Just Another Day at Work

By Paul Tenney

Published on Jun 27, 2004


The story below is a work of fiction. It may contain erotic or sexually explicit behavior between males. If you find this work offensive or are too young, please exit now.

The author reserves copyright privileges as of June 2004. This work may not be posted on any other website nor reproduced, except for personal use, without the written permission of the author.

If you'd like to comment or just say `Hi', my e-mail address is dpxeiv@yahoo.com.

Hanging with my Brother by DPT Copyright 2004

"I'll get it," Mark said hearing the doorbell.

"Who the hell would that be?" I asked looking up from my accordion file of bills as I sat at the kitchen table.

"Hey Bro," Anders said as he and Mark entered the kitchen.

"Anders," I said surprised at the sight of my brother, "how'd you get here?" I asked.

"I hitched a ride with Old Man Langston, he was coming up to Home Depot," he said sitting down across from me.

"You want some coffee Anders?" Mark asked as he poured himself another cup.

"Yeah, cool, thanks."

"Bubba?" Mark asked me.

"Sure," I said handing him my cup.

"There you go," Mark said setting a cup in front of Anders, and handing me mine back. "I'm going to jump in the shower."

"Okay," I said as I gathered up my piles of bills and set them aside in a pile. "So what's up Bro, why'd you trek up here, on a Sunday morning?"

"Uh, well, I, uh, needed to talk to you," Anders said looking over his shoulder to make sure that Mark was gone. "Your house looks great, I haven't seen it since you moved in, you've done a lot of work."

"Yeah, well, that happens when you only come around twice in three years," I said starting to get annoyed.

"I know, well, until I get my license back, I'm kind of stuck in town," Anders said. My brother had lost his license about five years ago because of a DWI. He could get his license back now, but he didn't want to pay the high insurance rates.

"You could get your license back, you know?"

"I know, but the store isn't doing that great, and I can't really justify the expense, except for wanting to visit you, there really isn't that much making me want to travel," Anders explained.

"Okay, cut to the chase," I said, "we just saw each other last weekend. And what's wrong with the telephone?"

"Dude, you dropped a bomb on me, last weekend," Anders started. "Mom, doesn't want to talk about it, and there isn't anyone else that I can talk to about this.."

"This?" I interrupted, "this isn't really something that should be dogging you, it's my life."

"Eric, when did you know you were probably gay?"

"I don't know, I guess I always knew. It was just something that I couldn't, or wouldn't deal with."

"I know what you mean," Anders said with a sly smile, "isn't it funny, we spent all that time together growing up, and we never talked about..."

"What are you saying bro?" I asked as my jaw had literally dropped.

"I'm gay too," Anders said as his body and face suddenly changed in front me. He seemed to transform from my always red faced brother, to this serene, open, and happy looking man sitting across from me.

"No shit," I said looking up at the ceiling. I really wasn't processing that well.

I walked into the bathroom and found Mark standing in front of the mirror shaving, he had a spa towel wrapped around his middle.

"Your brother still here?" he asked looking up at me in the mirror.

"Yeah, he's still down in the kitchen," I said as I walked up and put my arms around his waist, gently kissing his neck.

"So what's up?"

"He's gay too."

"No shit, he just came out to you?" Mark asked putting down his razor and turning around in my arms.

"Yup, he did. That's why he hitched a ride up here. It was the craziest fucking thing. He literally transformed in front me from my big, fat, bully of a brother, to this whole other person when he told me," I said as I hugged him tighter to me.

"Is that good?" Mark asked.

"It's not a matter of good or bad, I guess that it's the way it is," I said not being able to articulate my thoughts.

"Well, I need to finish in here," Mark said gesturing to his half-shaved face.

"I love you," I said as I released him.

"I love you too," Mark said, "and if your brother being gay is going to make you more demonstrative, then I'm all for it," he smiled a big goofy smile into the mirror as I left the bathroom.

"Hey," Anders said looking at his watch when I walked back into the kitchen, "Old Man Langston is going to be here in like twenty minutes."

"So what, you're just going to head home now?"

"Well, yeah, what am I supposed to do, I left that half-wit girl running the store," Anders said, "and I'm supposed to have dinner with Mom tonight."

"Oh right, so are you going to tell her?"

"Fuck no, she's been in such a funk since you came down last weekend," Anders blushed, "Besides, it's not like I've ever had sex with a guy. Or even a girl for that matter."

"Christ, Anders, you're thirty-five," I said realizing that my big brother was a complete virgin.

"Yup, Vermont's oldest living virgin, alert the media."

"Oh my god!" Mark exclaimed as he walked into the kitchen. "You're a virgin?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess," Anders said blushing even more.

"Eric, we need to do something to right this wrong," Mark said excitedly.

"Yeah right, what are we going to do, auction him off?"

"Now there's a thought!" Anders laughed. "How much do you think you could get for this carcass?" he stood up and pushed out his belly, and slumped a bit more than usual.

"Holy shit," I said sitting at a table in Applebee's at the mall, when I saw Mark and Anders walk in.

"Doesn't he look great?" Mark said, gesturing to Anders to do a little spin. He'd had his haircut, and was wearing the most atypical ensemble for him. He was wearing a pair of loose fitting black jeans, an open neck sage colored cotton sweater over a white T-shirt, his hair had been cut and fashionably gelled into a messy mop, and was carrying a new barn jacket. He looked so much more self-assured than I recall ever seeing him.

"So, what do you think?" Anders asked smiling as he sat down across from me.

"You look fucking hot!"

"Doesn't he?" Mark asked.

"You're just saying that," Anders said his face reverting to the unsure grimace that I'd grown up knowing.

"No, not at all," I said, "so, what did you two do all day?"

"Oh, we did the whole queer eye for the new queer guy makeover," Mark laughed, "I took him shopping, then we went and had Miranda do her magic with that mop of his, and finally I taught him how to shave his balls and ass."

I choked on my beer for second, "you didn't?"

"He did," Anders blushed even deeper than earlier.

"Well then, I guess you're ready for your first trip to the bar," I said.

"I guess," Anders said meekly looking down and picking a piece of lint off his sweater.

"There it is," Mark said as I begin the ritual of parallel parking just past the only gay bar in town.

"Right," Anders muttered from the back seat.

"Rock and roll," I said as I pulled the key from the console. I climbed out and walked around to the passenger side, Mark was standing on the sidewalk as Anders tried to gracefully extract his six foot four inch, two hundred and thirty pound frame from the back seat of my Saab convertible.

"We should have brought `Matilda,'" Mark said referring to his newly christened Volvo wagon.

"Matilda?" Anders asked as he rearranged himself once he was standing on the sidewalk with us.

"Mark named his wagon that," I said rolling my eyes.

Mark lightly punched me in the shoulder; "I name all my cars."

"You're so strange," I started to say with Anders joining me on the work `strange.'

"Let's go, it's fucking freezing out here," Mark said pulling his jacket closed over the flimsy long sleeved T-shirt he was wearing.

We walked into the bar, paid our cover and were standing on the landing by the door; there was a half-flight of stairs down to where the dance floor was. We could hear the pounding beat of the music. Up a half flight was where another bar, poolroom, and restrooms were. I turned to Mark and Anders and said, "I'm going to hit the head."

"Okay, Anders and I are going to go dance, come join us when you're done," Mark said as he started to lead an ashen faced Anders down the stairs.

I checked my jacket, and made my way through the light nine o'clock crowd to the restrooms. I walked in and finding the men's room completely deserted. I walked up to urinal closest to the door and fished my anxious friend through the fly of my jeans and was momentarily lost in the euphoria of relief as my bladder drained.

"Hey Eric," I heard from the urinal next to me.

I looked over to see a familiar face, but couldn't remember his name, "Hey," I said as I tucked my relieved friend away.

"I saw Mark downstairs dancing with some geeky newbie," he said as he stood back so I could see his large dick release a steaming stream. "What twisted game are you two up to tonight?"

"Why you wanna play?" I asked with a sneering tone as I went over to the basin and washed my hands.

"Nah, been there done that, unless I can get in on the action this time, I think I'll pass," he said coming over to the basin next to me.

"Leopold," I said out loud as I remembered who he was.

"Eric," he said in reply, "couldn't remember my name, eh?"

"Yeah, sorry man, I didn't know you lived around here?"

"Yeah, actually just down the street," Leo said drying his hands, "so what's the scam with the newbie?"

"No scam, he's my brother," I said following Leo out of the restroom as two shrill queenie teenagers came bursting in babbling about something.

"No shit," Leo said leading me to the bar, "What can I can get you?"

"Absolute on the rocks," I said to the bartender who was waiting.

"Seven and seven," Leo said to the bartender. "So is your brother gay too?" Leo asked turning back to me.

"Yup, he just came out to me last weekend," I replied scanning the bar.

"No shit, that's like a wet dream for me," Leo paused as the bartender returned with our drinks, "two gay swedish brothers. Scholl!"

We tapped our glasses and each took a sip, "Actually we're mostly norwegian."

"Whatever, it's still hot!" Leo said with a wink. "Let's go down and meet him," Leo said walking away from the bar towards the steps.

I quickly drained my glass and followed him feeling the burn of my drink. Leo got a head of me on the stairs, and then I lost sight of him as I got down to the dance floor. I scanned the room and saw Leo's tall silhouette across the room, and then noticed that he was talking to Mark and Anders. I pushed my way through the crowd on the fringe of the dance floor, and approached them.

"There you are," Mark said putting his arm out and pulling me to him.

"Here I am," I smiled as Mark leaned in and kissed me quickly on the lips.

"I was just introducing Leo and Anders," Mark said as I looked over and saw that Anders was staring at Leo.

"I was just telling your brother that you two are like my favorite wet dream," Leo started holding Anders gaze. "Hot, norwegian, gay brothers."

Anders blushed and laughed. "Cool, and I've always wanted to fuck the jolly green giant," Anders replied with a wink to Leo, referring to the bright green polo shirt Leo was wearing.

"Oh really?" Leo asked with an exaggerated tone.

"Let's go get a drink," Mark said as he took my hand and started leading me through the crowd. I looked back to see that Anders and Leo were rooted where they were still staring into each other's eyes and chatting.

"I don't know if I like this," I said to Mark when we got to the bar by the stairs.

"Two Absolute rocks," Mark said to the bartender, "Why's that?"

"Leo's, I don't know, Leo's," I searched for the words to describe what I was thinking, "he's just not right for Anders."

"Bubba, it's like," Mark looked at his watch, "nine-thirty, the night is way too young. Besides, Leo's a good shit."

"I guess," I said as the bartender brought us our drinks. "It's too fucking trippy to see my brother all relaxed and flirting, it's like he's a different person from the person I'm known for the last thirty-one years."

"Bubba, he is a different person from that angry, depressed mess he's been his whole life. And you thought coming out to your family wouldn't make a difference. Look at that him over there," Mark said as we both looked over to where Anders and Leo were having an animated conversation. Anders was smiling; his whole body loose and he seemed so at ease. Leo seemed to be standing taller, no hunch, and equally at ease. "See what I mean, this is good!"

"I guess, it's just well," I didn't know what I was trying to say.

The music was pulsing all around me, and I was gyrating against Mark on the dance floor. And then I felt a tap on my shoulder, and turned to find Anders smiling. His lips were moving but I couldn't hear anything. I tapped Mark, who turned and saw Anders. We made our way from the dance floor towards the side where Leo was waiting.

"Leo's offering to take us all out for something eat," Anders said.

"Yeah, this getting lame, I'm starting to feel like I'm chaperoning a high school dance," Leo said gesturing at the dance floor full of twinks.

"Cool, let's hit the diner in Winooski on our way home?" Mark said.

"Okay, whatever," I said acquiescing, even though I was just starting to dig on dancing.

Mark and I climbed from the Saab, and were standing on the curb in front of it, when Leo and Anders pulled up in Leo's old Pathfinder. Leo cut the motor and then leaned over and kissed my brother full on the lips. I saw Anders hand fly up and hold the back of Leo's head as the sloppy kiss continued.

I rapped on the hood of the Pathfinder, "Come on guys!" I yelled seeing my breath in the air.

"Leave `em alone," Mark said grabbing my elbow and trying to lead me towards the diner, "they'll be in a sec, aiight?"

"This is whacked," I said letting Mark lead me away.

I didn't sleep well, and was in desperate need of coffee as I made my way downstairs. Something caught my eye, as I was three or four steps from the bottom of the stairs. The mirror over the side table in the hall was angled so that its reflection gave a full view of the den through the opened door. I saw Anders sitting on the futon where he and Leo had slept the night before. Anders was wearing a towel; Leo was kneeling behind him naked and rubbing his shoulders and back.

"You smell so good," Leo said as Anders arched his back.

"Oh man, you have seven hours to stop that," Anders moaned throwing his head back.

Leo laughed gently. He leaned over Anders and kissed the tip of his nose, "You're ready to go again, aren't you, you horny bastard?" Leo asked.

"Hey," Anders said standing up and turning around, "my parents did eventually marry!" Then he pushed Leo back onto the futon, shed his towel and fell on top of him laughing.

Leo rolled over so that he was on top of a sprawled and naked Anders, and started to kiss him. Then he slowly started licking his way down Anders body, pausing to spend some times on Anders nipples.

"Oh fucking yeah," Anders moaned as Leo nipped and sucked at his right nipple.

"You ready to get fucked again?" Leo asked looking up at Anders.

"Oh gawd yes!" Anders moaned as Leo's hands were rubbing his belly.

Leo climbed off the futon and kneeled on the floor at the edge, and then reached over and pulled Anders to the edge. Anders straddled Leo's face putting his legs on each shoulder, Leo started tonguing his hard cock, then his balls, and pushed Anders legs apart wider, and started tonguing Anders formerly cherry asshole.

"Oh Leopold," Anders moaned as Leo hungrily lapped at his exposed hole.

Leo worked his tongue for a few more minutes, and then lowered my brother's quivering body down so that he was lying flat on the futon, with his legs a resting on either side of Leo. Out of nowhere it seemed, Leo produced and condom and rolled it onto his monster ten inch cock. Leo kneeled up between my panting brother's legs, "Are you ready sprout? The jolly green giant is going to fuck you silly!"

I saw Anders face tighten as Leo entered him, "Oh fuuuccckkk!" Anders exclaimed, "Fuck me giant, fuck me with your giant cock!"

Leo leaned down over my brother as he pumped his engorged member in and out of my brother, "I'm fucking you sprout, I'm deep inside you!" Leo panted, and then leaned down and kissed Anders.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Mark asked me, as I turned to find him standing behind where I sat of the steps.

"Shhh," I gestured and pointed to the mirror just as Anders and Leo were screaming as they simultaneously reached the climax of their lovemaking.

Next: Chapter 4

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