Just Brian

By Zeco

Published on Apr 25, 2001


This is a fiction storie F-I-C-T-I-ON , what means that is not true! If you shouldn't be reading this then go to the Disney site! If you don't like Gay relationships go away! This is my first story, and I want to continue it so e-mail me to zeca_p@netc.pt with any comments, I mean ANY!

For start, my name is Adam Helley and I have 19 years, I've finished an informatics course and my class were planning to go and dinner at Plannet Hollywood for celebrate the end of school, I grabbed my Discman with the Black & Blue CD in it and started to go to the meeting point. YES I'm a BB fan and I love their music and my favourite one is Brian, and why I think that I don't have to say! Because if you're reading this is because you know really well why!

In my class I didn't have a lot of friends, I wasn't a popular guy, but the friend that I had were very "friends", but there were some that I didn't like, and one of them was Jeff, he was always trying to make fun of me and make the others laugh, so I was hopping that he didn't make that in the last dinner of our class!

When I got there, everyone was waiting for me

  • So, what are you listening? - Jeff asked

I didn't brought the CD cover, so no one knew" None of your business!"

  • Ok, you don't need to talk like that

  • Sorry- I said trying to call the things down!

The dinner was going pretty well, until the BB arrived, I tried to stay calm down, but inside I was jumping and screaming, and I stayed worse when they sited near or table, in that moment I didn't notice Jeff steeling my Discman, I only notice when I heard someone laughing

  • So, Jeff you like the BB? - Jeff said with the eyes sparkling

I didn't answered; I just take the Discman of his hands

  • So, why don't you go and ask for an autograph? - he said lauder, treeing to have all the attention

  • Shut up Jeff! - I said beginning to stay angry

  • Witch one is your favourite, is it Nick? Or is it Brian

Now that was to much, I get up, and started to go away but

  • Don't forget the autograph! - He said laughing

At that time the BB were looking at us, and I was all red of anger , and started screaming at Jeff" You know what I'm sick of you, I have to hear that kind of comments for 3 years , and now it was the last one , I'm tires of you" at this time I have some tears in my cheeks" In a matter of fact I like the MUSICS of them, and I don't think that is anything of your business!" And after saying that I turned my back and started to walk to the entrance of the restaurant with everyone looking at me

  • At the BB table before the discussion*

Brian got a sit and started talking to Nick

  • It's really nice to go and dinner without no fans!

  • You bet -- he said looking at the menu

In that moment Brian started noticing that in the table in front of them , there was someone laughing, when suddenly a guy got up and started yelling , Brian stayed surprised to know that that guy liked their music, but then he noticed the tears in the cheek

  • I'm going and talk to him

  • Why? - A.J asked

  • Because it's because of us that he is crying! I've got to talk to him

  • Just be careful! -- Kevin said

Brian got up and started to walk to the main door

  • In the street*

Adam put the Discman on and started to listen to the music, he didn't went to far , his best friend Natalie had said that after the dinner they were the two of them to a cinema, so Adam just stayed in the park in the front of the restaurant, he was so consumed by the music that he even notice a guy get in front of him , only when the guy putted his hand on Adam's shoulder

Adam jumped and the guy said" Sorry I didn't mean to scary you!"

Adam was going to say something, but when he looked at the stranger's face and saw the face of his favourite singer he paralysed" I'm the one that should be sorry, is that I was so involved in the music that I didn't notice you!"

  • What are you listening?

-.. You're CD, Black& White! I love it!

  • Thanks, I'm sorry for making you go pass for all of this, I mean it was because of our songs that you make that noise- he said worried

  • No it wasn't, Jeff is always tormenting me, and this was the one that made me lose my temper! Since I told them that I was gay they are always tormenting...- Adam stopped realising what he said

  • Why did you stopped? -- Brian asked with a confused face

  • You mean that you're not going to run or something?

  • And why should I run?

  • Well... Because I'm gay!

  • Don't worry about that, I don't care if you're gay or not!

  • Really? I was afraid that you and the guys just ignored me if I went and asked for an autograph!

  • Don't need to worry about that!

We stayed there talking about nothing and everything until Nick appeared in front of us

  • Brian, I'm sorry but we have to go, Kevin is waiting for us! - He said looking at Brian, then he looked at me, and said- Hello, I'm Nick

  • Hi, I'm Adam, well it seems that you have others things to do, it was a pleasure to speak to you- I said getting up

  • Do you want to talk more tomorrow? - He asked -- you could come to my hotel!

  • Sure, I mean if you don't have anything to do! -- I said -- but I'm not sure if they're going to let me go to your room

  • Don't worry about that, I'll leave your name in the receptionist, and I can't wait to speak to others guys that aren't BB- he said laughing

  • Hei- Nick said punching Brian in the arm

Brian left and I was in total trance , I actually talked to Brain , my idol!

Next: Chapter 2

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