Just Brian

By Zeco

Published on Jul 5, 2001


Hello there, I'm back and I'm afraid that is for the last time.... I'm really sorry for posting this sooooooo late but I had some troubles. I recived some mail( thanks to everyone who mailed me) but I need some will to continue writing... I have some ideas but I just don't have the will, but anyway thank for the feedback and for reading

Don't know them.... Never met them...so I don't know their sexuallaty( and I don't care if they are or not, it's their lives not mine!).. under 18 read this only away for your parents... ofended by this then go to Disney and talk to Mickey..

Just Brian 6

3 weeks had passed since my broke up with Brian, since then I only got calls from Kevin and the others except for Brian. I couldn't get a job but I shared an apartment with Natalie. In the end of this week the boys were going to come here to give some interviews and for some photo shoot (I knew this from Kevin of course!). Kevin had asked me to come to their hotel to talk a little; he promised me that Brian wouldn't be there! I wasn't ready to see Brian again but I really wanted to see the others, Nick had asked me to bring Natalie. And there was I: preparing to knock on the door of Kev's room, I knocked... I heard someone getting up and then Kevin appeared in the door

  • Hello there- he said hugging- long time no see!

-I miss you too! - I said hugging him back

  • Come on in! -He said - oh I'm sorry Natalie

While they hugged each other I entered and saw that only Nick and A.J were there, I hugged them both and we started talking. They told me that Brian and Howie were shopping, and asked me a lot of question about my new life. We stayed there for almost an hour and I stayed to know that Brian was really sad about my leaving and that he was even taking some pills to don't get a depression. When we heard a knock on the door, they all seemed to be surprised, Kevin got up and opened the door, when I saw Kevin paralyse I realised who it was

-What's wrong with you? - I heard Brian ask- let me in...

I immediately got up

-Well it was a pleasure to see you guys again; I guess I'll see you later

I went to the door took a deep breath and passed by it, when I saw Brian I immediately felt a tear start to form in my eye but I controlled myself

-Hi- I said really low

He didn't answer, I walked really fast to the elevator and got to the lobby, I noticed that it had started raining, but I didn't cared I only wanted to get out of there. I was near my apartment when I noticed someone at the main door, when he/she looked at me he/she ran towards me, I was really surprised, when I could see his/her face I saw that it was Brian - Please Adam come with me- he said giving me his hand

I was really hurt, I didn't grabbed his hand but I accepted his umbrella, we walked the little distance without talking, when we entered I looked away from his eyes

-Please Adam I'm really sorry for what I've done! - He said

-What? You're sorry for making me suffer? You're sorry for making me feel like shit?

  • Look I was really confused, someone told me that maybe you only loved me cause of my status! - He said looking straight at me, I saw that he was crying

  • Look if I didn't love you do you think that I was so bad about this?

  • Please...-he said, he couldn't say anything more; I don't know why but when he said that word I realised that I had overreacted, at that time he was really confused! I stayed there hugging him while he cried

-It's ok Brian, I forgive you -I said

He then looked up at me" Really?"

  • Of course, I know that I overreacted and I'm the one that should be saying sorry! Will you forgive me?

He didn't answer, he just pulled me to a kiss, God I really missed those lips! We kissed really quick

  • Look Brian you look like shit! Why don't you sleep tonight at my place, I'll call Kevin.

  • Are you sure you don't mind? -He asked worried

  • Of course I don't- I said- besides I missed felling you hugging me at the bed!

He smiled, I grabbed his hand and pulled him to my door, I opened it and we entered, I pulled him to my bed and I laid him there, I started to go to the door when I heard him

-Where are you going?

  • Calling Kevin-I said- why?

-Well I don't want to leave you again! - He said smiling almost sleeping

I smiled, I went to my living room and then I grabbed the phone and dialled Kevin's number

-Hello- I heard him say

-Hi Kev, it's me Adam!

-Adam! Are you ok? I'm sorry for Brian we weren't expecting him! - He said sadly

-Don't worry about that-I said trying to comfort him- I just called to tell you that Brian his sleeping here today he is really tired!

Kevin didn't answered" Kev?"

-You mean that you and Brian...- he asked happily

-Yeah, we resolved our things!

-Great! I already have the contracts here, could you pass here tomorrow to sign them?

  • I don't know Kevin...- I said trying to sound serious

-You're kidding right? - He asked confused

-Of course I am! - I said giggling- could you call Natalie?

-Sure, I'm happy that you two resolved your things! Bye


I then heard him call Natalie

  • Hi Adam it's better if you tell me what happened!

-Calm down, I just want to tell you that Brian is sleeping here today!

  • You are together? Alleluia! I'm really happy- she said almost yelling- oh Adam I'm not going to sleep there too, me and Nick... have some...things to talk about...

  • I think that when you have your mouth in other person's mouth it's a little difficult to talk! - I said laughing

  • Well the voice of experience talks! -She said

-Very funny, I'll see you later!

-Sure bye


I hung up and walked to my room, when I got there I saw Brian laying only on his boxers, he was still awake

-Missed me? - I asked taking my clothes off

-You can't imagine how! - He said smiling

I smiled at him and I laid next to him, I pulled the covers on top of us and I looked at him, he immediately putted his arm around me

-I missed you so much!

  • Me too- I said kissing him

He hugged me and then felt a sleep, since I was really tired I also falled asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night felling alone, I looked at Brian's side of bed and I didn't saw him, I tough that he probably was in the bathroom, but when I heard a weird sound I immediately realised what was going on, I ran to the bathroom to see Brian on his knees in front of the toilet throwing up

  • What's wrong Brian? - I asked walking to his side

He looked at me with tears on his eyes" I don't know, I just woke up in the middle of the night and I wanted to throw up"

He looked at the toilet and throw up again, I went to a little closet and grabbed some pills

  • Take these, they'll make you fell better! - I said giving them

He smiled and took them, he throw up one more time and then he said that he was felling better, I grabbed a towel and cleaned his eyes and mouth

  • Brian what did you ate today?

  • I ate a good breakfast, but when I discovered that we were going to your city I lost my appetite! - He said looking at the ground- I was really happy cause I could have a chance of see you again, but then I tough about your reaction...

  • Well then come with me to the kitchen- I said grabbing his hand

He didn't objected, I pulled to the kitchen and gave him something to eat

  • I'm felling much better now! - He said caressing his stomach- thank you

  • It is my obligation to make you fell better! - I said grabbing his hand- now lets get some sleep... I laid in the bed on my back, with Brian next to me with his arm around me

  • So are you going to go back with us?- he asked

  • Yeah.... by the way how is Tom?

  • Pretty well, he got another boyfriend...

-Well he deserves it! - I said- What happened after I left?

He sighed" Well I stayed in my room crying. In the next days I only got out of there to eat, rehears and to go to events, I then started to take some pills so than I didn't get a depression... And you? Did you found a job, did you dated?"

  • No, if it wasn't for Natalie I guess I probably was in the streets..."

  • Don't worry I'll never let you go to that place again!"

I hugged Brian and felt asleep.


That was the first sound that I heard when I woke up, I looked at Brian to see that he was still asleep, I looked for the phone and grabbed it

  • Hello- I said with a sleepy voice

  • Is this Adam Healy speaking? - a male voice said

-Yes, who is this?

  • I'm calling to say that our firm had choose you to be our webmaster...

  • Why did you choose me?

-Well Mrs.Natalie said that you were available...

-Well I need to think, when do I have to say the definitely answer?

  • In 3 days

-Ok, thank you, could you give me your phone number?

The men gave me and then I hung up, I looked at Brian and he was still asleep, I got up from the bed and went to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast, it was 11.00 in the morning so I prepared a really good breakfast

Half an hour later I had ate my breakfast and was walking with Brian's breakfast to my bedroom. I was surprised to find him asleep, I place the breakfast in the bottom of the bed and putted my mouth near Brian's hear" Wake up", no response, I started kissing him until, I reached his lips and started kissing him, when his tongue entered my mouth I knew that he was awake

  • Good morning- I said

  • I missed waking up with you- he said with a smile

I smiled at him, I then grabbed the breakfast and gave it to him" Now I spend a lot of time making it, I hope you eat everything!"

When he had ate half of the plate, I decided that it was time to say the news to him

  • Brian I got a call this morning!

-Who was it? - he asked with is mouth full

  • It was a guy giving me a job...

He stopped eating and looked at me" You declined right?"

-No, I said that I was going to think about it....

  • I tough that you were going with us on tour!

  • I know, but last time I went with you we broke up! Besides With all the work we'll have on tour we couldn't have time for us....

  • But I want to be with you! - he said sadly- It's all my fault, if I never had those questions this will never happened!

  • No, it is not your fault! I just need some time, if I see that it is better that I'll go with you guys I'll go...

-Ok, it is you decision....- he said sadly

The rest of the day went really fast, me and Brian stayed in my house trying not to think about me and my new job

The guys only stayed in my town for three days, when Brian left I couldn't be more sad, but I was starting my new life, my new job was really cool everyone in the office was cool and we stayed friends in no time, there was only two problems! One: Brian wasn't here! Two: I had the second handsome guy in the world after me, is name was Bent, he had a look of model and was after me, I was always saying no: being loyal to Brian.

I've decided to accept the offer of the BSB but I still had to actualise the firm's web page, I had decided to keep a secret and surprise Brian.

  • Brian what's wrong with you? - I asked

  • No....Nothing why? - He said nervous

  • Are you sure you don't look to good...

  • No everything is fine.... so how are things in the job?

-Pretty good, when do you come back to here?

  • I don't know, look I got to go, love you...

  • I love you too

I hung up, Brian didn't seem to be very good, I was in my way to the hotel where the guys were, I parked my car and entered the lobby, I immediately recognised Kevin,

  • Hi there- I said tapping his shoulder

  • Hi there, welcome a board- he said hugging me

  • Where's Brian? - I asked

  • He is in his room, room 147, 4th floor...- he said

  • Thanks, I'll talk to you later...

-Ok, have fun - he said with a grin

I grinned back.

When I got to the boys's floor, I couldn't be more excited, after 1 month away of the group I couldn't wait for hugging Brian, I started walking to the room, I got there and knocked

  • Coming- I heard Brian say

I was really nervous, I could hear him walk and I knew that he was close, I then hear him opening the door... he opened the door slowly( to slowly), when I look at him he could be more sad, but when he saw me his mouth opened really wide

  • ADAM- he yelled

  • That is what people call me

He smiled and hugged me like if there wasn't no tomorrow, I almost passes out, but just feeling his arms around me gave me the air I needed - What are you doing here? - He asked with a grin

Before I could answer he grabbed my face and kissed me taking al the air that I had, I started laughing of the situation

  • Well I heard that a group of singers needed a webmaster, so I decided to take the job...

  • You mean that we are going to be together for the rest of the tour? - he said happily

Before I could answer that question he pulled me to his room and laid me on the bed, he also laid but on top of me (don't think that he isn't heavy)

-Well if you don't mind me sleeping in the same bed as you I guess we are going to be together...

  • Why didn't you tell me? - he asked getting close to my face

  • Well I wanted to see the look on your face....- I said smiling- but Brian when we talked on the phone you didn't seemed ok, and when I looked at you in the door you were not good

He stopped smiling" Its just that I missed you and that made me lose some appetite!"

My face turned serious" Brian... how much?"

He smiled a little" Not much, but with you next to me I'll get those calories back!"

I smiled and I kissed with everything that I had....

The End??????????????????????

So do you think that I should continue? I really don't know... I just don't have the will to continue, I just wrote this chapter because I promised myself that I'll end this story and because of RY, thank again for the mail... well as usually mail me to xeca_p@netc.pt. thanks for reading

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