving toward the centre. He looked at the screen, and then looked around a little. He turned his attention back to the screen again. Was it possible that it was false information? Or it happened to his colleague once, by chance?

About ten minutes into the film, a man in his mid-twenties came to sit beside him. He saw him arrive, out of the corner of his eye. He did not look very tall, but he was slim. He sat in the place on Daneel's right, where he had his arm resting on the dividing armrest. After awhile, the newcomer put his hand next to Daneel's, lightly touching. Daneel, struggling with his instinct and the excitement that had suddenly seized him, did not remove his hand. He glanced at him from the corner of his eye again, without turning his head.

Then, his mind on fire, he turned very slowly and saw the guy was looking at him, as if he were waiting for his reaction. He froze, all his muscles tense like the strings of a violin. The young man gently ran his hand up, brushing the length of Daneel's arm with the side of his hand and Daneel quivered almost violently.

In the darkness, animated by the flickering screen, their glances met again and they stared at each other, excluding everything that surrounded them from conscious vision. Almost in a dream-like dimension, oblivious to the sounds and images that crossed the screen, to the other spectators, feeling incredibly aroused, Daneel felt the newcomer's other hand settling on his thigh. He wanted to touch him too, but he felt paralysed by the excitement.

He thought he had dark hair, though less dark than his own. His eyes glowed as if lit by two flames. He felt himself invaded by a strong hot flash. He felt the urge to get up, change places, go away, flee, but he did not move. His penis, now very hard, pressed against the material that restrained it, seeking to be released. He looked back at the screen, but without registering what was going on there.

The two hands left him but at the same time the leg pressed against his, two or three times, then the left hand returned, but this time on his thigh. It was an exciting game and Daneel waited to see what the other would do. He probably wanted to make sure he was willing.

The young man's leg began to rub against his leg and his hand returned to rest on his hand, but this time definitely above. Daneel was getting more and more excited, his penis almost hurt, it strained so hard against the cloth of his trousers. The hand of the other intertwined his fingers with his. Daneel adjusted his cock with his other hand. The other then took his arm from the armrest, slid it underneath and reached with a determined move Daneel's fly and fingered it.

Daneel winced, excited but also a bit scared. He feared that someone could see these manoeuvres. He looked around nervously, while the other fingered his hard and throbbing member. Nobody could see them. Daneel pushed his pelvis slightly forward and spread his legs a little. His throat felt dry, his face burning, while the other ran his hand along the length of his dick and felt it under the cloth of his trousers, as if to verify its length and consistency, its solidity. He looked at him and smiled. Daneel tried to smile back, but he felt all his muscles paralysed.

Then the guy began to fiddle with the buttons of his fly, trying to open them. Daneel's member throbbed vigorously. His excitement was becoming almost unbearable, and he feared he would reach orgasm at any moment. Gently, he pushed the man's hand away from his fly, and the other did not resist, but took Daneel's hand and pulled it, pressing it against his own thigh.

Daneel hesitated a little and looked at him again. The other smiled and nodded, spreading his legs and placing one astride his. Then Daneel shifted his hand to touch the guy's penis and felt its stiff and hard consistency palpate in his palm. He jumped, realising that the guy had pulled it out. He tried to remove his hand as if it had been burned, but the other held it steady. They had not exchanged a word yet.

Daneel's palm was completely pressed onto the naked cock of his neighbour, rigid and throbbing, well-erect and warm, incredibly pleasant. And finally he seized it and squeezed it vigorously, with pleasure, and the other moaned. Daneel thought he had dared too much and was about to withdraw his hand, but his neighbour brought his hand back to his member and spread his legs wider, sinking into the seat.

Then Daneel started to masturbate him, feeling completely on flame, his head, his body, his genitals, his hands. He looked at him and the guy smiled again, with lust, and this time Daneel managed to smile back. Then the neighbour stopped him and slowly stood up erect.

"Come outside?" he asked in a whisper, as he put it back.

Daneel nodded. When they stood up, he noticed that both had a tent in their pants. Daneel pulled off his light jacket and folded it over his arm, placing it in front to conceal his condition. Leaving the line of seats they went towards the exit. He saw that the young man had put a hand in his pocket and he looked at him again, between his legs. He had to have pushed it down, because now there was nothing compromising to see. When he looked at him, he smiled and whispered, confirming his manoeuvre.

They left. It was still bright outside.

"Hello," he said, "my name is Hugo."

"I'm, Daneel."

"Do you have a place?"

He was about to say no, but then he remembered that his mother and stepfather were in Portugal. "Yes, there's nobody at home."

"Will you take me there? Is it far?"

"By bus?"

"I have a car. Just tell me where to go."

He took him to his car and Daneel gave directions. From time to time they glanced at each other.

"I like you, Daneel. What do you like to do?"

"A bit of everything."

"Good, me too. How old are you?"

"Twenty-one, and you?"

"You look younger. I'm twenty-six. Student? Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No, I work. I don't have a boyfriend."

"I do. I'm with a man who's fifty-eight, we've been together for six years, but sometimes he lets me have a fling. But I cannot take you to our home, of course. "

"Do you live together?" Daneel asked in amazement, thinking that it was a good thing to do.

"Yes, of course, since I met him. We have a shop together, a furniture shop. A stone's throw from the Hôtel de Ville. How come a nice guy like you does not have a boyfriend yet?"

"I still live with my family and there's a guy I like, but we have not done anything yet."

"But is he gay?"

"Yes, but he too lives with his family and..." Daneel answered, a little disturbed by these personal questions asked so casually.

They arrived in front of his house. He wondered if he had done the right thing to take him home, the neighbours could see them. But at that point, even if they said something to his mother, he could tell her he was a work colleague.

They went inside and he immediately took the guy to his room.

As soon as the door closed behind them, Hugo took him in his arms. "Do you like kissing?" he asked him.

Daneel nodded. Hugo kissed him warmly, perhaps too much. And he caressed between his legs, feeling he was excited.

"You still have it hard on!" he exclaimed pleased.

"No, not still. Again." Daneel said, blushing.

Hugo began to undress him and Daneel undressed him in turn, feeling almost a sense of urgency. He looked towards the window: the curtains were closed. When they were standing in just their underwear, Hugo pushed him onto the bed and stretched out on one side, so they were facing each other. Then he gripped his slip and pulled it down to free Daneel's hard rod, which bounced up and down. He began to deal with it, first with his hands, then with his mouth. He was obviously an expert.

Daneel's cock throbbed in his mouth and Hugo, with art, titillated the glans with his lips and tongue, enclosed the column in his hand and while he was pushing in and out of his moist, warm mouth, he rotated his wrist causing a subtle and growing pleasure.

Then Daneel turned and placing his hand in the guy's boxers, caressed his erection and his testicles. He removed his boxers completely and took his penis in his mouth, with pleasure. For a while they devoted themselves to an exciting sixty-nine. Daneel moved his hand to tease the guy's anus and Hugo shuddered.

"Do you want to fuck me?" he asked, breathing heavily.

Daneel nodded.

"Do you have a condom?"

Daneel shook his head.

"Fortunately I have!" Hugo said with a smile. He eased off the bed, rummaged in his trouser pocket and returned with a packet of sachets, took out one and tore it open, and went back to the bed. "Never without!" he told him.

"You're right." Daneel answered excitedly and shamefully.

Hugo carefully took hold of Daneel's stiff member and slid the condom onto him. His cock throbbed excited at the touch. Then Hugo stretched out on his back on the bed, and pulled his legs up to his chest, looking at him with an inviting smile. Daneel kicked off his slip and went over to him, pointing the hard member at its goal, directing it with his hand to that spot. He pushed against Hugo and sank his cock into him, and took his hand away. He slid himself completely inside until his balls touched against Hugo's ass.

"Ah, how good is that? Come on, show me that you know how to fuck. Come on. Fuck me. Enjoy it!" Hugo urged him.

Daneel was incredibly excited; he was almost dripping sweat. He began to move, first with slow and long strokes, then stronger, shorter and faster, spinning his pelvis a little.

"Yes... you know how to do it, good... so... let me feel it all... Come on, fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck my ass!"

Daneel took his hands off the mattress and placed them on the guy's chest, so he could rub his nipples between his thumbs and forefingers and resumed fucking him vigorously, always moving his pelvis around. His belly rubbed against Hugo's hard member making him suddenly tense and groan.

"Oh... fuck... you're... I'm about... I'm about... cooo... oohh... I'm coming... I'm cooooming... Ooohhhh..." Hugo shot between their bellies and breasts, contracting and tightening his sphincter with vigour.

This added sensation, tightening and gripping Daneel's penis, took him to the verge and he thrust his cock deep into Hugo exploding in spasms inside him with a long, low moan, trembling from head to toe. Then he collapsed on top of him. Hugo took his face in his hands and kissed him for a long time, intensely, until they calmed down and, slowly, they broke away, exhausted.

"Shit, it's been years since anyone made me come just by fucking me! You were awesome!" Hugo told him, sliding his fingers through his hair.

Then he reached out and took his boxers and wiped his semen from their breasts and bellies. He got out of bed and dressed, without wearing the boxers that he folded up and put in his pocket. Daneel remained on the bed watching him.

"Stay there, after that ride you need to rest. Who knows if we will see each other again. Bye, and thank you." he said and walked out.

Daneel murmured a thank you. He heard the door close, then the car start. He got out of bed, and walked naked to the bathroom. He took the condom off, threw it into the toilet and ran the water until he saw it disappear. He entered the shower, regulated the water and washed for a long time. While he was washing, the guilt and shame, mixed with the aftermath of pleasure, stirred in him confusedly.


Please, donate to keep alive Nidty site, that allows you to read these pages, Thank you - Andrej

In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is


If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help me revising my translation into English of another of my stories, send me an e-mail at

[andrej@andrejkoymasky.com](mailto:andrej@andrejkoymasky.com?subject=Your Stories)

(I can read only English, French, Italian... Andrej)

Next: Chapter 3

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