Published on Dec 3, 2008



Bruce sat on the couch watching as the two men made Christopher kneel.

The boy was shirtless and wore white boxers like always. He didn't resist too much, just enough to get excited which was clearly visable.

Bruce got excited too as he always did at this stage. His job was almost over. This last one lasted a bit longer because he was enjoying himself. So was Christopher who had discovered a new way of life when they met.

"Hey whatcha lookin for?" Bruce asked sitting on the bench. The young faced guy was younger then he or at least looked younger. He had a map in his hand.

"Just got here, looking around" he replied "Christopher.

They talked awhile there and then at lunch which Bruce had invited the boy to after hearing the basis.

No family, on his own, just got out of the Navy, exploring Boston, might go to school, no job - all the ingredients for a perfect subject.

Bruce got paid for this, something none of the boys knew or at least thought he was serious when he told them.

Christopher looked up as one of the men counted out the money. It aroused him even more. He had long ago given himself up to Bruce.

His thick blonde hair grown out since he left the service was gone. So was his body hair, though he didn't have much to begin with. He had no clothes to speak of either. He had folded them up and presented them to Bruce during that night, the night he became what he realized he wanted to be.

They chatted at that lunch and Christopher accepted the invitation to crash, grateful he had a free place to stay while he figured things out.

Bruce estabilished the casualness of the aparment immediately walking around naked.

"You can too, hell why not, we're both guys" he handed Chris a beer noticing how the boy looked at his cock.

They made him stand next and grabbed the white cloth ripping it off him. The tent pole cock he had was clearly visable as was the shaven smooth crotch and balls Chris had.

The first night was an easy first step. Influenced by beer and the appreciated attentions of an older boy, Christopher gave in quickly to the touching, kissing and erection. He let himself be guided into the bedroom and used.

He had been used before back in his hometown and later while a sailor. In fact it was because of one of those experiences that he was released from the Navy. Due to the fact the top who had him bent over was a prominent officer, the expulsion was a general discharge and no record of the real reason recorded.

Christopher gladly sucked and let himself be fucked multiple times. Naked and recovering he told his true story to Bruce.

Bruce had become a talented searcher of his kind. There was a look, a feeling he had, a gut judgment that was usually correct as he was with Christopher.

Christopher said the officer had approached him one night in the aft head on board a ship and he knelt and sucked the man. Their relationship grew when the man told him to meet him at an address during leave in San Diego. There he reported and became the man's sex toy.

"Did you like him taking charge of you like a slave and property?" Bruce asked not sounding judgamental but using key words that would reveal all.

He noticed the hardness that reoccured as Christopher admitted he liked it. The Officer treated him like a dog sometimes, made him wear a collar. Chris needed to tell someone, confess his own desires and pleasures. He felt comfortable doing it and relieved he could.

Bruce smiled in the darkness that night. He had training to do.

"Rule one, you will remain naked unless I order you otherwise" he said at breakfast. Christopher did not react just listened.

"Rule two, you will serve me in any way I order you to or any of my friends" Chris's cock had already begun to grow, it got harder.

"Rule three, from now on you are my property, understand boy?"

Christopher looked up grateful he had somehow magically found an answer to all his quesitons about where he was, what he was to do and who he was. He knelt beside Bruce's chair.

"yes SIR" he said hoping Bruce was serious.

He was.

Days past as Christopher cleaned, obeyed, sucked, bent over, knelt beneath Bruce's urine stream, bathed his new master, remained on the floor like a slave dog, answered the door naked, cooked and said YES SIR repeatedly. It was easy because he meant it.

That first weekend "THE CEREMONY" Bruce talked about occured when several gathered. Bruce ordered Chris to wait on the group, satisfy the urgings of many, let his body be touched, grabbed, pinched and played with.

Then he knelt on the sheet he had spread out. Several of the group particpated turning him into the smooth, totally smooth. Kneeling in the tub, he was marked by all gathered. The aroma of the groups piss excited Chris even more then Bruce's alone.

He was bathed like a dog with scrub brushes until his skin was red. And the rest of the weekend his orders was to please any who demanded it.

One or more at a time, Chris proved he could obey whatever his new Master demanded.

Days and weeks after, his chores varied. He was dressed in harness and paraded around special bars. He was taken on a leash to parties and orgies where he first demonstrated his obedience to his master and his own need to be obedient.

Bruce constantly tested him. Before there had been times when the experiences past and the subject decided it was only a pasttime fantasy. Some tried to revolt demanding Bruce to obey but when he walked away, they packed and left the apartment.

But several did as Chris did, they were constantly and repeatedly excited to be tested, punished, used and learn new ways to serve another man.

He let his knees be scratched and scabbed from the dog walks Bruce took him on. He chilled at the nights he was chained to another Master's backyard dog house. He learned to endure the pain of punishment.

Bruce knew what he was doing having the boy tied spread eagle, sucked by another slaveboy while being punished. Chris' brain melded the pleasure and pain until he could endure harsher whipping and flogging while getting more and more excited.

He began to purposly disobey Bruce to get what he deserved. It was then that Bruce knew he would soon be ready.

The sharing excursions increased as Bruce rented him to others. They would come to the apartment, examine the boy and as he knelt obediently pay Bruce. Being rented excited Christopher, it was obvious as his slave cock dripped with anicipation.

And each time he experienced different ways to obey, different punishments, different treatments and reported to his Master on all that had occurred.

More then once he was returned by the rentor who complained about him and demanded money returned.

Though Christopher suspected this was a ruse, a reason created for his eventual punishment, he repeatedly apologized as he was belted, flogged or left chained on the cold roof all night.

Now he feared the truth of the latest experience yet was more excited then in the past as his Master had decided to sell him. Several had come by to examine him and test his body.

A few had taken photos to take back to their Master for consideration.

It was one of these times that these two men arrived. The slave sent to examine him and be video tapes using him, belonged to a Master far away.

He would be sold, taken there and serve unquestioning.

Bruce knew the man. He had sold him others before. One was still there, another had been released to another Master in Hawaii and yet another had joined the military, his id returned to him.

Christopher knelt obediently as the money counted out to Bruce concluded.

"Here's the slave's id. He has no clothing or property" Bruce said handing the envelope containing Chris wallet. Chris had presented it to him the night of the Ceremony.

The boy pledged to serve Master Bruce in front of the group, knowing the penalty would be abandonment. He handed all he owned, his identiy and self to the control of another man.

It was the same sensation he had joining the Navy who demanded much of him the same way except he would still be Christopher Mullin the orphaned boy.

The Ceremony declared him slave, no name given, property of Master Bruce.

"You are not slave, property of Master Martinez" Bruce said as he finished cumming into Chris's open mouth, his last action as Master. The man had jacked him as Martinez had instructed as the slave awaited while the other man videotaped the ceremony.

Christopher swallowed and bent his head. He wanted to say thank you to Bruce for caring for him, training him and giving him a life..the one he discovered he needed.

But slaves are not allowed to talk unless their Master instructs otherwise. His new Master was not there to do so.

Led naked from the apartment, the slave was covered with a black overall garment which would be taken from him once he knetl in front of his new Master.

Bruce sighed. He had gotten emotionally close to this one, perhaps closer then he wanted. But the slave was sold.

"Hello?" he answered the door hoping it wasn't Martinez men saying the slave had escaped. That happened once a long time ago when Bruce first started this job.

"My name is Arnie, Arnie Estlewood. I answered your email?" the kid was actually younger then Bruce thought he'd be, especially based on the number of experiences he claimed he had had.

Bruce found him on one of the young slave type websites. The kid's posting said he was kicked out and looking for a Master.

"In and strip" Bruce commanded.

He had a new slave to train, use, punish, mature, rent and eventually sell. Bruce liked his job, it was sometimes hard work but he was well paid in so many ways.

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