Just Brian

By Zeco

Published on Jun 12, 2001


Well here I am with part 5, I am loving writting this storie and I'm thinknig of posting a new one, thank you a lot to all the people that have e-mailed me! As ussual I wanna thank Tnerb for his help. Well I hope you like it and I hope to come back soon.... ans sorry for the ending of this chapter, please don't kill me

I woke up felling Brian on top of me, I then felt Brian's lips on my stomach, then he passed to my chest, the neck and finally the mouth, when he started I opened my mouth and we started, I don't know why, but on that moment I felt that it was the moment to show him how much I loved him. I putted my arms around his neck making the kiss last longer, when he broke the kiss he started to get up, but I grabbed his waist and said," I want you!" His face became serious" Are you sure? I don't want to force you to anything!" I didn't answered, instead I grabbed him and putted him on his back, he was only on his boxers, I started to kiss his Adam's apple, I started going down, I only stooped at his nipples and his navel, when I got to his boxers I felt his hardon, I smiled at that, and I decided to tease him a little, I kissed the boxers, and I continue to get lower, when I got to his knees, I went up again, I took of his boxers seeing all Brian, his member was fully erect (and I'm going to let you imagine the size, but I must say that he can be a little guy, but he has a real good d***), I approached and grabbed his balls and started licking them I heard him say" Please Adam!" I couldn't take it anymore, so I made what he wanted, I kissed the head, and worked on it for a while, I only stooped when I felt Brian's hand on my head pushing me down, I made what he wanted and I took it all, I heard him moan so I keep the suction, I expected that he warned me but 5 minutes later I heard him yell and he was cumming, I managed to take it all, after that I look at Brian to see him with his eyes closed, I laid on top of him and kissed him

  • God, are you sure you're a virgin? - he asked

  • Why are you asking that?

  • That was the best blowjob that I ever had!

I blushed" Well that was also the first, and he couldn't be better!"

  • Look I want to make your first time special, so lets not make it here ok?

-Ok, besides I don't think that I have energy!

He laughed, I then remembered to see what time it was, and it was 7.30, I tough that Kevin should be up so I called him

  • Hello? - a feminine voice came from the other side

  • Hello, am I calling to Kevin's room? - I asked confused

  • Yes, who's speaking? - The women asked

  • Well it's Adam, could you call him?

-Wait a minute!

I waited and I heard her calling him, after a couple of seconds I heard Kevin

-Adam? - he asked

-Hi Kevin who is that women? - I asked

  • It's my wife she's called Kristin!

-Oh........ well I just want to ask you what are planned for the guys!

-Well, we have the morning free and the afternoon with an interview and an autograph session!

  • Ok, what time is breakfast and where?

-Actually I don't know, I'm going to spend as much time with Kristin as I can, so you should call Howie...

-Ok, see you at lunch?

-Of course- he said- oh and by the way I talked to management and they told me that a new Webmaster is coming, I hope you don't mind...

  • No, but I have to meet him...

-I know and you have a meeting with him at 2.00

-Kev? He is going to everywhere we are going right?

  • Yeah

  • Should I tell him about Brian?

Kevin didn't answered, a deep silence stayed in the phone

  • That's your and Brian decision!

-Ok...-I said- see you at lunch...

-Ok, bye


I putted the phone down and Brian's arms come to rest in my waist

-Brian I have something to tell you! - I said seriously

  • What? - he said resting his head in my shoulder

  • I'm in love....

-Really? - He asked starting to kiss my neck

  • And I have fallen by the perfect guy....

He continued to kiss my neck and I took it has a yes

-And I need to talk to him about something serious!

He stooped and looked at me in the eyes

  • I just talked to Kevin and he told me that a new webmaster will come and I'll meet him at 2.00


  • He is going to be wherever I'll be!

  • And you want to know if you should tell him....

  • Yeah- I said

  • We will see when we meet him....

-Ok- I said, I then gave him a quick kiss- call Howie and ask him about breakfast

  • It isn't in Kev's room?

-No, he wants to spend some quality time with is wife...

Suddenly Brian smile become bigger and he called Howie, I went to bed cause waking at 7.00 wasn't good, some minutes later come and laid next to me

  • When and where is it breakfast?

  • Here and in 10 minutes...

I looked at him to see him with a big grin in his face

  • You mean that we are going to have breakfast together?

He responded with a kiss, I took it has a yes

-Well I guess I'll have a shower- I noticed Brian preparing to talk but I cut him off- alone, you had a lot of fun for this morning! He's smile suddenly disappeared, and he stayed with a face that made him look like a ten years old kid, I laughed at his face, grabbed a pair of boxers and went to the bathroom

When I was in the middle of the shower I heard the door open, I looked at it and saw Brian come

  • Brian what are you doing here? - I asked

  • You know, I need to brush my teeth!

-Oh.... Ok- I said returning to my shower

Brian started brushing his teeth, when suddenly I felt the toothbrush fall to the shower, I quickly understood what he wanted and I didn't objected

-Oh no I dropped my toothbrush fall, I have to have it....

He then took off his boxers" I can't make them wet!"

I smiled at him, then the shower's door opened and Brian entered, he closed the door and started looking for the brush

  • Is this what you want? - I asked grabbing the brush

He smiled, he then approached me and gave me a kiss, I dropped the brush and putted my arms around his neck, he putted his around my waist and pulled me, gently, against the wall, we explored each other's mouths until we needed oxygen

  • You sure wanted that brush! - I said

-What brush? - He said

He then leaned and continued to kiss me, but this time he started to get down, stooping at my nipples and navel, I gasped when he started to give the best (and the first) blowjob of my life, after ten minutes of that I started to fell my orgasm, and I shoot, Brian took it all, he then got up and smiled at me

  • Are you sure you don't want me here? - He asked starting to kiss my neck

He knew that I loved that he make that" And what.... About ....breakfast?"

-It is already here!

I didn't needed any more encouragement, and I started to return the favour....


-Now that was a shower! - He said happily

  • I really learnt my lesson! -I said starting to putt my shirt- showers with you are always welcome!

He didn't responded, we dressed quickly and went to the living room, there we had breakfast and then we decided to go to Howie's room.

When we were close to the door we heard no one, we knock and nothing, we knocked again, nothing...., Brian grabbed his cellular and called Howie, after the call he said that they went to the gym and that they will be here by lunch

  • I guess its you and me this morning!

  • And I know where we are going!- he said with a smile

  • And that will be....

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to our room, there he grabbed some clothes and pulled me to the elevator, we got the lobby and then he continued to pull me to a zone unknown for me, I looked at a sign that was near and then I understood: we were going to the pools:

  • Do you want to swim? -I asked

  • No

We continued to walk until we got a room, in there we changed to swimsuits, then we went to a Jacuzzi

  • A Jacuzzi! - I said surprised

  • You don't like it? - He asked worried

  • No, no I love it! - I said, then I entered and raised my hand- Are you coming?

He smiled; he then sated next to me and putted his head on my shoulder

  • Brian and if someone appears?

  • No one will appear! - He said starting to kiss me

I couldn't resist, I sated on his lap, facing him and we started kissing...

We were in the Jacuzzi for half an hour, and I must say that I was liking, we were enjoying each other presence, no sex, just kissing, and that was what we were doing when the door opened, I almost had an heart attack, there in the door, a good looking guy was looking at us with a smile on his face, I was the only that could see him since Brian was with his back to the door

  • Don't worry about that, I guess this is not my Jacuzzi!

I looked at Brian, he was terrified, and I then made a decision

  • You can stay here with us! - I said

Brian face stayed even more terrified

  • Are you sure, you guys seemed to be into something serious!

  • No, no, no you can stay here, it's good to have someone to talk to!- I said trying to convince him

  • Ok- he said

He sated besides us, I sated next to Brian, I felt him squeezing my hand

  • So where are you from? - I asked trying to make conversation

  • Well, I am from Canada, but I got a job and I have to come here!

  • What kind of job? - I asked

  • Well I'm going to be a Webmaster to a music group, the BSB! - he said, he then looked at Brian- hei, you're Brian Littrell, nice to meet you I'm Tom, Tom Scutt

  • I'm Brian- Brian finally said- you understand that you can't tell this...

  • To no one, I know I'm not stupid- he said with a smile- and who are you?

  • I'm Adam, I'm also the group webmaster, I guess we are going to work together!- I said shaking his hand

  • Great- he then looked at Brian- you can be absolutely sure that I'm not going to tell anyone cause I'm also gay and I have a boyfriend so I'm not going to make you come out the closet

I stayed there looking at him with my mouth wide open; I never meet someone that told that he was gay that easy.

After that we stayed talking about a lot of things and Brian started to fell more comfortable, when I looked at the clock I saw that it was lunchtime

  • I'm really sorry Tom but we have to go, we have to lunch!

-Hei maybe you can come with us- Brian said

  • I'm afraid I can't, I have to lunch with my boyfriend!

  • Ok, I guess I see you at 2.00!

-You bet- he said. Bye

  • Bye- Me and Brian said at the same time

The lunch went really well, we all had a great time teasing Kevin and his wife, she was really nice and I immediately liked her, when it was time to go me and her stayed at the restaurant

  • So what are going to do now? - I asked her

  • Well I don't have nothing to do, what about you and I went shopping? - She asked- After all I have to meet the new boyfriend of my husband's cousin

-Well I'd love to, but I have a meeting- I said sadly- hei, why don't you give me your phone number and I'll call you when I'm ready?

  • Sure, that's great!

After she gave me her number and I said goodbye, it was time to the meeting. When I got to the meeting point I noticed that Tom wasn't to good, but I decided to ask him after the meeting.

The meeting went pretty well, we discussed a lot of ideas, when the meeting end I couldn't resist anymore

  • Tom what's wrong with you? - I asked

He looked at me and then started to cry, I hugged him for a while until he stoop

-I'm sorry for that- he said sobbing- is just that I broke up with my boyfriend

  • Well, you'll get over with it- I said trying to sound convincing- I know why don't you come with me and my friend shopping?

  • I don't know....

-Oh comme on, that way you'll have your mind off of him!

-Are you sure your friend will take me?

-Of course she will! - I said- now you go and change your clothes, we'll meet at the main door in 15 minutes, ok?

  • Ok- he said rubbing his eyes

Shopping, that was what Tom needed, he was a lot better trying clothes and all, I didn't bough a lot of things, but I bough a nice perfume for Brian!

When we got to the hotel we knew that the guys had already arrived, in the entrance of the hotel an amount of screaming girls were trying to get in, with a lot of effort we entered the hotel! We entered in the elevator and we soon were in the BSB floor, I walked to my room, I opened the door and Brian wasn't in nowhere! I dropped the bags and called him

  • Brian are you here? - I asked

  • In the balcony! - I heard him scream

I went to the balcony and in there Brian was with his back to me and with his arms on his chest, he was looking at the city

  • I bough you something at the mall! - I said starting to put my hands around his waist

  • Adam did you sign any contract? -He asked

  • No, the management never give anything for me to sign! Why?

  • Just curious, so what did you bough to me? - He asked turning around with a smile

  • A perfume, I don't know what was your favourite so I bough my favourite! - I said approshing his lips

  • Do the perfume smells good?

-Yeah, but I prefer your smell! - I said before kissing him

-Really? - He asked with a grin

I nodded; we stayed a little longer just enjoying being there, until we heard a knock at the door

  • I'll get it, you go and have a bath- I said

-Ok, but I prefer if you were in the shower with me! - He said with a grin

  • Guess you'll just have to wait for tomorrow! - I said

I leaved him in the balcony and then I went to the main door, it was A.J he had come to get us. After everyone was ready we had a great dinner, maybe because everyone knew that the next 2 weeks would be a living hell!

And they were, I was so busy taking care of the page and Brian was so busy cause of the rehearsals that we barely saw each other, after dinner we both were so tired that we fall a sleep on the instant that we touch the bed! I was starting to miss Brian's company, and me and Tom were becoming really close. On the 2nd Monday Brian got one hour free, and he said that he wanted to talk to me, we got to our bedroom

  • So what do you want to talk about? - I asked starting to hug him, surprising he got away from me- what?

  • In these couple of days I've been thinking...


-I'm very confused!

-About what?

  • About us! - He said starting to sit on the bed- I've been thinking and I'm very confused! I don't know what to think.... Someone told me something that made me confused, and if you're around I can't think clearly!

-Wha...what do you mean? - I asked afraid

  • I'm asking you to give me some time...

I was hurt, really hurt" Oh you only want to get rid of me, so that you can fuck another guy isn't that right?"

-No, I...

  • You need someone that you can fuck right? How could I be so stupid? How could I think that someone like you could fall in love by someone like me? Look I'm not giving you 2 weeks, but I'm leaving..."I said crying

I then to the door ignoring his calls, I ran to Kevin's room and talked to him


Please don't kill me , I'm to young to die, but you can e-mail me to zeca_p@netc.pt

Next: Chapter 6

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