Just Brian

By Zeco

Published on May 2, 2001


Here I am with the 2nd part, I never expected that this story would come this far, I mean I never expected that she be posted! I have to thank all the ones that have e-mail me, but you can continue doing that, because all the opinions count! E-mail me to zeca_p@netc.pt.

Now for the usual stuff: This is a work of FICTION, meaning that none of this is true! I unfortunantly i don't know any of the BSB (but they seem to be great guys!), I also don't know there sexual choice (I hate that word "choice", it makes it look like we have chosen to be gay!), if in your country, region, city or house you can't see this, then don't see it! I mean you "can" see it without been caught! If you're offended by this type of material then what the hell are you doing here?

I also would like to thank TNERB for all the help that he gave me

So here it is the 2nd part of Just Brian, I'd just like to say that I'm going to start writing this in the first person.

Just Brian......

I stayed there looking at the paper that Brian gave me for God knows how! I was interrupted by someone calling me

  • Adam, Adam? ADAM? - The voice said

  • Hum, wha...what? - I said looking in front of me

  • Are you OK? - The voice said

I looked at the top of my head to see Natalie looking at me with concern and worry on her face" Oh, I'm more than OK!"

  • Are you sure, I saw you crying - she said sitting next to me- I stayed there yelling at Jeff, if it wasn't for your red shirt I don't think that i would have found you!

  • I'm Ok, thanks for caring....

  • Adam I will always care about you- she said grabbing my hand- now tell me... were you talking to Brian?

  • How did you know? - I asked surprised

  • He left the restaurant after you! - She said with a smile- besides who else makes you stay that happy after what happened?

I smiled, it was amazing how Natalie could make feel better, Ive known her since high school, and since then we have been real close friends

-you don't know the whole story! - I said with a smile

She looked at me with sparkling eyes" Well....tell me!"

  • We stayed here talking and when he left he said that he wanted to talk to me again! - I said with a grin

She hugged me " I'm so happy, I know how important he is to you, and you finally got to meet your idol!"

I almost cried from her happiness, she was truly my friend "Do you want to come with me?"

  • Of course I want to!

  • Great- I said smiling- now didn't we have a film to watch?

  • Of course, I wouldnt leave a date with the most handsome guy for nothing!

  • I'm not that cute, in fact I think that I'm ugly! - I said seriously

  • Adam, you are a great guy in the inside and in the outside, you just have low self-esteem!

I decided not to discuss this" What about that movie..."

  • Let's go

We went to the cinema and saw a great romantic movie, I don't remember the name, my mind was in another world! After that we went to the apartment and quickly went to sleep.

I woke up earlier than I liked it was 6.00 AM, I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't so I went to the bathroom and prepared myself. After taking a bath and taking care of my personal hygiene I went to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast, I wasn't hungry so I just drank a cup of milk, I then went to the living room to watch some TV, as I was expecting nothing interesting was on, so I just put on my special tape, it was a tape with all the BSB clips, I stayed there watching the videos until Natalie appeared at the door

-Good morning- she said

  • Morning

  • What are you doing up so early? It's only 7.00!

  • I don't know I woke up really early today, I don't know why!

  • Well I know.........- she said with a smile- I think that has to do with a guy thats on the TV!

I looked at the TV and there it was Brian in Larger than Life making that jump" Maybe ...who knows?

  • Right...., I'm going to make some breakfast, do you want some? - She asked

  • No thanks!

She walked to the kitchen, ten minutes later the phone rang, I picked it up and said" Hello?"

  • Hello, is this Adam speaking?

  • Yes it is, who's speaking?

  • It's me Brian

I almost jumped hearing that name, why was he calling?

-Hello, Adam? Are you still there?

-Oh sorry...

  • I hope that I didn't wake you!

  • No you didn't, actually ive been up since 6.00AM

  • Really? - He asked surprised- I just called to ask you if you'd like to have breakfast with us?

  • Of course, what time?

  • 8.00

  • OK, I'm on my way- I said happily- Oh by the way can I bring Natalie with me?

  • Sure, well I have to go, see you in a bit?

  • Sure, bye

  • Bye

I put the phone down and called Natalie, she appeared 10 seconds later" What?"

  • We are going to have breakfast with the BSB

She almost dropped the glass of milk that she had in her hand "WHAT?"

  • You heard me right, we are going to have break...

  • Then what the hell are we doing here? - She said interrupting me I didn't need to answer, 5 minutes later we were in my car driving to the hotel, we didn't speak during the travel, the silence was only broken when we got to the hotel" We're here!", she nodded and we got out the car. After knowing which room was Brian's we took the elevator. Every time the elevator got up one floor I became more nervous, when we got to the last floor I couldn't speak

  • Are you Ok? - Natalie asked

  • I...I think I...am- I said

We knocked on the door and we heard someone say " Coming", we heard footsteps and then the door opened, we saw Nick with a sleepy face

  • God morning Adam! He said looking at me, he then looked at Natalie and said- and this beautiful women is..?

  • Natalie- I said, I knew that she couldn't speak cause Nick was her favourite- so where is Brian?

  • He's in the shower, but you can come in! - He said

As we entered the room we were astonished, it was a king's suite! There were two beds in this huge room, then a huge TV in front of the beds, and a fireplace down from the TV, there was a door that took you to the living room, and another door that takes you to the bathroom.

  • This is huge- I said surprised

Nick didn't said anything, Natalie was going to say something when Brian yelled " Nick, is anyone there?"

Nick had a evil smile and said" No, he's still not here!"

I was going to say something when Brian appeared with only a towel around his waist, I couldn't resist so I checked him out, when he saw me his face turned a shade of red that made his face look like a red apple" Shit, Nick I'm going to kill you", he then grabbed some clothes and quickly entered the bathroom, we stayed there talking until Brian appeared fully clothed

  • Well? Shall we go to Kev's room? - he said

  • I'm starving- Nick said

  • That makes two! -I said looking at Nick

We went to the living room where A.J was sitting on the couch watching TV, he looked at us and said" Hello, I'm A.J, you are?"

I didn't know why but I wasn't nervous speaking with A.J" I'm Adam and this is Na..." - I think that I can speak- she said looking at me- I'm Natalie.

  • Natalie.... what a beautiful name! - He said looking at her, she blushed; he then looked at me and asked- so how did you end up here?

  • I invited him- Brian immediately said

A.J looked at Brian with a worried expression" Ok, are you going to have breakfast with us?"

  • Do you want us to?

  • He smiled" If you don't eat like Nick, I'm sure that we all are going to enjoy the company!"

  • Hey- Nick said- what did I do?

  • Oh come on! You know how you eat! - A.J said- you look like a little pig

  • It's a signal that I work!

A.J grabbed a pillow and threw it at Nick, Nick dodged and the pillow hit Brian's face, Brian ran to A.J and they started wrestling, their match was interrupted with Kevin entering

  • Good morning- he said- I see that you two don't need coffee- he then turned to me and Natalie- good morning, I'm Kevin and you are....

  • I'm Adam

  • I'm Natalie

After meeting Nick, Brian and A.J, we felt more comfortable with Kevin

-It's a pleasure to meet you, don't take this wrong but how did you end up here?

  • Brian invented us!

  • He did? - He said looking strangely at Brian

  • Why is there a problem? -I asked worried

  • No, not at all!

We stayed there talking most about Natalie and me until the breakfast arrived, Kevin quickly thanked the men and we soon were eating. A.J was right Nick really ate like a little pig, I lost my appetite from watching him

  • Where's Howie? - I asked

They all stopped eating and looked at each others, they nodded and A.J spoke

  • He's in his room with a special company....

  • What do you mean with special company? - I asked confused

  • You know...... special compannny- he said

  • You mean.... A girl? - I asked

  • Yeah

I couldn't believe it; they took advantage of their fans to have satisfaction?

  • Are you all like that?

  • What do you mean like that? - Kevin asked

  • You chose a girl and take her to bed and then you say goodbye!

  • Of course not- he said surprised - besides Howie is with his girlfriend, she lives here

I blushed immediately " Sorry for that, it's just that I heard things, and I thought that...."

  • No need to be sorry- Brian quickly said- we are use to rumours!

After that they all continued eating, since they had their mouths full they couldn't talk , so I decided to go to the balcony, when I got there and saw the view I stayed with my mouth open , that was the best view of the city , we could see all of the city, I stayed there looking at the city until I felt someone taping me on the shoulder, I turned around to see Brian

  • Hi

-Hi, what are you doing out here?

-Well since there were 4 little pigs in that room that made me lose my appetite I decided to come and enjoy the view.

  • Hey, who are you calling a pig? - He asked

  • I didn't call you a pig.... I called you a little pig!

After I said that I ran to the living room to see that they were all talking, when Brian appeared behind me I asked" Do you want to go for a walk? They seem to be very entertained with the conversation!"

  • Sure, why not?

We went to the elevator and I suddenly noticed that I wasn't nervous anymore, It felt good being next to him, I already thought of him like a friend!

We were walking for about half an hour when we arrived at a basketball court, the court was empty, we sat down and started talking, it wasn't a boring talk cause Brian was always putting a joke in the middle of the conversation, when I noticed that it was time to go back I couldn't resist and I asked him

  • Why did the guys looked funny at you when you said that you invited me?

He stoped walking and was paralysed, he then looked at me with a grin and said" I don't know, maybe cause we usually don't invite fans to hang out with us!

I blushed " So why did you invited me?"

He wasn't liking the conversation, so he put a fake smile on and said" I don't know, I guess you're one of those people that I like to talk with..... But we have been talking for so long that I didn't asked you where you are from?"

I didn't want to upset him so I entered in the game" Actually I'm not American, I'm Portuguese, you know from Portugal! The little country next to Spain?"

  • Yeah I know.... But how did you end up here? - He asked

  • Well I was studying, and I got an opportunity to study here in America, but when I got here I realized that that opportunity didn't give me a place to live- I felt a tear running down my cheek, only of remembering my past- I didn't had a place to go and I hadn't a lot of money, and that is where you guys come in! - I said with a sad smile

  • We, how? - He asked surprised

  • Well I had your first CD and I listened to it every day, it gave me strength to face my problems! It was very hard to study and work, until I found Natalie, she helped me a lot, we became unbreakable! - He smiled- I don't know how I survived that time but your music sure helped me!

He smiled and then hugged me; it was one of the best moments of my life, when he stood up a group of kids came and asked us to play basketball

-I'm sorry but I can't!

  • Why? - Brian asked looking surprised

  • Well I have a problem with my leg that doesnt let me play some sports! -I said disappointed for not playing with Brian

They all nodded. They played for half an hour until I said that it was time to go to the hotel, Brian was all sweaty

  • You stink! - I said laughing at his face of disappointment of leaving the kids and the game

  • What? - He said

  • Nothing lets go back!

We talked all the way back to the hotel, when we got back only A.J was in the living room

-Where are the others? - I asked

  • They went to see a movie- A.J said- it seems that your friend caught Nick's attention

I smiled I couldn't be more happy for her, my thoughts were interrupted by Brian" I'm going to take a bath, I'll be right back!"

  • Ok-I said

After he left I sat next to A.J and we started talking about little things, A.J was a pretty good talker, I loved to talk to him

  • So did you kiss him? - he asked

I was shocked" Wh...What?"

  • It's a simple question, did you kiss him?"

I couldn't say a word, did that mean that Brian was gay, I was about to say something when I heard a voice say " No, he didn't!"

I looked behind me to see Brian looking at me" I'm sorry I should have told you!"

  • Told me what? - I asked confused

  • That I'm gay! -he said looking at the ground

I was shocked, confused and happy, shocked because I never met another gay man , confused because of the real reason of the invitation and happy cause my idol was gay!

  • It's that the real reason?

  • Reason for what? - He said looking at me

God he look so cute confused" for inviting me over here!"

  • What? Do you think that i'd invite you just to have sex? - He was angry- God, I thought that it was good to have someone to talk to and that understood how I felt!- he then turned his back and ran to his room slamming the door

I was petrified, how could I say that? How could I make Brian cry? I then understood that I was in love with him, I felt so bad about hurting him, but did he feel the same way? Well there was only one way to find out! I got up from the seat and went to the door, I took a deep breath and opened it

  • Brian? -I asked

No one responded, I started looking everywhere and didn't see anyone, I went to the bathroom and there sat Brian in a corner with his head on his knees and with his hands around them, I felt so bad that I almost cried but I controlled myself, I touched his shoulder

  • Brian?

He looked at me with his eyes all red "What?" He said with an angry tone

  • Brian I'm so sorry, I didn't mean that! - I said feeling a tear running down my cheek

He saw the tear and hugged me" I'm the one that should be sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you!"

I hugged him back and said" No, I shouldn't have said that! It's just that I have had so many bad things happen to me that I get very suspicious!"

He said nothing" And I started to worry when I saw how angry you got, and that made me realize something!"

  • What? -He said

  • That I love you!

The entire bathroom was silent, I then felt Brian releasing me, and the next thing that I knew was that a pair of blue eyes were in front of me; I then felt his lips meeting mine and we were kissing, it was quick but romantic " I said what I think!" he said with a smile


So did you like it? You didn't? Well then e-mail me to zeca_p@netc.pt . I don't know when the next post will come out, but it won't take more that a week! I promise, still e-mail.

Next: Chapter 3

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