Just Brian

By Zeco

Published on Jun 6, 2001


Well here it's, the 4th part, I hope you enjoyed the others 3 parts, I'm going to try to make this part not to sad and make them have a little of diversion, but still no sex! I think that the relationship should become stronger... I want to thanks again to Bnert that have helped me a lot, oh and by the way go and read Chance and Brian... Well I don't have nothing more to say so take care...

As usual I don't know any of the BSB and I don't think that their sexuality means anything, I mean they are great guys with excellent voices and great bodies (I have to say the truth!), this is a work of fiction, if it real I probably wont share my adventures with him (you know who!), if you are offended by this kind of stories then start thinking about it, and while you think go away! If you can't read this in your continent, country, state, city, house, room, computer... then don't, but if you want just wait until you're alone...

Just Brian

I woke up feeling Brian's hands moving in my stomach, I looked at him and he was still sleeping, he looked so cute without shaving, and he looked so peaceful sleeping, I stayed there until I remembered that I had to talk to Kevin, I looked at the clock to see that it was 7.30, I didn't know if Kevin was sleeping or no but I called anyway!

  • Hello? - Kevin said

  • Hello, Kev? Were you sleeping? -I asked

  • No, I was just lying on bed thinking!

  • Look Kev, how am I going to take my baggage to the airport? How am I going to the plain?

  • Don't worry about it, your baggage will be taken with ours, and when you say goodbye to Brian....well sunglasses make miracles!

  • Well, if you say so- I said more relieved- what time is breakfast and where?

  • Well it will be in the living room at 8.00, so make sure Brian wakes up!

  • Ok, I'll make sure....

  • Adam do you want that I wake up Brian? I mean if you wake him up he wont be here at 8.00!

  • Funny guy, I'll wake him up, do you want that I wake Nick up too?

  • Yes, well have fun waking them up, bye

  • Bye After that I looked at Brian and he was still sleeping, he had the covers on top of him while Nick was with one leg of the covers and with a happy face and by the tent on the covers I could guess what it was! I decided that I really had to wake Brian up, so I lowered my head to his hear and I said" Brian wake up!" No response, so I started kissing his hear, passing by his cheek until I reached his lips, I kissed them and when he opened his mouth I was sure that he was up

  • You're better that any alarm clock! - He said with a smile

  • Really then I guess I should wake Nick up the same way! - I said with a devilish smile

  • I think that just calling him will make it! What time is it?

  • 7.35, breakfast is at 8.00, so I guess we have to shower real fast....

  • Or shower together! - He said with a smile

I wasn't sure about that but what the hell, I have to make sure that there was enough water for Nick and we have to save water right?

  • Ok, but this time I have new clothes!

  • Ok, lets go I'm starving.

The shower went pretty fast but if we have focussed in washing ourselves then washing the other I bet that we will have made it sooner. When I was starting to dress I remembered Nick, he was still asleep, I got near his hear and I screamed" WAKE UP!" Nick almost fall from the bed, his look was priceless, he was so scared that he didn't know what to say

  • Nick I guess it's better for you if you shower! - I said- Breakfast is in 10 minutes!

He was so confused that he went right away for the bathroom, Brian appeared behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and he rested his chin in my shoulder

  • I like this moments- he said - I wish I was normal so that we could have this moments forever

  • But if you were normal you wouldn't be completely happy! - I said

He didn't answer; we stayed there until Nick appeared fully dresses in front of us

  • Aww, aren't they cute? - He said

  • Not as cute as you during sleeping, by the way for your expression and the tent in the covers you should be have a pretty good dream...

He blushed, I heard Brian's stomach begging for food so we just went to the living room, only Kevin was there.

  • A.J and Howie aren't having breakfast here; they will have it on the plane- he said

  • Why? - I asked

  • They went to a club yesterday and they returned pretty late so I let them sleep for a while...

I was going to say something, but I was interrupted by a knock on the door, it was Natalie and a guy with our breakfast, Natalie entered said hello and sate.

The breakfast went pretty well, we talked about a lot of things, until it was 9.00

  • Are you going to the airport with us? - Brian asked

  • Of course I'll go- I said containing my smile

Everyone in the room except Brian knew that I was going to go with then and they also were trying to contain the smile. We prepared ourselves and we went to the lobby where A.J and Howie were, I mean their bodies were there but they were more dead than live! We entered the limo and took of to the airport, when we got there I understand that I meant something to Brian, he was so sad that I almost said to him that I was going too! ON the airport we hugged for a little long that it was needed, and then they went, leaving ma and Natalie behind,

  • Well I guess it's my turn? - I said sadly

  • Yeah, I guess we'll see in two months right? - She asked

  • You bet we will!

We hugged, and then I gave her a kiss in the cheek and we leaved, I got my ticket and I went to my seat, Kevin had managed that my seat was behind Brian's seat, I sate and waited that Brian arrived, as usual he was going to be next to Nick, I watched him in sit and putt his Discman on, he didn't made anything unusual until the middle of the trip, when I heard Nick ask

  • Brian are you Ok? You look sad!

  • I'm Ok, is that no one has made me fell like this before! I don't think that I can manage stay without him for 2 months!

I heard that and I couldn't take it any more, so I grabbed s pen and a piece of paper

  • Brian could you sign me this? - I asked in my best fan voice passing the pen and the piece of paper to him

  • Sure what is your name? - He asked

  • Well my friends call me Adam!

Then a deep silence stayed in front of me, then suddenly Brian got up and looked at me, it was amazing how is sad face transform into a happy face in just a second

  • Adam what are you doing here? - He asked

  • Well someone invited me to become the official Backstreet Boys's tour web page Webmaster!

-Why didn't you told me? -He asked

  • I wanted to make you a surprise! - I said- and cause I love you!

Since we were the only ones in the first class Brian jumped in my arms and hugged, he hugged me with so much strength that I tough that I was going to pass out! He only stopped hugging me when he was sure that I was really there and that I wasn't an illusion.

  • Brian I guess that it's better if you sit down!

He was so happy that that famous grin wouldn't get of his face!

  • I love that smile of yours, but it's stating to become scary!

He looked at me and kissed me like there wasn't no tomorrow

  • Does my face look better now? - He asked

I was in shock, that had been the best kiss of my life, I just looked at him and returned the kiss, he stayed in the same way I did so we just hold hands during the rest of the trip. When the pilot announced that we were going to land I started to stay nervous, landing always made that to me! Brian noticed that so he started singing, I don't know what song it was, I could only hear the voice and the words didn't made any sense to me, when I noticed we had landed and the guys were stating to stand up

  • If you look to much time to him, you'll be sick of him in no time! - Nick said

I looked at him and then at Brian, I then kissed him and said thanks. Kevin was right: sunglasses really made miracles: no one recognized them. We entered the limo and they took their places, when I was going to enter the limo the driver stooped me

  • Only the boys can enter, you'll have to go in the bus with the rest of the guys!

Kevin putted his head out and said," No need for that, since he's going to make the page he needs to know what we do when we're in a limo"

The driver was going to say something but Kevin smiled and he went away, I entered in the limo and I saw that the place next to Brian was empty, I looked at Nick and I saw that he was a little sad

  • Nick if you want to you can sit next to Brian! - Really? - He asked surprised

  • Of course, I'm not the one that going to ruin something- I said smiling - besides I stayed with him at the plane, now it's your turn to stay with him!

He smiled and he sited next to Brian, I entered and I sited next to Kevin and the window

  • So do you have any ideas about the page? - He asked

  • Yeah, and I'm glad I brought my digital camera!

He looked confused" Relax, I'm just going to take some photos of you in your rooms, sleeping, eating.... Normal things!"

  • It's a good idea! When are you going to start working?

  • I don't know maybe today- I said- and you, what are you guys going to do today?

Everyone stooped talking and looked at Kevin, it seemed that I wasn't the only one that didn't knew!

  • Well we're going to unpack and then one hour later we're going to the stadium to rehearse. Lunch is at the stadium. Then the afternoon is occupied. Next day then we have the morning free and the afternoon with another rehearse....

  • Whoa, I only asked today! It seems that I'm only going to have one hour alone with him....- I said trying to look sad

  • Don't be sad, you still have the night alone with him! - A.J said with a grin

I blushed a little. After that we started talking again. We got to the hotel 20 minutes later; it was (as usual) a big luxurious hotel and I was sharing a room with Brian, I remembered Nick but he didn't seemed to be upset, in fact it seemed that he had received a present!

  • Finally I have a room for myself, alleluia

I smiled at him, we then went to the elevator and we were soon in the BSB's floor. I opened the door to my room (don't ask me how I made it with Brian wrapped around) and entered. As usual the room was fantastic, and the best of all was that it had a great view for the city, I went to the balcony and stayed there looking at the city, Brian was unpacking, I started thinking about the webpage, and I decided to make it the best that I had. I was thinking until I felt a couple of arms around my waist

  • Hi- he said

  • Hi chock

  • Chock? - He asked surprised

I turned around to see the most beautiful grin" It comes from chocolate, and that what you're for me!"

  • Then I guess I have to get a name for you...

  • No, I already have one: Adam!

  • And I have one to and that is master- he said with a grin

  • What, who the....mmmmmmmm- I tried to say, until he kissed me

  • Ok, just don't call me chock

  • Sure

  • And thanks...

  • For what?

  • For let Nick sit next to me....

  • I don't want to be the one that make that friendship ends!

  • Don't worry about that- he said with a grin

  • What are we going to do until Kevin appears here to take you away?

  • You're not going? - He asked pulling me to the bed

  • No, I'll start to make the main page!

  • Do you want to just stay here and enjoy my presence?

  • Sounds good to me!

And that was just what we done, we stayed there just enjoying the other's presence, everything went well until we heard a knock on the door

  • Do you think that they will miss me? - He asked

  • You are pretty unforgettable you know!

-Awww, thanks- he said getting up- guess I see you at lunch?

  • You bet I will- I said

While he arranged his hair, I went to his side of the bed and laid there, when he saw me he looked confused

  • What are you doing?

  • Trying to don't miss you! - I said burring my head in the pillow- it's so soft....

  • Really? - He said jumping at me- then I just have to leave you with some more thing for you don't miss me!

  • I guess so- I said putting my hands around his neck

He then kissed me; it was another of those kisses that make time stoop, only that time didn't stooped! We only broke up when we heard Kevin calling Brian

  • Is that enough? - He asked getting up

-No..., but I think that I'll be just fine with the pillow!

He didn't said nothing, he smiled gave me a quick smile and then went away.

I was really into making the design of the page when the phone rang, I picked it up

  • Hello?

  • Hi- I heard Brian say- we're going to stoop to lunch now, do you want to lunch with us?

  • What time is it? - I asked

  • 13.00, why?

-13.00, already? I guess I spent all morning making the page! Fortunnaly I had a pillow...

  • Really, you spent all morning in front of a computer?

  • Yeah, but I guess you were speaking about a lunch...

  • Oh the lunch! We were thinking of go to a restaurant of your choise...

  • Then we go to a Portuguese...

  • If you say so...

  • How much time are you taking to get here? - I asked

  • 2 minutes

  • What? - I asked surprised

  • Well I only need that you open the door, I forgot the key...

I dropped the phone and I ran to the door, I opened and there it was Brian with the a grin on his face, and also sweating like a pig

  • You smell! - I said smiling

  • That's good to hear- he said, he then pushed me to the bed and started kissing me

I didn't objected so I just let him made what he want, we only stooped when we heard someone knocking on the door

  • We'll continue this later- he said

He then got up and opened the door, there it was Kevin

  • Finally- Kevin said- what took you so long?

  • I missed him! - I said wrapping my arms around his waist

  • And I missed him- Brian replied

Kevin just rolled his eyes" I think that it's better if you go and take a shower!"

Brian gave me a quick kiss and then went to the bathroom, Kevin sated next to me

  • So, how did the rehearsal go? - I asked

-Pretty well if it wasn't for Brian...

  • What did Brian did? - I asked

  • Well he was always in another world; we had to call him 3 times for get his attention...

  • What was he thinking about? - I asked knowing the answer

  • You know whom! - He said with a grin

  • You mean......

  • Yeah he was thinking about you...

I stayed quiet for some seconds and then changed the topic, we stayed there for 10 minutes until Brian appeared fully clothed, and I must say looking good!

  • I'm ready are you going? - He asked, he then turned at Kevin- Adam wants to go to a Portuguese restaurant!

  • Nick and A.J are going to MacDonald's, and Howie is going to lunch with a friend, so I guess it's just we three....

  • Ok, I'm just going to get my wallet and then we can go...

The restaurant was pretty cool and the food was great, I ordered a " Cozido a Portuguesa" while Brian and Kevin chosed " Bacalhau a bras", they really seemed to like it and they promised me to eat it again when they went to Portugal. We got back to the hotel, I grabbed my camera and we soon were in the stadium.

The stadium was a confused, I saw people everywhere! They were all running and yelling, the rest of the guys were already in the stage waiting for us, I sated in the front seat and saw them dancing and singing, they rehearsed for two hour with a 10 minutes break, I took a few pictures and then we went to their dressing room. They wanted to return to the hotel the fastest they could so they only changed not taking a shower, I took a couple of pictures and we went to the limo, since they were all tired we didn't spoke a lot.

  • I can't feel my legs- Brian said falling on the bed

  • You're always complaining- I said falling next to him- if you want I can make you a massage!

  • I'm not saying no, but I think that I should take a bath first- he said

  • But you said that you couldn't feel your legs!

-Well, I have a boyfriend that can help me reach the bathroom! - He said with a grin

  • Oh really and where is that boyfriend of yours? - I asked

He didn't said noting, he just grabbed my wrist and pushed me to the bathroom, I didn't objected, when we got there he pulled close to him and kissed me

  • I think I founded him! - He said- now could you help me take my clothes of?

I just kissed him back, then I grabbed his t-shirt and pulled it off, even sweating and smelling he looked good! I looked at him and saw him smiling back, I putted in my knees and took of his belt, he was so sexy just on his pants, that I only wanted to hug him, but he smelled and he needed to take a bath, so I took off his pants, very slowly, until he was just on his boxers, I got up and said

  • Done

  • You forgot one- he said smiling

  • I know, but if I took that off I'm afraid of what I'll see- I said - now you go and take a shower, I'm waiting for you in the balcony

  • But you said that you were going to take a bath with me...- he said with a 10 years old look

  • I don't feel like take my clothes off!

  • I think that I can arrange that- he said

He took my clothes off in one minute, not bothering to make it slow; he only stooped when we were only in our boxers

  • Now we are even! - He said- now lets take that shower...

We showered pretty quickly, the only problem was that I spend a lot of time watching him; he had to be a gift from God!

When he had putted on his boxers he laid on his stomach in the bed waiting for me

  • Where is that massage? - He asked

  • Coming- I said

Before I started the massage I looked at him, I even tough that his back was perfect, he had his eyed closed and his arms on both sides of him, I sated on his but and then started the massage, it felt really good to feel Brian's muscles, everyone that had got one of my massages said that I should went to "professional massagist", after 10 minutes of relaxing Brian I stooped and I looked at him, he had his eyes closed and I tough that he was sleeping, I got up and I was starting to go to the bathroom when I heard my phone ringing, I picked it up

  • Hello? - I said

  • Please Adam let me talk...

  • Carl I already told you that there wasn't anything to talk about...

  • But I love you...

  • But I don't love you, you left me when I needed you the most and you're calling? Who do you think you are? ....... Look I don't want to get angry so lets just not speak anymore, ok?

  • But I can't stoop think of you! - Well I don't care, goodnight!

And I hung up, I was so mad at him, he had left me when I needed him the most and now he wanted that I got back to him, I then looked at Brian, he had such a peaceful look that I immediately calmed down

  • Who was it? - He asked

  • I tough you were sleeping! - I said surprised

  • But I'm not, who was it?

  • It was Carl...

  • What did he want?

  • Nothing-I said - now, did you like the massage?

He understood that I didn't wanted to talk about it so he just forgot it, for now!" You are the best massagist that I ever had!"

  • Thanks- I said blushing- now I'm very tired, can I make some company?

  • Of course, I'm starting to get could! - He said smiling

I quickly went to the bed and put the covers on top of me, before I could even look at Brian, he was with his arms and legs around me, I just kissed his forehead and said goodnight...


Here it is the 4th part, I know that nothing important happened, and still no sex... well you just have to wait! Thank you for all the e-mails and thanks a lot to Bnert for helping me with this.

Well see you soon ......................

Next: Chapter 5

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