Just Brian

By Zeco

Published on May 21, 2001


Hi again!I'm really sorry for being sooooo late but my Net connection failed, but... For the 3rd time I'm here greeting you! I'm sure happy that I made it this far...I mean the story, as usual I want to thank Brent (the author of Chance and Brian, a great story) for his help, I have a lot of ideas in my mind, and I count on putting them all, so this story will continue, but I'm warning you: they aren't happy ideas!

As usual this is a work of fiction, meaning that unfortunally none of this is true, I also don't know the BSB and I don't know their sexuality, and that it's a thing that I and you don't have nothing to do with! If you're offended by this type of material then run and go to another place, if you can't see it then don't see it, but if you want to see it then see it without being caught.

Well here it is the 3rd part of:

Just Brian

I sat there with a stupid look on my face just staring at him, a million toughts going thruough my mind, I only came back to earth when I felt his lips again

  • Brian, as much as I like this, I don't think that.... - but I couldn't say anything more because he was once again kissing me, not that I'm complaining ...

After he was situated I asked him" Brian are you sure about this? I mean I'm ugly, stupid and I don't have a lot of money,..."

He just kissed me

  • Jeez you sure know how to talk- I said laughing

  • Adam for me you're the most beautiful person in the whole world...

  • But look at you, you're handsome, funny, a great person, you have money...I just don't think that I deserve you! - I said with a tear running down my cheek

He then started singing "As long as you love me", focusing in the chorus, I stayed there listening to his voice, and I then understood what he wanted to say

  • do You understand? - He asked looking at me

I nodded, I couldn't speak, it was so many emotions for a day..., I don't know how much time we stayed there looking at each other, I then heard the guys and Natalie talking in the other room

-I think that its better if we go....

He nodded, when he got up I noticed that his eyes were still red for crying, I grabbed a towel and cleaned his face, he smiled and said a "Thanks", we grabbed each others hand and we went to the living room. When we got there 6 pairs of eyes were on us, Nick, Howie, Howie's girlfriend, A.J, Kevin and Natalie were looking at us. First of all their faces were surprised, but seeing the smile on Brian's face they also kept smiling. First it was Nick that ran towards Brian, they hugged each other and Nick whispered something that made Brian laugh he then looked at me and also gave me a hug; then it was Natalies turn, she hugged me and wished me good luck with the relationship and said that she was very happy, then all of them hugged us.

We stayed there until Kevin announced that it was time for lunch, he said that we had half an hour to prepare, Brian grabbed my hand and took me to his room, with an amount of comments behind us. When we got there I felt Brian's hands on my waist, I smiled at him

  • You know that you have to prepare yourself...

-I don't think so, I already showered...

  • But I don't- I said- would you mind to lend me your shower?

He kissed me and I took it has a yes, so I was starting to go to the bathroom when I remembered that I needed new clothes

-I don't have new clothes- I said

  • I can borrow you some clothes, if you want...-he said looking at me with a puppy dogface begging me to say yes

How could I say no" Ok...but you'll have also to lend me a pair of boxers," I said with a devilish smile

I showered and got dressed pretty fast, since we still had 20 minutes we decided to spend that time "knowing " each others best! But unfortunnaly my cellular stated ringing

  • Hello- I said

  • Hello, is this Adam speaking? - The voice said

  • Carl what the hell are you doing calling? - I asked relishing Brian

  • I just want to talk to you!

  • But there is nothing to talk about! - I said and with that I hung off

Brian looked at me confused and then asked" Who was that?"

  • Brian I really don't...

  • You know that a relationship should be based in trust!

Ok he won" Ok, ok it was Carl my ex...."

  • You had an ex?

  • Yeah, we meted in the Net and we stayed in love since we met! But something happened and we broke up!

  • What happened?

  • You really want to know everything don't you? He forced me to have sex with him, and I didn't want, I didn't felt ready.

  • You mean you're a virgin? - He asked surprised

I nodded looking at the ground, but then I felt Brian hand lifting my head" Don't worry about that "" But I want to tell you that I'm not a virgin, someone already took care of that!"


  • My ex... we broke up because he didn't like me always on tour...

I didn't want to talk about it anymore so I just grabbed his hand and we went to the living room, when we got there only A.J and Nick were ready

  • So are you guys ready? - Nick asked

  • Yeah- I said, and then I looked at A.J- I want to thank you for saying that, if it wasn't you...

  • Oh please, when I saw how you were looking at each others I couldn't stand it...

  • What do you mean the way we were looking at each other?

  • Brian couldn't take the eyes of you, and the same with Adam - he said with a grin

  • What's wrong with Adam- Kevin asked entering the room

  • Nothing at all- Brian said

He then sate in a chair and pull me to his lap, we stayed there talking until everyone appeared.

The lunch went pretty well, the only thing that was bothering me was that that was going to be my last lunch with Brian; the guys were leaving in the next day. When we got to the hotel Kevin pulled me from Brian and waited until they entered the living room

  • Did you talk about tomorrow with Brian? - He asked

  • Actually no- I said

  • Well I heard that you have an informatics course, and I was wondering if you could work with us and make a site about the tour, and that way you and Brian always were together....

I was paralysed, I didn't wait and I almost screamed yes" Of course I'll do it, but Kevin could you make a favour? , Could you don't tell Brian about this, it's for make him a surprise!"

  • Sure, now we better go inside or they'll go suspicious

We entered and we started talking, half an hour later Brian decided that he wanted to spend the afternoon with me, everyone agreed and we went to his room, when we got there I grabbed Brian's waist and started kissing his neck

  • Hmmm...., Adam I'm liking this a lot but I think that we have to talk...

  • I know...- I said without stopping kissing his neck

  • Please? - He begged

I stopped kissing him but I didn't take my hands from his waist

  • What are we going to do tomorrow? -He asked

  • I don't know, how much time until you return? - I asked, I sure was a good actor...

-2 months....

  • Well, we'll just have to wait 2 months.....

  • I don't know if I can, I....

  • You'll make it, I'll make it- I said turning him around- besides you'd have a lot of screaming fans that will make your mind stay occupied

He smiled" Ok, but if I don't make it, I'll....."

I stopped him with a kiss; Brian and I spend all afternoon just watching TV, and enjoying each other presence, when suddenly I remembered that I needed to pack to go tomorrow to the plane

  • Brian I have to go....

  • Why, I tough that you could sleep here! - He said looking sad

  • I can if you let me, I have something to take care in my house, but I'll be back in 3 hours for a good night of sleep...

  • Well then go, sooner you go sooner you'll be back

  • Ok, don't fall a sleep without me...

  • Ok

I gave him a goodbye kiss and I went to the living room, what I saw there make me stay paralysed, Natalie was in the couch with Nick, and they sure were having fun...

  • Excuse me Nick but I need to take Natalie for a while....

When I said this they both looked at me and they blushed heavily, I just laughed while Natalie brushed her hair, when she was ready we said goodbye to Nick and we soon were in our way to our house

  • Natalie I want to tell you something...

  • You don't need to... Kevin told us...

  • Really?

  • Yeah, and he asked us to don't tell nothing to Brian- she said smiling- I guess we are going home for you unpack?

  • Yeah- I said also with a smile- how are things with Nick?

  • Better they couldn't be....

I didn't want to push more of that, so during the rest of the trip we talked about my new profession, when we got to my home we unpacked everything in one hour, so that leaved us with more two before I needed to go back

  • What do you want to do now? -I asked

  • I don't know but I already miss Nick....

  • Ok, lets go back, I feel a little bad without Brian...

  • You're in love.......

  • Yes I am, and I'm not the only one- I said looking at her- can I ask you something?

She closed the main door, and grabbed my package " Sure, anything!"

  • Do you think that I'm good enough for Brian? - I said opening the car door - Adam, in love no one is less or more, if he loves you then you're good, besides what is in you for don't like?

  • I don't know maybe my look; I don't have a lot of money....

  • Look I saw you two together and I don't think that money is a problem... and you're handsome...

I knew that I shouldn't continue arguing cause she would win, but she was right if he loved me then money wasn't a problem, but if he didn't loved me? And if in the middle of the tour we broke up? What will I do? I tough about this until we arrived at the hotel, I grabbed my things and leaved them in Kevin's room, I had decided to make an surprise to Brian and appeared in his room, when I got to the door I heard 2 voices but I couldn't understand what they were saying so I just entered, when I saw what was happening I paralysed, in the bed was Brian sated with a guy kissing him in the mouth, I was in shock, I felt a tear in my cheek and I ran, I ran far from there ....

" Brian's point of view"

Adam left so I decided to watch some TV, I watched for twenty minutes but I was bored so I called Jimmy, Jimmy was a dancer, he was also one of my best friends since the beginning, he was also gay, and we even dated for a while but we decided that we were better as just friends, I dialled his number

  • Hello- I heard him say

  • Hi Jim, this is Brian talking do you want to came here for a talk?

  • Sure, I'll be there in 5 minutes, OK?

  • Sure, see you then!

  • Ok, bye

  • Bye

I waited 5 minutes until I heard someone banging at the door, I opened the door and there it was Jim. We stayed there for God knows how much, I loved talk to Jim

  • So I heard that you have a new guy...

  • Yeah, he's name is Adam, he's a great guy, I think that I'm in love...

  • But....

  • But what? - I asked surprised

  • Comme on Bri, I know you for years, something is bothering you!

  • Well, I'm going way for 2 months and I don't think that I'll make it....- I said felling a tear running trough my cheek

  • Comme here- he said opening his arms

I accepted the hug, I felt so secure in his arms, but I felt more secure in Adam's arms... and that's maybe because I'm in love..., I then felt Jim's finger lifting my chin, I was so confused that I only noticed that we were kissing when I saw Adam running.........

" Back to Adam"

I didn't ran much cause Kevin appeared in front of me, making us fall

  • Woa, what was that all about? - Kevin asked to no one- Adam why are crying?

I was so down that I hugged Kevin, I don't know why but I just wanted to feel someone

  • Adam, was it Brian? What did he do to you?

I then heard someone behind me screaming my name, I looked behind me to see the guy that was with Brian calling me, when he saw me he ran to me

  • Are you Adam? Oh God I'm so sorry, I didn't want that to happened, I don't love Brian in the way he loves you, I'm just a friend, Brian was so down because of you going away that I don't know....

I looked at him to see that he was crying, he was telling the truth, I lifted from the ground and I started walking to Brian's room, the door was opened so I just opened I heard someone sobbing, it was Brian I couldn't see him anywhere I went to the bathroom, and I heard him saying" He now hates me, why did I made that?", I realised that that kiss didn't mean nothing, I opened the door

  • You sure like this bathroom! - I said with a smile

He looked at me and immediately started excusing" Oh Adam I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to kiss him I...." I interrupted him with a kiss" Does this mean that I'm forgived?" he asked, I gave him another kiss and he took it has a yes, we stayed there for more 5 minutes in each other arms, the silence was broke by Jim voice

  • Does this mean that you're together again? - he asked

  • You bet we are! - Brian said

I just nodded," I think that it's better if we go to bed we have to be up at 8.00, your plane is at 9.30!"


Here it is, the 3rd part, I hope you liked it... as usual e-mail me for zeca_p@netc.pt. I want to say that if it wasn't Bnert this story wasn't here! See you soon....


Next: Chapter 4

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